Multi-Language SSAS/SSRS Problem

Mar 7, 2007


I've made my Cube having two language support - Japanese and English. For that I'm keeping two description columns relavent to language and mapping in dimenstion attribute translation. Till that it is fine. In SQL 2005 Analysis Services Browser it working very fine. But when I use this cube with SSRS, I've made Custom parameter for Language. And based on that I'm chaning Report.Language property for the selected language. It is working fine in case of Report Data. It is converting data in Japanese when I select Japanese Language and translating in English when I select English. But Problem is that Parameter's data is not chaning when I change the language. I supposed to that when I'm changing Report.Language to Japanese then Parameter's data should be changed in Japanese. Please help how it can be possible.

Thanks in Advance.

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Multi-Language - In SSAS/SSRS

Mar 7, 2007


I've made my Cube having two language support - Japanese and English. For that I'm keeping two description columns relavent to language and mapping in dimenstion attribute translation. Till that it is fine. In SQL 2005 Analysis Services Browser it working very fine. But when I use this cube with SSRS, I've made Custom parameter for Language. And based on that I'm chaning Report.Language property for the selected language. It is working fine in case of Report Data. It is converting data in Japanese when I select Japanese Language and translating in English when I select English. But Problem is that Parameter's data is not chaning when I change the language. I supposed to that when I'm changing Report.Language to Japanese then Parameter's data should be changed in Japanese. Please help how it can be possible.

Thanks in Advance.

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Multi Language

Nov 27, 2007

Hi there,

I need help about storing data in chinese, arabic, english..... languages in one database. For that I create Database with Latin1_General_CI_AS and I have table Testing with two columns wich are LangName= nvarchar(50), and Comment = nvarchar(MAX). I tried to store comment in chinese language but I could not, when I entered the data "個編碼å?¯ä»¥åŒ…å?«è¶³å¤ 的字元:例如,單單æ­?å·žå…±å?Œé«”就需è¦?好幾種ä¸?å?Œçš„編碼來包括所有的語言。å?³ä½¿æ˜¯å–®ä¸€ç¨®èªžè¨€ï¼Œä¾‹å¦‚英語,也沒有" it converted as ? sometimes or look as a square.


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Multi Language Form

Nov 16, 2007

Hi,I have a table in an MS SQL 2000 database that represents fields on a form.CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TagData](    [FieldName] [nvarchar](255),    [UserID] [int] NOT NULL,    [Data] [nvarchar](255)) A requirement has come up where some of these fields must contain Hebrew, or any other unicode character, data and some of the fields will be English. How can I go about saving and retrieving this information.The current solution is a legacy Classic ASP application and I suspect I am going to have to redo this in ASP.NetThanks,Leon 

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Multi Language Database

Apr 29, 2008

I am using Multi languages web application with sql database...I am using Arabaic and English languge is there is any thing to change sql database data in Arabic and English on run time.I am using only one database client add some record in Arabic in sql database but the another side some one wana check those records in English...plz let me know how can i do on run time
Thanks with best regards,

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Multi Language Support

Apr 25, 2007

I am trying to execute a query which has the Greek letter as below. But it is not returning any rows even though I have a row exists in database matching the condition below.

select ID from pmf where portfolio = 'ãç1'

I am using the ODBC connection to execute the query.


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SQL Server Multi Language Support

Jan 17, 2008

This is chirag patel.
we are going to develop web application which can disply data (Search Results) in different language.
if user selected country Japan, then search results should be in Japanese.
if user selected country Chian, then search results should be in Chinese.
now i want to store all these read only data in Database. how and where i can store it?
do i need to have different Databases? or with single database also i can achive?
I means what is advisable approach to achieve this?

if Single Database for all countries then how i can store same data in different languages in single table?

please guide me if anyone know how to achive such kind of scenario in SQL Server?

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Multi Language Compatability In DataBase Storage????

