Migration To A Database Questions

Oct 2, 2007


I'm new to databases but not to programming in general. I've got a few applications which currently sit on a single PC and read/update a particular XML file on the box. The applications are C# apps and use FileSystemWatchers and a mutex to keep watch for changes and update the XML file as needed. It has worked reasonable well for me.

Now, I need to run these applications on separate machines, so it seemed a good point to consider moving toward a database solution.

I'm hoping that there is a straightforward solution using SQL Server that will ensure that my applications alway have the current view of the world. I had run into instances with my existing setup where once in a while an application thought its DataSet was up to date, but wasn't.

Can someone point me in the right direction to implement the solution? I suspect that this is a really common need for lots of programs that are distributed. I'm still quite a newbie with databases and SQL Server, so I'm not even sure I'm using the right terms to describe things.


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Package Configuration/migration Questions

Apr 19, 2007

I have a two questions that hopefully someone can assist.

Question 1

We use the XML file option to store configuration information for our SSIS packages. It seems that the XML configuration files are not being used in all instances even though we specify the file in SQL Agent. From what I€™ve seen, properties like server name and SQL user id are being pulled from the XML configuration file. Other types of references in the configuration file like email addresses for a send email task are not being pulled.

The way I determined this is that I manually edited the configuration XML file on SQL Server. Changes done to email addresses in the configuration file are not used when I run the package via SQL Agent. But changes to server name and/or SQL user name are used.

If we run the deployment wizard and update the email addresses via the Wizard, the changes are reflected in the configuration file and the SQL Agent job picks up the changes. It seems a waste to have to rerun the SSIS migration wizard just to update the configuration XML file.

We are using SQL Server 2005 SP 1. When we deploy SSIS packages, we run the deployment wizard and choose the following options:

SQL Server deployment and check the Validate packages after installation.
Specify SQL Server, Use Windows Authentication, and check the Rely on server storage for encryption
Update information in the configuration file within the wizard
Question 2

When we migrate SSIS packages on the production server, we get the following error message during the Package Validate step: The SSIS logging provider has failed to open the log. Error code: 0x80070005. Could this be caused by differences in the SQL directory structure between the Development and Production Servers? On the Development workstation and the Development server, a directory called C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSLogProviders exists. On our production server, this folder is located on D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSLogProviders.

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Where Is The Forum For DTS -&&> SSIS Migration Questions?

Jan 29, 2008

I have a question regarding a DTS (SQL server 2000 package) to SSIS (SQL SERVER 2005 package) migration.

which is the best forum to post my question ?

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Problem With Migration Sql 2000 Database To Sql 2005 Database

Mar 21, 2007

Hi all

I have a problem with the migration of databases from sql 2000 to sql 2005.

When i try to create the table or when i try to import the database, the below message is prompt:

Mens. 2782, Nivel 16, Estado 1, Línea 1

La instrucción DDL no está permitida.

Any ideas about this problem?

Thanks in advance

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SQL Database Migration - Please Help

Nov 20, 2007

We have an old client server application (vb / sql 2000) we have now converted that application to a web based asp.net / sql 2000. Though the db is same (sql 2000) for both applications, tables/columns has been changed during the development process. Now i need to migrate the data from our old db to this new db. Should this be done the "painful" way of checking each and every table its links/dependencies, columns manually or is there a tool which helps me migrate the data from one db to another (even though the tables/columns are different)Please Help.Thanks. 

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Database Migration

Apr 4, 2007

How do i migrate my DataBase From sql serevr 2000 to 2005? Including the data. In 2000, it was easy through DTS (Copy SQL Server Objects Task: undefined). But don't any thing of that type in 2005(SSIS). Kindly Help...........

Rahul Jha

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Database Migration

Jan 22, 2008

HI Guys

I have a large MYSQL database that I need to migrate to MS-SQL Server 2005. Are there any good tools available to do this with ?


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Database Migration

Jun 17, 2008

Hi All,

I have created new xyz database in one of our sql server 2005. Now I want to restore the YTR database from sql server 2000 server and I also wanted my SQL server 2000 logins/users and thier permissions remain same on YTR database.

Urgent help would be appreciable.


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Database Migration

Jan 17, 2006

Hi,I wonder wether a software or a device (or script) allowing to migrate datafrom an existant database to a new database by using correspondant ODBCdrivers existed.Thanks for your help.

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Database Migration

Nov 23, 2007

Can any one help me to migrate SQL Server 7.1 databse to SQL Server 2000.

Thanks in advance

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SQL Express Database Migration Help

Mar 21, 2007

Hi i have had a few problems taking a database backup .bak from an SQL Express install on one server i.e. SQLHOST/SQLExpress and moving it to a new machine in a different office i.e. MASTERSERVER/SQLExpress

Does anyone have any ideas on this?


