Multi-Select Parameter Issues - DataType Also?
Jan 9, 2007
I've tried several things to get my multi-select parameter to take more than one value but it seems to only take the 1st one I input. I've been working on this for days and been trying alternate methods but nothing seems to work. I think my first question is if I'm planning on using a parameter as a multi-select parameter what is the data type I should call that parameter. In my case here, the evt_key is unique and will always be 36 characters. I cant imagine in my lifetime that I'm going to have any more than 20 items in the multiselect. Am I looking over something or any other suggestions? I also attached my sp at the bottom.
CREATE procedure dbo.rpt_client_ngcoa_event_registration_attendees_by_state
@evt_key varchar(4000)
set nocount on
set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
create table #tmp_dates
tmp_evt_key varchar(4000),
tmp_title nvarchar(160),
tmp_start_date datetime
create table #temp
tmp_key varchar(4000), -- event
evt_title nvarchar(160),
reg_key varchar(38),
reg_session_code nvarchar(400),
type nvarchar(20),
reg_name nvarchar(300),
reg_sort nvarchar(300),
reg_org nvarchar(300),
reg_date datetime,
amount_paid money,
adr_city_state_code NVARCHAR(110) NULL,
adr_state NVARCHAR(40) NULL,
adr_country NVARCHAR(60) NULL,
adr_city NVARCHAR(40) NULL,
adr_post_code NVARCHAR(20) NULL,
src_code NVARCHAR(50) NULL,
days_out int
create table #tempet
tmpet_key varchar(4000)
if @evt_key = '' or @evt_key is null
insert #tempet
select distinct evt_key
from ev_event
where evt_key in ('00394886-dfc7-4466-b674-1f2b3ede79ea', '10BE664D-DA4F-44F4-802C-ABD4FC015FB4','56504014-9787-4207-8FAD-EC6C6A384C1D')
and evt_delete_flag = 0
insert #tempet
exec _selectstringfromstring @idstring = @evt_key,@intorstring='S'
if @evt_key = '' goto finalselect
set @evt_key = dbo.av_preprptguidparam(@evt_key,'returnnull')
IF @evt_key='' SELECT @evt_key=NULL
insert into #tmp_dates
select distinct
from ev_registrant
join ev_event on reg_evt_key = evt_key
--join #tempet on evt_key=tmpet_key
where reg_delete_flag = 0
and evt_delete_flag = 0 --and reg_evt_key = '10BE664D-DA4F-44F4-802C-ABD4FC015FB4'
and (@evt_key is null or (@evt_key is not null and reg_evt_key = @evt_key))
---AND (@evt_key IS NULL OR (@evt_key IS NOT NULL AND reg_evt_key IN (SELECT item FROM dbo.av_SelectStringFromString(@evt_key,','))))
insert into #temp
select tmp_evt_key,
-- net_prc_code,
case net_prc_code when null then tmp_title
when '' then tmp_title
when 'NULL' then tmp_title
when ' ' then tmp_title
else net_prc_code end,
'Reg Code',
datediff(dd, reg_add_date, tmp_start_date)
from #tmp_dates
join ev_registrant on reg_evt_key = tmp_evt_key
join vw_ac_invoice_detail on reg_ivd_key = net_ivd_key
join co_customer on cst_key = reg_cst_key
LEFT JOIN co_customer_x_address x ON x.cxa_key = reg_cxa_key AND cxa_delete_flag = 0
LEFT JOIN co_address a ON a.adr_key = x.cxa_adr_key AND adr_delete_flag = 0
LEFT JOIN co_source_code o ON src_key = reg_src_key AND src_delete_flag = 0
--join #tempet on reg_evt_key=tmpet_key
where reg_delete_flag = 0
and reg_cancel_date is null
and cst_delete_flag = 0
AND (@evt_key IS NULL OR (@evt_key IS NOT NULL AND tmp_evt_key IN (SELECT item FROM dbo.av_SelectStringFromString(@evt_key,','))))
select *
from #temp
--where (@evt_key IS NULL OR (@evt_key IS NOT NULL AND tmp_key IN (SELECT item FROM dbo.av_SelectStringFromString(@evt_key,','))))
order by days_out desc, type, reg_name
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Jun 8, 2007
Hi All
I am using SQL Server 2005 with SP2. I have multi select parameter in the report. In SP2 reporting services gives Select All option in the drop down.
