Migrating Access To SQL 2000 Server

Apr 25, 2007


I need to migrate my access database to SQL2000 Server. I have three tables in my access database. In each table have 3000-6000 records.
So how to put all these records in to sql2000 server tables.
The table structure in Access database and sql2000 database are same.

Here core work is just insert all these 3000 - 6000 records (rows) from Access database to sql2000 database

Thanks in Advance!!

With regards

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ASP.NET Application - Migrating From Access 2000 To SQL Server 7

Jul 23, 2005

First off, sorry if my cross posting offends anyone. I'm posting thisin Access and SQL Server groups - not sure which one is appropriate.I have a relatively simple ASP.NET/VB.NET application that is nowhitting an Access 2000 database over an intranet. We have to migratethe database to SQL Server 7. My experience with ASP.NET is prettylimited and my experience with SQL Server is nonexistent.We have an MSDN subscription, so I went to the downloads section to getSQL Server 7. Guess what? SQL Server 6.5 is available, as is 2000 and2005, but no SQL Server 7. So my first question is, does anyone know ifit is available for MSDN subscribers?The next question is, does anyone know of a good resource that explainshow to make the transition from Access 2000 to SQL Server 7? I know thedata has to be migrated and the connection between the application andthe database modified, but am really not sure exactly what to first andthe correct way to go about it. The application is a simple productconfigurator. There's not a lot of data and it's not a very complexdatabase.Thanks in advance. If you'd like, please copy responses tolcifers(AT)yahoo.com (AT) = @TIA.Cheers.- Luther

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Migrating From Access 2000 To SQl Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have developed an application using VB 6 (SP 5), MS Access 2000 andCrystal Reports 9. I migrated from from access to SQl Server 2000.This wasn't a problem as i could import all the tables to SQL Server.Also, i could make VB6 talk to SQl Server.The problem arsies when i run my application. The sql syntax foraccess seems to be different than that for SQL Server. A simpleexample being: In access boolean datatype is true/false ,whereas inSQL Server the boolean equivalent is bit (numerical 1 or 0). Thesekind of issues are causing problems and most queries don't run.Would i need to go and change all the queries in accordance with SQlServer syntax ,which would be very time consuming or is there anyfunction which will convert the access datatype into its equivalentSQl Server datatype??Any input/thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.ThanksJatin

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Migrating Access To SQL Server

May 4, 2004

We use MS Access 2000 as our database, but run into lots of proplems. So we decided to research the migration to SQL Server.

I used Access Upsizing utitlity to migrate tables and their data to SQL server very easily, and all the relationships, indecies and other information are converted correctly.

Next is to migrate the queries. I found that to be a pain. Is there any tool out there that can do it for me? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Once that's done, then it's the application itself, but I am not worrying that for now.

Thanks, guys

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Migrating From Access Database To SQL Server 7.0

Mar 28, 2001

We are planning to migrate data from access to sqlserver. I have good knowledge on sql server...but never used access to migrate. Can anyone help me with the basics to be kept in mind and methods and errors you get in migrateing data.If possible explain in detail and what is to be done while migrating data.....thank you in advance.And its urgent please.

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Migrating Access Queries To SQL Server 7.0

Nov 2, 2000

I have a query in Access that has an iif statement in the select system like so:

SELECT [01_qryCommonCost_01].*, tblPercent_Afe.AfeDescription,
tblPercent_Vendor.[Vendor%], tblPercent_Afe.[Afe%], IIf([manual%] Is Not
Null,[Manual%],IIf([PropType]="NonMkt",0,IIf([Vendor%] Is Not
Null,[Vendor%],IIf([Afe%] Is Not Null And [GlType]<>"OpExp",[Afe%],[Gl%]))))
AS [%], 0+round2([Amount]*[%]) AS Allocated,
0+round2([Allocated]*[Salvage%]) AS Salvage
FROM (01_qryCommonCost_01 LEFT JOIN tblPercent_Vendor ON
([01_qryCommonCost_01].GlType = tblPercent_Vendor.GlTyp) AND
([01_qryCommonCost_01].VendorName = tblPercent_Vendor.VendorName)) LEFT JOIN
tblPercent_Afe ON ([01_qryCommonCost_01].AfeNo = tblPercent_Afe.AfeNo) AND
([01_qryCommonCost_01].Group = tblPercent_Afe.Group)

But I can't figure out how to nest the iif statement in T-SQL. Any hints?

