Message Queue Task Error: The ServicedComponent Being Invoked Is Not Correctly Configured (Use Regsvcs To Re-register).

Jan 15, 2008

This is the first time I've used SQL Server Integration Services, and I have it installed with SP2 applied on my local machine. I have created a Package, and dropped a Message Queue Task on it. I have pointed the Message Queue Connection Manager at a private queue on my machine. I have set the "Message" property to "Send message", I have changed the message type to "String Message" and entered "Test string" into the StringMessage property. When I execute the package (by clicking the "Start debugging" button on the toolbar), I get the following error message in the Execution Results:

[Message Queue Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "The ServicedComponent being invoked is not correctly configured (Use regsvcs to re-register).".

There is no more diagnostic data that I can see in the Execution Results. Can anyone please explain to me how I can get this working?


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Message Queue Task

Apr 18, 2006

Ok, im making some progress. So what i have is a Message Queue Task which is bound to a message queue connection manager (which 'tests' ok). The Message Queue Task is set to recieve, variable from string message (declared a variable of type string) and to remove the message from the queue. The output of that task is piped into the data flow task.
The data flow task expands into a XML Source which is configured to get its input from the string i declared in the Message Queue Task and i point the schemas path to an appropriate schema. I then pipe the output of that into a SQL server destination which ive mapped all the columns from the XML message to a table (which the SQL server destination created for me).

It all looks good on paper, and builds properly with no errors etc. There is already a message in the appropriate private queue. When i go to debug it, it just sits on the Message Queue Task node (its yellow) and goes no further. No data is put into the DB. I have put a watcher on the link between the XML Source and the SQL server destination, and can see no data being piped through.
Even if i send another message, the execution of my package doesnt step passed the Message Queue Task. Its just sitting there waiting for something? what? I thought it would block until there was a message on that queue, and then process it if and when it arrives. But it doesnt seem to do that.

Any ideas??

I read on MSDN that you need integration services installed. I have checked and i do, and its running. Is theres something else i need to configure?


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Message Queue Task

Aug 2, 2007

Simple Question.

I have a requirement to read XML Messages from a Remote private MSMQ.
These messages are essentially Database records that will need cleaning up and insterting into a Local Database table.

Is this possible with SSIS?
Would Biztalk be a more suitable tool for this type of process?

If its possible, are there any resources taht can point me in the right direction?

Thanks for your help!

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Using Message Queue Task And Serialization

Mar 7, 2007

I have a C# application that get data (i.e. select Firstname, LastName from person) to form a DataSet object (i.e. PersonName variable inside my code). Then I want to post this DataSet object into a local private queue (the path is: .privatemyTestQ). Note that I carefully labled the message to be "Variables Message" (as needed per anothre thread discussion here in this forum).

I created a receiving package, in which I want to use SSIS's Message Queue task to retreive the above DataSet object (from C# application). I got failure:

[Message Queue Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Root element is missing.".

However, As a comparison research, I created another SSIS sending-package. And I used ADO.NET provider to get the same data to store the sull result set in a package-level variable. Then I use Message Queue task to post this variable (i.e. object) to the same private queue above. Then I run my above receiving package. I was successful to read back the messge that I posted from SSIS sending package. (Please note that if I use OLEDB provider for sending package to get data from database, the MSMQ task for sending failed due to serializtion issue for __ComObject. With ADO.NET provider, the result set is represented as a type of DataSet).

I then curiously looked into message body from Computer Management Counsol. I found that message sent from SSIS is in SOAP format while message from my C# application is NOT in SOAP (but only in XML format). Obviously SSIS MSMQ task serialize objects into SOAP format.

Can anyone here please help on how to serialize my DataSet object from my C# app) in compliance with the MSMQ task's spec so that I can read message from Q using SSIS package.

I use Visual Studio 2005 and MSMQ 3.0 version.

Your help is appreciated.

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How To Use Message Queue Task In Integration Services

Jan 17, 2007

How To Use Message Queue Task In Integration Services

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Junk Characters In Message Queue Task

Mar 12, 2008

I have a strange situation in an Message queue task in SSIS.
I serialize an object in a C# application and add that to an MSMQ as a string. I also ensure that I set the label to "String Message" so that my Message Queue Task can actually receive the message as a String message to variable.

I created an SSIS package that has an Message Queue listener that feeds into a Script task inside a for-each loop.
For each message that I obtain, I invoke a script task that retrieves the value of the variable and then processes this information.

When I enter the entry into the MSMQ, it goes in perfectly fine (since I also tested retrieving this entry from a C# app). However when I use the same logic on the SSIS package using the Script task, I get junk chinese characters.

Has this happened to anyone else?
Any feedback would be great!


Here is the code for the script task:
mports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()
Dim statusMessage As String
statusMessage = CType(ReadVariable("ReviewerHealthXmlMessage"), String)
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

Private Function ReadVariable(ByVal varName As String) As Object
Dim result As Object

Dim vars As Variables
result = vars(varName).Value
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try

Return result
End Function

Private Sub WriteVariable(ByVal varName As String, ByVal varValue As Object)
Dim vars As Variables
vars(varName).Value = varValue
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub

End Class

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Message Queue Task 64 Bit Cluster Issue

Feb 2, 2006


I'm using the Message Queuing task to create a local private queue message. Everything works great on a 32 bit machine. When I try this on a 64 bit Itanium Cluster I keep getting the message "Message queue service is not available" in my SSIS log. I've using this string as my path "ClusterNameprivate$QueueName". Does anyone know of any issues with the Message Queue task on 64 bit or a cluster? The Message Queue service is up and running, it doesn't make sense.



