Migrate Oracle Discoverer Reports To SqlServer 2005
Mar 12, 2008
Hello everybody.
Recently my boss decide migrate reports in Oracle Discoverer to SqlServer 2005 using Reporting Services..because SqlServer is less expensive than Oracle. ..
Well I don't know exactly How do I began? because it's new for me.
Any has experienced? Can you give any recomendations to migration?
need a clue about how to migrate the data from an Oracle applications 11.03 and underlying Oracle 8.05 database to navision 4.0 running sql server 2000
I need to move few folders from our DEV SSRS 2005 environment to another server. Folders will be moved to new parent folders. Is there any tool that I can use fot this purpose? I used RSScripter from SQLdbatips.com. Although the tool works great but it can't script multiple folder reports. I have to script one by one and it is a big problem.
scott/tiger is given as an example here; used my real userid/pw instead. BTW, I am able to connect
to the Oracle database using the userid/pw from the same host that is running the Sqlserver db.So, the
Oracle client software is installed and is working correctly.
Then attempted to query a table on the Oracle database:
select count(*) from ORA10G..<schemaname>.<tablename>
Got the following error message(s)
OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "ORA10G" returned message "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified ". Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "ORA10G".
All the previous discussions and suggested solutions are all for SqlServer 2000 and Oracle8. But I did not see much discussions on SqlServer2005 and Oracle10g. Any help to resolve this problem will be appreciated.
I have an issue using parameterised reports connecting to Oracle using "ODBC" and "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" using parameteried reports. The following error is generated "ORA-01008 not all variables bound (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle)" and a similiar one for ODBC. It works fine for simple reports. Do these 2 drivers have issues passing parameters for a remote Oracle query? Thanks.
I was given a project from my supervisor and i must complete it until Tuesday. I must transfer our ingres database into sql server database. So far i have done all the work with the tables, primary keys, views and data. I don€™t know how to go on with the procedures and rules that i have to transfer. Is there anyone that had faced the same condition? What should i do?
I made a website with sqlserver membership when i migrate the website to another server i can not connect to the database aspnetdb how i can add a user to this data base in the visual web developer
I want to find out if .net + java + sql server etc is a replacement for my present development environment.
However, I cannot migrate an Oracle database to SQL server express. SSMA does not work. Is there another way to migrate my Oraclke database to SQL server express?
I have 53 tables I need to load from Oracle into SQL Server as part of a migration to a new system. Â All but three of the tables load perfectly. Â Three tables load approximately 95% of the rows. Â The problem tables have between 300,000 and 1,300,000 rows. Â Oddly some of the tables that migrate successfully have more than 10,000,000 rows. What to check to determine why these tables are failing to load?
Develop on both Oracle 9i and SQLServer 2000 back ends and would like to set up a new test/development server. Are there any issues with running both systems on one box?
Questo Statement in SQL Server funziona.In Oracle PL/SQL se lo lancio funzionaQuando lo devo far funzionare da Vb.net mi si pianta e non va avanti . Stalì a pensare.Come mai ?UPDATE proc_aziendaSET cod_fase_sign = (SELECT MAX(pfa.COD_FASE)FROM PROC_FASE_RIGA pfaWHERE (COD_GRUPPO = 'x09') AND((TIP_DATI = 'I') OR (TIP_DATI = 'S')) ANDpfa.cod_processo = '02')WHERE cod_gruppo = 'x09' ANDcod_processo = '02'C'è un'altro Statement:UPDATE proc_aziendaSET cod_fase_sign = FaseFROM (SELECT ep.cod_processo,app.cod_azienda,MAX(cast(ep.cod_fase as int)) as FaseFROM esp_proc_prospetti ep,APP_PROSP_AZ_8377 app,(SELECT pa.cod_processo,pa.cod_azienda,pa.cod_fase_signFROM proc_azienda paWHERE pa.cod_gruppo = 'x09' andpa.cod_processo = '05' andpa.cod_fase_sign is nullGROUP BY pa.cod_processo,pa.cod_azienda,pa.cod_fase_sign) pnullWHERE ep.cod_gruppo = 'x09' andep.cod_processo = app.cod_processo andep.cod_processo = pnull.cod_processo andep.cod_prospetto = app.cod_prospettoGROUP BY ep.COD_PROCESSO,app.COD_AZIENDA) FaseAzienda ,proc_azienda paWHERE pa.cod_gruppo = 'x09' andpa.cod_processo = FaseAzienda.cod_processo andpa.cod_azienda = FaseAzienda.cod_aziendaQuesta sintassi sembra regolare per SQL Server ma non per ORACLE.Come deve essere ... ?Grazie milleS.
In Oracle we have a datatype called 'ROWID' - Oracle uses this datatype to store the address (rowid) of every row in the database. Do we have any equivalent datatype in SQLServer similar to this ?
