Mixed Mode Vs. Windows Authentication

Sep 6, 2007

I am trying to create a query that can determine if a user id is using mixed mode/windows/both authentication. I need to do this so that it can run on both sql server 2000 and 2005, meaning I can't use any of the sys.* views. Is there a single query could use for both systems?

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Recovery :: Change Authentication Mode From Windows To Mixed / 4-node Participating In AlwaysOn

May 13, 2015

I need to change the authentication mode from 'windows' to mixed, its a 4-node participating in always-on... Will this brake/impact alwayson in any way? I know I have to restart the sql instance.

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Mixed Authentication Mode

Jun 7, 2007


I would like to set 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode' of Sql Server 2005 so when user connects to Server he must supply username and password. Here are steps I make :

1. Open Microsoft SQL ServerManagement Studio Express
2. In Object Explorer right click on first (Server) node
3. Select 'Properties'
4. Select Page 'Security'
5. set 'Server authentication' to 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode'
6. press OK
7. in popup window fill password ******** and press OK
8. get error message ''operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SqlManagerUI)

How correctly to set above Server mode ?

Why I get the error message and how to solve it ?

Thank you

Yosef Fishov

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Questions On A Mixed-mode Authentication

Aug 17, 2007

First post, so greetings!I've been using ASP.NET 2 authentication from an MS SQL 2k5 database now in the web application for my company's customer accounts (file serving, custom webreports, etc).  There is currently no support for employees through this web app, but in our plan to go paperless it's become of interest to let the employees access much of their information through the same web portal.  The catch is, I'd rather not make them have to use two accounts (one for their domain authentication and one for their web authentication).  It's already taken a lot of conditioning to get them to memorize a single username and password.So what I really need is the single Login.aspx page to accept both ASP.NET logins and Domain digest logins, and the Domain digest login needs to be HTTP based (not named pipes).  Is this possible at all, and if so, is it possible without making an isapi filter?  After all, Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access is served by the exchange server and accepts active directory passwords.  So how could I do authentication in this way, and if so, is it possible to have the Outlook Web Access form be accessible from the same session as that of my web server? Thanks, I surely hope someone can help. . . -Brandon  

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SQL Authentication Traffic For Mixed Mode

Aug 19, 2005


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Mixed Mode To Windows Mode Without Trace....

Jan 3, 2006

Hi folks,

I have a SQL 2005 OTC. CTP version running on Windows 2003 server.

I would like to find out how the SQL server option changed to Windows Authentication mode from Mixed mode over the weekend.  From the SQL log, I don't see when it changed.  I would like to see Date/Time and client IP.  If I can see User ID (windows) that would be great.  Where I can find these info in SQL server?

Thank you in advance...


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Mixed Mode Authentication Conversion-Post Setup

Jul 13, 2006

I need help changing the authentication mode from Windows Authentication to Mixed Mode (for Project Server 2003). I am unable to find the Enterprise Management area. Evidently in this area, I can make this change. Is this the place to make these changes, or is there a better place? I am a novice, only days into this process. I need to setup a Project Server, and it needs Sql to breathe. Please help me!!

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Changing From Windows To Mixed Authentication

Sep 13, 2005

Hi AllI am trying to switch from Windows to Mixed mode authentication on SQLServer 2000. I am right-clicking the server instance in EnterpriseManager and selecting the correct option from the Security tab.Unfortunately, the change I make does not persist when I click OK. Iget no error message, but when I re-open the server properties, theoption has returned to being Windows authentication.Any ideas?Thanks,Kulgan.

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Set Password To Database On SQL Server 2005 Express Running In Mixed Authentication Mode

Apr 20, 2006

Just like with Access DB, can we set password for database in SQL Server 2005 Express ?

Reason to do so is, user with Login having sysadmin previliage can acess all databases in SQL server.

so just want to restrict database access to only those users who knows the password.

Is there any possible solution ? Pls comment.


