Multiple Case Statments

Nov 12, 2007

How do i add multiple case statements

CREATE procedure rpt_blankregistrationquestions

@cmb1 as varchar(100),

@cmb2 as varchar(100) WITH ENCRYPTION




Child.surname + ', ' + Child.forename AS ChildName,






END AS Child_Permission



END AS Health_Permission



END AS Dietaryneeds_Permission


DietaryNeeds CROSS JOIN

permissionRequired CROSS JOIN


ORDER BY ChildName


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Case Statments & Subquery

Nov 2, 2007

Hope someone can help;

I have a table with a list of payment information i have three other tables that store different types of commission rates that were active at a particular time.

Payments table – holds all payments received by customers

DirectRate table – holds the Direct rate active between start and end dates
ComRate table – holds the Commission rate active between start and end dates
FieldRate table – holds the Field rate active between start and end dates

Basically I am trying to get the total value of commission on all payments for all the different rates. To give you an example one payment can be of type Direct which would have to have the correct payment rate applied from the DirectRate table for the correct date range, this also applies for payments that are of type ComRate & FieldRate.

So I have the following SQL

WHEN dp.ReceivedByID = 1

dp.Amount * ((Select tF.Rate From dbo.mTrackerFeeChange tF where tF.ClientID=d.ClientID and tF.ContractID=d.ContractID AND ((dp.PaymentOn >= tF.StartDate AND dp.PaymentOn <= tF.EndDate) or (dp.PaymentOn >= tF.StartDate AND tF.EndDate IS NULL)))/100)

WHEN dp.ReceivedByID = 2

dp.Amount * ((Select tD.Rate From dbo.mTrackerDirectChange tD where tD.ClientID=d.ClientID and tD.ContractID=d.ContractID AND ((dp.PaymentOn >= tD.StartDate AND dp.PaymentOn <= tD.EndDate) or (dp.PaymentOn >= tD.StartDate AND tD.EndDate IS NULL)))/100)


dp.Amount * (((Select tF.Rate From dbo.mTrackerFeeChange tF where tF.ClientID=d.ClientID and tF.ContractID=d.ContractID AND ((dp.PaymentOn >= tF.StartDate AND dp.PaymentOn <= tF.EndDate) or (dp.PaymentOn >= tF.StartDate AND tF.EndDate IS NULL))) + (Select tFe.Rate From dbo.mTrackerFieldChange tFe where tFe.ClientID=d.ClientID and tFe.ContractID=d.ContractID AND((dp.PaymentOn >= tFe.StartDate AND dp.PaymentOn <= tFe.EndDate) or (dp.PaymentOn >= tFe.StartDate AND tFe.EndDate IS NULL))))/100)


dbo.DebtPayment dp,
dbo.ImportBatchItem bi,
dbo.Debt d
AND dp.DebtID=bi.ItemID
AND bi.ImportBatchID=2

I am using dp.ReceivedByID to assertain the payment type then depending upon that using the case statement to multiply the amount by the correct rate for the correct date range in the correct table. This sql works fine but it gives me a list of commision values, one for each payment. My problem is when I try to do a sum on this case statement I get an error

“Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery�

any help most appriciated


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Run Multiple Sql Statments With A Variable

Oct 30, 2007

I am not sure how to do this. I need to run 3 sql statements against a table with a variable created in one of them.

Here is the first statement

Select ID from table1 where value = 1

Need to store that value in a variable

Update table1
Set value = 0
Where ID = variable

Update table1
Set value = 1
Where ID = variable + 1

ID is a incremental identity field, so it is numeric. Basically I need to change the value of one record to 0, and make the next records value = one.

Any help is appreciated.

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If Then Statments

May 24, 2007

I am new to reporter server and I am much more familar with Crystal. I am trying to write a formula/expression that is easy in crystal but can't seem to write it in Report Server.

It is a basic If Then statement that returns a value if 2 conditions are true and another value if they are false.


If State = 'TX'


City = 'Dallas'

then 1



I have been able to use the IIF expression but I can only get it to work with one variable. So, I can do

=IIF(State = 'TX, 1,0)

but can't add the other criteria.

Any help is appreciated


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Basic SQL Statments

Feb 10, 2008

I'm in a Database class and am finding it very difficult to find any outside help. I'm sure this will appear to be very basic to those of you who work in the Database field, but your help will be greatly appreciated.

