Mssql7 Server On W2K And Mssql7 EM Client On XP

May 11, 2007

Hi all,

I hv very little experience handling mssql7. Recently I was assigned a task to maintain a website that uses mssql 7. My system admin has already installed mssql7 server components on a Win2K box and I have only managed to install mssql7 client components on my winXP box.

Whenever I try to connect to the remote server using enterprise manager, I always encounter the same error message complaining that

A connection could not be established to "Server Name" - Access denied
ConnectionOpen (CreateFile())..

Please Verify SQL Server is running and check you SQL Server registration properties (by right clicking on the GAMMA
node) and try again.

I have used the client network utility in my winxp box to set up an alias for the server using various network libraries such as TCP/IP and named pipe, but it keeps on returning the same access denial message.

I am running out of brain juice figuring about what's wrong. Could somebody please help me? Thanks in advanced.

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Can MSSQL7 Runs On Windows Server 2003?

Oct 27, 2004

anyone has tried? please advice possible issues, workarounds


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Upgrade From MSSQL7 To 2005. [Import Database To New Server]

Jul 26, 2007

Hi everyone!

I start to get panic now after 10 hours of different ways of trying to
get my old database from my [Server1]* to my [Server2]*. When Im
trying with the "SQL Server Management Studio" that included in
the MSSQL 2005 but that just tells me it dosn't support any version
before MSSQL2000.. I've also tryed with some third part softwares
like EMS but no joy!... Its 5 databases from the old server that I MUST
get into the new one.. Anyone know howto do this?

Windows 2000

Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2.
Includes MSSQL 2005 Premium edition.

Kind Regards
// Magnus Dahl

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MSSQL7 Performance

Jul 16, 1999

I have a SQL Server 7.0 installed on a Compaq PC running on Windows NT. This PC has 64 MB of RAM and it is a Pentium 166. There are 3 Clients connected to it. If there is only one PC running an apllication requesting data from the server, the performance is tolerable, but when there is more than one PC simultenously requesting data from the server, problems araise. Either all of the PCS running the application show zero records on the apllication or one of them show no records. Any mouse click action on the clients will bring the server to almost a halt. Can anyone tell me the reason to these problems?

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MSSQL7 Installation

Apr 27, 1999

While installing SQL 7.0 it turned out that the size of my primary patrtition where the Windows NT system files are {C: drive) does not have enough space to take the MSSQL7 system files it wanted to install there. Can the size of this partition be increased (am using FAT file system), can the MSSQL7 system files be installed somewhere else, or should I just do an f disk and start all over again with a new Windows NT installation? (No data on this server yet.) Thanks for your help!

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MSSQL7 Commits

Feb 23, 2001

We've experienced a problem with one of our MSSQL7 servers where transactions are not being committed to the database. We've experienced this in Query Analyzer -- where we run several (simple) insert or update statements. Although the script runs successfully, the rows do not appear in the tables. The implicit transaction setting is off for the server.
We have also experienced this problem with other tools that run against this server via ODBC.
I thought the default setting for MSSQL7 is to auto-commit transactions and I've seen nothing in the error log that indicates that the updates were rolled back. I have compared our server, database and client configuration options to other servers that do not have this problem and have no idea where to look next.
Has anyone encountered this problem? Or does anyone have some ideas about where I could look for more information?

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MSSQL7 DB Replicated To MySQL DB?

Jan 4, 2000


I am trying to figure out a way to link a MySQL database (running on Linux) to my MSSQL7 database. My ultimate goal is to synchronize inserted/updated/deleted data in the MSSQL7 DB to the MySQL DB.

I have tried a few things and have had a few ideas. They are:

1) Create table triggers in the MSSQL7 DB that will synchronize the data to the MySQL DB. I can't figure out how to run Transact/SQL statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.) into an ODBC DSN pointing to the MySQL DB. I think this could be done with a linked server (see next item).