Jan 4, 2008

I have ran into a problem making a database where i have two versions of a book , one in russian and the other in English. The english part worked but when i input the data for Russian it gets replaced each time with question marks. Is there something i have to enable for the SQL database for it to be able to store Russian Text, or is it a DataType i have to set???


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To Get Multi Language Data From Oracle To SQL Server

Jan 31, 2008


I have transfer data from Oracle to SQL Server the data contains english and some german charactor and the data in oracle has UTF-8 unicode format

Please tell me how i can import the data as SQL Server 2005 is not supporting UTF-8


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To Change Entire Database To Support Multi-language

Aug 28, 2015

I have Sql server 2008 database with 200 GB in production.But It will not support multilanguage Since all the tables and procs is having varchar datatype.

I need to change the Entire Tables and procs to support Multilanguage(nvarchar,ntext) .

I have Many Huge data tables with numerous index .ALso I could not afford too much down Time. How can I perform.

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DB Design :: DataType Change In Databases To Support Multi-language

Sep 13, 2015

i need to change the production database structures with multi language Support , datatype from VARCHAR to NVARCHAR in all SQL Objects SQL Objects: Tables, Functions, Stored Procedures...Some of production Tables with 15 Croces records with 10 to change the entire databases through SQL scripting

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular And Multi-dimensional Instances Using Same Server Instance?

Aug 27, 2015

Is it possible to install 2 SSAS instance (one default and one named) and have them access a single sql server instance (default) all on the same server?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Determining Language In SSRS By URL

Oct 1, 2015

I have a report that I want to render in different languages. Easy enough. However, the way I want it to work is for the user to go to a particular URL, and depending on whether the URL is, say, .fr for France, or .uk for the UK, it will recognize the URL and render the report in the correct language.The problem is, in testing, I've been trying to use the global &ReportServerURL but it does not seem to work.

Do I take it, then, when I put the report live, it will not recognize the URL that appears in the browser, and so won't be able to tell whether the URL is .fr or .uk and so forth?

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Aug 24, 2007


I'm using SSAS 2005 cube as Data Source for my SSRS 2005 report. The report has parameters as well.

The requirement is that I want to pass parameters to the report using my own UI.

My questions are:
1. "How to pass parameters to my report using my UI?" I'm developing the UI using VS2003 (the client's requirement).

2. Is there any ReportViewer control available in Framework 1.x?

3. I'm also using a drilldown sub-report with the same report. I'm passing parameter values to the sub-report selecting the fields of my data. But when the sub-report is opened, it gives an error saying "The parameter 'X' is not assigned a value".

Can anybody help on any or all of these?

Thanks in Advance,
Manjunath HK

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SSRS && SSAS On Same Box

Aug 22, 2007

We're setting up a test and development envorinment and would like some advice on the best deployment of the SQL 2005 components.

Some people seem to advise to have

Machine1 SSIS & Database engine
Machine2 SSAS
Machine3 SSRS

Others say it's OK to put SSRS & SSAS on same box.

Others say it's fine to run all on one box.

Anyone have any rule of thumb advice or links to such ?



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Analysis :: Ssas And Ssrs On Same Server?

Sep 2, 2015

I've see twice this year two different companies either already or planning on having ssas and ssrs running on the same server. 

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Dev Edition Includes SSRS And SSAS?

Mar 14, 2008

Does the SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition include both of these:

Reporting Services?
Analysis Services?

( Also -- Anyone know where I can see a list of all the differences between Dev Edition and other SQL Server editions?)

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Aggregation In SSAS Not Working In SSRS

Jul 5, 2007

I have a measure in a SSAS cube that uses AggregateFunction "Sum". Dimension usage seems to be right so that it sums correctly.

But when I try to use same measure in SSRS report it comes out all wrong.

TO be precise the measure is called "CalendarDays" and it's the number of days in a month (28,29,30 or 31). Say I have 5 products and 4 years, If I look at this in the cube browser then the CalendarDays column aggregates correctly to 365 or 366 for each year even with the five products and 12 months in the rows.

