Microsoft Support For SQL Server 2000

Sep 19, 2006

I would like to see if Microsoft has issued any announcement on SQL Server 2000 end of support. If anyone is aware of this or seen new posts/articles, please let me know.
Thank you!

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Microsoft Access Doesn't Support Design Changes To The Version Of Microsoft SQL Server

Jul 23, 2005

Dear All,Access adp on sql-server 2000After upgrating to A2003 updating data with 1 perticular combobox causes theprogram to hangs without any error-msg.Traying to change te combobox recordsource i get this error:This version of Microsoft Access doesn't support design changes to theversion of Microsoft SQL Server your project is connected to. See theMicrosoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads(on the Help menu, click Office on the Web). Your design changes will not besaved.The solution in :;en-us;313298tolks about SP 'dt_verstamp007' but I have SP 'dt_verstamp006'What should I do.Is the failure of the combobox also caused by the absence of dt_verstamp007???Filip

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SQL 2005 Express Together With SQL 2000 Ent.edt. Microsoft Support

Mar 27, 2007

Does Microsoft officially support installing SQL 2005 Express on a server where SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition is already running (a has to keep running).

In case they do, where do i find this official info / note.

Have they released white papers on this matter?

I know it is possible to install the two together and that they can coexist, but I am worried about how the two SQL installations wil behave when being updated with patches, security updates, service packs etc. do you run the possibility of them corrupting each other? Therefor it is vital to know if Microsoft supports the two running on the same system.

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Does Microsoft SQL Server Support Any Partitioning Method?

Jan 23, 2004

I was wondering if Microsoft SQL Server support any partitioning method (like range, list, hash or composite partitioning in Oracle) or you have to partition all tables manually?

Thanks in advance,


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Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) -- Installation Failed

May 2, 2006

I'm trying in vain to upgrade sql server 2000 to 2005 with great headache and pain.

I (finally) have removed all Beta, and other incompatible version of .NET, Visual Studio and any other offending components, and made it to the first page of the install shield.

The .NET 2.0 components installed fine - but I get a fatal error trying to install the SQL Server Set Support Files.

I do have a log file - and have tired searching on the various error codes in it, but am coming up blank. Please advise - this is taking forever!

sample of error msgs in log file:

MSI (s) (B0:E0) [12:33:06:613]: Note: 1: 1935 2: 3: 0x8002802F 4: 5: CreateAssemblyNameObject 6: Microsoft.NetEnterpriseServers.ExceptionMessageBox,Version="",processorArchitecture="MSIL",Culture="neutral",PublicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91",FileVersion="9.0.1399.0"
MSI (s) (B0:E0) [12:33:06:613]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) -- Error 2908. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 2908. Could not register component {1F3316BE-825B-4390-A9D2-AF3EECCAE9F6}.

MSI (s) (B0:E0) [12:33:06:613]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={52723CBD-3400-458C-988A-4D012E6CAEDB},KeyPath=<Microsoft.SqlServer.WizardFrameworkLite,Version="",processorArchitecture="MSIL",Culture="neutral",PublicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91",FileVersion="9.0.1399.0",State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
Error 2908. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 2908. Could not register component {1F3316BE-825B-4390-A9D2-AF3EECCAE9F6}.
MSI (s) (B0:E0) [12:33:06:629]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
MSI (s) (B0:E0) [12:33:06:629]: Assembly Error:Function not defined in specified DLL.

MSI (s) (B0:E0) [12:33:06:629]: Note: 1: 1935 2: {52723CBD-3400-458C-988A-4D012E6CAEDB} 3: 0x8002802F 4: 5: CreateAssemblyNameObject 6: Microsoft.SqlServer.WizardFrameworkLite,Version="",processorArchitecture="MSIL",Culture="neutral",PublicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91",FileVersion="9.0.1399.0"
MSI (s) (B0:E0) [12:33:06:629]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) -- Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.WizardFrameworkLite,Version="",processorArchitecture="MSIL",Culture="neutral",PublicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91",FileVersion="9.0.1399.0"'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x8002802F. assembly interface: , function: CreateAssemblyNameObject, component: {52723CBD-3400-458C-988A-4D012E6CAEDB}

Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.WizardFrameworkLite,Version="",processorArchitecture="MSIL",Culture="neutral",PublicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91",FileVersion="9.0.1399.0"'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x8002802F. assembly interface: , function: CreateAssemblyNameObject, component: {52723CBD-3400-458C-988A-4D012E6CAEDB}
MSI (s) (B0:E0) [12:33:06:629]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (B0:E0) [12:33:06:629]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
Action ended 12:33:06: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.


