Missing Expansion Images On Matrix Report

Jun 14, 2007

I've created some Matrix reports which work just fine, I'm able to drill down and the expansion images(+/-) appear correctly.

However, after setting Role security on the folder containing the reports(this is an asp.net application), the reports still function but the images for the (+/-) are missing, just getting the missing image icon.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Burl

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Images On HTML Report Subscription Missing

Nov 27, 2007

We've been struggling for 2 days to try and figure this out. We create a report with images, both in gif and jpg, and then setup a subscription. When the report is generated in both 5.0 and all browser format, no images appear, just the red cross. Funny thing is that in Firefow the same htm document renders OK. We tried setting the configuration table row UseSessionCookies to False as posted by others but this did not work. It seems so simple it's silly. What are we doing wrong? The image is set to embedded. Also the charts are not showing either.

Any help is MOST appreciated!!

BTW, in pdf and mhtml the images are fine

We do not have and _ in the the server name and we have SP2 also installed on a W2K3 server

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Images With A Data Value Of A URL, I.e. Web Images, Appear In The Designer But Not In The Actual Report.

Feb 9, 2007

The URL address is for example http://backup/pics/19980.jpg

On the report when I right click on an image the URL is http://localhost/reportserver

I do not understand what is going on. Please help.

Many thanks,


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Missing Images In Rendered HTML View

Feb 9, 2007


i have a report with an image on the footer. When i view the report in the designer/report manager or export to any format, everythings fine. Now i have a ASP.NET site which makes a webservice call to get HTML output from my report. in this case no image show up. The Url of the image is like that: h**p://servername/ReportServer?%2fDocuments%2fGerman%2fOrder%2fOrderResponse&rs%3aFormat=HTML4.0&rs%3aImageID=ac8c4a8c-8a63-4ff9-ba74-6d6a7076a0ef

When i check the HTML version of the Report Manager the url of the image is like: h**p://servername/Reports/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?ReportSession=iuwsgfikvz4ezfmd0tqmyj45&ControlID=cee4d933-5ab6-413f-8c28-4c3a2b3ff230&Culture=1031&UICulture=7&ReportStack=1&OpType=ReportImage&StreamID=84e7491d-eab4-4502-adac-2bec4254da90

I take the byte stream of the report from the RS Service an put it to the HttpResponse of the ASP.NET page.

What could be the problem?

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Dynamic Images (RTF) Missing When Deployed To Server

Jan 10, 2008

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing your experiences here. In some cases, I've saved quite a bit of time. Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution for my current issue.

I'm using VS.NET 2005 and SQL Server 2005. My development computer is running Windows XP SP2. SQL Server 2005 database and reporting services are running on Windows 2003 Server.

My business requirement is to develop and deploy a report which takes rich text (RTF) stored in the database (datatype = TEXT) and converts it to an image at runtime using a custom assembly (source can be found here http://blogs.digineer.com/blogs/jasons/archive/2006/10/03/520.aspx). I am able to generate and view the dynamic image containing the RTF on my local (i.e., developer) computer both using the ReportManager web interface and using the Render method. When I deploy this to our test server, I end up with a broken link image.

To recap, I have taken the following steps.

Created custom assembly using VS.NET 2005 which converts RTF to bitmap image. Custom assembly has a strong name.

On local developer machine

Copied custom assembly to C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEPrivateAssemblies.

Modified C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEPrivateAssembliesRSReportDesigner.config to include a CodeGroup which grants FullTrust to custom assembly based on StrongNameMembership (NOTE: ReadMe.txt doesn't mention adding an entry to this file).

Modified C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEPrivateAssembliesRSPreviewPolicy.config to include a CodeGroup which grants FullTrust to custom assembly based on StrongNameMembership (NOTE: ReadMe.txt doesn't mention adding an entry to this file).

Modified report using VS.NET 2005 as follows

Added reference to custom assembly and System.Drawing.

Added image control with type=Database, MimeType=image/bmp, Value = call to custom assembly method; method is passed value of database field which contains RTF.

Deployed report.

Viewed report successfully both via HTML and via Render method of WebService using EXCEL as output format. HTML for image <IMG SRC="/Reports/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?ReportSession=ohj0pjaplbl5h255phlplz45&amp;ControlID=883e299f22ca4413b398a024cec134b2&amp;Culture=2055&amp;UICulture=7&amp;ReportStack=1&amp;OpType=ReportImage&amp;StreamID=ed4b4d3b-d54d-4043-9fea-1c06f153f9a1"/>

On local developer machine and server

Copied custom assembly to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServerin

Modified C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServer
ssrvpolicy.config to include a CodeGroup which grants FullTrust to custom assembly based on StrongNameMembership (NOTE: source code indicates permissions should be granted based on UrlMembership).

