Move Next And Back Through Rows Using Datareader

Sep 16, 2007

I have multiple dropdownlists each one filled with values from a specific column in the table. Also I have multiple textboxes corresponding to dropdownlists. For example, when I select an item from dropdownlistA, all the textboxes are filled with the first row values that contains that selected item and gives the number of rows containing this value……. In addition, I have 2 buttons one is Move Forward Button and the other is Move Previous…I am using a Record Set and don’t know how to move next and back throughout the selected rows…could you help me please? I am using a vb codebehind… Thanks

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Can I Read Some Rows From The Middle Of Rows In DataReader?

Mar 30, 2007

I have 100,000 rows in the database and I want to read results for eg: from 5000 to 5050 by DataReader.
I wrote this code to do this but its too slow:

Dim SlctStr As String = "select * from topicstbl where partID like '" & PagePartID & "'"

Dim ReadCom As New SqlClient.SqlCommand

ReadCom.CommandText = SlctStr

ReadCom.Connection = MainLib.MyConnection

Dim MyReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = ReadCom.ExecuteReader()

Dim StartTNum As Long = 5000

For IR As Long = 0 To StartTNum - 1



Do While MyReader.Read

StartTNum += 1

If StartTNum > 5500 Then Exit Do




is there another way to do the same thing better off than this code?

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Move Tempdb And Then Back

Jul 6, 2006

I have to move my sql server to new SAN. Tempdb is on old san. If I move the tempdb to c: like below and reboot then move the server, and then after move to new server, start it up, and move again, would that be correct process

i was going to use below to move tempdb to c from SAN

use master
Alter database tempdb modify file (name = tempdev, filename = 'c: empdbloc empdb.mdf')
Alter database tempdb modify file (name = templog, filename = 'c: empdbloc emplog.ldf')

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Move Report File From Reporting Server Back To Local Visual Studio Project

Apr 4, 2008

I am not sure if this is possible or not, but I have to at least ask.

I have a SQL Reporting Services project that has a QA server version and then a Production server version. So when requested changes are made to the reports, I make the changes in Visual Studio and then push to QA. After the changes have been tested and approved, I then push the changes to the Production server.

I have come across an issue, where requested changes were made in Visual Studio (a lot of changes), and pushed to QA. The users now have changed their minds and they want instead to stay with what is in production. So, I am looking for a way to recover the report file on the production web server, bring it back into my visual studio project to replace the report that I had changed.

Is this possible, or will I have to start over and step one and reverse the changes in Visual Studio.

Let me know.

Thank you,


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Not Getting Back Rows From SQL

Feb 13, 2008

I am trying to connect to a SQL DB and pull data from it. But i never get back any rows. I have run the query, it works fine and i get back rows. But htis does not seem to work. HELP ?
Attaching my code 
TryDim ConnStr As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Engineering_Health_SiteConnectionString").ToStringURLConn = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConnStr)
 Dim param1 As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@FG", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
Dim param2 As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@SS", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
Dim query As String = "Engineering_Health_Site.dbo.usp_GetSiteURL"Dim comm As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(query)
comm.Connection = URLConn
comm.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedureparam1.Value = Me.DropDownList1.SelectedValue.Trim
comm.Parameters.Add(param1)param2.Value = Me.DropDownList2.SelectedValue.Trim
comm.Parameters.Add(param2)Dim adap As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(comm)Dim dt As New Data.DataTable
adap.Fill(dt)For Each row As Data.DataRow In dt.Rows
NextCatch ex As Exception
End Try

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Move Columns Into Rows For Same Items?

Aug 28, 2014

I have a table in the following format:

Matter IDIndexDescription

I need each matter in a single row with descriptions as columns:

Matter IDDescription_6Description_57

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Is It Possible To Move Rows From Table1 In Database1 To Table2 In Database2?

Aug 29, 2000

Is it possible to move rows from Table1 in Database1 to Table2 in Database2?

Say, I have Database1 containg Table1:

ID ¦ Cars
2 Mercedes
3 Toyota
1 Opel

And Database2 containg Table2 (that is empty just at the moment):
ID ¦ Cars
no data added yet...