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Message Queue Task - Invalid Path Problem

Nov 17, 2007

I'm trying to use the message queue task in SSIS 2005 and not getting very far. Right off the bat I'm trying to create a Message Queue Connection Manager and when I enter the path, trying both "seawxxxx estq" (my local computer name) or ". estq" and test it, it comes back with "invalid path". Have done quite a bit of searching around and can't find anything on this particular error.

Suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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MSSQLService (MSDE) Not Re-Configured Correctly

May 11, 2005

Hi all,

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The BackupDirectory Registry Key Is Not Configured Correctly.

Feb 12, 2008

Why does this error occur when restoring from a database file? There are some SQL Server 2005 database engines that will restore the file just fine using the exact same restore directory paths while others respond with the error message shown in the subject line. Here is more detail that is provided with the error:

Restore failed (Microsoft.SqlServer.smo)

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The BackupDirectory registry key is not configured correctly. This key should specify the root path where the disk backup files are stored when full path names are not provided. This path is also used to locate restart checkpoint files for RESTORE. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

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ODBC Extension Uninstalled Or Not Configured Correctly

Jun 14, 2007

I have just installed SQL 2005 SP2 (Workgroup Edition)

I am receiving the below error when i open a datasource in report manager. The datasource uses ODBC.

The data processing extension used for this report is not available. It has either been uninstalled, or it is not configured correctly.

Also, when I go to create a new datasource only "Microsoft SQL Server" is available for connection types.

How do i resolve?

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[File System Task] Error: An Error Occurred With The Following Error Message: Access To The Path Is Denied

Sep 7, 2007

Hi -

I have an File System Task that copies a file from one directory ot another. When I hard code the target directory (c:dirfile.txt) it works fine. When I change it to a virtual directory (\serverdirfile.txt) I get a security error:

[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Access to the path '\gracehbtest oS2TMM_Live_Title_000002.xml' is denied.".

Where do I change the security settings?

Thanks - Grace

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[XML Task] Error: An Error Occurred With The Following Error Message: There Are Multiple Root Elements.

Aug 18, 2006

I'm trying to use an XML Task to do a simple XSLT operation, but it fails with this error message:

[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "There are multiple root elements. Line 5, position 2.".

The source XML file validates fine and I've successfully used it as the XML Source in a data flow task to load some SQL Server tables. It has very few line breaks, so the first 5 lines are pretty long: almost 4000 characters, including 34 start-tags, 19 end-tags, and 2 empty element tags. Here's the very beginning of it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ESDU releaselevel="2006-02" createdate="26 May 2006"><package id="1" title="_standard" shorttitle="_standard" filename="pk_stan" supplementdate="01/05/2005" supplementlevel="1"><abstract><![CDATA[This package contains the standard ESDU Series.]]></abstract>

There is only 1 ESDU root element and only 1 package element.

Of course, the XSLT stylesheet is also an XML document in its own right. I specify it directly in the XML Task:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""/>

<xsl:template name="identity" match="@*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

<xsl:template match="kw">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
<xsl:attribute name="ihs_cats_seq" select="position()"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>


Its 5th line is the first xsl:template element.

What is going on here? I do not see multiple root elements in either the XML document or the XSLT stylesheet.


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Error: 0xC002F304 At Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An Error Occurred With The Following Error Message: Cannot Fetch A Row

Apr 8, 2008

I receive the following error message when I try to use the Bulk Insert Task to load BCP data into a table:

Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 4. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (overflow) for row 1, column 1 (rowno).".

Task failed: Bulk Insert Task

In SSMS I am able to issue the following command and the data loads into a TableName table with no error messages:
FROM 'C:DataDbTableName.bcp'
WITH (DATAFILETYPE='widenative');

What configuration is required for the Bulk Insert Task in SSIS to make the data load? BTW - the TableName.bcp file is bulk copy file as bcp widenative data type. The properties of the Bulk Insert Task are the following:
DataFileType: DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType_WideNative
RowTerminator: {CR}{LF}

Any help getting the bcp file to load would be appreciated. Let me know if you require any other information, thanks for all your help.

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Error Message In DataFlow Task

Apr 13, 2008

Hi All,
I want to show the error message during Data Flow In SSIS, if an error would occur. I am able to redirect the row in file but i want to display the error like "Error : Its Not Set".
Is it possible? if please help me.

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Modify Message Order In Queue?

Jun 12, 2007

Is it possible to modify the sequence of messages in a SSB queue? Or to create messages so that their sequence is based on a value in the message rather than the order in which they were sent to the queue?

I am trying to determine if SSB will help me solve a situation where BizTalk needs to process a prescribed sequence of messages that may not be received in the correct order. (i.e. I need to resequence the messages). Each message contains a field with the sequence number and also a field identifying the total number of messages in the sequence.

