Moving A Text File To Sql Server

Feb 17, 2008

I have a text file and moved the data to sql server using import and export data. These are step I am doing.

1. Open Microsoft Sql Server and select DTS Import Export Wizard
2. Using the wizard , I am selecting the Data Source as Text File and provided the file name.
3. In the next option, I am choosing Delimited , followed by Tab option.

4. Then, I am selecting the required Destination and the required Database also.
5. I am choosing the files specified and Run the file.

This method works perfectly.

However, I want a method, where I could avoid steps 1 thru 5 and provide the user a singe step. I mean just an execute of a stored procedure should do the steps 1 thru 5. Is that possible.


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Moving Text File Properties For Sql2k Dts To Sql25k Ssis Packages???

Jun 2, 2006

Hi everyone,

We€™ve got almost 250 old dts packages which simply loading data into Sql tables from plain files or at the reverse point. Most of them are defined with fixed fields and its fixed positions one after one. We don€™t want to migrate them using Import wizard, on the contrary we€™re producing them from the beggining taking advantatge of SSIS architecture to the full.
And now, we€™re trying to imagine how to migrate automatically that valuable info from Sql Server 2000 to Sql Server 2005 without efforts€¦ You know, any program be able to move that detailed info
to SSIS.

So we would avoid to select again all these positions per each file -very tedious and we're lazy

I don€™t see how except, of course, migrate them directly

Let me know if you need further explanations or more clarity on that.

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Moving Transaction Log File In SQL Server V7

Mar 2, 1999

I'm in the process of tuning a SQL Server v7 box and have decided that the transaction log would be better placed on its own disk. How do I move a transaction log ?

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Sql Server Express Problem When Moving From VWD File Based To IIS

Dec 5, 2006

Hi All,
We have a file based app built using Visual Web Developer and Sql Server Express 2005. We have finished development and testing and are now moving to the deployment stage. As a first step, we would like to be able to view it on a test machine using IIS (instead of VWDs built in web server). We have created a virtual directory in IIS and can view our app correctly at http:localhost/ForIIS_test.
However, when we get to a page that tries to access our Sql Sever Express database, we get the following error:
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:Documents and SettingsClaudeMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005WebSitesForIIS_testApp_Data estDatastore.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
Does anyone know how to overcome this problem? Any help appreciated.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Moving Tables To New File Group

Mar 16, 2015

I'm presented with an issue where by I need to reclaim a fair bit of unused space currently sat in the primary data file for my database. I don't want to run DBCC SHRINKDATABASE as we all know this could potentially have a some serious negative effects relating to index fragmentation.

So, how do I get the free space out of the data file? - I've decided to:

1. Add new new file group
2. Add a clustered index for all tables on the new file group
3. Shrink the primary file group as much as possible (hopefully giving me the free space back)
4. Drop the newly created clustered indexes for all tables

There are no clustered indexes currently for any of the tables!, so me temporarily creating/dropping one shouldn't be an issue. Are there any other ways I can get the free space back to the OS?

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Moving DBs With Full Text Search Enabled

Mar 24, 2008

SQL Server 2005 sp2 Standard Edition.

I have a bunch of databases to relocated. relocating them on the same server - I just want to split the data and log files onto their own Volumes. these DBs have Full Text Indexing enabled.
This Server is a brand new build and NOT in production yet

How is the best way to move these Dbs and how do locate and move the full text catalog for each?? or do I even have to worry about that?? Is back-restore (with move) better for this?

When I look in BOL.. here is the syntax for an attach

USE master;
--Detach the AdventureWorks database
sp_detach_db AdventureWorks;
-- Physically move the full text catalog to the new location.
--Attach the AdventureWorks database and specify the new location of the full-text catalog.
(FILENAME = 'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataAdventureWorks_Data.mdf'),
(FILENAME = 'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataAdventureWorks_log.ldf'),
(FILENAME = 'c:myFTCatalogsAdvWksFtCat')

Do I have to move the Full text Catalog? If so, how do I find it's current location. If I do have to move it, where is the best place to locate the catalogs???

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File System Task-Moving File

Jan 19, 2008

I have the following directories


I have a for each file loop and inside it a data flow that pulls from one of the flat files in the directory and then a file system task. If I choose the "Move File" option in the file system task to move the file to the archive directory, it fails with an access denied message. The access denied message occurs after a message saying file was successfully deleted. I am running this from BIDS right now and my local user can write delete etc in both the above directories. However, if I do a "copy file" in the file system task it seems to work. I think what is happening is it is deleting the file first and then trying to move it, but it no longer exists because it has been deleted--is this possible? Is this a bug of some sort?

