Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit Is Not In My Add Remove Programs How Do I Uninstall It?
Jul 17, 2007
I have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit installed but there is something from with the installation since every time that I try and create a Report Server Project It gives me error
Could not load file or assembly "Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannopt find the file spesified.
How can I reinstall it or repair the installation so it will work. I have uninstalled every SQL2000 component in Add Remove Programs and reinstalled them. The problem is however that I cannot see an entry for "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit" in the Add Remove programs in Windows XP Profesional.
Can someone please help me. Maybe tell me where the uninstall file is located on disk??
I am having trouble installing SQL Server 2005 Express. I was told to uninstall and reinstall clean but now SQL Server does NOT show in the Add/Remove Program list but when I try to install, my system says I already have SQL Server installed. I get error messages every time. Any ideas???
I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. I have also downloaded the Sql Server Express toolkit from the Microsoft site in order to get access to the server's Reporting Services. The toolkit, according to Microsoft, should have included a cut-down version of the Business Intelligence Development Studio. The problem is that after downloding and installing I cant find Business Intelligence development Studio. The shortcut in the start menu brings me to Visual Studio 2005 and not to Business Intelligence Development Studio. Am I missing something?
I have SQL Server Express edition installed on my PC , but now I need to use SQL Server reporting service, there is SP1 for express edition contains reporting service with express edition. Here..
I downloaded and installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit. Installs completed successfully, and I can launch the SS Management Studio, but when I launch SS Business Intelligence Development Studio, I get message saying "Windows is searching for devenv.exe". When I search for this file I don't find it on my hard drive.
I thought I'd reinstall the SS Express Edition Toolkit, but I can't find this application in the Control Panel Installed Programs list, so I can't uninstall it.
Any ideas as to how I can get SS Business Intelligence Studio working?
I recently (yesterday) installed a fresh copy of Windows XP with Service Pack 2 applied.
I proceeded with Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions installation straight away.
But I cannot install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86.
I choose to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 component along with every component of visual studio but it simply would not install.
In the end, after the installation of each complete is complete, I simply get an error message saying that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 failed to install.
I went through the install of the MS SQL Server 2005 Std Edt only to find that I can not open up the "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" since I was missing the exe to run it that should have been located at "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEdevenv.exe". Due to this happening it seemed to me that some of the install failed, so I went about trying to uninstall the SQL Server setup. Within the "Add or Remove Programs" tool I selected the "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" from the list and clicked on the button that said "Remove". This did not seem to do anything except for remove the "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" selection from that tool selection list. It went way to quick and did not display any dialogs as it removed the engine. Also I can still opent the Management Studio and see all the normal stuff and I can query the data within the databases. The two part question is...
1) How do I get the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 program relisted in the "Add or Remove Programs" tool's selection list?
2) How do I get the "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" installed correctly?
The only warning message I received during the install was in regards to the hardware not being quite up to par with amount of RAM. I saw no errors within the install tool.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!!! Please let me know if anything else is needed to answer this question.
I tried to remove AdventureWorksDB in the "Add or Remove Programs" of Contol Panel and I got the following errors: (1) AdventureWorksDB Error 1326: Error getting file security: CProgram FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL1MSSQLGetLastError: 5. |OK| and (2) Add or Remove Programs Fatal Error during installation (after I clicked the |OK| button). Please help and tell me how I can solve this problem.
I am trying to get SQL Express 2005 installed, I have tried this on two PC's within the Domain. Both get the same error. I am the Admin, MCSE since 1999, but I DO NOT know much about SQL. Have search Google for two days, renamed DLL's, installed localy, copied off the CD, update .net, windows updates.... The PC will load SQL 2005 (full version) and 2000, but the app doesnt seem to want anything but the Express version... any ideas would help...
Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -- Error 1937. An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo,Version="",Culture="neutral",processorArchitecture="MSIL",PublicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91",FileVersion="9.0.2047.0"'. The signature or catalog could not be verified or is not valid. HRESULT: 0x80131045. assembly interface: IAssemblyCacheItem, function: Commit, component: {D1B86CEE-1C5E-4960-B99F-7142D1582B1B}
Windows Update Web Page indicates I have BOTH a SUCCESS and FAILURE for SQL Server 2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 2 (KB 921896) ?Is it possible for my machine to have TWO DIFFERENT MS SQL Server Express installations? Is the problem real or some small ghost issue? I do have a trial CD from Microsoft .. Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite.
Please note that this is what windows update indicates on the web page duplicate lines are on the web page .. not a copy and paste mistake.
