Merge Replication Conflict Problem

Nov 29, 2006

exec sp_helpmergeconflictrows @conflict_table = 'CMCustomer'

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column name 'origin_datasource_id'.

When I run the "Microsoft Replication Conflict View" I am prompted to pick a table. Here are the details of the error message I receive.


CMCustomer is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table summary. (System.Data)

Program Location:

at System.Data.DataRowView.get_Item(String property)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConflictViewer.ViewerForm.GetWinnerSQL(DataRow loserRow, Boolean blockFetch)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConflictViewer.ViewerForm.GetSourceRow()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConflictViewer.ViewerForm.FillDetailData()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConflictViewer.ViewerForm.FillDetail()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConflictViewer.ViewerForm.summaryInfoGrid_SelectionChanged(Object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.Grid.GridControl.OnSelectionChanged(BlockOfCellsCollection selectedCells)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.Grid.GridControl.SelectedCellsInternal(BlockOfCellsCollection col, Boolean bSet)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.Grid.GridControl.set_SelectedCells(BlockOfCellsCollection value)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConflictViewer.ViewerForm.ResetSummaryGrid()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConflictViewer.ViewerForm.LoadConflict()

When I try to "Remove" then conflict (Conflict type - "4(Update/Delete, Update wins)") I receive the following...


Column 'CMCustomer' does not belong to table summary. (System.Data)

Program Location:

at System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColumn(String columnName)
at System.Data.DataRow.get_Item(String columnName)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConflictViewer.ViewerForm.SetLogInfo(DataRow logRow, String sql)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConflictViewer.ViewerForm.btnClearUpper_Click(Object sender, EventArgs eg)

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Merge Replication Conflict Notification

Nov 4, 2004

Windows 2000 server
Merge Replication

How can I get sql server to log to the windows event long when a conflict occurs so that I can set up a notification alert. I have gone to the replication alerts in enterprise manager and set one up but it is never triggered and there is never anything in the windows event log.

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Problem With Conflict Table For Merge Replication

Sep 3, 2007


I faced with strange problem.
From time to time, during syncronization I get the following errors at the subscriber:

ERROR: -2147200992

SOURCE: Merge Replication Provider

TEXT: The merge process could not store conflict information for article 'Products'. Check the publication properties to determine where conflicts records are stored. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.

ERROR: 2812

TEXT: Could not find stored procedure 'MSmerge_cft_sp_49D28CEAFF8A4ACC5C5462B5027D4E4D'.

ERROR: -2147199481

SOURCE: Merge Replication Provider

TEXT: The Merge Agent was unable to update information about the last synchronization at the Subscriber. Ensure that the subscription exists at the Subscriber, and restart the Merge Agent.

After I refresh the snaphot at the publisher, these errors disappear and the syncronization is completed without any problem. And I can sync easy again week or two..

What is the problem?
What is the right solution?

Yep, I can continue to refresh the snapshot each time when the error appears, but..
maybe there is another approach?

Thanks in advance!


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Merge Replication Does Not Work With Non-default Conflict Resolver

Aug 4, 2015

I have been evaluating merge replication, 'push' subscription on SQL Server 2014. If the default resolver is used (I refer to @article_resolver parameter of sp_addmergearticle), all seems to work as expected. However if I use "Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver" (or any other MS standard resolver for that matter), if the Subscriber is on a different machine, the merge agent invariably gives the following error: "The process could not initialize <resolver_name>. Verify that the component is registered correctly."

This does not happen if the Subscriber is on the same machine as the Publisher and Distributor.

The problem seemed to exist in SQL Server 2008 according to some posts but it has been apparently fixed since then. I've tried the following:

- @partition_options = 0, as was suggested somewhere.

- Copied ssrpub.dll (the resolver dll) to the Subscriber machine (should not really matter as this is 'push' subscription?)

- Registered ssrpub.dll with regsvr32 on the Publisher/Distributor machine.

I've also run sp_enumcustomresolvers on the Publisher machine, and it happily showed all standard resolver, including the "Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver".

Another thought is, I'm using SQL Server Express as the Subscriber (on the remote machine). Perhaps it does not support custom resolvers? (I'm using the full SQL Server in the 'local subscriber' variant, which does work OK as I mentioned before).

