Moving Local Packages And Jobs From One DB To Another

Feb 3, 2005

Hi boys and girls, I am a total newbie to ms sql. So please be gentle.

I have a ms sql database on one server but I need a duplicate of the ms sql database on another server with all packages and jobs duplicated on the new server.

I was able to export the database over to the new database on the new server no problems there.

The problem is under DTS I have "local packages" that all need to be moved to the new server. I am able to export them into my computer. But on the new server there is no import for the local packages. How do I get these packages onto the new server into my server's ms sql???

Also under the management and sql agent manager, there are jobs that are on the old db, that I need to go to the new server in ms sql.

Any help at all would be appreciated!!!

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Moving A SQL Server 2000 Database From A Local Drive To Another Local Drive

Jan 31, 2008

Being a very novice SQL Server administrator, I need to ask the experts a question.

How do I go about moving a database from 1 drive to another? The source drive (C is local to the server, but the target drive (E is on a Storage Area Network (SAN), although it is still a local drive for the server. I want to move the database from C: to E:. Can someone provide me with instructions?


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Moving Jobs

Jul 24, 2007


I am moving DBs from one server(say Server A) to other (say server B) & once everything moved i will rename the Server B to Server A.

-I am backing up from .bak file & .trn file.

Now, i am confused here..

How to trasnfer all jobs running on server A to server B?

I am really novice to DTS.

If some one can throw somelight on that,that will really helpfull for me.

With Regards.


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Moving Jobs To A New Server

Jan 21, 2001

I have to move my SQL server data from win95 to NT.
When it comes to databases I would execute attach option.
When it comes to backup devices I think I could simply copy the folder where
backup devices are being located? IS it true??
How about moving jobs; DTS and Database Maintenance Plans???
Any Ideas??

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Moving Jobs From One Server To Another

Oct 19, 2000

Hi ,

I need to move databases and related jobs from one server to another.

I can move the database no problem. how can I get jobs moving.

Pls help me


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Oct 22, 2001

Perhaps an ignorant question, but is there a way to back up the jobs and packages in SQL server 7..????

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Packages Related With Its Jobs...

Oct 26, 2005


I have diferent jobs scheduled in the system but I can´t find which Package is launched by the job. I only have this information: (double click over the job, steb tab, modify button for any job step, in the command text window)

DTSRun /~Z0x9D852D31537078274085C85BE05756CCE0CA78671EC12A 4BDFFEC4E5E6017E4841EE5F41C492CCAA7F5746CA894011BB 376479B6E679EC3C6045C328D1EF1CDA7CF28B6EEFE9DFE923 7DF5662AE09BD6215C35AA4121BD2DE4433C7BABEE42EC87E7 0F47EA7C01FB44CB28

I would like to know the Package name related to.

Any help would be very appreciated.


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Uh Oh,,,both My Jobs And My Packages Fail-any Ideas?

Jan 8, 2001

Today when I came into work, I noticed all of my jobs failed on a particular server. I tried to manually kick off the packages, but to no avail. Both the job history and the error message from the packages state a timeout error.
Any idea on this? Also, I have no problem running a query from query analyzer...even on a remote machine.
Any help would be appreciated

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Executing Multiple Jobs / Local Packeges At Once

Jan 3, 2005

Hi all,

Is there any way so that we can run/ execute multiple jobs or local packeges at once. Can we create any sql script which will execute multiple jobs/packeges at once. please advise

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Moving Reporting Services Database And Jobs To Another Server

Mar 10, 2008


I am new to the sql server, we need to move the database from one server to another from developer's edition to standard edition of sql server 2005. it has the reproting services and lot of reporting service jobs are running on the server now. we need to move all those jobs also to the new server. could some body help me on how to move the database and reporting services jobs to the another server. Thanks!

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Moving DTS Packages

Apr 30, 2001

Is there a way that I can move DTS packages from test machine to production machine? Or do I have to recreate new packages in production.

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SQL 7 To To Transfer User Id's, Jobs, And DTS Packages

Feb 11, 2003


I want to move a db from a SQL server 7 to SQL Server 2K. I'll do a backup and restore function to move the database, but how do I handle the objects mentioned in the header ?

Bothe servers (old and new) will have the same name, as well as the DB

All help is appreciated !

