Monthly Parameter Expressions [Formerly:Queried Parameters]

Jun 18, 2007


I need to be able to set the date parameters of a report dynamically when it is run based on system time. The problem I am having is being able to compare the dates (StartDate & EndDate) against [Service Date 1]. Essentially this report will only pull the current month's data.

The date fields being created with the GETDATE, DATEADD & DATEDIFF functions are working correctly. Do I need to create a separate dataset to be able to run the parameters automatically in the actual report?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

SELECT TodaysDate =GetDate()-2,dbo.[Billing Detail].[Service Date 1], DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, DATEADD(yy, 0, GETDATE())), 0) AS StartDate, DATEADD(dd, - 1, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, -1, GETDATE()), 0)) AS EndDate, dbo.[Billing Detail].Billing, dbo.[Billing Detail].Chart, dbo.[Billing Detail].Item,
dbo.[Billing Detail].[Sub Item], dbo.Patient.[Patient Code], dbo.Patient.[Patient Type], dbo.[Billing Header].Charges, dbo.Practice.Name
FROM dbo.[Billing Detail] INNER JOIN
dbo.Patient ON dbo.[Billing Detail].Chart = dbo.Patient.[Chart Number] INNER JOIN
dbo.[Billing Header] ON dbo.[Billing Detail].Billing = dbo.[Billing Header].Billing CROSS JOIN
WHERE (dbo.[Billing Detail].Item = 0) AND (dbo.[Billing Detail].[Sub Item] = 0) AND (dbo.[Billing Detail].[Service Date 1] Between StartDate AND EndDate

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Queried Parameter Based On A Queried Parameter

Nov 9, 2007

FOA, I am using the webservices of the RS2005.

I created a report with same parameters. Two of them a based on a query. The first query contains a simple select * from ... the result will be stored in the parameter @param1. The second parameter contains select * from ... where ID = @param1. So far...
If a pass the reportparameters of the report i will get a valuelist for the first query, but nothing for the second one.

How can I manage that the second parameters also gets a valuelist?


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Non-queried Parameters

Oct 5, 2007

Quick question guys, I remember running into this before but can't remember if I was able to complete it or not.
What is the syntax format in the 'Report Parameters' dialog box selecting 'Non-queried' in the "value " field I want to select multiple value parameters ie 001, 002, 003, 004 for one "label" Every combination I tried it's not taking. Thanks in advance

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Best Practice For Formulating A Default Value For A Queried Parameters

Jun 6, 2007

In general, what is the most appropriate way to specify a "data driven" default for a report parameter. Seems to me like options are:

1. construct an expression which operates on one of the existing report datasets (possibly the same data set used to populate the defaults dropdown)

2. construct a new dataset which returns a single value which is the desired default

what's the "normal" approach?

For example, I have an MDX dataset which contains the list of dates for which data is available. There is generally some data available for today, but normally the user is interested in the most recent day with data prior to today.

So which would be the better option out of the two above (or a third option if I'm missing something!) to tell my parameter to set itself to:

"The most recent day prior to today for which data exists".

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Multi-value, Non-queried, Report Parameter Expression Problem

Nov 30, 2007

I need to use a non-queried report parameter to filter a dataset for a report.

The dataset column I'm filtering is numeric. The dataset is not a sproc, it's a table in SQL Server that I am querying.

The Non-queried parameter values (Multi-value) are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, >=6.

Selecting the >=6 throws the error: "Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric."

Which sucks.

Because...when I go straight into my dataset I can filter my numeric column with the exact same values (=1 or =3 or >=6) and everything works fine. The error is only raised when I use the @Parameter in the dataset.

I've tried eveything, researched everywhere online and I can't find any guidance anywhere.

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Default Non-queried Report Parameter Not Updated When Project Is Deployed

Feb 22, 2007

Adding a value to a non-queried default report parameter value does not update on the target server after deployment.