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Using Windows Authentication V/s Mixed Authentication

Dec 18, 2006


Say, I have configured my SQL to use Mixed Authentication. Now, I have a applicaiton which uses my SQL Server. The application just creates a database in SQL Server and uses the database to store its information.

This application also has a SYSTEM DSN under ODBC through which it accesses the database. For the application to access this database, should I only use SA (as my SQL instance is configured to use Mixed Authentication) or can I use Windows Authentcation too...

If I should only use SA, do we have a documentation which talks about this.


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Switching SQL 2005 Authentication Mode From Windows To SQL Authentication

Apr 18, 2007

Hi there,I have installed MS SQL Server 2005 on my machine with windows authentication. But now I want to switch the authentication mode to SQL Authentication. I am unable to switch, I can’t find the proper way to do so here in 2005.Could any one help me in doing this?Thank you,-Ahsan

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How Do I Disable Windows Authentication Mode To Log Into The DB?

Apr 25, 2007

How do i disable Windows Authentication mode and just have SQL Server Authentication mode? is it even possible? 

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Who Is The Default Owner For Sql Express In Windows Authentication Mode?

Aug 1, 2007

If i create a database in sql express in windows authentication mode, the database owner is in the format of 'MACHINENAMEUSERNAME'. If i connect this database to iis server i got login failed error message.

This is my connection string in my web.config :
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=dbsgh;Data Source=software92sqlexpress

I solved this problem by creating a login in sqlexpress called 'software92/aspnet' and creating a user for my database named aspnet under 'software92/aspnet' login. Then i changed the usrename in directory security of my iis virtual directory to 'software92/aspnet'.
This solves my problem. But i think i m solving this problem in a wrong way.
I think i should create that database under default owner. Who is the default owner?

I dont know the correct procedure to solve this.
Please help.

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Can Not Connect To SQL Server 2000 On Windows Authentication Mode

Dec 20, 2006

Hello everyone,

We have SQL server 2000 on windows 2000. From our desktop MS Access was connected to database through ODBC. Since yesterday (after our consultant had updated another asp application in the same server) we are getting €œSQL Server Error: 18452. €¦.. Login failed for user €˜(null)€™. Reason: not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. €œ

The consultant saying he did not touch any settings on server (?). And the problem is even server€™s security property shows it has mixed mode authentication. But I cannot connect to server even through my SQL server enterprise manager in windows authentication mode. I can connect if I use SQL server authentication. Through ODBC I can connect also and test fine, if I use SQL authentication. But the Access application wouldn€™t connect using SQL authentication in ODBC.

So, can any one help me to find out what else could be done to make sure that the server is going to accept windows authentication. I€™m thinking any other settings or registry change €¦ etc. Please help.


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Is It Possible To Switch From Pure Window's Authenticated Mode Ro Mixed Mode? (SQL 2005)

Jan 18, 2007

Durning install I selected Window's Authentication only, but now it seems we may need to use a Mixed Mode with an SA account etc... is there anyway to switch SQL 2005 to use Mixed Mode after the fact?

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SQL Sever 2005 Express Move Windowns Authentication Choice To Mixed Authentication

Aug 22, 2007

I folks.I Have installed sql server 2005 express and choosed windowsauthentication on instalation, but i make a mistake and now i needmixed authentication, how can i modify this whithout uninstall andinstall again the application?thanks for the help.

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Mixed Mode

May 31, 2006

After installing SQL Server 2005 I found that I inadvertantly used Windows Authentication Mode and I would like to change to Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication) - what is the best way to do this? In Microsoft SQL Server 2000 you could simply go into Enterprise Manager, edit the SQL Server Registration Properties, edit the Properties of the SQL Server and edit the Properties of the SQL Server Agent.

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Mixed Authentication

Aug 26, 2005

In the scenario where you are installing MSDE/SQL Server at a customer site (not your own) is this true:

Assuming the customer has a (Windows) login with admin rights (or is a member of the admins group) over the PC which the server was installed on, there is no way of locking the customer out of any part of the SQL Server installation and its databases as Mixed Authentication (which you can't turn off) will always allow members of the (Windows) admins group to also be a member of the SQL Server admins group???