INVENTORY( SKU, Description, QUANTITYOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, Warehouse)
WAREHOUSE( Warehouse, Manager, SquareFeet)

From the two tables above we're suppose to:

1.Write an SQL statement to show the Warehouse and average QunatityOnHand of all items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Smith'. Use a subquery.

2.Write an SQL statement to show the Warehouse and average QunatityOnHand of all items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Smith'. Use a join.
This is what I came up with. Please give me some feedback:

SELECT Avg(QuantityOnHand)
WHERE Manager = ‘Smith’);

WHEREManager = ‘Smith’

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SQL Statments In An Active X Script

Mar 3, 2005

What I have is a small DTS package that truncates a table then loads it from a text file. I want to enhance it by sending an e-mail with record counts to our client.

The load is pretty straight forward

delete from marketing..solicit_consumer
from marketing..solicit_consumer sc
join dsi_use..dnc_tmp dt
on sc.consumer_no = dt.consumer_no
and sc.solicit_cd = dt.solicit_cd
insert marketing..solicit_consumer
select * from dsi_use..dnc_tmp

After I have an Active X script to format an e-mail but I need the counts from the SQL statement. I have tried to use the following with no luck.

Option Explicit

Function Main()
Dim oPkg, oDataPump, sSQLStatement

' Build new SQL Statement
sSQLStatement = "SELECT count (*) FROM dsi_use..dnc_tmp " & _
DTSGlobalVariables("DNC_Count").Value & "'"

' Get reference to the DataPump Task
Set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent
Set oDataPump = oPkg.Tasks("DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1").CustomTask

' Assign SQL Statement to Source of DataPump
oDataPump.SourceSQLStatement = sSQLStatement

if oDataPump.SourceSQLStatement <> 0 then
FrmtEmail ()
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
end if

' Clean Up
Set oDataPump = Nothing
Set oPkg = Nothing

End Function

The actualy format of the e-mail I think will work if ony I can get the main function to work.

Right now it gives me a VB script runtime error.

Type Mismatch:'[string: "SELECT count(*) FR"]'
error on line 19

Line 19 is somewhere within these lines

' Assign SQL Statement to Source of DataPump
oDataPump.SourceSQLStatement = sSQLStatement

if oDataPump.SourceSQLStatement <> 0 then
FrmtEmail ()


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Using If Statments In A Stored Proc

Mar 18, 2004

i'm passing 4 paramaters to a stored proc. based on the values of the paramaters i add conditions to my select. can som one please reviwe the proc below and tell me if my syntax is wrong or if there is another way of doing this.

Thank You,

CREATE PROCEDURE [Multi_Picking_Slip_FillListview1]
@str_Division nvarchar(50), @str_Season nvarchar(50), @str_Cust nvarchar(50), @str_ShipTo nvarchar(50) AS

SELECT * from tblDistribution WHERE PikingNo = 'NO'

If @str_Division <> ''
AND Division =@str_Division

If @str_Season <> ''
AND Season = @str_Season

If @str_Cust <> ''
AND cusNumber = @str_Cust

If @str_ShipTo <> ''
AND shpStoreNo = @str_ShipTo


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Is It Possible To Use A Where Clause In Select Statments When You Use Intersection?

Apr 26, 2008

Lets say that Dealers have ZipCodes, and that a Dealer can have more than one zipCode, and we want the list of dealers that have both 90210 and 90211 zip codes. BUT we don't want any dealers that have only one of the two ZipCodes in question

What I want to do is something like this

Select DealerID from DealerZips where Zip = '90210'
Select DealerID from DealerZips where Zip = '90211'

but I get this error msg:
Line 2: Incorrect syntax near 'intersection'

The following sql is silly, but it does run without error
Select DealerID from DealerZips
Select DealerID from DealerZips

So I am pretty sure my problem is with the Where clauses.


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Transaction Error While Executing Dymnaic Sql Statments

Sep 24, 2007

I have a stored proc and using transactions as foolows
(not coplete Sp)

Begin Transaction TransName

Select @vsSql = Create a temp table (dynamically)
Exec( @vsSql )

Select @vsSql = dynamic insert statement
Exec( @vsSql )

and executing couple of dynamic statements using Exec

And @ the end of SP

if @@error <>0

rollback transaction TransName

commit transaction TransName

and when i execute the stored proc i am getting the following error

Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 0, current count = 1.

