Multiple Counts And A Score

Feb 17, 2014

I have a table called enablers , with the following data

title Raiser Assignedto
book Fred John
Apple Peter Peter
Orange Bill Roger
Cup John Fred

For each time a users name appears in the raiser column they get 1 point, for each time a users name appears in the Assignedto column they get 1 point , but if their name appears in both Raiser and Assignedto for a particular row they only get 1 point not 2 points, I then need a count of raiser points plus a count of assignedto points to give a total points score ( raised plus assignedto)..I am looking how to get the output like below

Name Total Points
Fred 2
Peter 1
Bill 1
John 2
Roger 1

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How To Do Multiple Counts

Dec 12, 2006

I just inherited an app, where I have two tables that look like this:


I need a query to get results that look like this:
# of cases records where Status='Open'
# of cases records Where Status='Pending'
# of cases records WHERE Status<>'Closed' AND Assigned=''

I have one query that works already, but it's using several nested selects. I know I ought to be able to do this using group by instead, and I like to know how.

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Multiple Counts

Jan 24, 2006

I am creating a database for a soccer league.

I would like to write a query that would give me results in a league table form .

How could I combine different count queries such as:

select hometeam, count(*) as homegames from matches where comp="en1pp" group by hometeam
order by hometeam

select hometeam, count(*) as homewins from matches where homescore>awayscore group by hometeam order by hometeam

into one query giving a three column result homteams, homegames, homewins.


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Multiple Counts In A Query

May 20, 2008

I have a table that is linked to other tables in one to many relationship.I have a query using LEFT OUTER JOINs to join the tables together.There are multiple counts in the query and count numbers are messed up.(if there are 4 records from one table and 3 from the other  - it shows 12 as the count)  Your help is appreciated. 

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Multiple Counts In A Sql Statement

Jan 26, 2004

How would I create a sql statement with 3 or 4 counts which would represent 3 or 4 different columns in a datagrid?

For example

SQL = "SELECT Count(department_id) as "totals1" FROM nonconformance WHERE department_id = '1'"

How would I make additional counts in this SQL statement that looks for when department_id=2 and 3 etc....


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SQL Query For Multiple Counts

Dec 8, 1999

I need to build a table to combine data into a single table but I need it to include a count on more than 1 column. For example, I have a table containing a store number, an isbn, an on hand quantity, and an on order quantity. It's probably easier to explain with an example. I have a source table containing this:

store isbn OnHand OnOrder
===== ========== ====== =======
104 0394572368 2 0
108 0394572368 0 1
109 0394572368 2 0
104 3321695545 2 1
108 3321695545 1 0
109 3321695545 3 1

And I need a table that will combine the isbns and give me sums
and counts like this:

Isbn OnHandLocations OnHandQty OnOrderLocations OnOrderQty
========== =============== ========= ================ ==========
0394572368 2 4 1 1
3321695545 3 6 2 2

Does anyone know of a query that can accomplish this? Thanks in advance.

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Multiple Counts From One Table

May 7, 2008

Hi, my code repeats the same correct count numbers for every person in a query. I need them to count differently for each person in a table. I am using Access 2007 for now. Thanks.

SELECT tblOutlookTask.AssignedTo,DCount("*","tblOutlookTask","PercentComplete=100") AS Expr1, DCount("*","tblOutlookTask","PercentComplete<>100") AS Expr2
FROM tblOutlookTask
Group By tblOutlookTask.AssignedTo;

I also tried this but it says 'missing operator on the second line' doesn't like the when in case maybe?