2) Add a linked server under Security->Linked Servers in the MSSQL7 Enterprise Manager. I have managed to get the remote MySQL server to link in here. I can even see the table names in the server browser, so that's encouraging! However, I cannot figure out the syntax of the fully-qualified table names in my SELECT statements. I have tried this:

SELECT * from LinuxBox..MyDB.MyTable
SELECT * from LinuxBox.MyDB.MyDB.MyTable

but I get:

Server: Msg 7312, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid use of schema and/or catalog for OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL'. A four-part name was supplied, but the provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog and/or schema.

This statement:

SELECT * from LinuxBox...MyTable;

gives me:

Server: Msg 7313, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid schema or catalog specified for provider 'MSDASQL'.

Since I can see the table names in the linked server browser in Enterprise Manager, though, some kind of connection must be active. I just need to figure out how to refer to the remote tables.

A big problem is that when I supply a catalog name while defining the linked server, I get an error message from the Enterprise Manager:

Error 7399: OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure.

Therefore, I can't define a catalog with the linked server. I think a catalog is required for the "4-part name" to work in the SELECT statement above.

3) Write an extended stored procedure that uses the ODBC function library to make a connection to the MySQL DSN and have a table trigger call the ESP. Hoping to be able to do something simpler than this!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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MSSQL7 And Windows 2000

Feb 6, 2004

Dear All,

could you please tell me if MSSQL7 is compliant with Windows 2000 ?

Which Service Pack is needed from both MSSQL and W2000 ?

many thanks in advance for your help ;)

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BCPing Logins From MSSQL 6.5 To MSSQL7

May 23, 2000

I'm trying to bcp logins from 6.5 to 7.0 while maintaining the passwords. I tried doing a bcp in native format, but when I try to bcp in, I get a Dr. Watson. I figured out the issues with syslogins not be updatable on 7.0 because its a view. I'm also aware of the problems associated with the fact that sysxlogins on 7.0 has different column definitions than syslogins on 6.5. I just don't know how to get around these roadblocks. Anyone have any ideas??

Thanks in advance,


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Bit Column Behavior MSSQL7 And MSSQL2000

Nov 24, 2005

I was using MSSQL7 for a long period.
I upsized to MSSQL7 from Access some years ago. Without any particular reason when writing code in stored procedures, when I wanred to select some records having a bit column to true I used the syntax bitcolumn=-1 (and not bitcolumn=1). This behavior was used in Access. Everything worked fine. Then I moved to MSSQL2000 and by restoring the MSSQL7 database I had no problem.
However, in order to use some features of MSSQL2000 I had to run the sp
sp_dbcmptlevel <database>, 80
After that the condition bitcolumn=-1 didn't work.
Can anyone verify this behavior, since I have to make dozens of changes in my stored procedures and triggers???

Manolis Perrakis

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[MSSQL7] Backup On Network Drive

Feb 2, 2004

Hi there,

Does anyone know if it's possible to perform a MSSQL7 database backup on a network drive instead of the local drives ?

...and if yes, how to proceed ?

It seems to be possible under MSSQL2000.

Many thanks for your help in advance,


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Mssql7 To Mssql200 Transfer Tables

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table in mssql7 that has 7000000 record and I want to take100000 records out of it and place them into the new machine withmssql2000. The new machine will also have the same table name, so Iwant to append the 100000 records into that table.Thanks,Royal344--Direct access to this group with http://web2news.com

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Generating Various Statistics From Data In MSSQL7

