Multiple Filtering On The Same Field Using A Stored Procedure
Apr 24, 2007
I am looking at writing a SP without much success which enables multiple filtering on one field. Something like below:
Input field: Product Description
So if the user enters: "Large Drill" OR "Drill Large" the same resultset will be returned.
SELECT * FROM products WHERE products.prod_desc contains both "Large" AND "Drill"
I guess there'll need to be a nested Select and loop to parse the space separated input field.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Thank you
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Jan 24, 2008
consider a stored procedure with a parameter @OrderID, i want to perform the following query :select * from Orders where OrderID = @OrderIDi want the condition to be true when parameter @OrderId is null so what is the syntax for that? i think there is an IF CONDITION that can be embedded with where clause.
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Oct 22, 2006
Hi, I am trying to implement filtering on a custome paged stored Procedure, here is my curent Stored Procedure which doesn't error on complie or run but returns no records. Anyone got any ideas on how to make this work???<Stored Procedure>set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgo-- =============================================-- Author: Peter Annandale-- Create date: 22/10/2006-- Description: Get Filtered Names-- =============================================ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_NAMEFilterPaged] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @startRowIndex int, @maximumRows int, @columnName varchar(20), @filterValue varchar(20)ASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;SELECT CODE, LAST_NAME, Name, TYPE, NUMBER FROM (SELECT n.CODE, n.LAST_NAME, n.FIRST_NAME + ' ' + n.MIDDLE_NAME AS Name, nt.TYPE, f.NUMBER, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY n.LAST_NAME) as RowNum FROM dbo.NAME n LEFT OUTER JOIN NAMETYPE nt ON n.NAME_TYPE = nt.NAME_TYPE LEFT OUTER JOIN FUNERAL f ON n.CODE = f.DECEASED WHERE @columnName LIKE @filterValue ) as NameInfo WHERE RowNum BETWEEN @startRowIndex AND (@startRowIndex + @maximumRows) -1END </Stored Procedure> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.. Regards..Peter.
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Feb 21, 2008
Hi Everybady
Currenctly I have facing a problem on how to create a stored procedure that able to filter the data and order it dynamically on selected row.
does anyone know how to do that
I have successfully create a stored procedure that able to order with any colume at any direction and select it from rownumber to another rownumber.
But i have failed to add another function with is where claus to do filtering on the data after ordering and selection
does anybody can give me a example about that?
Thanks a lot
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Apr 28, 2008
This is for SQL Server 2000. The purpose of the procedure is to return a subset of a filtered and sorted result set. The subset, filter criteria, and sort column and sort direction can be set dynamically. It uses the rowcount technique for paging.
This would be used to drive an ASP.NET gridview which supports filtering of the data, paging, and sorting. Please let me know what improvements I can make or if you have an idea for a better solution. (I didn't put this in a vBulletin code block because personally I find two sets of scroll bars annoying, but I can if people think it's better).
