Mail Merge && SQL

Mar 31, 2004

I need to mail merger information in a SQL Server DB to word to make shipping labels for part vendors. I need the abilty to select the vendor by the vendor number and specify how many copies of each to print. I have the DB mail merged to Word but I can not figure out how to do the select part

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DISTINCT First Name And Last Name For Mail Merge

Dec 1, 2005

I'm trying to create a mail merge on my MS SQL database. Many of my owners are entered more than once as they might own multiple properties. I'm trying to write a query where each is only pulled one time and I'm having some trouble. I think I need to use SELECT DISTINCT, but I need to make sure I don't filter out people with the same first name and different last names and vice versa. Thanks!

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Aggregate Total Acreage And Group By For Mail Merge

Dec 1, 2005

I was helped on an earlier question to complete my mail merge with the following code:
inner join --DistinctNames
(selectMax(PrimaryKey) as PrimaryKey
group by FirstName,
LastName) DistinctNames
on YourTable.PrimaryKey = DistinctNames.PrimaryKey
Basically this code queries my mailing list and ensures that i do not send mutiple letters to one person at the same address who might be in the batabase more than once. However, the reason they are in there more than once is that they might own additional properties. Anyway, I have a column that includes their acreage for each property in each record and I would like to add those up for each person during my query. Thought anyone? Thanks!

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How To Mimic Replmerg.exe In

Dec 20, 2005


On an existing Merge Pull Subscription (Subscriber: SQL Express) via websync how can we start replication via We can use the cmd line replmerge.exe and all works fine however we would like this to be cleaner as it's going to be on demand sync. I saw in BOL about the RMO and how to create pubs/subs but nothing telling me how to actually start the replication process. Is there a sample of how to start the replication process in for websync? Thanks in advance.


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Using Filegroups To Mimic Table Restores

Sep 28, 2000

Recently, we had some tables inadvertantly dropped from a 20+ GB data warehouse in the middle of one of our load cycles. In order to avoid restarting the load, we had to make restore a copy of the database from a full database backup and then manually move in the dropped tables using DTS.

This ended up being a painful process, and I am looking to avoid it by restructuring the database into filegroups so I can mimic the table restore function from 6.5.

I am looking for pros, cons, gotchas, and best practices regarding splitting a MSSQL 7 database into multiple filegroups. We would be including 1 or more tables and all of thier indexes in each filegroup. Specifically, I have the following questions:

1. All the literature I read mentions the need for doing transaction log backups and restores if I utilize filegroup backups. Is this really necessary? We have turned off transaction logging for performance reasons, and since we completely control the addition of new data into the db.

2. Are there implications for disk read performance involved with filegroups? Our data resides on an EMC disk array. I feel that we'll most likely have between 20 and 30 filegroups.

3. If we decide to move a table (and its indexes) between filegroups, is the process as simple a dropping the clustered index and recreating it on the new filegroup (then dropping and recreating the n-c indexes)?

Any information y'all can post would be greatly appreciated.

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How Do You Conditionally Fire A Trigger (mimic Replication)

Oct 19, 2006

Does anyone know how to do the following. I'm trying to mimicreplication with triggers.I have 2 databases, each have these 2 tables.1.USERSID intNAME varchar(20)2.CHANGESTABLE varchar(20)TYPE varchar(10)col1 varchar(20)col2 varchar(20)On the USERS table I have a for insert trigger. Whenever a new user isadded the trigger puts an entry into the CHANGES table such as("USERS", "INSERT", "1", "Fred")I now have an application ( that monitors the CHANGES table onserver1. If it finds an entry it determines the table using the TABLEcolumn and performs the necessary insert and deletes the entry fromCHANGES. Now the problem is server2 also has an for insert trigger onthe USERS table so it puts an entry into CHANGES on server2. As youcan imagine this goes around in a loop.What I was hoping for was someway of saying, "I'm inserting from myapplication so don't do the trigger".Any ideas gratefully appreciated.Steve.

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Mimic The Rowcount Transform's Variables Dropdown?

Jul 24, 2007

I'm trying to mimic the rowcount transform's custom property called VariableName in a custom pipeline transform, with the same drop-down and list of variables in the default property grid as that of "RowCount".

Should a UITypeEditor or a TypeConverter be used for such a custom property? More importantly, in either case, how do you get from the UITypeEditor or TypeConverter to the TaskHost which contains the Variables to enumerate?