I realise that the Sequential Convoy Aggregrator EAI pattern can potentially provide a solution to this, or even the Sequence Guards pattern by McGeeky, but I guess I was hoping that SSB might provide a slightly more efficient solution(?)



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Error Message: Script Task, For Loop Container

Apr 23, 2008

I everyone,
I'm learning SSIS from a book but the most simple example is not working.
The "For each task" I assigned "xyz" as name.
I added a variable onto the "variables" window and called it "counter" Its scope was set to "xyz".
Inside the "for loop" ("xyz") editor i assigned values as follows:
"eval expression"-"@counter<5"
"assign expression"-"@counter=@counter+1"

I added "Script task" onto the "For each" container and into the "Script task editor" I assigned
the following values:
Its design script is set to:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim variables As Variables
If Dts.Variables.Contains("Counter") = True Then
Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead("Counter", variables)
End If

MsgBox("You are in iteration: " & CStr(variables("Counter").Value))
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub
End Class

Runnig it i get the following error message:quote:
"DTS Script task has encountered an exeption in user code:
Project name:ScriptTask_e7d98dbad0de4041bcdc9079a5c2fa65
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.."
The line where the error occurs is from within the above script:
"MsgBox("You are in iteration:" " & CStr(variables("Counter").value))
Anyone understands what that means? What is "object reference" and how do i set it to an instance of an object?

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For Loop Container, Script Task: An Error Message

Apr 23, 2008

I everyone,
I'm learning SSIS from a book but the most simple example is not working.
The "For Loop task" I assigned "xyz" as name.
I added a variable onto the "variables" window and called it "counter" Its scope was set to "xyz".
Inside the "for loop" ("xyz") editor i assigned values as follows:
"eval expression"-"@counter<5"
"assign expression"-"@counter=@counter+1"

I added "Script task" onto the "For each" container and into the "Script task editor" I assigned
the following values:
Its design script is set to:[code]
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim variables As Variables
If Dts.Variables.Contains("Counter") = True Then
Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead("Counter", variables)
End If

MsgBox("You are in iteration: " & CStr(variables("Counter").Value))
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub
End Class
Runnig it i get the following error message:

DTS Script task has encountered an exeption in user code:
Project namecriptTask_e7d98dbad0de4041bcdc9079a5c2fa65
Object reference not set to an instance of an object..
The line where the error occurs is from within the above script:
"MsgBox("You are in iteration:" " & CStr(variables("Counter").value))[/code]
Anyone understands what that means? What is "object reference" and how do i set it to an instance of an object?

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How To Log That A Message Has Been Retained In The Transmission_queue When The Queue Is Disabled.

Jun 16, 2007

Hi was wondering whether it is possible to log somewhere outside SB that there are messages in the transmission_queue because the Target queue was disabled.

I was testing this scenario:

try to send messages on a disabled queue and log the problem.

But the transmission_status from the trasmission_queue is always empty.

This is the code that I tried to execute between the send and the commit and after the commit:

WHILE (1=1)




if select count(*) from sys.transmission_queue <> 0

set @transmission_status = (select transmission_status from sys.transmission_queue where conversation_handle=@dialog_handle);

if @transmission_status = ''

--Successful send - Exit the LOOP


UPDATE Mytable set isReceivedSuccessfully = 1 where ID = @IDMessageXML;




raiserror(@transmission_status,1,1) with log;




UPDATE [dbo].[tblDumpMsg] set isReceivedSuccessfully = 1 where ID = @IDMessageXML;





As I wrote before the @transmission_status variable is always empty and I have the same result even if I put the code after the commit transaction!

Maybe what I'm trying to reach has no sense?

With the event notification I can notify when the queue is disable because the receive rollsback 5 times but what if by mistake the target queue is disabled outside the SB environment? I can I catch it and handle it properly?

Thank you!Marina B

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How To Determine Date/time Message Was Placed Onto Queue?

Oct 2, 2006

I need to determine the actual date/time that a message was placed on the queue. In my "activated" procedure I want to log this information and pass it along to further processing routines. From what I can tell, the Queue table itself does not have this information captured.

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Can't Receive Message From Queue (Async Trigger)

Sep 1, 2006

Hi Folks,

I've found a pretty good code example on for a Asynchronous Trigger.

I've parsed through the Code, to understand how to wirte my own Async Trigger with a Service Broker, but the Code isn't working! It seems that the stored procedure don't receive the messages in the queue, but the queue get's filled.




  PROCEDURE_NAME = sp_myServiceProgram,

CREATE SERVICE myService ON QUEUE myQueue  (myContractANY)
Procedure (greped from

