Monitoring/spying On The CE Execution Engine

Jul 23, 2007

Evening all,

I'm trying to do some profiling of a mobile application to determine where our performance bottleneck is. We have some conflicting information suggesting that inefficient usage of SqlCE might be the cause - but that code exists in a black-box library so we can't see what it's doing.

Are there any tools or configuration options to get the SqlCE execution engine to reveal what connections/queries it's being asked to perform? A simple list with some timestamps would be sufficient - just so we can map from our high-level data...

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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Monitoring Execution Of Procedure

May 9, 2006

what are possiblities of tracing/ loginng execution steps inside of procedure WITHOUT modifiing code.

Develper created procedure that run for 3 hrs , getting data
from different sources using openquery(db2 , sql servers, xml files), inside procedure 25-30 different statements

If we want to use profiler, what steps and filters to use in order to capture this procedure AND all steps inside procedure ?

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DB Engine :: Monitoring Data Traffic Over 24h Period

Nov 13, 2015

I looking for a way of measuring how many MB of outbound SQL data is being transferred during the course of a day from an OLTP instance.  Data is pulled from this server by a DW in the same domain and adhoc via a linked server. I'm looking at perfmon but nit sure if this is the correct tool and if so which counters to use.  I'm looking for the total MB/GB over the period not the MB per sec. 

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Monitoring The Running And Execution Of SSIS Packages With MOM

Jan 11, 2006


Has anyone monitored the execution of SSIS packages with MOM? Are there extreme benefits over just utilizing the built in execution and event logs, as well as the Windows Event Viewer?

What is the recommended way to monitor SSIS execution?


- Joel

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SSIS Data Flow Execution Monitoring And Logging

Aug 1, 2006

Has anyone come up/determined a generic way to capture and log indicative information within a data flow in SSIS - e.g., a number of rows selected from the source, transformed, rejected, loaded, various timestamps around these events, etc.? I am trying to avoid having to build a custom solution for each of the packages that I will have (of which there will be dozens). Ideally, I'd like to have some sort of a generic component (such as a custom transformation) that will hide the implementation details and provide a generic interface to the package.

It is not too difficult to achieve something similar on the control flow level, but once you get into data flows things get complicated.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

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Findin Some Spying On Users

Dec 17, 2005

our company baught a web-based software that has a messenger. recently i have doubt about saving user conversation in messenger service(that run in clients,like yahoo messenger).
i think if this was true, they must save them in one of these ways:
1-save the conversations in virtual directory(in server)
2-save them in clients computers
3-save them in sql server
option 3 is more probable.

now i want to find records that modified or inserted in current day. how can i get them?

& in addition, if anyone have suggestion for finding this?

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DB Engine :: Cannot Remove Key Lookup From Execution Plan

Jun 4, 2015

how to eliminate a key lookup from the execution plan

    SELECT COUNT(ph.lid) AS Total  
    FROM   PLB ph  
    WHERE  ph.lPhysician = @Physician  
    AND  ph.BSF = CAST(0 AS bit)  

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DB Engine :: MAXDOP Impact On The Queries Under Execution?

May 17, 2015

What would happen to the the queries which are under execution when I change the MAXDOP value from say 0 to 1?

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ActiveX Scripting Was Not Able To Initialize The Script Execution Engine

Aug 9, 2005

When I attempt to run my DTS Pkg that contains ActiveX task, I get following error:
"ActiveX Scripting was not able to initialize the script execution engine"
When I run this from another computer, it runs fine.
I have tried reregistrate DTS DLLs:
Regsvr32.exe "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinnaxscphst.dll"
Regsvr32.exe "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinndtspkg.dll"
Regsvr32.exe "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinndtspump.dll"
But it does not help.
I am worried the great site for DTS issues " " is down :-(
Any ideas ?

My System:
Windows Server 2003 + SP1
MS SQL Srrver 2000 + SP4

I will appreciate any thoughts you have!

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DB Engine :: Logon Failed For Login Due To Trigger Execution

Jun 24, 2015

I have a logon trigger on a SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Advanced production database to prevent remote logons. The trigger works fine. When I need to connect via my local machine, remotely, I connect via a VPN, can connect with SSMS and do whatever I need. However, if I use a linked server on my local machine (still connected via VPN), I receive the logon error

Msg 17892, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Logon failed for login 'sa' due to trigger execution.

The trigger is below and it logs any failures, except for the linked server.

If I disable the trigger, the linked server connects ok.

