Minimal Install Possible?

Jul 22, 2006

The smallest downloadable version seems to be 53MB. Is there any way to create a smaller version to use as an embedded DB for an application? I only need it to be single-user, for what that's worth. I'm thinking more in the 10MB to 20MB range.

View 3 Replies


Minimal Components To Install

Jul 25, 2006


I have bought SQL Server 2005 Standard Ed. which will be used only to host databases for different applications like WSUS, McAfee Protection Pilot and CA Brightstor ArcServer.
I do not have intention to create corporate applications using SQL Server.

In fact, I am using the SQL Server as a "multiple MSDE database server"...

My question is what are the minimal components between the following features to install (as I do not not really what they are doing) :
-SQL Server
-Analysis Services
-Reporting Services
-Notification Services
-Data Tranformation Services
-Workstation Components

Thanks in advance

View 4 Replies View Related

How Do I Do A Minimal Client Tool Install To Execute SSIS Packages

Jun 15, 2006

I am trying to migrate our processing from command line based scripts and foxpro to SQL so I need to run the SSIS packages using dtexec. I copied the dtexec file and a few dll's that are missing to our production servers but i cant execute the packages. I dont want to install the full client tools (particularly managment/business inteligence studio) on our production servers due to the overhead and limited system disk space.

Can somebody tell me what the minimum install would be so I would be able to run SSIS packages using the dtexec or dtexecui tools? I would also like to install some of the other command line client tools like osql etc.

View 8 Replies View Related

Why Does Database Need Minimal Space In Transaction Log?

Jul 27, 2000

The transaction log takes up a lot of space on my database, and even after I try truncating the log, doing a transaction log backup, and then shrinking it, I am not allowed to reduce the size of the transaction log to less than 250MB. Is there some reason why this space is required?

View 1 Replies View Related

Upgrade To Sql 2000 With Minimal Downtime

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I'm upgrading from SQL 7 to SQL 2000 on another box. To minimize thedowntime I would like to1) backup my sql 7 database,2) copy it to the new box with SQL 2000 already installed,3) restore the database on the SQL 2000 box,4) Shutdown my sql 7 database,5) Copy the transaction logs to the SQL 2000 database,6) Restore the transaction logs to the SQl 2000 database,7) Bring up SQL 2000.My only concern with this is restoring the transaction logs that werecreated on SQL 7 to SQL 2000. Do you know if I can do this?Do you see any (other) problem(s) with my plan.Thanks, Scott

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How Would You Modify These Permissions In SQL 2005 For Minimal Exposure

Jan 20, 2008

I have finally gotten a setup to work, but I suspect there are improvements I should make to the permissions. Here's the setup:
I am accessing two databases, (aspnetdb and my own database called custom) on a local SQL 2005 server.
In SQL Server Management Studio (SMS) I created logins at the level of the SQL instance for two users ( "NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" and "viewer"). Then I select each user, and set the properties to access the Server Roles section. There I found each was given the public server role. Now here's where I set the permission to sysadmin. This setting allows my application to work, but I'm sure there are less permissive approaches I should take. However, I just can't seem to find a simple and direct explanation of the procedure to set more appropriate permissions. The "NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" accesses aspnetdb in order to create users and membership settings. The "viewer" login accesses the database called custom, and it reads and alters this database. The application (which is name viewer) performs these operations using a connection string like this:
Data Source=STORE;Initial Catalog=custom;Persist Security Info=True; User ID=viewer; password=xxxxx;
What is the recommended way to set the minimal permissions for these logins on these databases?

View 7 Replies View Related

Minimal Permission For Identity Insert On To Work

Jun 12, 2014

We are using sqlserver2005 at our liveserver. Due to some third party attacks which caused loss of data, we changed the sql user permission to only read,write and execute. Now, some of the sps in the db contain code to insert into identity column with line

insert stmts...

This throwing error as

Cannot find the object "tblName" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.

Which minimal permission can be given to get the above code work with identity insert on/off? We have removed the dbo permission due to external attacks.