Note also that if I create a new publication via SSMS, the Resolver tab of the Article Properties dialog is empty, i.e. it does not list any resolver. The same tab contains the full list of resolvers though, if opened for an existing publication.

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Merge Replication - Examples For Custom Conflict Resolvers?

Oct 30, 2006

I have gone through BOL and various online resources including this one and I can't find any examples on how to use custom conflict resolvers to generate a result row which is a combination of the rows to be merged.

BOL says it can be done, but suitable examples are missing. I have found various posts requesting examples from up to a year ago, but can see no replies with relevant information

In particular I would like to see examples of

1) A stored procedure based custom conflict resolver

2) A business logic handler written in VB .Net

Here's hoping


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Merge Replication Conflict Tables Stored Proces And Views

May 4, 2006

We have merge replication running with anamous subscribers
We have generested lots of views tables and stored procedures like


How do we get rud of these I am concerned it will fill up the publisher database
Can any one advise

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Conflict In Merge Prelication

Oct 3, 2007


I have 2-3 tables which contains are getting conflict error "Primary Key Violation" because the Same Primary Key is getting updated both at Publishing end and Subscribing end.

Can this be resolved any how without any manual intervention?


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False Merge Conflicts - Impact On Conflict Resolver

Oct 12, 2007

I am using SQL 2005 build 9.0.2227

I have a custom conflict resolver - which fires on update conflicts (using row level tracking)

I have had a couple of occasions when the resolver has failed with the following error:

"The schema of the custom Dataset object implemented in the business logic handler does not match the schema of the source Dataset object. Verify that the custom Dataset object has been correctly defined"

In both cases I found that the row for which a conflict was being handled was not a conflict at all. One was a straightforward non conflicting update at the publisher and the other was a similar update at the subscriber.

I got round the problem by temporarily using a fix version of the conflict resolver dll that either set the custom Dataset to the publisher dataset or the subscriber dataset - depending on where the update had occurred.

When the first error (publisher update) occurred - the resolver code was basing the custom dataset on the publisher dataset - which was presumably empty - so I changed the code to base the custom dataset on the subscriber dataset. The second error therefore occurred when the custom dataset was based on the subscriber dataset - which again was presumably empty

Note that the tables involved in each occasion were different and neither table is filtered.

Is there a known bug in this area?

I am considering trying to change the resolver code to identify false conflicts in order to workround the problem - but this would be difficult to test as I can't reproduce the problem


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Replication Conflict Tables

Jul 6, 2001

I have some rogue replication conflict tables that I can't delete because they are system tables. They are names aonflict_<tablename> and bonflict_<tablename>. They are definitely not needed anymore. How can I delete them ? Does anyone know how to delete a system table ?

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Replication Without Conflict Checking

May 30, 2007

Hi all,

Is there a way to replicate all data in a table but on certain columns avoid throwing a conflict? I have serveral SQL servers running Tx-Rep and almost all of the tables contain a DateModified field. I don't really need to check for conflicts on this data but want to keep it in tact as much as possible.

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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Cursor And Replication Conflict

Mar 20, 2008

Hello everybody,

we are running business critical application in 24*7 enviroment. Application is written in java and use JDBC 1.2 to read and write data into SQL 2005 SP2. We also use push transactional replication and as a part of this replication we run snapshot agent regulary.

Problem is that our java application receives regulary error: "Could not complete cursor operation because the table schema changed after the cursor was declared." After some further investigation with Profiler we found out, that snapshot agent calls sp_MSreplupdateschema with high probability this procedure changes at least modify_date of some tables included in replication. In profiler we also found that JDBC broadly uses cursors to access data. After the call sp_MSreplupdateschema all cursores declared before the call failed.

We tried to setup JDBC driver not to use cursors by setting SelectMethod=direct in configurations file. But this started deadlocks.

From my point of view it`s legitim to use cursors and snapshot agent together. The question is why snapshot agent modify table schema and how to solve this problem?

I send same question into Replication forum. Till now without any answer. I hope to have more luck there.

Thanks in advance for any advice

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One Conflict &&> All Other Replication Hangs

Jun 12, 2007

hi all

let's say i have three publications running on a network of one central server and four shops.

- a merge replication that keeps the price-table up to date between all shops and the central server

- a transactional replication of the arrived_orders-table from the central server to the shop in case

- a transactional replication of the sold_products-table fromt he shops to the central server.

the whole replication network runs on a distribution database that is located on the central server.

now, i've noticed already a few times, when a conflict occurs in one of the replications, also all other replications stop working. (for example when the transactional replication can not insert a line in the sold_products table because of a violation against a UNIQUE constraint in the central server).