COUNT(CASE WHEN PercentComplete=100 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as Completed,
COUNT(CASE WHEN PercentComplete<>100 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as Active,
COUNT(CASE WHEN PercentComplete<>100 And [DueDate]<Date() And [DueDate]>Date()-7 And DueDate<Date() And DueDate>Date()-7 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as Overdue,
COUNT(CASE WHEN tblOutlookTask.PercentComplete<>100 And [DueDate]<Date() And [DueDate]>Date()-14 And tblOutlookTask.DueDate<Date() And tblOutlookTask.DueDate>Date()-14 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) as Offtrack
FROM tblOutlookTask;

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SQL 2012 :: Inserting A Row With Multiple Counts

Sep 17, 2015

I am trying to insert into a row in SQL 2012 a default value for one column and then the results of some select count(*) queries into the other columns.Here is my example:

insert into x64_hourly_activity (Hour,Ingests,Restores,Proxies, Tape_Onsite, Tape_Offsite)
select (select count(*) from x64_Ingest_metrics_temp where datepart(hh, date2) = 00 and datepart(mi, date2) <= 59),
(select count(*) from x64_restore_metrics_all_temp where datepart(hh, date2) = 00 and datepart(mi, date2) <= 59),
(select count(*) from x64_proxy_metrics_raw_temp where datepart(hh, date2) = 00 and datepart(mi, date2) <= 59),
(select count(*) from x64_tape_metrics_temp where datepart(hh, date2) = 00 and datepart(mi, date2) <= 59 and Storage_Loc = 'XYZ'),
(select count(*) from x64_tape_metrics_temp where datepart(hh, date2) = 00 and datepart(mi, date2) <= 59 and Storage_loc = 'JKL')

What is the statement I use to insert 12AM as a value for Hour?

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Multiple Counts In One Nested Query: How?

May 12, 2008

I'd appreciate some help with the issue below - my SQL is a bit rusty and was never that hot to be frank. I'm using SQL Server 2000 (although have a test box with 2005 Express also). I've trawled MSDN and a few forums but can't find the solution (maybe I don't know what I'mm looking for!), so any help would be marvellous...

I have a table with a field called 'IRV' containing a string of comma-separated values. I want to be able to query a point in that string and count the number of times a given value appears. an example, I want to count how many times '1' appears at position 7 in the IRV. I can create SQL to do this as follows:

FROM myIRVtable
WHERE (SUBSTRING(IRV, 7, 1) = '1')

So far so good. However, it is also possible that the value at position 7 in this string could be '2' (or '3', or '4', etc) - and rather than re-running the query again and again to get these values, I'd like to do it in one hit.

How can I combine all this together - anyone have any brilliant solutions?

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Getting Multiple Counts With Grouping And Left Joins

Mar 3, 2008

Hi, I am trying to write a query that gets the percentage of students in specific racial groups in specific schools. Some ethnicity values of students are null so I have to use left joins. My query is below, when I run it I get the error "join expression not supported", I've tried a couple different ways of doing it but I always get that error or "syntax error in from clause". Can anybody help me with formatting multiple and nested left joins in general?

Thanks in advance.

drop table percentMinorities;
create view percentMinorities as
select s1.schoolid,
round(count(s2.studentid)/count(s1.studentid),2) as percentWhite,
round(count(s3.studentid)/count(s1.studentid),2) as percentBlack,
round(count(s4.studentid)/count(s1.studentid),2) as percentHispanic,
round(count(s5.studentid)/count(s1.studentid),2) as percentAsian


students as s1 left join
(students as s2 left join
(students as s3 left join
(students as s4 left join students as s5
on s4.studentid is not null and s5.ethnicity = 'A')
on s3.studentid is not null and s4.ethnicity = 'H')
on s2.studentid is not null and s3.ethnicity = 'N')
on s1.studentid is not null and s1.ethnicity = 'O'

group by s1.schoolid

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SQL Server 2012 :: Row Counts Based On Distinct Values From Multiple Tables

Jan 15, 2015

I am trying to create a query that outputs the following data from multiple tables. Here is an example of the raw data right now

Date | MachineNumber | TestName
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something
1/1/2015 | 510 | NewTest
1/1/2015 | 510 | NewTest
1/1/2015 | 510 | NewTest
1/1/2015 | 620 | Test#1

Here is the desired counted output, I would like to pull distinct Date, MachineNumber, TestName and then count how many times they occur in the raw data form.I do need to perform a case on the date because right now its in a datetime format and I only need the date.

