Move Table To Sql Server

Mar 21, 2008

Hi all,

I have worked mostly in oracle, and new to sql server. I am trying to move a very small table from oracle database to sql server database. I see a different methods I can do this, I guess DTS etc.
I tried import wizard in SSMS, I was not succesful in that.
Can any expert suggest me any possible ways of doing this the best way? Thank you very much!

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How To Move One Table And It's Dependancies To A New Server

Jul 5, 2007


To reduce the load on my current server I wish to move a table which is being updated frequently by a static feed to an independant server.

Is there any way of moving a table with all of it's dependancies (Stored procedures and other tables) to another server without manually finding them all.

I'm very new to this as you can tell so if you require specifics let me know :)


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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Move Data From One To Another Table

Jul 29, 2014

I have a table attendance_details in both database DB1 and DB2, i need to move 01/7/14 and 02/7/14 records from db1 to db2, My table contains

employee_no INT,
date_of_attendance datetime,
present varchar(20),
shift_type VARCHAR(20),
marked_by VARCHAR(50)

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SQL 2012 :: Move Table From One Server To Another Via SSIS

Oct 9, 2015

I would like to know that how can I move 70 plus tables that are on sql 7.0 to sql 2012 via SSIS.I know its a two step process but what is the best route and how I can process.

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Move Table Records Into New Database In The Same Server

Aug 2, 2007

I have a question here.

I have a Audit tables database. I want to archive the Audit Tables data to another new database in the same server and remove the data in the Actual database but continues with the table seed where it's the primary ID.

I have a AuditProducts Table with AuditID as BIGINT and auto increment value.
contains10,000 records in AuditTable Database.

I want to archive the tables to a new database: Audit200707

After archived, the AuditProducts Table in AuditTable database will remove all the records and continues with 10001 in the next record.

How can I done the whole process using T-SQL so that it can schedule and run for every month? BTW I am using SQL Server 2005 SP2.

Thanks and regards,

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Move Table In Sql Server Management Studio 2005 Express

Feb 7, 2007

I have two databases in sql server management studio and I want to move tables from one into another.  Is this possible?  and how?  Thanks

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SQL Server 2014 :: Move Data / Findings Into A Perm Table?

Oct 18, 2014

I would like to move the data / findings into a perm table?The reason for this is so clients can connect to the table using excel. I have another stored procedure which is setup in this process already and it works well. I basically have the stored procedure setup on a task to run early in the morning so when clients get up they connect and get their data.



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Query To Move Certian Data From Sql Table To Access Table

Dec 14, 2007

hi all,
is there any query to move certain data from a sql data to access table through query. i am having a requirement where i have to fetch the records from a sql table that falls within a specified range to a ms access table. is this possible through a query.


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I Want To Move An Existing Table From Another

May 28, 2007

I want to move an existing table from another.
B.mdf  dbo.xx   to C.mdf  dbo.xx
B.mdf dbo.xx   has records   -  I created a script and install the script for C.mdf dbo.xx  
C.mdf dbo.xx  is empty - 
All I need now is to populate the records from B.mdf dbo.xx to the empty  C.mdf  dbo.xx
I was telling I could do a cut and paste to copy the dbo.xx  
Thank you in advance.
~  Peaches ~

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Move Large Table From DB To DB

Mar 3, 2004

I have a table of approx 1/2 million rows.

On a nightly basis, this table gets rebuilt in a temporary database. Once the table has been built and scrubbed, i need to move it into our webservers db.

I'd like to do this with minimal interuption to the website.

Possible techniques:

1) I could set up a DTS package to copy the table object overwriting the destination table

2) I could export to a flat file and then bulk import into the live table (after truncating it)

3) I could run a process to update smaller chunks of data at a time running delete queries and insert queries.

Anybody have a thought on the best way to do this so that the web users would be virtually unaware that anything was happening ?

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How Do I Move Records From One Table To The Other?

Jun 30, 2000

Here is the sql code I am using. However this code adds duplicate records. It adds the record and exactly one extra record... any help would be greatly appreciated...

