Moving System Database
Jan 26, 2005
What is the correct order:
Should it be:
I understand that the model should be before the MSDB database but as for master and tempdb I don't know the order.
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Sep 19, 2002
Is this possible? If so, how is it done?
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Dec 12, 2007
Today I have task to move all UDB's including matser,msdb form Windows 2000 server to Windows 2003 Advacned Server with 64bit(8 Hours Down time)
Present Plan
1.Install same Version of SQL Server in Destination Server
2.Take all Databases Backup
2.Move DTS,JOB and Scripts with same location
3.Stop both servers SQL Server's
4.Deattch all Databses and Move to Destination Server
5.Place all Databases(Same Loaction i.e Soruce Server master DB is C:<folders>.. Place in Destination Server C:<folder>..)
6.Start the Databse Servers(Destination)
7.Port the Apllication and Test.
Note:for our project we are using windows users,so that no problem with Orphan users.
Please some body Advice me, or suggest me is ok
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Apr 24, 2015
I'm using SQL Server 2012 and was attempting to move the msdb, model, and tempdb databases to a new location and accidentally gave their log files an mdf extension instead of ldf when providing the new pathfilename. After the server wouldn't start I checked my script and noticed my error. I have good backups of my system databases, so I was hoping to start the MSSQLSERVER service in single-user mode (using the -m startup parameter) and then just restore master using sqlcmd.
Unfortunately the service was starting but I couldn't connect via sqlcmd using any of the three protocols (it said the server was not found or not accessible each time). I also tried using the dedicated Admin connection but I got the same error. Then I went into the Templates folder and copied the master, msdb, model, and tempdb templates into the DATA folder and tried to restart SQL Server but still no luck (now the MSSQLSERVER service won't start at all). Is there an easy way to fix this mess without having to reinstall from the setup application?
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May 21, 2008
I've been given the task of moving data from an old system to a new one. That's easy enough apart from some of the data fields do not match in the least:
Example: In the old system (tableOld) there is a field that contains text data such as 'Laboratory','Field','Market','Demo','Development', but this one field could contain one or more of these. In the new system (tableNew) there are boolean fields for each of the above.
What I need is a way to check for these and then make sure the correct field(s) gets ticked (1 entered into the field) in the new system.
Any suggestions, just trying to get my head around SSIS.
Thanks for any help provided.
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Jan 11, 2014
whenever we are moving system databases from one drive to another, do we need to move the path physically? or it automatically moves.I want to try the rebuild the sql server. So I want to corrupt the master database so, I deleted the master mdf file and restore it back but instead of database corruption it is giving the following error message. How can I corrupt the master database and can practice the rebuild the server.
And one more thing when I try to use the repair option I couldn't able to get all the things back to normal. The database engine service, replication is not working but SSAS, SSRS things are showing successfully repaired.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server Error: 26055, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server The SQL Server failed to initialize VIA support library [QLVipl.dll]. This normally indicates the VIA support library does not exist or is corrupted. Please repair or disable the VIA network protocol. Error: 0x7e.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x7e, status code 0x60. Reason: Unable to initialize the VIA listener. The specified module could not be found.
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Mar 16, 2007
I am in the process of moving my system databases to another volume. I have accommplished the first section pertaining to master database.
I have reached step 3 in the Resource database move section down below.
It states to change the FILENAME path to match the new location of the master database. Do not change the name of the database or the file names.
ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource
MODIFY FILE (NAME=data, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_mastermssqlsystemresource.mdf');
I changed the query to point ot the new location of the master, (E:MSSQLData)
ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource
MODIFY FILE (NAME=data, FILENAME= E:MSSQLDatamssqlsystemresource.mdf');
I get the following error when I run the query:
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database mssqlsystemresource. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
What am I doing wrong? My syntax must be incorrect. But I can't figure it. Anybody done this before.
These are the steps per msdn.
To move the master database, follow these steps.
1. From the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager.
2. In the SQL Server 2005 Services node, right-click the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service and choose Properties.
3. In the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
4. Edit the startup parameters values to point to the planned location for the master database data and log files and click Apply. Moving the error log file is optional.