And also my sql server management studio hogs up

Can any one please help me on this

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CASE Multiple

Jan 2, 2007

hi guys,

another question for today (maybe another silly q :P)..
can somebody shorten my case statement :-

i want to have NULL for RUdf1 til RUdf10 columns and CUdf1 til CUdf10 if it follow condition "select vblablaba'

currently im doing like below, that will take 20 CASE statement in my select statement!

CASE WHEN exists (select p.picktype from tblItemPickFormat p
where p.ItemClientRef=r.ItemClientRef AND (p.PickType=c.ClientUDF1) ) THEN RecvUDf1
ELSE NULL END AS RecvUDF1, --this one until 10

CASE WHEN exists (select p.picktype from tblItemPickFormat p
where p.ItemClientRef=r.ItemClientRef AND (p.PickType=c.ClientUDF1) ) THEN ClientUDf1
ELSE NULL END AS ClientUDF1, --this one until 10

so total 20.. phewwww... helppppp

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Multiple Case Statements

Mar 14, 2008

This query brings back 2 rows for each record, one for each case statement. How can I change this to bring in the contsupp.notes for both types of data? Or could it be fixed in the joins?

contact1.key5 as "Ch#",
contact2.uexpsort as "Sort", as "Church", as "Editor",
contact1.phone1 as "Phone",
contact2.uemerg as "Emergency",
contact1.Address1 as "Address", as "City",
contact1.state as "State", as "Zip",
contact2.ubulletnqt as "Qty",
contact2.ubullcolor as "BullColor",
contact2.ubarcode as "Barcode",
contact2.udelivery as "Delivery",
contact2.uoutputdev as "OutputDev",
contact2.utimedeliv as "Time",
contact2.ucolor as "DelivColor",
contact2.ucollated as "Collated",
contact2.ustapled as "Stapled",
case when contsupp.contsupref = 'Delivery Notes' then contsupp.notes end as "Deliverynotes",
case when contsupp.contsupref = 'Cover Change Slip' then contsupp.notes end as "CoverChangeSlip"

Contact1 inner join contact2 on Contact1.Accountno = Contact2.Accountno
inner join contsupp on Contact1.Accountno=Contsupp.Accountno
contact1.key5 not like '' and contsupp.contsupref='Delivery Notes' or contsupp.contsupref ='Cover Change Slip' order by contact1.key5

Thanks for your help

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CASE With Multiple Comparisons

Mar 26, 2008

hallo i have an expression like this
when (a1<>a2 AND b1=b2 AND c1=c2) then...
when (a1=a2 AND b1<>b2 AND c1=c2) then...

when (a1= a2 AND b1=b2 AND c1<>c2) then...

is there any more elegant/compact/fast way to write this?

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ORDER BY, CASE, With Multiple Columns

Nov 7, 2003

I'm unable to specify multiple columns in my order by statement if i use a case statement.
Does anyone know why this is, or what syntax would make this work?


ORDER BY (CASE Lower(@SortExpression)
WHEN 'prodname' THEN prodname, prodprice
WHEN 'prodsize' THEN prodsize, prodname
WHEN 'prodprice' THEN prodprice, prodname
Else prodcompany, prodname

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Multiple Case Statements In One Select

Dec 16, 2014

I know I should know the answer to this, but I just can't quite get the syntax down

Select case when zipCode = '10185' Then 'Deliver'
Else when zipCode = '2309' And paid = 'Yes' Then 'Deliver'
Else When zipCode = '1291' And paid = 'Yes' Then 'Deliver'
Else When zipCode = '88221' And paid = 'No' Then 'Hold'
Else when zipCode = '34123' Then 'Deliver'
From postalDeliveryDatabase

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Multiple Clauses In A CASE Statement

Jan 12, 2008

I'm not sure if I have stated my subject line correctly for what I want to achieve, but I will attempt to explain it below.

In addition to what I have in my script below, I also need to include the following clauses:

1. where TransPerPaySequence.FinancialYTDCode like '2007', and e.EmployeeStatusCode like 'CASUAL' and p.PositionGroupCode like 'AC', then instead of using the divisor of 72, it needs to be 35; and

2. where TransPerPaySequence.FinancialYTDCode like '2008', and e.EmployeeStatusCode like 'CASUAL' and p.PositionGroupCode like 'AC', then instead of using the divisor of 72 or 35, it needs to be 31.