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SQL Agent Jobs Hung - SSIS Packages

Jun 26, 2007

I'm having an issue in SQL Server 2005 with jobs that execute SSIS packages. The jobs run fine for a week or so, then I'll come to find that four or five (of the ten or so jobs) are hung in "executing" status. They seem to hang indefinitely (as some have been "executing" for hours with no end. The schedules of the hung jobs are all different, varying from every 10 minutes to nightly. The packages perform completely diffent tasks, as well. I can't seem to find any common thread with the jobs that get hung, other than they are all executing SSIS packages.

I've tried manually stopping the jobs and restarting the agent and SQL Server but the jobs hang again on there next scheduled run. The only thing that fixes the issue is rebooting the box, and then the jobs hang again in a week or so. Could some sort of memory leak be consuming resources throughout the week and be causing the jobs to eventually hang? I just rebooted the box and the sqlagent90.exe process is currently using about 7mb of memory. I'll keep an eye on it. Any other suggestions?

I've thought of creating another job that stops jobs that are hung, but what's to say that this job won't get hung as well? Plus this seems like a band-aid fix...

I don't recall having these problems until installing SQL Server 2005 SP2. Could this be related? I've searched like crazy and still can't find a resolution to this. It's becoming a big PITA...

Anyway, any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

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Moving Repository Dts Packages?

Jan 21, 2002

How can move repository stored dts packages. Where do they store?



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Moving DTS Packages For Dev Env To Prod Env

Apr 15, 2008


How to move DTS packages from Dev env to Prod Env.(I know Export /Import).

Thanks in Advance.

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Using ASPX Page To Trigger SQL DTS Packages / SQL Schedule Jobs

Aug 19, 2007


any1 tried using a button in aspx page to trigger SQL DTS packages or SQL schedule jobs??
(*using SQL2000)

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Moving Data From Local To Remote

Jun 25, 2006

Hi All,
I am completely new to VS2005 and .net2.0 but I am learning fast! But one thing that I am struggling with is the deployment of my website, or to be more precise the deployment of the data that was created during development on my local machine.
I have used VS2005 to create a simple personal site. I have created a single user (myself) in an admin and friends role. So far so good. The site works great on my local machine, all the default photos provided with the site display correctly etc and I can log in OK.
My remote server (ie my web hosts) provide me with a separate SQL server on which to install my databases. I have created a database on this server and configured it so that it contains all the correct tables and schemas etc. I have modified my web config file to connect to this database and when I browse to my default.aspx page it displays in my browser fine...EXCEPT that none of the data ( ie the photos and user data) is in the database so therefore no pictures display and I can't log in!!
What I can't figure out is how do I get all the data from my local app_data folder into my new remote database!!?? I can't find anything that explains how to do this. Surely this is one of the most important operations of all since data is what .net2.0 is all about!
Thanks in anticipation

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Moving A Local Database C# To SQL V2005

Dec 10, 2007

Hi all,
I made a test local SQL database from inside visual c# express edition. I now want to port that over to sql server 2005.

Q: How can this be done?
I tried to detach the loca database in the bin drive in my dot net project and then attach it using sql server attach option.
This does not work.. I keepo gettind an error that the database is empty.
Or maybe I am not doing it right.

Q: If this can not be done is there a way to generate the scripts so that I do not have to redo this extensive database again?

Hopefully some SQL procedures were let intact and the learning curve from 2003 is not as fustrationg as the C# version.

Any helpful remarks or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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Moving DTS Packages To Another Server-Urgent

Oct 5, 2000

I have been trying to move dts packages from one server to another server. I used the DTSBackup Utility to backup all the packages. The restore will not work.

If you know how to transfer Packages please let me know.


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Question On Moving Packages To Another Server

May 8, 2007

I am trying to move a package to another server, the package is on the file system and I made certain that the folders are the same and the paths match.

However when executing on the other server I get an error 0xC0012050 whil loadin package file...package failed validation from the Execute Package task. The package cannot run.

The path in the error is correct and the package name is correct.

This is one package executing 2 other packages.

Also then when it tried to run the package I received the "package cannot run" error - I received the ODBC error 08001 error during OPENP in DBOpen ERROR [08001] PLAN ALREADY EXISTS.

Am I getting the second error because I received the first error that the Package cannot run?

How do I determine why the package cannot run on the other server?

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Oct 12, 2006

hi, does anyone know how can i move a group of ssis packages from the original path into another one in the same server???? from ssis services? just like we do it with the windows explorer????

thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!