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Books_GetFilteredSortedSubset
-- paging
@startRowIndex INT = 1,
@maximumRows INT = 999999,
-- sorting
@sortColumn NVARCHAR(30) = 'title_id',
@sortDirection NVARCHAR(4) = 'ASC',
-- filtering
@title VARCHAR(100) = NULL,
@type VARCHAR(30) = NULL,
@price MONEY = NULL
DECLARE @parameters NVARCHAR(4000)
DECLARE @tableSource NVARCHAR(4000)
DECLARE @orderByExpression NVARCHAR(4000)
DECLARE @searchCondition NVARCHAR(4000)
-- set the unique key used to ensure the rows are sorted deterministically
SET @uniqueKey = 'title_id'
-- build the FROM table source used throughout this procedure
SET @tableSource = 'titles t
inner join publishers p on t.pub_id = p.pub_id'
-- build the WHERE search condition used to control filtering throughout this procedure
SET @searchCondition = '(1 = 1)'
SET @searchCondition = @searchCondition + ' AND (title LIKE ''%' + @title + '%'')'
SET @searchCondition = @searchCondition + ' AND (type LIKE ''' + @type + '%'')'
SET @searchCondition = @searchCondition + ' AND (price = ' + CAST(@price AS NVARCHAR) + ')'
-- build the ORDER BY expression used to control the sorting throughout this procedure
SET @orderByExpression = @sortColumn + ' ' + @sortDirection
-- add uniqeKey to ORDER BY statement to ensure consistent ordering of results when @sortColumn is not unique
IF @sortColumn <> @uniqueKey
SET @orderByExpression = @orderByExpression + ', ' + @uniqueKey + ' ' + @sortDirection
-- Get the column value at the position specified by @startRowIndex when the results are sorted in the desired sort order
SET @sql = 'SET ROWCOUNT @rowcount; SELECT @start_row = ' + @sortColumn + ', @start_row_id = ' + @uniqueKey +
' FROM ' + @tableSource +
' WHERE ' + @searchCondition + ' ORDER BY ' + @orderByExpression
PRINT @sql
SET @parameters = '@rowcount INT, @start_row sql_variant OUTPUT, @start_row_id sql_variant OUTPUT'
DECLARE @start_row sql_variant
DECLARE @start_row_id sql_variant
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @parameters, @rowcount = @startRowIndex, @start_row = @start_row OUTPUT, @start_row_id = @start_row_id OUTPUT
-- Get the filtered subset of results
-- add sql to filter the results based on criteria passed in as parameters
SET @sql = 'SET ROWCOUNT @rowcount; ' +
FROM ' + @tableSource +
' WHERE (' + @searchCondition + ') AND '
-- add sql to control the starting row
IF @sortDirection = 'ASC'
SET @sql = @sql + '( (' + @sortColumn + ' > @start_row) OR (' +
@sortColumn + ' = @start_row AND ' + @uniqueKey + ' >= @start_row_id) )'
SET @sql = @sql + '( (' + @sortColumn + ' < @start_row) OR (' +
@sortColumn + ' = @start_row AND ' + @uniqueKey + ' <= @start_row_id) )'
-- add sql to control the ordering of everything
SET @sql = @sql + ' ORDER BY ' + @orderByExpression
PRINT @sql
SET @parameters = '@rowcount INT, @start_row sql_variant, @start_row_id sql_variant'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @parameters, @rowcount = @maximumRows, @start_row = @start_row, @start_row_id = @start_row_id
-- Reset the rowcount for others
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Mar 1, 2007
I am building a survey application.
I have 8 questions.
Textbox - Call reference
Dropdownmenu - choose Support method
Radio button lists - Customer satisfaction questions 1-5
Multiline textbox - other comments.
I want to insert textbox, dropdown menu into a db table, then insert each question score into a score column with each question having an ID.
I envisage to do this I will need an insert query for the textbox and dropdownlist and then an insert for each question based on ID and score.
Please help me!
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Jul 3, 2007
Ok, so i have this program, and at the moment, it generates an sql statement based on an array of db fields, and an array of values...
my question is this, is there any way to create a stored procedure that has multiple dynamic colums, where the amount of colums could change based on how many are in the array, and therefore passed by parameters...
if this is possible, is it then better the pass both columns and values as parameters, (some have over 50 columns)...or just create a seperate stored procedure for each scenario?? i have no worked out how many this could be, but there is 6 different arrays of colums, 3 possible methods (update, insert and select), and 2 options for each of those possibly upto 48 stored procs...
this post has just realised how deep in im getting. i might just leave it as it is, and have it done in my application...
but my original question stands, is there any way to add a dynamic colums to a stored proc, but there could be a different number of colums to update or insert into, depending on an array??