CREATE PROC sp_myServiceProgram
-- This procedure will get triggered automatically
-- when a message arrives at the
-- Let's retrieve any messages sent to us here:
  @MessageBody VARBINARY(MAX),
  @MessageTypeName SYSNAME,
  @ID INT,
  MessageBody VARBINARY(MAX),
  MessageTypeName SYSNAME);
WHILE (1 = 1)
  RECEIVE message_body, message_type_name
  FROM myQueue  INTO @Queue
 ), TIMEOUT 5000;
 -- If no messages exist, then break out of the loop:
 OPEN c_Test;
  INTO @MessageBody, @MessageTypeName;
  -- Let's only deal with messages of Message Type
  -- myMsgXML:
  IF @MessageTypeName = 'myMsgXML'
   SET @XML = CAST(@MessageBody AS XML);
   -- Now let's save the XML records into the
   -- historical table:
   INSERT INTO tblDotNetFunTriggerTestHistory
    SELECT tbl.rows.value('@ID', 'INT') AS ID,
     tbl.rows.value('@COL2', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') AS COL2,
    FROM @XML.nodes('/inserted') tbl(rows);
   INTO @MessageBody, @MessageTypeName;
 CLOSE c_Test;
 -- Purge the temporary in-proc table:
Send Message in a Update Trigger

  -- Send the XML records to the Service Broker queue:
   The target Service Broker service is the same
   service as the initiating service; however, you
   can set up this type of trigger to send messages
   to a remote server or another database.
   FROM SERVICE myService
   TO SERVICE 'myService'
   ON CONTRACT myContractANY;
  -- Let's detect an error state for this dialog
  -- and rollback the entire transaction if one is
  -- detected:
  IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.conversation_endpoints
   WHERE conversation_handle = @DialogHandle
   AND state = 'ER')
   RAISERROR('Dialog in error state.', 18, 127);
   --I want to list the queue after the trigger so I disabled
   --END CONVERSATION @DialogHandle;
The Problem is, that the Procedure doesn't even get started! So I tried to receive the Queues manually

  RECEIVE message_body, message_type_name
  FROM myQueue  INTO @Queue
 ), TIMEOUT 5000;

and I run always into the timeout and get nothing back. A Select * FROM myQueue gives me some results back. Why I can't recevie?
Would be grateful for help, or at least a good tutorial, I haven't found one yet....
thx and greez

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Implementing Message Queue In SQL Server 2000

Jun 2, 2006

I am implementing a message queue system in SQL Server 2000. My queue table looks something like this:

[MessageId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[MessageType] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[Status] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
[SubmittedTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[StartTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[DispatchedTime] [datetime] NULL,
[CompletedTime] [datetime] NULL,
[MessageData] [image] NULL

This is how I retrieve the next message for processing:

WHERE [StartTime]=@pStartTime AND [MessageType]=@pMessageType AND [Status]=@pStatus
ORDER BY [StartTime]

and mark it as being processed:

UPDATE [Queue].[MessageQueue] SET [Status]=1 WHERE [MessageId]=@pMessageId

After message has been processed I delete it from the queue:

DELETE FROM [Queue].[MessageQueue] WHERE [MessageId]=@pMessageId

All database accesses are transactional with default READ COMMITTED. The problems start when there are a few concurrent accesses: I get deadlocks when retrieving next message. If I do not delete message after processing then there is no deadlock. But this is not what I need.

I played with different isolation levels and locking hints and was able to avoid deadlock using TABLOCKX:

SELECT .... FROM [Queue].[MessageQueue] WITH (TABLOCKX)

But in this case you cannot concurrently retrieve messages which was my goal from the beginning. How do I achieve this?

Thank you,

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Problem With Distributed Transactions - Multiple Threads Pop The Same Message From Queue

Aug 14, 2007


I am using distributed transactions where in I start a TransactionScope in BLL and receive data from service broker queue in DAL, perform various actions in BLL and DAL and if everything is ok call TransactionScope.Commit().

I have a problem where in if i run multiple instances of the same app ( each app creates one thread ), the threads pop out the same message and I get a deadlock upon commit.

My dequeue SP is as follows:

CREATE PROC [dbo].[queue_dequeue]
@entryId int OUTPUT
DECLARE @messageTypeName SYSNAME;

GET CONVERSATION GROUP @conversationGroupId FROM ProcessingQueue;
if (@conversationGroupId is not null)
RECEIVE TOP(1) @entryId = CONVERT(INT, [message_body]), @conversationHandle = [conversation_handle], @messageTypeName = [message_type_name] FROM ProcessingQueue WHERE conversation_group_id=@conversationGroupId

if @messageTypeName in
end conversation @conversationHandle;

Can anyone explain to me why the threads are able to pop the same message ? I thought service broker made sure this cannot happen?

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Target Queue Disabled: Strange Message On The Event Viewer

Jun 15, 2007


I have almost finished to design my Service Broker application and I found out something strange.

I was tring to handle the Target queue disabled scenario, because I want to save to message that was not sent so I can create an alert to the user to say that some messages as not been sent.

To disable to queue I run:

Alter queue [dbo].[Receivedqueue] with status = off

I had the Event Viewer in front of me and I have seen the suddenly it appeared a lot of this informational events:

Event Type: Information
Event Category: (2)
Event ID: 9724
Date: 15/06/2007
Time: 15:00:47

The activated proc [dbo].[OnReceived] running on queue TestReceiver.dbo.Receivedqueue output the following: 'The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction.'

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

What this message means?

I would like to avoid to have it because it appears a lot of time and I don't want to fill up my Event Viewer!!

I don't know of it is important but in the moment I executed the code there was not CONVERSING conversation and all the queues were empty.

Somebody has seen this error before or I have to send to the forum the [dbo].[OnReceived] code as well?


Marina B.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Unzip Using Execute Process Task Success But Getting Error Message In The Email?

