Merged Cell's Problem??

May 16, 2007

Why the cell height(in red) is different when i export to excel?

but above the header(green) show exactly same size..

is it the merges cell cause this problem?

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Copying An Ntext Cell From One Cell Into Another (destination Row Already Exists)

May 6, 2004


What I'd like to do is:

UPDATE table1
A_TEXT_COLUMN = (SELECT another_text_column
FROM table2
WHERE table2_id = @precomputed_id_1)
WHERE table1_ID = @precomputed_id_2

Since the cells are text, this does not work. Since the cell to be updated is in an already exitant row, it's not possible to simply use insert.

I'd like to do something like (PSEUDOcode):

WRITETEXT(table1.A_TEXT_COLUMN, READTEXT(@textptr_initialised_to_point_at_target_c ell))

But the *actual* synatx of WRITETEXT and READTEXT seem totally inappropriate for any such trick...

Any hints or pointers HUGELY appreciated... THANX

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Is There A Way To Do Mass Formatting Of Cells In A Table Instead Of Cell By Cell?

Oct 5, 2007

I'm working with MRS and I've got a table with a lot of entries. For each value in the table I'm trying to get the text colour to be set to 'red' when the value of the cell is less than 0. Otherwise remain black.

I can do this by setting the colour property cell by cell. But I have a lot of cells in the table. Is there a way to set the statement to apply to ALL cells in the table?

Basically I'm asking if there is a way to set the property in bulk instead of going through tediously cell by cell.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Jul 20, 2005


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Merged Columns In OrderBy

Jul 20, 2005

Lets say I have a table PortDates with 3 columns like this:PORT ARRIVALDATE SAILINGDATENewYork 12-15-2004Rio 10-12-2004Hamburg 10-14-2004etc.I want to sort the ports on dates from both date columnsSELECT Port FROM PortDatesORDER BY (ArrivalDate JOIN SailingDate)Now, that doesn't work of course, but what should I write to get it to workso I can order by the dates as if they were one merged column?Join Bytes!

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Excel Merged Cells

May 15, 2007


I'm trying to eliminate merged cells when exporting a report to Excel. My problem being my report textbox above my table.

I've searched and found that making the textbox the same width as the first column eliminates the merging. Perfect, it does. But when the report is viewed in the report viewer, the textbox can only expand vertically. So the title looks terrible because column one is not wide.

I've read that expand horizontally is not an option
I don't seem to be able to tell it not to output that text box, which would be an option if there is no other answer
I can't have the text box the size I want it, due it creating merged cells
I don't want to export it as a CSV

Are there any other options available or am missing something?


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Merged Cells And CanGrow

Oct 16, 2007

Is there a reason why a single cell in a table with the CanGrow property set to true will grow down, and merged cells grow right, and is there any way around it?

I have a report that I have to display comments, so I merged 2 cells put the comment field in it, and when it is displayed in the browser, it expands off the page.

When it prints, it seems to be fine, but the majority of my users will be viewing online in a browser.

Any ideas? just an HTML thing I am thinking, and nothing can be done about it.



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Excel Rendering - Merged Columns Etc.

Mar 19, 2007

Hi guys,

i have a client who is dissatisfied with the merged columns and rows produced when SSRS renders to Excel, it prevents them from easily copying and pasting data into another workbook.

Is there going to be any work done in this area of the product in the near future? My understanding is that this 'issue' has been around for quite some time, and shortly after the SSRS2005 RTM release the team were going to look at tidying up the Excel rendering. Can anyone from MS make an official comment on this?



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Date Format In A Merged Field

Jan 4, 2007

In the footer from a report I want to print the UserID and the Date. I added a textbox with de following code: =User!UserID & " " & Globals!ExecutionTime

Now I want to change the date format in dd-MM-yyy uu:mm. This is not possible in the textbox properties because I added the UserID to the same textbox. Is there a way to change the format?

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Index Was Out Of Range When Two Cells Are Merged

Jul 10, 2007

I receive this error during rendering when I have two cells merged together:

Error Snippet

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

When I "Split Cells" on the offending cells, it starts to work. This report renders without error when run on the RS server. This error only occurs when running the report locally on the "Preview" tab in the report designer.

I have closed the IDE and deleted the *.data files and restarted with the same results. Is there anyway to get more information about the error to help debug the problem?



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Merged Record Order Wierdness

Sep 14, 2007

I'm using the Merge transformation to merge two sorted tables on four sort fields.

It all looks OK until several records share some of the same sort fields.