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Oct 27, 2006
Hello Everyone,
I have the following stored procedure:
@UserId int,
@ReportGroupId int = null,
@BranchTranType varchar(50) = null,
@BranchDivision varchar(50) = null,
@BranchRegion varchar(50) = null,
@BranchNbr int = null,
@BranchSatId varchar(1) = null,
@BeginDate datetime,
@EndDate datetime
-- DECLARE @UserId int,
-- @ReportGroupId int,
-- @BranchTranType varchar(50),
-- @BranchDivision varchar(50),
-- @BranchRegion varchar(50),
-- @BranchNbr int,
-- @BranchSatId varchar(1),
-- @BeginDate datetime,
-- @EndDate datetime
-- SET @UserId = 4602
-- --SET @ReportGroupId = 46
-- SET @BranchDivision = 'DENVER DIRECT'
-- SET @BeginDate = '4/27/05'
-- SET @EndDate = '9/30/05'
AND @BranchDivision IS NULL
AND @BranchRegion IS NULL
AND @BranchNbr IS NULL
RG.ReportGroupId ,
ReportGroupDesc=RG.Description ,
L.BranchSatId ,
Branch=CONVERT(varchar, L.BranchNbr) + L.BranchSatId,
LoNbr = ISNULL(L.LONbr, 9999),
LoName = ISNULL(LO.LOName, ' - NOT ASSIGNED -') ,
LoEmploymentStatus = LO.EmploymentStatus,
LeadCount = 1,
Completed = CASE WHEN L.RecCompleted = 'C' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
InCompleted = CASE WHEN L.RecCompleted = 'I' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,
NoContact = CASE WHEN LD.Disposition = 16 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
Contacted = CASE WHEN LD.Disposition <> 16 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
Pending = CASE WHEN LD.Disposition IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
NoSale = CASE WHEN LD.Disposition <> 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
Apps1003 = CASE WHEN LD.Disposition = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,
AppraisalsOrdered = CASE WHEN ISNULL(T3._@8034, 0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
LoanVolume = CASE WHEN @UseCTD = 1 AND LD.CTDLoanNbr IS NOT NULL THEN ISNULL(T1._@2026, 0) ELSE ISNULL(T1._@2026, 0) END,
Revenue = CASE WHEN @UseCTD = 1 AND LD.CTDLoanNbr IS NOT NULL THEN ISNULL(SMT2.calc_TotalIncomeDollars, 0) ELSE ISNULL(SMT.calc_TotalIncomeDollars, 0) END,
MarketingCost = CASE WHEN L.VendorId IN (59, 60) THEN 0 ELSE ISNULL(S.Cost, 0) END,
INNER JOIN MLS..tbl_MLS_LeadDispositions LD (NOLOCK) ON (LD.ProviderId = L.ProviderId)
INNER JOIN MLS..tbl_MLS_Branches B1 (NOLOCK) ON (B1.BranchNbr = L.BranchNbr AND B1.BranchSatId = L.BranchSatId)
INNER JOIN MLS..vw_MLS_AUCodeSecurity AU (NOLOCK) ON (B1.AUCode = AU.AUCode AND AU.UserId = @UserId)
INNER JOIN CHEC..SMT_Branches B2 (NOLOCK) ON (B1.BranchNbr = B2.BranchNbr)
INNER JOIN MLS..tbl_MLS_SubjectProperties SP (NOLOCK) ON (SP.ProviderId = L.ProviderId)
LEFT JOIN MLS..tbl_MLS_MarketingSources S (NOLOCK) ON (S.SourceId = L.SourceId)
LEFT JOIN tbl_MLS_MarketingSourceGroups SG (NOLOCK) ON (S.SourceGroupId = SG.SourceGroupId)
LEFT JOIN tbl_MLS_ReportGroups RG (NOLOCK) ON (RG.ReportGroupID = SG.ReportGroupID)
LOName = FullName,
) LO ON (LO.LONbr = L.LONbr)
LEFT JOIN MLS..tbl_MLS_Campaigns CAM (NOLOCK) ON (CAM.CampaignId = SG.CampaignId)
LEFT JOIN MLS..tbl_MLS_Vendors VEN (NOLOCK) ON (VEN.VendorId = L.VendorId)
WHERE L.DateReceived BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDate + ' 23:59:59'
AND (CASE WHEN @ReportGroupId IS NULL THEN 1 WHEN @ReportGroupId = RG.ReportGroupId THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1
AND (CASE WHEN @BranchTranType IS NULL THEN 1 WHEN @BranchTranType = B2.BranchTranType THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1
AND (CASE WHEN @BranchDivision IS NULL THEN 1 WHEN @BranchDivision = B2.BranchDivision THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1
AND (CASE WHEN @BranchRegion IS NULL THEN 1 WHEN @BranchRegion = B2.BranchRegion THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1
AND (CASE WHEN @BranchNbr IS NULL THEN 1 WHEN @BranchNbr = L.BranchNbr THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1
AND (CASE WHEN @BranchSatId IS NULL THEN 1 WHEN @BranchSatId = L.BranchSatId THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1
AND L.ProviderId = L.OriginalProviderId
AND L.VendorId NOT IN (59, 60, 131) -- Exclude Turndown or Ghost leads
AND L.Deleted = 0
I need to add the field DateReceived from the following view:
How should I code this?