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Migrating From Access To SQL Server With A Web Front End

Jul 20, 2005

Afternoon all,Apologies for cross-posting but as my query covers both Access and SQLServer I thought I'd send it both!I have inherited a project to migrate a fairly complex series ofAccess databases into a single proper SQL database with a web frontend.Its quite a nasty job as people are working on a variety of data setsat several Universities around the world and the data has got verymessy; hence the requirement to put it all on one live web enableddatabase server and provide a web-based front end (particularly assome users insist on using Macs so can't run Access as a front endanyway).If anyone could give me hints on how to perform such a migration or ifanyone knows of any good books or other documents on this I'd begrateful for assistance.Many thanksRich MayMuseum of London

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Migrating Access XP Database To SQL Server 2005 Express

Sep 5, 2006

I want to migrate my Access XP database to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The Start Menu does not display any migration assistant in SQL Server 2005 Express menu list.

How to migrate it?

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Migrating Acceess To Sql Server 2000

Oct 3, 2002

Any suggestions on migrating Access97 tables to sql server 2000? The DTS seems cumbersome and the Access97 upsizing wizard add-in is only compatible up to sql server 7.0.


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Migrating Sybase To SQL Server 2000

Feb 25, 2008

Hi all

I try to migrate sybase to SQL Server 2000, but found a los of trouble, please, some can help me to resolve this???

May many of that are easy to resolv, but is mi fist time with SQL Server 2000... plz, help :(

Object : Procedure
Error : Sintaxis incorrecta cerca de la palabra clave 'cursor'.
Code :

Create Procedure ABA_CenResul
declare @EST_CEN_Codigo char(8),
@EST_CEN_Descripcio char(100),
@n char(100),
@name char(100),
@salida char(8),
@vble int,
@ini int,
@ter int,
@indice int,
@aux_descripcion char(100)
declare sonido cursor
select EST_CEN_Codigo, EST_CEN_Descripcio
from EST_CenResul
open sonido
fetch sonido into @EST_CEN_Codigo,@EST_CEN_Descripcio
select @EST_CEN_Descripcio = @EST_CEN_Descripcio + " "
select @aux_descripcion = @EST_CEN_Descripcio
while @@sqlstatus !=2
select @indice = 1
while @indice <> 4
select @vble = patindex("% %",@EST_CEN_Descripcio)
select @ter = @vble - 1
select @name = substring(@EST_CEN_Descripcio,1,@ter)
if @indice = 1
select @n = @name
select @n = @n + "/" + @name

select @ini = @vble + 1
select @EST_CEN_Descripcio = substring(@EST_CEN_Descripcio,@ini,100)
select @indice = @indice + 1
print @n
exec sdxsrvr...soundex @n, @salida out
update EST_CenResul
set EST_CEN_Soundex = @salida
where EST_CEN_Codigo = @EST_CEN_Codigo
fetch sonido into @EST_CEN_Codigo, @EST_CEN_Descripcio
-- select @EST_CEN_Descripcio = @EST_CEN_Descripcio + " "
-- select @aux_descripcion = @EST_CEN_Descripcio
close sonido
deallocate cursor sonido

Thnx in advance

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Migrating From Oracle 8i To SQL Server 2000

Jan 31, 2004

I am trying to migrate my database in Oracle 8i to Sql Server 2000 but am unsure of how to carry out the migration. How do I do it and what do I have to consider. My OS is Windows 2003. Thanks in advance

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Migrating SQL Server 2000 Logins

Mar 27, 2004

I'm changing servers and want to copy all the logins from the old server to the new server. Is there anyway to do this?

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Migrating 2000 To 2005 On Same Server

Apr 2, 2008

Has anyone had experience of migrating from 2000 to 2005 on the same box , and maintaining the SERVERNAMEINSTANCE_NAME.
What are some effective ways of migrating and retaining the same servername/instance name ?

The issue revolves around minimising the use of extra boxes , as I would like to do the migration on the same server and keep the name the same .

Jack Vamvas
Search IT jobs from multiple sources- http://www.ITjobfeed.com

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Migrating From Sql Server 2000 To 2005

Sep 28, 2007


We are migrating from SQL Server 2000 to 2005. We currently use ADO.Net to make connection to sql server. I just want to know after migration to sql server 2005 do we have to make any changes in code in the way we make connection to use ADO.Net2 which is part of sql server 2005. ??