View 2 Replies View Related

Finding All Minimal Cyclic Paths In The Graph

Oct 1, 2003

Here a code for finding all minimal loops (cyclic paths) in a graph
with vertexes of degree >= 3. Almost obviously that before seeking
for loops we should eliminate from the graph all its vertexes of degree < 3
(degree of a vertex is the number of edges outcoming from the vertex).
Note: there are no any 'parent' - 'child' nodes here. All vertexes are
absolutely equitable.
if object_id('g3')>0 drop table g3
if object_id('g3x')>0 drop table g3x
if object_id('g3y')>0 drop table g3y
if object_id('g3l')>0 drop table g3l
create table g3y(v1 int, v2 int) -- ancillary table
create table g3x(n int, v1 int, v2 int) -- ancillary table
create table g3l(nl int, v1 int, v2 int)
-- table for storing of 'detected' loops
create table g3(v1 int, v2 int)
-- table of test data with pairs of adjoining vertexes
-- each vertex is named by an arbitrary number
insert into g3
select 2, 3 union all
select 2, 4 union all
select 1, 4 union all
select 3, 5 union all
select 5, 6 union all
select 1, 6 union all
select 4, 7 union all
select 6, 8 union all
select 3, 9 union all
select 1, 7 union all
select 2, 7 union all
select 1, 8 union all
select 5, 8 union all
select 2, 9 union all
select 5, 9 ----union all
select 2, 13 union all
select 3, 13 union all
select 13, 14 union all
select 12, 14 union all
select 12, 15 union all
select 11, 15 union all
select 11, 13 union all
select 10, 11 union all
select 10, 12 union all
select 10, 14 union all
select 10, 15
insert into g3 select v2, v1 from g3

declare @i int, @n int, @v1 int, @v2 int
set @i=1

while 0=0
set @n=1
truncate table g3x truncate table g3y
select top 1 @v1=g3.v1, @v2=g3.v2 from g3 left join g3l on
(g3.v1=g3l.v1 and g3.v2=g3l.v2)or(g3.v1=g3l.v2 and g3.v2=g3l.v1)
where is null if @@rowcount=0 break
insert into g3x select @n, @v1, @v2

while @v1<>(select top 1 v2 from g3x order by n desc)
set @n=@n+1
insert into g3x select top 1 @n, v1, v2 from g3 where v2=@v1
and v1<>@v2 and v1=(select top 1 v2 from g3x order by n desc)

if @@rowcount=0
insert into g3x select top 1 @n, v1, v2 from g3 where
v2 not in (select v1 from g3x union all select v2 from g3x) and
v1=(select top 1 v2 from g3x order by n desc) and not exists
(select 0 from g3y where g3y.v1=g3.v1 and g3y.v2=g3.v2)
if @@rowcount=0
if @n>2
insert into g3y select v1, v2 from g3x where n=@n-1
delete from g3x where n=@n-1
set @n=@n-2
begin insert into g3l select 0, v1, v2 from g3x break end
insert into g3l select @i, v1, v2 from g3x set @i=@i+1
select * from g3l order by nl
Below is what we get:

nl v1 v2
----------- ----------- -----------
1 2 3
1 3 5
1 5 6
1 6 8
1 8 1
1 1 4
1 4 2

2 1 6
2 6 8
2 8 1

3 4 7
3 7 1
3 1 4

4 3 9
4 9 2
4 2 3

5 2 7
5 7 4
5 4 2

6 5 8
6 8 6
6 6 5

7 5 9
7 9 3
7 3 5
Of course, in general case not all found by the code loops are minimal.
But this is exactly my approach:
firstly find any possible loops (avoiding excessiveness!!),
then, in WHILE loop, try to mark out minimal loop(s) from intersection of
two non-minimal loops... seems it will be an interesting t-sql job.