For example if table 1 contains

Zip Code(sort field 1) Cust Name(sf2) Cust Number(sf3) Record type(sf4)
1234 Bob 444 A
1234 Bob 555 A

and table 2 contains

Zip Code Cust Name Cust Number Record type
1234 Bob 444 B
1234 Bob 555 B

then the output order is

Zip Code Cust Name Cust Number Record type
1234 Bob 444 A
1234 Bob 555 A
1234 Bob 444 B
1234 Bob 555 B

and I would have expected

Zip Code Cust Name Cust Number Record type
1234 Bob 444 A
1234 Bob 444 B

1234 Bob 555 A
1234 Bob 555 B

Both input table are explicitly sorted just prior to the merge.

Any ideas?

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Reporting Services :: How To Split Merged Cells

Oct 27, 2015

I am trying to split cells that are merged as part of a grouped report.  Am using the right-button menu and pressing "Split Cells" when it appears but it just splits into two parts and not into single cells or rows. When I right-button on one of the parts that came out of the split, I do not get a "Split Cells" to break it down further.  Want to be able to split the grouped cells into individual cells or rows and have the rows be different colors.  How can I do this?

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Merged Cells Problem In Excel Export

Dec 3, 2007

Hi all,

I have a basic matrix report but whenever I export this report to Excel, some of the cells end up becoming merged. Is there any way to avoid this using Reporting Services instead of formatting the cells directly in Excel?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Is There A Tool For Verifying Data After Merged Access To Mssqlserver

Dec 24, 2007

hi, all.I want to verify data merged from access in sqlserver.but it has toomany records .so i need a tooldo this.someone maybe has it.thanks

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Select Boolean Values Merged In A Text Statement

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have boolean values in a table for ex. Federation. And I want toselect followingSelect 'Insert into' + member + 'test' as test1from federationThen I get error messageServer: Msg 403, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals bit.Someone can help me out of it.Thanks an advance- Loi -

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Single Direction Transfer Of Data In Merged Publication (subscriber To Publisher)

May 28, 2008

We have an existing merged replication schema that works well. One of the
tables is named audit. Currently this is a bidirectional transfer. However,
we want a new audit table that will transfer data from the subscriber to the
publisher and not the other way round. I have a script that was generated as a backup script when replication was first created. I have no idea which parameter to change in order to have the merge replication going from subscriber to publisher. Any advise is helpful. Thanks.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Export With Excel - Textboxes Merged

Jul 2, 2015

I have a report in that report having some Text boxes and below tables.But the problem is when i export the report into excel textboxes are merged, not getting properly.

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Apostrophe In Cell

Jan 8, 2008

I need help with a simple query. We have 86 entries with the City of O'Fallon in our db. How do I do this with the apostrophe in O'Fallon? Below is just to give an idea of what I want. Thanks.
FROM Organization
WHERE City=O'Fallon

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Cell Is Ready Only!!!

Apr 5, 2008

Hello All, i am trying to create a normal ASP.NET application using VS2005. Yesterday i was adding tables.. entering data from within "View Table Data" tab, but today i am unable to do any data insertion or updating except by entering the insert or update statement by hand. When updating data of existing record or trying to add new data, it reports that "Cell is readonly!". I did not modify any settings or configuration and actually did nothing to set it to readonly! I am quite confused to be honest and writing sql statements by hand is kinda time consuming for me if i want to update a single field. What can i do to re-enable data modifications from VS2005 without reporting readonly?   Thanks,Rakan       

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Cell Security : Help

Feb 4, 2004


From what i've read cell security s enforced on the client. If someone is able to gain access to a machine running the client (for example an application server or a web server) he is able to get cell values independently of the fact that those values will be defined as #N/A in the secured cell value property. The real value is travelling between theAnalysis Server and the application server. Is this true ? How can we effectively garantee true security ?

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Invalid Value For Cell

Apr 20, 2007


I updated my db system from access to sql 2005.
But, i can not add new recors to database.
I'm receiving this error:

"""Invalid value for cell (row 3914, column 2).
The changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid.

.Net Framework Data Type: Int32
Error Message: Input str?ng was not in a correct format.

Type a value appropriate for the data type or press ESC to cancel the change."""

It can not open new id number. DataType was Auto Number in Access. Which can I select in SQL 2005?

Thank you.

