Multi Server Queries...URGENT!!

Oct 12, 2000

Can anyone help me how to extract data from two different SQL servers? Both the servers are alredy registered on my local machine.I need to select data from one database on Server1 and insert the same in a table in another database of Server2.Names of the servers are abc-efg-hij and
Thanks for any help!

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Urgent: How To Find Total No. Of Queries In SQL Server 7

Sep 12, 2000

Is there a way to find out total number of queries ran i.e by day/hour or since the database was brought up in SQL Server 7?

Thanks in advance,

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Urgent Urgent Please.(Access SQL Pass Through Queries)

Jul 6, 2000

I am facing a huge problem in my sql server database using access as a front end.The main problem is trying to execute queries "views" ,since they reside on sql server now,and using variables or parameters in reports and forms to filter on this query.
how can the following be implemented using the same query but in sql server?
WHERE ((([Area_Code] & "-" & [GROUP_CODE])=[Reports]![MAT_Chart_C1].[MAT_Key]))

It is specifically this statement in which I am interested:

Thank you very much for your concern.

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Multi-table Queries For M:N Situations

May 29, 2006

Hi friends,

when I write multi-table queries which involve two tables which are joined via a bridging table (M:N),

do I just join the tables or do I have to reference the bridging table as well in the queries?


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MULTI-Table Update Queries

Jul 23, 2005

I'm new to adp w/ sql server but I have to use it on a project i'mdoing...One of the MUSTS for this project is the ability to update a 00 - 09text value with the appropriate text description from another table...Easy as pie in .mdb. Of course In the stored procedure it barks at meand tells me that an update query can only have one table.. ouch thathurts...I'm currently reading on the subject but this group has been veryhelpful in the past.....I found this link... I'm using MSDE not Enterprise so I don't think I can usethe query analyser.. But I tryed it in my Access ADP anywayit barked at me..I tried to go from this....SELECT dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_CODE, dbo.TEST.DEFECTS_DP1FROM dbo.TEST INNER JOINdbo.LU_SEX ON dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1 =dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_DECTo this...UPDATE dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1SET dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1 = dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_CODEFROM dbo.LU_SEX INNER JOINdbo.TEST ON dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_DEC =dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1Maybe I need a good book on this?Thanks,Charles

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Urgent - DTS Hetrogeneous Queries

Jun 1, 2000


How can transfer data from SQL Server Database to Oracle Database.
I have one table in SQL SERVER called as Employee
ColumnName DataType
Emp_ID Int
Emp_Name Varchar(25)
Salary Int

Primary Key : Emp_ID

Simillarly i have same structure table called as Employee_details in Oracle Database

In oracle database there is allready some data.

I need to transfer data from sql server where if Emp_id exists then i need to update the Salary column in oracle taking value from Sql server database.

If Emp_id doesn't exists in oracle database then i need to Insert the row from sql server database.

Simillary i need to check whether Emp_iD exists in sqlserver or not, if doesn't then i need to delete the record from Oracle database.

How can i do this DTS package, if some one can help me i would be greatfull.
I had been traying DataDriven Query in DTS but i am not getting clue how to do it.



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Please Give Kind Attension To My Queries Very Urgent

May 9, 2007

Please give kind attension to my queries

When I am giving like http://localhost/ReportServer the following message is coming in explorer. What I have to do please help

Reporting Services Error

The version of the report server database is either in a format that is not valid, or it cannot be read. The found version is 'Unknown'. The expected version is 'C.0.8.40'. To continue, update the version of the report server database and verify access rights. (rsInvalidReportServerDatabase) Get Online Help

SQL Server Reporting Services

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Multi-database Multi-server

Mar 27, 2007

I am new to Reporting Services and hope that what I am looking to do is within capabilities :-)

I have many identical schema databases residing on a number of data servers. These support individual clients accessing them via a web interface. What I need to be able to do is run reports across all of the databases. So the layout is:

Dataserver A

Database A1

Database A2

Database A3

Dataserver B

Database B1

Database B2

Dataserver C

Database C1

Database C2

Database C3

I would like to run a report that pulls table data from A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1, C2, C3

Now the actual number of servers is 7 and the number of databases is close to 1000. All servers are running SQL2005.

Is this something that Reporting Services is able to handle or do I need to look at some other solution?



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URGENT.Sql Server Does Not Recognise MAPI , Or Profile Name URGENT

Oct 26, 2000

hi, I have settup up sql mail and did the following:
1. created an E-mail account and configured Out look by creating a pop3 mail profile. tested it by sending and receiving mail, that is ook
2. I Created one domain account for MSsqlserver and Sql Agent service. both services use same account and start automatically in the control panel-services
3. I used the profile that I created in outlook to test the sql mail but got an error:
Error 22030 : A MAPI error ( error number:273) occurred: MapiLogon Ex Failed due to MAPI
Error 273: MAPI Logon Failed

I really do not know what went wrong. I followed the steps from bol and still having a problem. Am I missing something.