Hello,Has anyone a small tool or somekind of document which could help meto convert Oracle SQL scripts to SQL Server?Scripts are not very Oracle specified.Thanks,Below is a Script that I would e.g convert to MS SQLServer:SET SCAN ONPROMPT Enter the password and TNS name.PROMPT Enter the oracle SID for TNS name if you are running a local database.CONNECT system/&systempassword@&&tnsname-- Drop the user and all other related objects.DROP USER webstore CASCADE;-- Creating the schemaCREATE USER webstore IDENTIFIED BY welcome;-- Grant the permissions to the user.GRANT RESOURCE, CONNECT TO webstore;ALTER USER webstore DEFAULT TABLESPACE usersQUOTA UNLIMITED ON users;ALTER USER webstore TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp;CONNECT webstore/welcome@&&tnsnamePROMPT Creating Tables-- Create the category table which contains the data for the categories.CREATE TABLE category (id NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT pk_vsm_country PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL);-- Create category attributes table which has attributes for the categories in-- the category table.CREATE TABLE category_attributes (category_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,label VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT pk_vsm_cat_attr PRIMARY KEY(category_id,label),CONSTRAINT rk_vsm_catattr_cat FOREIGN KEY(category_id) REFERENCEScategory(id) ON DELETE CASCADE);-- Create country table to hold the country names.CREATE TABLE country (id NUMBER(4) CONSTRAINT pk_country PRIMARY KEY,country_name VARCHAR2(50) CONSTRAINT uniq_country UNIQUE);-- Create users table to hold user details.CREATE TABLE users (user_name VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT pk_users PRIMARY KEY,first_name VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,last_name VARCHAR2(20),e_mail VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,address VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,city VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,state VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,country NUMBER(4) NOT NULL ,zip NUMBER(8) NOT NULL,phone VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,role VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,password VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,card_provider VARCHAR2(30),card_number VARCHAR2(200),card_expiry_date DATE ,CONSTRAINT rk_usr_cntry FOREIGN KEY(country) REFERENCEScountry(id) ON DELETE CASCADE);-- Create shops master table.CREATE TABLE shops (id NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT pk_shops PRIMARY KEY,shop_name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,user_name VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,description VARCHAR2(4000),category_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,reg_date DATE NOT NULL,status VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT chk_shops CHECK( status IN ('Approved', 'ApprovalPending','Rejected','Discontinued') ),CONSTRAINT rk_shop_cat FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES category(id)ON DELETE CASCADE,CONSTRAINT rk_shop_user FOREIGN KEY(user_name) REFERENCES users(user_name)ON DELETE CASCADE);-- Create sub_category table which has the sub categories listed for each shop.CREATE TABLE sub_category (id NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT pk_subcat PRIMARY KEY,category_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,shop_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,name VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT rk_subcat_cat FOREIGN KEY(category_id) REFERENCES category(id)ON DELETE CASCADE,CONSTRAINT rk_subcat_shop FOREIGN KEY(shop_id) REFERENCES shops(id)ON DELETE CASCADE);-- Create item master table.CREATE TABLE item (id NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT PK_VSM_ITEM PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,category_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,shop_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,description VARCHAR2(4000),unit_price NUMBER(15,2) NOT NULL,image VARCHAR2(50),CONSTRAINT rk_item_subcat FOREIGN KEY (category_id ) REFERENCESsub_category(ID) ON DELETE CASCADE ,CONSTRAINT rk_item_shop FOREIGN KEY(shop_id) REFERENCES shops(id)ON DELETE CASCADE);-- Create item_attributes table which has the item attributes for the itemsCREATE TABLE item_attributes (item_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,label VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,description VARCHAR2(4000),CONSTRAINT pk_item_attr PRIMARY KEY(item_id , label),CONSTRAINT rk_itemattr_item FOREIGN KEY(item_id) REFERENCES item(id)ON DELETE CASCADE);-- Creat inventory table which maps the quantitly against the item.CREATE TABLE inventory (item_id NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT pk_inventory PRIMARY KEY,quantity NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT RK_INVNTRY_ITEM FOREIGN KEY(item_id) REFERENCES item(id)ON DELETE CASCADE);-- Create orders master table which stores all the completed orders.CREATE TABLE orders (id NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT pk_orders PRIMARY KEY,order_date DATE NOT NULL,user_name VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,shop_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,ship_to_address VARCHAR2(100),city VARCHAR2(20),state VARCHAR2(20),country NUMBER(4),zip NUMBER(8),phone VARCHAR2(20),CONSTRAINT rk_ordr_usr FOREIGN KEY(user_name) REFERENCES users (user_name)ON DELETE CASCADE,CONSTRAINT rk_ordr_shop FOREIGN KEY(shop_id) REFERENCES shops(id)ON DELETE CASCADE);-- Create order_items table to store the detailed ordersCREATE TABLE order_items (order_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,item_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,quantity NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,unit_price NUMBER(15,2) NOT NULL,status VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT chk_oi check ( Status in ('Pending','Shipped')),CONSTRAINT rk_oi_ordr FOREIGN KEY(order_id) REFERENCES orders(id)ON DELETE CASCADE ,CONSTRAINT rk_oi_item FOREIGN KEY(item_id) REFERENCES item(id)ON DELETE CASCADE);-- Create guest_book table to store all the guest_book entriesCREATE TABLE guest_book (id NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT pk_guest_book PRIMARY KEY,user_name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,email_id VARCHAR2(50),rating NUMBER(1),comment_date DATE NOT NULL,comments VARCHAR2(4000));-- create sequences.CREATE SEQUENCE category_seq MAXVALUE 9999999999;CREATE SEQUENCE shops_seq MAXVALUE 9999999999;CREATE SEQUENCE sub_category_seq MAXVALUE 9999999999;CREATE SEQUENCE item_seq MAXVALUE 9999999999;CREATE SEQUENCE inventory_seq MAXVALUE 9999999999;CREATE SEQUENCE orders_seq MAXVALUE 9999999999;CREATE SEQUENCE guest_book_seq MAXVALUE 9999999999;
Hi Guys, I am creating SSRS report using Oracle DB. When i run this query in TOAD, it's giving output but when i run this in SSRS to create new dataset then it is giving me ORA -01008:not all variables bound(Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle).