Is it normal that also the merge replication and the other transactional replication don't do their inserts, updates etc any more????


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Replication Conflict Resolver

Jan 18, 2007

Hi Everyone!
Here another post on replication.

When conflict occur, I want the user to be able to select witch row to keep and witch to delete.

I've look for system stored procedure, that could help me do the resolution but I've founded nothing.

So I've thought that I could do it by hand, with UPDATE/DELETE query
Take the row in the %TABLE_NAME%_Conflict table and copy it into the real table, than delete the row.

I this the good way of doing it?

Is there any other way?

Thanks !

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MSDE 2000 Replication Conflict

Jun 28, 2006

I am using MSDE 2000 for my replication. the problem is that althought at time creating publication it inserts GUID into every table but if one table in 2 nodes has same primary key, it inserts only one row ( accorrding to prority ). there are some Conflict Reslover methods that can be used for this purpose. i wanted to ask that is there any other way for me to resolve this conflict. i am asking for a new way because my database schema has been created and a lot of coding behalf of that schema has been done.

I'd be thankful if you guide me.

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Replication Conflict Error.. How To Add Datas To Publisher ....

Aug 29, 2006


I have configured publisher, distributer,subscriber... and tried to replicate it... it has done successfully...

When i try to add datas to the publisher ... it says

"conflict error"

can you please tell me how to check the replication is successfull or not.

and i want to add datas to publisher so that it should frequently updated in subscriber...

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Help Needed Urgently! - SQL7 Replication Conflict Problem

Dec 18, 2001

Hi all,

i think i have serious problem. i have almost 20,000 rows with the following conflict on a table (generated by merge replication over a period of around 3 weeks) :

'The row was updated at 'SubscriberServer3.DatabaseA' but could not be updated 'at 'PublicationServer1.DatabaseA'. Metadata mismatch'

i have 20 remote subscribers & 1 publisher. The above message originates from practically everywhere.

Besides dropping(not practical at the moment) & recreating replication to get rid of them, what else can i do to resolve this problem?? Do i have to resolve this problem row by row?? i'm at my wit's end. Please help!!

Thanx in advance.

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Replication :: Difference Between Snapshot And Transaction And Merge Replication?

May 26, 2015

What is the main difference between snapshot and transactional and merge replication?

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How Do We Add A New Column To A Merge Replication Article, But Specify It As Not For Replication?

Aug 30, 2007

Hi all,

I know that adding a column using ALTER TABLE to add a column automatically allows SQLSERVER 2005 to replicate the schema changes to the subscribers, however, I would like to add a new column to an existing article that is being used for merge replication, however, I don't want this column to be replicated. Re-initialising the subscriptions is not a option. Help would be appreciated.

I am using SQLSERVER 2005 (SP1).

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Merge Replication Set Off Transactional Replication

Oct 9, 2007

I am working on bringing our disaster recovery site to be a live site. Currently we replicate to one of out servers (server B) with merge replication (from server A). Server A also does one way transactional replication form some table to several other servers including servers at the DR site.

This setup is not going to be fast enough for what we need so I am wondering if a table is receiving merge replication will the merge updates also replicate down the transaction path??

Server B update a row and merges to Server A. With this update them replicate (via transactional) to Server C??


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Rookie Question? Peer-to-Peer Replication Not Detecting Conflict

Mar 8, 2007


Sorry for asking what may be a rookie question... We have configured transactional peer-to-peer replication in a testing environment with two servers, each publishing and subscribing to each other. If we write a piece of code that updates the same row on both servers with different values, we are not seeing data conflict issues. The data updated on server 1 propagates to server 2, but at the same time data updated on server 2 is updated on server 1. This leaves the records on each server out of data.

I expected my test case to produce errors, but instead I got inconsistent data. How do you turn on data consistency checking?

Thanks in advance

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One Way Merge Replication

Feb 14, 2002

Hi everbody,
I setup the Merge Replication , it is working perfectly. But i have one problem now it is updating both ways. I nedd one way. Any body tell me which parameter i have to change.