Deployed report.

Viewed report unsuccessfully both via HTML and via Render method of WebService using EXCEL as output format. HTML for image <IMG SRC="" />
Initially, I got error messages when exporting to Excel along the lines of ,"data is missing" but these appear to have been resolved by granting permissions in .config files which we not mentioned in ReadMe.txt. I've have run out of things to try and am at my wits end. I am convinced the solution has something to do with permissions since this works on my computer but not on the server.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.


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Missing Embedded Images In Reporting Services

May 24, 2007

We currently have reports for a client running on SQL 2000 RS. The strange thing (problem) is that we can see any embedded image in the Report when we Preview it, and view it on our testing server (SQL 2000), but at the client's site (also running SQL 2000) the images don't appear at all. The same goes for any graphs inside the report as well. This is very puzzling as we cannot find out what the problem is. The other strange thing is that we can see the images on the client's site when running them through Report Manager, but when we go through the application using the Reports, then the images do not appear at all. We have no idea of what's wrong. The app is running on 2003 Server x64, the database is being hosted on another server running 2003 Server, and the report server is running on another server running Windows 2000 Server.

Any help will be much appreciated.

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Binary Data Types (Images) In Matrix/Table Items In Reports

Jul 11, 2007

I am trying to produce a matrix (crosstab) report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Report Designer, where the column headers contain a binary data type storing a png image.

By just simply using the report wizard and assigning the binary (image) data value to the column headers, and then previewing the report, I get following error:

An error occurred during local report processing.An error has occurred during report processing.The Group expression used in grouping 'matrix1_COMPETITOR_EMBLEM' returned a data type that is not valid.

Is there any way to include binary data types, or images per se from the database into a matrix or even table item in a report ?

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Adding Columns To A Matrix Report That Don't Belong To The Matrix Columns Groups

Jan 2, 2007

Can we do this?

Adding more columns in a matrix report that don€™t
belong to the columns drilldown dimensions€¦

That is, for example, having the following report:

Product Family


Country City Number of units sold

Then I
would add some ratios, that is, Units Sold/Months (sold per month) and other that
is the average for Product Family (Units Sold/Number of Product Family), for putting an example€¦ some
columns should be precalculated prior to the report so do not get into it, the
real problem I don€™t see how to solve is adding one or two columns for showing
these calculated column that doesn€™t depend on the column groups but they do
for the rows groups€¦

Any guidance
on that?

The only
way I am seeing by now is to set it as two different reports, and that is not
what my client wants€¦


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Images In Report

Nov 21, 2007

I have a report that i've generated which contains images of products etc though the images are bigger then the specfied size of the box that they fit into.

Though this isn't the problem as they fit nicely however i'm looking for some functionalitly in the best way for the image to be called as in the user clicks the image and up pops a window with the image contained and the user can then close that window and click on another products image to bring that up.

Is this possible in SSRS or what other methods could i do to show a similiar thing?

Many Thanks

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SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) : Issue Navigating From Report To Report: Parameter Is Missing A Value

Sep 5, 2007

I'm having problems navigating from one report to another one if the second report has a multi-valued report parameter. When I navigate to the second report, I don't pass any parameters, but I get an error "parameter is missing a value" for the multi-valued report parameter. I have it setup as allow "multi-value" and "blank value". Any idea what the issue might be?

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Two Images In SQL Report Header

Nov 16, 2007

Hi all,
I have a client report in which I have two images in the header portion. I have assigned two different images for the two image report controls.

The Problem is that the report is showing two images in only one system. (I ran the code which is available in SOURCE CONTROL, so the code is not the problem)

In all other systems the first image is getting repeated. The configuration is same and there is no change in HARDWARE.

Have anybody faced the same problem.....................

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Displaying Images In A Report

Jul 31, 2007

Hi all

I have a report and I display specific images based on the parameter selected. i.e. If parameter value = "1" then I display "image1.jpg". The images were added as a part of the project so I was able to display the images by setting the value property on the images to the image file name. So if I want to display image1.jpg then I would set the value property of the image to "image1.jpg".
Now I have decided to create a folder called "images" in which I want to keep all the images. So I have removed the images from the project. In the value property of the image when I put "/images/image1.jpg" it doesnt work. I have also tried "images/image1.jpg" When I run the report in the Preview mode, the image is not shown. How do i fix this?
The directory struncture is so:

Reports folder
--images folder

Thanks guys!!