As always thanks for the great answers and suggestions in advance.
Have a great day!
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Jan 26, 2007
Hey all,
I want to set a filter in my statement. Normally it is no problem, but this time I want to set a filter only on a part of the field.
For example:
In my table with ordernumbers, I have orders with are starting with 'FO', VO' (FO0001, FOO0002, VO0001, VO0002, ect etc)
I want to set a filter in my statement that I only wish to see the ordernumbers starting with 'FO'.
Any suggestions?
thx for helping me out again....
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Feb 15, 2007
I got a problem which looks like the same with a futher topic of me (, but this one is a little bit more difficult.
I want to set a filter on a field, but the it must set a filter on a part of the field. I think it will be more clear with an example:
I have a list with ItemNumbers and ItemDescriptions.
ItemNo ItemDescription
1 Pineapple yellow
2 Cauliflower size 6
3 Orange sweet yellow
etc. etc.
Now I want that the user of this report can set a filter just by entering a part of the description. So, if he enters 'flower' he only see the cauliflower. If he enters 'yellow' he only see the pineapple and the orange, etc. etc. If a blank value is left, all the item must be shown.
Can some one help me out by solving this problem??
Thx a lot
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Mar 20, 2007
new question about an old topic (
I want to set a filter on a field, but the it must set a filter on a part of the field. I think it will be more clear with an example:
I have a list with ItemNumbers and ItemDescriptions.
ItemNo ItemDescription
1 Pineapple yellow
2 Cauliflower size 6
3 Orange sweet yellow
etc. etc.
Now I want that the user of this report can set a filter just by entering a part of the description. So, if he enters 'flower' he only see the cauliflower. If he enters 'yellow' he only see the pineapple and the orange, etc. etc. If a blank value is left, all the items must be shown.
After this, Jarret, suggest to me to insert the next code into my query:
where ItemDescription like '%' + @ItemDescParam + '%'
This helped, but I want to have 2 options extra:
1) The part of the description which the user inserts must be independent of capitals
2) It also have to be possible that the user inserts more than one part. For example "pine" and "fellow"
Can some one help me out?
Thx again
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Apr 15, 2008
Hello,I have a stored procedure: -- Get an individual league match by IDALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[mb_League_GetLeagueMatchByID]( @LeagueMatchID int)ASSET NOCOUNT ONSELECT * FROM mb_LeagueMatch WHERE mb_LeagueMatch.LeagueMatchID = @LeagueMatchIDThe mb_LeagueMatch table has a column named IsActive that is a bit datatype.The value for all rows is set to true (in database explorer in visual studio 2005).When I execute the above stored procedure I always get -1 (I'm guessing that means null) as a result for IsActive if it was true and 0 when false (as expected).However, when I run a query on the database for the same parameter, I get the expected 1 as the value for IsActive.Has anyone seen this before?Thanks,Howard
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Apr 19, 2005
How can i create a stored procedure that count or sum value of field
f1 f2
f3 f4 f5
record 1
1 2
3 1
and get answer like this 1=4 - 2=1 - 3=1
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Dec 13, 2004
I need to update a field with the code below, is it possible to do this with a table join? The Query Analyzer is giving me an error at "Join".