This is the query iam running.
SELECT ts.transaction_status_desc, COUNT (ut.transaction_id) AS transcount FROM dsc_transaction_status_vl ts, dsc_user_transaction ut, billing_markets bm, retail_location rl, cash_register cr WHERE ts.transaction_status = ut.transaction_status AND ut.cr_number = cr.cr_number AND cr.rl_number = rl.rl_number AND ut.RL_NUMBER = rl.RL_NUMBER AND rl.bm_code = bm.bm_code AND (ut.creation_date BETWEEN tartDate AND :EndDate) AND bm.bm_name IN (CASE (:Market) WHEN 'OKC' THEN ('OKLAHOMA CITY' || 'TULSA') WHEN 'NFL' THEN ( 'DAYTONA'|| 'JACKSONVILL' || 'MELBOURNE'|| 'NORTH FLORIDA'|| 'ORLANDO' || 'WEST FLORIDA' ) WHEN 'LA' THEN ('PAC Los Angeles') WHEN 'CAR' THEN ('Carolinas') END )
I am passing 3 parameters: StartDate, EndDate and Market. we have 3 markets and each market includes some cities. Cities are in BM_NAME column. My Question is that 1) How to pass parameters for Oracle using SSRS 2) How to resolve this error: ORA -01008:not all variables bound(Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle) 3)How can i write Stored Procedure for this query & How to execute SP in SSRS.
I am using a Oracle database to connect to and generate reports from it. Intermittently, the report after running for sometime raises the oracle error
ORA-12842: Cursor invalidated during parallel execution, which I read could possibly be due to DDL on a schema object and shared pool being flushed. Rerunning again, the report runs fine.
How can this be resolved. Any suggestions/tips are appreciated.
Hello,I would like to know if the equivalent Oracle rownum exist inSQLServer. Here is a sample SQL code to explain what I want to do :selectjobs.name,jobs.job_id,jobs.description,hist.message,hist.step_name,hist.step_id,hist.run_status,hist.run_date,hist.run_time,hist.run_durationfrommsdb.dbo.sysjobs jobs,msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory histwherejobs.job_id=hist.job_idand hist.job_id='E71CCB97-81C3-46E2-83FA-BFFCB66B47F8'order byrun_date, run_timeI just want the first or second row returned by this query. In Oracle Ican simply add rownum=1 or rownum=2 in the where clause to obtain thedesired answer. I don't know how to do in SQLServer.Thank in advance,Pierig.
I am trying to switch between oracle and sqlserver databases to read the source data. I have used a parameter file to specify the connection parameters. For SQLserver the connection looks like in the file as below:
The error which i get when running from oracle source is this:
Information: 0x40016041 at Package: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "C:oraTOsql-DataTXIntegration Services Project1Integration Services Project1Integration Services Project1 estConfig.dtsConfig". SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning. Error: 0xC0202009 at Package, Connection manager "dl.PM_DW": An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.". Error: 0xC020801C at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source [1]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "dl.PM_DW" failed with error code 0xC0202009. Error: 0xC0047017 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C. Error: 0xC004700C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation. Error: 0xC0024107 at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation. SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Failure. The program '[7264] Package.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Please let me know if you guys have any suggestion in what i am doing wrong.
Is there a way in SSIS to change the database connection to sqlserver or oracle or db2 without choosing the connection manager in the source.
For e.g. I ran a package which is reading data from sqlserver and later i want to connect to oracle to read the data but without changing the connection manager in the source.
Basically, i want to find out from you gurus is about a way to switch between databases without changing the connection managers. OR the only way is to make different sets of packages for oracle / db2 and sqlserver sources ?
I am trying to 'load' a copy of a SQLServer 2000 database to SQLServer 2005 Express (on another host). The copy was provided by someone else - it came to me as a MDF file only, no LDF file.
I have tried to Attach the database and it fails with a failure to load the LDF. Is there any way to bypass this issue without the LDF or do I have to have that?
The provider of the database says I can create a new database and just point to the MDF as the data source but I can't seem to find a way to do that? I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express.