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Mixed Authentication

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,We have started to get the strangest errors with our SQL Server. We useWindows and SQL Server authentication, and have done successfully forthe last year or so. However last week i had trouble connecting to theenterprise manager with my domain credentials. Users connecting to QueryAnalyser have no problems when using their SQL Server logins, the issueonly seems to arrise when a Domain account is provided forauthentication. If we reboot the server all is well for about 1 - 2hours and then we loose the Domain credentials again. Even SQL Agentfails to work when stated with the DOMAINAdministrator account!As i said this has worked for a long time, and we have not made anychanges to the Domain or installed any patches for any of the servers.The error messages normally involve something along the lines of "NoUser 'NULL' blah blah" and "No Trusted SQL Server". We also have anexcel report that is failing with the SQL Server error number 18452. Ihave looked this up on MSDN, and this seems to fall in to the samecategory as our other errors.Any Ideas?We can't reboot the server every 2 hours!*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Sql Server Mixed Mode

Jun 7, 2007

Hello everybody

I program in C# with SQL Server 2005. I need to connect to Server in security mode.

In connection string I supply
UserID = myuser
Password = mypassword
Persist Security Info = True

In Server I set mixed authentication mode,create login 'mylogin' with password = mypassword
after that in my database I create user with username = myuser and loginName = mylogin

There are two problems :

1. in login creation after I fill password, close window and open it again there is old (default) password
but not my password
2. Application fails to connect to DB

How to solve these problems ?

Thank you
Yosef Fishov

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SQL 6.5 Running In Mixed Mode And Active Directory

Jul 18, 2001

Hey fellow Swynk'ers,

I have a question for ya’ll. Our company plans on migrating to active directory soon. I would like to use mixed mode for security. My question is, will this work? Can SQL 6.5 pick up on Active directory or is this handled at the OS layer?


Lee E. Smith

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SQL 2005 Mixed Mode Setup And DTS Info

Mar 30, 2007

Hi there, can anyone tell me how to setup or enable mixed mode authentication in SQL 2005? also is it possible to transfer views or stored procedures from 1 database to another? If so where do I go to do this. I thought a DTS may do it but cant find the correct option in the Management Studio to do this.

Thanks in anticipation,

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How To Give Authentication For Send Mail Task Component? [not Default Windows Authentication]

May 11, 2007

How to give authentication for Send Mail Task component?

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Sql Authentication = Fast./ Windows Authentication = V.slow!

Mar 25, 2004


(Using win2k, sqlserver2k, framework 1.1)
I have an fairly data-heavy application that uses Windows authentication (Trusted connection/aspnet account) to connect to Sql Server. The site uses IIS basic authentication.

On the dev server everything works fine but when I move to the live server things get strange and it starts to crawl along. (Pages load OK but then it just crawls as it loads the datagrids etc. Sometimes it brings back incomplete/incorrect data )

BUT When I use Sql Authentication to connect to Sql Server and there is no problem at all!

Ok, there is something obviously wrong with the live server (which is identical setup to dev)but I dont know where to start.

Any ideas??

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Using SQL Authentication And Windows Integrated Authentication Concurrently

May 15, 2006

Hi all,

I've got two applications which both have a database on my MS SQL 2000 server. The problem is, one application must use Windows Integrated Authentication (which it is currently using and cannot be changed) whilst the other application which I'm trying to configure must use a SQL password.

Since the server has already been configured to use Windows Integrated Authentication for the existing database and application, how do I configure the other database to use the SQL password?


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Authentication An Application Using Windows Integrated Authentication

May 12, 2006

Hi all,

My work is using a shared application
which accesses a MSSQL 2000 database. To access the application, the
folder on the Windows 2003 Server is shared and users can access the
folder through a shared drive.

For the application to access the
database, it uses an ODBC connection to the MSSQL server which
originally used the SA password.