An example:
(ManufSerNo is a field in table ASSETS,
Status is a field in table HISTORY)
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_ChngeAssetStatus
SET Status = @Status
WHERE ManufSerNo = @ManufSerNo
--RAISERROR ('Sorry, but the Asset ID specified does not exist. Record not updated.', 10 , 1)
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Apr 16, 2004
I am writing a utility that creates Java code to access a database. I am looking for a way to get a list of fields and types that are returned by an sproc. Is there any easy way to get this from the master? Do you need to parse the SQL? This list would be like what Visual Studio.NET shows, or interdev if I remember correctly.
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Dec 28, 2007
I am very new to stored procedures and fairly new to SQL in general. I have a stored procedure that looks like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_UpdateProductsTable
@prodName varchar(50),
@prodManufacturer varchar(50),
@prodShortDescrip text,
@prodLongDescrip text,
@prodCatId int,
@prodPrice varchar(6),
@prodSortOrder int,
@prodActive int,
@prodId int
if( @prodId <> 0 )
update Products set
Name = @prodName,
Manufacturer = @prodManufacturer,
ShortDescription = @prodShortDescrip,
LongDescription = @prodLongDescrip,
CategoryID = @prodCatId,
Price = @prodPrice,
SortOrder = @prodSortOrder,
Active = @prodActive
where ID = @prodId;
select ID as prodId from Products where ID = @prodId
if( @prodId = 0 )
insert into Products ( Name, Manufacturer, ShortDescription, LongDescription, Price, CategoryID, SortOrder, Active )
values( @prodName, @prodManufacturer, @prodShortDescrip, @prodLongDescrip, @prodPrice, @prodCatId, @prodSortOrder, @prodActive );
I have recently added two new fields to the database that I need the stored procedure to act upon, but adding them into the above code does not work. I read somewhere that this would happen with new fields, but I do not know how to fix this issue. Could someone point me in the right direction and help me out? I also have some other tables and SP's that I need to update, but its the same issue, I think so fixing this one should help me out across the board.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have this stored procedure that loops through a table and updates acouple of fields. For some reason one of the fields is not beingupdated. If I run the same code from query analyzer, it works fine.Let me know if anyone can figure out why @lastscandate would ever beNULL. If it is null it should be equal to @maildate. The senerio thatseems to fail is when no records are returned from the select statementto fill in @lastscandate. This should then active the next ifstatement and set the @lastscandate equal to the @maildate. MailDateis always filled in in the database and LastScanDate will be NULL.Thanks for your help.DECLARE c1 CURSOR LOCAL FORSELECT, m.acctno, m.ordid, m.cycle FROM master m WITH (nolock)WHERE m.printstatus IN ('ST', 'ML') AND (m.batchid IS NULL OR m.batchid= 0) AND (m.maildate ='' OR m.maildate IS NULL)AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM packagemaster p WITH (nolock)WHERE m.acctno = p.acctno AND m.ordid = p.ordid AND m.cycle = p.cycleAND p.status NOT IN ('BM', 'PM'))OPEN c1FETCH FROM c1 INTO @mid, @acctno, @ordid, @cycleWHILE @@fetch_status = 0BEGIN--Get MailDate from Manifest - if NULL then use GetDateset @maildate = NULLSELECT @maildate = MAX(whenmailed) FROM manifest WITH (nolock)WHERE acctno = @acctno AND ordid = @ordid AND cycle = @cycleif @maildate is NULLset @maildate = getdate()--Get Last Scan Date from Transactions - if NULL then use MailDateset @lastscandate = NULLselect @lastscandate=max(actiondate) from transactions whereacctno=@acctno and ordid=@ordid and cycle=@cycle and actionid=303if @lastscandate is NULLset @lastscandate = @maildateBEGIN TRANSACTIONUPDATE master SET printstatus = 'ML', maildate = @maildate,lastscandate=@lastscandateWHERE id = @midINSERT INTO transactions (initials, actionid, machinelogin, acctno,ordid, cycle, program) VALUES ('RLT', 55, 'Mars', @acctno, @ordid,@cycle, 'Update Mail Dates')COMMIT TRANSACTIONFETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @mid, @acctno, @ordid, @cycleENDCLOSE c1
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Sep 12, 2007
Our phone system keeps a list of events, such as login and logout, which I'm doing a self join on to get the start and end times so I can calculate the time between the start and end of each event during a time period.