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Migrating SQL EXPRESS In SQL 2000 Or 2005 Server

Mar 26, 2007

whenever i modified the connection of my current database...I'll always got an error,when asking for "server name"..it says [DBNETLIB...etc]Named Pipes etc error..my current database was SQLEXPRESS and i want to change it as an SQL OLEDB,2000,2005.. but as i said il always got an error..sometimes it says "SQL server does not exit..ODBC" etc...when im entering the "server name"..so i could only used Access or SQLEXPRESS server database.. what should i do with the error?? thanks for helping again..   

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Migrating Sybase Databases To SQL Server 2000

Apr 27, 2004

Just a quick question, does anyone know any major issues with Migrating Sybase Databases to SQL Server? Just wondering if their any oddities I should be aware of? Thanks nixies

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Migrating Large Amounts Of Data From SQL Server 7.0 To 2000

Jul 20, 2005

I'm in the process of migrating a lot of data (millions of rows, 4GB+of data) from an older SQL Server 7.0 database to a new SQL Server2000 machine.Time is not of the essence; my main concern during the migration isthat when I copy in the new data, the new database isn't paralyzed bythe amount of bulk copying being one. For this reason, I'm splittingthe data into one-month chunks (the data's all timestamped and goesback about 3 years), exporting as CSV, compressing the files, and thenimporting them on the target server. The reason I'm using CSV isbecause we may want to also copy this data to other non-SQL Serversystems later, and CSV is pretty universal. I'm also copying in thisformat because the target server is remotely hosted and is notaccessible by any method except FTP and Remote Desktop -- nodatabase-to-database copying allowed for security reasons.My questions:1) Given all of this, what would be the least intrusive way to copyover all this data? The target server has to remain running and berelatively uninterrupted. One of the issues that goes hand-in-handwith this is indexes: should I copy over all the data first and thencreate indexes, or allow SQL Server to rebuild indexes as I go?2) Another option is to make a SQL Server backup of the database fromthe old server, upload it, mount it, and then copy over the data. I'mworried that this would slow operations down to a crawl, though, whichis why I'm taking the piecemeal approach.Comments, suggestions, raw fish?

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Problem Occurs When Migrating A SQL Server 2000 Database To A SQL Server 2005 Server

Sep 20, 2006

When I try to migrate a database on a SQL Server 2000 server to a SQL Server 2005 server with the Copy Database Wizard of the SQL Server Management Studio, I'm confronted with the following problem;

Performing operation...

- Add log for package (Success)
- Add task for transferring database objects (Success)
- Create package (Success)
- Start SQL Server Agent Job (Success)
- Execute SQL Server Agent Job (Error)
* The job failed. Check the event log on the destination server for details. (Copy Database Wizard)

When I take a look at 'Event viewer' on the SQL 2005 server, the following error is displayed;

InnerException-->An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.
When connecting to SQL Server 2005,
this failure may be caused by the fact
that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I already enabled the MSSQLSERVER network configuration protocols (TCP/IP and Named Pipes ).

How do I solve this problem?

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Migrating Reporting Services From SQL Server 2000 To SQL Server 2005

Mar 31, 2008


I'm migrating SQl Server Reporting Services from 2000 to 2005.The reports are generated normally in 2000 but it seems that it is taking more time in 2005 or sometimes it does not generate the report at all.Could you kindly suggest a solution?


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Migrating MS-SQL Server 2000 To MS-SQL Server 2005 For Web Application On .Net Framework 1.1

Aug 10, 2006


I have to do an impact analysis for migrating a .Net web based application. The current and desired scenarios are mentioned below.

The current environment:

OS - Windows 2000, SP4

Framework - .Net 1.1

SQL Server - MSSQL Server 2000

Desired Environment:

OS - Windows 2003, SP1 / Windows 2003 R2

Framework - .Net 1.1

SQL Server - MSSQL Server 2005

Please let me know

1. If any changes need to be done in the application when migrating the database from 2000 to 2005?

2. Any relevant document which will help me in the same.

Regards, Venkat

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Migrating SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedures To SQL Server 2005

Dec 20, 2007

I have successfully moved my data from a SQL Server 2000 hosting site to a SQL Server 2005 hosting site. I Made a backup of my database using Enterprise Manager (2000) and imported the database tables using SQL Server Management Studio (2005). I do not know how to move the 25 or so stored procedures that I have in SQL Server 2000. I have a very short amount of time to figure this out and am hoping that someone can give me a brief step by step answer on how to get this done. I would appreciate any information you can provide. Thank you!!