Jun 17, 2015

Exec Prcoess task with source : ftp
destination :ftpunzip
work directory ftpunzip
executable : c:Program FilesWinZip

i am using expressing.

It is doing the unzip but getting this error

package process on server server1 has failed within the Task 'Unzip Files' with the following errors:
> File/Process "WZUNZIP.EXE" does not exist in directory "c:Program FilesWinZip".

This is the error message i am getting it

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Integration Services :: Send Mail Task Not Working Properly When Configured In Precedence Constraint (Failure)

Jul 29, 2015

Send Mail task not working properly when it configured in Precedence Constraint (Failure)...


I'm using multiple containers in my ssis package. Also I have configured mail task for capturing error.

I'm getting mail only when error occurs in foreach loop container. If error occurs in other containers it doesn't works.

Actually I would like to receive mail notification on error when it occurs in any of the containers or DFT.

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Lookup Task Not Performing Correctly!

Apr 8, 2008

Hi, I'm using the lookup task to perform updates on some records and it seems to be working correctly but isn't making all updates. I have a case where there are 543 rows in my source connection, there are 436 of them that do not match the date column of the 543 in my destination table. It only updated 224 of them when it should have updated all 436? Does anyone know why it would only update this many instead of all? I also had another that only updated 18 out of 19 instead of all 19.


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DTS Error Not Configured For Data Access

Feb 6, 2004

I just had to rebuild master and msdb in Sql 2000. Now any DTS package accessing that machine fails with the message 'Server __ is not configured for DATA ACCESS.' The message seems to be coming from OLE. Everything else, including applications, scheduled jobs, etc. seems to work fine.

How can I restore data access?

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Problems With The Query, ResultSet Property Not Set Correctly, Parameters Not Set Correctly, Or Connection Not Established Cor

Oct 22, 2007

I have the following query in an ExecuteSQL Task:

Insert Into Table2
Select * From Table1 Where Column1Val = '4'

As you can see, I don't need any parameters so I havent configured any. Also, there should not be any result set so I shouldnt need to configure a resultset parameter.

Why is the above query failing with

Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly

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Error When I Try To Register A Server In Analysis Services

Oct 13, 2004


When I try to register a server in Analysis Services I get a error saying 'Automation error' and I also get a message saying Unable to open Registry Key 'SOFTWAREMICROSOFTOLAP ServerOLAP Manager'

Can someone please help.

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.NET Framework :: Error In Creating CLR Functions Saying Server Is Information Protection Configured

Aug 17, 2011

We have few C# binaries that contains definition of CLR functions, and one stored procedure to install / create them in our database. Recently when dropping and recreating the CLR function using our stored procedure, it failed with below error:

Error/info returned: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]This server is Information Protection configured. Only the sql server web application can be used for this function. ([URL])[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.

Basically our stored procedure has standard steps to create asymmetric key for each of our C# binary and create login for that key and then grant unsafe assembly permissions to those logins.

It sets show advanced options, clr enabled, and ole automation procedures options. It then using create assembly (for each c# binary with permission_set = unsafe) and create function constructs to create clr functions in SQL server.

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An Error Occurred In The Service Broker Internal Activator While Trying To Scan The User Queue '(null)' For Its Status. Error: 2

Apr 25, 2007

Hello - can't find any info on this error - can anyone shed some light?

There was a deadlock - which preceeded this message by 2 seconds.

