Monday To Sunday - No Data For A Sunday Being Displayed

Sep 15, 2013

I have written a piece of SQL which I thought was wokring fine. I wanted to show all data for the current week from Monday - Sunday

I wanted to pick up all data from Monday 00:00:01 to Sunday 23:59:59 and then when the data runs again on the next Monday, a completley new set of data starts to be loaded in

On the off chance I have come into work today and realise that no data is being diaplyed, and today is a Sunday

I know for a fact that my SQL will pick up data as soon as it hits 00:00:01 tonight

I really want my SQL to pick up data for a Sunday


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Get Last Monday Through Sunday Data Question

Jan 12, 2007

I'm using VB.Net and SQL Server. Here's the scenario I have that I can't figure out how to accomplish:
(btw, this is all manual - I'm NOT using an ASP.Net Calendar control) I want to provide a week's worth of calendar data automatically. Let's say I have all the calendar dates and times in a table. But - I only want to show the data from the current week.
So, no matter which day the end user loads the page (Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, etc), I want to be able to find the previous Sunday (or Monday?), and then provide data from the table for events that are happening from that Monday, through the next Sunday.
Finding the last Monday (or Sunday?) is the first problem, and then getting only data between that date and the following Sunday is the second problem - how to create the code and hw to create the sql statement - -
any ideas?

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Query To Show Time Monday To Sunday?

Jul 17, 2014

I would like to show employee work hours daily from Monday to Sunday. I have managed to write a query to get the total hours.

This is the query giving total hours from and to date.

(select sum(t.timespent)/60 from timeitems t
where t.employee = e.code
and t.project = p.code
and t.ndate >= '2014-07-15'
AND t.ndate <= '2014-07-15') as Hours
from projemplink pl

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Transact SQL :: Print Sunday Of Sunday To Saturday Week

Oct 22, 2015

I would like the following code to display Sunday of the Week Sunday to Saturday.

print DATEADD(WEEK, DATEDIFF(WEEK, 0, '2015-10-18'), 0)

If I input a date between '2015-10-18' and '2015-10-24' I would like to print '2015-10-18 as well

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Transact SQL :: How To Generate Week Ranges From Monday To Sunday

May 28, 2015

I need to generate the week ranges like this format :

Here from date and to date would be picked up from the table but just to make you understand i have hard coded it but this is the real date which is falling inside the table. 

Note : Week should be generated from Monday to Sunday within desired date range

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How To Get First Sunday Of APRIL And Last Sunday

Mar 9, 2006

I have time in the Integer Field ( The Field Represents milliseconds Past Midnight w.r.t GMT )
I want to have a function so that I can pass this integer field to the function and get the DATETIME Value.

In that function I want to code it for Day light Saving time also

How to get First Sunday of APRIL
and Last Sunday of OCTOBER


ms past midnight w.r.t 47602656
SELECT 47602656 , DATEADD(hh , -5 , DATEADD(MS, 47602656 , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101)) )


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How To Get Starting Datetime(monday) Of The Week And Ending Datetime Of The Week(sunday)

May 2, 2007

hi friends,

how to get the date of the first/last day of the week in sql...

can any one help me



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How To Get First Sunday Of June

Nov 20, 2013

How to get first sunday of june dynamically?

using getdate()

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Finding Sunday Of A Certain Week

Mar 28, 2002

Hi Guys,
Can you please help me on how to find the sunday's date of a certain week?
Eg: I want to find the date of the sunday of certain week.

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How To Find Out No Of Sunday In A Month

Apr 30, 2008

i am using sql server 2005.
i want to know how to find no of sunday in a month(in any month)

Thank you.

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Finding Second Sunday Of March

Mar 26, 2007

I want to find the date of second sunday of March 2007 to March 2015 (For daylight saving rule).Is there any function in SQL Server which will retrun that?
I want following..

declare @year int
select @year = 2007
select fn_findSecondMonday(@year)
03/11/2007 -- second sunday of March

Sanjeev Shrestha

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Required Day As String; Ex: Sunday

Aug 1, 2006


I have a string which contains the year and month, now i wanted to know what is the starting day of that month in that particular year.

