Multi Column Grouping Vs Page/Column Break
Mar 18, 2007
In my report i would have 2 groups.
The first group should cause a real page break, the secound group should cause a column break.
Any idea on how to realize this, i've been playing with quite some settings but .....
So, any help ...
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May 27, 2007
When I use the PageBreakAtEnd on the table or on a group in the table, all it does is create a new column of the column report.
I'd want it to start a new page, how can I do this ? Should I work around this issue using code ?
Background: What I need to achieve is a report with 2 columns where the list of products in category 1 are listed in the left column and then snake to the 2nd column on the same page, then to column 1 on page 2, column 2 on page 2, etc...
When it comes to category 2, it should start a fresh new page regardless of whether the previous product was rendered in column 1 or column 2.
I get the snaking to work using the "Columns" property of the report Body. However page breaks do not start a new page, they just start a new column.
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Nov 16, 2015
We are facing problem in doing page break with column grouping. Our column group contains years e.g 2011, 2013 . We want to show a complete page for a year.
Suppose 2011 has 10 records(horizontal) and 2013 has 12 records(horizontal) in column. The output should be 10 records of 2011 in first page, 12 records of 2013 in second page.
We cannot change the report layout to make column to row and vice versa.
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Jan 22, 2008
Hi out there
It seams that I have run into a know and apparently unsolved problem.
How do I force a page break, not column break, on a multi-column report?
I have 4 columns, my data is grouped and is setup to page break after each group.
But all I get is a column break, due to RS thinking of column's as pages.
Several people have posted about the same problem, but I can't find a solution. See...
Does anyone know how to solve this ???
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Jul 23, 2015
SSRS 2008 R2
I have two level of grouping Example:
When I apply Page Break
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Nov 1, 2007
Hi Every One,
I have a simple matrix like below
Total A
Total B
How can I add a Columns Group page break for the Group Categegory in Reporting Services 2005 so the first page break takes place after Total A and rest of the data moves to the next page?
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Jan 30, 2006
Hey folks,
I have a 2 column report that is not page breaking the way I would like. The report has a list that is grouped by a "Type" field. The header includes this type, though I had to use an aggregate of the report field like:
=Max(ReportItems!PlanType.value) & " Contacts"
I want a brand new page when the type changes, but since RS treats columns like pages, if my type ends in the first column, the new type begins in the second column. Is there any way to force it to leave that column blank and start a brand new page?
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May 6, 2008
I have a table with five groups in sql server reporting service. If i give a page break at end in each group and deploy the report the report is fine when viewed in the report viewer(UI).
But when i export it to a PDF i get the Groups footer is a separate page. How can i get the PDF file same as it appears in report viewer.
Thanks in Advance.
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Jan 23, 2008
Have anyone came across an issue with Reporting Service 2005 where if you had more than 1 group within a table and the first group has the property 'Page Break at end' checked - this will cause a page break after the group footer was printed.
Usually this is not an issue but consider this scenario - the 'Page Break at end' is set against the second group (not the first group which show the overall total) - when the last footer was printed for the second group, this cause a page break before the first group (overall) is printed - it seem to me that Reporting Service is not able to know when not to generate a page break if there isn't any more data - more importantly - there dosen't appear to be a way to set an expression against 'Page Break at end' within the group
Does anyone know of this issue and is there a workaround it?
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Mar 5, 2014
Example: A sales report that details and summarizes each Salesperson’s total sales within a company’s stores that reside in each state.
The report has 3 levels of groupings where the highest 2 levels require summary counts on a separate page and the lowest level produces a summary count in the midst of the detail lines of the report.
The data consumed by the report is ordered by State, Store ID, and Salesperson.
The header of each page lists the State and Store ID. The detail lines of the report list items sold and the associated sales amount for each item sold by each store’s salesperson.
At the end of each Salesperson’s items sold, a summary line is listed on the next line in the report showing the total amount and total count of items sold by that Salesperson.
The very next line on the report lists items sold and the associated sales amount for the next Salesperson within that particular store.
Summary lines will be produced for each Salesperson within each particular store on the next line of detail in the report.
At the end of all sales data for each store, a summary page is produced on a separate page listing the summary of each Salesperson’s totals.