Jul 20, 2005

Sorry about the huge post, but I think this is the amount ofinformation necessary for someone to help me with a good answer.I'm writing a statistical analysis program in and MSSQL7 thatanalyzes data that I've collected from my business's webpage and thehits it's collecting from the various pay-per-click (PPC) engines.I've arrived at problems writing a SQL call to generate certainstatistics.Whenever someone enters our site from one of the PPC search engines, Iwrite out a row to the Hits table. In that table are the followingcolumns:HitID - the Unique ID assigned to each hit that comes into the siteKeyword - the keyword the user searched on when he or she came to thesiteSearchEngine - the PPC engine the user came fromSource - this is pretty much always 'PPC'...if we were to do otherthings, like a newsletter, then this would be different.TimeArrived - the date and time the user arrived at the website. Ihave no idea why I didn't call it "datearrived," since I use "date"and not "time" pretty much everywhere else...(I don't think the rest are important, but they might be, so I'llinclude them for completeness's sake)Referring URL - the URL the user came fromReferring Website - the string between the 'http://' and the first '/'in the URL. I know it's redundant information, but when I designedthis part, I didn't know how to parse it out afterwards, so I justfigured I'd duplicate it.Page Visited - the page the user first arrived atWhen a person comes to the site, I also write out a session cookiecontaining the user's hitID. If the person fills out an enrollmentform (a process which we refer to as "responding"), I attach thatsession ID to the form. The response form (and thus the responsestable) is long; these are the important fields:id - a unique ID for each responsedate - the date and time of the responsestatus - a varchar field containing a status code. I would have madeit a number, but I wanted it to be viewable from looking at the rawdatabase.hitid - the HitID of the user, taken from the session cookie. If thereis no session cookie (for whatever reason), the HidID is written outas 0. While it wouldn't occur often, I can't guarantee that there willnever be more than one response record attached to a singular hitid.Later, some of the responses turn into "confirmations", which meansthat they've actually ordered from us, not just filled out the form.This usually happens about three or four days after the initialresponse. When this happens, the status of the response is changed toa phrase containing the word "confirm" in it (there are a few of them,but they all contain that word).So now that we've collected all this marketing intel., I need toanalyze it.I've written a parser that takes reports from various pay-per-clickcompanies and puts them into a table called PPC. Information in thiscolumn is written out as one record per search engine per keyword perday. The schema is as follows:id - a unique ID for the record in the tabledate - the date to which the information in the record appliessearchengine - the PPC engine to which the information applieskeyword - the keyword to which the information appliesclicks - the number of clicks on the applicable keyword on theapplicable search engine on the applicable day.impressions - same as clicks, but for impressionscpc - the cost per click on the applicable keyword ...avgpos - (I don't always have a value for this field) The averageposition that the keyword was shown in for the applicable keyword ...With this data in, the last step is actually analyzing the threetables for useful statistics on the various keywords, search engines,and time frames. That's the step I've been trying to complete.So what I need is a SQL call that I can run that generates a tablewith the following information:SearchEngineKeywordCost / Click - When calculating the CPC, I can't just take an averageof all the records. I need to calculate the total amount spent per day(clicks * cpc), add that up for every day, and then divide that by thenumber of total clicks. Just doing an average doesn't take intoaccount the fact that some days we'll get more clicks than others.Total Spent - # Clicks * CPC#Responses - counting the number of records in the responses table#Confirms - counting the number of records in the responses table with"confirm" in their statusTotal Spent / #ResponsesTotal Spent / #ConfirmsOh yeah, and I want to be able to order by any four of the fields inany order, narrow my selection to only those keywords that either areor contain a user-specified string, further narrow my selection toonly those records that fit other user-specified criteria for any ofthe columns in the table I'm generating, and select only the top xrecords (where x is a user-specified number). I already haveuser-controls that output the SQL for all of these things, but I needto have places in which I may put that SQL in my call.After many trials and tribulations, I've come up with the followingSQL call. Right now, its output for nearly every row is incorrect, Ithink in a large part due to the fact that the method that I'm usingto generate the number of clicks is yielding incorrect values.If you'd like to help me and you think that modifying the followingcall is easier than writing a whole new one, be my guest; if you'dprefer to write a new one, I'm game for that, too. I'm just concernedwith its working right now, and any help you can give me is greatlyappreciated.Anyway, here's the call:/*sp_dboption @dbname='NDP', @optname='Select Into', @optvalue=true;*//*Running the above might be necessary to get the "Select Into"s towork*/Drop table ResponsesPPCDrop table ConfirmPPCDrop table TempPPCSELECT Responses.[ID] as [ID], Responses.Status, PPC.SearchEngine,PPC.KeywordInto ResponsesPPCFROM Responses, PPCWHERE Responses.HitID IN(SELECT Hits.HitIDFROM HitsWHERE Hits.SearchEngine = PPC.SearchEngineAND Hits.Keyword = PPC.Keyword)SELECT ID, Status, SearchEngine, KeywordInto ConfirmPPCFROM ResponsesPPCWHERE Status LIKE "%confirm%"Order by SearchEngine, KeywordSELECT PPC.SearchEngine, PPC.Keyword,SUM(PPC.Clicks), /*I noticed that thiscolumn gives me incorrect values(I don't need it in my final report, but it's useful for debugging).For some keywords, it gives me huge numbers(e.g. 265 clicks on one word that got ~10 clicks /day over five days),and for others, it doesn't give me enough. I think this is a majorpartof what's throwing off the rest of the statistics*/Case SUM(PPC.Clicks) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSESUM(PPC.clicks * PPC.cpc) / SUM(PPC.Clicks) END as CPC,SUM(PPC.clicks * PPC.cpc) AS TotalCost,count(ResponsesPPC.ID) As NumResponses,Count(ConfirmPPC.ID) As Confirms,(Case Count(ResponsesPPC.ID) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSESUM(PPC.clicks * PPC.cpc) / count(ResponsesPPC.ID) END) ASCostPerResponse,(Case Count(ConfirmPPC.ID) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSESUM(PPC.clicks * PPC.cpc) / count(ConfirmPPC.ID) END) AsCostPerConfirmFROM (PPC LEFT JOIN ResponsesPPC ON PPC.SearchEngine =ResponsesPPC.SearchEngineAND PPC.Keyword = ResponsesPPC.Keyword)LEFT JOIN ConfirmPPC ON PPC.SearchEngine = ConfirmPPC.SearchEngineAND PPC.Keyword = ConfirmPPC.KeywordGROUP BY PPC.SearchEngine, PPC.KeywordOrder by PPC.keyword desc/*Drop table ResponsesPPCDrop table ConfirmPPCDrop table TempPPC*//*I don't drop them right now so I can look at them,but normally, one would drop those tables.*/Thanks a lot for your help,-Starwiz