We have recently switched to using
Windows Integrated Authentication because we believe it offers a
higher level of security. However the only way in which we have been
able to enable this is to add the windows users to the SQL server.

The problem with this is that the
application sets permissions for individual users on what records
they can see within the database. We have found that by adding the
windows users to the SQL Server, they can bypass the permissions the
set by the application by simply using any application that can use
an ODBC connection, such as Enterprise Manager, and see all the

One way around this would be to set up
domains of users with access privileges to the tables which reflect
the permissions set by the application, and configuring a view of the
data so they may only see the records that they have permissions to.
However to do this would require a high administrative cost to ensure
that changes made in the application are reflected in the privileges
of the SQL server.

Instead, is there a way the SQL server
can authenticate that the ODBC connection is coming from the correct
application using Windows Integrated Authentication?

This would allow the applcation to
determine security, and stop users from connecting to the SQL server
using other applications.

Alternatively, can the SQL server,
using Windows Integrated Authentication, also ask the application to
supply a username and password?

Any help with this matter would be
greatly appreciated.


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Unable To Connect To SQL SERVER 2005 Database Engine Using Windows Authentication Under Windows Vista...

Mar 26, 2008

Hallo there,

I just upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows Vista Bussiness and tried to reinstall SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition. After the installation i downloaded (using microsoft windows update) and installed all the service packs for sql and vista available.

My problem is when i open sql server management studio and try to connect to my default instance using windows authentication and database engine, an 18456 error occurs.

I enabled all the protocols and all the ports
I disabled windows firewall and antivirus (eset nod32)
I installed all service packs available
I have also installed Visual Studio 2005 without installing sqlexpress

But nothing happens!

Please i am very desperate, any information will be gratefully accepted.

This is my installation Information

Code Snippet

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.6001.18000
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.1434
Operating System 6.0.6001

Thank you in advance,

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Cached Reports REQUIRE That SQL Server Used SQL Server Authentication (or Mixed)?

May 16, 2007

I am trying to setup cached reports so that one of my larger reports doesn't have to be re-run every time someone wants to view it (the data source only updates every 24 hours).

Anyway I made a new data source, set the report to use that, and in that data source I said to use "SQLexampleUserName" as the stored credentials.

Now when I go to run the report it says: Login failed for user 'username'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

This is referenced in the MSKB here:


Which makes sense, but now my question is: If I want to used a cached report do I HAVE to allow SQL Server Credentials?

I was using Windows Authentication only up to this point.

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Difference Between Sql Authentication And Windows Authentication

May 8, 2003


Can anyone tell me what is the difference between sql authentication and windows authentication.

Examples of each would be very useful

Many thanks in advance


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SQL Server Authentication Vs Windows Authentication

Oct 16, 2006

Would anyone please help me out here. which of the 2 modes of authentication is better and why??

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Windows Authentication Vs SQL Server Authentication

Mar 12, 2008

For using different services of SQL SERVER 2005 which is better...
Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

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What Authentication Mode Is Best For Me?

Oct 4, 2005


Were working on a Smart Client application. Our customers will have .Net Windows forms on their computers that will access SQL Server data on our server.

I've read that Windows Authentication is the most secure authentication mode. However, since our customers computers are not on our network it would be impossible to use Windows Authentication. We'll have to use Mixed Authentication. I just wanted to confirm this in case my understanding of the authentication modes is wrong.


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Authentication Mode Problems

Aug 7, 2007

Hi Everyone
I changed the authentication mode from SQL Server Authentication into Windows of my application (Web application - ASP.NET 1.1, SQL Server 2000, C#). I changed the SqlServer into Windows only mode authentication.
The SQL server now contains all the "windows users" as users of the database (Logins as well as Users).
But I faced the problem of 'login failed for NT AuthorityNetwork Service'. So I added the Network Service as user. The login problem is disappeared, but when I'm tracing through the SQL Profiler I can see only the Network Service as user and not my windows usernameSQL server login name.
what should I do for displaying the windows usernameSql login name in the profiler instead of "Network Service". Please help me.
Thanks in advance

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