To recreate

1. Create a report in Visual Studio and add a report parameter with the following properties:

Multi-value is checked
Available values = "From Query"
Dataset = [create a dataset that returns a table w/ a Id and Description column]
Value field = [the Id field from the table]
Label field=[the Description column from the table]
Default values = "Non-queried" (add several values the match the IDs from the table so that some of the values in the report dropdown will show up as checked when rendering the report)

2. Build and deploy the report to the reporting server. View the report and verify the specified items are checked in the report parameter.

3. Go back to Visual Studio and add a value to the Non-queried Default values.

4. Build and deploy the report again. View the report. The newly added item is not selected.


I verified that the newly added ID exists in the rdl file (as xml) on both the development box and the server where the report was deployed. However, when I view the report parameter using Management Studio (connect to the reporting server), the newly added value for the report parameter does not exist. I verified that changes are being deployed by adding new parameters and changing other properties of the parameter. I thought maybe the rdl itself was being cached somehow - I tried restarting IIS, SQL Server, and SQL Reporting services. None worked. Note that running the report on the development box by running the project through Visual Studio DOES reflect the change to the parameter.


1. Create a dataset for the report that returns a table of the Ids that you want pre-selected. The query could be something like this:

SELECT '4' AS SelectedId
SELECT '5' AS SelectedId
SELECT '6' AS SelectedId

2. Delete the report in Management Studio, then redeploy.

I have issue w/ both workarounds because for 1) it is not intuitive and you have to remember to do this for every similar case, and 2) this extra step has to occur each time the report is deployed w/ changes to the report parameter.

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2nd Question - Date Parameters - To Run A Monthly Report Automatically

Nov 26, 2007

hi there

I am using SQL Server 2005 with Reporting Services (Using the Visual side - not direct code)

I am having problems understanding the dates. eg where to put them,

I want a report that runs on the 1st day of the month for the previous month. I know you can set up something in subscriptions but then how do I get my report header to say from

I have been through the AW reports but can't see what I need.

Happy if someone wants to direct me to somewhere that has date examples.


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Monthly Based Report Parameter

Oct 24, 2007

Hi guys,

I would need to add a monthly based parameter to my reports. In my actual scenario i have 2 datetime parameters : "start date" - "end date", that denotes the time interval in days. Is there any standard way to customize these parameters to set an interval between months?
In other words, i would need 2 parameters like these : "start month" (eg. august 2005) - "end month" (eg. march 2006), with the report filtering data among this given interval of months.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

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Examine Multi Valued Parameters In Expressions

May 7, 2008

I am trying to selectively show or hide a table based on the values in a multi valued parameter. How can I examine all values (simulate the like functionality) within an expression?

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Reporting Services :: Daily / Weekly / Monthly And Yearly Parameter For Scheduled SSRS Report

Jan 7, 2011

Currently, I have a report that takes two parameters:  StartDate and EndDate.  

I would like to schedule the report to run on a Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly basis, but this doesn't work too well with StartDate and EndDate because the parameter is static.  What is the most elegant way to implement this change?

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How To Use Default Parameter Values With A Date Parameter From A Cube/Reducing Parameters

Oct 15, 2007


I have parameters in my report. The user can choose the year, month and date (3 parameters).
Now I want to set default vaules for the parameters , so that the user sees the report for example for the current day without selecting the parameters. I tried to set the type of the parameters to DateTime and the default value for example for the year to "=Today().Year" . But when I execute the report an error occures . Something like : no validValue for this parameter.

My Attributes for the year month and date are from an Analyis Services Cube from a Server Time dimension .
Does somebody know how to make it possible to set default values for this parameters?

Other question :

Does somebody know how I can reduce the values for a parameter. For Example I have a parameter "year" from a server time dimension from a cube. The values which are available are "Year 2004", "Year 2005", "Year 2006", "Year 2007".
But I want that the user only can choose "Year 2006" or "Year 2007" ant not every Year or "All".
Or Other Example: The User should only choose a Date that is int the past or Today but not a Date in the future.

Thanks !


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Two Parameters Question? Second Parameter Should Get Data Based On First Parameter Selection.