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Best Practice For Database Migration

Nov 17, 2006

Can you tell me what is the best practice for SQL database migration fromone DB server, to another one, new DB server. The old DB server will beremoved.1. Backup from old and restore all databases on the new server2. Export data and copy/import on a new server3. Something else...Thanks in advance for any good advice...Regards

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SQL 7 To SQL 2000 Database Migration

Jul 20, 2005

Could someone help us with a problem we're having with regard tomoving several databases from SQL 7 to SQL 2000 on different serversin different domains. Our current SQL 7 server resides in one domain,and holds several databases. We now want to move these to a SQL 2000server in another domain.We're trying to use the Copy Database wizard on the SQL 2000 server(logged in as the local admin account), selecting the SQL 7 server asthe source, using 'sa' account on that server. The target is the SQL2000 server, again using 'sa' account. We're leaving everything elsewith regards to logins, jobs etc as default (i.e. taking everythingthat can be found), but when the steps execute, the last step thatbrings the database across fails with an error code -2147467259 -Failed to create the share OMWWIZI.Can anyone help us out with this error, or provide any suggestions asto what we can do?Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Validation After Database Migration

Aug 31, 2015

I have migrated sybase database to sql server it seems successfully migrated, we required to validate data and datatype before going to production, how can this be achieved, kind of stored procedure which can be run both sides (sybase and sql) and validated in some way.

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SQL 2012 :: Database Migration Time

Sep 2, 2014

Usually when in the process of migration, how to calculate how much time it will take to migrate the database. If a database full backup is taking approximately 3 hr how much time it will take to restore that database.

Which process is better to migrate the SQL server from 2008 to 2014.

Database migration wizard or restoring the db using backup file?

Usually if you are new to the sql server and you don't have any idea about the OS how can you find how much time it will take for migration for each database and for all databases

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Need Help With A MySQL To MSSQL Database Migration...

May 1, 2007

Hello there..... im currently running a mysql database and i want to switch to a mssql database structure... creating the database is not a issue, but inserting values is a problem...

my forum has a lot of data and moving one row at a time is near insanity....

i tried this. ---

Code Snippet

INSERT INTO si_acl_groups ("group_id", "forum_id", "auth_option_id", "auth_role_id", "auth_setting") VALUES
(100, 0, 0, 14, 0),
(96, 0, 15, 0, 1);

but i only get this error. ---

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near ','.

any suggestion...

i was able to dump the mysql database into a .sql file but it just gives the same error when i execute...

please help...

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Database Questions

Jul 20, 2005

We are negotiating with a vendor and we have a few questions:1) From a licensing point of view, what is a database? Can we installmultiple copies of SQLServer on one box? In that case, would eachcopy be a different database?2) Within a single SQL Server installation, I can create multipledatabases, as listed in the Enterprise Manager. I can switch amongthem using "use ..." commands. Would these be treated as differentdatabases?3) We have copies of our transactional database in identicaldevelopment, QC, and production environments. Is this a singledatabase, or 3 databases?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Table Migration From One Database To Another

Jul 7, 2015

I'm trying to migrate tables from one database to another. The tables in the source database (MY_SOURCE_DB) have a schema of "dbo". I want to create the tables in the target database (MY_TARGET_DB) with a schema of "xyz". I want to migrate all of the tables with "contract" in the table name:

select table_name from information_schema.tables
where table_name like '%contract%'

I want to migrate the full table definitions, table data and dependent objects. This needs to be done through a sql script as opposed to SSIS.

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SQL Server Test To Production Database Migration

Feb 25, 2006


Is there any tool available to migrate the data from the SQL Server
test database to SQL Server production database. Data Migration should
be based on a condition which can be given as an input for a table by
the user. The dependant tables also should be migrated based on the
condition. i.e data subsetting based on the matching conditions.

Ex : Salary > 2000

The rows of the table which matches the condition alone need to be
migrated for the corresponding table. Also its dependant table's
rows should be migrated based on the given condition. Please help me
with a tool which can automate this.



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Migration To Sql Server On Network For Access Database

Jul 26, 2007


I migrated the Northwind database using SQL Migration Assistant for Access. it worked fine and I was able to link the access forms to Local machine SQL Server 2005 and it worked fine.

Now i want to link the same Northwind access database to Another Server on the network.

When i try to run the wizard again, it won't migrate the user objects like tables to server, it will just create a database and that is it.
it will give me this error too.

No User objects were selected.

any idea,



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Migration Assistant For Access Can't Find SQL Database?

Aug 6, 2007

I've installed SQL 2005 Express Addition which created a default database using Windows Authentication -- MachineName/SQLEXPRES. I want to convert some access databases to sql server in the migration assistant, however, when I try to connect the migration assistant to the default database I can't find the database in the drop down box wizard? I'm perplexed? Please shed some light or point me to some articles that will help. Thanks.