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Errors After Moving Packages To 64-bit Machine

Jan 15, 2008


I have a bunch of SSIS packages that were created on a 32-bit machine (OS as well as SQL Server) where they run without error. I have moved them to a machine with a 64-bit OS as well as 64-bit Enterprise SQL Server, SP2. Initially I encountered errors with the packages that contained Script Transformation tasks where I had to set PreCompile=True. This allowed me to execute the packages individually. When I try and execute them as a batch, I encounter errors on various packages. They don't seem to be consistent - sometimes the error occurs on one package, the next time it will be on a different package. Sometimes they occur pre-execute, sometimes post-execute. Here are a couple of example errors:

[OLE DB Command [1007]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ".
[Insert Destination [1177]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ".

The source database is on a different server, but the destination database is on the same server as the SSIS packages for testing purposes. Any information would be appreciated...


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Simple Question; Is There A Way To Geneteate A List Of Databases, Jobs, DTS Packages

Jul 5, 2006

I need to generate a list of databases, jobs, DTS packages, Linked servers, and users.
Is there a simple script or procedure for this?


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Where Does SQL Server "track" DTS Local Packages?

Feb 6, 2002

Where does SQL Server "track" DTS Local Packages?
I've looked through the tables in master but,
couldn't find anything that referenced the packages.

I need to maintain a list of a few hundred packages
and would like to do it using queries.


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Migrating Local Packages From 1 Server To Another ??

Sep 4, 2006

How do i migrate local packages from 1 server to another ? Is there a quick way of doing that in sql server 2000 ?

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SQL 2012 :: Moving TempDB To Local Non-clustered Drive

Sep 11, 2014

We are seeing very high Average Disk Queue Length numbers in one of our clusters (both nodes of the cluster are Virtual, but have their own dedicated virtual environments). Our main data drive also houses TempDB, which I would like to move.

Each node in the Active/Passive cluster are running Windows Server 2012 Standard 64bit and SQL Server 2012 Enterprise 64bit. There is a separate drive for Log files and data files.

The data files also have TempDB on them as previously mentioned. I am reading that you can set up a local disk on each node of the cluster, with the same drive letter and path and then move tempdb as you would with a stand alone SQL Server.

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Moving Sql 2000 DTS Packages To Sql 2005 Standard Edition

Feb 23, 2006

I have been tasked with upgrading around 150 SQL Server 2000 DTS packages to SSIS in SQL Server 2005 standard edition. I made a backup of the 2000 database upon which the DTS packages operate and restored it to the SQL 2005 server. So far, so good. I have the database in place. Now I need to get the DTS packages themselves into the SLQ 2005 server. I think I need to check my install and make sure that I have the SQL Server 2000 DTS services installed on the SQL 2005 server. I can do that.

However, I wonder what would be the most effective way to physically get the packages from the SQL 2000 server to the SQL 2005 server. Should I use structured storage files? If so, how do I go about opening them in SQL 2005 in order to save them to SQL server 2005?

I should mention that these packages make heavy use of ActiveX scripting so I am looking at rewriting them from scratch to be SSIS packages. I just need the packages on the SQL Server 2005 box so I can make sure I am creating exactly the same functionality in 2005 as existed in SQL server 2000. Each DTS 2000 individual package tends to be fairly simple and I think I can greatly improve the process by consolidating them.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

S. Wells

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Problems With Parent Variable Configuration After Moving Packages To New Machine...

Oct 3, 2007

Hi everybody,
I moved my packages to the new machine, and have problem with parent variables.
When child package tries to get parent variable value I get an error:

Information: 0x40016042 at LoopPackage: The package is attempting to configure from the parent variable "MAIN_SesId".

Warning: 0x80012028 at LoopPackage: Process configuration failed to set the destination at the package path of "Package.Variables[User::MAIN_SesId].Properties[Value]". This occurs when attempting to set the destination property or variable fails. Check the destination property or variable.

Thanks, for any information.

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SQL Jobs Calling SSIS Packages Within MSDB Not Referencing Connection Info In Config Files

Nov 13, 2007

I have deployed to production a number of nested packages (parent packages that call child packages) to the SQL msdb via the Save As option rather than building a deployment utility. These packages reference configuration files in a static location off of the c: drive on the production server. In the development environment, when connection changes are made and I run the Reload with Upgrade option the connection manager takes on the new server and user id settings. However, out on the production side I get the following error from the SQL job log:

Cannot load the XML configuration file. The XML configuration file may be malformed or not valid.