Thanks in advance

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Merge Replication

Aug 12, 2002


My production box is running on NT4.0,SP6, SQL Server7.0,SP2. We implemented Merge replication. Working fine last 7 months. Last weekend i disabled replication, Successfully removed Distributor and Publishor. After that try add new fileds but won't allowed me. It's give the error message. I Also found Some Conflict_tables found almost 20 tables. All system Tables. Can delete these these tables, if i delete any problem my database.
I added filelds many times but this time i got errors.

Please help me anybody.

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Merge Replication

Jul 31, 2000

I have just installed replication on our production server to Merge Replicate with a Laptop server that will travel from time to time. I have now noticed that we cannot add or change any fields or attributes on the tables which are being replicated (which are all tables in the DB). This is a problem because we are changing and adding columns all of the time. Is there a way around this issue like shutting down the replication service or something? I have been unsuccessful in finding a way around this other than removing replication while we make changes.

Thank you in advance for any help!

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Merge Replication

Jan 22, 2001

I have implemented a Merger replication on our development server and I get a fillowing error when I try to update one of the table in publisher.
"Transaction cannot start while in firehose mode"

What does this mean.

Thank You,

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Merge Replication

Dec 19, 2000

I read some where that replication has two types conflict resolution, 1. row based and 2. Column based...
If I am right...
Can any one point me how to find out this option and how to set it up....



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Merge Replication

Sep 16, 1999

Hi all,

I have a merge replication going between 4 servers. The problem is when ever I do some BCP transfer to one of the tables in one of the servers. It puts the data in that table. But that Data does not get replicated to any other server like it should.

Please Advice on what to do. Is there any option I am forgetting to set or something.

Thank you for all your time in advance.

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Merge Replication

Sep 12, 2003

I have successfully tried merge replication on single server with 2 databases.
now i want to do the same with different servers,
when i create pull subcription on server 2 which user account should I use?
it is giving log in failure
i tried using windows admin account and also the 'sa' account.

please help me out

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Merge Replication (Again)

Feb 23, 2004

Hi All,

I have posted this earlier and I am re-posting it simplifying what I had said.

The scenario is:

I have two sql server database instances with the same database schema and all. However, both of them have different data. I have not set them for replication at all. Now, I want to do merge replication between them such that the data between them could be syncronized.

When I do pull merge subscription I have two choices -
1.Bringing schema and data to subscriber from publisher

2.Not bringing the schema and data from publisher to subscriber.

Obviously, I chose the second choice. But upon syncronizing I dont see any data from publisher coming to subscriber and vice-versa. If I add new data to publisher and do syncronization, I can see ONLY the new data created after the replication setup in subscriber. If I add new data to subscriber and do syncronization then the new data is removed from subscriber and not propagated to publisher.

Is there any way I can make this work??


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Merge Replication

Jan 2, 2007


I have just set up Merge replication, I have two servers, server A and server B, the merge replication worked successfully but I don't quite sure which databases should or should not replicated? If not, what other methods should I use?

I would really appreciated any comments or advice out there!


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Merge Replication

Mar 21, 2002

I had set up merge replication. I got these error messages where replications starts "Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'PubID' in table 'bonflict_DBName_PHP_Data_Publications' is specified more than once "

PHP_Data_Publications table defind as:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PHP_Data_Publications] (
[PHP_Pub_ID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[PHP_Data_ID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[PubID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[UserID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[Username] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Publication] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Pub_Year] [datetime] NULL ,
[Pub_Name] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[rowguid] uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PHP_Data_Publications] WITH NOCHECK ADD
CONSTRAINT [DF__PHP_Data___rowgu__01E91FA0] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [rowguid]

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [index_1466488303] ON [dbo].[PHP_Data_Publications]([rowguid]) ON [PRIMARY]



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Merge Replication ???

Oct 11, 2001


Is it possible to modify or add new fields in sql 2000 when the instance
became publisher ? I tried it several times but it failed. I access microsoft website but i did not help.


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One Way Merge Replication

Oct 12, 2001

Hi everbody,

Anybody tell me about implementation of oneway merge replication.

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One Way Merge Replication

Feb 5, 2001

Hi everyone

SQL Server BOL says merge replication can be done in only one direction. But my understanding is Merge replication happens in both ways between publisher and subscriber.

How can i allow data movement from only wince sql ce subscribers and not from publisher running sql 2000 and win 2k.

Please reply immediately bcoz i require a solution which has to be implemented very soon.

Thanks in advance


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