I'm not that familiar with Windows Forms, but it appears in both cases (editor or type converter), an ITypeDescriptorContext parameter named "context" is passed, but I'm certain how to get from A to B, that is, from the context variable to the TaskHost.

P.S. There's no need to add a new variable, just select from those that already exist.

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Can A Data Flow Task Mimic Bulk Insert?

May 31, 2006

Hi Guys,

The way I understand a Data Flow Task is that it inserts the rows from the source to destination one by one. Is there a way to make it act like a bulk insert task? We have been experiencing performance issues when inserting a lot of rows from one table to another. If there's no way to actually do it, can a bulk insert task functionality be scripted? Coz what I need is a table to table insert, and the bulk insert task only accepts data files as sources.


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Integration Services :: Sending Mail With HTML Format In Send Mail Task

Aug 18, 2015

I have to send mail with HTML formatĀ  and attaching multiple files dynamically via send mail task.

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DB Mail And Notify Operator Through DB Mail Error Could Not Retrieve Item From The Queue

Feb 2, 2007

I've set up DB mail and sent a test e-mail and that comes through fine.

I set up an Operator with email Name:;

I created a job and set up the notifications to e-mail the operator on failure.

When the job runs and fails, I do not get an e-mail and I get the following exception in the db mail log:

Date 2/2/2007 8:35:00 AM
Log Database Mail (Database Mail Log)

Log ID 402
Process ID 3936
Last Modified 2/2/2007 8:35:00 AM

1) Exception Information
Exception Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Common.BaseException
Message: Could not retrieve item from the queue.
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Controller.ICommand CreateSendMailCommand(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.DataAccess.DBSession)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: DatabaseMailEngine

StackTrace Information
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Controller.CommandFactory.CreateSendMailCommand(DBSession dbSession)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Controller.CommandFactory.CreateCommand(DBSession dbSession)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Controller.CommandRunner.Run(DBSession db)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.IMailProcess.ThreadCallBack.MailOperation(Object o)

What step am I missing?

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XP_sendmail Puts Copy Of Mail In Sent Mail Of Exchange Client.

Jul 9, 2001

I am using nt4.0 sp5 with sql7.0 sp3 and exchange client.
Does anyone know how to keep xp_sendamil form putting a copy of the mail message in the sent mail folder or an automated process for deleting all mail in the sent folder? As it stands now I must manually delete all messages from the sent mail folder on a daily basis.



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SMTP Database Mail Showing Error While Sending Mail

Mar 7, 2007

Lokendra writes "I have configured the Database mail profile and account in Sql Server 2005 but the mail is not sending and showing the following error message:

Error,235,The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 1 (2007-03-05T15:16:07). Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Mailbox name not allowed. The server response was: Sorry<c/> that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts.).
),3000,90,,3/5/2007 3:16:07 PM,sa

but while in the same mail set up in previous instance of sql server 2005 the message was sending very well. After installing new instance of sql server 2005 the problem is arising.

Anybody can tell me that what I can do so that i can send mail using the SMTP databasemail account."

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SSIS Send Mail Task - Failure Sending Mail

Dec 13, 2007

Dear all,
I have switched off the firewall settings on my system and as suggested im entering the minimal information and data to send the mail.
but still the Mail Task is failing..
plz suggest.

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SSIS Send Mail Task - Failure Sending Mail

Jun 8, 2006

Hi Everyone,

Hopefully someone out there will have an idea as this is driving me nuts.

I've setup a task to email on success/failure and keep receiving the following message when executed:

Progress: The SendMail task is initiated. - 0 percent complete
[Send Mail Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Failure sending mail.".
Progress: The SendMail task is completed. - 100 percent complete
Task Send Mail Task failed

When I configure Outlook Express on the same machine with the same settings it works.

On the SMTP Connection Manager I have left the default name, tested with both an IP address and Server Name, and no authentication or SSL.

On the Send Mail Task, it uses the above connection. The To: , From: , Subject fields are populated. Message SourceType is DirectInput, MessageSource is Test, Priority is Normal and no attachments or expressions etc.

Nothing useful is logged in the Event Viewer even with full logging turned on.

Any suggestions appreciated,


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Configure SMTP Server Mail To Send Mail

Feb 10, 2008

The Database Mail feature is already enabled on the server, also I have a mail account on the other server.
The problem I faced is that I need to send mail from my SQL Server using a created email account on the other server. How should I configure my email to do that ?
Should I use a sysmail_add_account procedure to enable account, also set profile and profile account ? Does this way creates server mail account that is binded with other email account?
The mail should be sent from my SQL Server.
Thank You.