SQL Server 2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 2 (KB 921896) Tuesday, March 13, 2007 Microsoft Update SQL Server 2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 2 (KB 921896) Tuesday, March 13, 2007 Microsoft Update
LINK FOLLOWED Installation Failure Error Code: 0x652 Try to install the update again, or request help from one of the following resources
I include the logfile since it seems to convey useful informations to SQL Express experienced.
summary.txt logfile >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time: 03/13/2007 12:28:02.906 KB Number: KB921896 Machine: somejunk OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) Package Language: 1033 (ENU) Package Platform: x86 Package SP Level: 2 Package Version: 3042 Command-line parameters specified: /quiet /allinstances Cluster Installation: No
********************************************************************************** Prerequisites Check & Status SQLSupport: Passed
********************************************************************************** Products Detected Language Level Patch Level Platform Edition Express Database Services (SQLEXPRESS) ENU SP2 2005.090.3042.00 x86 EXPRESS Express Database Services (SQLExpress) ENU RTM x86 EXPRESS
If I search for updates with Microsoft or Windows Update it notifies me to upgrade SQL Server Express to SP2. After the download the installation fails. The reason seems to be that Microsoft Update downloads SP2 with the wrong language:
********************************************************************************** Products Detected Language Level Patch Level Platform Edition Datenbankdienste für Express (SQLEXPRESS) DEU SP1 2005.090.2047.00 x86 EXPRESS Datenbankdienste für Express (SQLExpress) ENU SP2 x86 EXPRESS
********************************************************************************** Products Disqualified & Reason Product Reason Datenbankdienste für Express (SQLExpress) Für dieses Update ist die Sprache DEU erforderlich (required/me). Bei der Produktinstanz SQLExpress wird die Sprache ENU verwendet. Downloaden (download/me) Sie das Update für ENU.
********************************************************************************** Summary One or more products failed to install, see above for details Exit Code Returned: 1627
I installed, uninstalled, deleted, editted my registry etc and I finally goto to this error while trying to install VS2005 (released) on a Windows 2000 PC (that had Beta2 and RC1 installed & uninstalled):
Hi i tried to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 2 but was unable to do so. I got an error message saying: Error Code: 0x2B22
I went through what the message said, but i was unable to solve the problem. Below is the summary of the problem. Please help me solve it.
Time: 05/19/2007 12:32:24.781 KB Number: KB921896 Machine: DET-NB0631262 OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) Package Language: 1033 (ENU) Package Platform: x86 Package SP Level: 2 Package Version: 3042 Command-line parameters specified: /quiet /allinstances Cluster Installation: No
********************************************************************************** Prerequisites Check & Status SQLSupport: Passed
********************************************************************************** Products Detected Language Level Patch Level Platform Edition Express Database Services (SQLEXPRESS) ENU RTM 2005.090.1399.00 x86 EXPRESS Express Database Services (SQLExpress) ENU SP2 x86 EXPRESS
********************************************************************************** Products Disqualified & Reason Product Reason Express Database Services (SQLEXPRESS) Unable to start service
********************************************************************************** Processes Locking Files Process Name Feature Type User Name PID
********************************************************************************** Product Installation Status Product : Express Database Services (SQLEXPRESS) Product Version (Previous): 1399 Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Applied Log File : SQL Express Features : SQL_Data_Files,SQL_Engine,SQL_Replication,SQL_SharedTools Error Number : 11042 Error Description : Unable to start service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product : Express Database Services (SQLExpress) Product Version (Previous): Product Version (Final) : Status : Not Applied Log File : SQL Express Features : Client_Components,Connectivity,SDK Error Number : 0 Error Description : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
********************************************************************************** Summary Unable to start service Exit Code Returned: 11042
When updating automaticallly, this update always fail, I have put the configuration manager /server browser : the only one that was disabled, on manual (I have not the automatic option for this one) but nothing works, what can I do ? This is a new laptop I have got (XP pro) and I am going through the process of updating many things, only this one fails, any help appreciated.
While installing VS 2008, I chose the full install and it installed SQL Server 2005 Express edition. Since I do have a full version of SQL Server running on this machine, I would like to uninstall the Express edition. But I do not see the application listed in the Add/Remove Programs.
I've been trying to install the following update: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 2 (KB 921896). I always recieve the following error: 2B22,
I have been trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for a day and a half to no avail. I have cleaned it out of the registry, and I have done everything possible to get rid of this, er, Microsoft virus software. I have erased every folder that has any SQL Server name after I stopped all SQL server services in the task list. All I want to do is install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition so that I can use the BI Manager to create a DTS package. Does anyone have any utilities that might help?
Hi, I am looking to using the express edition toolkit for its BI tools but noticed the that it doesn't support a Database engine. If I am running SQL Express edition, & install the Express toolkit, will this remove the Database engine functionality of the Express edition? Will there be conflicts? Will they run as separate GUI's or is the toolkit added to the Express edition GUI?
Thank you very much for any suggestions anybody might have on this
I have uninstalled the SQL Server Express Edition that I have installed from the CDs that were given to me during a Chicago Conference when READY TO LAUNCH Visual Studio 2005, SQL SERVER 2005, and Biz Talk 2005. Then I went to microsoft website: and downloaded and installed the so called Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and I got the messages Error that you read below. Then I Uninstalled Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and went again to msdn website and downloaded Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Advanced Services SP1 and installed it. I got again the same message as below.