How can I copy say everything from Table1 that has ID=1 (the parameter I send in with the stored procedure at execution), and insert this in Table 2?
This would be, I insert the row with the BMW thingy and the row with the Opel thingy as 2 new rows in table 2.
Note that the two tables are located in 2 different databases.

I am using SQL Server 7 and am trying to implement this in a stored procedure.

Thanks for all help!!

Mark Nelson

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Redirect Rows Move Good And Bad Recs To Bad Table.

Feb 28, 2007

I use a redirect row method for error of OLE DB Destination For sqlServer2005.

For some resone even though only 1 record has error and should be redirect, all the record in the current batch (I think depending on the "maximum insert commit size") are redirect. the only way for me to get the exact bad record is to set the above parameter to 1, but then it takes hours to run the package.

also I always get the same error in the errorCode column - " -1071607685"


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Help With SQL Statement, Pulling Back Duplicate Rows On DISTINCT Keyword

Feb 28, 2008

Hello everyone, I'm working on a SQL statement that I "thought" worked fine until I noticed I was getting a duplicate row.  Below is the SQL statement from the stored procedure: SELECT DISTINCT number AS 'RteNum', leg_orig AS 'Origin',
leg_dest AS 'Dest', AcEquipment.EquipmentDesc AS 'EquipType',
SUBSTRING(trailer_option, 1, 1) AS 'TrailerOption',
leg_depart_time_local AS 'DeptTime',
leg_arrive_time_local AS 'ArrTime',
dev.fnConvertEffectiveDaysToDaysOfWeek(SUBSTRING(leg_effective_local, 2 ,7)) AS 'EffectiveDays',
TruckEditor.EffectiveDays as 'NewEffectiveDays'
FROM lhif_prod
JOIN AcEquipment ON AcEquipment.EquipmentType = lhif_prod.Equipment_Type
LEFT JOIN dev.TruckEditor ON TruckEditor.Origin = lhif_prod.leg_orig AND TruckEditor.Dest = lhif_prod.leg_dest
AND TruckEditor.RouteNum = lhif_prod.number AND TruckEditor.DeptDate = lhif_prod.leg_depart_date_local
WHERE leg_depart_date_local BETWEEN @DateStart AND @DateEnd
AND Type_Code = 'T' AND leg_orig = @LocID
ORDER BY RteNum, Dest, DeptTime  Here is what comes back from this query:ABE00     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    1855    1915    MTWT---    NULLABE01     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    1941    2001    MTWT---    NULLABE02     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    2045    2105    MTWTF--    NULLABE03     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    2059    2119    MTWTF--    NULLABE04     ABEA     ABER     CTV2.5          H    2245    2305    MTWTF--    NULLABE11     ABEA     ABER     WALKIN        H    2045    2100    MTWTF--    NULLABE11     ABEA     ABER     WALKIN        H    2045    2100    MTWTF--    MT-TF--ABE12     ABEA     ABER     WALKIN        H    2109    2124    MTWTF--    NULLEF038     ABEA     EWRHB    53BULK       H    0100    0245    -TWTFS-    NULLEF085     ABEA     EWRHA    CTV5           H    1955    2140    MTWT---    NULLEF106     ABEA     EWRHB    CTV5           H    1901    2046    -----S-    NULLEF140     ABEA     ABER     CTV5             H    0550    0610    M------    NULLEF166     ABEA     EWRRA    CTV5           H    2230    0010    MTWT---    NULLEF366     ABEA     EWRRA    CTV5           H    2230    0010    ----F--    NULLEF543     ABEA     EWRRA    CTV5           H    2200    2345    MTWTF--    NULL The 2 rows in bold are the issue right now.  There should only be 1 row (the 2nd one where the last column is not null).  I'm not sure why it returns both columns when I'm doing a join on there to add that last column.  Can anyone help me out with this?  I'm not very strong in SQL, so if I'm overlooking something, I'd appreciate any help you can provide.  Thanks. 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Strategy To Delete / Move Millions Of Rows In A Database?