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Access97 - Mssql7 Odbc Timeout Error

Jan 8, 2004


I recently rewrote an old ACCESS 97 application to work with MSSQL 7.

The program works fine until I use a form whiche opens several linked tables at the same time. When closing the Form I get (At unpredictable moments) an ODBC SQL SERVER DRIVER update failure error message.

All rights are set on the tables for Public and even then i keep getting this error at very odd moments. I also had a look in Access at the ODBC refresh rate which is set at 10sec , OLEDB refreshrate 10 sec, and refresh is set at 5sec.

I tried different combinations of timeout settings and even renewing the MDAC to version 2.7.
Nothing helps.

Can anyone give me a tip as to look for the possible source of the error and how to fix it?
Vincent JS

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Client Unable To Establish Connection Encryption Not Supported On SQL Server. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

May 2, 2006

On Windows XP systems I get the following issue when trying to browse the MSDB folder in SSIS

Client unable to establish connection
Encryption not supported on SQL Server. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

I have noticed another post where several others have noticed the same issue. It appears to only occur on Windows XP installations. Is there a workaround or fix for this?

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Client With Tcp/ip Produce &#34;time Out Error&#34; While Same Client While Switced To Named Pipes

May 28, 2001

We have 15 clients running our applicaton
14 of then conected to SQL server using TCP/IP and it runs fine

1 of 15 when connected using TCP/IP produce "..Time out error "
but runs fine when swiched from TCP/IP to Named pipes

1.What area should we look to correct problem with Time out using TCP/IP ?
2. Where to get information about using TCP/IP via Named pipes ?

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Install SQL Server2005 Error:[Native Client]Encryption Not Supported On The Client

May 10, 2006

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29515. SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Encryption not supported on the client. Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.

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Setup Error : [SQL Native Client] Encryption Not Supported On The Client

Nov 1, 2006


I have SQL2000 installed as the default instance, and now I'm trying to install SQL 2005 standard edition as a named instance.

I receive this error :
SQL Server could not connect to database service for server configuration.. [SQL Native client] Encryption not supported on the client. However I'm able to install client tools

The setup works fine on other box with the same config : SQL 2000/Windows XP, is there any work around for this issue ?