It's wrapped in a little ASP code:

sql2 = "INSERT INTO prodcampsignup " &_
"(Camp_ID,UserName,Password,CampName,Host,Director ,Contact,Address, " &_
"City,State,Zip,Country,Phone,AlternatePhone,Fax,C ontactEmail,AdminEmail, " &_
"URL,CampProfile, InsertTime)" &_
"SELECT * FROM tempcampsignup WHERE Camp_ID = " & lastid

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Move Table To Different Filegroup

Oct 28, 2005

I will be moving production SQL databases (one is 25Gb, the other is 3Gb) to a new server. One of the reasons is the old server has only IDE disks while the new has raid (I don't know the configuration yet).
Database 1 has a primary and one other filegroup. I want to spread the disk I/O by moving table A to it's own filegroup on it's own disk.
For the purposes of testing I have
1. brought a database onto a test server (using sp_detach_db, copying the files and attaching using sp_attach_db)
2. created a new filegroup
3. created a physical file on disk, allocated space and associated with my new filegroup

my question is how do I now move table A into this file?

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Move Table To Other Filegroup?

Jul 8, 2004

Hi every body,

Is there anyone know the way to move a table with data to other file group?

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Move Table To Another Database

Jun 21, 2008

hello everybody,

how can I move (or copy) a table from one database to another database in ms sql server? does a syntax code exist for that operation.

thanks a lot

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Move Table To Different Filegroup

Dec 9, 2007

SQl experts and gurus:

How to move tables to the new filegroup which i created. suppose my database has only primary FG and after that i added one FG and due to performance reasons i want to move the existing table to NEW FG.

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Move Info From A Table In One Db To Another

Mar 25, 2008

Hello All.

I just made some huge changes to a database on the development computer. However, I want to transfer all of the information from the Employees table in the old DB to the new DB (no changes made on that table).

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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How Do You Move Data From One Table To Another?

Apr 2, 2008

I don't know what to do here please help! I have 2 tables here and I want to move selected data in one table to another but im not sure how to do it.

Thanks in advance =)

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Move Rocord From Table To Table

Feb 19, 2006

hi, i have 2 question here hope someone can help me.

1) INSERT INTO table2 (col1, col2, col3....)
SELECT col1,col2, col3
FROM table1
WHERE someting.....

the select statement used the .ExecuteReader and the insert statement used .ExecuteNonQuery how to join this both used in question (1)? guide me step by step.

2) by refer to question (1), how to move 1000 or more rocord from table1 to table2 ?. how to i store the 1000 records from table1. is there any solution to this problem.

anyone help appreciate! thanks

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Move Data From Table A Into Table B

Jan 28, 2008

Hi, I'm using sql 2005,
what i want to do is:

first, i want filter data from table A if IC_NO and passport_Number no is null

then after get the result, i want move the result into table B.
my table as below:Table A
======= ====== ===========
1. 123 A123
3. 456 A456

your post really highly appreciated


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Move A Table (and Its Contents!) To Another Database

Jan 23, 2007

I am relatively new to this stuff.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express  (9.00.1399.00)
Can someone tell me the way to get a table and its content to another database (I use two at webhosts4life)
Or perhaps a way to export the data of a table so I can do it at a later stage.
Is that at all possible with this program or do I have to use the non-express version?
Thanks in advance,

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Move/Copy Table(s) Between Databases

Jul 8, 2005

I need to learn how to move or copy a couple of tables from one database to another. The tables are defined but contain no data.

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Move SQL Table To Another File Group

Oct 25, 2005

Hi, I have huge SQL table (5 mil records), currently it is on primary file group, is there any way to move it to another file group?Thanks.

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Move Data From One Column To Another In Same Table

Sep 12, 2004

Okay, after I got everything imported, I found that a few thousand columns had "Shifted" on me. So now I am trying to "Shift them over" to where they need to be.

I did this:

I populated the PN column with 8888888888 to use as a reference point, and the MFG column already was populated with the correct name, so I was using those as my unique reference points.

Other columns that have the same MFG name are correct, so I have to use two unique identifiers to specify the actual data that needs to be moved.

It inserted 'NULL' in the whole table after I ran it in the Query Analyzer. It appeared to disregard the WHERE statement all together
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong here?

Is there a way to move the data from one column to the next one over by specifying other WHERE criterias?

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How To Move Duplicate Data Into Other Table

Dec 10, 2013

We need to move duplicate data from this sheet to other table also having issue that sometime verifiedmemberID is null as well as verifiermember name is null and also having the values in BCP authorisationcode as well as FPoveridecode but transactionmode/bcpmode is 'n' and also having condition that transactionmode/bcpmode is 'y' but bcpauthorisationcode is blank.



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Using DTS To Move Data To A New Table With Some Datatype Changes

Jul 23, 2005

I have a production application that I am building some upgrades usinga second (empty) copy the database. A few of the upgrades includedchanging the datatypes of a few fields from varchar to int(all thevalues in this column are already numbers)I am not trying to move the data from the production database into theblank database using DTS and the fields that had their datatypeschanged are getting dropped by dts.Is there anyway to move this data easily through dts or through anothermethod and not have the fields with the datatype changes get dropped?I have about 60 tables so it is not as simple as just copying andpasting the data..

