So the AttributeIDs used in a Report Model..they look and smell like a GUID..but they are rather finicky. For one, they need to start with a "G".
Anyway, say I want to create my own GUIDs for these models..seems I can do so in limited fashion by creating a GUID, replacing the first char with a G. Of course, change all references to that particular item n the model.. Redploy the model and it works! I can create new reports all day long.
But something strange happens behind the scenes..somewhere. So you can no longer use the wizard to update your model...even after changing the GUID references back to the original ones the model builder chose for you. I did a WinDiff on the before and after and saw absolutely no difference in the files..Something stored on the server maybe and not shows in Visual Studio.
Long story there anyway I can construct or edit models with my own GUIDS or is there a super secret algorithm that I must adhere to? I dont want to simply use the .GenerateModel method...I really need to use my own GUIDs..but it appears I am missing some piece to make this work perfectly.
Suposse that some models are deployed in Report Server for a while, and users have developed some ad-hoc reports on them using Report Builder, (some of the models are SSAS Cubes).
Modifications are required for a Model, what is the procedure to deploy this modifications? What happens with ad-hoc reports of this Model? Rewrite all the reports is a VERY BAD option, I agree that some reports must be rewrote, but only if they reference objects no longer valids in new model.
I suposse that the procedure for SSAS Cube Models will be different for a Relational Database Source because metods of generating models are so different. (I am particularly curious about Cubes, I can't figure out how I can do it)
I need to develop a language specific dwh, meaning that descriptions of products are available from a SAP system in multiple languages. English is the most important language and that is the standard. But, there are also requirements of countries that wants productdescriptions in their language.
Productnr Productdesc Language 1 product EN 1 produkt DE
One option is to column the descriptions, but that is not very elegantly. I was thinking of using bridge tables to model this but you have to always select a language in a filter (I think)..
I'm thinking of a technical solution, such that when a user logs on, the language is determined and a view determines whether to pick a certain product table specific for a certain language. But then I don't have the opportunity to interchange the different language specific fields in a report (or in my case PowerPivot).
We have our Production server having database on which Few DTS packages execute every night. Most of them have Bulk Insert stored procedures running.
SO we have to set Recovery Model of the database to simple for that period of time, otherwise it will blow up our logs.
Is there any way we can set up log shipping between our production and standby server, but pause it for some time, set recovery model of primary db to simple, execute DTS Bulk Insert Jobs, Bring it Back to Full recovery Model AND finally bring back Log SHipping.
It it possible, if yes how can we achieve this.
If not what could be another DR solution in this scenario.
I have MS Time Seeries model using a database of over a thousand products each of which has hundreds of cases. It amazingly takes only a few minutes to finish processing the model, but when I click Mining Model Viewer to view the models, it takes many hours to show up. Once the window is open, I can choose model for different products almost instantly. Is this normal?
hi !!i have a question about the connected and disconnected model to access the Sql server DB.......i know that there is better to choose one rather than the other in some situantions and there is no better model in all cases...... os i hope you can help me to decide what shall i choose...i will use the DB to connect to Web services and read data from the DB and wrtie some data back.......i do not know that to use ..... i hope you advise me and tell me about the rules that will allow me to choose what model to choose .... i appreciate your help!!Thanks !!!
I have an existing table called OrderHeader with a column called ID. The ID column is currently set as an INT. I want to run a script to modify that column to be an IDENTIY. I've tried the following:
I am trying to modify data in a tble using the Stored Procedure below. It doesnt work properly. I seem to only be getting one character. I think it has something to do with me using "nchar" with the variables. The value I am changing is actually a string.
I have a DTS package package1 which imports an excel sheet into my DataBase.ANd its saved and scheduled and running fine.Actually the excel sheet will be located daily @ c:ruceexceldata.But now we wanted to change the location of the file to c:ruce1ewexceldata
I have a scheduled DTS package which gets the data from a text file and imports into a sql table.The table will be droped and created whenever the DTS package runs.previusly the table has 6 rows and now i wanted to add a column row_id which is having an idenity seed.So how can I modify my package so that I can get done with my requirements.
I have a query that I am working on that involves 2 tables. The query below is working correctly and bringing back the desired results, except I want to add 1 more column of data, and I'm not exactly sure how to write it.
What I want to add is the following data.