Each line of the summary page contains the same counts for each Salesperson that was embedded in the detail section of the report.
The summary page also contains a grand total line listing the total count and sales for all salesmen within each given store.
At the end of all sales data for each state a summary page is produced on a separate page listing the summary of each store’s totals.
Each line of the summary page contains the grand totals of all sales for each store within a given state.
The summary page also contains a grand total line listing the total count and sales for all stores within each given state.
The simple breakdown is the groupings and totals for each state and store must be listed on a separate page in the report.
The grouping and totals for each Salesperson must be listed on the next line within the detail section of the report.
Current issue: The requirement is for no page break at the end of each salesperson’s sales data because the page breaks produce too many extra pages in the report.
Disabling the page break at the Salesperson level produces format issues such as page headers printing on the next line in the report before each Salesperson’s summary line.
Disabling the page breaks at this level also produces the problem of suppressing the page break for the summary page that comes at the end of each store.
Question:The report has 3 levels of grouping with Salesperson at the lowest level, Store ID being the parent group of Salesperson, and State being the parent group of Store ID. Is it possible to format the Salesperson summary line (lowest level grouping) as just another detail line in the report without impacting the report format that requires page breaks at the parent group levels?
A sample report layout of what we are trying to achieve is on the next page.
Sales Report
State: Alaska
Store ID: 100
Item Sold
Sales Amount
[Code] .....
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Aug 2, 2007
I have a multi-column report with a page header that spans the width of the report. Whenever I close the report and reopen it, the header is changed to the width of the column. This isn't a real big deal because I deploy it with the header across the whole page; but once in a blue moon I accidentally hit the F5 key (which I am used to using for refresh in other environments I work in) and the report gets redeployed with the messed up header. Is there anyway to stop RS from automatically adjusting the page header?
And is there anyway to disable the F5 key from deploying the reports. I do use it to build and run windows apps, and don't want to change that, but I don't want to deploy 80+ reports when I accidentially hit it.
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Dec 6, 2007
I have a report with several matrix objects. The data contained in each matrix is simple. One matrix has one column of labels and a column of data. The other has 3 columns of data. Both matrix's only show about 25 rows of data. A variable amount of data is displayed above the matrix's so that sometime the render across a page boundary. Whenever this happens the matrix doesn't render rows down to the bottom of the page. A considerable amount of empty space is left on the page, the completed matrix is displayed on the next page. I'm wondering how to get the matrix to render in this empty space.
This problem only occurs when I view the report on screen, in the Visual Studio "Preview" window, or from the Report Server web site. Tiff, pdf and printed output doesn't contain the extra space.
I've tried adding my matrix to a List and a Rectangle to see of this would fix the problem but it didn't help.
I've check the dimensions and margins or the page and I don't think I have any sizing problems, everything should fit on the page.
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Sep 16, 2004
This is a report I'm trying to build in SQL Reporting Services. I can do it in a hacky way adding two data sets and showing two tables, but I'm sure there is a better way.
Order# Customer Status
STATUS has valid values of PROCESSED and INPROGRESS
The query I'm trying to build is Count of Processed and INProgress orders for a given Customer.
I can get them one at a time with something like this in two different datasets and showing two tables, but how do I achieve the same in one query?
Select Customer, Count (*) As Status1
FROM TheTable
Where (Status = N'Shipped')
Group By Customer
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Nov 12, 2012
I am trying to exclude records from a table where the ID column is the same but the Mail code Column is multi-valued.For Example: (the table looks like....)
ID Mail_code
111111 XNT
111111 N11
111111 XNC
222222 XNC
222222 XNL
333333 XNC
So, if there is any ID that has a value of XNC, I want to exclude the ID all together from my output regardless of the other values.
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Jan 9, 2008
I have two tables, one a data table, the other a product table. I want to perform a join on the two tables with values distributed into columns based on the value in the month field.
product_code month value
350 1 10
350 2 20
350 3 30
product_code profit_center
350 4520
product_code profit_center mon1 mon2 mon3
350 4520 10 20 30
My current query gives the following result
product_code profit_center mon1 mon2 mon3
350 4520 10 0 0
350 4520 0 20 0
350 4520 0 0 30
Any direction toward a solution would be appreciated. Am using SS2005.
