When I look into our LOG directory for logs generated by our SSIS packages I notice that the logs do not always have the extension .LOG. When analyzing those packages I see no user changes on the LOG settings; all packages have default LOG settings.
How is this behaviour explained? And is there a way to make sure all packages have this .LOG extension? As it is now it looks unruly, messy.
Hi i've 6 files with the same name part but all have a different ext. The 17 always changes to the current week number
xbouns.A17 xbouns.B17 xbouns.C17
I want to import these files into a database table. So I've create a foreach loop and select the foreach file enumerater but am not sure if this is the right way to go about it some help woth be great thanks.
The project I'm working on has been developed using SQL 2005 Developer Edition and VS 2005, so up until now VS has been handling the task of deploying my C# managed code stored procedures to the database.
Now it's time to deploy a beta of the product, and we want to use SQL 2005 Express, and take advantage of it's new XCOPY deployment mode which in turn means we can also take full advantage of Click Once for our software updates. The idea here is that we can deploy new or updated stored procedures in a managed DLL using Click Once, making updates presumably more simple and robust.
So the steps we need to complete at runtime are:
1. Dynamically load and access the database MDF file using SQL Express (done).
2. Enable CLR Integration for the dynamically loaded DB (done)
3. Instantiate all of the stored procedures - help!
Looking at the docs, it seems we have to execute the following SQL for each and every SP:
@inputArg2 type, @inputArg2 type, @inputArg3 type OUTPUT
AS EXTERNAL NAME <Assembly Identifier>.<Type Name>.<Method Name>
But, we're talking about literally hundreds of stored procedures that need to be instantiated here, which obviously means a lot of double-definitions and a fairly high chance of bugs creeping in.
I am attempting to document the various files that are incorporated into a reporting services project and need a more official explanation or defintion of the particular file and it's purpose. I understand what most of the files are and what they serve but would prefer to document it using Microsoft's official explanation so that we can decide which files may require that we source control them.
I have tried searching MSDN for 'file extentions',' file types', and typing in the individual .xxx extensions in to see if there is a documented definition for those files but seemed to get results that do not give me an official definition, didn't come close or were entirely not related.
Any links to the official explantion or definition of the files that make up a reporting services report project and their function/importance to the project would be appreciated.
I want to deliver reports for an application we are developing via or current ECM system. I need the report to be full text indexed. A TIFF wrapped in a PDF isn't always the best thing for full text indexing.
Hello all, I am making a query which will select those records from table where a column data ends with a particular extension,i.e. I want the query to fetch the rocords where FileName(column name) ends with .JPEG or .GIF or .BMP. I have five records in table and FileName(columns name) contains three .JPEG ,one .GIF & one .BMP files name. How can i get for a particular extension? Thanks in advance
I'm having a lot of trouble trying to set up a custom security extension with Reporting Services 2005. Following the VB example from McGraw Hill Osborne (http://www.mhprofessional.com/product.php?cat=112&isbn=0072262397&cat=112), I've compiled the .dll for the extension and made the changes to the ReportManager and ReportServer .config files. After I reset IIS and return to the RS website, it displays "The report server has encountered a configuration error..." and I get a message in my System Event log:
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {BA126AD1-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E} to the user MYMACHINEASPNET SID (S-1-5-21-1708537768-839522115-1343024091-1005). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.
Wondering if anyone else has had similar trouble and how did they get around it?
We have requirement in Reports. When ever report is sent to file share using Reporting Services File Share extension than details of that file should be saved in database.
How can we achieve this functionality? What is the best possible way of achieving this?
I am reading about Buffer Pool Extensions, and how it stores data pages on media like an SSD, to speed up retrieval in future. Would this be useless if my mdf files are already on SSD media? At most, I envisage it meaning that instead of grabbing the data from the mdf, it would grab the data from the buffer pool extension drive, but if they are both on SSD's, I'm not sure of how much return I would see.