The parameter value for the data file must follow the -d parameter and the value for the log file must follow the -l parameter. The following example shows the parameter values for the default location of the master data and log files.
-dC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmaster.mdf;-eC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG;-lC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmastlog.ldf
If the planned relocation for the master data file is E:SQLData and the planned relocation for the log file is F:SQLLog, the parameter values would be changed as follows:
-dE:SQLDatamaster.mdf;-eC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG;-lF:SQLLogmastlog.ldf
5. Stop the MSSQLSERVER service.
6. Physically move the files to the new location.
7. Restart the MSSQLSERVER service.
8. Verify the file change.
SELECT name, physical_name, state_desc
FROM sys.master_files
WHERE database_id = DB_ID('master');
To move the Resource database, follow these steps.
1. Stop the MSSQLSERVER service if it is started.
2. Start the service in minimal mode. To do this, at the command prompt, enter <SQLPath>innsqlservr -c -f -T3608 where <SQLPath> is the path for the instance of ssNoVersion. For example, C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL. This will start the instance of ssNoVersion for master-only recovery.
3. Run these queries. Change the FILENAME path to match the new location of the master database. Do not change the name of the database or the file names.
ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource MODIFY FILE (NAME=data, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_mastermssqlsystemresource.mdf');
ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource MODIFY FILE (NAME=log, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_mastermssqlsystemresource.ldf');
4. Make sure the Resource database is set to read-only by running this query:
ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource SET READ_ONLY;
5. Physically move the files to the new location.
6. Restart the MSSQLSERVER service.
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May 19, 2008
I think one of my system database files is corrupted. I did an alter database... to move my Model and MSDB and now I can only start the instance with /f /t3608
I can connect to the instance but I can't do anything I get an error that one of the database files does not match it's primary file.. I don't know if it's MSDB or MODEL but I pretty much can't do anything.
I made a backup of model and msdb before I started.. how do I go about restoring them?
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Dec 8, 2007
I have moved the system databases master and mssqlsystermresource database. And after that I was unable to restart the MSSQL Server service. This is SQL Server 2005
I had moved the master db under the minimal configuration. using the parameters /f and /T3608
What can I do to restart the SQL
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Dec 8, 2007
I have moved the system databases master and mssqlsystermresource database. And after that I was unable to restart the MSSQL Server service. This is SQL Server 2005
I had moved the master db under the minimal configuration. using the parameters /f and /T3608
What can I do to restart the SQL
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Dec 8, 2007
I have moved the system databases master and mssqlsystermresource database. And after that I was unable to restart the MSSQL Server service. This is SQL Server 2005
I had moved the master db under the minimal configuration. using the parameters /f and /T3608
What can I do to restart the SQL
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May 20, 2008
Followed this article to move my model and msdb databes but I think I messed up.
The instance will not start because it says one of the files does not match it's primary file (not sure if it's model or msdb)
I can bring the instance up in single user mode (NET START mssqlserver /f /t3608) but when I try to do a query to re-do my alter statements, it says i can't attach because only one seesion is allowed. in 2000 i used to be able to start query analyzer without starting enterprise manager..
When i try and start with a minimal config (sqlservr -c -m) it won't start. I get an error saying that one of my files does not match it's primary file (either model or msbd don't know which) any ideas????????
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Jan 19, 2008
I have the following directories
I have a for each file loop and inside it a data flow that pulls from one of the flat files in the directory and then a file system task. If I choose the "Move File" option in the file system task to move the file to the archive directory, it fails with an access denied message. The access denied message occurs after a message saying file was successfully deleted. I am running this from BIDS right now and my local user can write delete etc in both the above directories. However, if I do a "copy file" in the file system task it seems to work. I think what is happening is it is deleting the file first and then trying to move it, but it no longer exists because it has been deleted--is this possible? Is this a bug of some sort?
For now I am going to workaround by putting in another file system task that deletes the files after they were copied and see how that goes, but would prefer just to do the "move" option.
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Nov 7, 2006
I have a File System Task that uses variables to resolve the destination and source paths of a document. When I select the 'copyfile' operation...the document is copied from the source to the destination without error.
