Migrating To A New Server In A SAN Environment
Jan 18, 2008
We currently have a SQL 2000 server setup with the data and log files (including those for the system) placed on a SAN. Our current server is old and starting to have problems so we are transitioning to a new server. I just wanted to see if anyone has done this before or if my plan makes sense.
1) Hook the new server into the the SAN Arrays holding the data and log files.
2) Take the old Server off-line, and bring the new one up.
3) Point the Master db to the location of its data and log files.
4) Restart the server.
In theroy, since the master "knows" where all of the other databases are located when the it starts the recovery process it should bring up all of the other databases on that server. Does this make sense or am I missing something?
Thanks in advance for any help!
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Nov 16, 2005
I have finished a change request from our client. I need to update clients' database with the one in developments.Here is the changes i made to database:Added/Changed some tablesAdded/Changed some stored proceduresAdded data to some dictionary tableThe data in clients' current database MUST be kept. So how can I merge the changed information to clients' database?
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Sep 20, 2006
When I try to migrate a database on a SQL Server 2000 server to a SQL Server 2005 server with the Copy Database Wizard of the SQL Server Management Studio, I'm confronted with the following problem;
Performing operation...
- Add log for package (Success)
- Add task for transferring database objects (Success)
- Create package (Success)
- Start SQL Server Agent Job (Success)
- Execute SQL Server Agent Job (Error)
* The job failed. Check the event log on the destination server for details. (Copy Database Wizard)
When I take a look at 'Event viewer' on the SQL 2005 server, the following error is displayed;
InnerException-->An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.
When connecting to SQL Server 2005,
this failure may be caused by the fact
that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
I already enabled the MSSQLSERVER network configuration protocols (TCP/IP and Named Pipes ).
How do I solve this problem?
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Dec 5, 2006
I need to connect to a SQL server thats running in say abc.trident.com and also sits in a shared environment..
I have couple of questions
1) That SQL server is accessible from my network, yet when I swtich on my enterprise manager I am unable to view that in the list of running SQL servers in the populated list.
Is it because its sitting in a shared environment I am unable to view that?
2) What is the connection striing I should use to connect to the server..When I try to configure a SQL server registrations it normally asks for SQL Server name along with the user authentication
Should I mention fill the Server: field as
// abc.trident.com/abc.trident.com
to connect to the clustered server.
Can some one tell me the proper connection string if both aforementioned ones are incorrect?
Thanks in Advance
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Aug 18, 2005
I'd like to allow students in a lab to use the Express Manager and T-SQL to create their own databases. I think I've figured out just about everything - but the last step. Here's my thinking on how to do this:
1. Students are power users, not local admin
2. Created a login for the builtinpower users group as follows:
create login [BUILTINPower Users] from windows with default_database=[master]
exec master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'BUILTINPower Users', @rolename = N'dbcreator'
3. Now students can start the Express Manager and connect to:
localhostsqlexpress using Windows Authentication
4. After they do, they can open and run a script creating a database and populating it with tables and records.
5. All good up to here... but when trying to access the new database using VB Express (file based, not a remote connection) access is denied.
The problem is in the NTFS file permissions being assigned to the new database mdf and ldf files. Local administrators and the builtin Network Service accounts have permissions, but the student who created the database gets nothing... So the student is denied access to the mdf and ldf files when trying to make a connection to them using VB Express.
I can go in with a different account having admin privileges are assign privileges to power users for the mdf/ldf files after they're created but this isn't what I need (students need to work whenever they want without waiting for an admin to fix the file permissions).
Maybe I'm going about this all wrong? If I have to I can insist on students always using VS 2005 instead of VB Express and use connections to a remote database (no problems doing this), but I'm still hoping for an express solution.
I'm new to this forum, so apologies if this is a dumb question (but even if it is - can anyone point me in the right direction?)
Mike Morrison
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Oct 1, 2007
We are currently managing about 75 SQL Server instances. Each instance contains jobs (backups, index work, admin, etc) which report back to a central instance for monitoring. This is working well, but each time I need to change one of the jobs, I am having to log into each instance to do so.
I have recently played with Multi-server Environment, using a master and target, to see if this might help. There is relatively little written about Multi-server in books-online, and I am left with a question.
All jobs appear to be exact duplicates. But I don't want exact duplicates. For example, on the various target servers, I would like for the backup jobs to run at different times, and write to different directories. How are the rest of you working around this situation, if you are using Multi-server Environment?