Date | MachineNumber | TestName | TestOccuranceCount
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something | 4
1/1/2015 | 510 | NewTest | 3
1/1/2015 | 620 | Test#555 | 1

I am pulling three columns with the same names from 8 different tables. What I need to display the date, machine & test name and count how many times a test was run on a machine for that date. I have a feeling this can be handled by SSAS but haven't built an analysis cube yet because I am unfamiliar with how they work. I was wondering if this is possible in a simple query. I tried to set something up in a #Temp table. Problem is the query takes forever to run because I am dealing with 1.7 Million rows. Doing an insert into #temp select columnA, columnB, columnC from 8 different tables takes a bit.

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GROUP BY Highest Score Per User

Mar 4, 2005

Hi there!

I've got a SPROC that generates a recordset of user vote tallies (they're calculated in a separated SPROC). The user submissions are grouped by a GUID value so as to remain unique for a user's submission (each user can have multiple submissions.

The problem is that the recordset returned displays ALL the users, and I'd like to only select the highest score for each user. So, if I have 500 submissions from 3 users (User1 and User2 submit once each and User3 submits 497 times), the total recordset will have 3 rows - being the highest score per user, discounting the others.

Here's my base query:

SELECT a.UserID,a.Name AS [Name],SUM(b.TotalTally) AS [TotalPoints]
FROM Users a
INNER JOIN Ballots b ON a.UserID = b.UserID
GROUP BY a.UserID, a.Name,b.SubmissionGUID
ORDER BY [TotalPoints] DESC,[Name] ASC

...and I've been able to get the highest vote per user, discounting duplicate entries, by using this:

SELECT a.UserID,MAX(b.TotalTally) AS [TotalPoints]
FROM Users a
INNER JOIN Ballots b ON a.UserID = b.UserID

How can I write combine the two in a nested subquery to display only the top score per user?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Give Point And Set The Score

Aug 12, 2014

I've table and data as following,

[idx] [int] IDENTITY(-2147483648,1) NOT NULL,
[CVID] [int] NOT NULL,
[myGender] [char](1) NULL,
[whatGender] [char](1) NULL,
[point_Gender] [tinyint] NULL,

[Code] ....

So, my table and data must be as following,

This is the calculation for CVID=1449

1- myGender=M
2- whatGender=M
3- point_Gender=4
4- So, score_Gender=4

5- myBMI=23.53
6- min_BMI=20.22
7- max_BMI=30.00
8- point_BMI=3
9- myBMI is between 20.22 and 30.00
10- So, score_BMI=3

This is the calculation for CVID=1925

1- myGender=F
2- whatGender=M
3- point_Gender=4
4- So, score_Gender=0

5- myBMI=35.43
6- min_BMI=20.22
7- max_BMI=30.00
8- point_BMI=3
9- myBMI IS NOT between 20.22 and 30.00
10- So, score_BMI=0

After calculation, my data should be as following :

The variant for each row IS SAME. See as following :

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String Comparison Using Score Method

Apr 4, 2006

Dear All:I encounter one problem when I want to implement my thought. My thoughtis that user want to search a record of someone but maybe user wouldtype wrong name or spell name wrong. I wish to compare the string whichuser inputed to the database column using "Socre Method". "ScoreMethod" has a variable "grade" to accumulate the score. I want toconvert the string to char array, and compare the char one by one. Ifthe string is more accurate , the grade is more high. At last, I choosethe most higher score record to show. How to do this thought with tsql?Could give me some tips or guide to learn? I will appreciate yourkindness, thanks.