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How To Configure Distributed Transaction / XA Support Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver.

May 30, 2007

I am trying to configure distributed transaction and XA support using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver. I have coppied SQLJDBC_XA.dll from XA directory and placed in my sql server binn directory and trying to run the script xa_install.sql from binn directory with command as below :

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinn>
osql -U sa -n -P admin -S localhost -i C:JavaLibrariesMS SQL Driversqljdbc_1.2enuxa xa_install.sql

But I am getting error saying :
[DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
[DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

when I replaced local host with the machine name it gives error :
[Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
[Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

where in I am able to test connection from Websphere using the same connection.

Please help some one ....... I am in URGENT need.... I need to enable XA suport for my application to run........

Thanks ----

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Error 1601 Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup Support Files

Dec 26, 2007

Hi guys,

I have problems installing SQL server 2005, any help ??

This is the log file description...

=== Verbose logging started: 25/12/2007 21:05:41 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.4039 Calling process: c:Archivos de programaMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe ===
MSI (c) (AC:50) [21:05:41:656]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (AC:50) [21:05:41:656]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (AC:50) [21:05:41:656]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (AC:50) [21:05:41:656]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (AC:50) [21:05:41:656]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (AC:50) [21:05:41:671]: No se puede conectar al servidor. Error: 0x80040154

MSI (c) (AC:50) [21:05:41:671]: Failed to connect to server.
MSI (c) (AC:50) [21:05:41:671]: MainEngineThread is returning 1601
=== Verbose logging stopped: 25/12/2007 21:05:41 ===

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Error 1603 Installing Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Setup Support Files

Feb 13, 2008

I'm attempting to install the standard version of SQL server 2005 on XP SP2. I'm getting the following:

Errors occurred during the installation:
Error 1603 installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 setup support files.

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Microsoft Support For 6.5

Jan 12, 2001

Does anyone know when Microsoft is due to end support for 6.5?

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SQL Server 2000 Support

Nov 24, 2004

does anyone know when they are going to stop supporting SQL server 2000???

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De-support Of SQL Server 2000

Dec 11, 2007

Would someone please make a clarification for me on the mainstream desupport of SQL Server 2000. In the following url it states that the desupport will take place 4/8/2008.
Yet, if you read the lifecycle policy it at the following location it states that mainstream support is for 2-5years after the release of the successor product which ever is longer.
Since SQL Server 2005 was released 4/8/2005 then five years would put it on support until 4/8/2010. Would someone please correct me where I am reading this incorrectly?


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Microsoft Ending Support For 6.5

Sep 26, 2001

When does Microsoft support for 6.5 end? I am anxious to get rid of my old 6.5s but won't get approval until MS finally pulls the plug.

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Microsoft Support To MSDE

Mar 6, 2007

Hi ,

Does microsoft supports MSDE still or it will support only Sql 2005 Express edition.

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A

Feb 17, 2004

My objective is to use Enterprise Manager to move (copy) my SQL db from the server to my windows desktop computer.

I downloaded MSDE and am having trouble installing it, no doubt because I do not understand the documentaion (ReadMeMSDE2000A.htm).

When I try to run setup, I get that message that says:

"A strong SA password is required for security reasons. Please use SAPWD switch to supply the same."

Considering my purpose, do I need a "strong" SA password? If not, how do I get around it? If yes, how do I set it up?

I am a Mac user so I have poor windows skills, please make it as painless as possible for me, thanks!


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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release

Feb 16, 2006

venu writes "Hi,

Am very new to MS SQL adminstration
Can anybody help me out how to work on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A just for the practice.

The activity which am going to workout on MSDE is below.

How to install SQL(on XP)
How the layout will be(like if i insall MSDE what are all Application will be and how they depends on each other)
How to create/delete tables if so, how can we do it either by GUI or CUI

just i need a clarifications reg same

Thank you,

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Support Policy For SQL Server 2000

Nov 2, 2006

Anybody have any idea where I can get the dates that Microsoft will support SQL Server 2000?

Thanks in advance.

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Microsoft Dropping Support For Language

May 1, 2002

Has anyone heard that microsoft is dropping support for their sql language and going just with the ansi standards?