Has any user decided to use BPE when their data is already on SSD's, and have they noticed any improvement in these cases?
Extending the buffer pool onto an SSD drive that is shared ? For instance, if we had a mirrored system drive(The C logical partition) on SSD's, can we use the remaining space on that mirrored partition to extend my SQL 2014 buffer pool ? I understand that in this scenario, there is some competition for the I/O throughput between SQL Server's extended buffer pool and the OS. We intend to have the pagefile on a different disk, other than this specific SSD.
In Sql Reporting Services 2005 (This is bolded because this same error is all over the web for Sql Reporting Services 2000 and thats not where my problem lies) I schedule a report to be emailed. However when the delivery extensions Deliver method is called I get the following error
Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information.
In the log it shows the following
ReportingServicesService!emailextension!4!01/10/2007-12:21:01:: Error sending email. Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.RSException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information. at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.Native.GetAuthzContextForUser(IntPtr userSid) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.Native.IsAdmin(String userName) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.WindowsAuthorization.IsAdmin(String userName, IntPtr userToken) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.WindowsAuthorization.CheckAccess(String userName, IntPtr userToken, Byte[] secDesc, ReportOperation requiredOperation) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService._GetReportParameterDefinitionFromCatalog(CatalogItemContext reportContext, String historyID, Boolean forRendering, Guid& reportID, Int32& executionOption, String& savedParametersXml, ReportSnapshot& compiledDefinition, ReportSnapshot& snapshotData, Guid& linkID, DateTime& historyOrSnapshotDate, Byte[]& secDesc) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService._GetReportParameters(ClientRequest session, String report, String historyID, Boolean forRendering, NameValueCollection values, DatasourceCredentialsCollection credentials) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderAsLiveOrSnapshot(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderFirst(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters, String[]& secondaryStreamNames) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RenderFirstCancelableStep.Execute() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.CancelablePhaseBase.ExecuteWrapper() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.CancelablePhaseBase.ExecuteWrapper() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RenderFirstCancelableStep.RenderFirst(RSService rs, CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, JobType type, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters, String[]& secondaryStreamNames) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportImpl.Render(String renderFormat, String deviceInfo) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.EmailDeliveryProvider.EmailProvider.ConstructMessageBody(IMessage message, Notification notification, SubscriptionData data) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.EmailDeliveryProvider.EmailProvider.CreateMessage(Notification notification) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.EmailDeliveryProvider.EmailProvider.Deliver(Notification notification)
So it seems to be failing at GetAuthzContextForUser
I've set up my smtp as out domain email smtp, given the accounts all the permissions I could (Even going to far as to give Everyone permissions everywhere) Currently my IIS, SQL 2005 and reporting Services 2005 as well as my local SMTP is running on the local machine account.
I cannot seem to get it to work, or even give me a different error.
Could anybody please tell me what needs permission where and what settings I need to have set up for this not to happen.
Some extra information
I'm using Windows XP to develop on however the server where this will eventually run is Windows Server 2003
I'm using ASP.NET 2 and SQL Reporting Services 2005 and SQL 2005 with sp1 loaded
Have compiled and set up a custom security extension for SQL Reporting Services on my local machine and got it working. However, I'm trying to copy the extension across to a different server. So far, I've tried copying the updated dlls straight from my machine to the server and making the relevant changes in Reporting Services .config files (rsWebApplication.config, rssvrpolicy.config, etc)
Initially, the Forms authentication redirects to a login page as expected. However, when we try to submit a login name and password from this login page, it throws this error message:
"Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."
Is copying the dlls straight across a bad idea?
If anyone has encountered a similar issue, do you know if there are there certain things I should be checking for, or have missed, when trying to replicate a custom security extension on a different machine?
(FYI, the original server where it worked was Windows XP SP2, new server is Windows Server 2003 SP1)
I developed nice reports using custom data processing extensions. When I deployed the reports on my report server (I am using the express edition of SQL Server 2005) I was surprised to see that my reports were not rendering successfully.