I would really appreciate any assistance that can be provided.


pc.PositionClassificationCode, pc.Description AS positionclass, pg.PositionGroupCode, pg.Description AS positiongroup, p.Description AS position,
e.PreferredName + ' ' + e.LastName AS employeename, SUM(ha.Quantity)
/ ((CASE p2.PositionGroupCode WHEN 'AC' THEN 72 WHEN 'AL' THEN 75 WHEN 'EX' THEN 80 WHEN 'MG' THEN 80 WHEN 'SM' THEN 80 END) *
FROM TransPerPaySequence
WHERE (PayPeriodCode LIKE 'EIT') AND (Closed = '1') AND (Description LIKE 'St%'))) AS FTE,
FROM TransPerPaySequence AS TransPerPaySequence_1
WHERE (PayPeriodCode LIKE 'EIT') AND (Closed = '1') AND (Description LIKE 'St%')) AS payseq
FROM HistoricalAllowance AS ha LEFT OUTER JOIN
Position AS p ON ha.PositionCode = p.PositionCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
PositionGroup AS pg ON p.PositionGroupCode = pg.PositionGroupCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
PositionClassification AS pc ON p.PositionClassificationCode = pc.PositionClassificationCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
Employee AS e ON ha.EmployeeCode = e.EmployeeCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
Position AS p2 ON e.PositionCode = p2.PositionCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
TransPerPaySequence AS tpps ON ha.PaySequence = tpps.PaySequence
WHERE (e.EmployeeCode IN ('83', '739')) AND (ha.AllowanceCode IN ('005', '201', '203', '101')) AND (tpps.FinancialYTDCode LIKE '2007%')
GROUP BY pc.PositionClassificationCode, pg.PositionGroupCode, pc.Description, pg.Description, p.Description, e.PreferredName, e.LastName,

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Transact SQL :: Can Have Multiple Statements Under CASE-THEN

Jun 3, 2015

So I'm thinking if I can have multiple statements within the CASE-THEN..or do I have to CASE out each individually? Kind of like this....

WHEN [AddressType] = 'M'
THEN [MailingAddress].[Address1]
WHEN [AddressType] = 'D'
THEN [DefaultAddress].[Address1]

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How To Write Multiple Queries In Case Statement

Sep 19, 2013

I have to do following scenario,

if 1st query Then 2nd Query
Else 'Msg'

How Can i do this using Case Statement??how can do this by Other way??

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Conditional Case Calculations Multiple Tables?

Apr 20, 2014

I have 4 tables involved here. The priority table is TABLE1:

000001235 04/14/2014 335 A0A00 605
000001234 04/14/2014 243 A0A01 243
000001236 04/14/2014 425 A0A02 500

TRANAMT being the amount paid & TOTBAL being the balance due per the NAMEID & RMPROPID specified.

The other table includes a breakdown of the total balance, in a manner of speaking, by charge code (thru a SUM(OPENAMT) query of DISTINCT CHGCODE


000001234 04/01/2014 400 A0A01 ARC 0
000001234 04/05/2014 -142 A0A01 ARC 228
000001234 04/10/2014 15 A0A01 ALT 15
000001235 04/01/2014 400 A0A00 ARC 400
000001235 04/05/2014 50 A0A00 ALT 50
000001235 04/10/2014 105 A0A00 ACF 105
000001235 04/11/2014 50 A0A00 ADR 50
000001236 04/01/2014 500 A0A02 ARC 500

The other table stores the priority order of the charge codes


ACF 1 Court fee
ALT 2 Late fee
ANS 3 NSF fee
ARC 4 Rent
ADR 5 Repair
AUR 6 Utility

While the forth stores the customer data:


000001234 A0A01 Jane Doe 000001234
000001235 A0A00 John White 000001235
000001236 A0A02 John Smith 000001236
000001237 A0A02 Jennifer Smith 000001236

This table's importance comes by the inclusion of the NAMEGROUP. This way if an account has multiple NAMEIDs, it can be kept straight by their shared NAMEGROUP.