As a result the SQL job uses the default connection information which references the development database rather than the production database. I did research the error but found no good solutions. Is there a way to ensure the configuration files are formed correctly and that the packages are correctly referencing the configuration files? We are trying to run the ETL updates via a SQL job.

Any suggestions? Thanks.


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Problem In Transporting SSIS Packages From The Local System To Development

Jan 2, 2008

Posts 7

Dear all
I have developed some packages (around 40) on my local system.
now i m trying to move the integration services project on the production server.
when i double click on the intergration services from the local drive of the server all the packages are up(works fine till here)
now i open any of the package-->this is what happens
Prompt1)-->TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
There were errors while the package was being loaded.
The package might be corrupted.
See the Error List for details.

i press ok and then the prompt comes
Prompt2-->There were build errors.Do you want to continue with the last build and
i click yes ..and then error comes

Error loading RTS-IMRB-DISTRIBUTION.dtsx: The connection "Excel Connection Manager" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.

and finally the prompt for the OLE DB error
prompt 4-->[OLE DB Destination [14]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "NDELNTX46.IMRB RTS.siddharth" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

Possible work around suggested to me was that in the base system(read local) before exporting go to package properties and the security and set the security as "Encrypt all with password" and also put some Password which i did and it worked for one.
other thing i thought off was creating the configuration file but first i thought of fully running one complete package on the production and then think of the configuration file.
so i went inside the invidual excel connection and pointed it to the correct new file location and also edited the OLE DB database connection and put my user name and password and checked save password and trying to run the entire thing.
but still the same problem..
one more thing i observed was that my OLE DB was going off everytime i am running the package.and i have to enter my password othe save password i guess is not working

I know its a little long post..but i wanted to explain the entire process and problem to all with description.
all suggestions are welcome

Thanks in advance
cheers & Happy new year

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Moving Text File Properties For Sql2k Dts To Sql25k Ssis Packages???

Jun 2, 2006

Hi everyone,

We€™ve got almost 250 old dts packages which simply loading data into Sql tables from plain files or at the reverse point. Most of them are defined with fixed fields and its fixed positions one after one. We don€™t want to migrate them using Import wizard, on the contrary we€™re producing them from the beggining taking advantatge of SSIS architecture to the full.
And now, we€™re trying to imagine how to migrate automatically that valuable info from Sql Server 2000 to Sql Server 2005 without efforts€¦ You know, any program be able to move that detailed info
to SSIS.

So we would avoid to select again all these positions per each file -very tedious and we're lazy

I don€™t see how except, of course, migrate them directly

Let me know if you need further explanations or more clarity on that.

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Moving Sql Server Agent Server Jobs

May 6, 2008

I am actually the MOM administrator and only know enough SQL 2005 to keep mom working....sometimes I noticed on my dev mom box that SQL server agent has a lot of jobs configured to run against the mom onepoint database. The production box does not have these jobs. What would be the simplest way to export these jobs so that i can import them on the production box. Any help would be appreciated.

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Moving A SQL Server 2005 Database From The Local Network To An Online Server.

Mar 7, 2006

Hi All, first post.

I have done a bit of searching around and cant find a clear answer to this question.

Current Setup
Desktop application (c#) that connects to a SQL Server 2005 express database on the same local network as the application (currently 3 users)

It is only a very small company and has just taken on their first remote worker, but expects to take on another 6-8 over the next few months. They have asked for the database to be moved online.

The application was written in such a way that everything has been done using no stored procs, or views, it is all native SQL.

This will be my first DB hosted online and before I go ahead and do anything I just wanted to make sure what I have to do is correct, sorry if this is a very basic question, although I have been programming for a long time, I have never had the chance to do any online databases before.

Will this work.
1.Find a SQL Server 2005 Hosting company.
2.Move the database to the server.
3.Setup the users permissions.
3.Alter the connection string in the application to point to the new location.

So the only thing that would change would be a new connection string in the application preferences?

Or am I living in a dream world, because nothing is ever that simple.

One thing I am worried about is the security/visiblity of the database and data as it travels from the server to the client and back.

Thanks for any advise you can give.


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