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Aug 14, 2007
Hi,Would like to know the performance differenece between Multi-columnIndex vs Single Column Indexes. Let's say I have a table with col1,col2, col3 along with a primary key column and non-indexed columns.In queries, I will use col1, col2, and col3 together and some timesjust one or two of these three columns. My questions is, should Icreate one index contains col1, col2, and col3, or create 3 seperatedcolumns. I.e. each column has its own index. Any performancedifference?Thanks a lot.
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Jul 6, 2006
I have a column look like this
I want to break this column in to three as follow
FirstName LastName Middle
----------------- ----------------- -------------
John Smith P
Peter Johnson M
Joe Tedon
'^' is the delimiter, how can I do this? some one please help me out, thanks a million
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Jul 16, 2015
I have two columns, one column has a document ID and a given document can have many pages. The second column has the pages. Now I want to find out when the page number is broken. For example, if doc ID 1 has 3 rows and each of the three has 1,2,3 and then the fourth row has document 1 but the value jumps from 3 to 7 and then goes to 8,9,10 and then jumps again and starts from 17, i want to have the ranges identified.
DocID Page Number
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 7
1 8
1 9
1 10
1 17
1 18
1 19
1 20
The result should look like :
DocID Page Number
1 1-3
1 7-10
1 17-20
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May 7, 2015
I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?
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Nov 11, 2015
How do I add a hard page break in the middle of a two page report? I use Microsoft reports for windows.
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Oct 9, 2007
I have table and i need to sum one colume of this table and group by not all column table but with some of the table column for instance.
Table is:
SerialNum | Factry | DateTime | Owner,QTY | Cost | Description
I need to sum Qty and group by Serical number and owner only.
How can i do that?
Thank you,
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Jan 5, 2005
Hello, everyone:
I have a table like:
How to query this table to return by Col1 like
Thanks a lot
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May 13, 2008
I have a date column that formated and i need to group by it, how do it do this? i get this error code:
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Column 'o.Initials' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
here is my query:
select * from(
, TechInt as Initials
, [Drug]
,[Missed PT Notes]
,[Pt Same Name]
,[PT Family]
,[Wrong PT]
,[Wrong Ques. Asked]
,[Rx/Refills Omitted]
,[Wrong Sig]
,[Wrong PT Address]
,[Write Date]
,[Wrong MD/MD Info]
,[Rx Should be Questioned]
,[TSTF],[Non-Link Image]
,[DC Date],[Days Supply]
,[No Call Card]
,[Order Count]
,[Credit Hold Procedure]
,[Sig Typo]
,[Verse Missing/Wrong]
,[Right Drug Wrong Form]
from tblaitinfo
pivot (count(ercode) for ercode in ([Drug],[Missed PT Notes],[Pt Same Name],[PT Family],[Wrong PT],[Wrong Ques. Asked],[DAW],[Rx/Refills Omitted],[Allergy],[Wrong Sig],[Strength],[Wrong PT Address],[Quantity],[SVQ],[Refills],[Write Date],[Wrong MD/MD Info],[Rx Should be Questioned],[TSTF],[Non-Link Image],[DC Date],[Days Supply],[No Call Card],[Order Count],[Credit Hold Procedure],[Routing],[Sig Typo],[Verse Missing/Wrong],[Right Drug Wrong Form],[Others])) p
group by formatdate
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Aug 24, 2013
I have a table with following sample data:
**CategoriesIDs RegistrantID**
47 1
276|275|278|274|277 4
276|275|278|274|277 16261
NULL 16262
NULL 16264
NULL 16265
I need to know :
1). which category has how many regisrtantids (like 277 has how many registrantids) 2). group the registrants by category so that i can find which registrants are in category 277 for example)
Do I need to create a function which generates a table from csv ? I have created a function but not sure if it will work in this situation with IN clause.
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Sep 15, 2006
I have a requirement from my users to be able to drill down for a single column in a matrix. I've been able to implement drilldown for all of the measures (all columns grouped at the same time) in my matrix but they now want to be able to group different columns independently of each other. In other words they want to be able to group the data in different columns by different things.