However when I change the property from 'copyfile' to 'movefile' I get an error and the document is not moved.
The source and destination variables contain a valid file path name since the copy commmand is working as expected. However when I alter the properties of the File System task to move the document. I get the following error:
Could not find a part of the path 'G:CommonInformation SystemsDropFilesrtNRT_ConfirmationOrder Confirmation Report_11062006.xlsOrder Confirmation Report_11062006.xls
It seems a little nonsensical since the document file paths are valid when performing a copy. For some reason the error log is showing that that the file path is the document name "Order Confirmation Report_11062006.xls" and adding it twice to the the directory path called "'G:CommonInformation SystemsDropFilesrtNRT_Confirmation" as you can see in the above error message.
To replicate the 'move' action...I added an extra File System Task that deletes the document once the copy has been performed. I would like some insight into why this doesn't seem to work.
Thank you.
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Oct 15, 2007
I have used backup and restore method to upgrage 2000 databases to 2005 database.
What do i need to do in order to for my application or users to use databse in 2005 and remove 2000
let me know
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Apr 23, 2007
I want to transfer a database from one PC to another. (Both running SQL Server 2005 express)
I have copied the files (SQL Server Database Primary Data File and SQL Server Database Transaction Log File) from the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData folder of the source PC to the destination PC (Same folder).
I was under the impression that using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - SQL Server Management Studio Express these files would be picked up and could be used, do I infact need to do something to attach the files/database so that they will appear in SQL Server management?
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Apr 9, 2001
I have an SQL database running on an old server and i am upgrading the server, but i am having some problems moving my SQL database over. Has any one got a work through they could mail me to give me a hand!!
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May 29, 2001
Hi, Everyone,
I need to copy a Database onto another Server, what is the best way to do it?
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Mar 28, 2001
Our vendor has created a sql server database at his location
We have to transfer this database to our location and run the web application which access this database.
What is the best way to do this.
Can the vendor zip database and sent to us.
What do we do with ZIP file.
Can somebody help
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May 3, 2007
I'm very new to SQL Server 2005, so please be kind.We had a vendor in and they loaded their software and the databasethat was created is sittingon the root (c:) drive. On this server we have another drive wherethe database should reside, isthere a way to move this database to the correct drive? Thank you forany help that you couldprovide.Dave Schaeffer
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Nov 14, 2007
I have two computers, both with SQL Express 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Express. I created a database on one computer, and need to copy it to the other computer. I'd like to do it all through the Management Studio interface, without using SQL commands, since I only need to do this manually.
I detached the two files, copied them to the second computer, and tried to attach them. This is generating lots of messages about not having the necessary permissions of various sorts. I think the main problem is that I don't know how to set up the database's users in a way that allows the second computer to attach the database.
I've tried Windows authentication, using a Windows user that has the same name and password on both computers, and I've defined that Windows user as a user within the database. I've connected to SQL when logged in as that user.
I've tried SQL authentication also, defining the same SQL user within both SQL Servers, as db_owner. But when I try to attach the database, I see no place to specify the user that I intend it to use, and it still fails. If I connect to SQL as that user, then SQL doesn't have permission to look at the file system to find the MDF file.
I'd appreciate the help in learning how to do this with both Windows authentication and SQL authentication, via the Management Studio's GUI. Most of the documentation I've seen covers how to do it by using SQL language commands, and I'd like to avoid that.
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Dec 5, 2006
Hi all,
I want to transfer all the data from one of my Ms Access tables to SQL Server table, using C#.
How can i do it?
Thanks in advance,
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Feb 2, 2007
Hi all,
I have an Ms Access table and a MsSql table. I am running a windows service in my localhost where the data from Ms access table will be copied to Ms sql table for every one minute. Before copying the data, the Ms sql table will be flushed inorder to avoid replicates.
Now i want to copy only the latest records updated within 1 min in Ms access table, to Ms sql table.