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Mar 8, 2008
I've developed a website and it's hosted by a hosting company. Lately i've registered a new domain with a new virtual hosting account. I've transfered my web files succesfully. But migrating the sql server failed for a couple of times now. My database containes many tables with many products. My hosting provides doesn't give me the opportuniy to restore my backup which i've backuped from my old server. First I tried to use the import and export tool of sql server 2005. This was very easy and it succeeded. But this tool only migrates the tables and the views. All the common stored procedures of asp.net membership are not exported. So I can't login at the moment. I've tried to generate a sql script with all the stored procedures with sql server management studio. But If i want to run this script on my new db, it fails with various errors. I tried to use the aspnet_regsql tool to create all the membership tables and stored procedures. If this succeeds, I can import and export my old db to the new one. But i'm getting a error while trying to use the aspnet_regsql tool. The error number is 290 and the error is: How can I fix this? Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uitvoeren van het SQL-bestand InstallMembership.sql. Het SQL-foutnummer is 290 en het SqlException-bericht is: Invalid EXECUTE statement using object "Relation", method "SetUseVarDecimal".----------------------------------------Details van fout----------------------------------------SQL Server: Database: [samet]Geladen SQL-bestand:InstallMembership.sqlOpdrachten mislukt:/*************************************************************//*************************************************************//*************************************************************/DECLARE @ver intDECLARE @version nchar(100)DECLARE @dot intDECLARE @hyphen intDECLARE @SqlToExec nchar(400)SELECT @ver = 8SELECT @version = @@VersionSELECT @hyphen = CHARINDEX(N' - ', @version)IF (NOT(@hyphen IS NULL) AND @hyphen > 0)BEGIN SELECT @hyphen = @hyphen + 3 SELECT @dot = CHARINDEX(N'.', @version, @hyphen) IF (NOT(@dot IS NULL) AND @dot > @hyphen) BEGIN SELECT @version = SUBSTRING(@version, @hyphen, @dot - @hyphen) SELECT @ver = CONVERT(int, @version) ENDEND/*************************************************************/IF (@ver >= 8) EXEC sp_tableoption N'aspnet_Membership', 'text in row', 3000/*************************************************************//*************************************************************/IF (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N'aspnet_Membership_CreateUser') AND (type = 'P')))DROP PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_CreateUserSQL-uitzondering:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid EXECUTE statement using object "Relation", method "SetUseVarDecimal". bij System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) bij System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) bij System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) bij System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) bij System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) bij System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) bij System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() bij System.Web.Management.SqlServices.ExecuteFile(String file, String server, String database, String dbFileName, SqlConnection connection, Boolean sessionState, Boolean isInstall, SessionStateType sessionStatetype)
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Jun 27, 2001
We are planning migrating to different server.
I know the answers how to migrate all jobs and DTS packages.
But the only question I have is "How to migrate logins and passwords?"
What is the best way to transfer logins?
Can't you just export syslogins table into text file and then import it into the new server?
Thank you
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Apr 22, 2000
HI all,
Could any one pls suggest me, how i have to migrate to sql server 7.0 from db2. Pls also recommend some sites where will i get the information regarding this migration.
Thank you all.
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Aug 19, 2007
I am experiencing a situation where certain functions work perfectly when I run it on my local machine under MVS, but when I upload it to the server, then it does not?!
Here is an example:
I am using a drop down box (in a FormView) that is databound in an online submission form. When I run the application in MVS, then I can edit the records by opening the form, and selection the new value in the drop down list. The new value is then also saved to the database when I hit the update button. When I upload the code to the server, then the drop down list shows the correct information (so the databinding to the control seem to work correctly), but the new value is not saved to the database.
Here is the code for the drop down list:
"DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3"DataTextField="UserName" DataValueField="UserId" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("UserId") %>'CssClass="text">"SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalSqlServer %>"SelectCommand="SELECT [UserName], [UserId] FROM [vw_aspnet_Users] ORDER BY [UserName]"> Here is the code updating the database with the record (I have removed some records as well as the Insert and Delete parts):
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:tourism_connect1 %>"UpdateCommand="UPDATE Resorts SET typeid = @typeid, destrictid = @destrictid, UserId = @UserId, WHERE (resortid = @resortid)"OnInserted="SqlDataSource1_Inserted">
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="typeid" /><asp:Parameter Name="destrictid" /><asp:Parameter Name="UserId" /><asp:Parameter Name="resortid" /></UpdateParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
What I can mention further, is that if I connect to the database that is on the live server (so the application runs in MVS on my local machine, but it then retrieves the info from the online database), then it also works fine. It is just giving this issue when the online application is trying to update the values.
