
May 17, 2007

I am getting the a big redX when attempting to open a report in VS.NET 2005, "Deserialization failed: The type initializer for "Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Drawing.Language" threw an exception". Has anyone else get this error? Would you please share your solution to me?


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Deserialization Failed: The Type Initializer For 'Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Drawing.RptStyleConstValue' Threw An Exception

Sep 26, 2006

I have VS2003 and VS2005 installed as well as SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 Tools. I have RS2000 and RS2005 installed. RS2000 works fine in VS2003. When using VS2005 and opening a Microsoft sample project for 2005, I get the error listed in the subject line.

When trying to create a new project and connecting to an Oracle database or a SQL Server 2005 database, I get the following error: "A connection cannot be made to the database. Set and check the connection string." The connection works fine when the test button is clicked, but fails when continuing in the wizard.

Any suggestions. We are trying to migrate from RS2000 to RS2005 and nothing in 2005 works.

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Object Taken By Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Design.ExpressionEditor.EditValue()

Feb 13, 2007


I would like to use the Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Design.ExpressionEditor.EditValue(IServiceProvider provider, object value) method. My problem is that at the moment I don't know what properties/fields the object value has to have so that the Expression Editor recognizes that it is associated with a RptDataSet when I click on 'Fields'. I've spent a couple of hours trying to guess the properties/fields without success. Can anybody please give me a pointer?

Many thanks!

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Microsoft Dropping Support For Language

May 1, 2002

Has anyone heard that microsoft is dropping support for their sql language and going just with the ansi standards?

Just curious.

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Drawing Histogram/chart

May 8, 2008

I have a following code to "draw" a "histogram" :-)

use tempdb

declare @temp table
(id int identity(1,1)
,valuess int)

insert into @temp (valuess) values (64)
insert into @temp (valuess) values (12)
insert into @temp (valuess) values (23)
insert into @temp (valuess) values (45)
insert into @temp (valuess) values (30)

,histogram = cast(replicate('*', valuess*0.4) as nvarchar(50))
,length = len(cast(replicate('*', valuess*0.4) as nvarchar(50)))
from @temp

order by valuess desc

Is there any better way to do it; maybe even a function?

Thanks :)

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Drawing Two Lines On The Same Graph

Jan 7, 2008

i wanna create two line types on the same graph. I'm using the following queries.

Code Block
select count(l.created) as LoanOriginationNumberPreApproved , convert(char( 11), l.Created) as PreApprovedDate
from LoanApplication l
where l.Status <> 'Cancelled'
Group by l.Created


Code Block
select count(l.SubmittedOn) as LoanOriginationNumber , convert(char( 11), l.SubmittedOn) as SubmittedDate
from LoanApplication l
where l.Status <> 'Cancelled'
Group by l.SubmittedOn

I combined these queries. I add clumns of the second query to select statement of first code. also added group by l.submittedon to group by l,created as group by l.created, l.submiited on. This is the problem.(I mean grouping)

But then SSRS does not allow me to put preaaproveddate and submitteddate to drop category filed?
Does anyone know how to do that?

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Drawing Polygon On Chart

Mar 17, 2008

I am working on a report which requires me to draw two polygons (rectangles) on a scatter chart to visually indicate "good" and "bad" ranges of plotted data. Is there a way to do this out-of-the-box?

Otherwise, if I must create a custom report item, how do I draw on the chart surface? I have looked at the following articles on Custom Report Items, but when I open the sample solutions I can't put the custom report items on the chart surface.

Do I have to create a custom report item which inherits from a chart control? If so, does anyone have any reference samples?

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Problem With System.drawing

May 9, 2007


Our CLR stuff is running OK, as long as we do not touch the line:

using System.Drawing;

However, we do some image manipulation and then we get the error from SQL Server as

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Create failed for SqlAssembly 'ASP.IMAGE.CLR'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Assembly 'system.drawing, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a.' was not found in the SQL catalog. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 6503)

For help, click:



Any help is highly appreciated.



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A Drawing Error Occurred When Exporting To PDF

May 19, 2006


I have a report that I need to export to PDF, when I do so and re-open the report, I get a message stating "A Drawing Error Occurred".