I do have a valid email account
I do have a valid domain account
I tested outlook using the email account and it worked. so why sql server does not recognise MAPI.

My next question, How to configure MAPI in Sql server if what I did was wrong.

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Urgent, Urgent !! My Sql Server Refused To Start Due To Encrypton

Mar 23, 2001

Hi, I have 2 windows 2000 server in cluster with sql server 2000 enterprise edition installed.
I have activated the Server-Requested Encryption by using the sql server network utility (Force Protocol Encryption). After this, I have stoped sql server service. But I can't start it at this moment.
The error is:
19015: The encrypton is required but no available certificat has been found.

Please help me to start sql server.



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SQL 2012 :: Disaster Recovery Options For Multi-Database Multi-Instance Environment

Sep 23, 2014

Disaster Recovery Options based on the following criteria.

--Currently running SQL 2012 standard edition
--We have 18000 databases (same schema across databases)- majority of databases are less than 2gb-- across 64 instances approximately
--Recovery needs to happen within 1 hour (Not sure that this is realistic
-- We are building a new data center and building dr from the ground up.

What I have looked into is:

1. Transactional Replication: Too Much Data Not viable
2. AlwaysOn Availability Groups (Need enterprise) Again too many databases and would have to upgrade all instances
3. Log Shipping is a viable option and the only one I can come up with that would work right now. Might be a management nightmare but with this many databases probably all options with be a nightmare.

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SQL 2012 :: MSDTC In Multi-node / Multi-instanced Cluster

Aug 17, 2015

More often than not, I typically don't touch DTC on clusters anymore; however on a project where the vendor states that it's required. So a couple things here.

1) Do you really need DTC per instance or one for all?
2) Should DTC be in its own resource group or within the instance's group?
2a) If in it's own resource group, how do you tie an instance to an outside resource group? tmMappingSet right?

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The Multi Delete && Multi Update - Stored Procedure Not Work Ok

Feb 4, 2008

the stored procedure don't delete all the records
need help

Code Snippet
DECLARE @empid varchar(500)
set @empid ='55329429,58830803,309128726,55696314'
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
UPDATE [empList]
SET StartDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), val_ok = 0
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
UPDATE [empList]
SET StartDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), val_ok = 0
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0


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Help With Multi Join Or Multi Tier Select.

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am trying to construct a query across 5 tables but primarily 3tables. Plan, Provider, ProviderLocation are the three primary tablesthe other tables are lookup tables for values the other tables.PlanID is the primary in Plan andPlanProviderProviderLocationLookups---------------------------------------------PlanIDProviderIDProviderIDLookupTypePlanNamePlanIDProviderStatusLookupKeyRegionIDLastName...LookupValue....FirstName...Given a PlanID I want all the Providers with a ProviderStatus = 0I can get the query to work just fine if there are records but what Iwant is if there are no records then I at least want one record withthe Plan information. Here is a sample of the Query:SELECT pln.PlanName, pln.PlanID, l3.LookupValue as Region,p.ProviderID, p.SSNEIN, pl.DisplayLocationOnPCP,pl.NoDisplayDate, pl.ProviderStatus, pl.InvalidDate,l1.LookupValue as ReasonMain, l2.LookupValue as ReasonSub,pl.InvalidDataFROM Plans plnINNER JOIN Lookups l3 ON l3.LookupType = 'REGN'AND pln.RegionID = l3.Lookupkeyleft outer JOIN Provider p ON pln.PlanID = p.PlanIDleft outer JOIN ProviderLocation pl ON p.ProviderID = pl.ProviderIDleft outer JOIN Lookups l1 ON l1.LookupType = 'PLRM'AND pl.ReasonMain = l1.LookupKeyleft outer JOIN Lookups l2 ON l2.LookupType = 'PLX1'AND pl.ReasonSub = l2.LookupkeyWHERE pln.PlanID = '123456789' AND pl.ProviderStatus = 0ORDER BY p.PlanID, p.ProviderID, pl.SiteLocationNumI know the problew the ProviderStatus on the Where clause is keepingany records from being returned but I'm not good enough at this toanother select.Can anybody give me some suggestions?ThanksDavid

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Unable To Add Server In Multi Subnet To Cluster

Oct 6, 2015

I am setting up SQL 2014 always on. I was able to set up the replicas between 2 servers in the same subnet.Their IP addresses are say like this:

When I am trying to introduce another node into the cluster which has IP address like, I am getting an error that the server isn't reachable.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Central Management Server Doesn't Support Multi Domains

Jun 3, 2015

As CM doesn't support SQL authentication, and if access SQL Server on another domain with no trust, we cannot use Windows authentication as well.