I am trying to create a report using queries that will:

A) calculate the sum of the OPENAMT per NAMEGROUP per DISTINCT CHGCODE B) count the number of records (DISTINCT CHGCODEs) per DISTINCT NAMEID in ORDER by the CHGCODE PRIORITY Then C) calculate a case query whereas:

TABLE1.TRANAMT=> the calculated sum of the highest priority CHGCODE THEN 'TABLE1.TRANAMT'
ELSE WHERE TABLE1.TRANAMT <= the calculated sum of the highest priority CHGCODE
THEN 'the calculated sum of the highest priority CHGCODE'

[Code] ....

The results should be something like:

000001235 04/14/2014 335 A0A00 ACF 105
000001235 04/14/2014 335 A0A00 ALT 15
000001235 04/14/2014 335 A0A00 ARC 215
000001234 04/14/2014 243 A0A01 ALT 15
000001234 04/14/2014 243 A0A01 ARC 228
000001236 04/14/2014 425 A0A02 ARC 425

Also with a remaining balance (per CHGCODE) column.I can't figure out how to word the queries.

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Update Multiple Columns In One Table With Case Statement

Nov 15, 2013

I want to update multiple column in one table using with case statement. i need query pls..

stdidnamesubject result marks
1 arun chemistry pass 55
2 alias maths pass 70
3 babau history pass 55
4 basha hindi NULL NULL
5 hussain hindi NULL nULL
6 chandru chemistry NULLNULL
7 mani hindi NULLNULL
8 rajesh history NULLNULL
9 rama chemistry NULLNULL
10 laxman maths NULLNULL

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Multiple CASE Statements - Three Fields To Be True In Order To Return Y

Feb 19, 2014

How do I properly write a CASE statement for the following business logic:

I want three of the following fields to be true in order to return 'Y'.

For example:

If field name 'Accepted' = 1 AND field 'StepNo' = '1' and field 'Visit' = 'V1'

Otherwise, I want it to return 'N'.

I have tried the following code below and it is not working.

, CASE WHEN Accepted = '1' AND StepNo ='1' AND Visit ='V1'
THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS 'StatusQ (Col N)'

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SQL Server 2014 :: COALESCE To Replace Multiple CASE Statements

May 27, 2014

I have a query with huge number of case statements. Basically I need to short this query with getting rid of these hundreds of CASE statements.

Because of the nature of the application I am not allowed to use a function, and just wondering if there is a possible way to rewrite this with COALESCE().

CASE WHEN A.[COL_1] LIKE '%cricket%' THEN 'ck' + ',' ELSE '' END +
CASE WHEN A.[COL_1] LIKE '%soccer%' THEN 'sc' + ',' ELSE '' END +
FROM TableName A

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SQL Server 2008 :: Change Text Format From Case Sensitive To Case Insensitive?

Aug 31, 2015

How can I change my T-SQL text editor from text sensitive to text insensitive?

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Case Insensitivity Is On Server Wide: Tables Render Case Sensative...

Jan 6, 2005


I have created an SQL server table in the past on a server that was all case sensative. Over time I found out that switching to a server that is not case sensative still caused my data to become case sensative. I read an article that said you should rebuild your master database then re-create your tables. So after rebuilding the master database, a basic restore would not be sufficient? I would have to go and manually re-create every single table again?

Any suggestions?

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Case Insensitive Searching In Sql Server 2000 When It's Case Sensitive

May 4, 2007

Can someone point me to a tutorial on how to search against a SQL Server 2000 using a case insensitive search when SQL Server 2000 is a case sensitive installation?
thanks in advance.

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HELP! Case Insensitive Database On Case Sensitive Server

Aug 17, 2005

We need to install CI database on CS server, and there are some issueswith stored procedures.Database works and have CI collation (Polish_CI_AS). Server hascoresponding CS collation (Polish_CS_AS). Most queries and proceduresworks but some does not :-(We have table Customer which contains field CustomerID.Query "SELECT CUSTOMERID FROM CUSTOMER" works OK regardless ofcharacter case (we have table Customer not CUSTOMER)Following TSQL generate error message that must declare variable @id(in lowercase)DECLARE @ID INT (here @ID in uppercase)SELECT @id=CustomerID FROM Customer WHERE .... (here @id in lowercase)I know @ID is not equal to @id in CS, but database is CI and tablenames Customer and CUSTOMER both works. This does not work forvariables.I suppose it is tempdb collation problem (CS like a server collationis). I tried a property "Identifier Case Sensitivity" for myconnection, but it is read only and have value 8 (Mixed) by default -this is OK I think.DO I MISS SOMETHING ????