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Replication :: Table Migration From One Database To Another In Same Instance

Nov 26, 2015

I want to move table from one database to another database in same instance, table should migrated with complete data,with same column data type, all constraints like PK,FK unique key, check, identity, permissions has to be there.. which is the right way to achieve this.

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Database Design Questions

May 17, 2008

 Hey guys, this is my first post here. I just joined recently and I am loving the videos as they've really helped me step into ASP.NET and VB. Just some background, I used to be a CS major several years ago and programmed in Java and C, though I only went through 2 years before I moved majors. I didn't like the focus of my universities program, and decided to pursue other options. Ironically, I am now delving back into programming, but with a focus on web development, hence learning VB and ASP.NET. Anyways I am developing my first web application and I needed some help.Basically, what the program does is allow users to login to this web site and then store private information, which they can then access at a later time from any computer that is connected to the web. I have already setup user membership by following the video (lesson 8 of the ASP.NET series - Securing your Web site with Membership and Login Controls) from the Learnvisualstudio.net series. I can login to my site just fine, as well as creating a new user etc. The next step is designing the SQL database, and setting up the page that retrieves a users data, allowing them to view the private information they've stored, as well as to edit, create, and delete information.Unfortunately, while I can see the broad method of doing this, I am a bit lost in actually implementing it. The first stumbling block I am coming across is the SQL database itself. I have attached an image of how I have the database designed so far. Note that the aspnet_user table is the one that ASP.NET creates automatically when you enable membership controls and such.So basically, a user logs in, and they are greeted with a list of all of the "stickies" they have created. Each sticky has a title, as well as up to 4 fields, and you can enter the name of the field, as well as enter the actual data. It's foreign key ties back to the UserId that ASP.NET already created. The user can also organize their stickies into categories, hence that table. The Settings table will be where a users settings will be saved, such as which view mode they prefer etc. At this stage of development, that table is un-important and un-developed.So on to some of my questions. As it is designed now, there will be one table with every users stickies, as well as categories, and when a user logs in, the program will look at the category and stickies tables, and grab the ones that are associated to the users UserId. So one of my first questions is; is this a good design? I ask this from a security standpoint as well as a speed and efficiency standpoint. I want this site to be able to support at least 50,000 to 100,000 users, each with any number of "stickies" and "categories" With that size of a user base, would each user be looking at massive load times because the program would have to go through a very large table to grab only the ones that are linked with the users UserId? Say I have 50,000 users, and each user has 5 "stickies", that means that my user_stickies table would have 250,000 rows of data, and the program would be trying to find only 5 of those. Is this a really inefficient way of doing this? Should each user have their own category and stickies table? If so, how would I go about doing this? And in that case, instead of having a couple giant tables, my SQL DB would instead have a ton of tables, is this even any better?I have other questions, but I guess I'll start with this. What are your guys' thoughts? I am a newbie, so this may be a silly set of questions. I try to read up and research as much myself as I can, but sometimes you have so much information thrown at you at once its hard to grab out the specific answers you need.

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Database Design Questions

Dec 6, 2004

I’m trying to design a database that allows the users to give each individual client/company unlimited addresses and salutations. I can build the design that accommodates this, but I cannot figure out how to handle them knowing which salutation to use with a mailing they might do to the clients.

I have put the Company Name and Position (title) in the address table so that when doing a mailing the company name and title are associated with the company address being mailed too. But again, I’m not sure how they would choose a salutation if they have many choices.

Looking for any of your thoughts or suggestions.

Thank you,

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Database Design Questions

Jan 19, 2004

I designed the database and there are two points I'm not sure that my design was correct:
1) In my search engine (in interface) i have an expression builder and user can save the expression he created. In this case don't chreate view in database, but I have a table named "Expressions" which saves expression name and expression. The reason I made it was: If I create view it doesn't make db to work faster because the select query in view runs every time when view was opened, but it makes my code more generic . But isn't it a design error?

2) I save 3 reserved fields in each table, and I don't know if I'll use them some day. The reason: adding a column to database is heavy operation. But isn't it a design error?

Thank you for advice

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SQL/ Database Design Questions

Apr 24, 2007

I have a few questions here about designing a database:

1. What is normalisation and de-norminalisation?

2. A quote:

normalisation has a series of steps (or rules) called forms the more steps you take, the more normalised your tables are......If you use the first 3 steps you would say that the tables are in their Third normal form

What is all that about - whats forms got to do with tables or what is he trying to say in the above quote?

3. When would you decide to create a new table in a database - i.e. what rules does everyone follow to say "ok i better capture this data in a new table and create a relationship to another table"

Thanks in advance

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Database Restore Questions

Apr 19, 2007

Hello Gurus,

I wanted to restore a database to multiple data files from backup which has got only few data files. Is it possible do this?

