I am not a programer but managed to piece together an Access database that is the backbone of my company.
My IT group advised me to move to an SQL server back end and move to a web based front end.
My question. I am very comfortible with Access and modify the databases regularly. What front end is most like Access for modifying forms, reports, macros, etc.
im practicing set based approaches... and what im trying to do is grab each value from a table , scramble it and put it back in the table... i dont want the solution to this as id rather figure it out myself for practice...
the thing im stuck at is i can do this with a cursor but i want to avoid cursors in future, how would i use a set based approach to get each value of a table and work with it?
I am replacing cursor logic in a SP to a setbased approach to scale better. My setbased approach seems to be better but it runs very fractionaly faster (execution time) than the cursor approach for a single run in test environment. I think resource cost wise, my set based approach should be better. Number of rows iterated thru this cursor is small (0-150). This particular SP is called over 2000 times in production everyday. Is it worth the trouble changing this if we get only marginally benefits, will my set-based approach work better on a server that has lot of activity (lot of connections etc). Our db server runs at about 75-85% cpu usage daily and this particular SP accounts to 13% CPU usage for 2000+ executions.
If the data set involved in cursors is small, is it worth the trouble changing them to set based approaches? Am I doing right to change this SP to setbased approach.
I have an VB.NET application connected to a SQL Server Express. I want to let the application to run in either "Normal mode" or "Holiday mode" according to current weekday is normal day or state public holiday.
My approach is to find out all the public holidays in a year and enter them into a Holiday Table. Then some code in my application constantly check the current weekday against the one in the holiday table, if matches, the application goes into holiday mode.
This approach is not perfect as "State public holidays" are confirmed by the state government in the current year and the coming year. So state public holidays are unconfirmed for the third year afterward. The system is required by client to support public holiday in the next 10 years.
I wonder what is the best approach to this problem?
I am new to DTS/SSIS and have a couple of questions about using it to solve a problem. We have an application running on SQL Server 2005 where status records are written to a status table. I need to be able to send those records over to a status table in a legacy application running on Access.
Originally, I thought about writing a custom c# stored proc and accessing Access from it and then someone pointed me to DTS/SSIS.
Is there a way to exectute the package based on a trigger event that a row was inserted or updated? If not and I take a scheduled approach (every 3 minutes, etc.) do I have to maintain a column for the records that get processed so they are not picked up again.
In general is using SSIS the approach to take? The overall business requirements are straight forward, but I am not sure if SSIS is overkill for this or not.
I'm trying to query data from a database for a report that looks for the last 2 weeks starting at 10pm, taking a value once every 24 hours. Using
AND DateTime >= DateAdd(wk,-2,GETDATE())
AND DateTime <= GetDate()") I easily get the last two weeks but the query obviously only grabs the data at the time the query runs. I need to be able to run it any time of the day but only grab the data at 10pm. I'm very new at this so please excuse my ignorance but I could really use some help with this. Thanks very much.
We have a file based asp.net app built using Visual Web Developer and Sql Server Express 2005. We have finished development and testing and are now moving to the deployment stage. As a first step, we would like to be able to view it on a test machine using IIS (instead of VWDs built in web server). We have created a virtual directory in IIS and can view our app correctly at http:localhost/ForIIS_test.
However, when we get to a page that tries to access our Sql Sever Express database, we get the following error: An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:Documents and SettingsClaudeMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005WebSitesForIIS_testApp_Data estDatastore.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share. Does anyone know how to overcome this problem? Any help appreciated. Claude.
I have a table when user add new sales or puchase will be added to this table ITEM_TXNS. The above date is part of the table for a ProductID . (The field is removed here) In order to calculate the balance amount using moving average, I must calculated the cost_out_amt first on the fly. When user add new sales I also need to determine the cost/unit for a product id using moving average. The problem is I can not just use sum, because i need to determine cost_out_amt for each sales first which will be calculated on the fly. The reason i dont store the cost_out_amt (instead calculate on the fly) because User could Edit the previous sales/purchase txn or Insert new sales for a previous date. Example THe record with ID 9. By Adding this txn with ID 9, would cause all the cost_out_amt will be incorrect (Using moving Average) if i store the cost_amout_out on entrying txn and need to be recalculated. Instead I just want to calculate on the fly and able to determine the cost avr for a specific point of time. Should I just use Cursor and loop all the record and calculate the cost or maybe I can just use on Select Statement?
To give you some context we have a new amendments application (nothing fancy, excel based with SQL Server back end) that allows users to submit amendments to product data (Product Info, PO Prices, Dates etc.). There is also an admin tool that a team uses to action these amendments in the various systems.