CREATE TRIGGER [tr_MasterLogon]
  @ClientAddress varchar(48) = (SELECT client_net_address

[Code] ....

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DB Engine :: Error - Report Execution Has Expired Or Cannot Be Found

Sep 22, 2010

I am running a huge SSRS 2008 report and it gets rendered sometimes and sometimes it gives me an error,"The report execution has expired or cannot be found. (rsExecutionNotFound)”.

When I see SQL Server log after this issue comes I see following message there; "A significant part of sql server memory has been paged out. This may result in performance degradation. Duration: 300 seconds. Working set(KB): 97672, memory utilization 42%" .what is the issue and how to fix it.

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DB Engine :: How To Add Execution Plan To Extended Events Results Also When Capturing Deadlock Event

Oct 24, 2015

We know we can use the event lock_deadlock and xml_deadlock_report to capture the deadlock info,  however I also want to capture the execution plans for all of the SPIDs in the deadlock graph,  how to output the execution plans to the extended events trace results either ? such as if there is an action for execution plan or workaround for it ?If there is no built in action for execution plan , may I know if we can add the customized info to the extended events results file also ? Such as when the deadlock related event happens , then we can run a query to get some info ,then added the info along with other info such as sql_text, dbname  etc  to the events trace results file either ? The reason is if we also know the execution plans when the deadlock happens, it is useful to turning the query based on the execution plans to reduce deadlock happening .

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SQL 2012 :: Monitoring Tool Using Powershell And Performance Monitoring

Sep 15, 2014

We are in plan to build a Monitoring tool using PowerShell and Performance Monitor which could monitor 10 to 20 servers. Do you have any reference of any existing tool using Performance Monitor to monitor the SQL Server and available for free? I didn't want to put some effort, if something is available already.

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DB Engine :: Multiple Execution Of Query Pattern Generates Same Query Plan

Oct 6, 2015

SQL Server 2012 Performance Dashboard Main advices me this:

Since the application is from a vendor and I have no control over its code, how can improve this sitation?

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Static Variables In A SQLCLR Stored Proc Seem To Get Reused From Execution To Execution Of The Sp

Aug 23, 2007

after moving off VS debugger and into management studio to exercise our SQLCLR sp, we notice that the 2nd execution gets an error suggesting that our static SqlCommand object is getting reused from the 1st execution (of the sp under mgt studio). If this is expected behavior, we have no problem limiting our statics to only completely reusable objects but would first like to know if this is expected? Is the fact that debugger doesnt show this behavior also expected?

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Execution Plans &<&> Proportionate Execution Times

