If you have 2 tables with the same columns and you would like to see all distinct records in a result of a select and also the information in the records which table the record comes from (for instance: from table A or from table B or bot tables contain it) what should you do?
Hello, it wanted to know since I can do so that enla ejecucuion of the package is verified if the archives of origins of excel exist, in the case that do not exist not to execute their flow thanks
Here's my string. I know it's way wrong right now SELECT binbox_receipt.partner_code ,binbox_receipt.link_id ,binbox_receipt_archive.partner_code,binbox_receipt_archive.link_id FROM binbox_receipt, binbox_receipt_archivewhere binbox_receipt_archive.link_id = binbox_receipt.link_idand binbox_receipt.partner_code = '1154' and binbox_receipt.link_id = '2684'and (binbox_receipt_archive.partner_code = '1154' and binbox_receipt_archive.link_id = '2684')I need to check 2 tables if in the first table the link_id and partner_code exist or the second table link_id and partner_code existany help would be greatly appreciated I'm a little new at this but having fun trying
Hello, I'm having some problems trying to access two tables in a SQL database at the same time and making some results out of them. Let me explain further: the first table has some information in that I'm going to be doing a select query on and reading out, but one of the columns in this table is a set of codes, the second table contains the codes in one column and their meanings in the other.
So I want to bring back the information from the first table and then select the information for the codes shown from the second table and print their meanings alongside the information from the first table. Could anyone help me out in figuring out how my SQL in the ASP page for this would be written? Sorry if this is a little confusing but im having a hard time visualising how to do this.
Table 2 Email ------- EmailId, RxId(duplicates ok), Subject, Message, To, From, Type
I would like the result to be
Result Table ------------ Rx Id, RxDate, Name, Notes(or Subject), Type
Table 1 can be searched by date, or Name or DOB I want the result of this search to go through table 2 and return to me all emails that match thre previous results RxIds
If I do a search for Rxs that were prescribed from 1/1/2005 to 7/1/2005 I would like the resulting table to be RxId RxDate Name Note/Subject Type 99 1/1/2005 Person1 Note1 1 98 3/1/2005 Person1 Note2 1 98 3/1/2005 Person2 S2 2 98 3/1/2005 Person2 S5 2 98 3/1/2005 Person2 S8 2 95 6/1/2005 Person5 Note5 1 95 6/1/2005 Person2 S4 2 95 6/1/2005 Person2 S6 2
I have tried a combination of inner joins and Union with no luck any suggestions
Ive been tasked with writing a SQL query to move information from 2 tables(old1 and old2) into 1(new). table new already has all the information from old1, but also has some additional columns that are encompassed from old2. Also some of the columns in table new need to be assigned a 1 or a 0 if the information is present in old2. Here is what I came up with:
In the table view in the Task Pad view, it lists the number of rows and size of each table, which is great, however it only lists the first 25 tables or so and there is no scroll function.
1. Does anyone know how I can see this info in Task Pad for all tables, without having to use the search function and look up 200+ tables one-by-one?
2. Does anyone know of another utility or statement to run against the DB which will return this info all at once for all the tables?
i would like to know where can i find information on the concept of SQL like Base Table , View Table and Search Table as now i am using VS.Net 2005 and SQL Server 2005 to write a addressbook program and i am just a newbie to Sql and c#... i wish to write my sql commands in c# side before passing it into sql and may i know how to do it?
I have seen a bunch of ways to get the size of all the tables within a database posted on this board. I decided to modify an older one I found here (http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=282). I set it up so there is no cursors or temp tables. Pretty much just one select statement to return all the info you would need. It seems to be faster than anything I have seen so far. Take it for whats its worth. Thanks to the original creator.
/* Original by: Bill Graziano (SQLTeam.com) Modified by: Eric Stephani (www.mio.uwosh.edu/stephe40) */
declare @low int
select @low = low from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E'
select o.id, o.name, ro.rowcnt, (r.reserved * @low)/1024 as reserved, (d.data * @low)/1024 as data, ((i.used-d.data) * @low)/1024 as indexp, ((r.reserved-d.data-(i.used-d.data)) * @low)/1024 as unused from sysobjects o
inner join (select distinct id, rowcnt from sysindexes where keys is not null and first != 0) ro on o.id = ro.id
inner join (select id, sum(reserved) reserved from sysindexes where indid in (0, 1, 255) group by id) r on o.id = r.id
inner join (select c.id, dpages+isnull(used, 0) data from (select id, sum(dpages) dpages from sysindexes where indid < 2 group by id) c full outer join (select id, isnull(sum(used), 0) used from sysindexes where indid = 255 group by id) t on c.id = t.id) d on r.id = d.id
inner join (select id, sum(used) used from sysindexes where indid in (0, 1, 255) group by id) i on d.id = i.id
I have one database named StudInfo. It has two tables named StudentInfo, and GradeInfo. StudentInfo conntains 4 columns. The 1st one is StudentID (PK) int, LastName varchar(10), FirstName varchar(10), and PhoneNumber int.