After searching the web, I found this page listing the supported/unsupported features of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms365166.aspx
On this page it clearly says ��The Reporting Services API extensible platform for delivery, data processing, rendering, and security is not supported.�?
Is there a way to get my reports to work on the express edition?
If not, which minimal version of SQL Server should a buy to get it to work (workgroup, standard or enterprise)?
extending the buffer pool onto an SSD drive that is shared ? For instance, if we had a mirrored system drive(The C logical partition) on SSD's, can we use the remaining space on that mirrored partition to extend my SQL 2014 buffer pool ? I understand that in this scenario, there is some competition for the I/O throughput between SQL Server's extended buffer pool and the OS. We intend to have the pagefile on a different disk, other than this specific SSD.
I have been stuck with this problem since few days, need help regarding the same. I am enclosing the problem description and possible solutions that I have found.
Can anyone please help me out here?
Thanks and regards, Virat
Problem Description:
I have a requirement for which I have created a data driven subscription in SQL Server 2005, the whole thing works like this:
I have a report on Report Server which executes a stored procedure to get its parameters; then it calls another stored procedure to get data for the report; then it creates the report and copies it to a file share. This is done using data driven subscription and the time set for repeating this process is 5 minutes.
You can assume that following are working fine:
1. I have deployed the report on the Report Manager (Uploaded the report, created a data source, linked the report to data source) - manually, the report works fine.
2. Created a data driven subscription.
3. The data driven subscription calls a stored procedure, say GetReportParameters which returns all the parameters required for the report to execute.
4. The Report Manager executes the report by calling a stored procedure, say GetReportData with the parameters provided by GetReportParameters stored procedure; after it has generated the report file (PDF) is copied to a file share.
For each row that GetReportParameters stored procedure returns a report (PDF file) will be created and copied to file share.
Now, my question is
1. How to I get a notification that this file was successfully created or an error occurred? 2. The only message that reporting service shows on 'Report Manager > My Subscriptions' is something like "Done: 5 processed of 10 total; 2 errors." How do I find out which record was processed successfully and which ones resulted in an error?
Based on above results (success or failure), I have to perform further operations.
Solutions or Work around that I have found:
1. Create a windows service which will monitor the file share folder and look for the file name (each record has a unique file name) for the reports that were picked up for PDF creation. If the file is not found, this service will report an error. Now, there's a glitch there; if a report takes very long time to execute it will also be reported as error (i.e. when this service checks for the PDF file, the report was currently being generated). So, I can't go with this solution.
2. I have also looked at following tables on ReportServer database:
a. Catalog - information regarding all the reports, folders, data source information, etc. b. Subscriptions - all the subscriptions information. c. ExecutionLog - information regarding execution of the subscriptions and the also manual execution of reports. d. Notifications - information regarding the errors that occurred during subscription execution.
For this solution, I was thinking of doing a windows service which will monitor these tables and do further operations as required.
This looks like most feasible solution so far.
3. Third option is to look at DeliveryExtensions but in that case I will have to manually call SSRS APIs and will have to manage report invocation and subscription information. What is your opinion on this?
My environment details:
Windows XP SP2
SQL Server 2005
Reporting Services 2005
Please let me know if I am missing something somewhere...
I've read all the posts... set the security policy (for the service account running SQL Server) to lock pages in memory... ran gpupdate... still same error... HELP !!!!
Hi i have a sorted procedure that create a @temp table that return strNomObjet,strNomDescripteur,strReponse,Percentage
I need to calculate the Percentage for strReponse for each strNomDescripteur. strReponse can be = to A,B,C, or D To calculate the Percentage i have no problem my is that something it possible that a certain strNomDescripteur that will have only A,B and D and there no C i need to put 0%.
