Multi Relational Table Design Question

Dec 10, 2006

Hi! Im working on a webapplication and has serious thoughts about howto optimize my table structure. To explain:

My tablestructure today





My subtables look like this(alternative 1):




As seen above every contact, group and customer can be assigned an unlimited amount of phonenumbers or emailadresses.
For example when entering a new email or a customer following will be inserted in tbl_sub_email: parent_type = 'cst', parent_id= '2' (the cust_id from tbl_customers), email = ''

The problem is i am uncertain if this is a very unefficient way of handling it? i see two alternatives:

Alternative 2:
i create x subtables for each table  for example tbl_customers will get its mailadresses and phonenumbers contained in tbl_customers_phone and tbl_customers_email
What i am uncertain of here is if this would make things alot more troublesome when searching på example after a specific phonenumber.

Alternative 3:






tables connection objects to subobjects








Ranking these three models, wich would be the most efficient and most inefficient performanswise?
What i want to avoid is performanceproblems when listing the objects, my indexing skills are a bit limited although im doing alot of reading and testing regarding this.
So thats why im asking for advice so that i can minimize the need of rebuilding the table structure when the application already has been starting to get used.

I also have another general question.

I have alot of select querys when i need to fetch data from several different tables.
Most of them is that i for example get an application from tbl_applications table, and that tables contains the columns cat1, cat2 and cat3 (wich are categories and contain the primary key integer to the tbl_sub_categorys table)
With 3 joins i retrieve these 3 category names returning 1 result with all the info i need.

Since ive been getting som strange results from the query analyzer(i got results that using clustered indexing for the primary key resulted in a slower query (higher cost)) i actually have another question.

Can it generally be summed up that a single query(join or subquery) generaly ils faster than getting the data in separate selects?
In the example above this i have the options either of using joins = 1 query or doing 2 querys and sorting the categorys codewise in aspx pages or doing 4 querys, one for the app followed by 1 for every category.
Any input regarding this?

As i said earlier im looking for the most efficient way of doing the things abov, would greatly appriechiate any input!

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Opinion Requested: Multi-Table Design

Dec 23, 2004

I have about a 35000 record table. There are about 14 entries in this table that relate to "sections". Each of these sections can have up to 20 values. This lends itself to a design like:

big_table [one-to-one] big_table_has_sections [many-to-many] sections

or, more concretely:

relates to
relates to

Where BuildingConstructionType is one of 14 fields in the 35000 record "big" table, ConstructionHasTypes is the one-to-one intermediary relation that relates many-to-many with Types (the sections).

Unfortunately, with 35000 records, this big_table_has_sections seems like it might bloat. Is this a good solution?

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Relational Design

Nov 10, 2004

I have a database with 3 tables in a many to many relationship.


I created the third table to hold the employeerenewal dates, I did this because I cant have repeating vaules in the primary table. I am just making sure that my course of action is the correct one. The purpose of the Employeerenewals is to give the users an indication that a certain renewal has been processed, because in the past there was several hundred that were not processed. The problem was that the users had no way of knowing this. What I was thinking was having the primary table calculate a renewal date based off the finalsuit and show the results in the Employeerenewals with a yes of no drop down. Now the yes or no drop down box will be give the users their red flag if the renewals have been processed or not.

Does that make sense??

Thanks guys :)

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Relational DB/Analysis Services Configuration For Multi-proc Environment

Oct 19, 2006


Is it possible to install/configure SQL-Server 2005 on a multi-processor machine so that the relational DB utilizes a given subset of processors while Analysis Services utilizes another subset?


- Paul

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Create A Relational Diagram From Non-relational Database

Aug 4, 2005

Hi all,
I am trying to create a diagram for our database, during the creating, I create some of the relationships which were not there(basically our original database is not relational database, that's why I am doing it)
So sometimes I have to chage data type in order to create a relationship for the coloumns in different tables. i.e. change char(16) to varchar(7) (I checked the field that make sure all the data in this field is <= 7 characters)

But when I saved the diagram, there is an error message that state:
Errors were encountered during the save process. Some of your database objects are not saved on your diagram.

'agent' table saved successfully
'VisitUSA' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_VisitUSA_agent'.
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_VisitUSA_agent'. The conflict occurred in database 'CMC', table 'agent', column 'AgentCode'.

What does that mean? is it caused by some of the agentcode data in VisitUSA table which is not in agent table?

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DB Design :: DataType Change In Databases To Support Multi-language

Sep 13, 2015

i need to change the production database structures with multi language Support , datatype from VARCHAR to NVARCHAR in all SQL Objects SQL Objects: Tables, Functions, Stored Procedures...Some of production Tables with 15 Croces records with 10 to change the entire databases through SQL scripting

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DB Design :: Database Backup In Case Of Multi Tenant Model

Oct 15, 2015

I have one database which is multi tenant, every table has tenant id  and every tenant is mapped with separate file group. Now can I achieve below  :?