For Ex: string STR = "Jan2006" then by any chance i can know the starting day of this month as whether it is Sunday etc. I need the string "sunday" as output. Also, I need to know how many number of days that particular month contains. Any function or stored procedure which will give out these two outputs will be much appreciated.



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Returning Up To Previous Sunday Relative To Today

Apr 18, 2008

I'm quite a newbie with MDX.

I have a report that uses MDX to return Figures by day. The user selects the Month/Year eg.[Nov F2007] that he wants to see the figures for.

Here is the catch:

The user wants the figures to cut off to the previous Sunday. So if its Thursday, the result set will still only return results to Sunday.

What I'm thinking is something like this:

STRTOMEMBER('[Nov F2007]').FirstChild : STRTOMEMBER('[Nov F2007]').[LastSunday].

I'm not sure if I'm on the right track, but its a mute point if I can't get the previous sunday as a normal day member (ie. 4 November 2007)


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Reporting Services :: Default Previous Week Sunday

Aug 1, 2015

Is it possible to show previous week Sunday date as default in Date Parameter in Reports.

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Put All The Day Monday'S Next Month + Add This Last Monday ?

Mar 5, 2008

i have this FUNCTION
and the FUNCTION work OK
now how to add to this FUNCTION another mondy date ?
"last month last monday"

Code Snippet
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Monday_List]( @arg_date datetime )
returns table
select convert(varchar(10), (dateadd(mm, datediff (mm, 0, @arg_date), 0)
+ (8 - datepart(dw, dateadd(mm, datediff (mm, 0,
@arg_date), 0))) % 7) + offset, 103)
as Date,
( select 1 as Number, 'First_Monday' as [Index], 0 as offset union all
select 2, 'Second_Monday', 7 union all
select 3, 'Third_Monday', 14 union all
select 4, 'Fourth_Monday', 21 union all
select 5, 'Fifth_Monday', 28
) x
where month(dateadd(mm, datediff (mm, 0, @arg_date), 0)
+ (8 - datepart(dw, dateadd(mm, datediff (mm, 0,
@arg_date), 0))) % 7)
= month((dateadd(mm, datediff (mm, 0, @arg_date), 0)
+ (8 - datepart(dw, dateadd(mm, datediff (mm, 0,
@arg_date), 0))) % 7) + offset)

this is the Output i get

select * from Monday_List('1/3/8')

Date Index Number
---------- ------------- -----------
03/03/2008 First_Monday 1
10/03/2008 Second_Monday 2
17/03/2008 Third_Monday 3
24/03/2008 Fourth_Monday 4
31/03/2008 Fifth_Monday 5

now i need to add to the FUNCTION "last month last monday"
like this

select * from Monday_List('1/3/8')

Date Index Number
---------- ------------- -----------
04/02/2008 last monday 0 ---------------------- i need to add
03/03/2008 First_Monday 1
10/03/2008 Second_Monday 2
17/03/2008 Third_Monday 3
24/03/2008 Fourth_Monday 4
31/03/2008 Fifth_Monday 5


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Data Not Being Displayed.

Nov 10, 2005


I have just installed MS SQL in my computer and I am trying to run MS
SQL and Visual studio for the first time. However I have run into a
problem that I can't solve. Basically the problem is that the data I
fetch from the database is not being displayed/bound to the ddl I have
on the page.

I have used VS to configure the sqlDataAdapter, DataSet, sqlConnection,
and the sqlCommands. Basically the data is being fetched from the
Northwind sample database. From the preview option on the
sqlDataAdapter I am able to preview the information from the database.
So it seems to work. I have also configured the ddl settings so that
the Categories table is the datasource.  I have also set the ddl.DataTextField = "CategoryName"; ddl
.DataValueField = "CategoryID";

When I compiled and run the page, no error messages are generated, but
the ddl is still completely blank and I can't understand why.

Does anybody know how I can solve this??  :s

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Left Join And Data Displayed

May 21, 2007

I am trying to utilize the left join to display all the links for a particular record by ID. When I test my code in query analyzer I get repeats of records and links for one ID. I dont want repeats, I want to see only the links associated with each ID. This is my query code below, I have tested it with several variations but still getting the same results.