Apr 16, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2012 SE.I am trying to delete rows from a couple of tables (GetPersonValue has 250 million rows and I am trying to delete 50Million rows and GetPerson has 35 Million rows and I am trying to delete 20 million rows). These tables are in TX replication.The plan is to delete data older than 400 days old.

I tried to move data to new tables from the last 400 days and it took me like 11 hours. If I delete data in chunks of 500000 then its taking a long time to rebuild indexes(delete plus rebuild indexes 13 hours). Since I am using standard edition partition wont work.

find ddl below:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[GetPerson](
[GetPersonId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[LinedActivityPersonId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[CTName] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
[SNum] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[PHPrimary] [nvarchar](50) NULL,


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Problem With Update When Updating All Rows Of A Table Through Dataset And Saving Back To Database

Feb 24, 2006

I have an application where I'm filling a dataset with values from a table. This table has no primary key. Then I iterate through each row of the dataset and I compute the value of one of the columns and then update that value in the dataset row. The problem I'm having is that when the database gets updated by the SqlDataAdapter.Update() method, the same value shows up under that column for all rows. I think my Update Command is not correct since I'm not specifying a where clause and hence it is using just the value lastly computed in the dataset to update the entire database. But I do not know how to specify  a where clause for an update statement when I'm actually updating every row in the dataset. Basically I do not have an update parameter since all rows are meant to be updated. Any suggestions?
SqlCommand snUpdate = conn.CreateCommand();
snUpdate.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
snUpdate.CommandText = "Update TestTable set shipdate = @shipdate";
snUpdate.Parameters.Add("@shipdate", SqlDbType.Char, 10, "shipdate");
string jdate ="";
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++)
jdate = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["shipdate"].ToString();
ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["shipdate"] = convertToNormalDate(jdate);
da.Update(ds, "Table1");

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Table Scans - More Rows Brought Back Than In Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have a query which is quite complex. It's based on a set of data ina complex view which takes the data from several tables.In this complex query, if I allow the various parts of the query towork on the results of the view (MISView), it can take 15 minutes torun (eek !), however, if I create a temporary table with the data fromthe view and then use that for the remainder of the query, it runs inapprox 20 seconds.Now, I have examined the execution plan (my new favourite toy) andthere is a difference (as expected). However when looking at the partof the query that takes up most of the time, it shows that it bringsback 109,645,866 records from a table (Credit) that contains 13,002records. This table is one that is referenced in the view (MISView)which contains 13,653 records and does get some of it's data from thetable which is scanned (Credit).For the record, we don't have any tables with over 100,000 records in,so 109 million rows is going some for us. The part of the query thatruns slow does reference another copy of itself but this is necessaryfor the equation that is being run.Now I'm OK with why it's doing the table scan, but why does it bringback substantially more data than is in the table ? Is it somemultiple of the number of records that it's trying to work out. Iassume it tries to run a seperate plan for the view as part of it'sprocess.Ideally, I'm still going to go down the route of the temporary table,but I would like to understand more about what it does first as Idon't like leaving things unanswered.Any help would be appreciated.

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Having Difficulty Setting Back Up To Back Up File Wihout Datetime Stamp SQL 2K

Apr 24, 2007

Hello,I'm trying to create a simple back up in the SQL Maintenance Plan that willmake a single back up copy of all database every night at 10 pm. I'd likethe previous nights file to be overwritten, so there will be only a singleback up file for each database (tape back up runs every night, so each daysback up will be saved on tape).Every night the maintenance plan makes a back up of all the databases to anew file with a datetime stamp, meaning the previous nights file stillexists. Even when I check "Remove files older than 22 hours" the previousnights file still exists. Is there any way to create a back up file withoutthe date time stamp so it overwrites the previous nights file?Thanks!Rick

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Mirroring :: Principal Database Get Role Back After Being Back On Line

May 14, 2015

New to Database Mirroring and I have a question about the Principal database server. I have a Database Mirroring setup configured for High-safety with automatic fail over mode using a witness.

When a fail over occurs because of a lost of communication between the principal and mirror, the mirror server takes on the roll of Principal. When communication is returned to the Principal server, at some point does the database that was the previous Principal database automatically go back to being the Principal server?

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Reporting Services :: Run Two Reports Back To Back Without Page Eject?