For each row that is brought back we want to have the COUNT(*) of users who joined the website (tbluserdetails) where their is > the tblreferemails.referDate
Effectively we are attempting to track how well the "tell a friend" via email feature works, and converts to other joined members.
Any assistance is much appreciated!!
thanks once again mike123
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10),referDate,112) AS referDate,
SUM ( CASE WHEN emailSendCount = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as '0', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailSendCount = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as '1', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailSendCount = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as '2', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailSendCount = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as '3', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailSendCount > 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as '> 3', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailSendCount > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as 'totalSent',
count(*) as totalRefers, count(distinct(referUserID)) as totalUsers,
SUM ( CASE WHEN emailAddress like '%hotmail%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as 'hotmail', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailAddress like '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as '', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailAddress like '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as '', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailAddress like '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as '', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailAddress like '%gmail%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as 'gmail', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailAddress like '%aol%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as 'aol', SUM ( CASE WHEN emailAddress like '%yahoo%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as 'yahoo',
SUM ( CASE WHEN referalTypeID = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as 'manual', SUM ( CASE WHEN referalTypeID = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as 'auto'
INSERT @Request SELECT '324234', 'Jack', 'SA023', 12, 111, Null UNION ALL SELECT '223452', 'Tom', 'SA023', 12, 112, Null UNION ALL SELECT '456456', 'Bobby', 'SA024', 12, 114, Null UNION ALL SELECT '22322362', 'Guck', 'SA024', 44, 123, Null UNION ALL SELECT '22654392', 'Luck', 'SA023', 12, 134, Null UNION ALL SELECT '225652', 'Jim', 'SA055', 67, 143, Null UNION ALL SELECT '126756', 'Jasm', 'SA055', 67, 145, Null UNION ALL SELECT '786234', 'Chuck', 'SA055', 67, 154, Null UNION ALL SELECT '66234', 'Mutuk', 'SA059', 72, 185, Null UNION ALL SELECT '2232362', 'Buck', 'SA055', 67, 195, Null
INSERT @Call SELECT 111, 1, 12123 UNION ALL SELECT 112, 1, 12123 UNION ALL SELECT 114, 2, 12123 UNION ALL SELECT 123, 2, 12123 UNION ALL SELECT 134, 3, 12123 UNION ALL SELECT 143, 1, 6532 UNION ALL SELECT 145, 1, 6532 UNION ALL SELECT 154, 2, 6532 UNION ALL SELECT 185, 2, 6532 UNION ALL SELECT 195, 3, 6532
INSERT @CallDetail SELECT 12123, 1, '11/5/2007 10:41:34 AM' UNION ALL SELECT 6532, 1, '11/5/2007 12:12:34 PM' -- --select * from @Request Query written to achieve the requirement UPDATE r SET r.UniqueNo = p.RecID FROM @Request AS r INNER JOIN ( SELECT r.RequestID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cd.EmpID, r.StateNo, r.CityNo, c.CallDetailID, c.CallType ORDER BY cd.EntryDt) AS RecID FROM @Request AS r INNER JOIN @Call AS c ON c.CallID = r.CallID INNER JOIN @CallDetail AS cd ON cd.CallDetailID = c.CallDetailID ) AS p ON p.RequestID = r.RequestID WHERE r.UniqueNo IS NULL
I get the following error when I try to load the mining model in the mining model viewer
Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[NeuralNet].[GetAttributeValues]' function does not exist.
I get a similar error when I try to load the Load Mining Accuracy Chart
Failed to execute the query due to the following error:
Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[AllOther].[GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource]' function does not exist.
I need help with modifying this procedure to join JobTypeGallery, Remodel on JobTypeGallery.TypeID and Remodel.TypeID. I would like for it the procedure to not allow deleting a record from JobTypeGallery if there are any records in Remodel Table that is associated with JobTypeGallery. Can someone please help me modify this stored procedure? Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[spDeleteJobTypeGallery] @typeid int AS delete from jobTypeGallery where typeID = @typeid GO
I probably know that I don't want to do this, but I have an odd case.
I have a database with a bunch of stored procedures and functions. 128 of them reference a different database than the one they're in. For testing puposes, I need to temporarily re-point these functions and procedures to a different database.
I suspect the answer will be a resounding 'No', but I was wondering if it was possible to somehow run a query against syscomments where I could update all of those objects with the temporary database name rather than edit each and every one of them. Conceptually, it would just be an UPDATE using REPLACE. Pretty comfortable with that, but I'm always very reluctant to mess with stuff like that.