Code Snippet

SELECT T_ProgramGuests.ProgramID, T_ProgramGuests.GuestName, T_ProgramGuests.GuestDescription, T_ProgramLinks.URL, T_ProgramLinks.Description FROM T_ProgramGuests LEFT OUTER JOIN T_ProgramLinks ON T_ProgramGuests.ProgramID = T_ProgramLinks.ProgramID WHERE (T_ProgramGuests.ProgramID = 9734)

I've been reading up on this in the forum but everyone does this differently which makes it more confusing.

So if 9734 looked like this:

John Smith - making of widgets
'John's Widgets Website' (this would be a link)

But if John Smith had three actual links why am I only seeing the first one?

What is the easiest way for me to get my data to display correctly and not have repeats?

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Negative Sign (unary Operator) Not Displayed For Numeric Data Types

Feb 20, 2007

I have a table with a field that has a numeric data type (15,2) and length of 9. The problem is that it won't display the actual negative sign for any values less than 0 when running a query. Any ideas? I've used Query Analyzer as well as Access.


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Strange Data Type Displayed On Time Series Algorithm Model

Jun 5, 2007

Hi, all,

Again I encountered a very strange problem which displayed the predicted attribute values as percentage format? The data type of the attribute is actually double, why is that?

That's really frustrated.

Thanks a lot in advance for your kind advices and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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How To Convert Dw Into Monday, Tuesday, Etc

Nov 3, 2005

I am writing an sql query as follow:SELECT     DATEPART(dw, CALLSTARTTIME) AS dayFROM         TABLEGROUP BY DATEPART(dw, CALLSTARTTIME)ORDER BY DATEPART(dw, CALLSTARTTIME)it returnsday====1234567my question is, how can I return monday, tuesday, wednesday, etc... insteand of 1-7?

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How To Find Second Monday Of October?

Jul 2, 2006


Can any one help to get the date of second monday of october for the given year.

Ex: the input will be 10, 2006

and output should be 9, where 9 is the second monday date

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How To Put All The Day Monday'S Next Month In One Table

Jan 10, 2008

hi need help
how can i put all the monday'S day next month in one table like this
so i can use it all years

date index number

04/02/2008 first_monday 1
11/02/2008 second_monday 2
18/02/2007 third_monday 3
25/02/2008 fourth_monday 4


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T-Sql - Calculate Each Monday For A Given Time Period. Help??!!

Jul 20, 2005

I am using SQL Server 2000. I need to query my database for all thecontracts that came in during a certain time frame (user is promptedfor reportingperiodid).Table - PeriodsFields - Reporting Period id intReporting Period desc varchar(30)Reporting Period Begin Date datetimeReporting Period End Date datetimeIf the user selects a 3 then the begin date is Jan. 1, 2004 and theend date is June 30, 2004.Now I need to calculate did any money come in for each week in thattime frame. I need to create a weekly list of all the weeks in thattime frame. Each time frame begins on a Monday. So my list wouldlook like1/5/20041/12/20041/19/20041/26/2004All the way to the end of that time period.How do I create this weekly list from a given time period using T-SQL?I would appreciate any and all help on this.Thanks,Tony

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Last Monday Date As Default Parameter Value

Dec 3, 2007

I have a stored procedure that grabs the Region key from the user, and the date. But i want to set up 5 reports, for day of the week. So i want to make the second parameter a defualt parameter set by me in each report. which is better then having to create 5 stored procedures with the same info just different dates.
when i try to enter the same data i have in my stored procedure to get Mondays date, i get an error.

Here is what i entered in the report parameter default expression box for the date :



but i keep getting an error that says:

The Value expression for the report parameter €˜Daily_activity_statistics_datetime€™ contains an error: [BC30451] Name 'dd' is not declared.

Build complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings

whats wrong with it? This works fine in the stored procedure for the where clause. Please help! this would save me alot of time.

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Problem With Report Viewer , No Data Is Displayed And Report Comes Out As Empty

Dec 6, 2007

Hi ,

I have a problem using Report Viewer With SQL Reporting Services 2005.