1. Can I take the backup of only one tenant and restored in separate database?
2. Can I takeout the data of one tenant quickly?
3. Can I undo the data of a particular tenant  with 2 days older data without disturbing the other tenant ?

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Insert Into Relational Table Primary Key From Parent

Sep 22, 2007

Hello, I have a Stored Procedure which insterts into Orders table. Orders table is the parent table, with primary key OrdersID. I also have a child table, Client, with foreign key OrdersID. I want it to insert the data into the orders table, and at the same time insert the OrdersID into the FK of the child table. Any info would be appreciated. I have no idea how to do it.
My SP is as follows:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.jobInsert
@ClientFileNumber varchar(50),@Identity int OUT
ASINSERT Orders(ClientFileNumber, DateTimeReceived) VALUES(@ClientFileNumber, GetDate())

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SQL 2012 :: Parse XML Files Into Relational Table

Sep 24, 2014

We have a project to parse out an xml file into relational sql table. The xml file is complex type with multiple nesting. We are trying to resort to use XQuery to parse it out to SQL tables-because of one thing or the other - other options on the table were not viable. I know that we can use C# to do the same thing but we are sticking to TSQL with Xquery. Has anybody used the same route for processing large complex xml files?

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Save OLAP Query Results To Relational Table

Nov 15, 2007

I have cubes that hold quite a few calculations and so creating Excel pivot table views from it take a long time. This is even true for Excel 2007.

Now I wonder if it would be possible to write back all the calculation results to a relational table - maybe one that exactly matches the report format - so creating another report would be much faster?

SSRS seems to be a way to go but it does not speed up my Excel case.

I read about write-back in ROLAP and MOLAP but I don't think any of these concepts help me to really speed up my reports.

The closest thing I was able to find so far, which besides seems to do exactly what I want is Microsoft's new PerformancePoint 2007. It's just it seems overkill for my projects and the price is at $20K.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


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Single Table Structured Dynamic Relational Database

Apr 10, 2008

Sharepoint is a pretty darn dynamic service and that got me thinking of how databases are created.
Just wondering out loud, surely someone has thought of creating databases in such a manner, but I don't know if it's a thought that has been struck down.

It would look something like this:
Single Table
ID uniqueidentifier PK
ParentID uniqueidentifier FK to ID
Name nvarchar(MAX)

Value nvarchar(MAX)

In this manner, you would create your database "columns" as needed in the data-layer.

If that is too strict, (every datatype would be encoded to base64), you could create a value option for basically every data type. EG. nvarchar(max), nvarbinary(max).... and add another field that describes the data-type to be used for that "column"
ID uniqueidentifier PK
ParentID uniqueidentifier FK to ID
Name nvarchar(MAX)
DataType nvarchar(50) //constrained to allowable datatypes
MaxLen nvarchar(31) //ahh, what the hey, let's add this for sniggles.
ValueNvarchar nvarchar(MAX) nullable

ValueNvarbin nvarbinary(MAX) nullable


Now, to allow the "values" for those "columns", you may be able to still use the single-table approach, but it may be better to have an extra table for that (probably even a different partition and drive).

Things to consider, indexing.....
In development, the data-layer would handle the creation/reading of table columns.
The business-layer, which could be many for different parts of a company, would make it's requests to the DL. It may need a username, and the DL would either just create it, or suggest an already existing username column. The path to that username may not be where a particular biz element wants it, so they will ask the DL create another under a diff path.

The business-layer is probably the most important reason for wanting a single dynamic table.

In the end, the relation structure could be like:
Human //dir, no value, no parent (root)
FirstName //value - text
LastName //value - text
Parent1 //value - Me Id
Sibling1 //value - Me Id
SiblingN //value - Me Id

School //dir, no val
ParentId //value - Id (perhaps category would be Building)
Name //value - text

The sibling N would be an example of how a table may need to be dynamic. A positive of the single-table approach is no limitation on number of "columns". Another is the ease to move a hierarchical structure if needed. School may want to be University instead of just "school" and be placed as a child of "school".

Looking for any thoughts on the subject,

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Transact SQL :: Unpivot With Dynamic Columns Or Redesign Relational Table?

Sep 3, 2015

I want to use column name to be join another tables.

I have invoice table to store detail of invoice and post some column ' s record to another table .

Invoice table
Invoice_Name  |   Invoice_Amount |  Invoice_Vat | Invoice_Total
Inv001            |          1000           |       70          |     1070             

Account_No |  Account_Number | Data_Source
JV001          |     1111               |    Invoice_Amount  ---->1000
JV001          |     1112               |    Invoice_Vat         ---->    70
JV001          |     1113               |    Invoice_Total       ----> 1070 

I want to join  Invoice table to Account_table

ON  Invoice_Amount , Invoice_Vat , Invoice_Total with Data_Source

The way i got so far I unpivot  Invoice table  column into row and join with Account_table .