1. First comes a window with the title: €œsetup.exe €“ Unable to Locate Component€? And it displays a message: This application has failed to start because MSTDCPRX.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. 2. After I click the OK button of this window it comes another window with the title: €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2005 Server Setup€? And it displays a message: Failed to load SqlSpars.dll
Does anybody can tell what is going on with the 3 times I tried to installed different SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and I get the same message?????
Thanks for your help and support when you have time to respond. Sincerely, TonyC
MORE INFORMATION ON THE: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFiles
1. C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core.txt Error: Action "LaunchLocalBootstrapAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe" finished and returned: 87 Aborting queue processing as nested installer has completed Message pump returning: 87
2. C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core(Local).txt Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/1/20 1:22:8 Error: Action "InvokeSqlSetupDllAction" threw an exception during execution. Unable to load setup helper module : 87 Message displayed to user Failed to load SqlSpars.dll Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_.NET Framework 2.0.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2 Running: UploadDrWatsonLogAction at: 2007/1/20 1:22:17 Message pump returning: 87
I had some issues on my server and had to uninstall .Net Framework 2.0, SQL Server 2005 Express, and SQL Express Toolkit. I installed SQL Server 2005 Express and it seemed to be ok.
Then my problems all started when I tried to install SQL Express Toolkit because I needed to install DTS Wizard again, and it errors out and wouldn't let me install it. So I uninstalled everything that's listed above again.
I then tried to install SQL Server 2005 Express again, and on the second from last screen, while its listing all the components and configuring them, I get the following error as it's configuring the last component... which was the SQL Server Database Services.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup ----------------------------------------------------------- The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
I tried to re-install the SQL Server Express another 7 times wth no luck.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.
I have just installed sql server 2005 but, now I have two types of server name: Microsoft SQL Server Developer EditionMicrosoft SQL Server Express Edition Which one should I use? Does it matter??thanks..
Now i already remote all the SQL's related at the "Add or Remote Programs" there. But inside the "Services" there still consist the SQL Server,SQL Server Active Directory Helper,SQL Server Agent, SQLServer Analysis Services,SQL Server Browser,SQL Server FullText Search,SQL Server InteGration Services and SQL Server Roporting Services. And inside the Start menu >All programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 still have the "Configuration Tools" Folder. And in the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server still have a lot of thing inside there. Can anyone teach me how to finish the uninstall? because i plan to uninstall the SQL and reinstall it again. Thanks in advance...
The program shortcut "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" seems to be mising from the "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" Start menu added by the current Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit. Where is it? How to workaround?
I am trying to do Download details SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases (April 2006) -> GettingStartedWithSQLSamples.htm which says "a. Open a Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 command prompt. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, point to Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt." but I can find no such command prompt within "Visual Studio Tools", only "Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger{, Configuration Wizard}".
What's wrong? How to fix or workaround? I'd install .NET SDK 2.0 to get it's Command Prompt but that's about 570MB merely for a command prompt!
Hi, I had previously installed SQL Server 2005 Express edition (and later, SQl Server Management studio express). Recently, I wanted to try out 'Reporting services' and downloaded 'SQL server 2005 express Toolkit'. After installation, I have a new program group 'Visual studio 2005' . I started that with 'New Report Project'. I tried to attach an existing database (to be precise, in 'connection string' part) , but it is giving error saying
'An error has occured while establishing connection to Server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005 (???) ,..... may be caused the fact that under default setting SQL Server does not allow remote connections '
I tried my existing SQL Server 2005 express edition Surface Area Configuration and it is configured for accepting remote connection using both TCP/IP & named pipes.
Now, I have following doubts: 1. Do I have to download & install SQL Server 2005 Express edition wiht Advanced options, if I wish to use Reporting services or I can use the existing SS2005EE along with Toolkit services? 2. If answer is yes to above question, how do I attach a database?
If you can throw some light on above, I shall be very grateful to you.
Iam aware that Microsoft SQL 2005 Express Edition does not have agent or DTS capabilities, but how may I automate an import of flat files to the DB tables? Must I use an external VB development of is there a way to schedule an import of flat files to Microsoft SQL 2005 Express Edition ?
I have installed a copy of the SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition a few months ago. Two weeks I tried to apply SP2 and I got an error, and I thought a clean install would solve the problem. So, I went ahead to do the uninstall but I am not able to get pass MsDtsSrvr.exe as shown in the log below,
I've installed Visual Basic 2005 express edition & tried to connect to SQL Server 2005 express edition. I noticed that VB2005 Express Edition doesn't have any OLEDB provider for SQL Server. The only OLEDB Provider is for M.Access. Is this correct? if so, what should i do if i want to connect SQL Server 2005 express edition with VB2005 express edition by using OLEDB connection type?
I really appreciate any respond from you guys.. Thank's and waiting for the good news..
I can not install the tool kit and I am not getting any information in a log. Also I would like to know where I can get information for importing a database downloaded from Microsoft into my sql 2005 express database. Is there also a way to import using scripts. Is there a way to do this the same as you would with mysql manager? Thanks for any and all help provided.Dee