Modified Date On Data File
Mar 18, 2008Why is it that, even though the database is modified daily, the modified date on the data file is not updated?
Why is it that, even though the database is modified daily, the modified date on the data file is not updated?
the ssis package loops through a folder using a foreach loop container and imports the data inside each .csv file into the database.
Now I would like to add the functionality to first check the modified date of the .csv file. If it is NOT today's date then the package should fail or go to error.
Any thoughts how to do this please?
the ssis package loops through a folder using a foreach loop container and imports the data inside each .csv file into the database.
Now I would like to add the functionality to first check the modified date of the .csv file. If it is NOT today's date then the package should fail or go to error.
Any thoughts how to do this please?
Hello all,
I was just thinking about a situation which I have been tasked with in that I have a package that is scheduled to run once a day which will import data from a flat file. The data does not have any distinguishing time that can be used to see whether or not it is beyond a last imported time.
I was wondering, is there a way to access the date modified of the file? If so I could simply append this time to a table which keeps track of all of the files and the modified dates which I have ever imported for this task.
I am looking to create an SSIS package to import text files into an SQL table. I'd like to import the 'date modified' attribute from the text file into one of the columns as well as the data within the text file.
I'm thinking an ActiveX task and variable currently, just wondered if anyone had any other thoughts on how this could be achieved.
basically what we need is a query that will allow me to provide a directory and a variable for number of days for instance 1 day old and I want to be able to able to delete all files older than that date and of course I want to be able exclude files of a particular type where I would give it a wild card statement for example say i wanted to save all csv files i would have the wild card say <> '%.csv'
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a database that is actively being used and updated. When I look at the last modified date of the mdf file, it shows as a couple of weeks ago date and the transaction log file .ldf file shows a couple of days ago. wonder if the database is constantly updated and changed, should it show the currently date instead.
Also, the attribte of mdf file show A as archive. what does it mean?
I am taking a "complete backup" of my production db every day using Backupagent of Arcserver 2000. But the Modified Date of .mdf and .ldf files show an older date. Is it normal?
Is there a way to see the last modified date on the Table structure or a stored Procedure in SQL Server 2000?
Does anyone know how to get a table's 'last modified date' in SQL 7 ?
Sysobjects contains the 'create date', but I can't find a 'last modified date' anywhere......
How to get the date a view was last modified? (As opposed to created)
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi,
How to find out the Last Modified (Structure) in the SQL Table?. Is there any query please let me know.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm an Oracle DBA and just getting used to MS Sqlserver. I noticed that the windows explorer "date modified" field for my database files ( .MDF files ) doesn't change much even though there is activity going on. Sometimes it doesn't change for a week.
Is this the expected behavior? Could it be that no data is changing in my database? ( I find that hard to believe)
Thanks for any insights.
In SQL Server is there a way to know when a procedure was lastmodified? I only see the "Create Date" column on the EnterpriseManager.Thanks Experts!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm curious if there is a quick way to query the date/time a table was lastmodified? I appreciate any tips or suggestions provided!TIA - Rob
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi,
Is there a way to find out when an SSIS package was modified?
I am using SQL Server 2000 and have the following questions:
1. How do I know the last updated (data) date using system objects or any other method?
2. How do I know the last modified date of a table using system objects or any other method?
3. How do I know when a table is last accessed
Any help is appreciated
Thanks for your time and help in advance
If your tables contain created and modified/updated dates what is the best practice for these?
1. Should you use UTC dates?
2. Do you use a default for the creation date (I assume yes)?
3. Should you create a trigger to handle the last update date? Or do you update the column directly in your stored procedures that modify data?
Also, as an aside if you store the user who created/updated the record do you store a foreign key reference to the user table or do you store the username as a varchar? Of course I know you'd normally store the fk, but I wasn't sure if the "logging" nature of the column suggests storing a string value.