There is also no errors during the process.
I will appreciate any advise on how to overcome this, as I really do not know where to look anymore...
Thanks in advance!
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Jan 6, 2004
My company uses a quad processor server connected to a SAN to load and summarize detail sales information from 2000 stores on a nightly basis. We poll and load around 5,000,000 rows of data each night. THis information is summarized up to various levels, then replicated to one or more secondary datamart servers for end user access via web reporting, BI tools like Proclarity/Analysis Services etc...
The initial data polling server is only touched by the development staff supporting the process (1-5 programmers) and is licensed for SQL server Enterprise using a CAL model. Each datamart server is licensed with MS SQL server processor licenses.
The question: We were told that the quad processor polling machine, which has no end user access allowed, must be licensed with processor licenses since it touchs the data ultimately consumed by end users. This makes no sense to me.
The Microsoft white papers discussing multi_tier environments don't seem to address this type of issue. They focus on applications that ultimately pass thru a data request to the SQL server machine. In this situation, user requests are handled by the datamart servers, which are licensed with processor SQL licenses.
Can anyone clarify?
Thanks, Mike
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May 26, 2004
I've been asked to look into the possibility of using SQL Server in a high availability environment. We have a few web based applications that use SQL Server back end DBs. What we are looking into is whether we can use multiple instances (on multiple physical servers) of SQL Server using some type of clustering/load balancing. I haven't worked with SQL Replication before, so I'm not even sure where to start in exploring the possible avenues we can explore.
Can anyone push me in the right direction? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
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Jan 7, 2006
Hi all,I have posted the same topic under ASP-NET-Developers but had no reply;I then posted it under ASP.Net Community and had also no reply.Hence, i'm posting it here to prevent the impression of spam post ...I have created a SqlContextTrigger using ADO.NET 2.0 to create atrigger onSQL Server 2005.In the class, I create a file and specify its path to be in theApplicationDomain base directory such as:String Path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString()However, the path is always the SQL Server Binn Directory. I'd like totellthe program that I want the path to be related not to SQL Server BinnDirectory but to Visual Studio Solution's Project Bin Directory.How do I do that?Best regards
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Oct 9, 2006
Hi,Please confirm.. is it possible to connect to MSSQL server by executinga shell script on HP-UX (UNIX) platform.Regards,Uncle Sam
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Mar 12, 2007
We have a combined network with some users on the old Windows NT 4.0 network and others on the new Windows 2003 servers using Active Directory. Will my users on the old WinNT4.0 domain have issues accessing / running reports from Report Manager?
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Oct 4, 2007
I am looking at combining / consolidating some of our servers and was wondering if I can install SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 in a clustered Environment on a san.
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Aug 9, 2006
We are running 2 SQL Server and both run in failover clustered Environment.
The Problem is now we need to Replicate a Database from one Virtual SQL Sever to the other.
The Second one (clusterd environment)is stroing their database localy while the First One (clustered environment)is storing database in a shared storage.
Note that Both Server are used for sperate purpose , but we now need to set replication on the Other Clustered Setup for Reporting Purpose.
Will it work if we configure replication from One SQL Server Clustered Setup to the Other Clstered Setup.
If yes, then please let me know how it can be done ?
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Aug 24, 2005
I have looked all over the MS site and can find very little information regarding SQL Server's support for the VMWare environment. Based on other information that I have obtained on other forums and web-site it looks like it is not supported by Microsoft, but I would like the company line if possible.
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May 4, 2004
We use MS Access 2000 as our database, but run into lots of proplems. So we decided to research the migration to SQL Server.
I used Access Upsizing utitlity to migrate tables and their data to SQL server very easily, and all the relationships, indecies and other information are converted correctly.
Next is to migrate the queries. I found that to be a pain. Is there any tool out there that can do it for me? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Once that's done, then it's the application itself, but I am not worrying that for now.
Thanks, guys
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Jun 28, 2001
I have another question regarding migration process to diffrent SQL Server.
Last time when I did migration I didn't restore system databases (master in particular).
I only restored user databases and of course I've got login errors such
Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000) Error 15023: User or role '%s' already exists in the current database.
I just used sp_change_users_login to fix those orphans.
I've read articles in MS knowledge base and not quite sure is this a good idea to restore master database prior to restoring all user databases on the new server in order to keep all logins?
