Microsoft's Connectivity White Paper Is Officially Published

Feb 14, 2007

Hello All!

Many of you have seen the draft version, but we finally have it out the door. You can download the new version directly from Microsoft's official site.

The momentum in our connecitivty wiki is growing! so check back and see if you can get useful information on 64bit, Office 2007 connecitivity, and samples.

Some of the recent activity in our connectivity portal:


The new connectivity white paper is now officially available, click here ( to download.


There's a new article from Deniz Erkan on Office 2007 Connectivity (Data Sources/Microsoft Office (2007)).


Bob Beauschemin provided us a sample package to connect to Excel 2007.


Microsoft's Partner ETI has a new separate page for connectivity offerings for SSIS (Data Sources/ETI High Performance Data Integration).


Microsoft's Partner Persistent (Data Sources/Persistent Systems Products for SSIS) has put together a list of options for SSIS connectivity.


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We Have A New White Paper On Connectivity!

Jan 10, 2007

Dear Forum Members,

We've been working on a white paper targeting SSIS connectivity which we hope will help answer some of the key questions in the following areas :

What are the SSIS components and their support level for ADO.NET, ODBC, and OleDB?

How to deal with 64-bit connectors? what is supported, what is not?

Special sections on popular data sources such as SAP, Oracle, DB2, Flat File, XML.

A comprehensive list of data sources and available connectors from Microsoft and other 3rd parties.

You'll also find answers to why some of the things are the way they are today.

Note that this white paper is currently under official editing and publishing in Microsoft. It'll be a while before it goes public officially, but I wanted to share it with you, as the rich content it offers can't really wait. You'll find the paper in my blog, which is really a wiki site about SSIS connectivity fully open to public, so feel free to add/update content in there as you feel proper, and help the SSIS community with your wisdom!

A lot of feedback went into this white paper not only from Microsoft, but also from some of our partners and MVPs. I'd like to extend special thanks to Bob Beauschemin for authoring this challenging white paper.


Deniz Erkan

Program Manager - SSIS


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Published Paper For Db Performance Strategies?

Jul 20, 2005

I am looking for some published paper regarding database performancetunning performance strategies. This is for academic purpose so itneeds not to be any commerical database specific. It will be evenbetter if the paper has some kind of methods to quantify/measureperformance. Has anyone come across with any interesting paper aboutthis?Thanks,ewong

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Best Practices White Paper On Pre-Installation Server Setup

Oct 17, 2007


I am very well versed in the proper way to set up a SQL Server server prior to installation.

In this I mean, the proper process in placing your MDF, LDF and NDF(s) on seperate spindles/discs and also to place TempDB on its own spindle/disc and such.

There are numerous other points to cover in setting up the server based on memory, security, processor and such but I am sure you understand.

What I am looking for is the link(s) to the whitepapers discussing these Best Practices methodologies for pre-installation setup.

I looked on the Best Practices page but did not seem to find a doc that contains all the Best Practices that should be followed, if possible of course, in setting up a server prior to the SQL Server 2005 installation process.

Can anyone please point me to a link(s)/doc(s) that describe what I am looking for.

I need to pass this information down to other members of my team.

Thanks and have a great day!

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Microsoft's Decision Tree Paper

Dec 6, 2007

Hi all,

I am searching for days for a paper explaining in details the decision tree algorithm that Microsoft uses. It would be very nice if parameters are described in details and the theory basis illustrated. I will be very happy to know in depeth fro this algorithm and how its parameter it affects the results.

Thank you in advance

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Programmatically Set The Paper Size And And Paper Layout

May 15, 2006

how can i set the paper size and paper layout programmatically in RS. im using as prog. lang. for this. Pls help thanks!

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Does Microsoft SQl Server Has A Connectivity Tool Over AIX?

Sep 24, 2004

Does Microsoft SQl Server has a connectivity tool over AIX?

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Retrieve Fields List From A Published Report Data Model Published On The Reporting Server.

Jul 17, 2007

Can someone please tell me how to retrieve/query the list of fields from an entity of a report data model that has been published on the reporting server programmatically ?

I am trying to upload a report data model to the reporting server and planning to use that model as the data source and consume it through our existing web application?

Thank you ,

Rashid A. Khan

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In Print Preview Mode White Is Black And Black Is White...

Mar 22, 2007

When I go to preview mode and select the print preview. The white background is black and the black is white. Any one know how to set this back to the original way it worked?

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Paper About SQL Server 2005

Jul 23, 2005

Hey,did anyone know a good paper or a good ms link about SQL Server 2005 -because I have problems to install the Beta Version..thanks very much

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BPA Vs. Security Best Practices Paper

Jul 17, 2007

I would like to refer to the following technical article

SQL Server 2005 Security Best Practices - Operational and Administrative Tasks

Among best practices for SQL Server service accounts on page 8, it is recommended to 'use a separate account for each service'. I created separate account for each service as advised and assign account to relevant Windows group created for each SQL Server service during SQL setup.

