I've changed the width of a column from 128 to 64. How to EM shows 64, while sysobjects and sp_help show 128 ?? Even after disconnecting and re-connecting (just to be extra sure).
I am exporting my sql table to the access database. My text fileds in SQL are stored as varchar(50) in SQL server 2005. but when I export the table to Access, These fileds get converted to 'memo' fields. I tried converting these memo fields in access to text field but Access does do that, throws an error message saying not enough disk space.
When I try to convert these 'varchar' fields in sql to text fileds, sql throws a 'time out ' message nad does not convert it to text.
I have one column called ORGNAME NVarchar(34). There are two records which has the same value stored in that column"Mobile Payment Finland", in both records there are no spaces at start or end position, which mean both records are exactly same. But when i run
it gives, 34 for first record and 22 for the second record. I couldnt understand what could be the exact problem.
If i use SELECT DATALENGTH(ORGNAME ) from table then i get 68 and 44
I am having one store procedure which use to load data from flat file to staging table dynamically. everything is working fine.Staging_temp table have single column.All the data stored in that single column below is the sample Data.
I want to convert strings from a textfile and convert em to appropriate datatype for the destination columns, eg if i have a source value in string 11111 and the destination column is MONEY. I want to use CONVERT(functionretruningdatatype,'11111') in my insert statement.
I'm using this query to sum the values. The cost column is a float datatype and what could I differently do here to sum the cost. I'm unable to sum the cost.
Also is there any way I change the datatype to int for Cost column without losing the data.
select ID, MAX(Date) Date, SUM(Cost) Cost, MAX(Funding) Funding from Application group by ID
I have a data flow task where I have mutiple columns (of different data types) , I want to create a single column using all these columns in XML format and load it into a table with a column of datatype XML. Can I accomplish this using Derived column tranformation?
Hello,How do I change the datatype of a column in a CSV file. Preferably in the select statement (apparently Cast, Convert, & Replace functions don't work when selecting from a CSV). I have a page where users upload their CSV files to and then I use SQLBulkCopy to insert all the records into my sql table. The problem is with columns of money data. EX: "$2,000" >> 2000The CSV file interprets the "$2,000" as a string of text. How do I convert it to a decimal so I can insert it into my sql database?
Hi all A table consists of a column with name "Createddate" with datatype smalldatetime. defaultly iam binding getdate() to Createddateso it is storing in tthe below format -- Mar 12 2008 11:38AM while retreving iam mentioning... select * from tbl where convert(varchar,createddate,101) = '03/12/2008' it is showing no records ..even though records r there with --march 12 2008. plz do needful in this senario. thanks & regards kanth
Hi everyone.... I need a column in my table that its DataType should be as integer arrays how can I implemant it in my sqlserver table. Any help appreciated.
Is there any way or method to CHANGE the DATATYPE of a column in a published table being used for transactional replication (MSSQL 2000), WITHOUT DROPPING THE SUBSCRIPTION ????
Im stuck in this mess and do have the option to drop the subscription, alter the table, create the subscription and rerun the snapshot or to recreate it by Manual Synchronisation either.
Can anyone help? Has anyone been across this dilemma before and have troubleshooted the problem? If yes, help is much appreciated.
MY PROBLEM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'MyTable' is currently being published and has subscriptions to it. The PRIMARY KEY column 'id' has an Identity property as well. 'id' is of datatype smallint, however because of bad planning, i now need to change that datatype to an integer to support a larger range WITHOUT DROPPING SUBSCRIPTIONS. I CANT DROP THE COLUMN EITHER AS IT IS BEING THE PRIMARY KEY COLUMN.
How do we find the "column name" and "data type" of all the columns in a table. Assuming that I know the Table name or Table Object ID. I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
I am trying to make the following update: All the columns are fine except for the 'name' column. datatype for 'name' column in the target table is varchar(30) and the datatype for 'name' in the sourcetable is varchar(40), I cannot change the datatype of the column 'name' to varchar(40) because I am told it may affect performance. what I want to do is just update the first 'name' column of the target table by the first 30 characters of the source table column 'name'
I am using the following query, is it possible to do it or are there any other ways I can update the column without changing the datatype?
MERGE INTO [S].[dbo].[AF_Copy] AS TargetTable USING (SELECT source_code, name, addr1, city, zip FROM [D].[D_TEST].[dbo].[SO_Copy]) AS SourceTable ON ([TargetTable].[Code] = [SourceTable].[source_code])
Hi, i am trying to load output of count(X) and sum(salesamt) into the same column. if iam using transformation data task what datatype should i be converting the two outputs to accomidate result as
Hello. I using a simply SELECT statement to retrieve some data from aSQL SERVER via an ODBC connection. I had to go from VARCHAR to TEXTbecause the amount of data. Anyway, my SQL statements worked just finewhen I was using VARCHAR, but now since I am using TEXT, I am onlyreceiving part of the content back. Do I have to do some sort ofspecial Casting or something if I want to get all the content back?It's over 8,000 characters. Thank you very much. I have racking mybrain on this for a while.
"Failed insert into PONL_WELL. WELL_NO=" + (DT_WSTR,10)PROP_NO
PROP_NO comes from ms sql server , and the derived component datatype for this column is DT_WSTR.
The destination will be ms sql server, and i have a data conversion after the derived component to cast from DT_WSTR to DT_STR.