Is there any way I can remove that option from the list?
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Sep 6, 2007
I am using RS 2000. I have a multi select parameter where I can select multiple states by separating with a comma. I am trying to figure out how to incorporate an "All" parameter.
Select [name], city, state, zipcode
From Golf inner join charlist_to_table(@State,Default)f on State = f.str
CREATE FUNCTION charlist_to_table
(@list ntext,
@delimiter nchar(1) = N',')
RETURNS @tbl Table (listpos int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
str varchar(4000),
nstr nvarchar(2000)) AS
DECLARE @pos int,
@textpos int,
@chunklen smallint,
@tmpstr nvarchar(4000),
@leftover nvarchar(4000),
@tmpval nvarchar(4000)
SET @textpos = 1
SET @leftover = ''
WHILE @textpos <= datalength(@list) / 2
SET @chunklen = 4000 - datalength(@leftover) / 2
SET @tmpstr = @leftover + substring(@list, @textpos, @chunklen)
SET @textpos = @textpos + @chunklen
SET @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @tmpstr)
WHILE @pos > 0
SET @tmpval = ltrim(rtrim(left(@tmpstr, @pos - 1)))
INSERT @tbl (str, nstr) VALUES(@tmpval, @tmpval)
SET @tmpstr = substring(@tmpstr, @pos + 1, len(@tmpstr))
SET @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @tmpstr)
SET @leftover = @tmpstr
INSERT @tbl(str, nstr) VALUES (ltrim(rtrim(@leftover)),
Anyone have any ideas?
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Nov 22, 2006
Hi All
Can anyone tell me whether or not it is
possible to multi select when you have a parameter
that is set as non-querried in order for it to be
typed instead of selected.
My users prefer typing the values and selecting
more than one. But at the moment I cant give them both..
I'm using SSRS with SSAS cube all in BI all 2005
Please help. I suspect that if it's possible it may just be a
syntax thing but I am yet to find it.
Thanks in advance
Gerhard Davids
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Oct 16, 2006
Is it possible to pass values from UI to a multi-value parameter in a report and from this report, select values from this multi-value parameter to finally display data?
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May 17, 2007
I have a multi-select parameter for a report, but If I select more than one value the report does not return any data. However, if only one value is selected data for that value is returned. I am using the IN option for the SP parameter.
SELECT Code,Description FROM Product
WHERE Code > 0 AND Description IN (@Description)
I am using SP2 on SQL2005, also I do not have the option of Select-All which I expected to be present.
Any help would be most appreiated.
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Feb 22, 2007
I have the following problem:
In my report I have -among others- a multi-value parameter, populated by a query (so I cannot a priori know the content of the list).
I would like my report to start without any user choice, through default parameters, so what I need is the "select all" choice selected by default. How can I achieve this?
[The only default value I am able to pass to the multi-value parameter is one of the elements populating the list, statically writing it in the "Non-queried" section of "Default values": "From query" option seems not to work for multi-valued]
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
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Apr 4, 2007
Hi All,
I have a procdeure as written below.
I have created datasets in te report and in Report parameters clicked the Multi-value Parameter option.
When I run the report, I get all the customer names, when I select one customer report returns correct data. When I select two customers in the list box, the result set is empty. Can anyone guide me on what the error could be?