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Problem Migrating From Sql Server 2005 To Sql Server 2000

Dec 9, 2007


i have tried the below three steps but i dont get script to any output file or clipboard after the executing the script generation. And i would also like to why i get lo of errors when i run the scritp from the step one,i got the script and i try to run it on sql server 2000,there is lot of errors. I there any order i need to follow when i run the script in sql server 2000.

Plz help me out. This is urgent.....

How to Downgrade a Database from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000

As you may all know, SQL Server 2005 request a minimum of 8GB RAM to work€¦ let say satisfactorily. I first didn€™t knew that and after a while from the upgrade I did from SQL Server 2000 to 2005 my SQL Services were starting to crash three or four times per DAY!!!

At first I thought I was being attacked, but soon I realized it was nothing like that. I then decided to downgrade to an SQL Server 2000 edition. Though I looked around the internet to find some information on how to do that, I got very disappointed when I realized that no actual documentation of any kind could be found for that. So I am posting this thread to inform you on the procedures I had to follow for this action.

Before beginning I must assume, firstly that the user, who will attempt such thing, has a basic knowledge of SQL Environment, secondly that he has the two versions already installed (both 2000 and 2005), that a basic backup of the databases has been created and finally that all the 2005 SQL Server Users have been created at the SQL Server 2000 environment as well.

Step 1 Generating Scripts for the Database Elements and Structures

1) Right-click over the desired Database at 2005, Choose Tasks and the Generate Scripts (Option).
2) At the pop-up Dialog Box click at the Script All Objects in the selected Databases check box, to activate it and then Click the Next Button.
3) Set the following Elements to the following Values
a. Script Collation , set to TRUE
b. Script Database Create, set to TRUE
c. Script of SQL Version, set to SQL SERVER 2000
d. Script foreign keys, set to FALSE
e. Script Triggers, set to FALSE
Then Hit the Next button
4) Select the way the generated scripts should be saved (There are different selections. The most common one is Clipboard). Finally click the Next button till you reach the end.
5) Click Finish

After completing this procedure, we have to move to the SQL SERVER 2000 environment. Here, by using the Query Analyzer, we will have to run the scripts that were generated using the master database. Copy and Paste the script at the Query Analyzer and run it. After that the Structure of the Database will be created.

Be careful, the SQL Server 2005 Edition inserts the Views in a random place through the script. Therefore, all the scripts that are referred to the Views MUST be moved to the end of the script. If the Query Analyzer shows some errors do not be bothered. Delete all the elements created from the script and after you fix the code run it again.

Step2 Moving the data from 2005 to 2000

1) After completing the previous step successfully, moving the data follows. Right-click at the 2005 database you used to run the previous step and select Tasks and then choose the Export Data (option).
2) From the pop-up Dialog Box, select the Source Db and Click at the Next Button.
3) At the next step you will have to choose the destination server and the destination Database for the Data to be exported. Then Click Next.
4) A List of all the Source Database€™s Elements will appear in the screen. Select one by one all the Elements you wish to move and for each one click at the button Edit Mappings (Located at the bottom right corner of the Dialog Box just under the Elements list). A new Dialog box will pop-up. Select the Delete rows in Destination Tables option and activate the Enable Identity Insert Option. (Remember to repeat this action for each of the selected Element from the list that will be moved.

CAUTION!!! A malfunction of the SQL Server 2005 has been found. Not sure why, after multiple tries I have observed that when I tried to move more than twelve Elements at once, the Export Data Wizard of SQL Server 2005 seemed to disable the Enable Identity Insert Option that was activated over the Edit Mappings Dialog Box. But if the number of the selected Elements is smaller than 12 no problem seemed to appear.