An example might make my question clearer, the report would need to look like this:
Client Name
Sales -
Costs +
Revenue -
Client A +
Europe +
Middle East +
Asia Pacific +
Products +
Investments +
Client B +
As you an see, the Sales measure has been expanded so it's grouped by region so the sales figures can be seen for all clients and the 3 regions. The revenue column has also been expanded/grouped so that you can see revenue figures for products and investments for all clients. Costs is not expanded but it could be by clicking on the '+' which would group the data in that column by something else. They have asked for more than 1 level of drilldown, so clicking on "Europe" above would allow another level for the sales measure which might be country. There will also be regular measure columns that are not drilldown/groupable columns.
Is it possible to implement this with SSRS 2005?
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May 19, 2006
We have roughly 5000 methods generated into C# that need to get assembled into DLLs and then put out as assmeblies in a SQL Server database. We then intend on creating user-defined functions to call many of these directly.
We can break these 5000 down into bundles and make about 10 DLLs, OR we can make 5000 DLLs. What are the concerns from a run-time perspective ??
If we go with 5000 DLLs, will an end user performing a few ad-hoc queries that use these user-defined functions experience poorer performance than if we had 10 large DLLs ?
Any input is appreciated. We'll be trying to assess the performance ourselves, but I'm looking for any stories about using large numbers of DLLs.
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Apr 11, 2007
HI all -
I need to group data in a sql report by currency values. I have a report that shows part numbers and 4 columns making up manufacturing costs and then a 5th column showing total costs. I would like to add a 6th column that groups the total costs by ranges. The example would be, group all costs > 20000, group all costs 1000 > x > 20000 , and finally all costs < 1000.
How can I accomplish this?
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Nov 5, 2015
Below is the data I have in table name
T 1 Complete or Escalate
T 2 Pick Up
T 2 Resolve Case
T 1 Pick Up
T 1 Complete or Escalate
T 1 Pick Up
T 1 Complete or Escalate
I want to get he group based of Resolve Case value in Status Column. Anything before Resolve case will be considered as Group 1 and after Resolve Case status should be considered as Group 2. Below is desired new Group column,
Group TeamStatus
Group 1 T 1Complete or Escalate
T 2 Pick Up
T 2 Resolve Case
Group 2 T 1Pick Up
T 1Complete or Escalate
T 1 Pick Up
T 1 Complete or Escalate
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Aug 4, 2014
I'm trying to divide two values from separate rows. Each row is a separate UNION statement.
2014-08-03 00:00:00.000NKBB (N) - Total Offers 1218 UNION (A)
2014-08-03 00:00:00.000NKBB (N) - With Lead 301 UNION (B)
2014-08-03 00:00:00.000NKBB (N) - Without Leads 917 UNION (C)
In the below example, I would like to divide KBB (N) - With Lead (UNION (B)/KBB (N) - Total Offers UNION (A)
What would be the best way to accomplish this?
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Aug 11, 2015
I would like to create a group and add an overall header.
So the dimension is grouped and results in the following:
Group Title
Dimension 1 Dimension 1 Dimension 1 Dimension 1
Instead of :
Group Title Group Title Group Title Group Title
Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension
How can I achieve this without using a tablix within a tablix?
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Aug 31, 2015
I create a matrix,
Row groups: Province
Column groups: Project Type
Values: Count of # of Projects, Sum of Amount ($)
What this displays is the following. How do I go about calculating what's highlighted in yellow? It is Amount of OneProjectType / Amount of TwoProject Type.
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Jul 6, 2015
I am working on one of the report. where I need to move the amount across column group.
My data is like this
Project Amount CurrentFiscalMonth DelaybyMonth
A 10 Jul 0
B 20 Aug 2
C 10 Sep 0
Report will be sum up the amount at CurrentFicalMonth grouping on column
But, if the Project is being delayed say by as per the example its 2 months than the amount should be moved from Sep to Oct column for the particular project. User has done it using the Offset function in excel.
Fiscal month starts at July and ends at June. and data source is SSAS cube.
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May 20, 2002
I have 6 columns:
Column1a, Column1, Column2a, Column2, Column3a, Column3
I need a statement that will go through the whole table as follows:
For each row, if column3 is not null then return column3 as columnB and column3a as ColumnA.
If column3 is null then if column2 is not null then return column2 as columnB and column2a as columnA.
If column3 & column2 is null then return column1 as columnB and column1a as columnA.
Any ideas?
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