The problem is ,  if the column in Invoice_table are created , I must used dynamic columns to do this in sql query.

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Howto: Save Prediction Query Results To Relational Table

May 29, 2006

I believe saving prediction query results to relational tables is possible (the BI studio does it!). I am not clear on how to do this w/o the BI studio, which means if I write a DMX query and want to store its output to a relational table, how do I do it?

Tips, anyone?


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Relational Tables Are Not Relational After Exported From My Sql Server To Host Sql Server

Dec 25, 2007

I am beginner for and sql server. I used Sql server manegement studio full version and I exported my aspnetdb which was created by VS2005 to my host sql server. I have a question: 
relational tables are not relational no longer. I noticed that when I created database diagram. what is wrong by exporting?
thanks for your helps...

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DB Design :: Table Design For Packages

Aug 18, 2015

I would like to create a table called product. My objective is to get list of packages available for each product in data grid view column while selecting each product. Each product may have different packages type (eg:- Nos, CTN, OTR etc). Some product may have two packages and some for 3 packages etc. Quantity in each packages also may be differ ( for eg:- for some CTN may contain 12 nos or in other case 8 nos etc). Prices for each packages also will be different that also need to show.  How to design the table.. 

Product name   :  
Nestle milk |
Rainbow milk
packages  :

50,20,5 |

(Remarks for your reference):CTN=10nos, OTR=4 nos  
| CTN=8 Nos

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Transact SQL :: Create Hierarchies Table Or Query From Multi Parent Table?

May 21, 2015

convert my table(like picture) to hierarchical structure in SQL. actually i want to make a table from my data in SQL for a TreeList control datasource in application directly.

ProjectID is 1st Parent
Type_1 is 2nd Parent
Type_2 is 3rd Parent
Type_3 is 4ed Parent

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DB Design :: Insert / Update FACT Table From Staging Table

May 6, 2015

We need to Insert/Update a Fact Table from staging Table. currently we are using a SP which update Fact Table for Each region.  this process is schedule,  every 5 min job is run and Update fact table.but time of Insert and Update too long from  staging  to Fact, currently we are using merge statement for Insert and my sp we are looping number  how many region we need to update and at a time single Region we are updating using while loop in current SP.

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DB Design :: Table Partitioning Using Reference Table Data Column

Oct 7, 2015

I have a requirement of table partitioning. we have 10 years of data on a table which is 30 billion up rows on 2005 server we are upgrading it to 2014. we have to keep 7 years of data. there is no keys on table or date column. since its a huge amount of data and many users its slow down the process speed. we are thinking to do partition on 7 years for Quarterly based. but as i said there is no date column on table we have to use reference table to get date. is there a way i can do the partitioning with out adding date column on table? also does partition will make query faster? 

I have think three ways to do it.
1. leave as it is.
2. 7 years partition on one server
3. 3 years partition on server1 and 4 years partition on server2 (for 4 years is snapshot better?)

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Approach Help To Load Data From Flatfiles Into Relational Table Where Data Is Coming As Spaces In Few Columns From Flatfiles

Sep 18, 2007

Hi ,

My Input is a flat file source and it has spaces in few columns in the data . These columns are linked to another table as a foreign key and when i try loading them in a relational structure Foreigh key violation is occuring , is there a standard method to replace these spaces .

what approach should i take so that data gets loaded in a relational structure.

for example

Name Age Salary Address
dsds 23 fghghgh

Salary description level
2345 nnncncn 4

here salary is used in this example , the datatype is char in real scenario

what approach should i take to load the data in with cleansing the spaces in ssis

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Multi-Table Update??

May 26, 2004

Being an access guy, I am having a hard time understanding why I can't do a join statement on an UPDATE?

What is the alternatives??

I have to match two tables up and use records from one to update the other and creating a view isn't working....

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Multi-Table Join Help

Feb 7, 2002

I want only one row for each contact that contains the most recent calendar as enddate and most recent history as ondate. I'm getting multiple rows for each matching contact.

select ,ca.enddate ,ch.ondate

from ca

join c1 on ca.accountno = c1.accountno

join ch on ca.accountno = ch.accountno

where ca.ondate in (select max(ondate) from ca group by accountno)

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Multi Table Lookups

Sep 12, 2014

I have some SQL experience, but nothing past basic commands. I'm trying to take some data held by an application to use as CSV import into another application.I have two tables from an application, one holds references made in another.The first tables holds details about a person:

field1=name field2=age field3=country


Country is held as a number, then there is another table that holds all the countries:

field1=id field2=description


I want to do a lookup where it returns:


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Multi Table Source

Jul 9, 2007

I am wondering how I can create an OLE DB Source component that can store a multi-table DataSet object. Is this something that is possible or do I need some custom object to do this? I'm sure I can create a multi-table destination object and create sources for each data table needed however, I need to get the data for 5 tables and do this about 30K times. I'm thinking this approach will perform better.