Jun 9, 2015

I need to run two reports each of A5 Size to run back to page and print on single A4 paper means in 1st half Sale bill will be printed and in second half Gate Pass Will Be Printed both report will be on same page and size and shape should be maintained. How to do it.

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How Do I Back-up &> Truncate &> Shrink &> Back-up SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am hoping you can help me with the following problem; I need to process the following steps every couple of hours in order to keep our Sql 2000 database a small as possible (the transaction log is 5x bigger than the db).1.back-up the entire database2.truncate the log3.shrink the log4.back-up once again.As you may have determined, I am relatively new to managing a sql server database and while I have found multiple articles online about the topics I need to accomplish, I cannot find any actual examples that explain where I input the coded used to accomplish the above-mentioned steps. I do understand the theory behind the steps I just do not know how to accomplish them!If you know of a well-documented tutorial, please point me in the right direction.Regards.

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Datareader Destination As Source For Other Datareader Source ?

Aug 30, 2006


as far as I know from docs and forum datareader is for .NET data in memory. So if a use a complex dataflow to build up some data and want to use this in other dataflow componens - could i use data datareader source in the fist dataflow and then use a datareader souce in the second dataflow do read the inmemoty data from fist transform to do fursther cals ?

how to pass in memory data from one dataflow to the next one (i do not want to rebuild the logic in each dataflow to build up data data ?

Is there a way to do this ? and is the datareader the proper component ? (because its the one and only inmemory i guess, utherwise i need to write to temp table and read from temp table in next step) (I have only found examples fro .NET VB or C# programms to read a datareader, but how to do this in SSIS directly in the next dataflow?


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Rolling Back SQL Server 2005 Databases Back To SQL Server 2000

Sep 22, 2006

Does anybody know of a way to rollback SQL Server 2005
databases back to SQL Server 2000? Is there a way of doing it without
resorting to Copy Database Wizard? I love to find a way of attaching a SS 2005 database
to a SS 2000 instance without any issues.

I recently upgraded to SS 2005 and I am very unhappy with the SS 2005 and I
want to rollback to SS 2000, which was a lot more stable. I am having
several major issues that are affecting my whole company's day-to-day
operations and the managers are not happy. Some of the issues include
night time batch running very sluggish for no apparent reason. This is a
biggest problem because it only occurs once or so a week and causes a disturbance
with the daily activities when the night time processing isn€™t completed on
time. The rest of the time, the batch processing runs great, even a little better then on SS 2000. I
don't believe it is a matter of my application needing to be retuned because if
that was the case, then why isn't it running sluggish every night? Also,
it's never the same day that the sluggish behavior occurs. If it was occurring
on the same night, then I would have something to investigate within our
application, but it doesn't. Another issue that I am having involves a
night time job that restores a copy of the production database to the Data
Warehouse server to be used for updating the data warehouse. Again, most
of the time it runs great (~2 1/2 hours), but once or twice a week, it goes
stupid and takes 6 1/2 hours for no apparent reason. Again, it is not happening
the same day either, which could give me something to invesigate. On SS 2000, this same job ran flawlessly. Never I did I run into situation that the
database restoration took that long to run. Even another issue involves a SQL Server Agent Job that was put into suspended
state. What's a suspended state and how can I get it out of suspended
state? I can find no information about suspended state in BOL. I
did a Google and nothing came up. If this suspended state was put
in for security reasons, great, but then tell me how I can remove the suspended
state. I am also not happy with the
fact that I can't get accurate information about the queries that are actively
running at that particular moment. In SS 2000, when I noticed high CPU
usage on the server, I would run the sp_who2 active stored proc and it would
show me all the active thread and how much CPU it was consuming. I would
then find the running threads with the highest CPU numbers and investigate the
query and see if we could improve it. Now in SS 2005, I get in the same
situation and run the sp_who2 stored proc, and there is no smoking gun.
All of the active threads are showing very little CPU usage, which I am very
suspect of. What the heck happen to sp_who2? I looked at some of
the other ways of looking at running processes (i.e... sys.sysprocesses) and
they don't appear to be giving the information that I need.