create procedure MyMultiReport @customername nvarchar(30), @businessplantype nvarchar(30), @businessplanyear nvarchar(10) as
Select PlanDatameta.sort,,,Planmonthlydata.Productmainpkey,Country, BusinessDivisiondescription, PlanSegmentPkey, Plantext.referencepkey, Plantext.usage, sheet, name, Plantext.text, Brand, Size, text1, PlanDatameta.sort+' '+Plantext1.text as LineDescription,line, Month1, Month2, Month3, Month4, Month5, Month6, Month7, Month8, Month9, Month10, Month11, Month12, Total from Planmonthlydata join Plantext on Plantext.referencepkey=Planmonthlydata.Plansegmentpkey join PlanDatameta on PlanDatameta.pkey=Planmonthlydata.PlanDatametapkey join Productdescription on Productdescription.Productmainpkey=Planmonthlydata.Productmainpkey join Productmain on Productdescription.Productmainpkey=Productmain.pkey join Plansegment on Plansegment.pkey=Planmonthlydata.Plansegmentpkey join bpamain on bpamain.pkey=Plansegment.bpamainpkey join sysperiod on sysperiod.pkey=Plansegment.sysperiodpkey join Planmeta on Planmeta.pkey=Plansegment.Planmetapkey join Plantext Plantext1 on PlanDatameta.pkey=Plantext1.referencepkey where Planmonthlydata.status<>'d' and (PlanDatameta.sheet='PlanProductSummary') and Plantext.text<>'' and (PlanDatameta.line='MyPlanBaselineVolumeBasic' or PlanDatameta.line='BaselineVolumes' or PlanDatameta.line='IncrementalVolumes'or PlanDatameta.line='TotalVolumes') and name in (@customername) order by PlanDatameta.sort,Plantext.text,text1return
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Apr 24, 2007
I have a rectangle region in a report that contains a graph and a table. I want to display that list region only when the user selects a "Select All" from a multi-select report parameter. This rectangle region is used only to display summary data for All Agencies.
My report also contains a list region with graphs and tables, where I display data for each agency (my detail group), and page-break on each agency.
The problem I am experiencing occurs when using the Expression Builder for the Visibility property for my rectangle and list regions. Since a multi-select parameter is an array, I am forced to select an element in my paramater such as =Parameters!Agency.Value(0). When the user chooses "(Select All)", the first element is the first agency in the list. I don't want that.
How can I get Reporting Services to display a rectangle or list region when "Select All" is chosen, and to hide that rectangle or list region when one or more agencies are chosen from a multi-select parameter?
I have tried using Agency.Label and I've tried other expressions such as Parameters!Agency.Count = Count(Agency.Value), etc, without success.
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Feb 19, 2008
I am trying to figure out a way to toggle the visibility of attribute data based on a parameter. Specifically, I have a report that has many columns that an end-user may not want to see, depending on what they are using the report for. I know you can toggle visibilities on individual columns easily enough, however I want the user to be able to select which fields (at the attribute level) they want visible on the report up in the parameters, via a multi-value prompt.
Is this possible with reporting services 2005?
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Jan 22, 2008
I am working in .net 2.0.
How can I check if "(Select All)" option was selected in multi-value parameter?
Thanks in advance!
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Apr 5, 2007
Hi, I have report parameter and its values are static lik (ABC, DEF, GHI ) etc. I want to select all as a default for this parameter. How I can do this?
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Sep 28, 2007
Hi All
New user here. I've got a report with a couple of multi-value parameters and I'm displaying the selected values on the report using = Join(Parameters!ReportingGroup.Value, ", "). This works properly.
The users now want the report to display "All" if "Select All" is chosen, rather than showing the whole list.
Can anybody help me with this? I'm thinking of using an IIF statement in my expression, but have no idea how to define the condition?
Thanks in advance
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Feb 13, 2007
Hi All
I have a report which has a multi-value parameter. Problem is, it can contain up to 100 options.Is there a way to limit the number of options that is passed to the SQL statement?. EG list has 100 options, user selects 10 but only the first 4 selected options are passed to the SQL statement.
Many Thanks
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Apr 28, 2008
I have a report that includes two multi-valued parameters.
In the Default Values section, I choose 'from query' and select dataset and value field.
In the Available Values section, I choose 'from query' select the same dataset and value field, and in the label field I select the relevant label field.
When I run the report my multi-valued parameters look like I selected the option 'select all' (all options are selected).
How can I keep the multi-valued parameters cleared from selections until the user select his choice? Thanks in advance.
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Apr 16, 2009
I am trying to get a null value to pass to a multi-select parameter in SSRS 2005. The multi-select box is getting its possible values from the following query:
This query is pre-pending a row with NULL as the first ID. The resulting data set is exactly what you would expect - Row 1 has a null in column CMP_ID, and <all companies> in column COMPANY. All the rest of the rows have proper data. My multi-select parameter box is of type Multi-value Int, with possible values populated by this query and a default of NULL. However, when I preview the report, the <all companies> row disappears.