However, the derived component failed everytime giving me
Error: 0xC0049064 at Load Ponl_Well, Derived Column [1342]: An error occurred while attempting to perform a type cast.
Anyone know how i can eliminate the data conversion component and just do my string and column concatenation in the derived column and have it output as DT_STR?
1) it is in the same filegroup as the rest of the table? 2) it is stored in a filegroup separately from the rest of the table (I think this is allowed)?
I am using SQL server 2008 .I have a table which has 1.5 crore records and some of my columns are Char datatype.Because of this i have spaces in my columns.Now I want to convert char to varchar datatype .But i have index on those columns .
I Have table Emp contains 3 columns one column is EName that datatype is char. now I want to change char to Varchar(4) . but column is primary key . and it is refernced by othertable columns .
i write query alter table emp alter column ename varchar(4) but it throws an error is Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The object 'PK_emp is dependent on column 'Ename'. Msg 4922, Level 16, State 9, Line 1 ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN ename failed because one or more objects access this column.
Hello, I'm having trouble extracting the datetime value of a datacolumn in order to compare it's value to another datetime. The error I get is "unable to cast object of type System.Data.DataColumn to type System.DateTime. I'm sure I'm just missing a step or a cast, but nothing has worked. I hope someone can help! Here's the code: protected void ddlRooms_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand cmd; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EventBookingConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlDataAdapter da; DataSet ds; try { cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Events.ID as 'Event ID', Name as 'Event Name', Rooms.Room as 'Event Room', AttendeeList as 'Attendee List', EventDate as 'Event Date' from Events INNER JOIN Rooms on Events.Room=Rooms.ID"; ds = new DataSet(); da = new SqlDataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = cmd; da.Fill(ds, "BookedRooms"); if (ds.Tables["BookedRooms"].Columns["Event Room"] != null) { foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string room = (string)row["Event Room"]; if (ddlRooms.SelectedItem.ToString() == room) { System.DateTime date = (System.DateTime)ds.Tables[0].Columns["Event Date"]; //HERE'S WHERE THE ERROR OCCURS if (Calendar1.SelectedDate == date) { lblBookedRooms.Visible = true; lblBookedRooms.Text = "I'm sorry, that room is booked for that day.<br />Please choose another day or a different room."; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblResults.Text = ex.Message; } } Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help out! Monster
I am populating a rad grid with foreign language data. I have set the sql server 2005 Database table column to nvarchar. This works for all the languages except Hindi and Punjabi resulting in the text appearing as letters instead of the correct symbols. Can anyone tell me the correct sql server column datatype for Hindi and Punjabi characters?
Hi guys, I have a table with following columns and records. Empid Empname Phone Flag 14 Rajan 2143 116 Balan 4321 122 Nalini 3456 023 Ganesh 9543 0 Now i need to create a stored procedure which will convert the flag values to vice versa since it is a bit datatype. That is if execute the stored procedure it should convert all the flag values to 1 if it zero and zero's to 1. How? Pls provide me the full coding for the stored procedure. Thanx.
Hi, When i try to retirve the datatype of a variant column using SQLColAttribute, the datatype comes back as SQL_BINARY(-2) instead of a CHAR based type. To reproduce the problem, add extended property 'MS_Description' to either a column or a table. Assign a text value to the property.
Execute the following query and verify. SELECT value FROM sys.extended_properties WHERE name = 'MS_Description'
I'm using SQL Server 2005 sp 2 with Visual Studio 2005.
//get the datatype of the variant iReturn = SQLColAttribute( m_SQLStatement, (SQLUSMALLINT) 1, SQL_CA_SS_VARIANT_TYPE, NULL, NULL, &nDummyInt, &nType );
After the execution of SQLColAttribute, nType value is assigned a value of -2 (SQL_BINARY) instead of a CHAR based type. What am i doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
I have a trigger that fires on update, populating a varchar field [ExampleDate_Str] with the dd/mm/yy format of the inserted datetime field [ExampleDate]. It works, but I don't want to rewrite it for the thousands of datetime fields in hundreds of tables in my db. So I am looking for a way to do something like this in a trigger -
for each column in triggered tableset @ColName = (the column name)if datatype(@ColName) = datetimeset @ColName + "_Str" = convert(varchar(8),ExampleDate,3)next
Obviously the above doesn't work in SQL or indeed any other language yet invented - is it possible to make it so that it does, and if so, how? The main points are to read the column name into a variable, check the datatype, and modify the column named @ColName + "_Str".
which is to parse a create table script using Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom namespace..I get a list of statements : StatementList SQLStatement = parser.ParseStatementList(StreamReader, out errors);then I cast a relevant statement to the CreateTableStatement type which gives me access to the ColumnDefinition class.
foreach (TSqlStatement T in SQLStatement.Statements) { if (T is CreateTableStatement) { CreateTableStatement TC= (CreateTableStatement)T}} with foreach (ColumnDefinition CD in TC.Definition.ColumnDefinitions)
I am ready to loop through the columns so far so good. I can get to the column name using CD.ColumnIdetifier.Value, to the data type using CD.DataType.Name.BaseIdentifier.Value, but can't seem to get to the length definition. Meaning, I can get column1 , varchar; but I need column1, varchar(40). where do I get (40) from?I tried using ScriptTokenStream under C.DataType, but it seems to iterate through all tokens not just ones relevant to that fragment.