I am very unhappy and I just want to roll back to SS 2000 and wait a couple of
years before I upgrade to SS 2005.

Dave Brown

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Help With Datareader

Jun 8, 2007

Hey guys, whats an easy way to pass a value into a stored procodure?
 I tried the code below but I keep on getting a "Procedure 'sp_InsertData' expects parameter '@gpiBatchNo', which was not supplied." error. My stored proc basically gets inserts the passed variable into a databaseSqlConnection sqlSecConnection = new SqlConnection(sqlPriConnString);SqlCommand sqlSecCommand = new SqlCommand();
sqlSecCommand.Connection = sqlSecConnection;
sqlSecCommand.CommandText = "sp_InsertData";sqlSecCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;sqlSecCommand.Parameters.Add("@gpiBatchNo", SqlDbType.NVarChar) ;
sqlSecConnection.Open();int returntype = sqlSecCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();

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How Can I Use Datareader

Oct 20, 2007

This code is currently loading my DataGridView
How can i change this to use the Datareader

Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=ANTEC30SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=test;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False")

Dim myCmd As SqlCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand()


myCmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text

myCmd.CommandText = "Select * From tblParts"

Dim myDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCmd)

Dim myDataSet As DataSet = New DataSet()


DataGridView1.DataSource = myDataSet.Tables(0)

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DataReader Access

Feb 22, 2007

I am facing a problem to access datareader... actually i want to get data on lables from datareader. actually i am having one table having only one column and i hav accessed all data into datareader but the problem is that i just want to get data row by row...
For example there are four labels Label1, Label2, Label3, Label4
and want to print the data from datareader on to thease labels....
plz do reply... i am in trouble

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DataReader And DataAdapter

Feb 28, 2007

Hi,    What is the difference b/w sqldatareader and sqldataadapter? For what purpose are they used in a database connection & how do they differ from each other? Pls explain me in detail.Regards Vijay.

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Dataset Or Datareader?

Jun 20, 2007

i need help to know what is the best practice
i have a stored proc which returns 4 different resultselts
will that be easy to use dataset or datareader?
my purpose of using dataset/datareader is to load the data in a class

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Datareader Problem

Aug 20, 2007

I cant seem to get this working right...I have a datareader which i loop through...i want to test each value to see if its null but i cant get the syntax right.  
I know i use dr.item("columnname") or dr(0) to pick a certain column but i dont know the column names and want to check them all anyway.  What is the syntax to do this.
Thanks for any help...this is prob very simple but just cant see it.
--------------------------------------------While dr.Read
If dr(0) Is System.DBNull.Value Then
Return "test"End If
End While

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Problem With Datareader

Aug 25, 2007

Hello     i creae one programm, there is an two data reader and two Gridview or datagrid , and my programm have one error my programm is there  using System;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;using System.Collections;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Data.SqlClient;public partial class aries : System.Web.UI.Page{    SqlConnection con;    SqlCommand cmd;    SqlDataReader dr;    SqlDataReader dr1;    SqlCommand cmd1;        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        string str;        str = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DBconnect"];        con = new SqlConnection(str);        con.Open();        cmd = new SqlCommand("select color from zodiac_color where Sno=1", con);        dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();        GridView1.DataSource = dr;        GridView1.DataBind();        cmd1=new SqlCommand("select number from zodiac_number where Sno=1",con);        dr1 = cmd.ExecuteReader();        GridView2.DataSource = dr1;        GridView2.DataBind();    }}  i want to calll two value in a same database but the table is diffrent so please help me ?The error is ::---------    There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first. please help me ashwani kumar 

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Datareader Problem

Apr 9, 2008

hi to all , check this once..this all data related to bus seats SeatNo1,SeatNo2 seats varchar in databaseSt1,St2    status(bit in database sqlserver2000) All my code is working when reader[i + 2].ToString() == "True" is remove from code plz tell me solution gow to ckeck status with datareaderSqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select SeatNo1,SeatNo2,St1,St2 from tblSts where
BUSID='S0008'", sqlCon);



reader = command.ExecuteReader();

        int x =



(int i = 0; i <= reader.FieldCount - 1; i++)


                x = (i + 1);