This is my table:
ID AppName DepCode DepName Group ModifiedDate YearlyAmount
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/12/14 451
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/17/14 495
2 Oracle OR Software Info 01/24/14 279
2 Oracle OR Soft & IT Info 01/26/14 310
2 Oracle ORL Software Info 01/25/14 219
2 Oracle ORL Soft IT 01/28/14 600
MonthlyAmount Funded AppCategory Research
37.5623 Yes NE NA
41.2365 No N NA
23.2568 Yes OR InProgress
25.8333 Yes ORL NA
18.2189 Yes SOF Approved
50.0000 No IT RejectedExpected Output:
ID AppName DepCode DepName Group ModifiedDate YearlyAmount
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/17/14 946
2 Oracle OR Soft & IT Info 01/26/14 589
2 Oracle ORL Soft IT 01/28/14 819
MonthlyAmount Funded AppCategory Research
78.7988 No N NA
49.0901 Yes ORL NA
68.2189 No IT Rejected
I want to pick the recent modified date for DepCode and sum Yearly and Monthly Amount. I have tried this query and not able to get the output. This is the single table.
select B1.[ID], B1.[AppName], B1.[DepCode], B1.[DepName], B1.[Group],
B2.ModifiedDate, B2.YearlyAmount, B2.MonthlyAmount,
B1.[FuBded], B1.[AppCategory], B1.[Research]
FROM Business B1
(select [ID], MAX(ModifiedDate) as ModifiedDate, SUM(YearlyAmount) as YearlyAmount,
SUM(MonthlyAmount) as MonthlyAmount
from Business
Group by ID) B2
ON B1.ID = B2.ID AND B1.ModifiedDate = B2.ModifiedDate
I am using SQL Server 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0. We have a very simple content management system where we have to keep track of date last modified for each row in all of our content tables. I know there's a "timestamp" datatype that is used for replication scenarios, but is there anything similar that I can use to set up a date_modified column for each of my content tables that will automatically update with GETDATE() whenever anything in a given row is updated?
Or do I have to create a date_modified column of smalldatetime datatype and write a trigger on update for EVERY single table of content that I have in the database? It seems there should be an easier way to do this than to write 20 triggers for my 20 content tables.
Any one please tell me is there any possible way to identify the table modified date.
I have checked the table created date from sysobjects or by right click properties. my requirement is to identify the exact date of table modification and column creation,alter dates.
Is there any such provision in sql server 2000 or 2005 , My application is in sql server 2000.
I need to confirm this because some database structure modification has affected my application and causing dataloss i need to check with the date of structural change of table and lost data date
can any one help
Kazim writes "generally when we find the new software on our customer and when they want to change the software they said "we must see and use the old datas on the new program". but at here the problem is starting for us because of i want to know on any example on the old software which data is stored on which table on sql server or it is possible for this example we can say spy. do you know anything for about this type of the question and how can we check which tables and columnS are affected by the software?
Script to find the details of creation date and modified date of all files located in a path?
I wanna write few custom messages before I delete some files from a path.
I have data that sometimes will be modify. when modify the new data will be insert and the old data still remain inside the database. The same item have their own unique id. So I want to query the data that last modified. How?
Is anyone aware of a method of determining when a table was last modified or accessed?
Some of our databases have tables that I am sure are not being used and I would like to generate a list of tables that have not been accessed or modified for some period of time.
I looked for a system procedure but didn't see anything that satisfied my need.
Currently I rename suspect tables and wait for someone or some process to gripe, but I don't care for that method for obvious reasons.
Hi all
Any way to Recover truncated, deleted, or modified data . i will be appreciated for any help
The following error is encountered when importing a delimited flat file with date of fomat ""
Error: 0xC02020A1 at Data Flow Task, Source - DCDtest_xpt [1]: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "value date" returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
This was when I manually built the package.
I get the same error when using the Import/Export wizard
I am even using the "suggest types" button and have tried sampling the default number of rows (?200) and also 2000.
The type it suggests is DT_DATE.
