Migration From Physical Host To VM?

Jun 25, 2015

we have:

(1) one physical server :

OS : Windows Server 2003
Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, File Server, Print Server and SQL Server 2005

and we will install new (2) two server for High Availability with VMware vSphere (ESXi) 6.0

and we will have (2) two Virtual Machine :

1st VM :
OS : Windows Server 2012 R2
Active Directory, DNS, DHCP

2nd VM :
OS : Windows Server 2008 R2 (becaure SQL Server 2005 does not work with 2012 R2 link)
SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3

My Question is : What is a safe method to Migrate Database's from Physical Host (Windows Server 2003) to 2nd VM ?

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SQL Server Physical Migration

Dec 20, 2004

Hi! I have an SQL server installation with a 6.5GB database online at a particular location. I need to move the Database to another location which is a 1000 Miles away.

I have an additional physical Server at the other location which I can use to Sync the database from the original location. Can anyone please guide me to the best strategy to sync the database from the original location to the new location with minimum downtime??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards

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Migration To Another Physical Location

Apr 4, 2008

I may be put on a project involving the migration of a SQL Server 2000 database from one physical location to another. I've never done something like this so any guidance would be appreciated.

My plan is to:
1. Backup the live database.
2. Do a restoration at the new location.
3. Set up transactional replication between the two databases.
4. Update records to point to the new db.

Are there any problems with doing it this way? Is there a better solution? I am trying to do this without any downtime, or as little as possible.

Thanks for any help.

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MS SQL Problems After Host Migration

Nov 17, 2004

My reseller web host (DIY) migrated a few weeks ago to a new data center.
Unfortunately, my MS SQL databases were not migrating properly. (as well as
other things). I have multiple sites that are not functional due to
problems with their migration.

When I looked at some of the databases, the table structure had been
migrated, but not the data and apparently something else.

Some of the databases of this error when trying to access it:
--- error ---
Error for database: DATABASENAME
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e37'
Invalid object name 'TABLENAME'.
--- end error---

Some of the databases I can actually access but get:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e2f'
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TABLENAME', table
'DATABASENAME.dbo.TABLENAME'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
Everything in all databases worked perfectly before the migration.

They tell me that they have done what they can. They tell me that they are
at the mercy of Psoft who assisted with the migration.

Does anyone know of anything that can my host that can help them figure out
the problem.

Any assistance will be GREATLY appreciated.

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Physical Files

Feb 29, 2008

I am new to this technology. can anyone pls help me.can anybody tell me what is physiacl file and source physiacl file wat are the attributes of physical file and source physical file.and how do we identify the uniqueness of a job.

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What Is The Host Name?

May 30, 2007

I am trying to connect to a remote MSSQL database through a manager program called "SQL Manager Lite". The first thing that the wizard asks me is the "host name".

How do I find this host name? I just mention that I am trying to connect to a database on a shared hosting.


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Combining Physical Files

Feb 28, 2001

Can anyone inform me how I would go about merging or combining 2 or more physical database files into 1. For example, suppose you have the following files out on your server:


but you only want


Is there any way to combine pubs_data2.ndf and pubs_data3.ndf into pubs_data1.mdf so you are only left with 1 database file called pubs_data1.mdf?

Thank you,


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Modify Physical File Name

Oct 27, 2003

I know how to modify the logical file name: ALTER DATABASE SATutorial
MODIFY FILE (NAME = Tutorial, NEWNAME = SATutorial_data)

How would I modify the physical file name from (e.g.) Tutorial.mdf to SATutorial_data.mdf?



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Bit Datatypes Physical Storage

Feb 15, 2005

Can anyone explain to me how a column defined with a "bit null" datatype is physically stored in MSSQL? Is it stored like a "tinyint null" physically? In other words, how many bytes on the row on the page does a "bit null" datatype consume (assuming a non-null value 0, or 1 is the current value).

Is there any good documentation about the physical storage layout for a data page?

Thanks -

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Physical RAM Stress Test

Nov 20, 2006


I have a new server where 32GB of RAM is installed and I have user databases on this server.I am using SQL server 2000 Enterprise edition and Platform is Windows 2003 adv server, which supports upto 128GB of memory.

sp_configure 'awe enabled' is set to 1 and at OS level, AWE is enabled as well.

max server memory (MB) is 2147483647

I was doing some stress test on this server but memory usage doesn't go beyond 180MB....can someone suggest a test for physical RAM ?

How can I make sure that application will make full use of available physical memory?


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Alert For Physical Memory

May 6, 2008

Is there an alert for physical memory in SQL2K5? My requirement is - I should get an alert when the free space on a particular drive comes below a threshhold.