View 17 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: Restore / Backup Minimal Permissions

Nov 3, 2010

We use Netbackup for our SQL servers to backup and restore databases. I would like the service account used by Netbackup to have as limited permissions as possible. The account should be able to backup and restore a db without being able to read any of the content. Right now the account jobs fail if the service account is not in the sysadmin role.

I removed the account from sysadmin and limited it to dbcreator and public but the job fail.

How to setup an account so that people who know the service account password can't log in with that account and read db information?

View 9 Replies View Related

SQL 2012 :: Replaying Workloads With Minimal External Factors

Apr 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a project at work to test the effects of database compression, trying to obtain measurable data on the impact of the compression on other server resources, and therefore whether the reduction in space used is worth the extra overhead. This has involved taking a trace of a production customer's workload for a period of time and replaying it against a backup using Distributed replay in synchronised mode.

I'm then taking a trace of that replay, as well as using perfmon to record useful data about the server, before and after compression is enabled. Finally, I'm loading the traces into a tool called Qure to analyse the impact of the compression on reads, writes, CPU, overall duration etc.

What I'm finding is that even across 2 different 'baseline' runs, which are replaying the exact same workload against the exact same database, performance etc differs to a significant enough degree that it calls into question the validity of the test. I can only put this down to the fact this server is on a VM, which is affecting available resources, which in turn affects execution plans the workload is generating and causes different replays of the same workload. I'm therefore looking at doing this on a standalone server, but I still can't be sure the differences will go away.

How to make tests such as this as similar as possible on multiple runs, when elements outside of SQL Server are in effect out of my control?

View 0 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2012 :: Restore Database With Minimal Downtime

Oct 12, 2015

I have a process that restores a production DB, overwriting the existing copy each night. I'd like to keep the solution "up" for as long as possible. And this'll be more important if I want to update it in the day (where there are more queries) too. The nature of queries thrown at the system is that there are about 20 per hour, it's underpinning a reporting system, it's not an OLTP system.

It seems to me I could restore the fresh DB copy into a holding DB, then rename it to the production DB name at the end of the process. The rename process should be pretty much instant.

But I need to think about detecting and waiting for queries to complete on the prod DB, before removing/demoting it (actually, I though to rename it, then reusing it as the next copy to update).

View 5 Replies View Related

How To Create A Minimal User In DB With No Access To View Master DB

Sep 11, 2007

We are using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio.

I created a Minimal User in an application DB. The user will access tables through stored procedures.

I do not want this user to view any other objects including objects in the Master DB.

I can prevent the minimal user from viewing objects from our application DB.

How do you prevent the minimal user from viewing objects in the Master DB?



View 7 Replies View Related

SQL 2012 :: Apply Primary Key On A Huge Table So Downtime Is Minimal?

Jul 30, 2015

I have a table (named table1) with 20million rows. It takes around 11 minutes to apply the primary key to this table. There are some tables with over 100 million rows so based on the previous time if my calculations are correct it will take close to an hour apply this primary key for tables with around 100 million rows.

My current solution is to create another table (named table2) with no indexs or primary keys. Pump over only like 5 days worth of data, then apply the primary key. Then have a script that will eventually populate table2 with the rest of the data gradually. When I say gradually I mean like insert like every 100k per hour or something. Keep in mind this table2 is heavily updated with new records.

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL 2012 :: Minimal Logging Insert Statement On Non Clustered Index Table

Jul 9, 2014

I understand that minimal logging can occur on a non clustered indexed heap as long as [URL] ...

*not replicated

*tablock is used

*table is empty

The following test seems to contradict this

In the test I create a non indexed heap, insert some record and check the log, then repeat the test on an indexed heap.

The results suggest that even though the conditions for minimal logging into a indexed heap are met, minimal logging is not happening although it does happen on an non indexed heap. What am I doing wrong?

USE logtest
CREATE TABLE test (field varchar(100))

[Code] ....

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2012 :: Restore Database And Create Users Using Minimal Elevated Privilege

Apr 29, 2015

What I want to do is :

- restore a backup of a 3rd party database onto one of our servers
- this has no users that I can use
- there is some ETL processing so we're using Control-M to manage the process
- create a database user and grant it db_reader.

