Messy SQL

May 6, 2008


I have a messy (and slow) piece of SQL that I'm sure can be written much more efficiently.

I have a table called parts:

Part(id, stopcode, s_num, a_num, tagnum, description)

The nature of the table is such that it is possible for two entries to share a tag number; when this is the case, it represents an 'in' part and an 'out' part. I would like to run a query which returns the in and out details in one row for parts. The id field is simply an autonumber and is unique for each entry.
Currently, I am pairing parts on their tag number using a join, so I have

Part p1, Part p2

I join them on the tagnum and select p1.s_num AS 's_num in' and p2.s_num AS 's_num out'. I also know how to tell that p1 is definitely an in part and that p2 is definitely an out part by their description, which will always be 'in' and 'out' respectively. So I have:

SELECT p1.s_num as 's_num in' p2.s_num as 's_num out' ... etc
FROM Part p1 JOIN Part p2 ON (p1.tagnum = p2.tagnum AND p1.description = 'in' AND p2.description = 'out')

This is great -- it will pair my in and out parts perfectly.

However, there isn't always an out part for an in part, meaning that I have a table filled with stuff to be paired and not-paired. I would like to display both of these in the result, with null values for any out value when there isn't a pair. So for this, I can do:

SELECT s_num as 's_num in', NULL as 's_num out' ... etc
WHERE description = 'in'

This will return ALL in parts, even the ones where there IS an associated out part for it. Consequently, when I union the two queries, I get an entry for the paired parts twice -- one where it thinks it just shows its in data (with out fields set to null), and one where it shows both the in and out, i.e., the correct result. I don't want the former.

To get round this, I have to use a NOT IN on the second query before I union it with the first. So, the final query looks like this:

SELECT p1.s_num as 's_num in' p2.s_num as 's_num out' ... etc
FROM Part p1 JOIN Part p2 ON (p1.tagnum = p2.tagnum AND p1.description = 'in' AND p2.description = 'out')


SELECT s_num as 's_num in', NULL as 's_num out' ... etc
WHERE description = 'in' AND NOT IN (
FROM Part p1 JOIN Part p2 ON (p1.tagnum = p2.tagnum AND p1.description = 'in' AND p2.description = 'out')

As you can see, this is horribly messy and very inefficient.

I am not very competent with SQL (as you can see!), and I feel there must be a nicer way to accomplish what I'm trying to do.

If anyone can help me on this I would appreciate it (and if I haven't explained very well please do say).

I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong forum, too, and would ask that it could be moved accordingly if this is the case.



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This Seems Messy To Me... [OOP-related]

Nov 20, 2006

I've been working on a performance review web application (i.e., employee's annual reviews done via the web). In the process of creating the application I've been teaching myself .NET - maybe not the best way to do it but I've been learning a lot. However, I still feel like I'm not doing something right.On each Page_Load I'm doing database work with a data reader: Reading the data in, displaying it, letting the user add, edit, or delete it, etc. So every Page_Load code behind looks like this: string sql = "SELECT UserID, Passwd, RecID, Name FROM UserList";

SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection("Server=BART; Database=WSSD; User ID=sa; Password=wss1231");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, myConn);
SqlDataReader dr;

dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); And so forth and so on. Now since I re-use this code again and again - I imagine it's a good idea to implement my connection code in a class that I can re-use easily. But I have no idea where to start on something like that. What can I say? I'm a newb. A push in the right direction would be great.

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Jan 28, 2005

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I am new to database design and a lot of things never made any sense to me regarding relationships and such. I have been working on a very large design that started out well enough, but as tables were added a lot of organization fell by the wayside. Now that I am getting closer to the end, I am finding a lot of places where there should be Foreign keys, maybe some triggers, etc (I have the same data item in 5 different places, when it is deleted in one place it must go from all). Assuming that the datatypes and sizes are identical for the duplicated bits of data, can I go about making FK-PK relationships and such now that there is a lot of stuff in the database, or do I have to start from scratch and rebuild the whole thing.

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How do I make multiple rows "unique". I have a primary key, and an identity column, but I can't add a secong primary key, and Enterprise Manager only lets me make 'int' datatypes identity columns. I have tried the "add constraints" but it asks for an expression and I have no idea what the syntax might be.

Any help is appreciated.

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