It's not even in the list, and it's not getting selected by the default selector. So, of course, when I try to View Report without selecting anything, I get prompted to select a company. Why the prepended row in my dataset is getting dropped from the multi-select box at display time? And yes, I have to be able to pass a null value because the stored procedure on which the report is based expects this parameter to be optional.
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Apr 14, 2008
I understand that Multi-Select Parameters are converted behind the scenes to an In Clause when a report is executed. The problem that I have is that my multi-select string parameter is turned into an in claused filled with nvarchar/unicode expressions like:
Where columnName in (N'Value1', N'Value2', N'Value3'...)
This nvarchar / unicode expression takes what is already a fairly slow-performing construct and just drives it into the ground. When I capture my query with Profiler (so I can see the In Clause that is being built), I can run it in Management Studio and see the execution plan. Using N'Values' instead of just 'Value1', 'Value2','Value3' causes the query performance to drop from 40 seconds to two minutes and 40 seconds. It's horrible. How can I make it stop!!!?
Is there any way to force the query-rewriting process in Reporting Services to just use plain-old, varchar text values instead of forcing each value in the list to be converted on the fly to an Nvarchar value like this? The column from which I am pulling values for the parameter and the column that I am filtering are both just plain varchar.
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Jul 29, 2015
I have two report , first is main report which is matrix and have one parameter User_ids which is multi value selection and my second report is basic chart of user_wise performance.
Now, my main report (matrix ) works fine for Multiple selection of users and i have putted one textbox on main report chart which has action properties set for chart report, when user click on chart button it must goes to chart with user selected in main report. Now , i have used expression for parameter to send it like ..
=join(parameter!user_id!value,",") which pass selected value to chart
And when I am selecting single user it passing that value to chart parameter list but , when it is more than one user it errors with conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '121,128' to data type int. But my chart also works when passing 121,128 in user parameter in preview of report .
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Feb 4, 2008
I would like to be able to adjust the multi-value property of a parameter based on the value of another parameter in my report. The controlling paramter would be binary with two options for Single or Multiple selection. I would like my parameter to default to multi-value, which I can do on the screen selection. I have tried to add an IIF statement to the XML code, with no success. Any ideas would be helpful.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello,I am trying to construct a query across 5 tables but primarily 3tables. Plan, Provider, ProviderLocation are the three primary tablesthe other tables are lookup tables for values the other tables.PlanID is the primary in Plan andPlanProviderProviderLocationLookups---------------------------------------------PlanIDProviderIDProviderIDLookupTypePlanNamePlanIDProviderStatusLookupKeyRegionIDLastName...LookupValue....FirstName...Given a PlanID I want all the Providers with a ProviderStatus = 0I can get the query to work just fine if there are records but what Iwant is if there are no records then I at least want one record withthe Plan information. Here is a sample of the Query:SELECT pln.PlanName, pln.PlanID, l3.LookupValue as Region,p.ProviderID, p.SSNEIN, pl.DisplayLocationOnPCP,pl.NoDisplayDate, pl.ProviderStatus, pl.InvalidDate,l1.LookupValue as ReasonMain, l2.LookupValue as ReasonSub,pl.InvalidDataFROM Plans plnINNER JOIN Lookups l3 ON l3.LookupType = 'REGN'AND pln.RegionID = l3.Lookupkeyleft outer JOIN Provider p ON pln.PlanID = p.PlanIDleft outer JOIN ProviderLocation pl ON p.ProviderID = pl.ProviderIDleft outer JOIN Lookups l1 ON l1.LookupType = 'PLRM'AND pl.ReasonMain = l1.LookupKeyleft outer JOIN Lookups l2 ON l2.LookupType = 'PLX1'AND pl.ReasonSub = l2.LookupkeyWHERE pln.PlanID = '123456789' AND pl.ProviderStatus = 0ORDER BY p.PlanID, p.ProviderID, pl.SiteLocationNumI know the problew the ProviderStatus on the Where clause is keepingany records from being returned but I'm not good enough at this toanother select.Can anybody give me some suggestions?ThanksDavid
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Sep 13, 2015
i need to change the production database structures with multi language Support , datatype from VARCHAR to NVARCHAR in all SQL Objects SQL Objects: Tables, Functions, Stored Procedures...Some of production Tables with 15 Croces records with 10 to change the entire databases through SQL scripting
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Apr 29, 2008
Hello all,
I have two mult-value parameters in my report. Both of them working with selecting one or more values. But, when I test using "(Select All)" values for both parameters , only one parameter works. The "available values" for these two parameters are both from the data set.