Plus when I have a textbox with a large amount of data, it always kicks to a different page, instead of print what it can fit on the previous page and the rest on the next page.

Any help on this would greatly be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Query Question - Drawing A Blank On This One.

Nov 14, 2007

Hello everyone,

For whatever reason I can't figure out a query I need to write.

Let€™s say I have two tables, table 1 and 2. Table1 has columns A, B, and C with 10 rows.

I want to write a query that says: update table 2 where at least one value of column B in table 1 is not null.

How do i write this query?

Many thanks...

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Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.DLL Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Datamining Viewer Controls

Jun 21, 2007


I am trying to use Association Viewer Control in

Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.DLL dll in VS 2005 but sometimes it gives an error.

"Code generatio for property 'ConnecitonManager'" failed. Error was:'Property accesor 'ConnectionManager' on object 'AssosiactionViewer1' threw the following exception:'Object referance not set to instance of an object"

Is there anyone here who use
"Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Datamining Viewer Controls" in SQLServer2005 FeaturePack ?

i am using VS2005 Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600)
and SQL Server 2005 SP2

thanks from now.

Cem Ãœney

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Microsoft Access Doesn't Support Design Changes To The Version Of Microsoft SQL Server

Jul 23, 2005

Dear All,Access adp on sql-server 2000After upgrating to A2003 updating data with 1 perticular combobox causes theprogram to hangs without any error-msg.Traying to change te combobox recordsource i get this error:This version of Microsoft Access doesn't support design changes to theversion of Microsoft SQL Server your project is connected to. See theMicrosoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads(on the Help menu, click Office on the Web). Your design changes will not besaved.The solution in :;en-us;313298tolks about SP 'dt_verstamp007' but I have SP 'dt_verstamp006'What should I do.Is the failure of the combobox also caused by the absence of dt_verstamp007???Filip

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System Resource Exceeded

May 22, 2007

odbc_pconnect() [function.odbc-pconnect]: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded., SQL state S1001 in SQLConnect

we got the error with access 2000 database and PHP as prog. language .

we created dsn for the connection.

reboot solves the problem. but we need another solution better than this.

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Installing Microsoft Dynamics 10.0 With Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Katmai

Sep 25, 2007


I'm trying to install Microsoft Dynamics 10.0 with SQL 2008 Dev but when launching the utilities this returns the following error message:

Your current SQL Server is not a supported version.

Req: Microsoft SQL Server 8.0
Act: Microsoft SQL Server code name "Katmai" (CTP) - 10

You need to upgrade to SQL Server 8.0 before continuing.


Any ideas could help or has this if anyone knows been desinged not to work with GP10 currently?


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Microsoft SQL Server Express And Microsoft Visual Studio...

Mar 17, 2008

I have a query that executes just fine except that it won't recognize varchar(255) ( or any other value within the () ) and if I leave it off like this: varchar, then it executes but it leaves that value as 1 and that is just not very useful for my purposes. This also happens with anything else that requires () to add length such as char(), or nvarchar(), etc... Any ideas?

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Microsoft Access VS Microsoft SQL Server

Aug 26, 2006

hello all member

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Microsoft Exchange To Microsoft SQL Server

Jul 23, 2005

I'm not asking a lot. I just want to know if I can connect from anExchange server to a SQl server without having to use Access linkedtables. Surely MS must have had a look at this but I can't findanything out there.Help appreciated.Ginters

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DB Language

Apr 11, 2007

Hi folks;
I have just realised that my language problem is because DB language; then I've changed the language to Turkish but it didn't effect tables.. When I wanted to change tables manually it worned data loss may occur..
What would you suggest to do it?

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Jan 11, 2006


I am using SQL server 2000 as backupend...
Pls suggest which language is used as frontend...



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Apr 14, 2007

i am went Language arbic fram windows xp media center edition 2005 modil number 1252736 please


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SQL Language Problem

Apr 12, 2007

I need Turkish characters in my DB therefore I have to change Collation from SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS to Turkish
But what I realised is that aspnet membership tables' collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS as well and they can store Turkish chars but why not my tables?

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Language Problem

Nov 21, 2003

I want to insert data into my database in greek language but i am getting some "???????" symbols. I have a table called "Words" with columns "Word"-as char and "Result"-as int. Can somebody please explain me what to do?