Jan 8, 2007

I have two parameters both are related to each other.

second parameter should get filled based on the selection of the first one which is project.

the first paramater is project, once the project is selected it should bring the all the contracts related to that project.

Please is it possible...

Thank you very much for all the helpful info.

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Valid Expressions Are Constants, Constant Expressions, And (in Some Contexts) Variables. Column Names Are Not Permitted.

Dec 11, 2007

I want to have this query insert a bunch of XML but i get this error...

Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertTimeCard, Line 117

The name "ExpenseRptID" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertTimeCard, Line 151

The name "DateWorked" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

What am i doing wrong...Can anyone help me out!! Thanks!!

p.s I know this query looks crazy...

Code Block

IF EXISTS (SELECT NAME FROM sysobjects WHERE NAME = 'InsertTimeCard' AND type = 'P' AND uid=(Select uid from sysusers where name=current_user))
** PROC NAME : InsertTimeCardHoursWorked
** AUTHOR : Demetrius Powers
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Name Date Comment
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Powers 12/11/2007 -Initial Creation
@DateCreated DateTime,
@EmployeeID int,
@DateEntered DateTime,
@SerializedXML text,
@Result int output
declare @NewTimeCardID int
select @NewTimeCardID = max(TimeCardID) from OPS_TimeCards
-- proc settings

-- local variables
DECLARE @intDoc int
DECLARE @bolOpen bit
SET @bolOpen = 0
--Prepare the XML document to be loaded
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @intDoc OUTPUT, @SerializedXML
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler
--The document was prepared so set the boolean indicator so we know to close it if an error occurs.
SET @bolOpen = 1

--Create temp variable to store values inthe XML document
DECLARE @tempXMLTimeCardExpense TABLE
TimeCardExpenseID int not null identity(1,1),
TimeCardID int,
ExpenseRptID int,
ExpenseDate datetime,
ProjectID int,
ExpenseDescription nvarchar(510),
ExpenseAmount money,
ExpenseCodeID int,
AttachedRct bit,
SubmittoExpRep bit
DECLARE @tempXMLTimeCardWorked TABLE
TimeCardDetailID int not null identity(1,1),
TimeCardID int,
DateWorked DateTime,
ProjectID int,
WorkDescription nvarchar(510),
BillableHours float,
BillingRate money,
WorkCodeID int,
Location nvarchar(50)
-- begin trans
insert OPS_TimeCards(NewTimeCardID, DateCreated, EmployeeID, DateEntered, Paid)
values (@NewTimeCardID, @DateCreated, @EmployeeID, @DateEntered, 0)
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler

--Now use @intDoc with XPATH style queries on the XML
INSERT @tempXMLTimeCardExpense (TimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep)
SELECT @NewTimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep
FROM OPENXML(@intDoc, '/ArrayOfTimeCardExpense/TimeCardExpense', 2)
WITH ( ExpenseRptID int 'ExpenseRptID',
ExpenseDate datetime 'ExpenseDate',
ProjectID int 'ProjectID',
ExpenseDescription nvarchar(510) 'ExpenseDescription',
ExpenseAmount money 'ExpenseAmount',
ExpenseCodeID int 'ExpenseCodeID',
AttachedRct bit 'AttachedRct',
SubmittoExpRep bit 'SubmittoExpRep')
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler

-- remove XML doc from memory
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @intDoc
SET @bolOpen = 0

INSERT OPS_TimeCardExpenses(TimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep)
Values(@NewTimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep)
select @NewTimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep
from @tempXMLTimeCardExpense
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler

-- For time worked...
INSERT @tempXMLTimeCardWorked(TimeCardID, DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BillableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location)
SELECT @NewTimeCardID, DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BilliableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location
FROM OPENXML(@intDoc, '/ArrayOfTimeCardWorked/TimeCardWorked', 2)
WITH ( DateWorked DateTime 'DateWorked',
ProjectID datetime 'ProjectID',
WorkDescription nvarchar(max) 'WorkDescription',
BilliableHours float 'BilliableHours',
BillingRate money 'BillingRate',
WorkCodeID int 'WorkCodeID',
Location nvarchar(50)'Location')
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler

-- remove XML doc from memory
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @intDoc
SET @bolOpen = 0

INSERT OPS_TimeCardHours(TimeCardID, DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BillableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location)
Values(@NewTimeCardID,DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BillableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location)
select @NewTimeCardID ,DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BillableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location
from @tempXMLTimeCardWorked

-- commit transaction, and exit
set @Result = @NewTimeCardID

-- Error Handler
-- see if transaction is open
-- rollback tran
-- set failure values
SET @Result = -1


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Dts Parameters, More Values In One Parameter

Feb 21, 2007

hy all,

i'm using the object transform data task from a server (where i'm not dbo) to another server (where i'm dbo).

i'm getting data from a table. i need to select just some records from this table. i need to use a query like this one below...

select * from {table_name} where operationedate in ('20070101', '20070205', '20060524')

... cause everytime i run the dts the operationdate field must be filtered on different date.

so i tried to use the parameter from a global variables. i've tried lots of things but everytime i failed.

i used to try:

select * from {table_name} where operationedate in (?)

but it doesnt work!

any one can understand what i try to explain and even help me?



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Knowing What Has Been Queried???

Sep 16, 2006

Thank you for your help.

I run a website which uses SQL 2000 and VB ASP. I would like to add a section to the site which posts the most popular data being queried from my SQL server. I'm sure this is possible, but I don't know where to start. Please let me know if any of you need specifics regarding my data and set up.

Thanks again for the help! :)


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Show The Name Of The DB Being Queried

Jan 6, 2007

Hello. I work on a proprietary software package at work that has a SQL query engine. I'm able to query tables that I know exist but I would like to know what other tables are there in the db. Unfortunately I don't know the name of the database. Is there a SQL statement that will show me the name of the database that I'm running my query on?

Thanks for your help.

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How To Use Parameters In Method (filter By Parameter)

Feb 20, 2007

I've begin to do a tutorial of this site: Working with Data in ASP.NET 2.0 c#, but in the 3. step I can't make something:
In this step I can't add parameterized methods to the TableAdapter. The problem come up when I want to add Sql query.
SELECT     ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, DiscontinuedFROM         ProductsWHERE     CategoryID = @CategoryID
The error message: 
Error in WHERE clause near '@'.Unable to parse query text.
So, how can i use parameter in this method?
tnx for the help

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Two Report Parameters: Please Select A Value For The Parameter....

Dec 29, 2006

I´ve build a report with Report Design. On this report I want to show the items customers bought. In this report I added a Report Parameter so the user can select a specific customer. I made an extra dataset and use the filter =@customer and this parameter works fine. Then I want to ad a second Report Parameter: the salesperson. When I leave one of the parameters blank, I get an error "Please select a value for the parameter....". Even if I choose the options allow blank or null values, I get this error. What I want is de possibility to get all the records, to filter records from one specific customer or to filter records from a specific salesperson.

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How To Sent Queried Data To Variables

Jan 14, 2008

I have a problem about calculating data from the table. I want to sent a row to the local variables and calculate them by C#. Thank you in advance for every suggestion.

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Computing The Queried Output

Mar 11, 2008

hi please help me,i have a table queried using this sql,  select name,(select count(*) from myTable a where = ) as Total, (select count(*) from myTable b where = and dnum > '1') as Used, (select count(*) from myTable c where = and dnum < '1') as remainingfrom myTable r group by namebut i need one more thing in this table that should look like this,nameTotalUsedRemainingPercentageA126650%B2021810%C150150%  this is to add the BOLD field from the above table, but my problem is that the computation is "Used / Total = Percentage%"so how can i do this, please help methanks 

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Querying A Queried Result...

Jan 28, 2005

Hi, is there such a thing as querying a queried result?

Example, query 1 produces Result A. Result A's table is stored 'somewhere' to be queried by query 2 which produces Result B

If there is, could you kindly direct me to a website with the appropiate article on this topic?