Just curious.

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SQL SERVER 2000 End Of Life ? Support Issue.

Aug 2, 2007


This is my first foray into SQL Server and i am coming from an Oracle background.

We are currently looking to upgrade a COTS package from a third party supplier. I would like to know is there any end of life announcement for SQL Server 2000 ? Is there an End of Support date announced for SQL Server 2000 ?

In Oracle there is a product life cycle announcement screen, I would like to know if there is a similar page in SQL SERVER and where ?


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Using Microsoft Clustering For Database Failover Support

Jun 9, 1999

I am looking in to using Microsoft Clustering supported in NT Server Enterprise to provide failover support for 2 database servers running SQL Server 7. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it--good or bad. I read the white paper and it sounds good, but I'd like to get some real
world application experience.

Thanks for any info.


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Does Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 Support RDA Synchronization With Sql Server 2000 Database?

Jan 21, 2008

Does Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 support RDA synchronization with Sql Server 2000 database?

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Database Diagram Support Objects Cannot... Attaching Sql 2000 Db To Sql Server 2005

Jan 3, 2006


I've seen threads concerning this problem. I have followed the prescribed steps to fix the problem. I've set the db owner to sa, I've set compatibility to 2005. Still I can't get the diagram to function.

Can anyone out there help me?

Thanks, Bill

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Microsoft Sql Server 2000

Apr 26, 2006

asif writes "sir i have microsoft server 2000
and i have to use taht in my pc only
i have instaled taht in my pc but when i run sql query analyser then its asking for database and many more please solve my problem.
i am using windows xp service pack2
so please help me

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Microsoft Sql Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

i wanted to restore user DB from one sql server to another sql server ,one database is having so many table and have user called digihe is created so many SP and some tables., when i restore the db itrestored without any problem.,after restoring application is not workinghow to ensure that restored DB is having same security as the originalfor that user .when i tried to run the script of that db over that restored DBit was showing user digi does not exist. but i have creted user digiwhere can i get the useful information about this/sreeni--srinPosted via

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Updating Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP 2 To SP4

Jan 31, 2006


I am newbie in SQL, asking help from you people.

We are using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 running on Windows 2000. We are planning to update service pack from to 2 to SP4...Is it okay? What are the requirements? Will there be side effects in our systems?

Hope to hear from you soon.


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Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000 Not Working!!!

May 7, 2004

I'm unable to gain connectivity to two stand- alone PC's having WIN XP PROFESSIONAL, v. 2002, through Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000. :eek:

Both the PC's are stand-alone and have both have WIN XP PROF. I installed Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000 in which only the Client Components were successfully installed.

I have the Administrator Rights on both the PC's.

The Problem on both the PC's that I'm facing is as follows:-

On starting SQL Server Enterprise Manager, the PC was not detected as a Server under the SQL Server Group, and thus I selected the option 'New SQL Server Registration', then I gave my full computer name (as appears in the properties of 'my computer'), selected Windows Authentication and then selected OK to start or connect.

It did not connect and then I got the following error message:

A connection could not be established to 'COMPUTER NAME'.

Reason: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.


Please verify SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration property (by right click on the COMPUTER NAME_node) and try again.



On starting the SQL Query Analyzer, firstly the message connecting to 'COMPUTER NAME' was seen and then it also gave the following error message:

Unable to connect to server 'COMPUTER NAME':

Server: Msg 17, Level 16, State 1

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory] SQL Server does not exist or access denied.



where the 'COMPUTER NAME' stands for the name of the particular system that can be seen in System Properties-> Computer Name-> Full computer name.

I had installed the MDAC Components from the Windows Update website.

I checked the registration properties and have tried many times but everytime the same error messages were received in both the systems and all the efforts bore no fruits.

Both the systems are:
Intel P4

Please help soon as I am studying SQL Server!


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Can I Start With Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Jul 31, 2006


I never use Microsoft SQL Server .. somebody told me to start with 2000 version .. but I know that there is 2005
I want to know if it is ok to start with 2000 version and at the same time i can follow others who use 2005?

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Federation/replication - DB2 && Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Dec 17, 2005

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum, though not new to sql server am new to DB2.