Step 3 Generating Scripts for the Database Foreign Keys and Triggers

Finally, to successfully finish the downgrade of the Database, the Triggers and the Foreign Keys of the DB must be produced. The procedure that should be followed is the one stated next:

1) Right-Click at the SQL 2005 Database and Select from Tasks Menu the Generate Scripts Option.
2) Using the pop-up Dialog Box make sure that the check box Script All Objects in the selected Databases is not enabled and hit the Next Button.
3) Set all the Elements on the List to a False Value except the ones that follow:
a. Include IF NOT EXISTS , set to TRUE
b. Script Owner, set to TRUE
c. Script of SQL Version, set to SQL SERVER 2000
d. Script foreign keys, set to TRUE
e. Script Triggers, set to TRUE
Then Hit the Next button
4) After finishing reading the Elements of the Database, a new list will appear at the Dialog Box. Make sure that you select ONLY THE TABLES of the Database and hit the Next Button.
5) At the screen that follows hit the Select All button and the Next.
6) Select the way the generated scripts should be saved (There are different selections. The most common one is Clipboard). Finally click the Next button till you reach the end.
7) Click Finish Button.

After completing this procedure, we have to move to the SQL SERVER 2000 environment. Here, by using the Query Analyzer, we will have to run the scripts that were generated using the master database. Copy and Paste the script at the Query Analyzer and run it. After that the Foreign Keys and the Triggers of the Database will be created.

After these steps the database should be fully functional under the SQL Server 2000 edition.

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Problem Migrating Application Database From SQL Server 2000 To Express Edition 2005

Jan 21, 2008

Hi there

I am new to SQL Server, but the current project that I am working on has the following requirement:-

1) Migrate the application (a servlet based web application on Apache Tomcat) from Solaris to Wintel
2) Migrate the supporting database from SQL Server 2000 to Sql Server 2005
3) Get IIS to communicate with Tomcat for serving servlet/jsp etc to the client

Though I successfully completed item 1 above, am stuck at item 2. Details are below

Actions taken for item 2

A. Installed MS 2005
B. Created new database in MS 2005 (logged in as user 'sa')
C. Generated SQL scripts (such as create table table_A etc) from existing MS 2000
D. Genearted SQL scripts (such as insert into table_A etc) from existing MS 2000
E. Created new schema in MS 2005
F. Ran scripts C & D in the new schema. All tables are records populated.
G. Obtained new JDBC driver and test run to see if connection is working fine, and it worked. Even ran an sql statment

Code Block[select count(*) from sa.table_A]

and got appropriate response.

H. When I made the application to talk to this new database (which is a copy of Production from step C, D above), it's behaving as though it cannot find the record.
I. When I further debugged, I realised that the web application is excuting queries without mentioning the schema. For eg.

Code Block[Select firstName, lastName from table_A]

Or rather it assumes that the user connecting to database is same as the schema name.

J. To further ascertain my point, I ran the query

Code Block[Select firstName, lastName from sa.table_A]

and it worked!

Now the real problem is that I cannot modify the existing code to append a schema name and this approach is rather not recommended best practise.

I tried to match the user name with the schema name, even made this schema as default to the user. But still not finding any luck.

I request all you experts out there to help me out with this problem.



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Migrating From SQL Server 2000 To SQL Server 2005

Jan 22, 2008

Hi All,

We are planning to migrate from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005.

I am trying to connect to the SQL Server 2000 using SQL Upgrade Advisor. But I am getting the following error whenever I click on the detect button after entering the server name:

Upgrade Advisor could not detect SQL Server component on the server.

The Network Path was not found.(mscorlib)

Please let me know if any of you have faced the same issue.



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Migrating From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2000

Jul 3, 2006

I have to 2 database server, one is running in SQL Server 2005 and the other one is SQL Server 2000. Now, I want to transfer my database from SQL Server 2005 to SQL SERVER 2000 and gives error. Any solution?



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Need Help -- Migrating From Access To MS SQL

Dec 19, 2006

I am migrating my database from Access to MS SQL. I successfully migrated most of the Tables but I am going through a hellish time with queries/views

Can somwone tell me how to convert this query from Access to MS SQL:
SELECT Manage_Pre_Award.A_ID, Manage_Pre_Award.Event_Name, Manage_Pre_Award.Plan_Date, Manage_Pre_Award.Actual_date, Manage_Pre_Award.Rev_Date, IIf([actual_date] Is Not Null,[actual_date],IIf([rev_date] Is Not Null,[rev_date],IIf([plan_date] Is Not Null,[plan_date],Null))) AS workdate,
FROM Manage_Pre_Award
WHERE (((Manage_Pre_Award.Rev_Date) Is Not Null)) OR (((Manage_Pre_Award.Actual_date) Is Not Null)) OR (((Manage_Pre_Award.Plan_Date) Is Not Null));


I have already tried this but get:
The Query Designer does not support the CASE SQL construct.