In my SQL 2000 client network utilty "Force proctocol encryption " is desabled and did not find the setting for SQL 2005 !

Thank you

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Upgrade Client Connectiviity Tools On Client Machines

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,Is it necessary to upgrade the Client Connectivity Tools on all clientmachines after the SQL Server database server is upgraded from Version7.0 to 2000?Thank you in advance!Eddy

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Sql Native Client Or Sqlserver Client

Mar 3, 2007


While using Sql Native Client ,VB Application giving error

"Transcation Cannot Start because more than one ODBC connection is in use"

But when useing SqlServer client then work perfectly ok.

Please guide where to use Sql Native Client.



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SQL NATIVE CLIENT - OLE DB Connection On 64 Bit Client

Apr 23, 2008

I have tried this on several different operating systems (VISTA and XP ) and several versions of SQL NATIVE CLIENT including 2005.90.3042.0

I have a 64 bit "SQL NATIVE CLIENT" connection that fails. The exact same connection and code succeeds on 32 bit.
My customer and I prepend "oledb:" to the connection string and it starts working.

FAILS on 64 bit:
Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Wrigley_Test;Data Source=MONGO;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=RIPTIDE;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;MARS Connection=False;DataTypeCompatibility=0;Trust Server Certificate=False

oledb:Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Wrigley_Test;Data Source=MONGO;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=RIPTIDE;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;MARS Connection=False;DataTypeCompatibility=0;Trust Server Certificate=False

I debugged my code to the point that I know it is happening when I call CreateAccessor for my SQL statement.

m_hr=m_pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, GetCols(), (m_pDBBinds+IsBookmarked()), 0, &m_hAccessor, NULL);


Microsoft SQL Native Client: Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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How Do I Connect Client Machines To SQL Server 2005 Installed On A Windows 2003 Server

Apr 11, 2008

I am new to SQL server 2005

Windows 2003 Server and all client PCs are all on the same network. I installed SQL 2005 std version on windows server 2003 and created a database and tables in it.

I have two users, who want to connect to SQL server 2005 from their PCs (they have windows XP):

These are two things that I need to facilitate:

1) They want to be able to write queries using Query Designer and run from their PCs.

2) I created an MS Access database on my PC, I want to use Access database as a front end to the SQL server database. I will create queries, forms in Access DB, and I want to be able to get the data from SQL server Database to do this. I guess I can use ODBC to connect to tables in SQL server database.

3) I want to connect SQL server to Oracle database, and run oracle stored procedures. I want to load the results of oracle stored procedures into SQL server database tables. I guess I will use IIS for this.

Any suggestions are appreciated, especially with item number 1.

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Cannot Install SQL Server Express On Vista Ultimate - Cannot Find MS SQL Server Native Client

Apr 5, 2007

I am trying to install SQL Server Express - (the non ADV version) and get the following error.

"An installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'sqlncli_x64.msi'".

I have 64 bit Vista Ultimate running on an HP dv9000.

I am using the download from the bottom of the download page for SSX where it says 64 bit version.

Prior to this I got the. "64-bit is registered. Required 32-bit ASP.NET to install Microsoft Reporting services 2005(32-bit)." messagd during the pre-install scan. From what I gather in the posts, the reporting issue is different from my installation package problem.

I have been trying to prove a point to friends about how far you can go with SSX but am having no luck installing it. This whole process took 1 hour in XP but I've been stymied for 2 days.

I would appreciate being pointed at the right downloads for what seems to be a simple install.

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Assistance In Connecting A SQL Server Client To SQL Server Sitting In A Shared Environment

Dec 5, 2006


I need to connect to a SQL server thats running in say and also sits in a shared environment..

I have couple of questions

1) That SQL server is accessible from my network, yet when I swtich on my enterprise manager I am unable to view that in the list of running SQL servers in the populated list.

Is it because its sitting in a shared environment I am unable to view that?

2) What is the connection striing I should use to connect to the server..When I try to configure a SQL server registrations it normally asks for SQL Server name along with the user authentication

Should I mention fill the Server: field as



to connect to the clustered server.

Can some one tell me the proper connection string if both aforementioned ones are incorrect?