I'd like to do this without granting any users elevated privileges if possible.

What I've done so far is grant the Control-M user (this is a domain user) dbcreator rights and made it owner of our copy of the database that is being refreshed.

The refresh is completing, but Control-M is not able to log onto the database to create the user.

What is the best way to accomplish this task without granting the control-m user sysadmin rights?

Would I be able to do it if I used a SQL Agent job for the restore and user creation?

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SQL Server 2005 Install Keeps Failing To Install SQL Services (i.e. The Main Engine!).

Feb 6, 2007

I am currently running Windows XP Professional Service Pack2. It already has MSDE & SQL Server 2000 installed (although I just uninstalled MSDE in the vain hope that it might present the installer with a more straightforward upgrade).

I have tried installing with the default instance & a new instance (I don't really care - I just need to install the darn thing). I just want the basic database & Books On-line, nothing fancy.

Here is the Summary log, for what it's worth:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.1399.06
OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Time : Tue Feb 06 16:45:14 2007

Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_SQLSupport_1.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Product Version : 9.00.2047.00
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_SQLNCLI_1.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components
Product Version : 11.0.6558.0
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_OWC11_1.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_SqlWriter_1.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility
Product Version : 8.05.1054
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_BackwardsCompat_1.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB927977)
Product Version : 6.00.3890.0
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_MSXML6_1.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_SQLSupport_2.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Product Version : 9.00.2047.00
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_SQLNCLI_2.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components
Product Version : 11.0.6558.0
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_OWC11_2.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Books Online (English)
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_BOL_1.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility
Product Version : 8.05.1054
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_BackwardsCompat_2.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB927977)
Product Version : 6.00.3890.0
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_MSXML6_2.log
Machine : ANTHONYY1
Product : SQLXML4
Error : Setup is preparing to continue with the installation.

Here is the SQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_Core(Local).log