04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,An error occurred in the Service Broker internal activator while trying to scan the user queue '(null)' for its status. Error: 2905<c/> State: 1.
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,External dump process return code 0x20000001.<nl/>External dump process returned no errors.
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,Stack Signature for the dump is 0x1229B5AA
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,78132A36 Module(MSVCR80+00002A36)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,781329AA Module(MSVCR80+000029AA)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01447720 Module(sqlservr+00447720)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0144789A Module(sqlservr+0044789A)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0144859B Module(sqlservr+0044859B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01447562 Module(sqlservr+00447562)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01006DAB Module(sqlservr+00006DAB)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01006BBC Module(sqlservr+00006BBC)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01006A96 Module(sqlservr+00006A96)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112F65C Module(sqlservr+0012F65C)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112F70F Module(sqlservr+0012F70F)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112CB04 Module(sqlservr+0012CB04)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112D1D1 Module(sqlservr+0012D1D1)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112EA61 Module(sqlservr+0012EA61)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0108A5CB Module(sqlservr+0008A5CB)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0108A56B Module(sqlservr+0008A56B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01060A5A Module(sqlservr+00060A5A)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01476CB2 Module(sqlservr+00476CB2)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01476FD3 Module(sqlservr+00476FD3)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,017FA720 Module(sqlservr+007FA720)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,017FAADC Module(sqlservr+007FAADC)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01796B1B Module(sqlservr+00796B1B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01793310 Module(sqlservr+00793310)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0179438B Module(sqlservr+0079438B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Short Stack Dump
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SegSs: 00000023:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Esp: 1302E584: 13025387 80C87378 80C872F0 00000000 78140001 0009D9C2
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* EFlags: 00010202: 00610067 00650074 0049003B 0076006E 006C0061 00640069
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SegCs: 0000001B:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Ebp: 1302F67C: 1302F788 01793310 13025373 80C872F0 7093AB12 801E8B38
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Eip: 0179438B: 828B118B 000000E0 C085D0FF 00B9850F 9D890000 FFFFEF8C
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Edx: 00000E38:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Ecx: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Ebx: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Eax: A99EE598: 00000000 00000000 A99EE5B0 00000000 00000000 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Esi: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Edi: 80C872F0: 7093AB12 80C87FF0 00000007 B8A20008 7093AB15 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* dbghelp 14200000 14312FFF 00113000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 76780000 76913FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 764A0000 76633FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 76300000 76493FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 341D0000 343AFFFF 001e0000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 33590000 33764FFF 001d5000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 333F0000 33583FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 14490000 1467AFFF 001eb000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 13D10000 13EFBFFF 001ec000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* OLEDB32R 13770000 13780FFF 00011000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSDART 133D0000 133E9FFF 0001a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* oledb32 13350000 133C8FFF 00079000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msxml3 11BD0000 11CE1FFF 00112000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msxmlsql 11AF0000 11BC5FFF 000d6000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.Xml 10FA0000 11193FFF 001f4000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.Security 10F20000 10F61FFF 00042000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System 10C10000 10EF3FFF 002e4000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* 10A90000 10B45FFF 000b6000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.Transactions 0FAD0000 0FB12FFF 00043000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* 7A440000 7ABFDFFF 007be000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.Data 102D0000 10596FFF 002c7000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* mscorjit 0F910000 0F962FFF 00053000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SqlAccess 0F8A0000 0F8F5FFF 00056000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SensApi 0F880000 0F884FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* cryptnet 0F680000 0F691FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SOFTPUB 0F670000 0F674FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* mscorsec 0F640000 0F652FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* 0EAC0000 0F5A7FFF 00ae8000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* mscorwks 080E0000 08640FFF 00561000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xplog70 07CA0000 07CA2FFF 00003000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xplog70 07C80000 07C8BFFF 0000c000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xpstar90 07C50000 07C75FFF 00026000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* odbcint 07C30000 07C46FFF 00017000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ATL80 7C630000 7C64AFFF 0001b000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* BatchParser90 07A40000 07A5EFFF 0001f000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ODBC32 07A00000 07A3CFFF 0003d000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SQLSCM90 079E0000 079E8FFF 00009000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xpstar90 07980000 079C7FFF 00048000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xpsqlbot 07960000 07965FFF 00006000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msftepxy 07490000 074A4FFF 00015000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SQLNCLIR 007A0000 007D2FFF 00033000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* comdlg32 762B0000 762F9FFF 0004a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* COMCTL32 77530000 775C6FFF 00097000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlncli 337A0000 339C1FFF 00222000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* CLBCatQ 777B0000 77832FFF 00083000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xpsp2res 10000000 102C4FFF 002c5000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ntdsapi 766F0000 76704FFF 00015000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* wshtcpip 070B0000 070B7FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* hnetcfg 071F0000 07248FFF 00059000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* dssenh 070C0000 070E3FFF 00024000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* imagehlp 76C10000 76C38FFF 00029000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WINTRUST 76BB0000 76BDAFFF 0002b000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* dbghelp 06C10000 06D22FFF 00113000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msfte 069B0000 06C08FFF 00259000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* security 06190000 06193FFF 00004000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* rasadhlp 76F80000 76F84FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* winrnr 76F70000 76F76FFF 00007000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* DNSAPI 76ED0000 76EF8FFF 00029000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* RESUTILS 05D50000 05D62FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* CLUSAPI 05D30000 05D41FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* OLEAUT32 77D00000 77D8BFFF 0008c000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WSOCK32 71BB0000 71BB8FFF 00009000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* VERSION 77B90000 77B97FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MTXCLU 05D10000 05D28FFF 00019000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msvcp60 780C0000 78120FFF 00061000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSDTCPRX 05C90000 05D07FFF 00078000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* XOLEHLP 