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Keep Duplicate With Highest Score Fuzzy Grouping

Jan 22, 2012

I have recently decided to dedupe my data but i am having a problem after running fuzzy grouping with the query on updating which duplicate to keep

_key_in is unique, _key_out is the duplicates so for example:

_key_in , _key_out , name , score , dedupe
1 , 1 , ron , 10 , purge
2 , 1 , ronn , 15 , keep
3 , 3 , john , 5 , keep
4 , 4 , matt , 15 , keep
5 , 4 , mat , 10 , purge
6 , 4 , matt , 15 , purge

I want to keep the _key_out with the higher score by setting the field de_dupe to 'keep' and the remainder to 'purge'. The score can also be the same within a duplicate so in the case it is the same i just need to keep one it doesnt matter which one. The query i have below nearly works but it marks duplicates with the same score as keep.

SET b.dedupe_result = 'keep'
[BusinessListings].[dbo].[MongoOrganisationACTM1Destination] b

[Code] ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Table With Score Info For Groups - Ranking For Current And Previous Week

Jan 21, 2015

I have a table with score info for each group, and the table also contains historical data, I need to get the ranking for the current week and previous week, here is what I did and the result is apparently wrong:

select CurRank = row_number() OVER (ORDER BY cr.CurScore desc) , cr.group_name,cr.CurScore
, lastWeek.PreRank, lastWeek.group_name,lastWeek.PreScore
(select group_name,
Avg(case when datediff(day, asAtDate, getdate()) <= 7 then sumscore else 0 end) as CurScore

[Code] ....

The query consists two parts: from current week and previous week respectively. Each part returns correct result, the final merged result is wrong.

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Retrive Score In Logistic Regression (Microsoft Neural Network Viewer - SQL Server 2005)

Feb 19, 2008


I bought the book €œData Mining with SQL Server 2005€?, but I can€™t find the solution to a problem I have.

I want to retrieve from C# the logistic regression Attribute Value (AV) Scores for the Logistic Regression Algorithm. I can see the Scores from the Microsoft Logistic Regression Viewer (the same of Neural Network Viewer), but I cannot retrieve them via DMX, OLEDB or similar.

Otherwise, is there a formula that I can use to compute that score from the coefficient, support, or probability values of the Attribute Value pair (I can read this values from DMX)?
I can access to them via DMX:


with a query like


Thanks in advance


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How Is The 'Score' Value Derived In The Lift Chart/Mining Legend For Data Mining Models?

Sep 26, 2006

I have just run a simple data set through a model to predict a simple true or false value (i.e. binary output)
The Lift Chart/Mining Legend in Analysis Services shows three results €“ Score, Population Correct (%), and Predict Probability (%)

Population Correct I beleive is the percentage of predictions it got right out of the total number of predictions it tried to make. Is this correct?

However, I can€™t work out how the other two are derived in particular the 'SCORE'. To give a live example the scores were as follows:

Model Score Pop Correct Pred Probability
Decision Trees 0.83 76.59% 54.28%
Neural Network 0.75 67.63% 50.05%
Ideal Model 100.00%

Can anyone help with this and give a detailed explanation?

Many thanks,
S Rajput

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LogRegHelper - A Scorecard For Logistic Regression Models Does Not Match Logistic Regression Favors Score

Jun 24, 2007


This question is regarding the LogRegHelper - "A scorecard for Logistic Regression models" example in sqlserverdatamining Tips and Tricks page. I launched TestLogReg (Analysis Services Database associated with the project) and ran Logistic Regression over that. While the LogReg shows the highest score for IQ (107 - 121), a score of 558, the Logistic Regression shows that Parent Encouragement has the highest score for the case College Plans = 'Plans to Attend'. Can someone verify this and clarify?

I have a few other questions with LR

- In SQL Server 2005 LR Mining Model Viewer "favors" chart, what algorithm is used for generating Scores?

- Can I use this score as a feature selector? Higher score => stronger predictor (input)

- Is the coefficient weight algorithm used in LogReg wrong ?



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Row Counts

Feb 5, 2007

If I right click and browse the properties for the table I can get the value of rows. But for the same table if I do select count(*) from table the value does not match the table properties rows. Please can some one tell me why this is so?

