I had a multi publisher single subscriber replication in my job and now i want remove it. i disabled the subscriber. Now if i disable the publisher and distributor then it gives me a error cannot drop the distribution DB because it is currently in use. this DB can never be dropped since there is at least one publisher at one time that accesses this DB everytime. How should I disable this publication.
I have a wired situation..!I set up transactional replication on one of my development server (SQL2000 Dev Edition with sp4).It is running fine without any issues and all of a sudden, i noticed inmy repication monitor tab under Publisher where I usually see thepublication is empty now.I do see the snapshot agent, log reader and distribution agent under myagents inside the replication Monitor. But its usefull to see all 3agents in one window under publisher before. What happend? Is there anyway to get that inside that monitor? Has someone encountered thissitation before? Please advise....After that I tried to create a new set of replication on differentdatabase on the same server and i dont see those either underReplication Monitor - Publishers....All it says is (No Items)....I would appreciate any help to correct this issue... Thanks in advance..
I am setting up a 40 subscriber node transactional replication environment (pull), and was looking to have 2 or more distributors service one publisher, each having a group of subscribers, is there any benefit to this ?, as opposed to having one distributor service all subscribers, is it possible (distributor at instance level ?)
From what I've seen, I could not find anything that shows multiple distributors to one publisher.
Publisher and Distributor are on separate physical hosts.
Hi, We have an existing merged replication schema that works well. One of the tables is named audit. Currently this is a bidirectional transfer. However, we want a new audit table that will transfer data from the subscriber to the publisher and not the other way round. I have a script that was generated as a backup script when replication was first created. I have no idea which parameter to change in order to have the merge replication going from subscriber to publisher. Any advise is helpful. Thanks.
Is it possible to replicate data from one publishers to a multiple subscribers in transaction replication? In other words I have Server A, Server B, Server C with databases A,B,C respectively. I need to replicate 10 articles from A to B but only 1 from A to C. In other words I want to use the same publisher but select one article from that publisher instead of all 10 to Server C/database C.
If it is possible what will be the drawbacks of such implementation? Will performance be a hit?
Before this, I've 2 difference site that run SQL server 2000 as database server. One at north and the other at west.
At north, I've a group of terminal that run SQL server 2000. I've 1 main server that run as publisher and distributor to all the terminal. And also the main database is at the main server. The terminal will replicate together using merge replication. So that the data would be same at all terminal. At west it also have the same scenario.
Last week my boss ask me to replicate both main server ( north and west ). So that he want the data would be same at all place.
What if a Publication and Distribution server machine fail to work. Do I need to reinitiliaze the whole snapshot on a new machine and retransmit the data to the subscriber. Or can I make use of replication script to recreate the publication and distribution and then replicate to existing subscriber using same machine name?
This is the first time that I am trying to implement replication. Icame across with a problem while I was creating my publisher anddistributer. I want to create the publisher and the distributer at thesame machine however I got this error" SQL Server Agent on <machine name> currently uses the system account,which causes replication between servers to fail. In the fallowingdialog box, specify another account for the Service start up account"If I skip this error does it cause any problem? or how can I fix thisproblem? If I give different login and password does the Service startup create any abnormality in the Database?If someone can help me I really appreciate it?RegardsAs
I have been looking for a way to replicate data from a DB2 system running on an AIX machine. I found some information related to doing this with SQL2000, but not with 2005. Can this be done - preferably without writing our own provider.
I am setting up transaction replication in SQL Server 2012 with three individual servers for Distributor, Publisher, Subscriber, But I want to know how to set the folder for Snapshot agent like whether the folder should be a network shared folder or normal local folder.
Sadly the hostnames for the boxes I am trying to replicate are similar:
- db1.nyc.mydomain.tld - db1.sac.mydomain.tld
The servers can talk to each other over all necessary ports however when I generate a push subscription from the publisher, I am asked to add the SQL Server subscriber and it already shows DB1 listed since itself is DB1.nyc. How can I attach the remote subscriber when setting up the subscription from the publisher if the hostname conflicts in my unique scenario?I created a entry on the publishers host file to use db2sac for the SAC IP and entering that alias in as the remote subscriber but no dice.
I am executing sp_dropmergesubscription, but the rows are still in dbo.msmerge_subscriptions, and are still shown in the replication monitor as expired; the last synch dates were in april (expiration is set to 10 days). The 'expired subscription clean up' job appears to be running okay. I need to remove these subscriptions from the publisher as the subscribers are mobile devices, which sometimes are lost.
We have a publisher that got red-crossed(Run to problem). I decide to remove and recreate it. However, after remove it, the publisher still stays in Replication Monitor. The remain thing has no distributor and logreader, but only snapshot agent. When to check the property of the agent, we got a error message basically say the job does not exist, which makes sense.
Now, it does not show up in any places, except Replication Monitor. Well, it cannot be removed from Replication Monitor. Can any one tell us how to clear it from Replication Monitor?
Thank you.
More Infor: The replication was set up on 2000.(2000 pub, 2000 dis and 2000 sub) with 2005 Management Studio, and the publication was removed with 2005 Management Studio.
I`m trying to setup our sql2000 sp3a sql server as a Publisher.When i use the wizard to config Publishing and Distribution wizard. I recieve the following error:
Sql Enterprise manager could not configure server as the distributor. Error 14133 Could not execute instdist.sql. Check instdist.out in the install directory.
I`ve checked the install directory and cannot find the file instdist.out file. I assume that it failed before completeing this stage.
Has anyone come across this error before and any ideas on how to resolve would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance,
I was wondering if it is possible to setup replication between a 2005 SQL Publisher and a 2000 SQL Subscriber? Is there any special setup steps I need?