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Passing Parameters To Nested Parameter Queries

Jul 20, 2005

Though I am a novice to MS SQL server (2000 I believe), I can do almost!everything I need. Maybe not efficiently, but usefully. However, I havea problem -- a complex query problem...I can create a parameter query in a stored procedure, but how do I usethe result set of a parameter query in a select query (in the same oranother sp)? In short, if a select query contains a result table that isgenerated as a parameter query, how do I pass the parameter through theselect query to the nested parameter query?For example, if I have a sp parameter query called [e_typerows], I couldwrite the following select query which uses the (single) result set from[e_typerows] plus other tables or views:SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT bi_occ_01_e.row, bi_occ_01_e.pos,bi_dictionary_e.typestring, bi_occ_01_e.shadowFROM bi_dictionary_e INNER JOIN(bi_occ_01_e INNER JOIN[e_typerows] ON bi_occ_01_e.row = [e_typerows].row) ONbi_dictionary_e.typeid = bi_occ_01_e.typeidORDER BY bi_occ_01_e.row, bi_occ_01_e.posEven though [e_typerows] is a (storted procedure) parameter query thiswill work IF my parameter in [e_typerows] has a default, say "yyyy". Inthe default case no parameter needs passing. But what if it doesn't havea default value or if I need to pass a parameter to it?Is there any way to replace[e_typerows]in the above query with somethinglike [e_typerows @myparameter='xxxx']? (Maybe I should try that! I'veseen nothing about it though.)My parameter query, [e_typerows], looks like this in fact:@typestringparameter varchar(100) = "yyyy"SELECT dbo.bi_dictionary_e.typestring, dbo.bi_occ_01_e.rowFROM dbo.bi_occ_01_e INNER JOINdbo.bi_dictionary_e ONdbo.bi_occ_01_e.typeid = dbo.bi_dictionary_e.typeidGROUP BY dbo.bi_dictionary_e.typestring,dbo.bi_occ_01_e.rowHAVING (dbo.bi_dictionary_e.typestring = @typestringparameter)Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (For the moment, I firstgenerate the parameter query result set, then I loop through each row ofthat result set and do a select query with that row as a parameter --very complicated!, though it does work.)

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Filtering Parameters Based On A Selection Of Another Parameter

Dec 28, 2007


Im trying to create a drop down parameter whereby if i select a certain field, a different dropdown will be filtered off only the relevant selections, is this possible.

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Min Output Size For Queried Field

Oct 12, 2007

I have a select statement that is being processed through oSql on Sql Server 2000. There are 2 fields in the select statement that are defined in the dateabase as nvarchar(1). When I perform my select statement, they show up in the output as 4 char fields. See dataset below for example.

493575545493575545003753404A 20070805000000002007080520070805 131307269009426800000000000000000000000
493575545493575545003753404A 00000000000000000000000020010410S 131307270009426800000000000000000000000
493575545493575545003753410A 20070805000000002007080520070805 131307271009426800000000000000000000000

How do I get rid of the extra spaces in the output? I have tried using ltrim(rtrim(fielde)) to no avail. Fieldg (the S) is a nullable field and is being processed using an isnull(filedg, ' ').

The general statement is:

Select fielda, fieldb, fieldc, ltrim(rtrim(fieldd)), fielde, fieldf, isnull(fieldg, ' '), filedh from mytable

The functioality can be replicated using:

Select 'a', 'b'

---- ----
a b
(1 row(s) affected)

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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Populate Dates For Parameters Based On A String Parameter

Jul 2, 2007


My basic goal is to try to simplify inputs for the user. I have 3 parameters: Begin Date, End DAte and Duration. Duration will contain 3 choices: All, 2 Years and Range and is meant to give them a shortcut to dates as described below:

All - Would automatically populate the start date to 10/01/2005 and an end date to current date

2 Years - Would automatically populate the start date to current date minus 2 years, and the end date to current date.

Range - Would allow the user to select any dates as desired.