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Tue Feb 06 16:45:14 2007
Process ID : 2560
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14, returned true
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14
Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14, returned true
Running: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14
Complete: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14, returned true
Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__2560" returned false.
Action "BeginBootstrapLogicStage" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "Setup is running locally." returned true.
Running: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14
Complete: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14, returned true
Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/1/6 16:45:14
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlspars.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
<Func Name='DwLaunchMsiExec'>
Examining 'sqlspars' globals to initialize 'SetupStateScope'
Opening 'MachineConfigScope' for [ANTHONYY1]
Trying to find Product Code from command line or passed transform
If possible, determine install id and type
Trying to find Instance Name from command line.
No Instance Name provided on the command line
If possible, determine action
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = WMIServiceWin32OSWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = WMIServiceWin32ProcessorWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = WMIServiceReadRegWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = WMIServiceCIMDataWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = XMLDomDocument, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = Processor, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = PhysicalMemory, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = DiskFreeSpace, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = OSVersion, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = OSServicePack, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = OSType, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = iisDep, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = AdminShare, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = PendingReboot, Result = 70011 (0x1117b)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = PerfMon, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = IEVersion, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = DriveWriteAccess, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = COMPlus, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = ASPNETVersionRegistration, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = ANTHONYY1, Article = MDAC25Version, Result = 0 (0x0)
Setup Consistency Check Report for Machine: ANTHONYY1
Article: WMI Service Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: MSXML Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Minimum Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: SQL Compatibility With Operating System, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum Hardware Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: IIS Feature Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Pending Reboot Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Performance Monitor Counter Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Default Installation Path Permission Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Internet Explorer Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Check COM+ Catalogue, Result: CheckPassed
Article: ASP.Net Registration Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum MDAC Version Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
<Func Name='PerformDetections'>
<EndFunc Name='PerformDetections' Return='0' GetLastError='0'>
<Func Name='DisplaySCCWizard'>
CSetupBootstrapWizard returned 1
<EndFunc Name='DisplaySCCWizard' Return='0' GetLastError='183'>
Failed to find help file for LCID :2057
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
<EndFunc Name='DwLaunchMsiExec' Return='0' GetLastError='0'>
Complete: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:35, returned true
Running: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:35
Complete: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:36, returned true
Running: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:36
Complete: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47, returned true
Running: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47
Complete: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47, returned true
Running: OpenPipeAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47
Complete: OpenPipeAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47, returned false
Error: Action "OpenPipeAction" failed during execution.
Running: CreatePipeAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47
Complete: CreatePipeAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47, returned false
Error: Action "CreatePipeAction" failed during execution.
Action "RunRemoteSetupAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "Action: CreatePipeAction has finished and passed." returned false.
Running: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47
Complete: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47, returned true
Running: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:47
SQL_Engine = 3
SQL_Data_Files = 3
SQL_Replication = 3
SQL_FullText = 3
SQL_SharedTools = 3
Analysis_Server = -1
AnalysisDataFiles = -1
AnalysisSharedTools = -1
RS_Server = -1
RS_Web_Interface = -1
RS_SharedTools = -1
Notification_Services = -1
NS_Engine = -1
NS_Client = -1
SQL_DTS = -1
Client_Components = 3
Connectivity = 3
SQL_Tools90 = 3
SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench = 3
SDK = 3
Tools_Legacy = 3
SQL_Documentation = 3
SQL_BooksOnline = 3
SQL_DatabaseSamples = -1
SQL_AdventureWorksSamples = -1
SQL_AdventureWorksDWSamples = -1
SQL_AdventureWorksASSamples = -1
SQL_Samples = -1
Complete: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:48, returned true
Running: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:48
Complete: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:48, returned true
Running: ScheduleActionAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:48
Complete: ScheduleActionAction at: 2007/1/6 16:49:48, returned true
Skipped: InstallASAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.12
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.12
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Running: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2007/1/6 16:49:48
Installing: sqlsupport on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2007/1/6 16:49:51, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2007/1/6 16:49:51
Installing: sqlncli on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2007/1/6 16:49:55, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.18 at: 2007/1/6 16:49:55
Installing: owc11 on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallSqlAction.18 at: 2007/1/6 16:49:56, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2007/1/6 16:49:56
Installing: sqlwriter on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2007/1/6 16:49:58, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.22 at: 2007/1/6 16:49:58
Installing: bcRedist on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallSqlAction.22 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:0, returned true
Running: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:0
Installing: msxml6 on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:2, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.11 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:2
Installing: sqlsupport on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallToolsAction.11 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:5, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.12 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:5
Installing: sqlncli on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallToolsAction.12 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:8, returned true
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.13
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.13" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "PPESku", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Running: InstallToolsAction.18 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:8
Installing: owc11 on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallToolsAction.18 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:10, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.20 at: 2007/1/6 16:50:10
Installing: BOL on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallToolsAction.20 at: 2007/1/6 16:52:2, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.22 at: 2007/1/6 16:52:2
Installing: bcRedist on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallToolsAction.22 at: 2007/1/6 16:52:4, returned true
Running: InstallToolsAction.9 at: 2007/1/6 16:52:4
Installing: msxml6 on target: ANTHONYY1
Complete: InstallToolsAction.9 at: 2007/1/6 16:52:6, returned true
Skipped: InstallNSAction.10
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Running: InstallSqlAction at: 2007/1/6 16:52:7
Installing: sql on target: ANTHONYY1
Error: MsiOpenDatabase failed with 110
Failed to install package
This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
Error: MsiOpenDatabase failed with 110 for MSI D:ServersSetupSqlRun_SQL.msi
Setting package return code to: 1620
Complete: InstallSqlAction at: 2007/1/6 16:52:27, returned false
Error: Action "InstallSqlAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Target collection includes the local machine.
Invoking installPackage() on local machine.
Running: InstallToolsAction.10 at: 2007/1/6 16:52:27
Installing: sqlxml4 on target: ANTHONYY1
Error Code: 0x8007006e (110)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot open the device or file specified.