Here is what I've been trying to get working. (Note there is only one parameter that all the queries use - @keyName)

WHERE (Key = ?)

WHERE (Key = ?)

WHERE (Key = ?)

WHERE (Key = ?)

WHERE (Key = ?)



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DB Design :: Insert Data From One Table To Another Table

Jul 30, 2015

I have to tables like given below Landing table "A" (Data load will happen over here, No primary keys mentioned over here) table "B" .Now I want to move the data from A to B.I have made use of below query insert into B select * from A...Landing table "A" has huge no of records, MS SQL server is taking huge amount of time.any alternative way to make this insertion process faster?

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How Do You Do A Multi-Table Insert In One Statement?

Mar 31, 2004

Is there a way to insert data into two tables with one statement in my SPROC? Something like: Insert into ThisTable,ThatTable (my columns) values (my values). I don't want to have to write two statements if I can do it with one.

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Multi-table Queries For M:N Situations

May 29, 2006

Hi friends,

when I write multi-table queries which involve two tables which are joined via a bridging table (M:N),

do I just join the tables or do I have to reference the bridging table as well in the queries?


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MULTI-Table Update Queries

Jul 23, 2005

I'm new to adp w/ sql server but I have to use it on a project i'mdoing...One of the MUSTS for this project is the ability to update a 00 - 09text value with the appropriate text description from another table...Easy as pie in .mdb. Of course In the stored procedure it barks at meand tells me that an update query can only have one table.. ouch thathurts...I'm currently reading on the subject but this group has been veryhelpful in the past.....I found this link... I'm using MSDE not Enterprise so I don't think I can usethe query analyser.. But I tryed it in my Access ADP anywayit barked at me..I tried to go from this....SELECT dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_CODE, dbo.TEST.DEFECTS_DP1FROM dbo.TEST INNER JOINdbo.LU_SEX ON dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1 =dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_DECTo this...UPDATE dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1SET dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1 = dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_CODEFROM dbo.LU_SEX INNER JOINdbo.TEST ON dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_DEC =dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1Maybe I need a good book on this?Thanks,Charles

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Multi-table UDF Not Returning All Rows

Sep 7, 2005

I've been tearing my hair out over this UDF. The code works within astored procedure and also run ad-hoc against the database, but does notrun properly within my UDF. We've been using the SP, but I do need aUDF instead now.All users, including branch office, sub-companies and companies and soon up the lines are in the same table. I need a function which returnsa row for each level, eventually getting to the master company all theway at the top, but this UDF acts as though it can't enter the loop andonly inserts the @userID and @branchID rows. I have played with theWHILE condition to no avail.Any ideas on what I am missing?(Running against SQL Server 2000)---------------------------------------------------ALTER FUNCTION udfUplineGetCompany (@userID int)RETURNS @upline table (companyID int, companyname varchar(100), infovarchar(100))ASBEGINDECLARE @branchID intDECLARE @companyID intDECLARE @tempID int--Insert the original user dataINSERT INTO @uplineSELECT tblusersid, companyname, 'userID'FROM tblusersWHERE tblusersid = @useridSELECT @branchID = tblUsers.tblUsersIDFROM tblUsersINNER JOIN tblUsersUsersLnkON tblUsers.tblUsersID = tblUsersUsersLnk.tblUsersID_ParentWHERE tblUsersUsersLnk.tblUsersID_Child = @userid--Up one levelINSERT INTO @uplineSELECT tblusersid, companyname, 'branchID'FROM tblusersWHERE tblusersid = @branchidSET @tempID = @branchIDWHILE @@ROWCOUNT <> 0BEGINSELECT @companyID = tblUsers.tblUsersIDFROM tblUsersINNER JOIN tblUsersUsersLnkON tblUsers.tblUsersID = tblUsersUsersLnk.tblUsersID_ParentWHERE tblUsersUsersLnk.tblUsersID_Child = @tempIDAND tblUsersId <> 6--Insert a row for each level upINSERT INTO @uplineSELECT tblusersid, companyname, 'companyID'FROM tblusersWHERE tblusersid = @companyIDSET @tempID = @companyIDENDRETURNEND

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Building A Multi Statement Table UDF