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Images (in Dataset) In Report Headers/Footers

Apr 7, 2008

I have an image stored in a dataset that I would like to place in the page header and footer. Unfortunately dataset fields can not be placed in headers/footers.

Embedded pics in the project and/or report are NOT an option as the report must pull the image from the database. UNLESS there is a way to embed it FROM the dataset.

Normally I use =ReportItems!FieldName, but this doesn't seem to work when dealing with images.

I put the image in the header row the table holding the report information, but there are some pitfalls. Consider the following: put the Image in the top left cell of the header rows (A1) , put my Report Title in Cell (A2) and finally put =Now() in cell (B2).

When the report renders Cell (A1) has grown to accomodate the size of the image, Cell (A2) is fine, but cell (A3 - the date-) is pushed down...as expected (boooo!)

I used the following function =Fields!ReportTitle.Value & chr(10) & chr(13) & Fields!ReportDate.Value in (A2) a slick solution, but the padding is different and I need different font sizes and weights. (...almost)

I moved the image in (a1) and the rest of the fields following respecfully (B1, C1, D1...) but with parameters the header is now practically half the page (...ok so that was a bit of an stretch)

I tried the RepeatsWith property and couldn't get it to work???? Am I using it correctly? I have a table in the body of a report (table1). Above it, I place the image. In the image properties, I choose RepeatWith and select table1, I expect to see the image repeat on each page, but that is not the case. I'm probably missing a simple explanation.

I even tried to pass the image as a parameter. URRRNT! At least with my experience.

Have I exhausted all possibilities without extensive code?

All I'm trying to do is line up the Image with the report Title/date/parameter values in the HEADER making the report look pretty.

Thanks for the help...

SSRS 2005 User

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Images Not Displaying From Snapshot Or Cached Report

Apr 11, 2008

This is my first post, and I'm hoping you all can help.

Using Reporting Services 2005, I have several reports that use embedded images.
All images render fine when the report execution is set to:
1) Always run this report with the most recent data
1a) Do not cache temporary copies of this report

However, when I change the execution to either a Cache or a Snapshot, the images and some charts render as red "X" placeholders. This is sometimes remedied when the user clicks the page refresh button, but not always.

Of course, I could just have all the concurrent users use the uncached report that hits the OLAP server, but that would be highly inefficient, and just plain slow.

Thanks for any help on this subject.


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How To Show Multiple Images And Links Using Report Viewer Control ?

Jun 21, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I have a report which runs in local mode and while designing the report I have placed a single image control inside the list box as I don't know before hand how many images are there :

What is the way to show all the images using the one image control inside the report viewer control. ? Can be 2 or 3 or 4.....

Thanks for all the help.


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DB Expansion History

Feb 15, 1999

Hi -
In order to restore a DB on another system I need to know the exact expansion history of the source DB in order to create/expand the devices on the target system the same way...
Is there a way for me to see the history of expansions I did on a DB ??

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Database Expansion Advice

Feb 13, 2008

I'm at a new installation where there's no DBA at all, so, as a Coldfusion programmer, I'm now the DBA, LOL.

The main SQL2000 DB we use is approximately 100MB with about 7MB of free space and is allocated to expand by 10%.

I am adding a new, large table, about 60 columns with lots of variable-length unicode fields, mostly nvarchar. It's being used to track non-USA user-form information. Even though the DB is set to expand, I'm concerned that due to the potential size/volume of records, that the auto-expand could cause performance issues.

The SQL2000 server has plenty of room, about 49GB, so I'm wondering if I should expand the size of the current DB, or if the auto-expand feature will be ok.

At this point I'm not sure what the volume of the user-form records will be in the new table. It won't be a million records certainly, but I'm guessing it could climb to maybe 10-20,000 records.

If I should expand the DB, can I do this while the DB is still online?


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How To Insert Images In The Data Type (BLOB - Images)

May 23, 2003

I am having a problem with MMSQL BLOB with VB, Sorry to say I am new in Programming using VB 6 and MSSQL and I have never touch BLOB in my live.