SQL Newbie

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Counts By Groups

Jan 8, 2007

I expect to get a record below with a count of 0 (and I do), but when I take the comments out (--) of lines 1 & 6 I don't understand why I get no records at all. I need to be able to see all teams in EvalAnswers even if none of the records satisfies the where clause.1 select Count(*) as cnt--, TeamID
2 from EvalAnswers
3 where CoID=@CoID
4 and EvaluatorID=@EvaluatorID
5 and (Scr0=0 and Sugg0 is NULL)
6 --group by TeamID

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Need Help Bracketing Counts

Sep 6, 2007

I need to create a view that shows the number of times that clients made payments, how many clients, and how much they paid over a period of time. I'm not sure if I can use a case for this. How can I put something like this together?
I have a tblClients with a clientid field
I have a tblPayments with the clientid, pmtdate, and pmtamount
For example:
1 Payment ----- 23 Clients ----- $16000
2 Payments ----- 12 Clients ----- $32000
3 Payments ----- 4 Clients ----- $13000

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Nov 15, 2000

I need a procedure that will go to a database and give me all the row counts for the user tables.

Does anyone know how I can get this?


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SQL Is Giving Different Row Counts

Apr 20, 2004

Hi, a very 'summarized' scenario of the problem I have trying to
solve all day (make it 2 days now).

Below are the relevant DDLs... I am not listing the DDLs of my other tables:

[varchar] (10),
[TransDate] [varchar] (10),
[SaleAmt] [float],
[CustCode] [varchar] (10)
. . .

I populate the above table via a DTS and have checked and have verified that correct data is coming in... I also have a product master table; for business reasons we can have the same product created with different ProductCodes though the rest of the Product details are EXACTLY the same. We have covered this using a field named 'UniqueProdCode'.

[ProdCode] [varchar] (10),
[ProdName] [varchar] (35),

[UniqueProdCode] [varchar] (10),

... many other product fields e.g. unit price, category etc...

First a small Request:
Please note that I have NOT defined links between my tables (in the diagram editor) nor have I defined Primary keys (or any constraint) for any of the tables. When you kindly reply, please suggest I should define primary keys for the tables and also link them in the diagram editor.

When I do a count(*) query on the table 'SalesFACT', I get the correct number of records.

If I create a view, add table 'SalesFACT' and table ProdMaster, link the
UniqueProdCode field of table 'SalesFACT' with the UniqueProdCode field of ProdMaster (so that I can also get the name, category, etc. for the products in the SalesFACT), and run a count(*) query I get a much higher and incorrect number of rows. The SQL for the view is:

SELECT dbo.SalesFACT.TransDate, dbo.SalesFACT.UniqueProdCode,
FROM dbo.SalesFACT INNER JOIN dbo.ProdMaster ON dbo.SalesFACT.UniqueProdCode = dbo.ProdMaster.UniqueProdCode

Kindly note that I have checked and the contents of the table SalesFACT' UniqueProdCode field DOES contain the correct data i.e. it contains the UniqueProdCode and NOT the ProdCode.

But if i link the "wrong fields", I get the correct count count :confused: i.e. I create a very similar view (as mentioned above) but instead link the UniqueProdCode of table SalesFACT with the ProdCode field (not the UniqueProdCode field) of ProdMaster
table I get the correct count. This is really driving me nuts and I just can't understand what's going on and why the "REVERSE" logic. For your convenience here is the SQL for the 2nd view:

SELECTdbo.SalesFACT.TransDate, dbo.SalesFACT.UniqueProdCode,
FROM dbo.SalesFACT INNER JOIN dbo.ProdMaster ON dbo.SalesFACT.UniqueProdCode = dbo.ProdMaster.ProdCode

Please guide... I have run out of all the things that I could check and thus this SOS and F1

Billions of thansk in advance.

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Do Lots Of COUNTs

Sep 19, 2006

Hello :)

I seem to have somehow got myself into a situation where I'm having to run the following SELECTs, one after another, on a single ASP page. This is not tidy. How can I join them all together so I get a single recordset returned with all my stats in different columns?