The old version of this tool, users submitted amendments by style and could if need be submit multiple amendments against one product at the same time. The new tool, I believe for audit reasons, users submit by amendment type, so for example I would submit a cost price change for a given style.
The issue now is that on the occasions where a user has multiple amendments, they now come through separately. So cost price would be Amendment 1 and a date change would be amendment 2 even though they could be the same product. This could potentially mean that the admin team would be duplicating work if the paperwork is updated and sent after each amendment, whereas before they would make both changes and only send the paperwork once.
Having not built either of these tools, I've been tasked with trying to fix this, my two thoughts being either to amend the user form to somehow capture/ allow users to submit amendments together or try to use the existing data and doing the grouping dynamically in the back end. Use that lag to look at grouping any submitted amendments that occur within 30mins of the first occurrence of that style
This grouping would then be given a joint time so when the 'time lag' period passes the amendments will be visible together.I've tried a few things and a few head on desk moments trying to get a set based approach but haven't been able to get where i want, its either an issue where amendments span an hour, such as 9:59 and then 10:03 or grouping together amendments that happen after the 30mins of the first one.
Here is some sample data
I have been using MS Access for a long time. The last couple of months my sites have really picked up in business (good rankings) and we keep crashing the server (No sites on the server that use MS Access will run) We get the errorSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Unspecified error at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ProcessResults(Int32 hr) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.InitializeProvider()at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open()at DreamweaverCtrls.DataSet.DoInit()Also I am finding out from some of my customers that their sites they can't use at times because of the error but the server hasn't crashed yet because others are up. Well I believe we are exceeding MS Access very badly because it crashes the server daily now and sometimes more then once a day. So I am going to start moving my MS Access database to SQL but have NO CLUE how where to start etc or use SQL correctly. If people can point me in the right direction that would be very helpful. Everything I find online is people needing help but no solutions that work for me. My new server is a windows server running ASP.Net 2.0 and to edit my SQL I have "ASP.Net Enterprise Manager" and Plesk for the server.1. A good book to follow and easy to follow for SQL (connections / how tos) or website2. Good examples or book on "ASP.Net Enterprise Manager"3. How to convert access databases into SQL easy (some have over 50,000 listings)4. how to convert Tab files into SQL easy.Thank you so much for any help. Also I am using Dreamweaver for most of the edditing and connections. I know its not your favorite but I don't have the time to write everything by hand and it works good for what I do on the websites.Thanks again,Rusty
I have been using MS Access for a long time. The last couple of months my sites have really picked up in business (good rankings) and we keep crashing the server (No sites on the server that use MS Access will run) We get the error
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Unspecified error at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ProcessResults(Int32 hr) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.InitializeProvider() at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() at DreamweaverCtrls.DataSet.DoInit()
Also I am finding out from some of my customers that their sites they can't use at times because of the error but the server hasn't crashed yet because others are up. Well I believe we are exceeding MS Access very badly because it crashes the server daily now and sometimes more then once a day.
So I am going to start moving my MS Access database to SQL but have NO CLUE how where to start etc or use SQL correctly. If people can point me in the right direction that would be very helpful. Everything I find online is people needing help but no solutions that work for me.
My new server is a windows server running ASP.Net 2.0 and to edit my SQL I have "ASP.Net Enterprise Manager" and Plesk for the server.
1. A good book to follow and easy to follow for SQL (connections / how tos) or website
2. Good examples or book on "ASP.Net Enterprise Manager"
3. How to convert access databases into SQL easy (some have over 50,000 listings)
4. how to convert Tab files into SQL easy.
Thank you so much for any help. Also I am using Dreamweaver for most of the edditing and connections. I know its not your favorite but I don't have the time to write everything by hand and it works good for what I do on the websites. I am afraid if I hurry to much I will build it wrong and really pay for it.. I am paying enough from using MS Access.. LOL
Our Branch uses an Access Database, but we're thinking of rolling it out to our entire organization. I've just spent the day watching about 7 tutorials on SQL 2005, but they only use Management Studio Express in the tutorials, and before I go any further, I'd like to make sure I'm going down the right road.
Am I better using the Upsizing Wizard in Access to convert our DB to SQL? Once I've done that, what's the best way to get the rest of the DB on the Web so that our entire organization nationwide can use it? Do I need to learn Visual Studio or something so that I can recreate all our Forms & Reports? Do I even need to do that? Is there a conversion process?
Sorry for being so vague, but I would just like to know what is the best way forward. What do most people do when they want to move an Access DB to SQL and make it available outside of their LAN?
Thanks in advance for any advice anyoe can provide.