I just wish anyone could give me any ideal, like, white pages, or manual on how do I insert BLOB data (Images) to MSSQL 2000 database using VB 6. I need to know exspecially the VB Code and the SQL Portion if you have a store procedure code for that it will be nice.

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Tempdb Data Device Expansion

Apr 9, 2002


I have tempdb data device size default 2 MB, which has completely filled up. I am trying to expand data device to it.
I created new device tempdb_data_ext (250 MB) and tried to expand tempdb data device. But everytime I do it, it ends up adding space to tempdb log device. How can I expand tempdb data device?

It's extremely urgent.


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Field Length Expansion:URGENT!!

Sep 25, 2000

I need to expand the size of one column which has been defined as varchar(32) to varchar(50).Is this possible?Already there are many old records in the table,in what way it will effect the old records?Any help is appreciated.

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Enterprise Manager Tree Expansion

Jul 2, 2003

In SQL 6.5 and SQL 7.0 when Enterprise Manager started it would show the server groups in expanded view.

SQL 2000 shows just the Microsoft SQL Servers level not expanded and none of the groups under it.

With the SQL 2000 client, is there a setting that will expand my tree automatically when starting Enterprise Manager. I have a bunch of server groups defined and do not want to have to expand each one every time I start EM so that I can view my servers.

Thanks for any help.

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SQL Search :: Expansion Not Being Utilized Fully

Jun 3, 2015

SQL Server 2008 R2

Issue: In the globalts I have 


my where clause.. is similar to.'where Contains(Word, ''formsof(thesaurus,"'+@curWord+'") OR "'+@curWord+'*"'')'When i pass in Multi-Lan, i get results for Multi-LAN and MultiLAN.. however.. when i pass in Multilan.. i dont get results for Multilan nor Multi-lan.I have double checked my formats, and i have checked to see if this word was used in a previous expansion set.. everything checked out.  I also have many other expansions that function without issue. BT and Bluetooth are interchangeable.

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Help With The Matrix Report

Mar 2, 2007

Hello All!

I developed a matrix SSRS report for a specific scenario, and the results look something like the example below. The result set is grouped by the date value, so for all records on that date in the first column I have just one value - 2/5/2007. The client would like to see a value for each cell in every row in the date column, so they can sort the results and do other manipulation in Excel. I tried to make it happen but I doesnt seem to work using the matrix. I would really appreciate if anyone has any suggestions on how to make it work. btw, it really has to be a matrix report :)

Thanks, everyone!

Value 1

Value 2

Value 3

Value 4

Value 5

Value 6

Value 7

Value 8

Value 9

Value 10

Value 11

Value 12

Value 14

Value 15

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Matrix Report

Jan 30, 2007

hello all,

I have to make matrix report,
my problem is that I have to make report like this picture:

Is there is a way to make it?
do I need a subreport?

Any tips would be appreciated Thanks

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Add A New Row To Matrix Report

Apr 18, 2008


I'm trying to create a report using matrix report.
I use a simple query like this.

SELECT Catergory, Month, SUM(TotalApp) AS TotApp
FROM Table1
GROUP BY Catergory, Month

result is like thsi
Approved 2007-03-01 00:00:00.000 60198
Approved 2007-04-01 00:00:00.000 59786
Approved 2007-05-01 00:00:00.000 80608
Decisioned 2007-06-01 00:00:00.000 65981
Decisioned 2007-07-01 00:00:00.000 60217
Decisioned 2007-08-01 00:00:00.000 59040
Decisioned 2007-09-01 00:00:00.000 45180

Now I want to add Approved into one row and decisioned into the next row like that. I can easily do row grouping in the matrix. but then I wont be able to add new rows inbetween those groups. I want to add some rows inbetween those groups to include calculated fields.

I try to use something like this;

=IIf(Fields!Category.Value = "Decisioned" , Fields!TotalApps.Value, " " )

But It gives the same result for every group.( does not matter whether its decisioned , Approved or smthign else)

can any one tell me how to do this?


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Help With Matrix Report

Apr 25, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I am having some trouble creating my employee schedules report. I would like to design a report like this:

Name | 7:00am | ............|..............|................|..30 minutes apart..|................|................| 8:00pm
Frank [ FIRST BRK ] [ LUNCH ] [ PROJ 23 ]

The dataset includes the following fields:

EmpID int

EmpName varchar

RowDate date

StartTime datetime

StopTime datetime

SegmentCode char(10)

Can someone please advise me on how I can create this report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Thank You

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Help With Matrix Report.