For now I am going to workaround by putting in another file system task that deletes the files after they were copied and see how that goes, but would prefer just to do the "move" option.


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File System Task - Moving A File

Nov 7, 2006

I have a File System Task that uses variables to resolve the destination and source paths of a document. When I select the 'copyfile' operation...the document is copied from the source to the destination without error.

However when I change the property from 'copyfile' to 'movefile' I get an error and the document is not moved.

The source and destination variables contain a valid file path name since the copy commmand is working as expected. However when I alter the properties of the File System task to move the document. I get the following error:

Could not find a part of the path 'G:CommonInformation SystemsDropFilesrtNRT_ConfirmationOrder Confirmation Report_11062006.xlsOrder Confirmation Report_11062006.xls

It seems a little nonsensical since the document file paths are valid when performing a copy. For some reason the error log is showing that that the file path is the document name "Order Confirmation Report_11062006.xls" and adding it twice to the the directory path called "'G:CommonInformation SystemsDropFilesrtNRT_Confirmation" as you can see in the above error message.

To replicate the 'move' action...I added an extra File System Task that deletes the document once the copy has been performed. I would like some insight into why this doesn't seem to work.

Thank you.


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What Is The Best Way To Combine Two Text File Into One Text File In SSIS

Mar 20, 2008


I am looking for a way to combine two text files into one file. I am thinking of using a batch file (DOS command ) to do it. Any suggestion please?

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How Can I Store A Text File Into SQL Server?

Apr 6, 2004

Can some one give me some suggest?

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Linking A Text File To SQL Server

Jul 18, 2006

Hi all.

I need to create a Linked Server in SQL 2000 to a text file. Importing the file is not an option. It has to be linked. I tried creating a ODBC link to it but I must be doing something wrong because it didn't work.

Please help.


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Link Text File To Server

Dec 4, 2013

How to link a text file in sql server and how to save/reuse the import specifications.

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Generate A Text File From SQL Server

Feb 23, 2006


I need to generate a text file from SQL Server. The task automatically runs daily.

The format of the text file use "/" to separate the field and the row. At the end of the file, it adds number of char  and uses "". The number of char includes the data parts and excludes a few word of "the number of char".

For example,
The underline fonts mean the first row record. The Bold fonts mean the second row record. The Italic fonts mean the third row record. The red fonts mean the number of char and the end of file.


I am no idea about this problem. Please give me some suggestions. Thanks a lot


For your information

I use SQL Server 2000 in Windows 2000 Server environments

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Reading Text File Into SQl SERVER 2005

Mar 25, 2008

Hi All,
I Need to load the text(CSV) files into sql server using text reader. Please can any one give me the code for that.
I want read that file in web page only. I can't use Bulk Insert.
First I will read the file into data set. Then i wanna update that in sql server table.
 Thank you,

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Importing Text File Into SQL Server Problem

Aug 10, 2005

Hello,I am trying to load a text file into SQL Server but the text file seems to be in an unsual format that SQL Server is having a problem reading. I have tried the various options for delimited and fixed file formats.Any ideas would be appreciated.Sample of the file: Dn DCHB;… b`  DCHCVDR  SMGSWP04JOB08748SMA 704DSEARS VDR SWEEP 4   RDSSWSM REPTPROCSTEP1   V-1 &ÃŽ  &ÃŽ  BRTA_UA46  200508082345079999  BANNER PAGE                 ;… b`  DCHCVDR  SMGSWP04JOB08748SMA 704DSEARS VDR SWEEP 4   RDSSWSM REPTPROCSTEP1   V-1 &ÃŽ  &ÃŽ  BRTA_UA46  20050808234507 420                              ;… b`  DCHCVDR  SMGSWP04JOB08748SMA 704DSEARS VDR SWEEP 4   RDSSWSM REPTPROCSTEP1   V-1 &ÃŽ  &ÃŽ  BRTA_UA46  20050808234507 425                              ;… b`  DCHCVDR  SMGSWP04JOB08748SMA 704DSEARS VDR SWEEP 4   RDSSWSM REPTPROCSTEP1   V-1 &ÃŽ  &ÃŽ  BRTA_UA46  20050808234507 440                              

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Importing Text File To SQL SERVER TABLE

Dec 15, 2000


I am writing program in VC++ through SQl-DMO calls.My problem is when i when i tranfer(import) a text file(comma seperated) into SQl server through a SQl-DMO method called ImportData which is a method of Bulk copy object.Its is not able to convert the data field in the text file to corresponding value datetime in SQl server whereas other data types are working perfectly.