I'll try to use recommended article for transfering logins with password instead of restoring master database from backup
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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Mar 19, 2002
I am migrating MS SQL Server 6.5 databases to a new server and wanted to create the data & log devices differently than they are on the old box. My dbcc checks are giving me 2558 errors because my devices weren't built the same size in the same order. I thought if I didn't copy the master, I didn't have to rebuild the database exactly the same. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to rebuild different device sizes and do a successful restore ? Thanks in advance !
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Jan 16, 2003
I would like to know the 'best' way to migrate an existing S2K server database from the 'C' drive to another drive on the same machine.
Thank you
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Feb 6, 2003
I have a program that uses ADO to read/write to/from an Oracle back-end database. I'm hoping that given the underlying schema is the same, I can simply change the database driver I'm using and use a SQL Server database instead. Has anyone migrated an application using ADO from Oracle to SQL ? Are there any issues/problems/tips that I should be aware of ?
Thanks in advance..
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Apr 10, 2003
I need to move all existing dbs to a new server. One of the database is over 90GB in size. If I plan to use to restore database option, should I restore all user database first, then the system databases(master, msdb) or should I restore the system database first and the user databases second??
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Sep 18, 1998
I got a project of moving a web site of one a firm from one ISP machine to another ISP
machine. They are using Cold Fusion with SQL Server as the database. I am new to SQL Server.
I want some tips on how to migrate the database from one machine to another.
Any little help will be appreciated.
I will be waiting for suggestions.
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Aug 4, 2004
Hello, anyone knows a good way to export a data base from MSSQL Server 2000 to MySQL? Any suggestion is accepted. Thanks
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Sep 5, 2004
I will migrate data from a legacy COBOL system to SQL server 2000 Database.
OS: Open VMS
Data storage: RMS files
Any of you has any useful information or links related to this subject?
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Nov 5, 2005
What is the difference between the SQL used in MySQL and on the MS SQL 2000 server?
Can anyone recommend a good reference on translating a mySQL dump to a format that could be easily uploaded to a MS SQL server?
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Dec 15, 2005
Hi all,
I have a Database in SQL Server 2000 with several objects (tables, views , stored procedures , functions ).
Is there any specific procedure or tool by which I could migrate the entire database to SQL Server 2005.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hari Haran Arulmozhi
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Mar 3, 2004
The Setup: I'm moving a SQL Server 7 Database from a SQL Server sp'd somewhere between 3 and 4 (7.00.1028) to a SQL Server without any service packs. The old machine is a Dell PowerEdge 2400 (about 3 years old) and the new machine is a Dell PowerEdge 2650 with dual gigabit nics (and I have them teamed). Both machines run Windows 2000 Server. Mostly default installation on both the OS and SQL Server.
The Problem: When I restore the database to the new server (and resolve the orphaned login issues, etc.) the server hangs unbelievably. Most of my users can't even connect, much less work in their vb apps. I can ping the machine, but can't run the simplest T-SQL against it.
Any ideas?
Help would be greatly appreaciated.
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Aug 31, 2007
Hope somebody can help a novice, so I can impress my boss.
I've got to move a database to a new server and I'm trying to use Gregory A Larsen's sp_help_revlogin script http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/2228611.
It works perfectly for all users, but I want to limit it to one database by using his suggestion shown on that page:
SELECT sid, name, xstatus, password FROM master..sysxlogins
Your_db..sysusers b on a.sid = b.sid
WHERE srvid IS NULL AND name <> 'sa'
However, when I make the changes, so it looks like this:
SELECT sid, name, xstatus, password FROM master..sysxlogins a join
int_test..sysusers b on a.sid = b.sid
WHERE srvid IS NULL AND name <> 'sa'
I get this error when I try to run it:
Server: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_help_revlogin, Line 12
Ambiguous column name 'sid'.
Server: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_help_revlogin, Line 12
Ambiguous column name 'name'.
Server: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_help_revlogin, Line 12
Ambiguous column name 'password'.
Server: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_help_revlogin, Line 12
Ambiguous column name 'name'.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong.
The database that I want to limit the script/procedure to is called int_test on the same server, and I've checked that the table sysusers does exist, and that it has a column called name.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Aug 4, 2006
Hello,I am trying to migrate data from a DB2 database to SQL Server 2005database. Does anyone know about any migration tool that does that? Ihave heard about DB2 Migration Tool kit, but I think you can onlymigrate data to a DB2 database with that. Thank you.Sincerely,Eldhose Cyriac
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello,I have got the job to migrate data from an Excel-sheet to asql-server-database. I have a lot of experience with Access butSql-Server is not in my line.So who can give me some advice about how to do this job?thanx for your help, Helmut
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