However if I do a SSRS report by product and month with subtotals of years, then SUM(CalendarDays) adds up all the CalendarDays for each month and each product (ie 5 x 365 or 366). If I leave out "SUM" and just enter =Fields!CalendarDays in the subtotal then it doesn't aggregate at all, it jsut gives the first value (ie 31).

How can I get SSRS to aggregate the same way as the cube?

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Best SSRS Data Source: SQL Or SSAS?

Jul 6, 2007

I have a vision of a beautifully interlocked Business Intelligence system in which I load dimensional fact tables through SSIS, build aggregations in SSAS cubes, and quickly and easily generate SSRS reports using the cubes as data marts.

I am now a month into trying to implement this vision and Reality is stomping all over it. Primarily, I am running into issues with the "cube as a data mart" idea. Each cube is taking up an additional gig or two of space, report queries against them seem to take longer than a straight SQL query against my fact tables, and I am running into serious problems trying to pass time-related calculations such as Year-To-Date to my reports.

Has anyone else tried setting up a BI system that uses cubes as the primary drivers for their reports? Have you seen any benefits to doing it that way? Or should I generate most of my reports through the SQL tables?

I'm nearing the point-of-no-return in choosing my final methodology, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


-- Steve

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Reporting Services :: Integration Between SSRS And SSAS

Jun 4, 2015

I'm doing a BI project and I already develop the DataWarehouse and the OLAP Cube. Next step are the creation of a report using SQL Server Reporting Services. 

I am used to use a query from Data Warehouse as the DataSet to implement the report. Is usual ou benefit to use the cube directly on report as DataSource? 

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Creating Subscriptions To SSRS That Connects To SSAS

Oct 30, 2007


I would like to ask how can I create a subscription for a report that connects to Analysis Services?

I was able to create a subscription but the report's datasource is SQL Server 2005 using the built-in "sa" credential. But when I am connected to SSAS the option to use the SQL login is greyed out.

Please help!


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Browser Similar To SSAS Required For SSRS

Jun 29, 2007


How to import analysis browser in SSRS. I need features similar to SSAS Cube browser and SSAS dimention browser.



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SSRS && SSAS 2005 Data Parameter

Aug 20, 2007

Hi all,

I'm sure what I am trying to do is very simple - but I just can't seem to figure it out. I have a report based on a SSAS cube (SQL 2005). The report shows sales based on the dates the user selects from the parameter field (the date parameter field comes from a Y-Q-M-D hierarchy). This all works fine.

What I would like to happen is for the members within the last 3 months to be automatically selected so that the report automatically executes for the last 3 months.

Can anyone help or offer any advice. If possible I would like to achieve this using the GUI features so that power users can use the "plug and pray interface".

Many thanks


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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular And SSRS - Implementing Security

Oct 1, 2015

i would like to pose a question, when a user do a login in SSRS server,is  it possible to pass the username to SSAS tabular, to implement security? I've tested using USERNAME() creating a role that relates USERNAME() with a dim user username, but now i need to implement it with the username used in SSRS server. 

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Parent-child Hierarchy In A SSRS Project Using A SSAS Datasource

May 4, 2007

Hi everybody,

I would like to know how to create a hierarchy in a SSAS project using a SSRS datasource?

All values are displayed when I drag the field "parent" in the MDX generator...

Thanks in advance for any idea...

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Best Practices SQL Server 2005, SSRS, SSAS, SSIS Setup

Oct 8, 2007

I would like to know best practices for setting up my environment. To date, I've had everything running on a single server. That would include the database engine, SSIS, SSAS and SSRS. The box configuration is dual hyperthreaded 3.6GHz Xenon with 4GB of RAM on Windows Server 2003. I just received a much larger server and want to configure it to maximize our environment. The new box contains four 2.6GHz Quad Core processors with 16GB of RAM. I would like to know if I should split the ETL and database engine from SSAS and SSRS, or should this box have enough horse power to house it all and use my other box as a dev environment. Also, we are planning to purchase Performance Point 2007 primarily for PAS and Scorecard Manager so please take that into consideration as well. Any comments are greatly appreciated.