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,While in the process of building my table (40 or so Insert statments)can I then query ("select * from @Table_variable") and use the resultsup to theat point for another insert into @Table_varible? If you lookfor stepID -15 I have commented that section out due to it notretuning the correct values.Thank you in advanceStephen PattenTable Code:ALTER FUNCTION dbo.BidContract(@MixHeaderID int,@MaterialEffectiveDate nvarchar(10),@LaborEffectiveDate nvarchar(10),@AreaTypeID int,@NailingParam int,@TapingParam int)/*@MixHeaderID int = 2,@MaterialEffectiveDate nvarchar(10) = '2003-01-01',@LaborEffectiveDate nvarchar(10) = '2003-01-01',@AreaTypeID int = 1,@NailingParam int = -1,@TapingParam int = -1*/RETURNS @table_variable TABLE (IDintIDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,StepIDdecimal (18,1)NOT NULL ,JobMasterIDintNOT NULL ,MixHeaderIDintNOT NULL ,BidSubtypeIDintNOT NULL ,WorkTypeIDintNOT NULL ,UnitNamenvarchar (64)NOT NULL ,UnitQuantityintNOT NULL ,ItemDescriptionnvarchar (256)NOT NULL ,ItemQuantitydecimal(18, 4)NOT NULL ,ScaleValuedecimal(18, 4)NOT NULL ,ExtendedPricedecimal (18,4)NOT NULL ,IsVisiblebitNULL ,WSQtyAdjdecimal(18,4)NULL)ASBEGIN/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MATERIALSUBTYPE 1/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*STEP -1WALLBOARDALL MATERIAL THAT HAS A MATERIAL CATEGORY OF 1 (WALLBOARD)NOTE: THIS WILL ALSO GIVE YOU THE TOTAL SQUARE FEET TO BE USED INLATER CALCULATIONS*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 1 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 1 AS BidSubTypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)) / 1000 AS ItemQuantity,MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)) / 1000 *MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity,MaterialScale.PriceHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 1 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixHeader.MixHeaderID, 1 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area /1000) AS ItemQuantity,MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area / 1000 *MaterialScale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectivedate)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '') +'~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''), MixHeader.MixHeaderID,MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity,MaterialScale.PriceHAVING (MixHeader.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*STEP -2STOCKINGScale * Total Wallboard sq ft*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT -2, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID,UnitName, UnitQuantity, N'STOCKING', SUM(ItemQuantity),dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(830, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), SUM(ItemQuantity) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(830, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 1GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdj/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MISC MATERIALSUBTYPE 2/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*STEP -3NAILS AND SCREWSScale * Total Wallboard sq ft1 box covers 4000 sq ft of wallboardThis makes sure we are dealing with whole boxes of nails:ROUND(((TotalSquareFoot)/4000 + .4999), 0)SELECT - 3, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'NAILS-SCREWS', ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4) + .4999,0), dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4) + .4999, 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM bidunitWHERE StepID = - 1GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdj*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 3, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'NAILS-SCREWS', ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4), 0),dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4), 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 1GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdj/*MUDStep -4Select just a subset of the already inserteddata to give us a distinct list of UNITS to pass to the MUD functionNOTE: this type of select will be used a couple of more times, alwaysuse StepID = -2 (STOCKING)@THE_VALUE = isnull(@WALLBOARD/250,0) + isnull(@FIRETAPING/500,0) +isnull(@METAL/125,0) + isnull(@CEIL_SQ_FT/900,0)*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 4, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'MUD', dbo.BidContract_GetMudValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName), dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(828, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), dbo.BidContract_GetMudValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName) * dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(828, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 2/*TAPEStep -5ROUND(SUM(ItemQuantity)/1100, 0)*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 5, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'TAPE', dbo.BidContract_GetTapeValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName), dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(832, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), dbo.BidContract_GetTapeValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName) * dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(832, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 2/*METALStep -6SUM(Z395*1.1)/1000*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 6 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtype, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, (ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0) * 1.1) / 1000AS ItemQuantity, MaterialScale.Price ASScaleValue, (ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0) * 1.1) / 1000* MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 2) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 2) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate)GROUP BY MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription, MaterialScale.PriceHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 6 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, (FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * 1.1) / 1000 ASItemQuantity, MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * 1.1) / 1000 *MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 2) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate)GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '') +'~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MaterialScale.Price, FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*MISC MATERIALStep -7*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 7 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtype,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0)AS ItemQuantity, MaterialScale.Price ASScaleValue, ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0)* MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNOT NULL) AND(NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID IN(1, 2))) OR(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND(NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID IN(1, 2)))GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity,MaterialScale.Price, FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeIDHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionList))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID<> 3)UNION ALLSELECT - 7 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'') + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity AS ItemQuantity,MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *MaterialScale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND(NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID IN(1, 2)))GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '') +'~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MaterialScale.Price,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity,FloorPlanLineItem.QuantityHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionList))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID<> 3)/*COUNT OF LIVING UNITSStep -8****HOUSE***SELECT - 8 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,N'SUNDRIES' AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) ASItemQuantity, dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate)AS ScaleValue, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity* dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit ='1')GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)****HOUSE****/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 8 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'SUNDRIES' ASItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) ASItemQuantity, dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate)AS ScaleValue, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity* dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit= '1') OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL)GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 8 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,N'SUNDRIES' AS ItemDescription,1 AS ItemQuantity,dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate)AS ScaleValue, SUM(1 *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit ='1')GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*FIRE HAULT - CHECK FOR FIREPROOFINGStep -9*/IF EXISTS (SELECT 'true' AS Expr1FROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription = N'FIRETAPING') AND(JobMaster.ProjectTypeID <> 1))BEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 9 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidsubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'FIRE HAULT' ASItemDescription,ISNULL(SUM(MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity *MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2, 0) AS ItemQuantity,dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID, @MaterialEffectiveDate) AS