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Physical Path Of Sql Server Log

May 30, 2008

where is save the folder of sql server logs ,error logs in sql server 2005

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Physical Memory Utilization

Feb 12, 2007

Environment: Win2003 SP1, 32 bit, SQL Server 2K5

My server has 16GB RM but it is using only 3GB. And I see my server is using 3GB of Virtual Memory, too. Why my physical memory is not being utilized? How can I increase Physical Memory usage and decrease VM usage?

Canada DBA

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Physical Disk Partitions

May 21, 2007

I just inherited a dev box, and need to do some performance analyzing on a 40 gig db for a client. Time is of the essence!

My question is that this dev box only has one disk partition (c: drive). Is it a huge deal that I don't have the db system files on one drive, with the data files on another, and tempdb on another,etc.....

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Changing Physical SQL Server

Jul 23, 2005

Hello all,We are in the process of upgrading our SQL physical server (with SS2k). Inthe process we will change the OS form NT4 to W2K. What is the best way tocopy all my databases and SQL logins, roles, jobs, alerts, etc. from myactual (old) SQL Server to my new one?Thanks for your time.Yannick

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SQL Server 7 Physical Storage

Jul 23, 2005

I need to bulk insert very large amount of data into several MSSQLtables.The first Data model definition used identities to mantain relationshipbetween those tables but we found that natural keys (compound) arebetter forbulk insert (there is no need to obtain the identity first)My question is, changing the identities to natural keys (in some tablesinorder of 4, 5 attributes) will enlarge my database storage?I think MSSQL implements relationships with pointers (or hashcodes), sothestorage size will be similar, right?Regards,

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Looking For Physical Design Suggestions...

Jul 20, 2005

I got a server that has a RAID-5 array partitioned into C: and D:drives (OS Win2K Adv. Server installed on C:). The server also has amapping to a NAS device using the latest protocols that trick thesystem into thinking the map is actually a local SCSII drive. That'sdrive X:.This server is used only for SQL, and contains an OLTP database thatsees a lot of use and is pretty heavily indexed.I am toying with the idea of centralizing my data storage on the NAS(data center network segment is 1-gigabit ethernet). So I wasthinking about putting my primary data file on the NAS (drive X:) andkeeping all tables there, creating a secondary data file on localRAID-5 (drive D:) and putting all non-clustered indexes there, as wellas keeping the tempdb there and specifying the sort in tempdb option.Log files would also remain on D:.If anyone can suggest a better scenario given the above setup - I'dlove to hear it. Much appreciated.Alexey Aksyonenko

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Transaction Log Physical Device

Mar 18, 2008

Are there any problems or issues with backing up a transaction log to a physical file with the ".bak" extension? We are having some trouble with are hourly trans log backups and I was wondering if this could be part of the problem. Tom.

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Physical Memory 198,250K Available

Aug 30, 2007

We have a sql 2005 server with 8GB of RAM. Task Manager shows that it only has 198,250k (about 200 MB) of Physical Memory available. I wonder if that number should be higher.

What can I check (Perfmon counters? Which ones?) to indicate it that's too little RAM, the right amount, or too much.



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Physical Relation Database

Nov 7, 2007

I usually crate relation with database but not use physical relation
* My question is if crate physical relation is best way or not
and what advantage and disadvantage of physical relation
and if it the best way to make relation

thanks in advance

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Building An NT Box To Host SQL 7

Oct 25, 1999

I'm in the midst of planning how to build an NT box to host SQL 7.0 and was wondering if there is any advantage to segregating the RAID 5 Array (5 x 18GB drives) into numerous *logical* partitions to separate database and log files (I can't see what advantage there would be if the disks are all on the same array, but..)

If anyone has any pointers or links to recommended NT configurations for hosting SQL, I'd appreciate hearing them.


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Host Name Not Displayed

Jul 19, 1999

When using sp_who and sp_who2 on SQL Server 6.5 I seem to get inaccurate results .

Each spid seems to be using the same host name, and the host name used is one that hasn't been connected to SQL server for several months.

Is there a problem with the connection management ? If so how do I find this out ? and how do I fix it ?

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Change Host Name

Oct 19, 2007

I change the PC name. so now @@servername returns the oldname.
I try sp_dropserver and I got an error:

Msg 15015, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_dropserver, Line 42
The server '[IBM-E81EB247FF3]' does not exist. Use sp_helpserver to show available servers.

