Merging Rows In A View
Apr 29, 2004
Hi Im having trouble with this it seems simple enough but its not!
I have a source Table called Access_table example
Name Role1 Role2 Role3 Role4 Role5
a 1 0 0 0 0
a 0 0 1 0 0
b 1 0 0 0 0
c 0 1 0 0 0
d 0 0 0 0 1
e 0 0 1 0 0
e 0 1 0 0 0
f 1 0 0 0 0
g 0 0 1 0 0
I need to create a view that basically finds all the names with double Roles and merge the results into 1 row example.
Name Role1 Role2 Role3 Role4 Role5
a 1 0 1 0 0
e 0 1 1 0 0
I cannot change the information in the source table and the results need to be in a view as the roles will change. Every time I try and do this I duplicate the row again. Can anybody suggest a solution.
Thanks in advance.
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Oct 25, 2004
I'm using a view where I do a few things, including merge two short text fields into one. Just wanted to know if there was an alternative way of doing this:
SELECT first_name + ' ' + last_name AS full_name
FROM names
It works - but it seems rather blah. Is there something that'd be more "proper"?
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Jun 28, 2006
Say I have a table with the columns (and example data):
CustomerNo, ContactNo, ActivityNo
null, null, 1
100, null, 1
null, 666, 1
null, null, 2
200, null, 2
null, 777, 2
From this I would like to get the result:
CustomerNo, ContactNo, ActivityNo
100, 666, 1
200, 777, 2
How do I solve this. Im getting grey hair here...
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Jan 20, 2008
Hi All,
I have a query that I'm working on, but instead of giving the query, I wanted to ask a basic syntax question. If more info is needed, let me know. If you have 2 rows that have a common relationship, but differing information in some fields, can you merge them all onto one row? I've done this with Sum(case) expressions, but I don't want to 'add' anything. In the following example, the ActivityID refers to a break. ActivityID can be:
0=Pick up
1=Drop Off
So if I wanted to see 2 breaks on 1 row in the following example, would this be possible:
Veh ActID ArrTime DepTime
1 3 7:00 8:00
1 3 10:00 11:00
Veh ActID ArrTime DepTime ArrTime DepTime
1 3 7:00 8:00 10:00 11:00
Thanks in advance for your help!
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Oct 20, 2006
Hello everyone!
Maybe you can help me out:
I have 2 tables (A and B), Table A has 2 fields t1 and t2...each of them has a number that is related to the primary key of Table B.
What i want is to make a query that presents:
t1,t2, B.descriptionof_t1, B.description_t2
Anyone that can help me?
Thanks in advance...
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Mar 6, 2008
Hi all,
I'm facing the following problem:
TextData ObjectID SPID StartTime EndTime
Select 1 111111111 52 2008-03-06 11:19:51.250 NULL
Select 1 111111111 52 NULL 2008-03-06 11:19:51.250
I want to achive this result by either an update statement or a select query:
TextData ObjectID SPID StartTime EndTime
Select 1 111111111 52 2008-03-06 11:19:51.250 2008-03-06 11:19:51.250
Is this possible? There is no primary key
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Jul 15, 2007
it doesn't appear possible to merge cells by col in RS 2005 ? am i missing some more advanced feature or is it a great big over sight on MS's part?
i basicly want a 3 column table, with the rows in the first column merged and the text turned on it's side showing bottom to top.