Now when I run Best Practices Analyzer, its report seemed to contradict what the above article said. For example, BPA reports excerpts:

"We recommend that the service SQLBrowser on host MachineName be run under Network Service Account". I get similar recommendation for SQLSERVERAGENT account as well. Most importantly, it recommends that MSFTESQL be run under SQL Server Service Account.

Can anyone of you shed some light on it?



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Printing To Different Paper Trays

Sep 10, 2007

I'm trying to find out if there is any way I can embed anything in a report to tell it which paper tray to print to. So far, the only references I've found to such a capability are involved in using the Printer Delivery Extension. Does anyone know if this is indeed possible with that, or by any other means? Thanks!

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Display Paper Co Authored From Same Department

Nov 27, 2006

How to display the paper number that is co authored by authors from the same department?
The database structure:
Department(DeptNum, Descrip, Instname, DeptName, State, Postcode)
Academic(AcNum, DeptNum, FamName, GiveName, Initials, Title)
Paper(PaNum, Title)
Author(PaNum, AcNum)
Field(FieldNum, ID, Title)
Interest(FieldNum, AcNum, Descrip)
Thanks for help a lot

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Margin And Paper Orientation Programmatically

Aug 16, 2007

I have a report but by default it prints Portrait and 1.0inch Margin. I would like to programmatically set the values of my report to 0.2 inch margin and Landscape. I am using RDLC (Local Report).
Does anyone has an idea how to achieve this?


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Setting Paper Size To Be Default A4

May 30, 2006


I have been trying to configure the Paper Size to be default "A4" instead of "Letter".
My Report is configured to 21cm x 29,7cm and margins 1,5cm.
The Body is configured to 18cm x 26,7cm.

Everything looks fine in the Preview but the Size is always "Letter". The printers are all configured for A4 printing.

Is there a way to set these default values in the Page Setup Toolbar or is it supposed to figure it out?


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Print Reports On Legal Paper

Jun 30, 2006

While working in the report project in Visual Studio, I set my Report Layout to 14w x 8.5h with .25 margins on all sides, and the page size to be 13.5in (to take into account the margins). When I print from the report viewer control in Preview mode, the report prints as it should, in Landscape on Legal paper without me changing any settings.

When I deploy the same report to the report server, and print from there, the report prints in Landscape on Letter paper (which causes some columns to print on a second page).

Why is there a difference in the two environments? Is there something I'm missing?

The goal is for the users to be able to print the report correctly without having them change any print settings in the dialog.

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Print Out Report By A4 Size Paper

Jul 31, 2007


I have create a report with A3 size as there are too many fields., but i
wanna to print out on A4 paper properly. is that possible to do?



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Print Stored Procedure In Color On Paper

Jul 18, 2007

I am trying to print a stored procedure in color to read it on paper.
But it prints in BW even on a color printer with color options.

I have printed the code in color using Rapid SQL. All I have now I query analyzer (SQL SERVER 2000)

any way to do this in SQL SERVER 2000

Ashley Rhodes

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Choose Paper Source By PDF Page Size

Jul 31, 2007

Does anyone know how to get SQL Reporting Services, when it runs a report, to tell Adobe Acrobat to "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size", which is an option in the print dialog box?

When I, or a user, runs a report in Visual Studio or live:

The report is set to render on 8.5" x 14" paper (legal)

The report is exported to a PDF

The report opens in Adobe Acrobat

The report is formatted on the screen to fit 8.5" x 14" paper (legal)

When "Print" is selected, the Preview has it on 8.5" x 11" paper (letter)

If I select "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size", then it fits it to the 8.5" x 14" paper (legal)
How do I tell it to "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size"?

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Reporting Services :: Print On Continuous Paper On SSRS

Aug 21, 2015

Paper is 21cm x 9cmPrinter is Epson LX-300..When I set this paper size, SSRS turns orientation to landscape and prints as if clockwise right rotated!I tried creating custom paper on print server options without success. I also tried setting the same paper size in Report Builder and Print Server but failed again.

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White Spaces

Jan 8, 2002

Creating a text file using DTS, is there a function/way to take out white
spaces from columns. Example:
'1234 ','567 ' would come in text as

Thanks in advance.

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SQL White Space! HELP!

Oct 4, 2006

Ok, here is the problem.
Client created a database with Allocated Space of 5GB. THEY WILL ONLY EVER HOLD A MAXIMUM OF 1GB IN DATA!!! Don't ask.

In any case, they currently have a database filled with 600MB of Data and 4.4GB of White Space. From what I can see, the database is backing up that entire database nightly, based on 5GB of allocated space. It doesnt care that only 600MB is being used, it only knows that someone put aside 5GB and its gonna darn well back it up.

I need to get rid of that space. Their Backups are taking hours on end and Batch Files are timing out. Quite honestly, they dont need to back up 4.5GB of white space.

How can I eliminate that white space? I have tried to run several SQL scripts to Truncate the DB and eliminate unused space, unfortunately it is not working.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


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Automatically Print Multiple Copies Of The Same Report With Different Label On Letter Size Paper

Dec 31, 2006


I am new to reporting services and I'm really stuck on a design problem. Can someone please help me?

