MultiValued DB

Feb 15, 2008

Hi All,

Can anybody explain me, what is "MultiValued Database"?

Thanks in advance,


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MultiValued Parameters.

Mar 27, 2008

Hello All,

Initially in my report, I was not having any MultiValued Parameters. So when I was displaying the reports to the end user, I was displaying the parameter selected by the user in the textbox.

But 2 parameters are now MultiValued. Shall I display to the user the parameters he selects.

If the user selects 30 parameters, then the major part of the report page is occupied by the parameter list that is selected.
I havent worked much on SSRS. So I am not aware of the best practices for SSRS.

I just want a suggesstion from you people. Shall I display the parameters list to the end user ? If yes then how, so that I can reduce the space occupied by the parameter list. Eg.using sub-reports, list, etc.

If no, then why ? because Initially I was having a requirement to display the parameter list because there were no multivalued parameters. But now 2 of them are multivalued parameters.

Thanks & Regards,
Kapadia Shalin P.

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Multivalued Range Parameters

May 22, 2007

Hi all,

We are using Reporting Services 2005 with Analysis Services 2005 data source.

So far we only had multivalued parameters without any range.

now we are to add a report parameter income group which would have values

Below $75,000 , $75,000 - $120,000, $120,000 - $220000 .....,Above 220000.

Now the user can select multiple range values.. Eg( Below $75,000 , $85,000 - $95,000 , Above $100,000 )

We have to filter the cube with this user selected multiple range values.

Please tell me how to do this in MDX..


Looking Forward your replies

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Cascading Multivalued Parameters

Apr 1, 2008


I have the folowing problem with RS2005.
I have 2 parameters in my report. Firs one is a list of projects which is a single select. The second one allows to select multiple employees.
When I select a project from the first parameter, the list in second parameter gets narrowed to list of employees that are assigned to this project.

The unexpected behaviour:
1. I select "Proj1" from first parameter
2. The second parameter gets narrowed. I select "Select All" employees
3. I generate my report. OK

4. I change the selection in first param to "Proj2"
5. The second parameter gets narrowed, but employees that are common for "Proj1" and "Proj2" are still selected, which is unwanted. ERR

The users of this report gets confused as they generate the report just after point 4. and they think all employees are still selected.

What I want to do is uncheck all employees from second parameter every time the first one is changed. That would cause the user to get a prompt for selecting second parameter.

Is there a way I can do this? Any clue would be nice.

Best Regards.

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Multivalued Range Parameters

May 22, 2007

Hi all,

We are using Reporting Services 2005 with Analysis Services 2005 data source.

So far we only had multivalued parameters without any range.

now we are to add a report parameter income group which would have values

Below $75,000 , $75,000 - $120,000, $120,000 - $220000 .....,Above 220000.

Now the user can select multiple range values.. Eg( Below $75,000 , $85,000 - $95,000 , Above $100,000 )

We have to filter the cube with this user selected multiple range values.

Please tell me how to do this in MDX..


Looking Forward your replies

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Dynamic Selection Of Multivalued Parameters

May 4, 2007

Hi All,

I Hope someone can help me out with this problem.. its pretty NB.

I have a pair of multivalued parameters. So, parent and child... the child needs to get its selection based on the selection made by the user on the parent parameter ( the child parameter is hidden).

Fictional values:
Parent Parameter: SelectAll, ALL , 1 , 2
Child Parameter: Home, Work, Play

If user selects "ALL" from the parent parameter I need Home and Play selected.

My idea was this:
=iif(Parameters!Parent.Value(1) = "All","Home,Play") <-- in Available values.

However, the dataset that reads this value does not like the coma delimited string.
This dataset is a cube created dataset, reading the child parameter.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,

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Width On Multivalued Dropdown Menu

Nov 28, 2007

I have a multivalued drop down menu that isn't wide enough to display the entire label. It only displays about half of the label. The text it is trying to display should look like "Global Zone 1 - Global Zone 2 - Global Zone 3 - Global Zone 4", and the only visible text is "Global Zone 1 - Global Zone2". It does have a scroll bar at the bottom, but it is ridiculous.

When I set it to not be multivalued, the drop down menu grows to the size of my label. The menu has plenty of space to grow, it is only taking up a very small amount of the screen.

Is there any way to correct this issue?


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Outputting Selected Multivalued Parameter To Textbox

Jun 22, 2007

Hello everyone

I have a multivalued parameter called param_state

I am trying to output the values off what is selected to a textbox so the user can see what was selected

I have entered the following expression in a text box

= "Sales rep for " & Parameters!Param_State.Value

I get an error for this and if I enter it as

= "Sales rep for " & Parameters!Param_State.Value(0)

I get only the first state.

Is there a way to show what was selected ?


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Multivalued Report Parameter That Is Integer And Should Be Optional

May 23, 2007


my problem is that i have a integer report parameter that must be multivalued. The parameter is populated by query. The thing is that in the beginning, there is no data in the dataset of the specific parameter. The table which is source to the dataset will br populated after some time from an XML.

Reporting services prompts the user to select a value for the parameter. But there is no value to select, yet. I cannot have leave blank because it is a string and not an int and i cannot have null because the parameter is multivalued. Any suggestions?

Thank you for your time and help!


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Passing A Multivalued String To Stored Procedure

Oct 14, 2007

I have a multivalued parameters populated from a dataset with country codes: US,CA,HK etc... I tried to pass the parameter to the stored procedured but that did not work. I did some research and found out that I won't be able to do that.

Writing Queries that Map to Multivalued Report Parameters

You can define a multivalued parameter for any report parameter that you create. However, if you want to pass multiple parameter values back to a query, the following requirements must be satisfied:
The data source must be SQL Server, Oracle, or Analysis Services.
The data source cannot be a stored procedure. Reporting Services does not support passing a multivalued parameter array to a stored procedure.
The query must use an IN statement to specify the parameter.
If I am not able to pass the parameter that way, what is the best way to accomplish my goal?

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Hiding Select All For Multivalued Parameters - SSRS 2005

May 7, 2008

Hi All,

Is there any way to disable the "Select All" option which comes by default for Multivalued parameters in the Report Manager?

Thanks in Advance

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