Source File Name: sqlchainingminorbuildactionbehavior.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Mon Jun 13 14:30:04 2005
Function Name: sqls::MinorBuildActionBehavior::modifyRequest
Source Line Number: 65

---- Context -----------------------------------------------

Complete: InstallToolsAction.10 at: 2007/1/6 16:55:59, returned false
Error: Action "InstallToolsAction.10" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Target collection includes the local machine.
Invoking installPackage() on local machine.
Action "InstallToolsAction" will return false due to the following preconditions:
Condition "Action: InstallToolsAction.10 has finished and failed." returned true.
Installation of package: "tools" failed due to a precondition.
Step "InstallToolsAction" was not able to run.
Skipped: InstallASAction
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction
Skipped: Action "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context:
sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur.
Error: Action "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Action: "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" will be marked as failed due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context:
sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur.
Installation of package: "patchMSDE2000" failed due to a precondition.
Error: Action "UninstallForSQLAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Action: "UninstallForSQLAction" will be marked as failed due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context:
sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur.
Installation of package: "patchLibertySql" failed due to a precondition.
Skipped: UninstallForRS2000Action
Skipped: Action "UninstallForRS2000Action" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "UninstallForRS2000Action" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "Action: InstallRSAction was skipped." returned true.
Running: ReportChainingResults at: 2007/1/6 16:55:59
Error: Action "ReportChainingResults" threw an exception during execution.
One or more packages failed to install. Refer to logs for error details. : 1620
Error Code: 0x80070654 (1620)
Windows Error Text: This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

Source File Name: sqlchainingsqlchainingactions.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Thu Sep 1 22:23:05 2005
Function Name: sqls::ReportChainingResults::perform
Source Line Number: 3097

---- Context -----------------------------------------------
led due to cancel code received from cancel source: 29539

...and here is the SQLSetup0011_ANTHONYY1_SQL.log:

=== Verbose logging started: 06/02/2007 16:52:14 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.2435 Calling process: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe ===
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:14:284]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:14:284]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:14:284]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: D:ServersSetupSqlRun_SQL.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:14:284]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:14:284]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:14:299]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:14:299]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:14:299]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (A4:98) [16:52:14:299]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (A4:00) [16:52:14:299]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (A4:00) [16:52:14:299]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (A4:00) [16:52:14:299]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: D:ServersSetupSqlRun_SQL.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (A4:00) [16:52:21:080]: Note: 1: 2203 2: D:ServersSetupSqlRun_SQL.msi 3: -2147024873
MSI (s) (A4:00) [16:52:21:080]: MainEngineThread is returning 1620
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:21:080]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (00:54) [16:52:21:080]: MainEngineThread is returning 1620
=== Verbose logging stopped: 06/02/2007 16:52:21 ===

I suppose an error dialog (or log message) that actually told you what is wrong and then what to do is too much to ask for. (Or an installer than just copied all the files into place). :(

View 4 Replies View Related

Database Services Install Fails When Install SQL Server 2005 SP2

Aug 15, 2007

The error I got is:
Hotfix.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

EventType : sqlsesetup P1 : sysdbupg.sql P2 : 0x7361
P3 : odbcstatement__execute_batch@sysdbupg.sql@3 P4 : 0x7361
P5 : lib_odbc_statement.h@91 P6 : unknown P7 : sql9 P8 : hotfix@
P9 : x86 P10 : 3042

Log Location: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
MSP Error: 29537 SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot find the object 'dm_exec_query_resource_semaphores', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.. To continue, correct the problem, and then run SQL Server Setup again.

I tried to search internet, however, I couldn't get solution.

My SQL server 2005 is standard version, OS Windows server 2003 sp2, I am using Administrator account to install it.

Thanks a lot,


View 9 Replies View Related

How To Suppress Dialog [Install Xxx Using The Default Application Install Directory?] ?

