I want to be able to create business intelligence project for reporting but the business intelligence project option is not there when I go to file/new/project.
When I first installed visual studio I chose visual basic/web development as the preference would this prevent other project types from being displayed?
I have installed Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows Desktop and Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013 yet there are no project templates for Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Reporting Services available when I attempt to create a new project.
Details of install are: Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop Version 12.0.40629.00 Update 5 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.5.51209 Installed Version: Desktop Express Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013 06157-004-0441005-02546
Does anyone happen to know what authority is required to view the following in Enterprise Manager:
Database Maintenance Plans Current Activity SQL Server Logs
When I use EM to log onto SQL Server with a login that does not have sysadmin authority, I do not appear to have these options available when I expand the Management folder. I can find no reference to any specific authorities that are required in Books online and unable to find anything in the Knowledge Base about it either. I can't believe that sysadmin authority is needed to view these.
I have installed SQL2005 enterprise edition default installation with SP2 to migrate over SQL7 instances. Installation was fine and migration was smooth. After completion, i tried to access the Maintenance tab but when i right-clicked, my only option there was refresh. There was nothing under the maintenance tab for me to create a new plan.
Is this problem anything to do with SP2. Anyone else had this similar problem? Do i have to install integration services too?
I am trying to import a flat file using the Wizard. That option does not show up. It shows up fine on my other machine. I installed 2005 Standard edition and they are still missing. I then uninstalled everything, rebooted and reinstalled Standard edition.
The flat file option is still missing. Any thoughts?
I have SRS configured in SharePoint Integration mode. I have exposed a site collection under two MOSS-enabled websites - the first site has Forms Authentication enabled and the second site has Windows Integrated security enabled.
I have noticed that when I access the website with Forms Authentication I an unable to select "New (Report Model/Report Builder/Report DataSource)" options on my SRS integrated document library. When I access the site using WIndows Integrated security the menu options appear fine. Is there some sort of security trimming happening here that I am not aware of?
I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. When i create a new database (using the "New Database" dialog) i cannot set the new database's compatibility level to "SQL Server 2005(90)" because this option is not in the "dropdown list". the only items shown are: "SQL Server 7.0(70)" and "SQL Server 2000(80)". I set the owner to "sa". How do i get "SQL Server 2005(90)" in my "compatibility level" drop down list? Is this an installation option that i missed? Thanks in advance for any assistance!
When I open BIDS it displays a list of "Recent Projects". How can I edit (or delete) items from this list? (Over time the list has acquired a lot of junk est projects that I no longer need).
I am currently reading Ralph Kimball's "The Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit". In the book it mentions creating template packages to speed up the creation of future packages. In the book they also mention creating solutions and projects.
All sounds fair enough but I am confused a little.
Where should the template package be stored?! I created a Project and renamed the default package as "TemplatePackage". I setup some standard data sources and package variables. Do I now create a new package and place it in the same project? Or should my template package be deleted from the project?!
i hear of a feature called TEMPLATES where you can save the data thats entered into any particular Dynamics SL screen and paste the data in to the same screen at a later time (saves time if there is data that is constantly inputed into the same screen over and over). my question is, where are the templates saved at on the hard drive? and can it be opened/edited in notepad or something else if say we want to make changes to the data before pasting/loading it back?
I've created a new Stored Procedure template and saved it to .Microsoft SQL Server90ToolsShellTemplatesSqlStored Procedure. I can view (and use) the template via the Template Explorer, however, I want this new template to become my default template.
What do I mean by this? - I want to be able to right-click on stored procedures in my object explorer, click New Stored Procedure, and be forced to use my new template, rather than Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL.
I've got several templates that we use for creating stored procs and such and they all include a standard header for author and version information. One of the fields is the creation date. Is it possible to have the template automatically populate that field with the current date when a new file is generated from the template?
I just installed SQL2005 (and VS2005). When I run VSSQLCLRTemplates.vsi from the SQLCLR Project all the templates fail to install. It gives the error "Installation stopped because the directory for the ProjectType value did not exist. The project type is invalid for your installation of Visual Studio."
I do have a my documentsvisual studio 2005 directory. I am trying to start writting user defined aggregates. If I can install the templates manually, that'd be fine.