SELECT Manage_Pre_Award.A_ID, Manage_Pre_Award.Event_Name, Manage_Pre_Award.Plan_Date, Manage_Pre_Award.Actual_date,
WHEN [actual_date] IS NOT NULL THEN [actual_date]
WHEN [actual_date] IS NULL AND [rev_date] IS NOT NULL THEN [rev_date] ] ELSE [plan_date]
FROM Manage_Pre_Award
WHERE (((Manage_Pre_Award.Rev_Date) IS NOT NULL)) OR
(((Manage_Pre_Award.Actual_date) IS NOT NULL))OR (((Manage_Pre_Award.Plan_Date) IS NOT NULL));

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Migrating From Access To SQL

Mar 21, 2007

Hi guys, its been awhile. I inherited a database thats an MDB and I need to get it on to sql server but I am having problem with this query, can anyone help please. Its suppose to give you the month and year when you click on it, you just put that in and up come the results on a query or report, now I have something similar to this but the code is very different.

SELECT Format$([Main Table].Date,'mmmm yyyy') AS [Date By Month], [Main Table].[Action Type], Sum([Main Table].[Action Type]) AS [Main Table_Action Type]
FROM [Action Type] INNER JOIN [Main Table] ON [Action Type].ID = [Main Table].[Action Type]
GROUP BY Format$([Main Table].Date,'mmmm yyyy'), [Main Table].[Action Type]
HAVING (((Format$([Main Table].[Date],'mmmm yyyy'))=[Enter the month and the Year]));

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Migrating From Access To MS-SQL

Jan 7, 2008

We have a huge Access database located on a server, but now it is going very slow due to the transport of Mb file to the clients.

We could export the tables to a SQL server and attach the tables to the access clients.

So the question is, will access still treat the tables as it use to or could we expect access SQL querys to request the sql server as normal. Will access process the query on the client side?



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Performance Issues - Access 2000 Frontend SQL Server 2000 Backend

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Simple question: A customer has an application using Access 2000frontend and SQL Server 2000 backend. Data connection is over ODBC.There are almost 250 concurrent users and is growing. Have theysqueezed everything out of Access? Should the move to a VB.Net frontendtaken place ages ago?CheersMike

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Migrating With From Access With VB Scripts

Jan 13, 2004

The company i am working for has been using an Access database for purchasing and inventory. this has become to small/dangerous due to the number of records and frequent 'database needs repair' errors. I am trying to migrate the database to a sql server w/ access front end and am runing into problems with most of the VB proceedures that are built into the database. the most common at the moment is a 'Write Conflict' error saying someone else changed the record i am editing. i know this can't be the case becasue i am working on this in an isolated environment. I have traced it to a VB script that changes a field from 'Entering' to 'Pending' (text field) on the click of the 'new record' button. any ideas?

Access 2000/2003, SQL server 2000

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Need Help In Migrating From Access To SQL Express

Feb 21, 2007

Hi there,

I am totally new at SQL/SQL express.I have downloaded the sQL express server and wanted to know how i can go about exporting my tables which i created using MS access into SQL express.

Also my application is currently working by using Access and ASP...what will be the changes i would need to incorporate in my code other than the queries and Data connection string.

How would the data connection string in SQL look like if i am using it in my asp code?

Any help or useful links would be a very good help!

thanks in advance


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Migrating From Access 2003 To SQL CE

Sep 4, 2007

I've a database in Access 2003 that I want to migrate to SQL CE since Pocket Access is no longer supported.

I've researched extensively this issue to no avail.

Even tried to use the ADS but it's not feasible,

Please, any help is welcomed!

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Maximum Capacity Specifications Comparison Table For Access, SQL Server 7, 2000 And MSDE 2000

May 27, 2008

Access 2000/XP
SQL Server 7.0
SQL Server 2000
MSDE 2000

Number of instances per server

Number of databases per instance / server

Number of objects per database

Number of users per database

Number of roles per database

Overall size of database (excluding logs)
2 GB
1,048,516 TB
1,048,516 TB
2 GB

Number of columns per table

Number of rows per table
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage

Number of bytes per row

2 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB

Number of columns per query

Number of tables per query

Size of procedure / query
64 KB
250 MB
250 MB
250 MB

Number of input params per procedure / query

Size of SQL statement / batch
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB

Depth of subquery nesting

Number of indexes per table
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)

Number of columns per index

Number of characters per object name

Number of concurrent user connections

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