Thanks in Advance





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SQL Server 2005 Client Tools Not Shown Up In Start Menu On Windows 2003 Server

Jul 18, 2007


I have installed SQL server 2005 enterprise edition on Windows 2003 virtual PC (full installation). The installation went through successfully. However, after install completed, I cannot find any of the client tools under the start menu -> all programs -> Microsoft SQL server 2005 menu. The only item listed under the SQL server 2005 is Configuration Tools, which is used to configure the database server.

I have tried to install the client component again (in case I didn't install them at the first place) but the installation process cannot be started since it detected that the client components have been installed already. I can also see the sql server native client running in the services.

The server engine is working fine since I can connect to that sql server using another machine where I have the client tool (SQL server management studio).

One of my friends has exactly the same problem. He installed the sql server 2005 Standard edition on windows 2003 server (full installation), but the client tools are not showing up in the start menu either.

I also checked the location for the SQL server management studio (Microsoft SQL server/90/Tools/Binn/VSShell/Common7/IDE), there is only one folder called publicAssemblies listed under. Is this correct or something is missing?


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Is SQL Server 2005 Management Studio (client Components Only) Is Compatible With Windows Server 2000?

May 29, 2008


Pls let me know if SQL Server 2005 Management Studio (client tools only) is compatible with Windows Server 2000 or not?

Thanks in advance.


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SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Licenses - Client-&>server?

Apr 23, 2007

Hello,This is hopefully just a quick question. I'm looking to re-jig our in-house development infrastructure and part of that will be some sort of SQL Server product, and I'm hoping it will be the Developer edition.My question is, how many copies of the Developer edition would I need to purchase, if I have one Windows 2003 server (which will server the databases) and two client machines which will use it.My initial thought is 2 copies, one for each user (as the license states). But what about the server? Do I just install one of the two copies onto the server and the license covers the two client connections?This might seem a silly question with an obvious answer to you guys. However, am I right? I just need to get this clear in my head.Thanks in advance.. 

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Bulding Client/server Apllication By Using And SQL Server 2005

Jul 9, 2007


What is the ideal method that I can build client/server application by using IIS when I make my programme by using and SQL Server 2005 as database

thanks and waiting your replay

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Sql Server Or Sql Client

Apr 23, 2008

I am using sql server 2005 on my machine. But I have no idea whether I am using sql server or client on my machine.
Is there any way to see that

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SQL Server Client Like SQL Plus

Jun 6, 2001

Newbie Question : Fair Warning ;>

Does SQL Server have a client tool similiar to Oracle's SQL Plus? If so, how do I set that up?

I have installed a desktop edition on my server, and I want to use some client to connect so that I can run queries from another machine. Am I set up correctly, or do I need to install the Enterprise edition on the server to do something like that.

I was thinking of writing a web-based client, but I can't seem to find the time. Plus, I wouldn't want to do that if a solution already exists.

Thanks in advance,

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Sql Server 2000 Client Tools W/ Sql Server 7 Backend

Jun 22, 2000

A quick Q for all the Sql Server 2000 beta testers out there. Does anyone know of any problems associated with using SS2000 Enterprise Manager with a SS7 backend running SP2? In particular, I'm keen to try out the Tsql debugger features, if they'll work with SS7.

Many thanks in advance,
Jon Reade,
Sql Server 7 DBA
NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd
Telford, Shropshire.

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Configure SQL Server 2000 On Web Server Accessiable To Client!!

Aug 3, 2007

I recently had configured my Web Server based on Windows 2003 Server and IIS 5x. I'd also installed SQL Server 2005 into this. Now I want toc onfigure this SQL Server, so that my client can access their database through a DNS name. I request you all for your kind support in this regard. Thanks in advance.

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Configure SQL Server 2000 On Web Server Accessible To Client!!

Aug 3, 2007

I recently have configured my Web Server based on Windows 2003 Server and IIS 5x. I'd also installed SQL Server 2005 into this. Now I want toc onfigure this SQL Server, so that my client can access their database through a DNS name. I request you all for your kind support in this regard. Thanks in advance.

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