Then I stuffed the self joins into a couple views for the events I'm interested in...
The problem is that this makes the "end time" a calculated field, so when I use it as part of the filter it takes forever. I need to account for events ending within the time period, and events starting within the time period... so I need to filter on both the start and end time in the initial select. Filtering the start time first in a subselect, then the end time in the main select is quick but can lose things that started before the start time.
So how can I speed up the filtering on that calculated column?
Or am I going to have to get really creative with unions?
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Dec 14, 2006
How can I format a datetime field in a stored procedure to return just the date in MM/DD/YYYY format?
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Jan 7, 2004
Is there a way to add a field or a stored procedure to a server running MSDE? Like a script on the command line or?? how can this be done.
Thank you,
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May 4, 2003
Here's the deal:
I import a flat file from a legacy system, and then convert it into a single table. That works simply enough.
Then I have a SP that querys that table using a parameter for an accountID. My business tier calls that SP and returns the results to the calling tier (my web application). Easy enough...
Now for the question. The people who created the flat file (written in COBOL) decided to use "codes" to represent data. So, for instance, if I'm looking for the account plan, I can expect to see characters like ], or [, or +, etc... These characters have a special meaning, like:
] = Plan A
[ = Plan B
+ = Plan C, and so on.
Currently, the web application displays those characters, but I want it to display the actual plan name. Is there a way that when I execute the SP, the SP could pull the necessary records, and whenever it encounters a certain "plan" character, it could convert it into a "readable" name? Say that it sees that the plan_type field has a value of "]" for twenty records, so it converts those twenty records' plan_type value from "]" into "Plan A"? I'm not sure if I can do that, but I want to at least evaluate the option if I can.
I've evaluated other options, like using a CASE statement in my code, but I shot that down quickly...for obvious reasons. I don't wanna be changing my web application or business tier each time these guys update a plan name, or add a new one, delete an existing one, etc...
I've also thought about creating a dictionary table than contains the plan's code and its name, and then just INNER JOIN the first table with the dict table. This would keep my SP very simple (it's very straight-forward right now, and I like that). That way, if a plan name is ever changed, or a new one is added, I simply update the dict table using a simple query. However, if my SP is doing the conversion, I could just as easily update the SP.
Either of these methods would work for me, and I *do* know how to do the latter (dict table). However, there are quite a few other fields that I may have to do this for. I believe when I left for the day on Friday, my last count was 14 fields total that needed translation. That would mean 14 different dict tables! That could certainly affect my SP performance with all those INNER JOINS!
Therefore, I'm certainly interested in figuring out if it's possible to do the former method (SP), and then I shall decide which method is best for my situation.
Feel free to include your thoughts on which process you think is better as well. I'm really riding the fence with this one. However, if I can't find out how to change field values in my SP, then obviously I'll make a decision very quickly...
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 19, 2001
I want to sort a stored procedure based on a variable passed to it... what is the easiest way to do this? Here's an example of what I want to do:
sp_select_thing 10, 'thing_name', 'asc'
It would run the query then somehow evaluate parameters 2 and 3 to be placed in the ORDER BY clause. I'm not sure if they should be quoted as strings or not, I don't have an idea how to pass a "reference to a variable" as a parameter to a stored procedure... or even if such a thing is possible
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Oct 27, 1998
I need to write a sp to fill a date field, if another field in another table is true. need the date to reflect todays date(the date the field was marked true). I know this is an easy one but I am over thinking it. please help.