Hi all, I'm a rather newbie, not only to this forum but also to sql server having a question to the following issue: Is it possible to drop/remove/delete the "orphan" of a merge subscription on one instance of sql server without having the (former) distributor/publisher (on other instance) available? The background is: I had a small replication infrastructure with two instances (on two machines), one the publisher and distributor, the other the subscriber. Now it happened that the publisher/distributor machine was completely set up new without having the replication dropped in advance, what remained on the subscriber is now a database with all the merge/replication tables and the guid columns in the user tables. Moreover this, an entry remained in the subscription saying that a subscription with the former publisher exists...
Can I remove these "orphans" without having to setup the instance again?
I am using SQL 2012 SE and implementing transactional replication. I need to insert the rows from publisher database tables to new tables, drop the old tables and rename the new tables with the old table names.
For example:
Publisher database tables that are being replicated:
Table1 Table2 Table3
and I am going to create new tables in publisher database
Drop constraints from and then tables (does this require articles to be removed from replication?)
Table1 Table2 Table3
Table1_new to Table1 Table2_new to Table2 Table3_new to Table3
Does this require replication to set up from scratch or add the three articles only to replication? Is there a way this can be done without pausing or reinitializing replication or without removing articles and adding them back?
I have taken over a transactional replication setup that is being usedfor fault tolerance (I know, I know...).The scenario I am concerned with is where the publisher goes down due tofailure, so we need to point our application at the subscriber and startupdating the data there. We are not using the immediate updating option.How do I go about re-syncing the publisher with the data that been addedto, or changed on the subscriber, when the publisher comes back online?Thanks,TGru*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
I have a primary and secondary servers both running Windows 2000 SP3 with SQL 2000 SP3. I have set up transactional replication with the primary server as publisher and the secondary server has the distributor and subscriber DB. I am testing the scenerio where my primary server goes down and I have to make updates to the secondary server until my primary server comes back up. I am able to update my subscriber database and the transactions go into the MSreplication_queue table to be pushed back to the primary when it comes back up. When I bring the primary server back up and start the queue agent job it starts pushing the transactions over and then stops after 4 or 5 transactions with the error "Failed while applying queued message to publisher". I have attached part of the log file for the agent below
In the sql server logs I am getting this message: Replication-Replication Transaction Queue Reader Subsystem: agent Repl Queue Reader failed. Failed while applying queued message to publisher. Error: 14151, Severity: 18, State: 1
I have a setup of transaction replication between one publisher and subscriber in the Same server.Now, I need to add a new subscriber to the existing publisher. So publisher database name is DB_A and Subscriber 1 name is DB_B. So the new subscriber will be DB_C. Is this kind of setup possible on one server?
If yes then at the time of reinitialization is it going to apply the snapshot on DB_B as well as DB_C?Also let say if due to disk error DB_B gets corrupted then will data be still replicated between DB_A and DB_C? (Assuming publisher, subscriber 1 and 2 are sitting on individual disks).
Hi,I am trying to set up a Updatable Subscriptions for TransactionalReplication with SQL 2005 (queued updating).I have a stored procedure "SYS_spShellTest" which is replicated to thesubscriber viathe replication option "Execution of the stored procedure":-------------------------------------------------------------ALTER procedure [dbo].[SYS_spShellTest] @cmd varchar(1000)WITH EXECUTE AS ownerasBEGINEXEC @result = master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUTReturn (@result)END-------------------------------------------------------------1) If I call "exec SYS_spShellTest" on the publisher the call is alsoexecuted on the subscriber.2) If I call "exec SYS_spShellTest" on the subscriber the call is NOTexecuted on the publisher.How can I make 2) work so that it is also executed on the publisherplease?Thanks a lot,Patrick
Are there any requirements that dictate the SQL Server version for the distribution agent for a SQL 2000 publisher with a transactional push subscription to a SQL 2005 subscriber?
How to check if web merge sync is working between a subscriber and publisher thru HTTPS ? SQL port 1433 at subscriber is blocked so no direct connection to subscriber.
I am not able to connect to Remote Distributor from Publisher using Administrative Link Password. I have configured the Distributor on 1 m/c and Publisher on another m/c. When i use the wizard to configure the publisher using remote distributor. I have also specified the same Admin Password link (distributor_admin) in the distributor m/c.
I am getting the following message:
TITLE: New Publication Wizard------------------------------ SQL Server could not connect to the Distributor using the specified password.
Connection to server [SANMENON] failed.OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "D956CF83-AE2E-4FC5-83DD-BE90D84A3950" returned message "Login timeout expired".OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "D956CF83-AE2E-4FC5-83DD-BE90D84A3950" returned message "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21670)
Hello I created a table adapter with the following query select * from building where buildingname in (@param1) I used the query builder to the test the query and it works ok if I pass a single value ex: name: @param1 value: Building1 but when I use the value: Building1, Building2 then it doesn't return anything If i do a direct sql: select * from building where buildingname in ('Buiding1','Buiding2') returns many rows. Now I have a class that has the following function<System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, False)> _ Public Function getBuilding(ByVal building As String) As myDataSet.buildingDataTableReturn adapter.getBuilding(building) End Function When I call this function I try to pass the building value sorta like dim building as string = 'Building1,Building2' and it doesn't work. I tried a whole bunch of variations. How are you supposed to format the parameter string? Thanks Peter
If I have a job that runs every minute, and that job happens to take more than one minute to run on occassion, will SQL Server start a second instance of the job or will it be serial - one after another ?