Thanks, Mike

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What Programming Language Is Behind SQL?

Dec 9, 2004

I am looking into a production geared software called MassGroup. ( It says that its FactoryServer builds are on a standardized SQL framework and web architecture for data collection, work order requests, reporting and asset management. My questions are:

1. Is SQL its own programming language? If not what is it?
Answer: After going thru several pages and reading the fine print I discovered they use VB, ASP, COM technology, and Crystal Reports.

2. How powerful do you think this would be at gathering data and does it have the capability of creating a number sequence automatically? (example: 0001; 0002; 0003...)

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance!!!!!

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Language Translations

Sep 30, 2004

Good morning. I have an interesting scenario where one of the requirements of the application is to translate an application to different languages. Modelling the system to translate the UI went over without a hitch, however, we have now been told that the application will need to translate all the existing database tables. Has anyone ever had to do anything like this?

I was curious if anyone out there has any suggestions on how to approach this issue... ways in which it could be modeled, alternative approaches, anything at all would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance!

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DCS Scripting Language

May 19, 2008

Does anyone here know anything about the DCS Scripting Language.

A contract vacancy has arisen using this language but I've never heard of it and there does seem to be anything on the internet about it. Can anyone help?

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SQL Server Language

Feb 13, 2008

Just curiosity ... never pick up this since beginning. Our box is setted the language to English (United States) while the local machine setted as English (Australia) which I thought it's corresponding to locale machine not sql box.

Will this language setting effecting date issue stuff (DD-MM-YYYY)? Can someone clarify on this?

This thing brought up my attention cause we've just ran a trace and there is a warning which is:

User Error Message - Changed language setting to us_english.

Thank you.

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Other Language Data In Db

Mar 3, 2008

Hi all,

i need to store russian data in sql server db but i found the russain data appeared as odd character in the table, can sql server support it or is there other solution for it? thanks!

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How To Support Various Language

Apr 21, 2007

How could i do if i need to use another language, unavailabel in collation such as laos, burma ?

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Oct 5, 2007

hey all

I am using Reporting Services 2005 and Microsoft Updates has been run on my machine.

All my reports were set on the above =User!Language and my regional settings to NZ - others to US etc and they
all worked fine until today!

If Sql P2 was run has anyone else struck this? and do you think this is the cause? the other updates were mainly XP.

Anyone have any ideas of what I can do now?


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In Which Language The SQL Is Implemented?

Dec 6, 2006

i need to know in which language the standard SQL is implemented.. and that from where can i get the code.. i need the code for the "logical operators" of SQL.

Plz help..

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Multi Language

Nov 27, 2007

Hi there,

I need help about storing data in chinese, arabic, english..... languages in one database. For that I create Database with Latin1_General_CI_AS and I have table Testing with two columns wich are LangName= nvarchar(50), and Comment = nvarchar(MAX). I tried to store comment in chinese language but I could not, when I entered the data "個編碼å?¯ä»¥åŒ…å?«è¶³å¤ 的字元:例如,單單æ­?å·žå…±å?Œé«”就需è¦?好幾種ä¸?å?Œçš„編碼來包括所有的語言。å?³ä½¿æ˜¯å–®ä¸€ç¨®èªžè¨€ï¼Œä¾‹å¦‚英語,也沒有" it converted as ? sometimes or look as a square.


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Default Language And Dates

Jul 21, 2006

I've just moved servers - WK3 to WK3 - installed SQLserver 2005 and uploaded the database. Code base has not changed but now I'm getting
"String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.Couldn't store <21/07/2006>" . I suspect its to do with the default language , but although the default is English (United States) as in my last server, I have set the language in Advanced settings to be British English. I can't see any difference between the settings and my last server.  I'm British BTW .
I also ran
EXEC @ret = sp_defaultlanguage 'sa', 'British English' 
as the only login is sa . WK3 is itself set to English (United Kingdom) - I thought SQL 2005 would inherit this setting?  Any help would be much appreciated.

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Change Database Language

Dec 30, 2006

i using sql server Express, i want to change the default language from US-English to British EnglishWhere and How?

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