CM only supports Windows authentication, but for large organizations which will have multi domains.

I am thinking if there is no proper way/tool, we will develop one then.

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Join Multi Server

Oct 9, 2006

hi,consider this:i have american users in a db called "user" in a server called AMERICAand rest of the world users in a db called "user" in a server called OTHERhow can i do a join betwhen  American's users and Rest of the word's User db?   

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Multi Access In SQL Server

Jun 17, 2007

Hello,I am working on an Access VBA application, working in client/servermode, with a shared SQL Server base.I have to INSERT some data in the base, and the know what is the IDthat SQL Server associated with my data in the table. So I need to dothe followingINSERT data INTO TABLESELECT MAX ID FROM TABLE (to get the ID)but since I am working in client/server, if some DATA has been insertedby another client after my INSERT, then MAX ID is not the convenientID of my data ...Is there a way for me to get the ID when I do the INSERT, or tolock/unlock the table before the INSERT and after the SELECT ?Thank you for any hint about that.--L'ordinateur peut faire plus de calculs que le cerveau de l'homme caril n'a que ça à faire

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Multi-Server Instance

Aug 22, 2007

What is the effect of deploying Multi-Server instance on performance?

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Multi-server Environment

Oct 1, 2007

We are currently managing about 75 SQL Server instances. Each instance contains jobs (backups, index work, admin, etc) which report back to a central instance for monitoring. This is working well, but each time I need to change one of the jobs, I am having to log into each instance to do so.

I have recently played with Multi-server Environment, using a master and target, to see if this might help. There is relatively little written about Multi-server in books-online, and I am left with a question.

All jobs appear to be exact duplicates. But I don't want exact duplicates. For example, on the various target servers, I would like for the backup jobs to run at different times, and write to different directories. How are the rest of you working around this situation, if you are using Multi-server Environment?

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SQL Server Multi-threading

Nov 8, 2007

We're moving in a 4-socket (Xeon Dual Core CPU's) server. What version and product of SQL Server should I be looking for to fully take advantage of the new server's 4 processors. I'm not sure I understand the licensing per CPU. Is there any advantage in waiting for SQL Server 2008 as it concerns multi-threading and what should I be looking to spend for a SQL server solution that utilizes all four processors. Someone has told me that the SQL Server standard edition comes with 4 cpu licenses. Is this correct?

Thanks, Rob Huylo

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Timeout Expired -- URGENT, URGENT, URGENT!!!

Sep 27, 2000

This morning I can not connect to our SQL Server 7.0 whatever from client or server. The error message which I list below:

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A connection could not be estabished to server--Timeout expired
Please verfy SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties and try again.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

We use windows NT authentication. We did not do any change on NT. The SQL Server daily schedule job usally stoped at 10:00AM, but today from the Window NT Task Manager, we can see that the SQL Server is still running untill now.

Please help!!!

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Best Practice To Pull Data From Sql Server 2000 To Sql Server 2005 With Dynamic Queries

May 3, 2007

Hi There,

I need to pull data using input from one table in sql server 2005. I have to query against the sql server 2000 database and pull data into sql server 2005. I have a list of ids that I have to pass to a query to get the desired data. What is the best practice for this. Can I use SSIS or do I need to build an app in C#? Can somebody please reply back?

Thanks a lot!!

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SQL Licenses In Multi-server ETL Environment

Jan 6, 2004

My company uses a quad processor server connected to a SAN to load and summarize detail sales information from 2000 stores on a nightly basis. We poll and load around 5,000,000 rows of data each night. THis information is summarized up to various levels, then replicated to one or more secondary datamart servers for end user access via web reporting, BI tools like Proclarity/Analysis Services etc...

The initial data polling server is only touched by the development staff supporting the process (1-5 programmers) and is licensed for SQL server Enterprise using a CAL model. Each datamart server is licensed with MS SQL server processor licenses.

The question: We were told that the quad processor polling machine, which has no end user access allowed, must be licensed with processor licenses since it touchs the data ultimately consumed by end users. This makes no sense to me.

The Microsoft white papers discussing multi_tier environments don't seem to address this type of issue. They focus on applications that ultimately pass thru a data request to the SQL server machine. In this situation, user requests are handled by the datamart servers, which are licensed with processor SQL licenses.

Can anyone clarify?

Thanks, Mike

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SQL Server Multi Language Support

Jan 17, 2008

This is chirag patel.
we are going to develop web application which can disply data (Search Results) in different language.
if user selected country Japan, then search results should be in Japanese.
if user selected country Chian, then search results should be in Chinese.
now i want to store all these read only data in Database. how and where i can store it?
do i need to have different Databases? or with single database also i can achive?
I means what is advisable approach to achieve this?

if Single Database for all countries then how i can store same data in different languages in single table?

please guide me if anyone know how to achive such kind of scenario in SQL Server?