I was just trying to get some information on how to move an Access 2002 db to MS SQL. Also, what all do I need to be able to access the db from the web. For instance, query the db for info from a website. I don't have that much experience in SQL but I quiet a few programming languages so i'm sure i'll learn it quick, I usually do. Right now I have a server set up with MS SQL server 2005 with all the other things required for testing over in my own little world. DNS, Active Dir., etc....
I'm trying to do this because a friend of a friend has a business(small businessish) who wants to be able to view reports from queries over the internet. And i'm sure I can do it but i told them to let me give it a test run to make sure I can before we commit.
Hi there everyone, I have written a database system which tracks the performance of working in a shipping company in access. Im now rewriting the system in sqlserver and the only real problem I have found so far is that its difficult to estimate what kind of a server *cpu* & *ram* would be appropraite. The system currently performs transaction on my desktop machine in a second a quickest and 2 at slowest. There are going to be about 500 users in 3 time zones so there will only really be about 300 max hitting the system in an hour. I was looking at a Dell Poweredge server with twin P3's and half a Gb or ram would this be a good place to start from?
I need to write stored procedure in SQL Server 2000 that moves data from table in SQL Server 2000 to same table in Access. .mdb file is located on the same computer and I know its location (path).
My company is currently using access to manage equipment in 4-5 different locations. I want to move this to a sql database and have a front-end to do the same thing access is doing now.
Should I use access as a front-end or should I develop a custom front end using vb?
Just a fyi 5-7 tables 7-9 queries 10 or so reports and the front end is currently a switchboard that links to many other forms.
Hi all, Please, I need some help understanding what I need to do. I'm working with text files and they're too much for Access to handle. The logical conclusion is to use something more robust like SQL. I'm having trouble understanding how it would all fit together, and I'm looking for guidance.
First of all, what do you think is a logical approach to this problem: I get 6 .txt files delivered to our webserver via ftp. Every night there's an update, so they overwrite. I need to be able to display that data on the web page and I thought I could use Access to do it. Well, it won't work, so then there's SQL.
In my reading today, I find out that SQL isn't an environment like Access, it's a language. I'm assuming that means I can't just import all of this data into an SQL db, get it on the webserver, and then start running queries against it like I can in Access, right?
If one of you more experienced users has any ideas, please share. How can I use SQL to search the data in these .txt files? Included with each text file is a .dic file containing field names, data types, and length. What is the best approach. Step by step would be wonderful as I am very new to this. I have only ever worked with SQL queries and Access db.
I'm new to SQL server. Basically, I am trying to make my Access database accessible on line to my users, so I am transfering it into SQL Server and then writing a web site to use the connection to the database.
My questions are as follows:
1) How can I easily move the structure of the tables (relationships too, but content is not important) from Access into SQL?
2) I have the following query in Access which I don't believe will work in SQL because of the Sum funtion... How can I change this to work in SQL?:
SELECT DISTINCTROW Player.TeamID, Player.PlayerID, Player.SFD, Sum(Payments.Amount) AS Payment, [SFD]-[Payment] AS Due FROM Player INNER JOIN Payments ON Player.PlayerID = Payments.PlayerID GROUP BY Player.TeamID, Player.PlayerID, Player.SFD;
All help will be greatfully received... thanks
"In the face of adversity, I stand on the shoulders of giants..."
I have about 50,000 data entries to move from MS Access to SQL Server 2005 Express. There is no DTS in the tools. I already have the tables, just need to move the data. Appreciate any and all help.
Hello all,I'm a total newbie with SQL Server 2000 and I have a little problem whenmoving a database form Access 2000 to SQL Server 2000.In the Access database, each table has an auto-increment field.After importing the tables in SQL Server, all the auto-increment fieldsare turned into "int" type fields.Does anybody have an explanation for that mystery?Thanks in advance,Yan
I am a new in .Net Environment. I am moving from VB to VB.Net and Access DB to SQL Server 2005. Please reply me the following questions bellow.
Access Works
When I create .MSI file it include ADO library in that executable file and my client install software and don€™t need any kind of file to install and wherever my program install it can be accessed by using following connection string. Con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "dbPAYROLL_DB.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Con.Open
What file needed on client€™s PC to access SS on server. What about connection string change dynamically in client sides
I create relation on Access Relationship Diagram.
Where to create these diagrams either on VB.Net Server Explorer or on Management Studio? And how?