I had a really weird issue with a ReportViewer. It would show the little green Loading progress bar image €¦ but it wouldn€™t show any data, just a white background where the output should be. I knew the data was there because exporting to Excel or PDF showed the data just fine.

The problem is report toolbar is display but NO DATA is displayed and the report comes out as EMPTY .

Thanks in advance..

Can you please help me out in resolving this problem.

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Obtaining Data To Be Displayed In Multiple Columns From Multiple Rows

Apr 23, 2008

Hello All,

I am rather new to reporting on SQL Server 2005 so please be patient with me.

I need to create a report that will generate system information for a server, the issue im having is that the table I am having to gather the information from seems to only allow me to pull off data from only one row.

For example,. Each row contains a different system part (I.e. RAM) this would be represented by an identifier (1), but I to list each system part as a column in a report

The table (System Info) looks like:-

ID | System part |
1 | RAM
2 | Disk Drive
10| CPU
11| CD ROM |


So basically I need it to look like this.

Name | IP | RAM | Disk Drive|
A | | 512MB | Floppy

So Far my SQL code looks like this for 1 item
FROM System Info
WHERE System.ID = 1

How would I go about displaying the other system parts as columns with info

Any help is much appreciated!

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DATEDIFF Return Monday - Friday Or Just Weekdays

Aug 30, 2006

I have a query and am trying to just return the difference between two dates but not include weekends.For instance, if I have 08/21/2006 - 08/28/2006, there are 6 weekdays.  I tried this, but I am getting 7 as a result.SELECT DATEDIFF(weekday, request_start_date, request_end_date) AS days_off, request_id
FROM request Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Set Shipment Date To Monday Instead Of Thursday?

Oct 27, 2014

In my below T-sql the shipment date is set to next Thursday, if the shipment is missed in current week. Now, I've to change the t-sql code to change the shipment dates to Monday instead of Thursday.

USE tempdb;
SET @Date = GETDATE();
--SET @Date = '2014-07-25';


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Set Default Parameter Value Monday Through Friday Of Last Week.

Dec 6, 2007

I have a weekly report that i want to display mon tues wed thur and fridays date from last week.

I know how to specifically pick one date:

=DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -6,DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1-Weekday(today),Today))

that would set the parameter to monday. But how to do i make it select all the dates from monday-friday of the previous week?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Retrieve Only Monday Dates From Each Month

Jan 23, 2015

How to retrieve only Monday dates from each month in sql server.

If i pass any value (Let say GETDATE()) then i should get all monday values from the current month.

I want to calculate bi weekly range data in the sql.

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Host Name Not Displayed

Jul 19, 1999

When using sp_who and sp_who2 on SQL Server 6.5 I seem to get inaccurate results .

Each spid seems to be using the same host name, and the host name used is one that hasn't been connected to SQL server for several months.

Is there a problem with the connection management ? If so how do I find this out ? and how do I fix it ?

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Some Images Are Not Being Displayed

Jan 4, 2007

We have a SQL Server 2005 database which holds all the companies scanned documents (in image fields). I have developed a report which allows the user to search for a contract and all relevant scanned documents are returned.

When I preview the report with Visual Studio Report Designer...SOME of the images are not displayed, I get the little red cross icon in the top left corner.

When viewed using Report Manager with a browser... The report displays ALL images... However, when I click on the print button and then the print preview button in Report Manager, some of the images do not appear (the same images that don't appear in the Report Designer preview.

Can anyone tell why I can see all the images through Report Manager and my Browser (IE7) but only some of the images when in Report Designer preview or Print Preview?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Subscription Not Displayed

Feb 23, 2007


I have setup Merge replication with 2 publishers and one subscriber. On the subscription machine I can see publisher 1 listed under local subscriptions but not publisher 2. I have created the second subscription on publisher 2 and also tried to create the subscription again on the subscription machine but i get an error saying the 'Subscription already exists'.

Neither do I see the second subscription nor does it work as if it is subscribed to Publisher 2. What could be going wrong.

I would appreciate any help.



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