But reading the BOL, this would appear to be the wrong type: (obviously the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing)
seems to indicate that
is the correct value
(I cannot believe that they have different datatypes in SSIS than in SQL. I can't believe for a minute this is for all the hundreds of thousands of Oracle users who obviously switched to SSIS when they saw what a high quality product it is.)
I tried other DT_... values but no dice.
Can anyone help?
I always thought that Classic ASP was the worst product I've ever worked with from the Microsoft stable, but I was wrong.
I am fed up of having to post on this board (no wonder it is so 'popular')
Talking to peers, reading books, googling nearly always enables me to figure out a problem with any application I have ever used, but SSIS breaks the mould in sheer crapness and the weirdnes and unfathomability of its cryptic errors,.
Rant over (for today)
in microsoft doc there is written on the topic of BP Extensions with SSD's in SQL Server 2014: only clean pages are written to disk... does this mean data pages that have not been modified yet? or also those data pages that have already been modified, and where log has finished writing and the transaction has been marked as commited??
why are there clean data pages being written to L2 cache to make space for other not modified pages? I mean, shoudnt they be modified first, before letting other unmodified data pages into the Cache? I mean they have still to be modified..that makes no sense to me to page them out and page them in again just for other data pages...
Basically the above is a very common requirement, please comment on my solution which I've arrived at by searching through the web; -
In summary I have used 3 SSIS components these are "Flat File Source", "Derived Column" and "SQL Server Destination".
1) File Connections Manager Editor
1.1) Within File Connections Manager Editor; -
Name the data type e.g. "INTERCHANGE_NET_APP_DATE_SRC"
and assign a type to the data type e.g. string[DT_STR]
1.2) Click on the Preview button to ensure the expected text is assigned to the expected data type.
2) Derived Column Transformation Editor
2.1) Assign Derived Column Name, e.g.
2.2) Select <add as new column> within Derived Column.
2.3) Enter the conversion Expression, e.g. ; -
Since the above conversion is such a common task I suggest that Service Pack 3 of SQL Server 2005 delivers the following functionality; -
2.4) Select "database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP] " as Data Type.
2.5) Within the Mappings tab of the SQL Destination Editor have; -
Destination Column as INTERCHANGE_NET_APP_DATE.
Please comment on the above, I will then pass on my suggestion to Microsoft.
Thanks in advance,
I asked this question below, but the answer was that the conversion will take place automatically, but I can't get that to happen. I have a flat file with an 8 position field that I identify as string (and I also tried date) that is yyyymmdd and it needs to go into the database field that is datetime format. IS there something I am doing wrong with the definition of it, or do I need to add some kind of conversion, and if so, what and how would that be done. I'm a dts Sql2000 expert, but the SSIS thing is driving me crazy. I have a ton of dts' to convert and the migration tool doesn't work because there are a lot of active X scripts in them. thanks for your help. Boston Rose
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a ssis package where I need to have excel destination. In the Excel file, I need to have few rows with some text and then populate data below the text. One the text is like this:
Data as of: 08/25/2015
if the report ran today, then Data as of will have Yesterday. So, if the user opens that excel file after a week, then user should see same Data as of: 08/25/2015. not today()-day(1).
I was planing to handle on excel side with today()-day(1). but it only works the day it was run. Then the excel file is open after few days later, then it might as Data as of: 08/30/2015 which is not true. It should still stay Data as of:
08/25/2015 on what ever date the excel file is open. The SSIS package runs only once.
How do I handle this so that whenever user open the file, they will see Data as of: 08/25/2015. This is not a column in excel. It is like a description of data in excel.
The Sql Server database can only see the local drive.
I would like to set up a batch file that will copy a SQL Server
backup file from the local drive to the network drive. I would
like to append the file date to the end of the copied file. I
assume a batch file can accomplish this but I am new to batch
file writing. Does anyone have code that they already created
for this sort of task??
Thank you!