                System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label myLabel = ((System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label)(Page.FindControl(("Label"
+ x))));

                System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox myCheckbox = ((System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox)(Page.FindControl(("Checkbox"
+ x))));

(reader[i].ToString() != "NULL"
&& reader[i + 2].ToString() == "True"))


                    myLabel.Text =

                    myCheckbox.Checked = false;




                    myLabel.Text =

                    myCheckbox.Visible = false;





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Datareader Timeout

Apr 25, 2008

In my web site I call all the content from the database with the use of querystrings. I use datareader to call the data each time a request appears from the querystring.  Although I close all the connections I still get occasionally the following error:
Timeout expired the timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occured because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
If it is not a programming error then what could it be? I use sql server 2005 and vs 2005 2.0 .

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Open Datareader

May 2, 2008

"There is already an open datareader associated with this command which must be closed first." 
I have received this same error before, but I'm not sure why I'm getting it here.'Create a Connection object.
MyConnection = New SqlConnection("...............................")

'Check whether a TMPTABLE_QUERY stored procedure already exists.
MyCommand = New SqlCommand("...", MyConnection)

With MyCommand
'Set the command type that you will run.
.CommandType = CommandType.Text

'Open the connection.

'Run the SQL statement, and then get the returned rows to the DataReader.
MyDataReader = .ExecuteReader()

'Try to create the stored procedure only if it does not exist.
If Not MyDataReader.Read() Then
.CommandText = "create procedure tmptable_query as select * from #temp_table"

End If

.Dispose() 'Dispose of the Command object.
MyConnection.Close() 'Close the connection.
End With
As you can see, the connection is opened and closed, and the datareader is closed.   Here's what comes next...'Create another Connection object.
ESOConnection = New SqlConnection("...")

If tx_lastname.Text <> "" Then
If (InStr(sqlwhere, "where")) Then
sqlwhere = sqlwhere & " AND lname like '" & Replace(tx_lastname.Text, "'", "''") & "%'"
sqlwhere = " where lname like '" & Replace(tx_lastname.Text, "'", "''") & "%'"
End If
End If
If tx_firstname.Text <> "" Then
If (InStr(sqlwhere, "where")) Then
sqlwhere = sqlwhere & " AND fname like '" & Replace(tx_firstname.Text, "'", "''") & "%'"
sqlwhere = " where fname like '" & Replace(tx_firstname.Text, "'", "''") & "%'"
End If
End If

dynamic_con = sqlwhere & " order by arr_date desc "

'create the temporary table on esosql.
CreateCommand = New SqlCommand("CREATE TABLE #TEMP_TABLE (".............", ESOConnection)

With CreateCommand
'Set the command type that you will run.
.CommandType = CommandType.Text

'Open the connection to betaserv.

'Run the SQL statement.

End With

'query our side
ESOCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [arrest_index]" & dynamic_con, ESOConnection)

'execute query
ESODataReader = ESOCommand.ExecuteReader()

'loop through recordset and populate temp table
While ESODataReader.Read()

MyInsert = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO #TEMP_TABLE VALUES("......", ESOConnection)

'Set the command type that you will run.
MyInsert.CommandType = CommandType.Text

'Run the SQL statement.

End While

ESODataReader.Close()  'Create a DataAdapter, and then provide the name of the stored procedure.
MyDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("TMPTABLE_QUERY", ESOConnection)

'Set the command type as StoredProcedure.
MyDataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'Create a new DataSet to hold the records and fill it with the rows returned from stored procedure.
DS = New DataSet()
MyDataAdapter.Fill(DS, "arrindex")

'Assign the recordset to the gridview and bind it.
If DS.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
GridView1.DataSource = DS
End If

'Dispose of the DataAdapter

'Close server connection
ESOConnection.Close() Again, a separate connection is open and closed.I've read you can only have 1 datareader available per connection. Isn't that what I have here? The error is returned on this line: MyInsert.ExecuteNonQuery()
Help is appreciated.

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Datareader And Dataset

Nov 3, 2003


I am using a datareader to access data via a stored procedure. The reason for using the datareader is that the stored procedure is multi level depending on the variable sent to it. However I want to do two things with the data being returned.