ScaleValue,ISNULL(SUM(MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity *MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2, 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID, @MaterialEffectiveDate) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit= '1') OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL)GROUP BY MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 9 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'FIREHAULT' AS ItemDescription,ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2,0) AS ItemQuantity, dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate) AS ScaleValue,ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2, 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID, @MaterialEffectiveDate) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID =MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelIDIS NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit = '1')GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)END/*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////NAILING LABORSUBTYPE 3//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*PRODUCTION WALLBOARDStep -10.x*/IF (@NailingParam = -1) --ProgressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.1 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity, RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' '+ dbo.Height.HeightDescription AS ItemDescription,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRate + NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncreaseAS ScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRate + NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease)AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM dbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production( @MixHeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINdbo.Height ON NailingLabor.HeightID = dbo.Height.HeightID INNER JOINdbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONNailingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate)ORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' +dbo.Height.HeightDescriptionINSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.1 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity, RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' '+ dbo.Height.HeightDescription AS ItemDescription,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRateGarage +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease AS ScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRateGarage +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM dbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production_ Garage(@MixHeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINdbo.Height ON NailingLabor.HeightID =dbo.Height.HeightID INNER JOINdbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONNailingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate)ORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' +dbo.Height.HeightDescriptionENDIF (@NailingParam = -2) --NonprogressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.2 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionAS ItemDescription, NailingLabor.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease AS ScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production(@Mix HeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON NailingLabor.HeightID =Height.HeightID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONNailingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate)ORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescription--TODO: add garageENDIF (@NailingParam = -3) --StraightBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.3 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionAS ItemDescription, NailingLabor.ItemQuantity,NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborStraight ASScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity *NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborStraight AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production(@Mix HeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON NailingLabor.HeightID =Height.HeightIDORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescription--TODO: add garageEND/*'ALL OTHER MATERIALStep -11*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 11 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity,BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale()BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription= BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID <> 606)AND (MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate) AND (BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID <> 606)AND (MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate) AND (BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 2) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 11 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID <> 606)AND (MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),MixHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 2) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*'PRELIM WALLBOARD LESS SPECIALStep -12*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price, VT.UnitQuantity * Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice,VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 12 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * (FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *Dimension.Area)) AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINMixHeader ONMixLineItem.MixHeaderID = MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ONFloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID = Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ONFloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID ANDMixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ONFloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID = WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOTNULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1)AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (NOT(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList))) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (NOT(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList)))GROUP BYMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription, FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1)AND (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)) VT INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONVT.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)UNION ALLSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price, VT.UnitQuantity * Scale.Price ASExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 12 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '') AS UnitName,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area) AS ItemQuantity, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINMixHeader ONMixLineItem.MixHeaderID = MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ONFloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID = Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ONFloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID ANDMixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ONFloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID = WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL)AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (NOT(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList)))GROUP BYMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription, FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3,''), JobMaster.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1)AND (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)) VT INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONVT.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*PRELIM SPECIAL BOARDStep -13*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 13 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * (FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *Dimension.Area) * Scale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ON FloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID= MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID AND MixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID= WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList))UNION ALLSELECT - 13 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area * Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID ANDMixHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID =WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),JobMaster.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList))/*'ALL OTHER PRELIM MATERIALStep -14*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 14 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *Scale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice,0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID AND MixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID= WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(N'WINDOWS', N'ANGELS'))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 14 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID AND MixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID= WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),JobMaster.