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Oct 24, 2007
Hello everybody,
i have a problem with copying (read it from one row and set it to another) a ntext field in a stored procedure. I know how
to get a pointer to the data and how to read from it.
But i want to copy the whole data.
Does anybody know how to do that?
Thanks in advance
I'm using SQL Server 2000
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Jan 23, 2015
I have a field that is stored as a smalldatetime but I want to filter on that field only for the date. How do I ignore the time stamp and only go by the date?
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Jan 3, 2007
Hi,I have a date/time field in a SQL2000 database, and what I would liketo do is to filter on a specific part of the field, for example thetime or hour.Supposing I have a set of data for the last 5 years and would like tofilter out any records which are outside working hours i.e. I wouldlike to show records where the time is between 9am and 5pm.Does anyone know if there is a simple way to do this in SQL? If yousimply don't specify the date part in the where clause (e.g. WHEREissuedatetime between '09:00:00' and '17:00:00') it defaults it to1900-01-01 so basically no data is returned.The only way I can see to do this is by using the DATEPART function,converting it to a varchar, appending 1900-01-01 on to it andconverting it to a datetime, and then using the where clause as statedabove. This is quite a long-winded way, however. Any other suggestions?Thanks,Matt
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Apr 13, 2007
I am currently writing a report that will use as one of the filters the date (in this case it is the date of service of a physician office visit).
however the DB developers included the date and the time of the visit in one field so my resulting data set contains 4/13/2007 4:30pm for example, so using an @date parameter as a filter on the data field doesn't work because when you run the report and enter the date in the parameter it doesn't return anything.
I am an SQL Report writer amateur so I am sure there is an easy fix, any and all help will be appreciated.
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Dec 20, 2006
I am creating an app that allows the user to change the order of the list by changing a value in a displayOrder field. I'd love a button for move up /move down move bottom/move top and then pass that parameter to a stored procedure and it would renumber all the items in the list.
ItemID description DisplayOrder Action0 item 1 0 Moveup/move down1 item 2 1 Moveup/move down2 item 3 2 Moveup/move down
So clicking on move up on item 2 would pass and itemID, Action and perhaps a list id to a stored proc and it would renumber the list. I'm assuming it would be done with a loop but I've never tried that.. suggestions?
Thanks - Mark
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May 15, 2008
If I have a column named "Login" in a SQL Table (I am sharing with another application) that I am using a stored procedure to acquire the information from, how can I trranspose its name to match code already written in a Web App to get the data.
There is a web app already created that has the followig code to get the data from the database
Dim strSQL ast string = "UsersSelectCommand"
intLoginID = objDataReader("LoginID")
My stored procedure is the following:
CREATE PROCEDURE UsersSelectCommand/* ( @parameter1 datatype = default value, @parameter2 datatype OUTPUT )*/AS Select Lastname, FirstName, Login from Users Order by LastName
The stored procedure will return "Login" instead of "LoginID" that I am wanting. How can I modify the Stored Procedure to change the LoginID to Login.
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Sep 25, 2005
i have a student table and i created a stored procedure to insert a new student in this table but student_id field wich i put it as primary key got error because allready record has same value .how i can know the last row's student_id value and input a new valid value in one stored procedure thanks
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Nov 29, 2011
best solution for this stored procedure query.I'm getting the following error:
Column 'dbo.Applicants.submitted' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause. Here is my select query:
SELECT DISTINCT DATENAME(MONTH, submitted) AS mon, MAX(submitted) AS SubmitDate
FROM dbo.Applicants
WHERE ((CASE WHEN MONTH(submitted) > 8 THEN YEAR(submitted) + 1 ELSE YEAR(submitted) END) = @AcYr)
ORDER BY SubmitDate
The submitted field is a date field.I don't want to add the submitted field to Group By as I want to group by month not date.Is there any solution to avoid grouping by date?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hallo !I have a Table with a column "ordernumber"ordernumberA12A45A77A88Is it possible to create a stored procedure which makes a string of these column ?Result: string = ('A12','A45','A77','A88')Thanks !aaapaul
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