05C80000 05C85FFF 00006000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* COMRES 77010000 770D5FFF 000c6000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* schannel 76750000 76776FFF 00027000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* cryptdll 766E0000 766EBFFF 0000c000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* kerberos 05BC0000 05C17FFF 00058000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* iphlpapi 76CF0000 76D09FFF 0001a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msv1_0 76C90000 76CB6FFF 00027000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSCOREE 05950000 05994FFF 00045000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* AUTHZ 76C40000 76C53FFF 00014000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* rsaenh 04E90000 04EBEFFF 0002f000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WLDAP32 76F10000 76F3DFFF 0002e000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SAMLIB 5CCF0000 5CCFEFFF 0000f000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ole32 77670000 777A3FFF 00134000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* NTMARTA 77E00000 77E21FFF 00022000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SQLOS 344D0000 344D4FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 4F610000 4F7A3FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* instapi 48060000 48069FFF 0000a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* psapi 76B70000 76B7AFFF 0000b000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* comctl32 77420000 77522FFF 00103000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SHLWAPI 77DA0000 77DF1FFF 00052000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SHELL32 7C8D0000 7D0D2FFF 00803000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* NETAPI32 71C40000 71C97FFF 00058000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* opends60 333E0000 333E6FFF 00007000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* USERENV 76920000 769E3FFF 000c4000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WS2HELP 71BF0000 71BF7FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WS2_32 71C00000 71C16FFF 00017000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSWSOCK 71B20000 71B60FFF 00041000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Secur32 76F50000 76F62FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSASN1 76190000 761A1FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* CRYPT32 761B0000 76242FFF 00093000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* GDI32 77C00000 77C47FFF 00048000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* USER32 77380000 77411FFF 00092000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* RPCRT4 77C50000 77CEEFFF 0009f000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ADVAPI32 77F50000 77FEBFFF 0009c000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSVCP80 7C420000 7C4A6FFF 00087000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msvcrt 77BA0000 77BF9FFF 0005a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSVCR80 78130000 781CAFFF 0009b000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* kernel32 77E40000 77F41FFF 00102000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ntdll 7C800000 7C8BFFFF 000c0000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlservr 01000000 02BCEFFF 01bcf000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MODULE BASE END SIZE
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Access Violation occurred reading address 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Exception Address = 0179438B Module(sqlservr+0079438B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* 04/25/07 08:20:12 spid 108
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* BEGIN STACK DUMP:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 108 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,***Stack Dump being sent to D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump0007.txt
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid60,Unknown,An error occurred in the Service Broker internal activator while trying to scan the user queue '(null)' for its status. Error: 2905<c/> State: 1.
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid60,Unknown,External dump process return code 0x20000001.<nl/>External dump process returned no errors.
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,Stack Signature for the dump is 0x1229B5AA
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,78132A36 Module(MSVCR80+00002A36)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,781329AA Module(MSVCR80+000029AA)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01447720 Module(sqlservr+00447720)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0144789A Module(sqlservr+0044789A)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0144859B Module(sqlservr+0044859B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01447562 Module(sqlservr+00447562)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01006DAB Module(sqlservr+00006DAB)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01006BBC Module(sqlservr+00006BBC)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01006A96 Module(sqlservr+00006A96)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112F65C Module(sqlservr+0012F65C)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112F70F Module(sqlservr+0012F70F)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112CB04 Module(sqlservr+0012CB04)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112D1D1 Module(sqlservr+0012D1D1)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112EA61 Module(sqlservr+0012EA61)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0108A5CB Module(sqlservr+0008A5CB)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0108A56B Module(sqlservr+0008A56B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01060A5A Module(sqlservr+00060A5A)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01476CB2 Module(sqlservr+00476CB2)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01476FD3 Module(sqlservr+00476FD3)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,017FA720 Module(sqlservr+007FA720)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,017FAADC Module(sqlservr+007FAADC)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01796B1B Module(sqlservr+00796B1B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01793310 Module(sqlservr+00793310)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0179438B Module(sqlservr+0079438B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Short Stack Dump
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SegSs: 00000023:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Esp: 1189E584: 11895387 80C87378 80C872F0 00000000 03E90001 00087C2D
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* EFlags: 00010202: 00610067 00650074 0049003B 0076006E 006C0061 00640069
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SegCs: 0000001B:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Ebp: 1189F67C: 1189F788 01793310 11895373 80C872F0 7093AB12 801E8B38
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Eip: 0179438B: 828B118B 000000E0 C085D0FF 00B9850F 9D890000 FFFFEF8C
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Edx: 00000E38:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Ecx: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Ebx: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Eax: 5ADE8598: 00000000 00000000 5ADE85B0 00000000 00000000 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Esi: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Edi: 80C872F0: 7093AB12 80C87FF0 00000007 B8A20008 7093AB15 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* dbghelp 14200000 14312FFF 00113000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 76780000 76913FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 764A0000 76633FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 76300000 76493FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 341D0000 343AFFFF 001e0000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 33590000 33764FFF 001d5000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 333F0000 33583FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 14490000 1467AFFF 001eb000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 13D10000 13EFBFFF 001ec000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* OLEDB32R 13770000 13780FFF 00011000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSDART 133D0000 133E9FFF 0001a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* oledb32 13350000 133C8FFF 00079000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msxml3 11BD0000 11CE1FFF 00112000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msxmlsql 11AF0000 11BC5FFF 000d6000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.Xml 10FA0000 11193FFF 001f4000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.Security 10F20000 10F61FFF 00042000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System 10C10000 10EF3FFF 002e4000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* 10A90000 10B45FFF 000b6000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.Transactions 0FAD0000 0FB12FFF 00043000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* 7A440000 