I would like to design my own print function. When a user clicks on the print icon (preferably the one that came with reporting services), the report is automatically printed twice, once with "For Person A" and the second time with "For Person B" on it. It doesn't matter where these two labels are placed on the page. These two reports need to be printed on letter-size paper regardless of user's selection. How do I do this with minimum amount of code?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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More Efficient Way Than You Have Published

Dec 8, 2004

Sumanesh writes "Recently I read one article “Converting Multiple Rows into a CSV string�


I have found one easy and more efficient way to achieve the same thing.
First I have a table called test with 2 columns (ID and Data)
And some data inserted into it.


SET @Data = ''
SELECT @Data = @Data + Data + ',' FROM Test WHERE ID = @ID
RETURN LEFT(@Data,LEN(@Data)-1)


Then used a simple select query to achieve the same

SELECT DISTINCT ID, [dbo].CombineData(ID) FROM Test

Which achieved the same thing without using any temporary tables and Cursors. I am sure that you will accept that this is more efficient than the one that has been published.


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White Space In A Field

Oct 1, 2006

I think this may be a dumb question, but here goes.If there is a lot of "white space" in a field in SQL Server, does it take upserver space, or is it just ignored?Example:Name of product<br>Manufacturer's Name<br>Manufacture's Phone number<br>Instead of this:Name of product<br>Manufacturer's Name<br>Manufacture's Phonenumber<br>I think it would, but maybe not?Thanks, J~

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Cannot Connect From Published Site To My DB

Apr 17, 2007

I'm getting the following error:An error has occurred while establishing a connection
to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be
caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26
- Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) Here's the setup: I have a website I've published on my server, but I haven't moved the SQL DB over to the server. For some reason the testing server can't connect with sql express on my computer. I have named pipes, tcp/ip both on, connections string is "Data Source=AMBA-176SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=pubs;Integrated Security=SSPI"When I'm simply testing the site locally in visual studio it can connect just fine. 

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Altering A Published Table

Feb 12, 2004

Hi! I've added a column to a published table in the Publisher using SP_REPLADDCOLUMN. After doing this the replication triggers for that table(i.e. del_%,upd_%,ins_%) are doubled both at the Publisher and at the Subscriber. If i update anyone of the column in the table at the Subscriber; i get the following error:

Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure upd_3E6DE124B82D42A5AEB169557C0D757C, Line 60
Invalid object name 'ctsv_3E6DE124B82D42A5AEB169557C0D757C'.

Any ideas, what has gone wrong????

I have the following SQL setup.
Publisher: Enterprise Edition, SP3.
Subscriber: Standard-Edition, SP3.
The error is at the Subscriber.

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Published SQL Server Not Showing In AD

Aug 26, 2005

I've been unable to determine why several published instances of my SQL Servers are not showing in AD. I searched under the Computer container in the domain in which the SQL Server was installed and did not see any SQL Server folder. I have used both the GUI and T-SQL to publish various instances, and it appeared to have worked since from the GUI the "Publish" option no longer worked and I recieved no error from Query Analyzer after issuing the command. The version is SQL Server 2000 8.0 running SP3a.

I also ran a VBScript to query the directory for published instances of SQL server, but did not get any results returned in the recordset. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.


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Can Not Login My Database When Published To IIS

May 14, 2007


i am tring to use the 'xcopy' way to deploy my web site, this is the connection string i am using:

"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;INITIAL CATALOG=;AttachDbFilename='|DataDirectory|HotStage.mdf';Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"

it works when in debug mode, but after i depoly it to my XP's IIS, it can not login the database, the error message is :

Cannot Login to the default user database. Login Failed. Login Failed for user xxxASPNET

'xxx' is my computer.

i think this problem is cause of improper setting of security, but i really do not know how to set it in this situation, because the database is attached to the db system dynamically.

plz someone help, thx

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Transforming Published Data

Jan 4, 2006


I have read that the old method of using DTS to transform data during replication will not be supported in 2005.

In SQL Server 2005, is there a way to use an SSIS package to modify data you want to replicate?

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How To Bring Down A Published Report?

Mar 16, 2008

I published a report in SSRS 2005. I see the report on the SSRS home page. How do I remove the report from server and from the home page?

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White Spaces In Data Fields

Jan 31, 2006

Whenever I insert a record into my table it adds trailing white spaces up to the amount of char's that the field is set to allow.  Obviously I don't want it to do this.
Among other problems then when I get the data back out it has a ton of white spaces, which normally wouldn't be a problem.  i could just use the .Trim() function, but for some reason when I bind the data to a drop down list and use the .Trim() function it doesn't trim the white spaces.
Anyways any ideas on how to make it so the white spaces don't get put in in the first place??  Or any other thoughts on this??  Thanks!

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Function Like Len() That Counts White Space

Aug 10, 2007

Good day to you, community friend!

Just a quick one - I swear I've seen a function before that was like Len() but it counted the white spaces too. I have a feeling it was something along the lines of "data_length" but I can't for the life of me find it!

Many thanks,

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