INSERT INTO @Temp Select te.stdlastn,te.stdfirstn,COALESCE(NULLIF(REPLACE(tr.T3,'*',''),' '),REPLACE(tr.T2,'*','')),tob.Nom,tob.Affichage,td.Nom,td.Affichage fromBulletin.dbo.tblEleves as te INNER JOIN Bulletin.dbo.tblBulletin as tb ON te.stdnumber=tb.NoEtud INNER JOIN Bulletin.dbo.tblNomBull as tnb ON tb.NoBull=tnb.ID INNER JOIN Bulletin.dbo.tblSection as ts ON ts.ID_Bull = tnb.ID INNER JOIN Bulletin.dbo.tblObjetas tob ON tob.ID_Sec = ts.ID INNER JOIN Bulletin.dbo.tblDescripteur as td ON td.ID_Obj = tob.ID INNER JOIN Bulletin.dbo.tblReponse as tr ON tr.ID = tb.ID whereintActif = 1 and tb.NoBull not like '%EdPhy%' and tnb.Nom not like '%EdPhy%' and tnb.Date = '2006-2007' and te.STDGRADeID = 3 and te.schoolid = '1202' and ts.Nom = 'MATHÉMATIQUES' and tr.[Desc] = td.ID and tr.T2 <> 'NULL' and tr.T3 <> 'NULL' and (tr.T2 <> '' OR tr.T3 <> '') ORDER BY tob.Affichage,td.Affichage
SELECT t1.strNomObjet,t1.strNomDescripteur,t1.strReponse, t1.ReponseCount * 100.0/t2.PersonCount AS Percentage FROM ( SELECT strNomObjet,strNomDescripteur,strReponse,count(*) AS ReponseCount FROM @Temp GROUP BY strNomObjet,strNomDescripteur,strReponse)t1 INNER JOIN (SELECT strNomObjet,strNomDescripteur,count(*) AS PersonCount FROM @Temp GROUP BY strNomObjet,strNomDescripteur)t2 ON t2.strNomObjet=t1.strNomObjet AND t2.strNomDescripteur=t1.strNomDescripteur
This will give this result : As you can see it always A,B,C,D A,B,C,D
Except for "FORMES utilise les transformations géométriques pour" it only A,B,C there no D. So is there a way that i could insert D = 0 So if i don't find any A,B,C or D for certain strNomDescripteur put that letter = 0
Thanks for your help in advance!!
FORMES utilise la mesure pour résoudre des problèmesA 47.222222222222 FORMES utilise la mesure pour résoudre des problèmesB 38.888888888888 FORMES utilise la mesure pour résoudre des problèmesC 8.333333333333 FORMES utilise la mesure pour résoudre des problèmesD 5.555555555555 FORMES utilise les figures géométriques pour résoudre A 61.111111111111 FORMES utilise les figures géométriques pour résoudre B 25.000000000000 FORMES utilise les figures géométriques pour résoudre C 11.111111111111 FORMES utilise les figures géométriques pour résoudre D 2.777777777777 FORMES utilise les transformations géométriques pour A 62.857142857142 FORMES utilise les transformations géométriques pour B 28.571428571428 FORMES ET ESPACE (géométrie)utilise les transformatC 8.571428571428 NOMBRE ET OPÉRATIONSdémontre une compréhension A 69.444444444444 NOMBRE ET OPÉRATIONSdémontre une compréhension B 16.666666666666 NOMBRE ET OPÉRATIONSdémontre une compréhension C 5.555555555555 NOMBRE ET OPÉRATIONSdémontre une compréhension D 8.333333333333
Hello all,I hope someone can help me; if got a value in a cell (040 1234567),when I run a queryin the Analyser I got as respons only 40 1234567, so missing the zero(0) not the whole number is displayed. When I run a query on a cellwith value 1234567 I received the number 1234567 and that's oke. TheData Type of the Column is Char.Thanks,Marko
When I log in to Windows (XP Pro SP2), I get the following message displayed in the Application Event Viewer.