7ABFDFFF 007be000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.Data 102D0000 10596FFF 002c7000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* mscorjit 0F910000 0F962FFF 00053000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SqlAccess 0F8A0000 0F8F5FFF 00056000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SensApi 0F880000 0F884FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* cryptnet 0F680000 0F691FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SOFTPUB 0F670000 0F674FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* mscorsec 0F640000 0F652FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* 0EAC0000 0F5A7FFF 00ae8000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* mscorwks 080E0000 08640FFF 00561000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xplog70 07CA0000 07CA2FFF 00003000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xplog70 07C80000 07C8BFFF 0000c000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xpstar90 07C50000 07C75FFF 00026000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* odbcint 07C30000 07C46FFF 00017000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ATL80 7C630000 7C64AFFF 0001b000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* BatchParser90 07A40000 07A5EFFF 0001f000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ODBC32 07A00000 07A3CFFF 0003d000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SQLSCM90 079E0000 079E8FFF 00009000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xpstar90 07980000 079C7FFF 00048000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xpsqlbot 07960000 07965FFF 00006000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msftepxy 07490000 074A4FFF 00015000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SQLNCLIR 007A0000 007D2FFF 00033000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* comdlg32 762B0000 762F9FFF 0004a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* COMCTL32 77530000 775C6FFF 00097000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlncli 337A0000 339C1FFF 00222000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* CLBCatQ 777B0000 77832FFF 00083000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xpsp2res 10000000 102C4FFF 002c5000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ntdsapi 766F0000 76704FFF 00015000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* wshtcpip 070B0000 070B7FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* hnetcfg 071F0000 07248FFF 00059000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* dssenh 070C0000 070E3FFF 00024000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* imagehlp 76C10000 76C38FFF 00029000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WINTRUST 76BB0000 76BDAFFF 0002b000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* dbghelp 06C10000 06D22FFF 00113000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msfte 069B0000 06C08FFF 00259000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* security 06190000 06193FFF 00004000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* rasadhlp 76F80000 76F84FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* winrnr 76F70000 76F76FFF 00007000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* DNSAPI 76ED0000 76EF8FFF 00029000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* RESUTILS 05D50000 05D62FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* CLUSAPI 05D30000 05D41FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* OLEAUT32 77D00000 77D8BFFF 0008c000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WSOCK32 71BB0000 71BB8FFF 00009000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* VERSION 77B90000 77B97FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MTXCLU 05D10000 05D28FFF 00019000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msvcp60 780C0000 78120FFF 00061000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSDTCPRX 05C90000 05D07FFF 00078000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* XOLEHLP 05C80000 05C85FFF 00006000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* COMRES 77010000 770D5FFF 000c6000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* schannel 76750000 76776FFF 00027000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* cryptdll 766E0000 766EBFFF 0000c000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* kerberos 05BC0000 05C17FFF 00058000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* iphlpapi 76CF0000 76D09FFF 0001a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msv1_0 76C90000 76CB6FFF 00027000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSCOREE 05950000 05994FFF 00045000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* AUTHZ 76C40000 76C53FFF 00014000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* rsaenh 04E90000 04EBEFFF 0002f000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WLDAP32 76F10000 76F3DFFF 0002e000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SAMLIB 5CCF0000 5CCFEFFF 0000f000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ole32 77670000 777A3FFF 00134000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* NTMARTA 77E00000 77E21FFF 00022000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SQLOS 344D0000 344D4FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 4F610000 4F7A3FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* instapi 48060000 48069FFF 0000a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* psapi 76B70000 76B7AFFF 0000b000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* comctl32 77420000 77522FFF 00103000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SHLWAPI 77DA0000 77DF1FFF 00052000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SHELL32 7C8D0000 7D0D2FFF 00803000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* NETAPI32 71C40000 71C97FFF 00058000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* opends60 333E0000 333E6FFF 00007000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* USERENV 76920000 769E3FFF 000c4000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WS2HELP 71BF0000 71BF7FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WS2_32 71C00000 71C16FFF 00017000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSWSOCK 71B20000 71B60FFF 00041000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Secur32 76F50000 76F62FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSASN1 76190000 761A1FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* CRYPT32 761B0000 76242FFF 00093000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* GDI32 77C00000 77C47FFF 00048000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* USER32 77380000 77411FFF 00092000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* RPCRT4 77C50000 77CEEFFF 0009f000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ADVAPI32 77F50000 77FEBFFF 0009c000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSVCP80 7C420000 7C4A6FFF 00087000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msvcrt 77BA0000 77BF9FFF 0005a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSVCR80 78130000 781CAFFF 0009b000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* kernel32 77E40000 77F41FFF 00102000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ntdll 7C800000 7C8BFFFF 000c0000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlservr 01000000 02BCEFFF 01bcf000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MODULE BASE END SIZE
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Access Violation occurred reading address 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Exception Address = 0179438B Module(sqlservr+0079438B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* 04/25/07 08:20:10 spid 60
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* BEGIN STACK DUMP:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 60 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,***Stack Dump being sent to D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump0006.txt
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'

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Clarifications On Queue Service And Queue Readers

Jan 11, 2006

This is info that I am still not certain about and I just need to make sure, my gut feeling is correct:

When a procedure is triggered upon reception of a message in a queue, what happens when the procedure fails and rolls back?
1. Message is left on the Queue.
2. is the worker procedure triggered again for the same message by the queue?
3. I am hoping the Queue keeps on triggering workers until it is empty.

My scenario is that my queue reader procedure only reads one message at a time, thus I do not loop to receive many messages.

For my scenario messages are independent and ordering does not matter.
Thus I want to ensure my Queue reader procedures execute simultaneously. Is reading the Top message in one reader somehow blocking the queue for any other reader procedures? I.e. if I have BEGIN TRANSACTION when reading messages of the Queue, is that effectively going prevent many reader procedures working simultaneously. Again, I want to ensure that Service broker is effectively spawning procedures that work simultaneously.

Thank you very much for the time,


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