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Needs To Move One Task To Another Once My ETL Table Gets Updated

May 14, 2008

Hi All,

I have SSIS package where i will be refreshing 5 cubes. Here i am running my package every 15 minutes because i dont know when my ETL tables inserted once my ETL job is done. My question is that i need to move to another task once my first cube get refreshed. i.e when my first cube gets processed for first 15 minutes i will be updating some column as timestamp in ETL table. And then i will be processing remaining four cubes. For the second 15 minutes i should not process the same first cube rather i should process only the four cubes. Because these four cubes data i am getting from different region.

It can be done in SS 2000 under active x script task. But i need to do it in SSIS under Script Task where i will be checking in ETL table whether my TimeStamp column has value or not. Is it possible to do it? Moreover we have option like disconnected edit in DTS 2000. Is there any similar way to acheive?

Thanks in advance,
Anand Rajagopal

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Move Data To Archive Table. Need Suggestions.

Mar 14, 2008

I have two tables say A and Archive. After a certain period of time some records are to be sent to archive table.To copy records to archive table I am using SqlBulkCopy operations.Now I have to delete the records from A Table. I was thinking of sending a Comma seperated id's of rows that are to be deleted to a stored procedure.Are there any better techniques to move data to archive table and to remove data from main table.?Thanks. 

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Programmatically Move Varbinary Data From One Table To Another

Apr 6, 2008

Hey all,
Another varbinary question.
I am trying to move an image stored in a table varbinary(max) directly from one table to another programmatically.
The rest of the data is just nvarchar(50) so I just use a T-SQL select statement in the code behind and feed all of the date into an SqlDataReader, I do this becuse there is some user interaction when the data is moved, so there may be some new values updated when transfering from one table to another, so once the old and possibly new data is stored in seperate variables then I use a T-SQL insert statement to move all of the data into the other table.
Problem is I am not really sure how to handle the image data(varbinary(max)) to just do a straight up transfer from the one table to another. I get conversion errors when trying to handle the data as a string which makes sense.
Not sure what to put for code examples since I really am stumped with this, but here is what is not working.
Dim imageX As String
SqlDataReader Code - imageX = reader("imageData")
Insert code - myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@imageData", imageX)
Thanks in advance,

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Move Data From Excel File To A Table (MS SQL)

Aug 22, 2005

I have an application , user will read information in Excel file and insert that data into my application, I think it spend a lot of time. I want to make a tool which move data from Excel file to a table in My application (MS SQL) automaticly. How to do it, anybody has tool or know how to do, pls help me.thanks.

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Move Column Of Data To Another Table With A Join

Oct 12, 2013

I have two tables. They both have an identity field to join them together. One of the tables has a column of data that I want to put in the other table. I need to make sure the data is brought over using the join so it updates that column for the right record.

I am struggling with this. Should I use a update or an insert? I'm leaning toward update but I can't figure out how with the join.

This is what I have tried so far:

Update grpcon.GroupID = groups.GroupID
from grpcon Inner Join groups
on grpcon.GroupNum=groups.GroupNum

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How To Move Data From One Table To Multiple Tables

Mar 18, 2008

Hello All,

I do have one large table, say "emp" having 80 columns. now as the requirement changes, i have to partition the "emp" table to 8 tables.

I want all of my existing data ["emp" table data] to be there in my new tables . i don't want to delete the existing data from "emp" table.

Cal any one please help me out to resolve this issue.

Prashant Hirani

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Fastest Way To Move Huge Table Across Servers

Mar 23, 2008

Hi Guys,

What is the fast way to move huge table (77 million) records with 25 columns across servers? The servers are not linked though.

Thanks for the help.

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How To Move A Table From A File Group(primary) To Another

Oct 8, 2007


I´m trying to move one table to another filegroup, the actual table is created in the primary group, so I´m trying to do this:


- .- add mi file group
NAME = hemsa_devBitacora,
FILENAME = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatahemsa_devBitacora.ndf',
SIZE = 500MB,
MAXSIZE = Unlimited,

-- And I want to add my table in my new filegroup

-- Im trying with:
ALTER TABLE BitacoraPeso ON bitacora
- - or
ALTER TABLE BitacoraPeso MOVE TO bitacora

But It doesnt work....

Any Idea??


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