We are running Microsoft SQL Server 2000 but we have recently acquired similar business in another country which runs IBM DB2 database system. We are interested in incorporating the data from DB2 in our system. The tables are slightly different in DB2.
Q. what is the best way to integrate the two systems? Should we take the route of a federated system or replication of data?
We are interested in knowing what is happening in the other business (DB2) but we what the two systems to operate in parallel for about a year, before we come up with the best solution.

The company is after a short term and long term solution.

Can any one please help or point me to the right place?


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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine

Jan 29, 2004

Trying to install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine on my laptop. I downloaded the software and opened it to a folder on the C drive. Then from the command prompt I entered this:

C:msderela>setup sapwd = hillary instancename=mjh targetdir=c:mike

The program starts to install and seems to get near to the end of instal and then the progress bar starts going backwards and nothing gets installed....any ideas of what I'm doing wrong....I really don't know anything about this at all.


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Is Microsoft Free* Elearning For Sql Server 2005 Useful For Learning SQL Server 2000?

Feb 13, 2006

I'm working towards MCAD and as elective I want to do the SQL Server course. The exam is on SQL Server 2000.  I was just wondering whether the online course that Microsoft currently have a available for free at would be useful and applicable to SQL Server 2000, or whether it is sufficiently different product to make it confusing to use this as a learning resource.
Also if anyone can point me toward any webcasts for SQL Server that would be great. I listened to Fritz Onion's 15 part series when I studied  for my ASP.NET exam and would like to do something similar for SQL Server 2000 if any are available. 

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition Tools?

Oct 7, 2005

Ok so i am thinking of get the Microsoft SQL server 2000 Developer Edition, i have some questions. -  Does it include the server and tools?-  What tools does it include? The same as the Enterprise Version?-  Will it positively work on Windows XP Pro?-  Will you need to install anything else? Does it come with the Microsoft Server Desktop Edition as the server or something?-  Will this version allow me to use it to make databases for websites? I searched this forums but i can seem to find what " is prohitbited in production..." that means?Thank you and i have tried to search the forums but have gotten no real answers Hope you can read my questions clearly. Thanks!!!!

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Why Isn&#39;t Microsoft Actively Marketing SQL Server 2000 OLAP?

Apr 9, 2001

I recently wrote a white paper on OLAP and was having a hard time finding any information about what was new in SQL Server 2000 OLAP on the web. I didn't really find much until I downloaded a trial copy of SQL Server 2000 (which didn't have OLAP, but had links to information on it). We use Hyperion Essbase, and I was wondering if Microsoft OLAP 2000 would be a viable competitor.

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Dangerous MSI Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components

Nov 17, 2006

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components has cause a total destruction of my Enterprise Manager.

In my workstation I've got Sql Server 2000 client and Sql Server 2005 client. Everything goes fine up to here.
But when I've installed that MSI I have not been able to open my Enterprise Manager.

From MMC appears: Error initializing component CLSID: {}

My goal was be able to open 2000 stuff from Sql Management Studio. By the moment, I'm forget of that.

Does anyone have ever faced this issue?

QA is working.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion

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Microsoft Search Service Kills SQL 2000 Server

Apr 17, 2007

Hi all,

This may be more of a Sharepoint or server question but I thought I would post it here to start off with. I have an installation of SQL 2000 SP4 and sharepoint services 2003 all on one server. For example the SQL 2000 (SP4), sharepoint and its indexes all on the one server (HP G4 DL380). I have installed the index service and the full text services on the SQL server then configured searching in sharepoint. The search worked fine for about a year until one day the server started randomly hanging for no apparent reason. After a hard reboot the server would begin to hand again after around 2-3 minutes of being online, sometimes less. After lots of problem shooting I nailed it down to being the Microsoft search service that caused the issue. Basically if I set this service to manual and boot I have no problem. As soon as I start the service the server will start to hang about 2-3 minutes later.

I tried this again last night after trying some fixed and got the same result. The only error I get are in the application log which are about 4 of these with different file types.

One or more documents stored in image columns with extension €œX€? did not get full-text indexed because loading the filter failed with error '0x1'

The server continues to log messages while it is hanging and you can ping the server but you can not access sharepoint, remote in to the server, you can login locally but as soon as you try anything like bring up the start menu all resources will freeze up. During this time there is no disk activity and the CPU usage is 1-3% and mem usage is low.

Can anyone suggest anything to fix this problem so I can start the Microsoft search service and use search in sharepoint again.


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