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Multi Server/Database Nightmare

Jul 4, 2007

We have a setup with a web server and multiple databases, and a live, stage, and dev environment. We use SQL Server standard 2005 and use the ASP.NET ReportView control. I have spent countless hours now trying to get this to work and am about to give this up and go back to Crystal.

First I wanted a report that would work from dev to stage to live without modification, so we set up shared data sources on each environment to point to the appropriate database. No problem, I can publish it to each environment and it works, though sometimes I have to go into Report Manager and fix the data source.

Next I wanted to be able to work with multiple databases, identical in structure. For this we did a hidden parameter with the database name and used a formula for the query string. This works pretty well.

Next I wanted to be able to run against multiple database servers from a single web server. This has been nearly impossible. I've read a million posts about this, and nothing seems to work well. I've tried a dynamic connection string, and passing the server in as a parameter, but this doesn't work, because I can't get the credentials set on the ReportViewer.ServerReport, so it doesn't work from dev to stage. You can't programatically change the shared data source - that would make it too easy. Linked servers are not an option.

I guess I need to either publish a copy of the report for each database server, or set up an instance of SQL on the web server for each database server.

Any other reasonable options out there. I just can't imagine my setup is all that unique.

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Multi Server SSRS ERROR

Jun 8, 2007

I get this error in a web farm environment:

Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

I googled and found a bunch of references to .NET apps, but I wasn't sure how to fix it in SSRS.

Has anyone else experienced this?



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Multi SQL Server (2000 && 2005) Problem

Sep 28, 2007

Hi All!
I setup MS SQL Server 2005 first and then I setup MS SQL Server 2000 with instance 'Myname' and the I created 2 database in SQL Server 2005 and 2000, When I Write an application in .NET 2005 to connect to MS SQL Server 2005 it ok, but it's not ok in sql Server 2000 and appear the error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Snapshot isolation transaction failed accessing database 'TustenaOS' because snapshot isolation is not allowed in this database. Use ALTER DATABASE to allow snapshot isolation.   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)   at
How to connect to MS SQL Server 2000. Thanks

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Errors Scripting Out Multi-server Jobs

Apr 21, 2008

While attempting to script out some multi-server jobs I am receiving this error:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Script failed for Job 'my job name'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
For help, click: <link removed to keep message width to a normal size :)>
Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

This happens on any multi-server job. The reason behind needing to script this is the current database server that acts as our master server for SQL Server jobs is being replaced. I figured it would be easy enough to script out the job on the old server and run it (with minimal modifications) on the new server. Now, if I create any of these jobs manually on the new server and try to script it, it works just fine. Any ideas what might be the issue here?

I've tried doing it via SSMS from multiple servers and the issue persists.

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Need Information On SQL SERVER 2000 With Multi-threading CPU

Nov 23, 2005

Hi,I have SQL SERVER 2000 SP4 Enterprise , Windows 2003Enterprise onXeon 4 Processors (now with multi-threading CPU) and I havequestions whichseem weirds to me (used to have the same config withoutMulti-Threading) as following:1. SQL Server see 8 CPUs. Is this because ofmulti-threading CPUs ?2. when use SP_WHO2 ACTIVE ,2.1 Result has user SPID , which blockitself(it is UPDATE and SELECTstatements, most often)2.2 Result has user SPID , show morethan one result rows withthe same processe and command3. when use Properties of SQL Server , it has anerror 15407 in log.many thanks in advanceNiponW

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Database Setup On Multi-server Network

May 22, 2008

I would appreciate help on how to setup database on server B when SQL Server is located on server A of a multi-server network. I am a novice.

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Multi-User Acces Using SQL Server Express

Mar 27, 2008

I am new to SQL Server but have been using Access to provide Multi-User acces to a central data store. We are evaluating the replacement of Access with SQL Server. With Access we don't need any special installation; I believe that the Jet Database Engine installed locally on each user's PC allows them to work with this in a disconnected manner; we use 2.0 with 2005.

If each user has a locally installed SQL Server Express can they all attach to a database that resides on a shared network location?

In another post on the Forum I see the following regarding multi-user access:
Our application You will need to pick a central computer that everyone will be using the access the data and attach the file to the parent instance of SQL Express on that comuter, giving it a name that you can use to access it. Then you will need to modify your connection string to connect to the named database on the central server...

Can multiple locally installed SQL Server Express instances attach to a single data store that resides on a shared network location?

If not, what permissions do I need to create a parent instance of SQL Server Express?

Thank you for helping me understand how to implement our solution.


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DB Engine :: Multi Server Administration - Limits

Jul 3, 2015

I wanted to know if there's a limit on how many targets I can manage in Multi Server Administration.In addition, are there any known limits regarding managing SQL instances with different versions (SQL 2005,2008,2008R2 and 2012).

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