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(N'WINDOWS', N'ANGELS'))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*'FOREMANStep -15INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID,UnitName, UnitQuantity, ItemDescription, ItemQuantity, ExtendedPrice /ItemQuantity AS ScaleValue,ExtendedPrice, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT- 15 AS StepID,JobMasterID,MixHeaderID,BidSubtypeID,0 AS WorkTypeID,UnitName,UnitQuantity,N'FOREMAN' AS ItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) AS ItemQuantity,(SELECTSUM(T2.ExtendedPrice)FROM @table_variable T2WHERE T2.UnitName = T1.UnitName AND T2.BidSubtypeID = 3) * .08AS ExtendedPrice,IsVisible,WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (StepID IN (- 10.1, - 10.2, - 10.3, - 12, -13))GROUP BY UnitName, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID,BidSubtypeID, UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible)VT*//*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TAPING LABORSUBTYPE 4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*WALLLBOARD W/ HEIGHTStep - 16.x*/IF (@TapingParam = -1) --ProgressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 16.1 AS StepID, TapingLabor.JobMasterID,TapingLabor.MixHeaderID, TapingLabor.BidSubtypeID,TapingLabor.WorkTypeID, TapingLabor.UnitName,TapingLabor.UnitQuantity,CASE TapingLabor.ItemDescription WHEN'WALLBOARD' THEN Height.HeightDescription ELSETapingLabor.ItemDescription + ' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionEND AS ItemDescription,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease + Height.TapingRate AS ScaleValue,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease + Height.TapingRate) AS ExtendedPrice,TapingLabor.IsVisible,TapingLabor.WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_TapingLabor_Wallboard(@MixHeaderID)TapingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON TapingLabor.HeightID = Height.HeightIDINNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONTapingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)ENDIF (@TapingParam = -2) --NonprogressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 16.2 AS StepID, TapingLabor.JobMasterID,TapingLabor.MixHeaderID, TapingLabor.BidSubtypeID,TapingLabor.WorkTypeID, TapingLabor.UnitName,TapingLabor.UnitQuantity,CASE TapingLabor.ItemDescription WHEN'WALLBOARD' THEN Height.HeightDescription ELSETapingLabor.ItemDescription + ' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionEND AS ItemDescription,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease AS ScaleValue,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease) AS ExtendedPrice,TapingLabor.IsVisible, TapingLabor.WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_TapingLabor_Wallboard(@MixHeaderID)TapingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON TapingLabor.HeightID = Height.HeightIDINNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONTapingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)ENDIF (@TapingParam = -3) --StraightBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 16.3 AS StepID, TapingLabor.JobMasterID,TapingLabor.MixHeaderID, TapingLabor.BidSubtypeID,TapingLabor.WorkTypeID, TapingLabor.UnitName,TapingLabor.UnitQuantity,CASE TapingLabor.ItemDescription WHEN'WALLBOARD' THEN Height.HeightDescription ELSETapingLabor.ItemDescription + ' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionEND AS ItemDescription,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity, TapingLabor.TapingLaborStraight ASScaleValue,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity *TapingLabor.TapingLaborStraight AS ExtendedPrice,TapingLabor.IsVisible, TapingLabor.WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_TapingLabor_Wallboard(@MixHeaderID) TapingLaborINNER JOINHeight ON TapingLabor.HeightID = Height.HeightIDINNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ON TapingLabor.ItemDescription= Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)END/*METAL AND MISC ITEMSStepID -17*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 17 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM((MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)* (Scale.Price + JobMaster.TapingLaborIncrease))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ON FloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID IN (605, 795,589, 584, 586, 583, 585, 587, 582, 588)) AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID IN (605, 795, 589,584, 586, 583, 585, 587, 582, 588)) AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY JobMaster.JobMasterID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, Scale.Price,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeIDHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 17 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * (Scale.Price +JobMaster.TapingLaborIncrease)) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 ASWSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ON FloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = MixHeader.MixHeaderIDINNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID IN (605, 795, 589, 584,586, 583, 585, 587, 582, 588)) AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY JobMaster.JobMasterID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'') + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2,'') + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity, Scale.Price,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeIDHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*BRACKETSStepID -18*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT Brackets.StepID, Brackets.JobMasterID,Brackets.MixHeaderID, Brackets.BidSubtypeID, Brackets.WorkTypeID,Brackets.UnitName,Brackets.UnitQuantity, Brackets.ItemDescription,Brackets.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS Price, Brackets.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice,Brackets.IsVisible, Brackets.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 18 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'BRACKETS' ASItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0AS WSQtyAdjFROM MixLineItem INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONMixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID = FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID LEFTOUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOTNULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL)GROUP BY MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =@MixHeaderID)) Brackets INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONBrackets.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)UNION ALLSELECT Brackets.StepID, Brackets.JobMasterID,Brackets.MixHeaderID, Brackets.BidSubtypeID, Brackets.WorkTypeID,Brackets.UnitName,Brackets.UnitQuantity, Brackets.ItemDescription,Brackets.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS Price, Brackets.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice,Brackets.IsVisible, Brackets.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 18 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '') AS UnitName,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'BRACKETS' ASItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity)AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM MixLineItem INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONMixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID = FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID LEFTOUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL)GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''), FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID))Brackets INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONBrackets.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*FOREMANStepID -19*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID,UnitName, UnitQuantity, ItemDescription, ItemQuantity, ExtendedPrice /ItemQuantity AS ScaleValue,ExtendedPrice, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 19 AS StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID,0 AS WorkTypeID, UnitName, UnitQuantity, N'FOREMAN' ASItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) AS ItemQuantity,(SELECTSUM(T2.ExtendedPrice)FROM @table_variableT2WHERE T2.UnitName =T1.UnitName AND T2.BidSubtypeID = 4) * .06 AS ExtendedPrice,IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (StepID IN (- 16.1, - 16.2, - 16.3))GROUP BY UnitName, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID,BidSubtypeID, UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible)VT/*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PICKUPSUBTYPE 5//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*CUT & SCRAPEStepID -20Same as Total Taping Labor Wallboard less the Garages*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue, VT.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 20 AS StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 5AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID, UnitName, UnitQuantity, 'CUT &SCRAPE' AS ItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) / 1000 ASItemQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (NOT (ItemDescription LIKE N'%Garage%')) AND(StepID IN (- 16.1, - 16.2, - 16.3))GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible) VT INNER JOINPickupScale Scale ON VT.ItemDescription =Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*SANDING / HIGHStepID -21Wallboard and Round 10 feet and above from taping labor*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue, VT.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 21 AS StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 5AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID, UnitName, UnitQuantity, N'SANDING'AS ItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) / 1000 ASItemQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (StepID IN (- 16.1, - 16.2, - 16.3)) AND (NOT(ItemDescription LIKE N'% 8%')) AND (NOT (ItemDescription LIKE N'%9%')) AND(NOT (ItemDescription LIKEN'%GARAGE%'))GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible) VT INNER JOINPickupScale Scale ON VT.ItemDescription =Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*WINDOWSStepID -22*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue, VT.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 22 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 5 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID =MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOTNULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID = 802) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID = 802)GROUP BYMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =@MixHeaderID)) VT INNE