Dec 7, 2005

Hi I am slowly getting to grips with SQL Server. As a part of this, I have been attempting to work on producing more efficient queries. This post is regarding what appears to be a discrepancy between the SQL Server execution plan and the actual time taken by a query to run. My brief is to produce an attendance system for an education establishment (I presume you know I'm not an A-Level student completing a project :p ). Circa 1.5m rows per annum, testing with ~3m rows currently. College_Year could strictly be inferred from the AttDateTime however it is included as a field because it a part of just about every PK this table is ever likely to be linked to. Indexes are not fully optimised yet. Table:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AttendanceDets] ([College_Year] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[Group_Code] [char] (12) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[Student_ID] [char] (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[Session_Date] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[Start_Time] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[Att_Code] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]GO CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_AltPK_Clust_AttendanceDets] ON [dbo].[AttendanceDets]([College_Year], [Group_Code], [Student_ID], [Session_Date], [Att_Code]) ON [PRIMARY]GO CREATE INDEX [All] ON [dbo].[AttendanceDets]([College_Year], [Group_Code], [Student_ID], [Session_Date], [Start_Time], [Att_Code]) ON [PRIMARY]GO CREATE INDEX [IX_AttendanceDets] ON [dbo].[AttendanceDets]([Att_Code]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALL inserts are via an overnight sproc - data comes from a third party system. Group_Code is 12 chars (no more no less), student_ID 8 chars (no more no less). I have created a simple sproc. I am using this as a benchmark against which I am testing my options. I appreciate that this sproc is an inefficient jack of all trades - it has been designed as such so I can compare its performance to more specific sprocs and possibly some dynamic SQL. Sproc:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CAMsp_Att] @College_Year AS SmallInt,@Student_ID AS VarChar(8) = '________', @Group_Code AS VarChar(12) = '____________', @Start_Date AS DateTime = '1950/01/01', @End_Date as DateTime = '2020/01/01', @Att_Code AS VarChar(1) = '_' AS IF @Start_Date = '1950/01/01'SET @Start_Date = CAST(CAST(@College_Year AS Char(4)) + '/08/31' AS DateTime) IF @End_Date = '2020/01/01'SET @End_Date = CAST(CAST(@College_Year +1 AS Char(4)) + '/07/31' AS DateTime) SELECT College_Year, Group_Code, Student_ID, Session_Date, Start_Time, Att_Code FROM dbo.AttendanceDets WHERE College_Year = @College_YearAND Group_Code LIKE @Group_CodeAND Student_ID LIKE @Student_IDAND Session_Date <= @End_DateAND Session_Date >=@Start_DateAND Att_Code LIKE @Att_CodeGOMy confusion lies with running the below script with Show Execution Plan:--SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON--Go DECLARE @Time as DateTime Set @Time = GetDate() select College_Year, group_code, Student_ID, Session_Date, Start_Time, Att_Code from attendanceDetswhere College_Year = 2005 AND group_code LIKE '____________' AND Student_ID LIKE '________'AND Session_Date <= '2005-11-16' AND Session_Date >= '2005-11-16' AND Att_Code LIKE '_' Print 'First query took: ' + CAST(DATEDIFF(ms, @Time, GETDATE()) AS VarCHar(5)) + ' milli-Seconds' Set @Time = GetDate() EXEC CAMsp_Att @College_Year = 2005, @Start_Date = '2005-11-16', @End_Date = '2005-11-16' Print 'Second query took: ' + CAST(DATEDIFF(ms, @Time, GETDATE()) AS VarCHar(5)) + ' milli-Seconds'GO --SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT OFF--GOThe execution plan for the first query appears miles more costly than the sproc yet it is effectively the same query with no parameters. However, my understanding is the cached plan substitutes literals for parameters anyway. In any case - the first query cost is listed as 99.52% of the batch, the sproc 0.48% (comparing the IO, cpu costs etc support this). BUT the text output is:(10639 row(s) affected) First query took: 596 milli-Seconds (10639 row(s) affected) Second query took: 2856 milli-SecondsI appreciate that logical and physical performance are not one and the same but can why is there such a huge discrepancy between the two? They are tested on a dedicated test server, and repeated running and switching the order of the queries elicits the same results. Sample data can be provided if requested but I assumed it would not shed much light. BTW - I know that additional indexes can bring the plans and execution time closer together - my question is more about the concept. If you've made it this far - many thanks.If you can enlighten me - infinite thanks.

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Execution Procedure Stored During Execution Of The Report .

Aug 3, 2007

Hello :

How to execute a procedure stored during execution of the report, that is before the poster the data.

Thnak you.

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Execution In Scheduled Job Vs Direct Execution

Nov 29, 2004

Here's my case, I have written a stored procedure which will perform the following:
1. Grab data from a table using cursor,
2. Process data,
3. Write the result into another table

If I execute the stored procedure directly (thru VS.NET, or Query Analyser), it will run, but when I tried to execute it via a scheduled job, it fails.

I used the same record, same parameters, and the same statements to call the stored procedure.

Any idea?

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CPU Monitoring

Jul 31, 2002


Is there a way I could get the total cpu usuage of the box other than Task Manager and Profiler


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CPU Monitoring

Aug 16, 2000

I understand the rule of thumb that the CPU should not be over 90%. If you take the four counters (%processor time,%privileged time, %user time, %interrupt time, and interrupt seconds), what combination gives you your CPU
time ?

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SQL Monitoring

Mar 26, 2007


I am looking for a reliable and easy manner to poll a domain for any box running the sql server service. Our current monitoring tool doesn't do this.

Many thanks!

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SQL Monitoring

Jul 23, 2005

I have been asked to monitor SQL to tell me when we are performingbetter than others. Can anyone tell me what kinds of scheduled jobs orscripts they utilize?

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Jul 20, 2005

Hi ,Is there a way/tool in Sql Server 2000 SP3 tomonitor all activities going on in the Database ?For example, I first create an empty database.Then I have an ERWIN generated DDL to createall views and tables. After that, I have INSERTscripts that populate all the base tables. What Iwant to monitor is success or failure for eachscript.Thanks,N.