I'm currently working on a project that I'm having some design difficulties with and I was hoping that some of you could help me out. What I'm designing is sort of a webbased directory service based on different custom made templates. Imagine the yellow pages with different column requirements for each branch. Example:
I have designed a few tables that look like this: DECLARE @templates TABLE (TemplateID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), TemplateName VARCHAR(50)) DECLARE @attributes TABLE (AttributeID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), AttributeName VARCHAR(50)) DECLARE @template_attributes TABLE (TemplateID INT, AttributeID INT) DECLARE @values TABLE (ValueID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), TemplateID INT, AttributeID INT, Value VARCHAR(200))
INSERT INTO @templates SELECT 'Restaurant' UNION ALL SELECT 'DBAForHire'
INSERT INTO @values SELECT 1, 1, 'Lumbagos TexMex' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 2, 'Mainstreet Oslo' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 3, 'Yes' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 1, 'Peso' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 2, 'Somewhere IN Sweden' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 4, '10'
SELECT TemplateName, AttributeName, Value FROM @templates a INNER JOIN @template_attributes b ON a.TemplateID = b.TemplateID INNER JOIN @attributes c ON b.AttributeID = c.AttributeID INNER JOIN @values d ON b.TemplateID = d.TemplateID AND c.AttributeID = d.AttributeIDThe problem I need help with is that with the current design all "Values" are defined as varchar(200)...is it possible to change the design so that it's equally flexible but also fasilitates different datatypes? In some cases I would like to have a description column with way more than 200 characters, and I'd also like to save numbers as actual numbers...not like my example above with "YearsExperience". Is it at all possible?? I would appreciate your insight on this...
-- Lumbago "Real programmers don't document, if it was hard to write it should be hard to understand"
Hello, I'd like to use OLE DB consumer templates, but I have troubles with changing values in my test DB. I've created a simple MS access DB 'ZK2Test.mdb' with one table 'pokus'. This table consist of one column with number (short integer). I can read values, thats works fine. But when I try to write something, it is not propagated into DB. I call SetValue and Update on cTable object and every call returns S_OK. When I try to read value of first row after my write, I get my new value of first column. But after moving cursor somewhere else and back to first row, reading first column of first row returns again the previous value.
In code example is my attempt to change value 1 from first row to 421 Sequence of commands is (C1 means Column 1):
// Open DB res = DTSrc.Open (L"Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0", "..\ZK2Test.mdb"); CHECK_RES(res); res = DTSession.Open(DTSrc); CHECK_RES(res); CDBPropSet propset(DBPROPSET_ROWSET); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate, true); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_UPDATABILITY, DBPROPVAL_UP_CHANGE | DBPROPVAL_UP_INSERT | DBPROPVAL_UP_DELETE); res = cTable.Open(DTSession, L"pokus", &propset); CHECK_RES(res);
// Move to first row res = cTable.MoveFirst(); CHECK_RES(res);
dataPtr = cTable.GetValue(1); x = *((SHORT*)dataPtr); // Now the value of x is 1
x = 421; if (!cTable.SetValue(1, x)) { return FALSE; } res = cTable.Update(); CHECK_RES(res);
dataPtr = cTable.GetValue(1); x = *((SHORT*)dataPtr); // Now the value of x is 421
// Move cursor to the second row and back res = cTable.MoveNext(); res = cTable.MoveFirst(); dataPtr = cTable.GetValue(1); x = *((SHORT*)dataPtr); // Now the value of x is 1 (the original value, WHY!?)
I have a question regarding oledb templates in Visual Studio 2005. For some time I was trying to get through but I can't. Can anyone tell me how can I read the properties of the DataSource class being inside Rowset or Command class?
I mean: DataSource class is creating Session class. Session is creating Rowset or Command and so on.. But how can I read the INIT_DATASOURCE property of the DataSource class while for example a Command is called?
Could you give me a sample of code which retrieves the INIT_DATASOURCE property in the Execute method of the
CRowsetImpl class?
class ColedbRowset :
public CRowsetImpl< ColedbRowset, ColedbWindowsFile, ColedbCommand>
We are using Reporting services 2005 and have been for some time. Recently we have started using the subscriptions as well. However we have come across a problem with this.
Currently we are updating our report templates by removing them and then creating them again. This worked fine until we started using subscriptions. Now, when the reports are removed, the subscriptions that are associated with the reports are also removed.
Is there a way to update a report template, without having to remove the report first? And can this be done programmatically? The code is currently publishing the reports by calling ReportingService2005.CreateReport(name, "/" + reportFolder, false, template, null);
Is there any way to change variable scope while using package templates?
I have created a package template that has several variables, a "typical" control flow and data flow. My goal was to try and use this as a starting point to create other packages within the same project and edit as required in the new package. I couldn't find any way (yet) to change scope of variables...these still show as belonging to the scope of package used to create the template.