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Doing A Case-sensitive Query In A Case-insensitive Database

May 29, 2008

I am working in a SQL server database that is configured to be case-insensetive but I would like to override that for a specific query. How can I make my query case-sensitive with respect to comparison operations?


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Transact SQL :: Upper Case To Lower Case Conversion

May 4, 2015

I have column with value of all upper case, for example, FIELD SERVICE, is there anyway, I can convert into Field Service?

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Can You Use Replication From A Case Sensitive Db To A Case Insensitive Db?

Aug 19, 2007

I am curious with using replication in sql server 2005 one way from db A (source) replicating to db B(destination) in which db A has a collation of CS and db B has a collation of CI.  Will there be any problems with this scenario? Thanks in advance! 

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Problem Using Result From CASE In Another CASE Statement

Nov 5, 2007

I have a view where I'm using a series of conditions within a CASE statement to determine a numeric shipment status for a given row. In addition, I need to bring back the corresponding status text for that shipment status code.

Previously, I had been duplicating the CASE logic for both columns, like so:

Code Block...beginning of SQL view...
shipment_status =
[logic for condition 1]
WHEN [logic for condition 2]
WHEN [logic for condition 3]
WHEN [logic for condition 4]
shipment_status_text =
[logic for condition 1]
THEN 'Condition 1 text'
WHEN [logic for condition 2]
THEN 'Condition 2 text'
WHEN [logic for condition 3]
THEN 'Condition 3 text'
WHEN [logic for condition 4]
THEN 'Condition 4 text'
ELSE 'Error'
...remainder of SQL view...

This works, but the logic for each of the case conditions is rather long. I'd like to move away from this for easier code management, plus I imagine that this isn't the best performance-wise.

This is what I'd like to do:

Code Block
...beginning of SQL view...
shipment_status =
[logic for condition 1]
WHEN [logic for condition 2]
WHEN [logic for condition 3]
WHEN [logic for condition 4]

shipment_status_text =

CASE shipment_status

WHEN 1 THEN 'Condition 1 text'

WHEN 2 THEN 'Condition 2 text'

WHEN 3 THEN 'Condition 3 text'

WHEN 4 THEN 'Condition 4 text'

ELSE 'Error'

...remainder of SQL view...

This runs as a query, however all of the rows now should "Error" as the value for shipment_status_text.

Is what I'm trying to do even currently possible in T-SQL? If not, do you have any other suggestions for how I can accomplish the same result?



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Case Sensitivity When A User Enters Data Into The Database. How To Deal With Case Sensitivity.

Sep 6, 2007

I am working on a C#/ web application. The application has a text box that allows a user to enter a name. The name is then saved to the database.
Before the name is saved to the database, I need to be able to check if the name already exists in the database. The problem  here is that what if the name is in the database as "JoE ScMedLap" and somoene enters the name as "Joe Schmedlap" which already exists in the database,but just differs in case.
In other words how do deal with case sensitiviy issues.

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Restore Of Case Insensitive Database To A Case Sensitive Database - SQL Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Yesterday I received a response to my CI/CS Collation problem and therecommendation was to try and restore a CI Collation database to a CSCollation database. After creating a blank CS database a full restore(Force restore over existing database) does change the Collation toCI. I'm unsure as to how I can restore without changing theCollation. Any suggestions?

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Integration Services :: Insert Multiple Columns As Multiple Records In Table Using SSIS?

Aug 10, 2015

Here is my requirement, How to handle using SSIS.

My flatfile will have multiple columns like :

ID  key1  key2  key3  key 4

I have SP which accept 3 parameters ID, Key, Date

NOTE: Key is the coulm name from the Excel. So my sp call look like

sp_insert ID, Key1, date
sp_insert ID, Key2,date
sp_insert ID, Key3,date

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Selecting Data From Table With Multiple Conditions On Multiple Columns

Apr 15, 2014

I am facing a problem in writing the stored procedure for multiple search criteria.

I am trying to write the query in the Procedure as follows

Select * from Car
where Price=@Price1 or Price=@price2 or Price=@price=3
where Manufacture=@Manufacture1 or Manufacture=@Manufacture2 or Manufacture=@Manufacture3
where Model=@Model1 or Model=@Model2 or Model=@Model3
where City=@City1 or City=@City2 or City=@City3

I am Not sure of the query but am trying to get the list of cars that are to be filtered based on the user input.

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