My Ms access table
Name Id
jas 100
meena 101
viji 102
My Ms sql table
Name Id
jas 100
meena 101
viji 102
After 1 min, say 2 records are added to my Ms access table like,
Name Id
jas 100
meena 101
viji 102
bhuvana 103
pinky 104
Now i want to insert only the latest records from Ms access to Ms sql like,
Name Id
jas 100
meena 101
viji 102
bhuvana 103
pinky 104
how to do this? thanx in advance.
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Jul 11, 2007
I have a SQL Server 2005 Express database on my local machince called OpenAssess.mdf. The server we host with has a file extension of .mdb. How can I go about getting my database to the server? I tried changing the extension to mdb on the local machine but then it tried opening the database in MS Access and didn't work. I just need to connect to the database in my web pages. Here is my connection string and then the error which is visible at the botton of
*********************************************connection string*************************************************
OPEN_Conn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=connectionToHostServer;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=OpenAssess.mdb;User ID=myuserid;Password=mypassword"
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'
Cannot open database requested in login 'OpenAssess.mdb'. Login fails.
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Nov 12, 2001
On 11/10/01 I posted a question on how to move passwords from one sql2000 box to another. The response to this question worked perfectly.
I also need to copy over the user or database access information from one box to another. I tried to use dts but it only copied over the users and the database roles but did not copy over the Database user properties which allows the user access and places the user into security groups.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks again.
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Aug 14, 2002
Hello ,
I want to move my tempdb database to another drive by moving the mdf and ldf files . Is it possible to shift the tempdb once it is created ?
I am shifting the database since there is no space on the current drive and the database might grow in the near furure .
Any ideas ???
Thanks .
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Oct 16, 2000
I have a machine where the SQL "data" directory was installed on the smaller drive instead of the larger drive. What do I have to do to move the existing databases? (Backup/restore, or detach - move it physically, then attach?)
Thanks, for the help
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Sep 27, 2000
How can I move the Model database to another location (i.e. from one drive / file location to another)?
I tried sp_detach_db (to be followed up with a sp_attach_db statement) but it rejected it because Model is a "system" database.
I tried (and it failed with a "Modify file command failed" message):
modify file
I could not locate any help about moving model in books online (BOL).
Any ideas?
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Oct 16, 2006
hi guys
i got few questions. i need to move a databases from old server to new server. old server has 25 user databases total datafile around 300GB. heres the questions.
1. what is the fastest way to move all the data to new server? and what's the best way to do it? (DTS? MDF copy over/attach? bak copy over/restore? other theres other way?)
2. i got alot of job and user need to transfer over. i know DTS can do the user.. how about the jobs?
3. do i need to move the master and msdb over too?
4. beside all 3 questions above... do i miss anything that need to be move too?
Thanks guys!!!!!!!!
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Jul 15, 1998
I have a database that resides on a server that`s become too old. It spans
2 devices that sit on 2 different drive letters - D: and E:.
I bought a new server, installed and configured NT4.0 and SQL6.5.
Initially I restored the database to the new server from a dump .It worked
fine, however all the login information was lost. Then I tried partitioning
the new server the same way as the old one and copying all the DAT files
over. Thus I was hoping to retain the information contained in the MASTER.DAT,
drop the database, repartition to create 1 physical drivewith 1 database device,
and restore from a dump to it.
After copying the DATs, though, SQL Server would not start.
Help Please!
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Dec 1, 1998
I am not a SQL person. I want to copy/move a SQL datbase from old server to a new server and eventualy bring the old server down. What is the procedure to do it. Thanks in advance.
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Aug 9, 2001
We have developed our database in 2000. We want to run this DB on 7.0 But we get a bunch of errors. (we are not using any 2000 specific features).
Can anyone tell me way to export a database on 2000 to 7.0 ?
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Jun 28, 2004
Hi all. I know that since you know nothing about my database it will
be a stretch to answer this - but does anyone have a boiler plate
checklist for moving a database, dts packages, agent jobs, etc...from
one server to another? Maybe something that just says I should at
least do x,y,z.
Also if anyone out there has any hard won experience/advice about
gotchas when doing this I would love to hear it. We have outgrown a
server and are installing a new one this week that we need to move
over to.
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