Example : Backup has 4 data files and I need to restore it to 8 data files.



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Several Questions Regarding Database Mirroring.

Jan 31, 2006

Our company is looking to move to a more robust database platform/setup, and it looks like sql 2005 + database mirroring is what we are looking for. First I have some questions about it.

Can a server that is functioning as a mirror for one database be the primary server for a seperate database? Basically think of a triangle of three sql servers, each serving as a primary server for a specific database, and using the next server in the triangle as a mirror for that specific database. To be more specific:

Server 1, Primary Database A, Mirroring Database C
Server 2, Primary Database B, Mirroring Database A
Server 3, Primary Database C, Mirroring Database B

If that is possible, how many witness servers would be needed to accomplish the above topology? On that note, how robust hardware wise should the witness server be?

On a completely seperate note, what method is recommended for interconnecting these servers? Is gigabit ethernet fast enough, or does it require something like fibre channel or infiniband?

Thank You!

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ReorderList, Database, Identity Questions

Jan 12, 2008

 Hi Guys,

The ReorderList control has driven me to desperate ends tonight.  I found that it will only work if my database has a field (OrderID in this case) of type int that it can use to keep track of the order.  The problem is that I'm not using the ReorderList control for inserting into the database.  This requires me to keep track of the OrderID myself and I have found that simply setting the OrderID field as the "Identity" will cause it not to work.

Common sense tells me that using the Identity is the best way to keep track of a ReorderList because it automatically numbers things as ther're inserted.  If something is deleted, it shouldn't matter because it will still be in order even to there's a gap in the numbering.

The only solution I can think of is trying having TWO identity fields in the database, but since that's not possible, a field that mirrors the Identity.  Can anyone advise me on how to do that? The below datasource does not insert anything into the OrderID field:


<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsItems" runat="server" ConnectionString='<%$ ConnectionStrings:testConnectionString %>'
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Items]"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Items] ([Name]) VALUES (@Name) SET @OrderID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Items] SET [Name] = @Name, [OrderID] = @OrderID WHERE [ItemID] = @original_ItemID"
OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Items] WHERE [ItemID] = @original_ItemID">
<asp:Parameter Name="Name" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Direction="Output" Name="OrderID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Name" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="OrderID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="original_ItemID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="original_ItemID" Type="Int32" />

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SQL 2012 :: Migration From Access Database Completely To Query For A Report?

Jan 15, 2015

we want to completely do away with access, on my report tool,which is crystal report, we want query to be our data source so , we do not want to use ssis packageor import from access to sql, how can l handle bringing all table and the query from Access together.

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SQL Server Test Database To SQL Server Production Database -- Data Migration

Feb 25, 2006


Is there any tool available to migrate the data from the SQL Server test database to SQL Server production database. Data Migration should be based on a condition which can be given as an input for a table by the user. The dependant tables also should be migrated based on the given condition. i.e data subsetting based on the matching conditions.

Ex : Salary > 2000

The rows of the table which matches the condition alone need to be migrated for the corresponding table. Also its dependant table's rows should be migrated based on the given condition. Please help me with a tool which can automate this.


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2 Questions (SQL 2000 To 2005 Database Conversion)

Aug 8, 2006

I have a db in SQL server 2000 developer edition. I am using Visual Studio 2005 standard, and also VWD Express. I would like to just access the database that is in SQL server 2000 so I can get on with developing the site, but VS2005 refuses to recognize the instance. It recognizes 2005 instances right away.The services are all running, the network protocols are enabled, uid's/pw all of that is correct. I am getting the "named pipes" error (the named pipes protocol is enabled).Any suggestions? I'd really rather just work with the db as-is in SQL 2000. But I can't get it to connect. I can connect to it if I export it to SQL 2005, (on the same development machine) but can't get the stored procs over to the 2005 db. So my web app is not finding the stored procs and won't run.Do I need to uninstall SQL 2005 from this box if I want to use SQL 2000?Thanks,--Donnie

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ODBC SQL Server Database Reconnect Questions

Aug 22, 2005

I have an ODBC 3.0 Application on Windows NT Server maintaining aconnection to a SQL Server 2000 database on the same machine. When anerror occurs, I'd like to be able to determine whether the error isserious enough that the database connection has been lost, so I canhave the application try to reconnect automatically. My understandingis that any error of severity 20 or above includes a broken connection,but I'm having difficulty retrieving the error severity through ODBC.So my first question is, how do I retrieve the error severity throughODBC?Also, as a test, I stopped the database while my application is stillrunning, and the first error I received had a native error code of 55.There is no 55 error in the sysmessages table, so I'm confused as towhat the severity of the error is. Can anyone shed some light on why Iwould be receiving an error code that is not in the sysmessages table,and where I might be able to find more information about the error?Thanks in advance,Abram

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