May 1, 2007

Hi All,

I have the following matrix report.


Std: 1
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Std: 2
Accessing Health Information, Products, and Services

Std: 3

Std: 4
Influence of Culture, Media, and Technology


Std: 5
Interpersonal Communication


Std: 6
Goal Setting and Decision Making Skills


Std: 7
Advocating for Health


I need a bit of help to do two things.

One is the first row needs to be the average of the matrix columns (1,2,3,4).

Two is for a header row that will span the matrix columns.

So the final output would be;

Average Proficiency Level



Std: 1
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Std: 2
Accessing Health Information, Products, and Services

Std: 3

Std: 4
Influence of Culture, Media, and Technology


Std: 5
Interpersonal Communication


Std: 6
Goal Setting and Decision Making Skills


Std: 7
Advocating for Health


The number of columns can vary from 1 to 4.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Reporting Services :: Unable To Show Images From Folder By Reading Path From Database In SSRS Report

Apr 28, 2015

Basically i have 3 images capacity per record in my asp.net application. In there i am saving the image path with record id in database and image in my application folder.

Now i am creating SSRS Report in Report builder . In there i have taken one image control to show the images. In the Image properties in report builder i have chosen database under the select the image source field. then inside use this field i have chosen image url and in use this MIME Type i have selected image/jpeg. Now i have saved this report in report server folder.

Now while calling in .net web from through report viewer control. It is opening the report but wont showing the image.

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MAtrix Report With Drill-through

Mar 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have a table which has a country, division, category, product, Valuetype, value

data looks like this:

Country division, category, product, Valuetype, value

UK Division1 Food Pizza Volume 10000
UK Division1 Food Pizza Revenue 2000
UK Division1 Food Pizza ROI 4.5

UK Division2 Food Pizza Volume 14000
UK Division2 Food Pizza Revenue 2400
UK Division2 Food Pizza ROI 4.1

UK Division2 Drinks Cola Volume 14000
UK Division2 Drinks Cola Revenue 2400
UK Division2 Drinks Cola ROI 4.1

I want to build a drill-through report to be grouped on country, division, category and product.

Can someone help me with some suggestions?


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Matrix Report With Totals

Apr 1, 2007


Is there a tutorial on how to do a matrix report with row & column tables? This is easy on by default in Crystal, but I can't figure out how to do it in RS.


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Sorting Matrix Report

Jan 23, 2008

I have created a Matrix report with 5 row groups (Company and ProductName, ProductEndDate), one column group (Status) and two data columns(Amount & Count).

The report works fine except that it does not sort properly. I want to sort the data by Company, ProductEndDate, ProductName.

I took the following steps -- I highlighted the matrix and in the properties dialog box, selected the groups tab. In groups I selected each row group, hit the edit button, clicked the sorting tab and Company, ProductEndDate, ProductName.

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Sum Of Fields In Matrix Report

Aug 24, 2007

I have matrix report to display gender statistics based on hierachical geographic data e.g.
Country 1 | region 1 | subregion 1 | No-of-males | no-of-females
with drill through enabled

I want to have persentage near the number-of-gender as well as total population for a row, like this
Country 1 | region 1 | subregion 1 | No-of-males (%-males) | no-of-females (%-females) | Total in the row

but I cannot find the way to do it.

Expression for data cell is

but if I try something like

=sum(Fields!no_of_person.Value) & " (" & sum(fields!no_of_person.Value) / sum(fields!no_of_person.ParentUniqueName, "column") * 100 & ")"

to get the total for both genders - the reports fails

Thanks in advance

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Help With Matrix Report And Design

May 3, 2008

I've got this data source that returns member information.. great.

I've got a function that when passed the member number and a month/
year returns days participating in the club.

I need to build a report that will output some of the columns for the
member, but then report other information for 6 months for each member
that all calulated based on days particpating for that month. Which 6
months will be dertimed by a single parameter passed to the report for
starting month/year... basically the next 6 months.

Is a matrix report a good option for this? Or should I just have the
function called 6 times in my data source? Ideally I layout the report
for one month and then *somehow* join in my data source for 6
iterations where month is 1 through 6.

Right now I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around how and where to
join the data? Especially if matrix and I have two data sources. I'm
also not sure I can call my function from cells in the matrix or if I
can even have mulitple data buckets in the matrix. I'm tempted to do
this the only way I know how, but I suspect there is a better way.

I've never built a matrix report in ssrs, any information or help is

Thank you!

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