"The ASP.NET DLL (Path: C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.40607aspnet_isapi.dll) (Version:2.0.40607.0) is missing"
The message is quite correct in its assertion that the file is not where it says it is. There is a copy of the noted DLL however, in C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727 and in C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322
Why is the Report Server looking for that particular version? Why can't it point at the later version?
I'm trying to access some files on a file server in CLR code and I have to impersonate the windows login to get permission. I am using the classic example of SqlContext and i can see that after calling the impersonate method it changes. I always get false from the System.IO Direcotry and File functions to see if there are any files or even if the directory exists. The permissions are correct on the file share and the batch submission is using the correct login.
When I sign on to my computer I get this message, MSVCR70.dll can not be found try to reinstall it this may fix the problem, BUT CAN'T find the dll that is missing to reinstall it, HOW DO I FIX THIS please HELPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!
I have a normal nvarchar(50) field in a table that has a single comma in it but when i read it using OleDbDataReader the comma gets removed. any ideas what i am doing wrong ?
Hi guys need some help, someone has given me some code to help me filter a gridview by the surname field by the selected letter of a dropdown list. My code is below, however if i select a letter from the dropdown and click the button i get an error, can someone take a look please. <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" Title="Untitled Page" %>
<script runat="server"> Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim dset As New Data.DataSet Dim dview As New Data.DataView dview.Table = dset.Tables("modelRegistration1") dview.RowFilter = "surname LIKE" + surnameFilter.SelectedValue.ToString() + " % " GridView1.DataSource = dview GridView1.DataBind() End Sub </script>
error message is Server Error in '/KayKay' Application.
Syntax error: Missing operand after 'LIKEC' operator. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Missing operand after 'LIKEC' operator.Source Error:
Line 6: Dim dview As New Data.DataView Line 7: dview.Table = dset.Tables("modelRegistration1") Line 8: dview.RowFilter = "surname LIKE" + surnameFilter.SelectedValue.ToString() + " % " Line 9: GridView1.DataSource = dview Line 10: GridView1.DataBind()Source File: E:InetpubwwwrootKayKayAdminupdateModels.aspx Line: 8 Stack Trace:
In the console, when right clicking on a table name...then selecting 'open table', the toolbar at the top of the page is not displaying. This is the graphical bar with the 'SQL' button that lets you filter the results.
Recently I installed MSDE and then Analysis services and also applied SP3's for both...
However I have noticed that the FoodMart Database which was automatically installed previously with Analysis services is not installed. Is there any way to get that?
I need to build a results grid that reports totals or zero for an attribute
SELECT ClaimType, VendorNumber, COUNT (ClaimNumber) AS ClaimCount FROM ClaimHeader GROUP BY VendorNumber, ClaimType ORDER BY VendorNumber ASC;
THe underlying data has two claim types (UB, and HCFA). Some vendor numbers have only UB claims or only HCFA claims. I want my totals to show a zero for those vendor numbers. Example
My current group by doesn't give me the 3rd row in my example. How do I change my query to add those rows that have no claims as a zero. Put another way, every vendorNumber has to report a HCFA total and a UB total, even if they're zero.
I have encountered an issue with one of my log files which has me somewhat puzzled. I receieved notification at 00:02:16:36 that the Log file was full: The log file for database 'TDS' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space.. A large number of these same messages have followed.
Prior to these messages starting the log file was backed up successfully at 00:00:01:10 Shortly after this there is a message - and this is the bit that confuses me - at 00:02:16:35 that says: d:mssqldata ds_log.ldf: Operating system error 112(error not found) encountered.
So from what I can tell the log file was backed up successfully. Then approx 1 minute later the system can't find the log file??? Then I keep getting these log file full messages - until the next log backup (60 min later)...then everything is fine. HUH?
When looking at the log file for SQL it is sitting there, and isn't new, as it's created date is back when I setup the database initially.
Can anyone shed any light on what this message might mean and whether there is specifically something that I can do to circumvent it in the future.
Oh yeah we have nothing tricky in terms of replication or log shipping or anything like that.....