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Health Monitoring And IIS

Feb 5, 2007

I have implemented health monitoring for my web-site, using the SQL provider.
Health monitoring works fine when the website is run from VS2005, using the built in web server, all the expected events are inserted into the aspnet database.  However when I deploy the site onto IIS, no events are ever inserted into the database. 
I would appreciate some help figuring out why this is happening!  The code that implements the health monitoring in my web.config file is:1 <healthMonitoring
2 enabled="true"
3 heartbeatInterval="0">
4 <bufferModes>
6 <remove name="Analysis"/>
8 <add name="Analysis"
9 maxBufferSize="10"
10 maxFlushSize="2"
11 urgentFlushThreshold="2"
12 regularFlushInterval="00:00:02"
13 urgentFlushInterval="00:00:01"
14 maxBufferThreads="1"/>
16 </bufferModes>
18 <providers>
20 <remove name ="SqlWebEventProvider"/>
22 <add name="SqlWebEventProvider" type="System.Web.Management.SqlWebEventProvider,
23 System.Web,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
25 connectionStringName="SQL_ASPNET"
26 maxEventDetailsLength="1073741823"
27 buffer="true"
28 bufferMode="Analysis"
30 />
32 </providers>
34 <eventMappings>
36 <remove name ="All Events"/>
37 <add name="All Events"
38 type="System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent, System.Web,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>
40 </eventMappings>
42 <profiles>
44 <remove name="Default"/>
45 <add name="Default"
46 minInstances="1"
47 maxLimit="Infinite"
48 minInterval="00:10:00"
49 />
50 </profiles>
52 <rules>
54 <add name="All Events"
55 eventName="All Events"
56 provider="SqlWebEventProvider"
57 profile="Default"
58 minInterval="00:00:01"
59 minInstances="1" />
61 </rules>
63 </healthMonitoring>

 Thank you in adance!

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Filegroup Monitoring

Jun 21, 2002

Can anyone show me in SQL7 how to obtain Available Space on a particular filegroup in a database (not the database or datafile).
I am trying to include this in a script to monitor my database which uses Filegroups and I have every other info that I need (from the sysfiles table) except the available space. Thanks in advance!

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Monitoring Server

Jul 10, 2002


I do all my monitoring locally for disk space, locks, blocking, I've 10 production servers, We need to centralised the monitoring server so from one server all the monitors can be done. Does anyone has any ideas how memory, cpus consumption, disk space, all alerts, locks, blocking, log space and job completition monitoring can be handled.

Any idea or guidance is appreciated


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Login Monitoring

Sep 4, 2001

In Sql 7 What is the easiest way to monitor the number of connections? I have been asked to create a report that monitors the number of logins every hour.

Please Advise, and thanks in Advance.

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Performance Monitoring

Apr 5, 2000


I am new to sql server and sould like to know how I can monitor the server performance on sql servers 6.5 and 7. In sybase we can run sp_sysmon. Is there anything similar to this for sql server.


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Performance Monitoring

Apr 17, 2000


I am learning SQL SERVER ..Can anyone tell me how do I tune a given stored procedure in 6.5 and 7.0.?

In performance tunning which counters are really necessary to watch and the remedies to be taken?


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SQL Server Monitoring

Jul 8, 1999

Is it possible to monitor several SQL servers in one window and notify operator about error messages.
May be some new software can make it possible?
Thank you.

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Database Monitoring

Jan 19, 2005

Can anybody help me with the following on my MS SQL Server 2000 database.

1. All tables should have a lastModificationDate column. Any changes and inserts should have the system time updated with a trigger or so. We shouldnt be inserting the value using SQL statements into this column.

2. There shouldnt be any deletes on the table. Any deleted records should be marked as inactive or deleted, so it wont come in queries, but should be physically present in the tables.

3. A modification log table, which will carry the table name, the column identifier, user modified, old value and the timestamp.


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Monitoring Usage

May 10, 2006

I would just like to know what everyone uses to monitor SQL usage? We have a SQL 2000 server that already has several applications sharing it and everyone wants to keep forcing more onto it.

I want to be able to judge when this server has reached it's capacity or how much more it can allow. Can SQL profiler alone do this for me?


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Performance Monitoring

Mar 8, 1999

Does anyone know of a way to determine which SPs or which tables are being accessed the most heavily or often from an application? I have inherited a site that is heavily used, but poorly tuned. However we have distributed C/S apps that hit the server and do not contain debug code. In addition, the SPs are encrypted and I do not want to replace them in the short term with new SPs that log hits.

I realize I can use triggers, but is there any other method?

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