GradeInfo contains 4 columns also StudentID (FK) int, GradeID varchar(10), Grade int, Date Datetime.
What I would like to know is how using a T-sql query I could make a temp table with studentID, LastName, FirstName, and then the average of all the different types under GradeID. As of right now I have been limiting the names that are put into GradeID to Homework, Daily, Test, Quiz, and Bonus. When I say average I mean the average of all Homeworks under one studentID, and all Daily under one studentID... etc. I would like the info returned for each student in studentID. Allow Nulls has been turned off.
Never assume someone knows what you are talking about.
Please help, i am really really struggling for a logic to handle 100's of reports we have via button click from asp.net webform. in the button click i am constructing the url : ************************************************************************************************************** http://localhost/reportserver?/MyReports/StatusReport&UserID=1&ContractID=1&subcode=null *************************************************************************************************************
I have a table would like to maintain the parameters required for the chosen report: when the user chooses from list box on the webform for StatusReport, immedeately it fetches the parameters related to Statusreport and gets everything which is stored with a space in between for each parameter, for this report i have 3 parameters: UserID ContractID subcode
now how can i construct the string based on the above parameters , i am using vb.net as code behind for my webform(asp.net)
please any ideas will help me achieve the logic. please help thank you all very much.
We have a few Analysis Server databases. I need to go to each server/database and in a Word document write the information for each server/database. For example I have a database called Analysis Services Project 1 with Data Source dsIIBSW. I need to write it in a document. Is there a fast way of doing that? Thanks
Whisky-my beloved dog who died suddenly on the 29/06/06-I miss u so much.
I am trying to develop a sql script that will select information from statistical tables on several servers and build a report based on the information collected from each. What SQL statements are used to connect to another database or does anyone have an example of a script that collectes information from several servers?
There is a table with the id and categories Parentid. The challenge is this: you need to collect in each category one drain all the ID that concern it. For Example:
I am trying to send a message between to SQL Server 2005 instances on two different machines. I have checked all my routes and all my objects appear to be setup correctly. However, when running Profiler on the target machine, I receive the "This message has been dropped because the TO service could not be found. Service name: "[tcp://mydomain.com/TARGET/MyService]". Message origin: "Transport". This is my activated stored procedure that is sending the message to the target service. I am using certificate security. Any help appreciated....
CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_ProcessMessage]
DECLARE @conversation_handle uniqueidentifier
WHILE (1=1)
@conversation_handle = conversation_handle,
@message_body = message_body
FROM [tcp://mydomain.com/INITIATE/MyQueue]
), TIMEOUT 1000;
END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle
IF @message_body IS NOT NULL
BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION @conversation_handle
FROM SERVICE [tcp://mydomain.com/INITIATE/MyService]
TO SERVICE '[tcp://mydomain.com/TARGET/MyService]'
ON CONTRACT [tcp://mydomain.com/INITIATE/MyMessage/v1.0]
SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversation_handle
MESSAGE TYPE [tcp://mydomain.com/TARGET/VisitMessage]
My endpoints are created like so:
And my routes like so:
GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::[tcp://mydomain.com/INITIATE/MyService] TO CertOwner
TO SERVICE '[tcp://mydomain.com/TARGET/MyService]'
I want to be able to see when records have been added to a table. The issue is we have a DTS job scheduled to run every night. The developer who wrote it password protected it and doesn't work here anymore. I want to add a step to this series of DTS jobs and want to run it just prior to his job. Is there a way to see when the records are being added or when this job is being run? Thanks again, you guys are the best.
I have two tables (ship2005 and ship2006) all with same structure Sold_to Week Year Units Dollars Style
I have to merge them together, and add some other columns from other tables Custmstr (director) and stylemstr (style) based on Sold_to
In the format so I�m able to see 2005 week, 2006 week, 2005 unit, 2006 unit, 2005 dollars, 2006 dollars and so on.
This one is working, but forever�
where Custmstr.Sold_to *= ship2005.Sold_to and Custmstr.Sold_to *= ship2006.Sold_To and stylmstr.style_num *= ship2005.style_number and stylmstr.style_num *= ship2006.style_number
And another thing: how can I populate the Year column for both?
I have just started in a brand new role where I need to collect a large amount of diverse data. Part of this data is whether the steps in a guideline has been followed ( a simple check box or yes/no) (but there are maybe 100 guidelines)
My IT department have suggested we use SQL to create the database, but this will obviously take time. In the meantime my boss is keen that I get on with the data collection before the database is ready. I do not want to repeat steps when I create the SQL database so is there any format you would recommend I collect my data in now that can be easily applied to the SQL database - ie if I used Excel, would that be best, and should I then try to keep potential SQL table data separate?
from this, circdate being a datetime field:SQLQuery = "select distinct circdate from circdata order by circdate"I need the distinct date portion excluding the time part.this has come about when I discoveredI am inserting and updating some datetime values with the same value,but for some reason, the values are always off by a few seconds. I seta variable called SetNow assigned to NOW and then set the datetimefields to this SetNow variable. Then when I collect the distinct datetime I am assuming they will have the same values recorded incircdate, but no, they are off by several seconds. Makes no sense to meat all. I tried renaming the variable several times but it makes nodifference at all.any help appreciated, thanks.