I run sp_helpserver and I get the oldname:

IBM-E81EB247FF3IBM-E81EB247FF3 rpc,rpc out,use remote collation0 NULL00

any idea ?
many thanks

Noam Graizer

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Deploy .MDF To A Web Host

Mar 17, 2006

Hi all,I'm new to SQLServer (Express edition) so I was wondering: if the webhost supports SQLServer 2005 do I just need to move the .MDF file to mydirectory on the web host to be able to use it?Thanks,Lorenzo

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The Worst Asp.net Host

Jul 20, 2005

Whatever you do, don't try aspwebhosting.com . One day recently I gotan email from them saying that my account had been suspended for usingtoo much cpu time. There was no further explanation. Those bastardstook my site offline, removed my email account, blocked my ftp accessand even refused to let me get a backup of sql-server data. I sentthem an email (using a yahoo account since they had shut down my ownserver) to ask what I could do to get my data. Rather than answer myemail they simply put me their BLOCK list. All of my emails are nowautomatically bounced. I only sent them one email and it was verypolite. My website is gone. My data is gone. All of my files aregone. The loss of time and effort combined with damage to my businessis unforgivable

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Is There A Free Ms Sql Host?

Oct 5, 2006

I am looking for a free ms sql database for my programs, but i don't want to host it on my computer, because my web host does not allow servers to be run and people connecting to thme.

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DB Engine :: Host-name And Name Are Not Same?

Aug 31, 2015

when I run the Query "Select @@ServerName" it is providing the server name which is not same as I connect to SQL Server.example : My SQL Server Name is "XXX123" and when I run the above query it is Printing as "YYY123"

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How To FTP To Host(Mainframe)?

Jan 24, 2008


I am trying to send files over to an ftp server on Mainframe using scripts that is provided in this link, but I can't get it to work.
The problem is the sendfile method concatinates the source file name to the MVS dataset name which causes the issue.

Here's my code (FTPConn is a connecation mgr for FTP):

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()

Dim mgr As ConnectionManager

mgr = Dts.Connections("FTPConn")

Dim conn As FtpClientConnection

conn = New FtpClientConnection(mgr.AcquireConnection(DBNull.Value))

Dim toFiles As String

toFiles = "ftpp.a.b.xxxxx.yyyyyy.int"

Dim fromFiles(0) As String

fromFiles(0) = "c: est.txt"



conn.SendFiles(fromFiles, toFiles, True, True)

Catch ex As Exception



End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

End Class


SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC001602A at Package, Connection manager "FTPConn": An error occurred in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: 200 Representation type is Ascii NonPrint

200 Port request OK.

501 Invalid data set name "ftpp.a.b.xxxxx.yyyyyy.int/test.txt". Use MVS Dsname conventions.

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What Is Logical And Physical Database Design

May 19, 2008

hi we are in the process of developing a project and we r at the initial phase i.e. at the analysis phase and we have been discusssing on what is physical and logical database design. can any body send any links or articals on this will be hightly appreciated.

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Unable To Open The Physical File.....

Apr 7, 2006

Hi, i'm trying to interface a c# application with an sql database created with Visual Web Developer Express.
I have published the site (and the db) on iis 5 (xp pro).
Everithing goes fine on accessing the database from internet,but when i try to connect the db while it's opened with my c# program  i keep an error in the sqlconnection open command:
Unable to open the physical file "C:myApp_Datamydb.mdf". Operating system error 32: "32(The file is in use by another process.)".
My connection string from webconfig:
<add name="MYDBCS" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Database=&quot;C:myApp_Datamydb.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
.....and  the connection string for the c# program:
"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=c:myapp_datamydb.mdf;Integrated Security=False;Connect Timeout=30;User ID=abc;Password=abc;Trusted_Connection=False;";
I have used a user to connect the database because there was a conflict trying to open the db with Integrated Security=True.
Does anyone have an idea where is the error?
Many  thanks

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Trigger Writing Across Physical Disks

Feb 27, 2001

Any help appreciated!
Is there any performance enhancements to be gained by storing frequently 'trigger-written-to' databases on a seperate disk to the source database? In particular, we keep a 'history' database of all inserts/updates/deletes against records, activated by triggers, and I was wondering if I would gain performance enhancement by locating the two databases on different disks?
Thanks in advance

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Estimating The Size Of A DB From A Physical Design

Jan 5, 1999

Can someone recommend an application that produces an estimate of the size of a database from column definitions and
estimated number of rows in each table? -- Thanks

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Actual Physical File Size

Jun 21, 2004

Hi Everybody,
I like to compute the actual physical database file size using queries.

From the EM database properties, the file size shown is not matching with the master..sysaltfiles.size

Ex. Actual file size is 12MB and 1MB for MDF & LDF respectively.
'sysaltfiles' shows 1464 & 96 resp. Since they are shoing it as 8K Pages,
96*8 = 768KB is not matching with 1024KB for the LDF file.
Is there any overheads (additional space from the physical file for file headers) allocated?


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