select distinct ProductType
from Product
order by ProductType
Any suggestion? thx
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Feb 27, 2008
There are several parameters on a report. One of the parameter is a multi-select enabled parameter and I suppressed the value "All" showing as one of the item in the drop down list, simply by filter out the [bha].[bha].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL to 1, as "(Select All)" is pre-assigned to the drop list when multi-select is enabled and it is confusing to show "(Select All)" and "All" in the drop list. However I have another report which is linked to this report and the value which is required to pass to this report for this parameter is "All". Can I pass the "Select All" as a parameter from the other report? If so, how? Thanks.
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Jan 16, 2007
In my report i have a multi valued parameter, when i view my report in the Web application with Report Viewer, The multi valued parameter is displaying in light color.Can we able to change this.
Thanks in advance
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Sep 5, 2007
I have a stored procedure im passing into Reporting Services. Only problem is , What do i need to change to allow the user to select more then one value. I already know what to do on the reporting services side, but it keeps erroring with the data source IE my stored procedure. Here's the code:
Code Snippet
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[PROC_RPT_EXPENSE_DETAIL_DRILLDOWN_COPY] Script Date: 09/05/2007 13:49:09 ******/
(@Region int = Null)
SELECT Budget_Reporting_Detail.Budget_Report_Detail_Datetime, Budget_Reporting_Detail.Budget_Report_Detail_Document_Type,
Budget_Reporting_Detail.Budget_Report_Detail_Code, Budget_Reporting_Detail.Budget_Report_Detail_Description,
ISNULL(Budget_Reporting_Detail.Budget_Report_Detail_Amount, 0) AS Actual, Budget_Reporting_Detail.Budget_Report_Detail_Qty,
Budget_Reporting_Detail.Budget_Report_Detail_Responsible, Territory.Name+'('+Code+')' as [Name], Region.Region, Round((Forecast.Budget_Amount/13),2) AS Budget,
Forecast.Budget_Type_Code, Forecast.Budget_Year, Budget_Forecast_Period,
FROM RC_DWDB_INSTANCE_1.dbo.Tbl_Budget_Reporting_Detail AS Budget_Reporting_Detail RIGHT OUTER JOIN
(SELECT Budget_Type_Code, Budget_Year, SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code, Budget_Amount
) AS Forecast INNER JOIN
RC_DWDB_INSTANCE_1.dbo.Territory AS Territory INNER JOIN
RC_DWDB_INSTANCE_1.dbo.Tbl_Territory_In_Sales_Responsible AS Territory_In_Sales_Responsible ON
Territory.Code = Territory_In_Sales_Responsible.Territory_Code INNER JOIN
RC_DWDB_INSTANCE_1.dbo.Tbl_Territory_In_Region AS Territory_In_Region ON Territory_In_Region.Territory_Code = Territory.Code ON
Forecast.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code = Territory_In_Sales_Responsible.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code ON
Region.Region_Key = Territory_In_Region.Region_Key ON Budget_Reporting_Detail.Budget_Type_Code = Forecast.Budget_Type_Code AND
Budget_Reporting_Detail.Budget_Year = Forecast.Budget_Year AND
Budget_Reporting_Detail.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code = Forecast.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code
WHERE (Region.Region_Key IN( @Region)) AND (Forecast.Budget_Year = 2007)
what am i doing wrong?
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Jan 15, 2008
I am building a report and have a few parameters. One of this parameters is set up as Multi-Value. When I only select one value everything is running fine. But when I select multi values I get an error saying I must declare my variable.
Any idea why this is happening?
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Sep 3, 2007
i read from this forum that to pass array to report is using multi value parameter . my problem now is
1. can i pass multi dimension array.
2. how do i show the multi value parameter in a table . for example i have a multi value parameter that may contain 10 or 20 array . how do i dynamic it show in table.
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Dec 11, 2006
I'm trying to build a sproc that will return rows even if some of the parameters are blank. For example; if a user does not enter a priority, a status, or a caller the sproce should still return rows based on the other parameters.