Please answers me this basic questions further I have more question in mind but please first answers me these questions€¦
hi, I have an asp.net application which queries an sql server in some other domain and populates a grid with the results. i am using sql server authentication and my connection string is as follows:- Dim connectionString As String = "server=emr01; user id='private'; password='private'; database='NGEMRDev'" i have also used the following tag in web.config:- <identity impersonate="true" /> This works fine on my development pc i.e windows xp with sp2 . but when i tried running the same application in windows 2003 the query gives the following exception:-
Server Error in '/TempDel' Application.
SQL Server does not exist or access denied. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.Source Error:
Line 77: dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand Line 78: Dim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet Line 79: dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet) Line 80: Line 81: Return dataSetSource File: c:inetpubwwwroot empdelemrtempdel.aspx Line: 79 Stack Trace:
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032
Please help me as to how do i successfully implement my application in the windows 2003 server. i have given the aspnet user on the win2003 admin rights.
First of all, I have never done any web-based stuff, so if thefollowing sounds ignorant, it's because I am!So far all our SQL Servers are accessed only over our network and weuse Windows authentication. Now the guy I'm working with on thedesign of our next stuff wants the two new databases (a transactionalone and my data warehouse) to be additionally accessed by web-basedapplications via our company intranet (NOT THE INTERNET). How do weauthenticate under these conditions? The webserver machine will betalking to the SQL Server ones, i.e. the databases will each be on thetheir own separate boxes. Can the webserver be a "user"? If so,and we want the actual users to have different privileges, then theweb-based apps have to manage that? Or is there a way for theweb-based apps to grab the Windows user and pass it to SQL Server?
Is there a way in SQL Server 7.0 or 2000, where I can grant/deny/revoke access rights on a database objects like Table, Stored Procedures for a particular time of the day.
Example: I want to prevent user A from acessing Table x and Stored Procedure Y from 9Am to 12 noon everyday. After 12 Noon till 8.59 AM he can have access to Table x and Stored Procedure Y.
I need to access a MS-SQLSERVER with a Linux (SuSE 9.0) based computer.I need to do some selects.What do I have to do what kind of client Software and how do I have toinstall on the linux Maschine to comunicate with this Server?Probably some kind of odbc?thanx for any hints.Maximilian Gablinger
We have a new Win 2008 Enterprise x64 server running SQL 2008When we try to connect to the server using Windows Authentication, from a user account which is a domain administrator, we get the following message:"Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error"What needs to be configured here for this to work ?
I trying to get the moving total (juts as moving average). It always sum up the current record plus previous two records as well and grouped by EmpId.For example, attaching a image of excel calculation.
I have the need to pull data from multiple tables from a DB2 system via ODBC and update or insert as needed into tables in a SQL200 DB.
Step 1. The data from the initial parent table will need to be limited to being a set number of days old, which I have in place and working.
Step 2 The next tables data needs to be limited from the data retrieved in step 1 (I’d like to use the paprent table retrieved in step 1, that is in SQL now, rather than doing it on the DB2 side.
Step 3 The returned rows here, need to be limited to key values returned from step 2
Additional steps apply, but nearly all will be limited to the results of parent tables from the prior step.
What is the best approach to this? I really want to pull table A to SQL, and limit the next child set from Table A, that was pulled to SQL in the prior step.
I also need to do updates rather than dropping and creating the needed tables each time. Insert if no key exists, etc .etc.
I've been working on this project, and had it working in MySQL, but it was badly done and couldn't last more than a few hours without growing so large that everything slowed way down. I don't expect anyone to tell me exactly what to do, just please provide an outline of what the best way to approach this in SQL Server 2005 is.
To simplify it, I have one table "Items" and another table "ItemPrices". Items has an id and a name. Each row in ItemPrices has an id for the item, a price and two datestamps (added, last updated).
On average, there's about 15,000 active items, 50% of them have new prices every couple minutes, so I'm looking at what seems like a ton of data being constantly imported. There's probably a good way to do this but I only know the bad way :)
So.. what I want to be able to do is have maybe a stored procedure (?) that takes the item name and price as parameters. (In MySQL I was using "INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE") A. If it's a new item name, it will add a row to the Items table and a row to ItemPrices B. If it's an existing item with the same price as the current price (the most recent price for that item in ItemPrices) it will update the "last updated" date field C. If it's a new price it will insert a row into ItemPrices for that item
Also, I want historical pricing data, but if I ever release this, 95% of the users will just be looking at current prices. I need the current prices to be very fast to query, in my MySQL version I was using something like this: "SELECT... join on lastupdated=(SELECT Max(lastupdated) FROM ItemPrices ...", after I had 300k price updates querying a list of items took like 15 seconds.. there's got to be a better way? What should I do to make this faster?
Does this make any sense? Hopefully someone can lead me in the right direction. Thank you very much!