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Database Mail With Yahoo Business Mail Server

Feb 20, 2008

Hi all....

Our company use yahoo business mail server for our corporate mails. I know that I can configure database mail with SMTP. But when I try to configure database mail account with yahoo bizmail, I cannot do that. It gets configured but when I test it it doesn't send any mails. Do I need to have any special condiguration for this. SMTP address is Also I have specified the Authentication using my user name and password. Please help



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Error Sending Mail With Send Mail Task

Feb 6, 2008

I keep getting a generic "Error Sending Mail" error. For testing purposes I am just trying to send using my own email account. What goes in the SMTP Server box in the connection manager? I have tried:

A - the exchange server address (
B - The SMTP properties I see when I look at the properties of my email address: (
C - Just the end portion of the SMTP properties: (
D - My email address (

I don't know what to enter, or what is giving me such a generic error message.

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Help With Mail That Send Mail When Database Bakcup Fails

Sep 1, 2006


I have got a script which gives the mail to the dba mail box when database backup fails.

In the script I want to make a change so that I get the particular database name , on what ever database i implement.

Can you tell me some suggestions.

The script I am using is :

use master
alter PROCEDURE dbo.SendMail
@to VARCHAR(255),
@subject VARCHAR(255),
@message VARCHAR(8000)
@rv INT,
@from VARCHAR(64),
@server VARCHAR(255);
@from = '',
@server = '';

select @message = @message + char(13) + Char(13) + @@servername + '-'+ db_name()+ '-' + 'Backup Status Failed' + Char(13)

EXEC @rv = dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@to = @to,
@from = @from,
@message = @message,
@subject = @subject,
@server = @server;

--- After the above script is run the following should be given in the 2nd step when
--- the backup jobs are scheduled ------

exec master.dbo.sendmail
@to = '',
@subject =' Test sqlserver 2000',
@message = '' ;


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Sending Mail To Several Users With Send Mail Task ?

Nov 10, 2006

I know you can specify additional recipients in the To column by sepperating them with a semicolon. But whats the easiest way to send to several users, when the email address must be retrieved from a table with a query like this:

select email from problem_subscribers

where project = 'project1'

and statusmail = 'OnError'

So when the eventhandler gets an OnError i want the mail task to be sent to each problemsubscriber.

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Top Functionality

Apr 15, 2004

Does anyone know what is the Equivalent of Top in Oracle.


What is the equivalent of this in Oracle

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Does SQL Have This Functionality?

Nov 5, 2006

nevermind. please ignore this. theres too much extra data that id have to provide, but it would confuse the question so much that it couldnt be answered properly.

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Is It Bug Or Functionality?

Nov 28, 2007

Hi All,

We are evaluating DB mirroring for our production box. But we have some queries with the operating mode available for mirroring.

1) I set the database miroring operation mode to full safety mode which is with synchronous. And Then executed a command to insert data in bulk in principal, the changes were commited to principal even when they are still getting mirrored to mirror server.

But as per the mirroring documentation from microsoft says this

"If transaction safety (or just 'safety') is set to FULL, the principal and mirror servers operate in a synchronous transfer mode. As the principal server hardens its principal database log records to disk, it also sends them to the mirror. The principal then waits for a response from the mirror server. The mirror responds when it has hardened those same log records to the mirror's log disk."

Is this a bug or I am doing anything wrong.

2) Mirroring documentation also says that when the transaction is on full safety mode, and if mirror and witness goes down then principal goes to read only mode. But again I saw deviation from the documentatin because when I turned mirror and witness off, principal went to "In recovery" mode.

Please help incase anybdy have faced this before or can help me if I am interpreting it wrong.


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How Do I Mail Results From A Query To A Mail Recipient

Sep 12, 2002

i have to create a scheduled task that does the following:

a) creates an Excel Spreadsheet from a SQL Query

b) sends the spreadsheet to a user

i then need to schedule this task so that it runs every day and creates a NEW spreadsheet (doesnt matter it the name is the same as long as it overwrite what is already there)

HELP me PLEASE i dont like this SQL Game anymore !!