Hi all. Anyone know if sql server collects stats on how many fulltable scans a table gets and if so how do I get at those stats? Tryingto track down poorly indexed tables / processes and I am guessing thatsql server does have this data secreted away somewhere much like mydb2 and informix databases do.
Hi guys! I'm trying to figure out how to join 3 tables, but I can't seem to find a solution. What I want to do is to put table 1, table 2 and table 3 into table_merged. table_merged = table 1 + table 2 + table 3 Is it possible to merge tables even if they have different fields?
If possible, I would like to create a view using two different tables, but with the fields merged (ie. create one table from two tables). The table structures are pretty much the same. Can you do this from a singe SQL statement? Any ideas? My only alternative is creating a temp file that inserts records from both tables, but I want to avoid doing that.
I have two totally different tables with completely different data fields. Also, there is no common relationship between these two tables. However, I want to pick few data fields from the each table and merge into a new table! Is this even possible?
for rows having no start and endtime assume it as regular intervals.
So i need to show available appointment with duration one hour with the available schedule which is for every five minutes
Like My first appointment for today starts at 8:30 but 8- 8:30 is unblock so there could be an appointment but as this chunk is less than 60 so need to create it
For Schedule table below is what i've to create for temporary basis as this will be available in nightly load in a table.
DECLARE @num int=5 ,@LASTtime TIME =CAST('23:55' as TIME) ,@Time TIME =CAST('00:00' as TIME) ,@Timeprev TIME =CAST('00:00' as TIME) WHILE ( @Time<>@LASTtime) BEGIN
Hi,I hope this is the right place to ask this question. If it is not,please let me know a more appropriate place.I have two tables.CREATE TABLE tblEmployees(EmployeeID int identity NOT NULL,LastName varchar(50) NULL,FirstName varchar(50) NULL,);CREATE TABLE tlkpDept(DeptID char(5) NULL,Name char(10) NULL,LongName char(50) NULL);Now I want to create a view called AssignedTo. [The application I'mdoing, will track the status of our customer requests. Each requestcan be assigned to either an individual employee or an entiredepartment]I want the view to have two columns, ID and LongName. ID should beeither the DeptID or the EmployeeID. The LongName column should beeither the LongName or the FirstName + LastName.I'm not even sure how to begin to write such a complex SQL.EnterpriseManager is being less than helpful too.Can anyone help?Thanks in advance.-Tom
Hey all For performance reasons i want to move the Merge Replication tables in a DB of mine (mainly MSMerge_Tomestone and MSMerge_Contents) to a seperate filegroup ... it's a heavy transactional DB and the index fragamentation rate is quite phenominal!
I need to take certain items of data from four different tables and out them into one table.
Unfortunately my source data's version of SQL does not support the LEFT JOIN keyword which has left me with a bit of a problem.
I saw the merge join in SSIS and used it to get data from two of the tables and stick them in the destination and it all worked fine.
That got me thinking, is it possible to create a second merge join transformation within the same data flow task for the remaining two tables and then join the output of both the merge joins to give me the data I need from all four tables in one output?
My MS SQL Server 2005 is generating the following error. may i know what's wrong with it?
" The Collect Procedure for the "DTSPipeline" service in DLL "XXX:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server (x86)90DTSBinnDTSPipelinePerf.dll" generated an exception or returned an invalid status. Performance data returned by counter DLL will be not be returned in Perf Data Block. The exception or status code returned is the first DWORD in the attached data. "
Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered. pat
I am able to collect data from Progress DB, using ODBC Connectivity. The problem I am facing is, i have to iterate thru multiple servers. How do i configure ODBC source dynamically. It creates problem. Using expression, i tried to set the connectionstring dynamically, but it fails.
i have 3 tables (T1, T2, T3), each with the same structure: ID1 -> char(10) ID2 -> char(12) NULL ID3 -> char(10) Value1 -> money Value2 -> money Value3 -> money Note1 -> Text Note2 -> Text
ID1+ID2+ID3 is the clusterd unique key in each table
what i want: ID1, ID2, ID3 (with distinct occurencies of all 3 tables), T1.Value2, T2.Value2, T2.Value3, T3.Value1, T3.Note1
what i tried is to get all possible rows with
but i dont know how to join or add the other columns. maybe with
WITH RowList (ID1,ID2,ID3) AS ( ... code above.... ) SELECT ...