pretty ordinary kind of thing to do i would have thought
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Mar 5, 2012
I'm using a shipping program called endicia professional that allows for database manipulation to make my processing easier. I've managed to fix the database here and there but have had an issue combining orders from a single customer when theybuy more than one item. Ideally I would like to have it combine rows when a customer purchases items going to the same address. To avoid having an issue where the address line is the same ie two people live in the same appt complex and it combines these I thought we could use qualifiers as the purchase will have name, order Id that should be unique enough
Order-id name address sku
1234 John 46 easy ln. A27
1234 John 46 easy ln. B32
Order-id name address sku
1234 John 46 easy ln. A27,b32
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello All,I have an issue with dupliate Contact data. Here it is:I have a Contacts table;CREATE TABLE CONTACTS(SSN int,fname varchar(40),lname varchar(40),address varchar(40),city varchar(40),state varchar(2),zip int)Here is some sample data:SSN: 1112223333FNAME: FRANKLNAME: WHALEYADDRESS: NULLCITY: NULLSTATE NYZIP 10033SSN: 1112223333FNAME: NULLLNAME: WHALEYADDRESS: 100 MADISON AVECITY: NEW YORKSTATE NYZIP NULLHow do I merge the 2 rows to create one row as follows:via SQL or T-SQLSSN: 1112223333FNAME: FRANKLNAME: WHALEYADDRESS: 100 MADISON AVECITY: NEW YORKSTATE NYZIP 10033Pointers appreciated.Thanks
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Jul 20, 2005
I need to populate a table from several sources of raw data. For agiven security (stock) it is possible to only receive PARTS ofinformation from each of the different sources. It is also possibleto have conflicting data.I am looking to make a composite picture of a given security using thefollowing rules:1) The goal is to replace all NULL and Blank values with data2) Order of precedence (from highest to lowest) is Non-NULL Non-Blank--> Blank --> NULL3) In the case of Non-NULL Non-Blank values that conflict (aredifferent) leave existing value (even if NULL or Blank)For example:Given the following rows:Symbol Identity IdSource Exchange Type SubType Name-------- ------------ --------- --------- ------- ---------------------------TZA 901145102 CUSIP XNYS Stock NULL TV AZTECATZA 901145102 NULL NULL NULL NULLWSM 969904101 CUSIP XNYS Stock NULL WILLIAMSSONOMAWSM 969904101 NULL XNYS Stock NULLWILLIAMS-SONOMAWSM CUSIP XNYS Stock Common NULLWSM NULL CUSIP XASE Stock NULL WILLIAMSSONOMATYC 902124106 CUSIP XNYS Stock NULL TYCOTYC 902124106 CUSIP XNYS Stock NULL TYCOINTERNATIONALI am looking for the following results ('*' indicates changed value)Symbol Identity IdSource Exchange Type SubType Name-------- ------------ --------- --------- ------- ---------------------------TZA 901145102 CUSIP XNYS Stock NULL TV AZTECATZA 901145102 *CUSIP *XNYS *Stock NULL *TV AZTECAWSM 969904101 CUSIP XNYS Stock *Common WILLIAMSSONOMAWSM 969904101 *CUSIP XNYS Stock *CommonWILLIAMS-SONOMAWSM *969904101 CUSIP NULL Stock Common NULLWSM *969904101 CUSIP XASE Stock *Common WILLIAMSSONOMATYC 902124106 CUSIP XNYS Stock NULL TYCOTYC 902124106 CUSIP XNYS Stock NULL TYCOINTERNATIONAL
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Dec 15, 2014
I am still fairly new to SQL, having been tasked with creating a csv file from data now someone else has left.
I can do the csv export using sqlcmd and I have the query sorted and am pulling out the right data, but it generates two rows, as one of the tables has multiple records per cardholder. See the query below, I know there is a way of doing it with XML PATH, I think, but it has got me slightly confused.
set nocount on
[Code] .....
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Aug 18, 2015
I have 2 columns (ID, Msg_text) in a table where i need to combine every 3 rows into single row. What would be the best option i have? I know by using 'STUFF' and 'XML PATH' i can convert all the rows into a single row but here i'm looking for every 3 rows into a single row.
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Jan 14, 2015
I have this query and it works except for I am getting duplicate primary keys with unique column value. I want to combine them so that I have one primary key, but keep all the columns. Example:
Key column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4
A 1 1
A 2 2
B 2 3
B 5 5
it should look like:
A 1 1 2 2
B 2 3 5 5
Here is my query:
FROM [TLC Inventory].dbo.['2014 new$']
WHERE [TLC Inventory].dbo.['2014 new$'].mis_key LIKE '2%'
AND dbo_Product_Info#description NOT LIKE 'NR%'
AND dbo_Line_Info#description NOT LIKE 'OBSOLETE%'
Do I use a sum function?
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Jul 8, 2015
I have a table data as shown below.
I want output as shown below.
I want the two duplicate rows to be merged into one. How to achieve it.
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Aug 18, 2014
SQL 2012
I have a source table in the staging database stg.fact and it needs to be merged into the warehouse table whs.Fact.
stg.fact is not a delta feed it is basically an intra-day refresh.
Both tables have a last updated date so its easy to see which have changed.
It will be new (insert) or changed (update) data that I am interested in, there are no deletions.
As this could be in the millions of rows that are inserts or updates then this needs to be efficient.
I expect whs.Fact to go to >150 million rows.
When I have done this before I started with T-SQL Merge statement and that was not performant once I got to this size.
My original option was to do this is SSIS with a lookup task that marks the inserts and updates and deal with them seperately. However I set up the lookup tranformation the reference data set will have a package variable in the SQL commnd. This does not seem possible with the lookup in 2012! Currently looking at Merge Join transformation and any clever basic T-SQL that could work as this will need to be fast, and thats where I think that T-SQL may be the better route.