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q3] = '5 years +' OR [q3] = '2 - 4 years'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q4] <> '' AND [q4] IS NOT NULL
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q5] = 'Unhappy'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q6] = 'Yes'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q7] = 'Yes'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q8] <> '' AND [q8] IS NOT NULL

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Compare Row Counts

Oct 6, 2006

Hi all,

I have a need to compare the number of rows returned from table A when it is joined to table B to the number of rows returned when there are no joins involved. If the number of rows returned are the same, then I need to proceed to execute my next step else end.

So, If RowCount A = RowCount A when A joined to B
THEN Goto Next Step
Else End

I need to put the above logic in a sp that I want to execute using a job.

Help is appreciated.


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Counts On Subquerys

Apr 22, 2004

OK I have a query that bring back a unique identifier and text value
for instance

Select Distinct global_id, Page_url from PageList

global_id page_url
---------- ---------------------------------
4306549 /true/attitudes.htm
1460753 /true/current/answerthis.htm
4303667 /true/current/answerthis.htm
4306549 /true/current/answerthis.htm

Now I want to do a count of the page_url.
Can this be done in one SQL statement using a sub query of some kind

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Mixing Counts, Min Or Max ?

Nov 28, 2007

Hi I have this

select emailid,
count(emailid) as 'No.of occurences',

FROM tableA
where start_moment between '2007-11-01' and '2007-11-02'
GROUP BY emailid
having (COUNT(emailid) > 1)

Fair enough this returns the emailid along with the amount of times it appears (all greater then 1 .. duplicated in other words)

My question is , there is also a start_moment field in tableA
so i need to get the max or min start_moment along with the above result?

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Retention Counts

Dec 4, 2007

I have members in a database who have paid thru dates. I am creating retention reports

I created a cross tab in Crystal (using SQL) that counts records that paid within a certain year. I need to create a script that will let me find when members skip payment for a year. Any ideas?

I was thinking of running a count of all paid (Activity) records, but still kind of stuck.


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Getting Table Counts

Jul 20, 2005

I want to get a resultset of every table in the database, with thecurrent record count of each. What is the easiest way to do this?I can get the list of tables with:Select from sysobjects s where xtype = 'U'each is a table name, but I'm not sure how to join a record countcolumn to the resultset.Thanks,RickN

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Dividing Counts

Sep 19, 2007

I'm sorry if someone has already posted this but I've looked through a few pages to see if someone had already posted and I couldn't find anything. Anyways, I have two counts and I would like to divide them to get a percentage. Basically I would like to see a percentage of how many tickets are overdue. Here's my SQL:

select count(*)[No. of Tickets Overdue],
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
end [Ticket Status]
from whd.priority_type pt
inner join whd.job_ticket j on pt.priority_type_id = j.priority_type_id
where j.status_type_id = '1' and j.deleted = '0' and not j.priority_type_id = '5' and not j.priority_type_id = '6'
group by pt.due_hours
order by pt.due_hours desc
COMPUTE SUM(count(*))

select count(*)[Count2]
from whd.job_ticket jt
where jt.status_type_id = '1' and jt.deleted = '0'-- and not jt.priority_type_id = '5' and not jt.priority_type_id = '6'
--COMPUTE [No. of Tickets Overdue]/[Count2]

I know this isn't correct but basically the commented line at the bottom is what I want to do. I've only been doing SQL statements for a few months now, so I know its novice but any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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Record Counts

Oct 8, 2006


I have 10 databases created. each data base has arround 100 tables . i need to keep track of the number of records in each table of 10 databases and the last modification date on that table. The solution should be programatically by running a T-sql program or any stored procedures or any other but mechinical.

the output should specify the following:

Table #number_of_recs Last_date

database_name.Table_name ###,###,### DD/MM/YY

I will appreciate any assistance in this regard.


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Script For Table Counts

Feb 13, 2006

I need a generic script that will query every table (minus system tables) within a database and generate record counts for each table.

Anybody have a script that will do this ???

Thanks in advance,

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