I could not find The Reporting Service Project Template with Visual Studio 2008. It was available with Visual Studio 2005. How i can add the reporting service project into VS2008?
We are setting up developer machines with Visual Studio 2005 and SQL SERVER 2005 Client tools. My question is how do I get the templates for Integration Services into Visual Studio 2005 without installing BIDS?
I desperately need to setup the AD-HOC reporting on SQL server 2005. I think one of the templates that I need is in Business Intelligent Project Templets Reporting Model Template in Visual Studio Templates.
But I do not see it in there. Can some one please let me know where can I get the Reporting Model Template, or a link to where I can download or how to create it.
I have an application that uses SQL Report Builder to edit templates. When I go to add a dataset to add a custom field to the report, I get a permissions error (screenshot Error). When I check the credentials for the shared datasource, they are all grayed out, so I can’t verify the credentials being used (screenshot Error 2). According to SQL Management Studio, the user credentials have the right permissions. The weird thing is, I can access the datasets and shared datasource embedded in the report just fine. I just get a permissions error whenever trying to create a new dataset.
Hello, I tried to use bookmarks in OLEDB consumer templates and I have problems with using MoveToBookmark. This method sets cursor position correctly on bookmarked row, but it seems to me it doesn't set the right cursor position in DB. When I call MovePrev after MoveToBookmark, I will not get previous row of the bookmarked row. Simplified Example - I get bookmark of the first row, then move to the 3th row. Call MoveToBookmark (current row is no the first row). But when I call MovePrev I'will not get DB_S_ENDOFROWSET but the second row:
MoveFirst() bk = GetBookmark() MoveNext() MoveNext() // Now I'm on third row MoveToBookmark(bk) GetData() - Now I get data from 1st row MovePrev() GetData() - Now I get data from the second row!!
All calls to OLEDB returs S_OK. Does somebody now, whats wrong?
I would like to spend as much time as I can working on SQL projects but my daytime job doesn't exactly call for it. My end goal is to be MS SQL DBA certified and hands on skills will help me get there.
Is there a website where I could offer my time and skills to work on SQL projects - DB design, scripting, development, admin, etc - I would offer my time and sklls for cheap or free in exchange for the experience.
I have gone through the above and, while I can connect to the sql server and activate connections, I can not add a sql database to a project.
Open a project Right click - add new item Choose sql database
Add existing item choose existing sql database
results in:
"Connections to SQL server files (*.mdf) require sql server express 2005 to function properly blah blah blah"
Like I said, I can connect to the DB through the server explorer and view table definitions and data. I just can't add one to a solution. I have reinstalled sqlexpress already and am trying to avoid having to reinstall visual studio.
I guess the Subject line sums it all up, but I need some experienced explanation of what do a solution and a project represent, and how do I use them to my advantage.
Is a solution an entire database? If so, how can I create a solution from my existing databases?
Are either of them a way to collect together scripts etc which will be run against a production database when the solution is rolled out?
What is a project? Is it a single set of scripts related to an upgrade to a database? If so, can it be executed as a single entity? How is the sequence of execution controlled?
And so on and so on....
2005 is such a step backwards for DBA's with all the features we used to have and now don't. If it wasn't for the fact that MS will eventually stop supporting 2000, I frankly see no incentive to upgrade myself.
Ok, OK, flame off.
Can anybody suggest some resources which might give me some insight into these questions?
I'm creating an application to track project issues. I would like to have the issue number start over at 1 for each project. I would like to have the issue numbers assigned to each issue in sequential order for each project. Below is a brief example of what I need it to do. I don't know where to even start to try to figure this out. Thanks ProjectNumber, IssueNumber TEST0001, 1TEST0001, 2TEST0002, 1TEST0003, 1TEST0003, 2TEST0001, 3TEST0004, 1TEST0003, 3TEST0002, 2TEST0005, 1
I have recently switched to SQL 2005 and have been following this guide to create a new DTS project.
The only problem is the "Data Transformation Project" option does not show in my list of available 'templates'.
I double checked the install using the add/remove programs feature to update the installation -- all components under the business intelligence section are installed.
Here is the step by step of what I am doing:
1. Launch SQL Server Business Intelligence Development studio.
2. File --> New Project
3. Under the Business Intelligence Projects I am looking for Data Transformation Project but do not see it listed.
Here is what I do have:
Analysis services project Integration services project report model project import analysis services 9.0 database report server project wizard report server project
Anyone know what the problem is/where I can find DTS?