Daniel.:mad: :confused:

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Sql Mail Failed., Need Help To Set Up Sql Mail In Sql Server 2000

Sep 26, 2001

Hi, I have created a profile named sqlmail in exchange server. I tried to run the sql mail service from support service under sql mail to put the profile name, I got the following error: can any one assist me in setting up sql mail in an sql server 2000. .... thanks

Microsoft SQL - DMO(ODBC SQLState: 42000)
Error 18025:xp_test_mapi_profile: failed with mail error 0x80004005

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Unable To Send Test Mail From DB Mail

Jul 29, 2013

NOT ABLE TO SEND TEST MAIL FROM DB MAIL...The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. . Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Failure sending mail.).Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Failure sending mail.).

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Problem With Sending Mail Via Database Mail

Mar 9, 2007

Hi every body

I want to send a simple mail using DATABASE MAIL feature in SQL SERVER 2005.

I've defined a public profile.
I've enabled Database Mail stored procedures through the Surface Area Configuration .

but   I can't send a mail with sp_send_dbmail stored procedure in 'msdb' database .

when I execute sp_send_dbmail in the Managment Studio  the message is
"Mail queued"  but the mail is not sent.

Could it be related to Service Broker?Because  the Surface Area Configuration indicates:'this inctance does not have a Service Broker endpoint'.If so, how should I make an endpoint?

here is the log file after executing sp_send_dbmail:

1)  "DatabaseMail process is started"

2)   "The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 2 (2007-03-08T00:49:29). Exception Message: Could not connect to mail server. (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it)."

 The DatabaseMail90.exe is triggred ,so the mail is transfered to the mail queue but  DatabaseMail90.exe couldn't give the mail to SMTP server.The promlem is what should I do to make DatabaseMail90.exe able to connect to  the server?

please help me.


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Merge Repliction - Run Stored Procedure When Merge Agent Starts

Jul 23, 2005

I have database on SQL Server 2000 set up with a merge publication.This publication is configured with a number of dynamic filters toreduce the amount of data sent to each client. Each client has ananonymous pull subscription. The merge process can be triggered by thewindows sync manager and my application.To improve performance I have created some helper tables to hold themapping between user login and primary keys of selected entities.For the replicated data to be correct the contents of the helper tablesneeds to be up to date.I need to fire off a stored procedure on the publisher beforereplication starts to verify that this data is up to date. I can notsee any documented way of doing this however I have been experimentingwith some unorthodox systems.Firstly has anyone any ideas?I have been considering adding a trigger to some of the tables used bythe Microsoft replication code - yes I know this is very nasty.My problems arise because executing this stored procedure will causesome data to be updated. In updating data we could create a newgeneration in the database. I must therefore run my stored procedurebefore any the Microsoft code makes any generation checks / updates.Anyone done anything similar, Anyone have any better ideas?Any comments would be gratefully received.

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Need Help For Tree Functionality

Jun 2, 2008

 I am working on a Family tree portal which need tree functionality to display family members in tree structure. on click on any node the adding option should be displayed
for this i need a table and procedure to complete family tree

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Query On LIKE Functionality

Apr 28, 2008


I am using LIKE operator for a query to get wild card searched data.

for example if i give AN, should get for %AN% only. But it is returning data for %NA% data too. I cross checked by giving simple data. Please help me on this.

Thanks in advance

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Functionality Of DATEPART

May 12, 2004

Functionally, is there any difference between DATEPART for m, d, and yyyy, verses simply using MONTH, DAY, and YEAR functions respectively?

For all intents and purposes, they seem identical, so is there any performance considerations using one verses another?

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Updategram Functionality

Jun 13, 2007

I have a table in one database (source) and an equivalent table in another (destination) and I need to move from my source to my destination database.

When I move the data I need to do the equivalent of an updategram, so for instance compare primary keys and if it exists in both do an update, if it is in source but not destination do an insert, if it is in destination but not source do a delete.

Is there already a process for doing this, as it seems pretty fundamental but I've not really found anything that gives the result I need?

If not, is there a way of doing this with what is available within Data Flows or should I just go ahead and go through the pain of creating my own data flow destination object?



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Logoff Functionality

Jul 11, 2007

I design a reporting services solution based on the standard Report Manager web site.

I configure IIS using basic authentication and passing the user credential to SSAS 2005 DB for securing data access.

Everything funtions well .... but now my client ask me for a new 'funcionality'.

They ask me to add a logoff button to change the current logged user.

Any suggestion how to implent that functionality with the minum development effort ???



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