Both tables will have >100,000,000 rows
Both tables have the last updated date
The Tables are in different databases but on the same SQL Instance
Each table holds 5 integer columns, one Varchar, one datatime
Last time I used Merge it was a wider table with lots of columns so don't know if this would be an option.
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Jul 21, 2004
Hi All,
I can do this in Access, with VB, but I'm pretty new to SQL Server.
Say you have the following table, call it TblStudents:
Grade Name
8 John
8 Mike
8 Ed
9 Tom
9 Greg
10 Jack
10 Tony
And you wanted a view that would give you:
Grade Name
8 John, Mike, Ed
9 Tom, Greg
10 Jack, Tony
How would you do this in SQL Server?
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Dec 11, 2007
Hi, i have a Stored Procedure that is calling a view. I need to pass on all the records of this view so i made another view that returns the rows count and then a for loop from 0 to count-1. But then how can i access the rows and columns of the view one by one? Any idea?
And if someone has a better logic that gives the same result please let me know. Thanks...
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Jul 15, 2007
I have two tables that have a column called "subscriberid". I imported rows into the main table, and it's sister table.
There are 90,000 rows in the main table and 94,021 in the other table.
It appears that roughly 4,000 rows have disappeared in the main table, but not in the other table, and I don't understand why?
I'm new to SQL Server 2005 Express and I'd appreciate any help you can give me.
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Mar 11, 2008
Hi, my name's John and this is my first post here at SQL team. I've learnt a lot from the forums here, never needed to post though. I'm pretty good at sql, but not that good and I think for the first time in couple of years I now have a query that I'm completely unable to create.
Let me explain the setup.
I've got three tables e.g.
Products (productid, Name)
100 Computer
200 Printer
300 PDA
ProductActions (ID, Name)
6 changed casing
8 Changed motherboard
7 replaced cd-drive
ProductPerformedActions (productid, actionid)
This basically shows a simple setup showing that product (computer) has been done the action "repaired" and product (printer) has been done the action "changed motherboard". The query i'd like to have is where I can select all products that have not been performed on cerrtain actions. e.g. a list of products that have not been performed on all actions, such as
I know its foundation is something like this:
select productid from products where productid not in
(select productid from productperformedactions....
which elimiantes products that have been performed an action on, but it also removes it for ALL actions,
which i'm trying to avoid. All i want is kind of a cross join, listing all actions, then inverting it, to show
all products that have NOT had it performed on them.
I hope this makes sense.
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Jul 30, 2000
Help, is something wrong with my SL Server? I am unable to return any rows from all tables in all databases (user and system)on My SQL 7.0 SP2 machine. Whne i right click on the table in E.M and select design or open table i get no results. Does anyone know why this is happening? It did not always happen either.
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May 24, 2007
I've been searching the forums and Google for some help splitting up rows in a table without any luck. I'm not quite sure what to even look for
I have a table is MSSQL 2000 that looks as follows:
id custnum b1_email b2_email b1_sub b2_sub
1 123456 0 0
2 654321 1 0
3 321654 0 1
Now... I am hoping create a view that splits these rows up so that only a single email address is on each row. I'd like to split it up as follows:
custnum email sub
123456 0
123456 0
654321 1
654321 0
321654 0
321654 1
Any help would be great! I imagine some sort of join command can be constructed using a single table?
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May 22, 2015
I have a table sorted by vendor, then item, then Status date with a QC Pass date and Fail date.
I need a SQL 2008 view that counts how many consecutive times a Vendor/Item has passed QC.
When it fails, the count resets to zero, then begins incrementing again.
I need to know how to generate the last column (Count).
I have tried using a ROW_Number() OVER(Partition BY, Order By...) command in the view, but I cannot seem to make it work right.
VendorItemStatusDatePassDate Faildate Count
[Code] ....
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Dec 27, 2007
Is it possible to insert rows into a view, update rows in a view and delete rows in a view?
If so, how does T-SQL handle it when a VIEW is the result of following query?
CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name1
INNER JOIN table_name2 ON table_name1.col = table_name2.col
WHERE condition
Thanks in advance,
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Aug 26, 2015
I have one view which is based on couple of tables. Here is the definition of view. Which are the options i can use to optimize the view for better performance. This is one of the view which causing issue on database.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[V_Reqs]
SELECT purchase.Req.RequisitionID, purchase.Req.StatusCode AS Expr2, purchase.Req.CollectionDateTime,
purchase.Req.ReportDateTime, purchase.Req.ReceivedDateTime, purchase.Req.PatientName, purchase.Req.AddressOne,
purchase.Req.AddressTwo, purchase.Req.City, purchase.Req.PostalCode, purchase.Req.PhoneNumber,
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Jul 19, 2007
Hi, I am stumped and was hoping someone could help me out. Any help isappreciated.I have a view that looks sort of like this (but with a lot moreentries of course)UniqueIdentifyierColumn1Column21 9999 1002 9999 2003 9999 300What I want to do is to add a column to the view that will contain alist of the values from column 2 where column 1 is the same.UniqueIdentifyierColumn1Column2Column31 9999100100, 200, 3002 9999200 100, 200, 3003 9999300100, 200, 300
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Apr 28, 2014
I have a table like below:
111 100 10 20 1
112 200 10 2
113 300 10 30 3
Now I want to create View that will have an exploded resultset based on SrvType.
For SrvType 1 and 2 there will be 2 lines per Itemid - One for 'Amount' anod another for 'Tax1+Tax2'. But for SrvType 3 there will be 3 lines per 'ItemId' - one for 'Amount', one for Tax1 and another for 'Tax2'.
I have a few hundred source records like this. Now sure how to achieve the exploded resultset with a View.
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Jan 19, 2015
I have a simple query that joins a largeish fact table (3 million rows) to a view that returns 120 rows. The SKEY in the view is returned via a scalar function. The view returns instantly if queried on it's own however when joined to the fact table in the simple query below results in a query execution plan that runs forever. Interestingly if I change the INNER JOIN to a LEFT OUTER JOIN the query returns the matched results almost instantly.
Inner Join Dimension.Age_Band ON
Group By
I know joining to a view using a column generated by a scalar function is not a good recipe for performance. I also know that I could fix this by populating a physical table with the view first as I have already tested this though I hoping not to have to go down that route.
Why a LEFT OUTER JOIN works and not an INNER JOIN or anyway I can get the query optimizer to generate an execution plan that works?
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Jun 8, 2015
I am using SQL 2014 RTM (may be it's time to upgrade).
I have the following view:
create view [dbo].[SiriusV_Max4SaleList]
select as Max4SaleId,
mt.[Description] as [TypeDescription],
CAST(m.[type] as tinyint) as [Type],
m.start_time as [StartTime],
m.end_time as [EndTime],
[Code] ....
I am thinking I may want to remove CAST for department, category, item later on as I don't really care if these columns would be defined as key for my EF model, but I do want to search by these columns. Anyway, this is my current view.
I executed the following select statement once
select * FROM dbo.siriusv_max4saleList where department like 's%' or category like 's%' or item like 's%'
And I believe I got 29 rows initially. However, when I execute this statement now I'm getting just 13 rows. If I execute just the department like 's%' I am getting 0 rows although I can see in the first result a row where department has s in in.
I guess I keep it here since I've created the message already but now I figured out why I am not getting the expected result. I used the condition like 's%' and not like '%s%' which application is doing.
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Apr 19, 2007
im working on a project with a friend and store source files in a subversion server. since we are both working on the same DB everytime one of us makes a change we discover a problem in merging our changes.
is there any tool that can help in merging and making diff??
is there any alternativa?
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Sep 14, 2006
I have two SQL tables with the following structureInstructor tableINIDINNameINEmailInstructor PhotoIPIDINIDIPPhotoNow my new Instructor table got a new fieldINIDINNameINEmailINPhotoQuestion, how can I merge the Instructor Photo table IPPHoto field into Instructor table INPhoto field? Thank you.
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Feb 3, 2008
I wonder about the possibility of merging two identical databases on two different servers upon recovering from connection failure between them, using triggers. In order to create a simple synchronization
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Apr 8, 2008
I have a website wih about 50000 pageviews permonth. I am using multiple access database for each section. for example for photogallery there is a separate database, for jokes there is another one. Now I am thinking to convert my all access databases into MSSQL Server2005 databases.There are about 5 access databases I want to merge them and convert them into 1 MDF file.How to do this?I am very new to SQL Server. Please Help I update access databases in MS ACCESS and upload them in server.When I will use SQL Server Databases How will I update them? From VS2008? Any other method? Or Should I think about creating WebBased control panel for my website like CP present in every CMS(joomla, dotnetnuke etc)? ....................................................................................................................... I have VS2008 and SQL Server 2005 Express.
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Oct 18, 2004
I have two tables each with a date field. I have to combine these two tables and sort on the date. I want the date from each table to be on the same column though, not in seperate columns.
Table A
Table B
Thanks for the help
Rock *
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