Dec 7, 2006

I have compile my application into a Smart Device CAB and also including SQLCE CAB file for SQL.

I have users who choose to install SQLCE into Storage Cards instead and causes the application not to function, when asked which destination to install.

I've done some search and found out about "wceload.exe /noaskdest" but I'm using NSIS to compile into a single .exe file, and its calling "CEAppMgr.exe"

How can I force SQLCE to install into its default directory without asking user?


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Standard Install Gives: Value Does Not Fall Within The Expected Range After SP1 Install

Jan 30, 2007

Win XP Pro SP2IIS 5.1SQL 2005 SP1 (Developer edition)VS 2005 SP1.Net 2.0IE7 (didn't work on IE 6 either)Latest updates from Windows updateI have set up SSRS successfully on several machines. But on a new machine with standard install I have the out of the box SSRS report manager running with issues and would like to resolve them. Report Manager will serve image files from my project. But it won't render deployed reports, not even one which has no data sources. From within VS 2005 the same reports render, no problems. The same reports published to another SSRS machine render fine.The browser erorr message is "Value does no fall within the expected range".Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Install Enterprise Manager Without Install Sql Server

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Is it possible to install Enterprise Manager without to install theserver ?Thanks !--J-L M. (Alphomega)ICQ: 149635116Pour m'écrire, cliquer le lien ci-dessous

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Failed To Install And Configure Error On Install

Nov 14, 2007


I've tried looking for a solution in other threads but I couldn't find anything that was completely the same as my situation. I got a new pc at work and I've tried installing SQL Server 2005 on it but everytime I try to install it, regardless of services included or excluded with the install, I cannot get through the install without this error. Below is the excerpt from the Summary.txt log file.

Error Code: -2147024894
MSI (s) (74!98) [17:10:55:858]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools -- Error 29549. Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242Binmicrosoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll in the COM+ catalog. Error: -2147024894
Error message: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error description: Could not load file or assembly 'System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Error 29549. Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242Binmicrosoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll in the COM+ catalog. Error: -2147024894
Error message: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error description: Could not load file or assembly 'System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
<Func Name='GetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='203'>
Doing Action: Do_sqlAssemblyRegSvcs
PerfTime Start: Do_sqlAssemblyRegSvcs : Mon Nov 12 17:10:55 2007
<Func Name='Do_sqlAssemblyRegSvcs'>
Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242Binmicrosoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll in the COM+ catalog.
Error: 2147942402
Error message: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error descrition: Could not load file or assembly 'System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Error Code: -2147024894
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: sqlcasqlassembly.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Thu Aug 11 01:12:01 2005
Function Name: Do_sqlAssemblyRegSvcs
Source Line Number: 155

I've searched for and found similar problems that deal with the microsoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll not being found but I haven't found a fix that worked for me. These are the fixes I've refered to thus far.

The answer that seems to fix this problem for everyone is to set the MSDTC service login as the NT AUTHORITYNetworkService account. The problem for me is that this is already set to this profile and I've tried resetting the services and rebooting the machine. I did not have a problem with my old machine, which as far as I can tell, is the same configuration, so I know this install should work.

I'm running Windows XP SP2. This is not the upgrade to SQL Server 2005 SP2, this is the original disk that came with Visual Studio 2005.

Has anyone else faced this issue where changing the MSDTC login wasn't the solution? Also, this is my first post, so I apologize if I've left anything out. Just let me know if you want any other information.

Thank you in advance.

View 7 Replies View Related

De-install And Re-install Problems SQL Server 2005

Feb 15, 2007

I never installed previous beta versions on my computer before. But now I have some serious problem after an incomplete de-install and a re-install of SQL server 2005 express advanced. I hope anybody can help me to solve this. Because the first installation eas not succesfull I had to do an de-install. I have tried to unstall through start/control panel/ add-remove programms and even there not all programs were removed. And that caused the problem. After that I wanted to re-install again but an msi file was missing. So I did a de-install agian. Tried to re-install again but with a lot of errors. After looking at the library I found a program: Windows Install CleanUp. I installed it and that even gives an error for all programs installed with SQL 2005.
After that I ran a program called MsiInv to clean but without any succes because this program reported a run-tim error. I have all reports on my computer but don't know how to attach them. If you think you can help me I could send you all the reports.