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SSRS 2005 V SSAS 2000 Mutli-Select Parameters

Nov 2, 2007

Has anyone managed to crack getting multi-select parameters to work from an SSRS 2005 report which is querying an SSAS 2000 cube.

SSRS 2005 does support Multiselect, however SSRS 2000 did not. Given that i am querying an SSAS 2000 cube, i get the impression that i am also limited to SSRS 2000 functionality regarding to multi-select parameters.

Is there anyone out there that ever managed to get a wor around, say by using filters on a table or anything really that coud simulate the same behaviour....

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Reporting Services :: Show Empty Column Values In SSAS / SSRS?

May 6, 2014

In My cube I have :

A Fact table <<Company Revenue>>
2 Dimension <<Month.Dim>> , <<Company>>

I have 4 company say (A,B,C,D) but i have record for only company A & D that too only for December month .

 When I create a SSRS report out of the cube i want a matrix where all the company names to be displayed in the rows & all the months in the columns and company's revenue in data

What my report is displaying :

Company  |   December
A                 |   20000
D                 |   3900  

what is needed :

Company  |   January  |  February | March |  ........... | December
A                 |                    |                  |              |     |  20000
B                |                    |                  |              |     |  
C                 |                    |                  |              |     | 
D                 |                    |                  |              |          |   3900  
How do i achieve this either in SSAS or SSAS.

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Reporting Services :: Top N As Parameter In SSRS Report Populated By SSAS Cube?

May 21, 2015

I have an SSRS report that gets its data from an SSAS cube, and it essentially displays a list of students and absences. Everything works fine.

But the users only want to see the top N students with the highest absences. For example, today they want to see the top 100, but during summer vacation, they only want to see the top 5.

Is there a way to add this parameter to the SSRS report? So if I select "5" from the dropdown parameter, it will show the top 5 absences.

The query that I use to populate the report is something simple:


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Reporting Services :: Refresh SSRS Report As Soon As Its SSAS Cube Data Source Is Processed?

Oct 12, 2015

how to trigger report's refresh following its underlying SSAS cubes process?

I want to keep reports data updated at all times, especially when this happens while user is already browsing the report..

I don't want to set an auto refresh for the report every 5 minutes as my cube is processed only one time during the day...

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Report Model Accessing SSAS Cube In SSRS Sharepoint Integrated Mode----- Perspective ID Error

Dec 11, 2007


I am receiving the following error when I run the report builder query. I am able to successfully select the dimensions and measures that I am intrested in but when I run the report I get the error message.

The 'PerspectiveID' custom property for the 'query' perspective is either not set or is not set to the string data type.
Semantic query execution failed.
Query execution failed for data set 'dataSet'.
An error has occurred during report processing.

I am testing this against both Adventureworks standard and enterprise cubes. Additionality I saw a post in this forum
that seemed related but I am using reporting services in sharepoint integrated mode so I am having a hard time trying to troubleshoot this.


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What Version Of SQL Server To Choose In Order To Develop SSAS, SSIS And SSRS 2005 Projects On Xpsp2?

Oct 27, 2007

Good day community. I have a question about SQL Server 2005 Anywhere edition which i currently installed on my desktop. Does it fit my needs which stated on the subject? If no, what should i select for my projects?

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Reporting Services :: Mdx Multi Value In SSRS?

May 30, 2015

I was trying to have multivalue options in a ssrs report, and I used this query  

SELECT {[Measures].[Sales Amount],[Measures].[Tax Amount]} on columns,non empty([Product].[Color].[Color],[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name]) on rows

( select 
 on columns
 from [Analysis Services Tutorial])

But the report only showed the default value as an option(in this format [Product].[Color].&[Multi] whic is not presentable),and what I also noticed in the parameter option is that, the available values option is set to none , also when I try to use get from query , it does not give me the vales for the parameters,and when I right click the designer pane it does not have the show hidden dataset option.I have created the parameter with multivalue option. what can I do to get the multivalue option to work.

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