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RDA - Multi Table Error For Tracking

Apr 18, 2007


I receive an error message when I try to Push data that the table is not tracked. However, when I try to turn on the tracking option it gives me an error that the table is a multi query table and therefore cannot be tracked. Here is my code to Pull the table.

string TPDAPull = string.Format("SELECT Table1.Field1,Table1.Field2, Table1.Field3, Table1.Field4, from Table1 Left Join Table2 on Table1.Field1 =Table2.Field1 WHERE Table2.Field12='{0}'", this.FindWorker(var));

rda.Pull("Table1", TPDAPull, rdaOleDbConnectString, RdaTrackOption.TrackingOn);

This table does not have a primary key. I was wondering what can I do in this situation? I do not want to Pull the whole table. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am working in VS 2005, NCF2.0, C#, WM5.0.

Thanks in advance!

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Adding Multi Records To An SQL Table

May 7, 2007

I'm trying to add records from a table in DBF format (created with Visual FoxPro) into an SQL table created with SQL Server 2005.

I first converted the dbf file into an ascii file and then in the Query Editor in the SQL Server I typed:

use [c:developesqlsqldatapsw.listener]
append from 'c:developesqldatalistener.txt' type sdf
goand then I pressed F5. I get an error that says:

Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'c:developesqlsqldatapsw.listener'.No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name isentered correctly.
I checked in the directory c:developesqlsqldata and the filepsw.mdf is there and when I look in the psw database, the tablelistener is also there.
Could someone tell me what is going wrong? Also, how do Iappend the whole dbf table onto an SQL table. there's about6000 records.


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Multi-table Join Problem

Jan 9, 2008

Hello All,

I have three tables A, B, and C.
What i want to do is basically left join A with B, then left join B with C.
However when try to do this it won't work out as i imagined.
Is there a better way (one that works) for accomplishing what i am trying to do?

Any help is much appreciated.


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SQL 2012 :: Disaster Recovery Options For Multi-Database Multi-Instance Environment

Sep 23, 2014

Disaster Recovery Options based on the following criteria.

--Currently running SQL 2012 standard edition
--We have 18000 databases (same schema across databases)- majority of databases are less than 2gb-- across 64 instances approximately
--Recovery needs to happen within 1 hour (Not sure that this is realistic
-- We are building a new data center and building dr from the ground up.

What I have looked into is:

1. Transactional Replication: Too Much Data Not viable
2. AlwaysOn Availability Groups (Need enterprise) Again too many databases and would have to upgrade all instances
3. Log Shipping is a viable option and the only one I can come up with that would work right now. Might be a management nightmare but with this many databases probably all options with be a nightmare.

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