I'm able to get the dates to populate based on the duration field using non-queried values based on the Duration value, but the problem is that if I want to allow them to select Range the calendar control is not available and a text box is displayed.

I've tried to create some code in the properties that would populate, but I keep getting that this item is Read Only. The code I've created is as follows:

public function populateDates(Duration) as String

Select Case Duration
Case = "Range"
Report.Parameters!pBeginDate = Report.Parameters!pBeginDate
Report.Parameters!pEndDAte = Report.Parameters!pEndDAte
Case = "All"
Report.Parameters!pBeginDate = #10/01/2005#
Report.Parameters!pEndDAte = Now().Today
case = "Two"
Report.Parameters!pBeginDate = DateAdd("yyyy", -2, Now().Today)
Report.Parameters!pEndDAte = Now().Today
end select
end sub

My only goal is to give the User the 3 choices, but still keep the calendar control available, and I can't seem to do this?

suggestion please!



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Please Help. How To Set A Parameter In SSRS In Runtime? Parameters!myParam.Value Property Is Read-only

Mar 8, 2007

You can set the default value of a reporting services parameter by any expression.
But with code I'm NOT allowed to do:
Parameters!myParam.Value = CDate("01.01.2007")
This is cause Value property is read-only.
So the question would be:
Are there any way I set a parameter value in runtime ?
Hope anyone can help...

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Adjusting Column Width In Queried Dataset

Apr 17, 2007

I am trying to eliminate the extra space in columns that have been returned from a DB query...the tables have character lengths of 40, I would like to return just the necessary characters.

Thanks in advance.


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Show/Hide Report Parameters Based On Selected Values In Different Parameter

Mar 14, 2007

Hi All,

I have requirement where first I need to show only one report
parameter. Based on user selection I need to prompt or show the user
another report parameter.

Say suppose I have 3 parameters. User selects first value in first
parameter I should not show the other 2 parameters. If user selects
second value in first parameter I should show second parameter and
hide third parameter. There is no relationship between these 2
parameters except user selection. Similarly if user third value in
first parameter then I should show third parameter and hide second

Is this possible? I can not see any Visible property for report

If yes, how to achieve this functionality?

Appreciate your help.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Passing Multiple Parameters With Table Valued Parameter To Stored Procedure?

May 21, 2014

Can we Pass table valued parameters and normal params like integer,varchar a single stored procedure?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Multiple Records Queried Into Single Record?

Jan 27, 2014

I have 2 tables People and Scores. A person might have 1-5 scores (unknown at time of Query). I would like to query the two tables into a results table and if person does not have a record the score will be zero. Scores also have a test number so you know which score it is. I can get it done with Stored Proc but I have to use Temp tables and then put the temp tables together.

Name ID




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Integration Services :: Argument For Option (parameter) Is Not Valid - The Command Line Parameters Are Invalid

May 6, 2015

i am parameterize  my DB connection in sql sever 2012,it showing in agent job as parameter.but when i run job it giving me error:

Argument "" for option "parameter" is not valid.  The command line parameters are invalid.  The step failed.

what i need to do is pass different environment here while deploying to different env.

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Error The Parameter Is Missing A Value: Problem With Parameters ('Ver 1.1 Part 1') Passing To Report Viewer Control

Jan 25, 2008


I am passing the partameters to MS Report Viewer control to view the report. It is working fine with normal parameters like 'abc', 'Jon' etc.
But fails with parameters having special characters like 'abc+', 'Version 1.1 Part 1', 'R1.8 RC' throws error "
The parameter is missing a value"

Could anyone please help on this.


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Transact SQL :: Sending Auto Email With Queried Data (On INSERT And On Month Ends)

Oct 22, 2015

I have to send updated Employee list from employee master table to a particular email ID on every last date of Month and when a new employee is added / deleted / edited. Also need to send this as an Excel file 

I tried the following but "Invalid Object name dbo.tbl_EmployeeMaster" error coming while inserting a new employee.

USE [eXact]
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_Email]

[Code] ....

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