This is the record i need to convert:

90,MichaelB,Wintriss,Inspection,Paper,11,Job101,1, {ts '2000-12-10 15:54:56.000'},D:public233 and 247233.mcs,

and this is the date field
{ts '2000-12-10 15:54:56.000'}

Whereas if i export a table in SQl server in Binary mode and then import the file back it works but when do it as text it gives the above error

Pls help me in this i would be very thankful to you.

Note: I am using SQL Server 7.0 version

Jitender Singh

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SQL Server Query Results To Text File

Dec 12, 2000

Is there a way to save the results of a query (run in the Query Analyzer) to a text file?

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Insert Huge Text File Into SQL Server

Dec 16, 2004

I am writing a .NET service, and I need to insert files in a SQL DB for temporary storage.

I have never inserted a file into a SQL database before. I am thinking about using the image field type. Has anyone done this before? How did you do it?

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SQL Server Query Results In A Text/xml File

Apr 7, 2006

Hello folks!

I have written a query that I need to save results of. Is there some statement that I can place at the top of my query (like we can do in Oracle through spool command) to specify the directoryfilename to save query results to? Eventually I need to schedule this to run daily via a DTS package.

Please let me know if you've come across this before?

Thanks so much!


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Transfering A Flat Text File In DTS To SQL Server

Dec 26, 2006

How do I tranfer a flat file (text) to SQL Server using DTS? Please point me in the right direction.

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Import Text File On Remote Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,When importing a text file using SQL Server, how do I specify the pathto a file on the same remote server that SQL Server is running on? Itried //c:/filename but that doesn't seem to work.Also, once the import is working, how do I write a DTS package tofirst delete all rows in a table, then repopulate with the text file,or is it easier to drop the table, re-create it and then repopulate?The table will contain approximately 30,000 records.thanks for your help,K

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Send/Receive Text File Using To Some Server Using FTP

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have to write a stored procedure which will send/Receive text filefrom/to a server by using FTP.Is anybody have done anything on it? or know about it.If yes, I would like to know about it. (also provide the storedprocedure code if possible)Thanks in Adv.T.S.Negi

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Importing Text File Into SQL SERVER 2005

May 8, 2008

I want to be able to import data from a text file, into SQL Server 2005, using OPENROWSET. Can you pl give the the syntax for this. What I HAVE IS
select * --into #tmp1
From OpenRowSet
( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

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Export To A Text File In SQL Server Express

Oct 2, 2006

I have a table in a database has the same filed with a text file:




(24 hour time)

- 9999999

- 999999

- 99999999

'0' = No

'1' = Yes

'0' = valid

'v' = void



So that, after export data from the table, the file file must has that struct
Tell me, how can i do???

















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Import A Text File Into A SQL Server Express (C# Code)

Sep 7, 2007

I'm trying to read a text  and load the data from the text file and import the data into the database.please help!! 

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Import Text File To Sql Table In Sql Server 2005

Mar 7, 2008

hi guys
i need  to import text file to sql table in sql server 2005 ...using query how do i import text file to sql table .......................
 i need query
i dont want go Import/export options

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How To Load A Flat Text File Into MSDE / SQL Server

Mar 27, 2001


How do I load a comma-delimited text file into MSDE? How does it work for SQL Server 7?


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Transfering Text File Of Records In To SQl Server Table

Dec 15, 2000

Jitender Singh at 12/15/00 3:41:02 PM


I am writing program in VC++ through SQl-DMO calls.My problem is when i when i tranfer(import) a text file(comma seperated) into SQl server through a SQl-DMO method called ImportData which is a method of Bulk copy object.Its is not able to convert the data field in the text file to corresponding value datetime in SQl server whereas other data types are working perfectly.

This is the record i need to convert:

90,MichaelB,Wintriss,Inspection,Paper,11,Job101,1, {ts '2000-12-10 15:54:56.000'},D:public233 and 247233.mcs,

There are about 1000 records like this .the text file is generated by SQl when i export data from Sql server tables.This file has lot of records.Now i need to put the record in the text file into SQl server tables.During which when i pass the text file it gives problem in converting date and time value.I cannot remove the bracket and ts as ,{ts '2000-12-10 15:54:56.000'} it generated by SQl server tables

and this is the date field
{ts '2000-12-10 15:54:56.000'}

Whereas if i export a table in SQl server in Binary mode and then import the file back it works but when do it as text it gives the above error

Pls help me in this i would be very thankful to you.