Jan J

View 2 Replies View Related

Is Sql Server 2005 A Standalone Install? Or Do You Have To Install Windows Server

May 26, 2006

I have never installed sql server before and I didnt know if I just take the sql server 2005 standard edition media and boot off it and do a fresh install that way or do I have to install Windows server

View 3 Replies View Related

Can't Seem To Install SQL Server 2005? Install Completes, But Where Is SQL Server 2005

Apr 8, 2007

I went to one of the Microsoft "Ready To Launch" events over a year ago. Microsoft was gracious and gave everyone who attended a free copy of Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005. I have installed the Visual Studio and use it all of the time. I also installed the SQL server 2005 but I can not find the application on my computer. After the install the only items that appear to have been installed are the following:
SQL Server Configuration tools(SQL Server Configuration manager,SQL Server  Error and usage reporting, SQL Server surface area confiuration, Reporting Services configuration). There is also a menu icon labeled "Microsoft SQL server upgrade advisor" and SQL server upgraded wizard.
That is all. I can't find anything that is analogus to the Enterprise manager that was in SQL server 2000 or anything that is analogous to Query Analyzer of 2005.
Can someone help me out? We use SQL server 2005 so I know how it looks. I just can't see where it insalled. I don't think it did?

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BCP Install

Aug 14, 2007

Hi, I need to have on a client machine the bcp.exe installed. What components do I need to install from SQL Server 2005. I would like to have the absolute minimal installed on this machine. Thanks. 

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Can I Install?

May 7, 2008

hi all,
 can i install the both SQLServer 2000 and 2005 in same server?

View 3 Replies View Related


May 20, 2004

i have downloaded MSDE sql ad I have extract it...

but now I can't install it with the command prompt

Is windows xp home edition a problem?

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Need To Re-install SQL

Nov 5, 2001

I need to re-install SQL 7 sp3 on NT4. I have read that I should detach the user databases of which I have 3, uninstall SQL then install SQL, then reattach. But what about all the jobs and packages and security I have setup? It is my understanding that this is stored in the master db. Won't that all be lost? If so I guess jobs could be scripted, packages could be saved, but what about the security?

-Thanks in advance.

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Install 6.5 To 7.0

Jun 2, 2000

I installed 6.5 into a server that aleardy has 7.0. Toward the end, it said 'Setup could not connect to the SQL Server'. Now as I try to start MSSQLSERVER I got an internal NT error.

I am stuck. Should I remove 7.0, install 6.5, then 7.0


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SQL 6.5 Install After 7.0

Apr 1, 1999

I have a new box that I have install SQL7 on and I also need SQL 6.5 on there to get back to SQL 6.5 databases on another server. The only way I know how to do this is uninstall SQL7 and then SP4 and then start with SQL 6.5, SP4, and SQL 7. Has anyone found another way?


Ricky Kelley

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SQL 7.0 Install

Sep 29, 1999

Hi All,

I am on a client site, and they are trying to install SQL Server 7 (standard) on an NT 4 server (SP5), and hitting a problem that prevents the installation completing. The error log generated includes `Attempting to initialise Distributed Transaction Coordinator.....Failed to obtain Transaction Dispenser Interfaces`. If anyone has ideas on what the problem is, I would appreciate a response.



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Install SQL 6.5

Jul 29, 1998

I have 486 processor and Win 98 OS. SQL Svr 7 Beta doesn`t like 486.. I don`t have NT on my machine is it possible to run SQL 6.5 on Win9x?
Thank You.

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SP3 Install

Aug 9, 2004

I want to deploy the sp3 on sql2000 msde on a lot of laptop, do you know a way to install the sp3 without any actionv of the user.
a silent install.

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