I'll probably still just do it through QA, but I was wondering if it's possible to do something like that and thought it might be an interesting topic for discussion.
I want to drop a table from a publication , so that i can copy some data from another server . After the copy , i want to add the article or the table back again to the publication without making any changes to the subscribers configuration .
Is it really possible on SQL 7.0 ? Right now it does not allow me to copy the data to the published table or even drop the article (table) and it says that the article is published for replication and cannot be dropped or modified . The table is configured for transactional replication .
I will have to drop the entire publication and create all the subcribers again .
I've learned to create DTS packages, saving them in a SQL database. But how can one modify a saved DTS package? And how does one delete a saved DTS package?
I have a trigger that emails me each time an order is modified by a manager. I can't recall how to find out which user is performing the modification. Is there a global variable such as @@username?
I have some rather large TSQL scripts I'd like to schedule as jobs. Unfortunately, the SysJobSteps table in the MSDB Database is limited to 3200 characters while I need it to be 5000. Does anyone know if it's possible to increase the size of this to allow for larger TSQL scripts?
I would like to update some values in my table that have this value: XXXX-XXXX. I would like to update the '-' and change it to a '_'. Does anyone know the best way to do this?
I tried this but I get a "Subquery returned more than 1 value error"
I have a field called "assescode9" in a table called "Assessment" which has the length of "6" and I want to change this length to 7 or 8 in SQL. I tried right click on the field and modify but when I want to save it says you can not save the changes because it requires a Drop table and recreate or you do not have an option enabled to recreate the table, how do I do this?
I have never done dropping a table and recreate it?
I am new to sql server 2000, and need a little help.
I have a table called CMRC_Products with various columns, there is one column called Product Images that has the name of every image in my catalog over 4000, I want to add to each row in that particular column .jpg without loosing what is already in there
I have tried:
UPDATE CMRC_Products SET ProductImage = ProductImage&' .jpg'
I am trying to add a new field to a table using enterprise manager by right clicking on the table, choosing design table and adding the new field/column. But when I choose save changes, I receive an error message:
------------------------------------------------------------ Errors were encountered during the save process. Some of the database objects were not saved. 'Comments' Table -Unable to modify table ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL SERVER] ... ... Cannot drop the table 'dbo.Comments' because it is being used for replication -----------------------------------------------------------
If it helps I am trying to add a binary (bit) field and a text field of 50 characters. I think the replication it refers to is a merge replication (not sure though is there a way i can find out in EM?)
I have read some articles which refer to this problem and suggest using stored procedures but I really dont know how to do that, having never used them before. I need an idiots guide please!
Let me know if I need to provide more info. Thanks.
I have an asp page that currently is creating a database and a userlogin for that database. After everything successfully (I thought)executed, I tried to change my connection properties for the serverand then login as this new user. It wouldn't allow me to, so I loggedback in as the administrator and looked at the properties for the newlogin. On the general tab, it had the user's default databasespecified as the new database that I had created in the asp page, butwhen I went to the database access tab, the database was not selected.So, I'm not sure how to set that in my script. I've done somesearching in BOL, but I can't figure it out. Also, if there's a wayto do this in a query, or stored procedure, will it also specify whattype of role the user has (public, db_owner, etc.)? Thanks.
I'm building a custom SSIS data flow component and I create myself input and output columns from a custom property of my pipeline component. That's why I don't want the user to modify the name of the input and output columns by using the advanced editor.
Is there a way either to make input/output column properties - at least the name - readonly or to override any PipelineComponent method to throw an exception like we do when we want to prevent the user from adding/removing input/output colulmns with methods like PipelineComponent.DeleteOutputColumn?
I am working with an .xml file that I want to break up into various tables. A couple of fields in my xml file include html tags (<p> tags specifically). The generated xsd file thinks these are nested xml tags and creates a "P" table for the information contained. Is there a way I can modify the generated xsd within the designer? Or is the only way to fix this is to manually modify the xsd?
There is also an <id> tag within the xml. However, SSIS is not using that <id> as the primary key as it adds data to the various tables that I've specified. Instead it appears to be creating its own primary key - calling it "Id". Is there some way to specify that SSIS use the <id> tag contained within the xml instead of creating its own primary key?