Note: I am using SQL Server 7.0 version

Jitender Singh

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Import Data From A Text File With DELPHI Toward Sql Server

Aug 10, 2004


Is there a way to import data from a text file with DELPHI toward a SQL Server table.

I heard about BCP ...?

Does someone know?


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SSIS Import Text File To SQL Server With Nulls?

Jan 23, 2007

I have a text file I am trying to import into SQL Server using OLEDB connection.

It's a fixed field text file, ragged right format. One of my columns maps to a numeric column in the DB. In some spots in the file, it is blank, in others there is actual numeric data.

I can't get it to import. If I set the text file column to numeric, I get an error "That value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data." If I set the text file column to string, I get a similar error from the OLE DB provider, "Invalid character value for cast specification"

I have tried telling it to retain nulls in the data flow and the other way as well. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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SQL Server 2005 Full-Text Thesaurus File

Aug 8, 2007

Hi! I am moving this from the Transact SQL forum as I am not getting a reply. Hope it's OK!
Hello: I have successfully enabled SQL Server 2005 Full Text (MSFTESQL) on my database, created the FT Catalog in Storage, and defined a FT Index for a table ( 1 table for testing).

I have also created an expansion and replacement entry in the Thesaurus (tsENU.xml) and removed the comments. I have restarted the server and the FTS Service, In addition, (per your comments to another user) I have used sqlcmd to confirm my default language of 1033.

I am unable to get any results from the Thesaurus file. I am able to run queries against the index using CONTAINS and FREETEXT. I get results - however I only get the same thing I would get from the CONTAINS portion of the query.
Also ..SQLSERVER2995MSFTEUser$.. has permission on the FTData folder.

// This query //

SELECT name, description FROM table
WHERE CONTAINS(description, ' FORMSOF(THESAURUS, blender) ')

// on this Thesaurus located in this C: folder MSSQL.1MSSQLFTData sENU.xml //

<XML ID="Microsoft Search Thesaurus">
<thesaurus xmlns="x-schema:tsSchema.xml">
<diacritics = false/>
<case caseflag="false"></case>
<sub>food processor</sub>

// returns this //

A search for blender returns all strings with the exact word blender in them - not even any plural forms. A search for blend or grind returns nothing. FREETEXT does a little better returning blender, blenders, blending. Still no grind,chop, or food process.

Appreciate your help, Thank you.

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DB Engine :: Extracting Server Event Log Into Text File

Sep 15, 2015

I would like to extract SQL server (event) log information into text file or DB tables so that we can read it with a script everyday.

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Errors Loading A Text File Into A Sql Server Destination

Apr 24, 2006

I am trying to load 14+ million rows from a text file into local Sql Server. I tried using Sql Server destination because it seemed to be faster, but after about 5 million rows it would always fail. See various errors below which I received while trying different variations of FirstRow/LastRow, Timeout, Table lock etc. After spending two days trying to get it to work, I switched to OLE DB Destination and it worked fine. I would like to get the Sql Server Destination working because it seems much faster, but the error messages aren't much help. Any ideas on how to fix?

Also, when I wanted to try just loading a small sample by specifying first row/last row, it would get to the upper limit and then picked up speed and looked like it kept on reading rows of the source file until it failed. I expected it to just reach the limit I set and then stop processing.

[SS_DST tlkpDNBGlobal [41234]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Reading from DTS buffer timed out.".

[SS_DST tlkpDNBGlobal [41234]] Error: The attempt to send a row to SQL Server failed with error code 0x80004005.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "SS_DST tlkpDNBGlobal" (41234) failed with error code 0xC02020C7. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
[FF_SRC DNBGlobal [6899]] Error: The attempt to add a row to the Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0xC0047020.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "FF_SRC DNBGlobal" (6899) returned error code 0xC02020C4. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "WorkThread1" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

After first row/last row (from 1 to 1000000) limit is reached:
[SS_DST tlkpDNBGlobal [41234]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Reading from DTS buffer timed out.".

When trying to do a MaximumCommit = 1000000. Runs up to 1000000 OK then slows down and then error.
[SS_DST tlkpDNBGlobal [41234]] Error: Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "FF_SRC DNBGlobal" (6899) returned error code 0xC02020C4. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

When attempting all in a single batch:
[OLE_DST tlkpDNBGlobal [57133]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "The transaction log for database 'tempdb' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.SORT temporary run storage: 156362715561984' in database 'tempdb' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.".

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