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Cell Changed Each Less Than 1 Sec

Feb 1, 2008

hi all
im really have a problem in my project.
i have server and client side each side contain SQL Server DB.
and i have excel file on the server side this excel file conected with another server, this file changed data in continuosly each less than 1 sec by data feed.

now i need to read each changed data cell from this file to save it on server DB and Client DB (just changed data).

my problem :

u know changed event is not fired when change cell by data feed or not edit manually, just calc event is rised . but calc event do not specify the changed cell range (address).

so i do this to know changed cell range:
when run the program saved all excel tabel into SQL server table.
and then check row by row between excel and sql if any change , when i get any change, i update the excel row insted this DB row.

and rise event to send this row to client by socket over internet to update the row in client side too.

but i tell u that the excel file updated each less than 1 sec, and i noted that many changed excel data missed until checked row by row for whole excel sheet with DB tabel and updated change.

this is my problem ( please help me as soon as posible coz i have dead line to Delivered this program)

and if u recomended me for another techneque to be easy or quickly to solve this problem i will thaks so much for u)

thank u.

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Cell Is Read Only

Mar 14, 2008


In SQL 2000 I used to be able to open a table in Enterprise Manager and make changes or Update with Query Analyser. Now when I attempt this in SQL 2005 I am told that the Cell is Read Only.

How do I update this column as I cannot find a read-only or allow updates property anywhere?

Please help,

A very frustrated user

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Cell Is Read Only

Oct 16, 2007

HI All,

I changed the join type and did some modifications to the query in the query designer. Then I executed the query. Resutls are shown in query designer. But it says Cell is read only. Therefore when I change the tap from data to preview , I can not view the report.

This happens only when I use generic query builder.
Does anybody know how to change the read only option ?


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Row And Cell Security

Dec 13, 2005

I am trying to implement row-security in SQL 2005 but i make a query to make a view

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Read Cell Value

Jan 4, 2007

anyone can help me plz,

I have data like these in the report page:

Item_ID code_ID
xxx1 x1
xxx2 x2
xxx3 x3
xxx4 x3
xxx5 x3
xxx6 x2

I want get summary data like these:
code_ID x1 : 1 (items)
code_ID x2 : 2 (items)
code_ID x3 : 3 (items)

what should I do to get summarized data like that?
I've tried to use "CountDistinct" but the result always 6 that indicate how many of the data.

thank you.

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Fetch The Value From Each Cell Into Datatable

Jul 23, 2007

I'm trying this code but nothing is being displayedSqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["STRING_CON"]);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("my_sproc", conn);DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow dr;
//Adding the columns to the datatabledt.Columns.Add("CategoryIdIn");
dt.Columns.Add("CategoryNameVc");foreach (DataGridItem item in gd_freq.Items)
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = item.Cells[0].Text;
dr[1] = item.Cells[1].Text;
gd_freq.DataSource = dt;

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Select Certain Data From One Cell

Jun 13, 2006

Anyone knows how to select
only certain data from one data field?

Lets say i have this field which captures
Member Name and ID.
The ID is in parantheses "()".
I only want the Member name.
How do I select this from the table?

Field: Data
MName: John Doe (123)

I need to select only "John Doe".
Any help is deeply appreciated.
Thank you!!

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Ordering Values In A Cell

Jul 21, 2004

10 13 15 3 26
10 13 20 35 29
10 13 5 26 2
10 15 27 34 33

Declare @num1 char(5)
Set @num1 = (SELECT ltrim(Substring(ltrim(number2), 8, CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(number2)))) FROM Num2played)
SELECT @num1 FROM Num2played

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

Any suggestions or fix?

Thank you.
The data above is in one colum. I would like to rearange the
numbers in order. e.g. from "10 13 15 3 26" to "3 10 13 15 26".

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Masking Cell Contents

Oct 11, 2004

Is there a way to mask the contents of a cell or column? I have a table that stores passwords and I would like to mask the password much like Access does with asterisks. I know I can restrict the column based on user but that creates other problems on the frontend.

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Can Use A Formula From A Table Cell

Apr 17, 2012

I'm looking at a system where formulas have been added into fields in a table and I need to look at the field to see what formula to use when selecting eg: eg this + this, this / this etc.Here's a basic table I have knocked up to try different things...

CREATE TABLE #HeaderOrder(
[HeaderCode] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[HeaderCode2] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[FormulaCode] [varchar](10) NOT NULL


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Checking !empty() Cell

Sep 29, 2007


I have the following statement:

'select TOP 1 CATCODE From IMS.CATEGORY WHERE YEAR = 2007 and catcode <> ""'

exec @L_SQLCMD

The ms sql not accept the "" for !empty value is there a way to work around

Best Regards

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Cannot Edit Text Cell

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to edit a long text cell in Enterprise Manager but when I select"<long text>" and try to delete it, I get an error saying "cannot edit thiscell".Could anyone tell me how to edit this cell?Thanks, Amanda

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