The first is to poulate a datagrid - which I've done.
The second is to produce an Infragistic Web Graph. However according to the background reading I have done so far, I can only populate the graph from one of the following: datatable,dataview,dataset,Array or Ilist.

I don't want to make another call to the server for the same information, so how can I get the data out of a stored procedure into a dataset or dataview?



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DataReader Not Reading

Jan 13, 2004

Why won't this dataReader read?

Dim objCon2 As New SqlConnection()
objCon2.ConnectionString = "a standard connection string"

Dim objCommand As SqlCommand
objCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, objCon2)
Dim objReader As SqlDataReader
objReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader()

Label1.Text = objReader("email")

strSQL is a select command which I've checked (using SQL Query analyzer) does return data. I know the connection string is valid (and I presume if it wasn't that it'd fail on, which it doesn't).

So why oh why do I get this error on the last line (and yes, there is an "email" field in the contents of the reader)

System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.

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Datareader And Arrays

Apr 22, 2004

I have data I am retrieving using a datareader...and SQLSERVER
It could return 1 row of information or perhaps 3 rows of information
I need to know how to use an array here I would guess so I can access each element in this row or rows.

HOw might I use and get it into the array

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Clarification On DataReader

Jan 19, 2006

I want to create a DataList that shows products, which will be on
multiple pages. I have my stored proc to show paged results, which
contains a return value for more records.
I have found examples of coding the DataReader, defining all the
parameters etc, but what about the drag and drop SqlDataSource?? You
can select the DataSource Mode to be "DataReader". I can put select
parameters in, with input and my return value. I don't know how to then
access the return value, or output value if needed, from this? My
DataList references the SqlDataSource, but I don't know how to get the
return/output value out??? This is very frustrating, cause I can't find
any info about it anywhere. Always input parameters, but no output.
This is my current SqlDataSource...

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
DataSourceMode="DataReader" ConnectionString="<%$
ConnectionStrings:Personal %>" SelectCommand="sp_PagedItems"
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Page" QueryStringField="page" />
            <asp:Parameter Name="RecsPerPage" DefaultValue="10" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="CategoryID" QueryStringField="cat"
<asp:Parameter Name="RETURN_VALUE" Direction="ReturnValue" Size="1"

If I take out the RETURN_VALUE Parameter, my results display in my data
list, but that's useless if I can't access the return value to
determine the remaining number of pages etc. Is my RETURN_VALUE
parameter wrong? How do I access that? My stored proc is shown below...

    @Page int,
    @RecsPerPage int,
    @CategoryID int

-- We don't want to return the # of rows inserted
-- into our temporary table, so turn NOCOUNT ON

--Create a temporary table
   No varchar(100),
   Name varchar(100),
   SDescription varchar(500),
   Size varchar(10),
   ImageURL varchar(100)

-- Insert the rows from tblItems into the temp. table
INSERT INTO #TempItems (No, Name, SDescription, Size, ImageURL)
SELECT No, Name, SDescription, Size, ImageURL FROM Products WHERE CategoryID=@CategoryID

-- Find out the first and last record we want
DECLARE @FirstRec int, @LastRec int
SELECT @FirstRec = (@Page - 1) * @RecsPerPage
SELECT @LastRec = (@Page * @RecsPerPage + 1)

-- Now, return the set of paged records, plus, an indiciation of we
-- have more records or not!
       MoreRecords =
    FROM #TempItems TI
    WHERE TI.ID >= @LastRec
FROM #TempItems
WHERE ID > @FirstRec AND ID < @LastRec

-- Turn NOCOUNT back OFF

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RecordCount With Datareader

Apr 22, 2006

I am very disappinted where Datareader have no RecordCount where I can get the total records it read. I guess I found a way:
sql = "SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id DESC) AS c FROM ACCOUNTS  ORDER BY c DESC"Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sql, New SqlConnection(_DBConnectionString))            command.Connection.Open()            _ReturnDataReader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)            command.Dispose()            _TotalRecord = _ReturnDataReader.GetInt64(_ReturnDataReader.GetOrdinal("c"))
Have SQL Server 2005 count for me....

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