Can anyone help me find a way to modify my sproc bellow to allow this? I think the way I have it bellow will only return those rows where the user has entered a parameter or the record has a null in the field.ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ContactManagementAction
@ClientID int,
@Priority int,
@TStart datetime,
@TEnd datetime,
@Status nvarchar,
@ConTypeID int,
@Caller nvarchar,
@Keyword nvarchar
SELECT Task_ID, ClientID, Priority, ActionDate, Subject, Note, Status, CompletionDate, TaskDocument, ReminderDate, Reminder, ReminderTime, Sol_ID,
DateEntered, EnteredBy, Caller, ContactTypeID, DueDate
FROM tblTasks
WHERE (ClientID = @ClientID) AND (Priority = @Priority) OR (Priority IS NULL) AND (ActionDate BETWEEN @TStart AND @TEnd) AND (Status = @Status) OR (Status IS NULL) AND
(ContactTypeID = @ConTypeID) OR (ContactTypeID IS NULL) AND (Caller = @Caller) OR (Caller IS NULL) AND (Subject LIKE @Keyword) OR (Subject IS NULL)
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May 27, 2008
Is it possible for an AND statement to take mulitple parameters? See below code:
SELECT tblQuestion.Question, tblAnswer.Answer
FROM (tblAnswer INNER JOIN tblQuestion ON tblAnswer.QuestionID = tblQuestion.ID)
WHERE (tblAnswer.StateID = ?) AND (tblAnswer.QuestionID = 14)
Is something like this possible?:
AND (tblAnswer.QuestionID = 14, 26)
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Jun 23, 2007
OK Guys....
If you answer this one, you will save my life...and you WILL be the MAN or WOMAN!!!!
Problem: I have a set of 24 matrix's that need to calculate the difference between the last two years and display in a field to the right of the last rendered column. Since I have been struggling with this, let's just assume there is no better way than how I currently have it set up. (one table that does the calculations for me and I set one field on the report to display the most recent two columns difference in my report)
what I can not figure out is: when I choose one of my parameters the report displays the information I want...but when I choose more than one...well there is the problem....
In order to obtain the most help for myself I will ask this in the most general way possible so as not to get bogged down into my specific solution...
Desired Result: How to pass all my parameter values from my multi-value parameter during runtime to a SQL Stored proc from my dataset within Reporting Services at runtime, Match the parameter to the field, get the result and store it in a variable, then do it again and add the second to the first within the variable, and so on and so on , until all of the parameters are used. Then sum the values and display in a field.
HELP, HELP, HELP Please....
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Jun 28, 2007
I have a multi-value parameter field and each item comes from a table in the DB.
This multi-value parameter allows to select all or some of the items.
What if I don't want to select ANY item??
I read in the forum the several tray to do the same but the answers are not so clear..
If I say that at the end is a bug in SSRS... AM I right?
Thank you
Marina B.
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Apr 24, 2007
Several people have asked about this, but I have not seen a response that works. I have several parameters that I want to use as filters. If a particular filter parameter is not entered, the report should not apply a filter on that criterion. It works fine to create a single value parameter which allows null, and use the following in SQL:
WHERE ( [Field1] = @Field1_Filter OR @Field1_Filter IS NULL )
How can the same effect be achieved for a multi-value parameter? If you try to create a multi-value parameter which allows null, the report builder gives an error. I can't use "allow blank value" because some of my parameters are integer parameters. Without the allow null, the report generator requires me to enter at least one value. So I don't know how you can get a value of "not entered" into a multi-value parameter.
I also don't know how you would check for the "not entered". Someone suggested the following SQL:
WHERE ( [Field1] IN (@Field1_Filter) OR @Field1_Filter IS NULL )
This generates an error when generating the report if multiple values are entered for the parameter (the normal condition). The error is " An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ',' ".
How is this supposed to be done?
Thanks for any insight
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Mar 19, 2007
i'm trying to perform a query against a db2 database like this:
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE (field IN (?))
Then i let reporting services pass the parameter to the report. When i try to preview the report, i get the following error:
An error occurred during local report processing,
An error has occured during report processing,
Cannot add multi value query parameter '?' for data set ... because it is not supported by the data extension
But when i type the query like this
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE (field IN ('value1','value2'))
it executes flawlessly.
I am using the IBM ole db driver for db2 if that matters
Can anyone help me?
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