Hi Guys,
I hope someone here can help me. I am writing a stored procedure that simply searches for a given value across multiple databases on the same server. So far all well and good.
Now, the problem is if the user types in more than one word into the search field.
I have put a partial section of code here, there is obviously more, but most of it you wouldn't need to see. SELECT @sql = N'SELECT @count = COUNT('+ @dbname +'.dbo.orders.order_id) FROM '+ @dbname +'.dbo.orders '+
N' INNER JOIN '+ @dbname +'.dbo.customer ON '+ @dbname +'.dbo.orders.cust_id = '+ @dbname +'.dbo.customer.cust_id '+
N' WHERE '+ @dbname +'.dbo.customer.forename LIKE ''%'+ @SearchStr + '%'' OR '+ @dbname +'.dbo.customer.Surname LIKE ''%'+ @SearchStr + '%'''
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@count int OUTPUT', @count = @results OUTPUT
Now this code works perfectly well if the user only enters one word, however i need to make sure that the Stored procedure will function if the user enters 2 words, such as John Smith. I need the procedure to search the forename for 'john' & 'Smith' and the same for the surname. It should also work if the user type 'John Michael Smith' - if you understand.
I am really struggling with this one.
Thanks in advance.
I have been informed that all my keyword search solutions are susceptible to SQL injection attacks. Does anyone have links discussing basic ' multiple ' keyword search solutions? I would think this is a very common routine (perhaps so much so than only newbies like myself do not know it). I have read the posts about escaping ', doing replace " ' ", " '' ", using parameters and yet every multiple keyword solution I come up with is said to be injection prone. Example: visitor enters: Tom's antiquesinto a TextBox control and the C# code behind securely generates the below call to the database. SELECT L_Name, L_City, L_State, L_Display FROM tblCompanies WHERE L_Kwords LIKE '%' + 'Tom's' + '%' AND L_Kwords LIKE '%' + 'antiques' + '%' AND L_Display = 1 RETURN I understand that concantenting string parts using an array and then passing the sewn together string to a stored procedure exposes it to injection. I hope that my single keyword routine below is secure, if it is not then I am not understanding how parameterized SP are supposed to be constructed to protect against injection.string CompanyName;CompanyName = TextBox1.Text;PROCEDURE CoNameSearch @CompanyName varchar(100)AS SELECT DISTINCT L_Name, L_Phone, L_City, L_State, L_Zip, L_Enabled, L_Display FROM tblLinksWHERE (L_Name LIKE @CompanyName + '%') AND L_Enabled = 1 AND L_Display = 1 ORDER BY L_NameRETURN
My scenario is I have a web form with a textbox and a button.Once I enter a string and hit submit button, my stored procedure will have to return the result set.So if my search string is "text book title", then I have to execute the query like :select * from tab1 where col1 like '%text%" or col1 like '%book%" or col1 like '%title%"The problem here is I will never know how many words will be entered to search. So I have to make the statement dynamic.How can I do this in a stored procedure? Any help will be appreciated.Thanks.
Hi, I'm working on a new site with a big number of future concurrent visitors so performance is very important. We're working on a search function with which users can search for multiple keywords in a single table. My .NET application consults a SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure to lookup the information. The stored procedure builds up a dynamic SQL string with which the table is queried. An example: User searches for 'car airco'. Alle records with the words car and/or airco in specified columns should show up. This works. The query would be SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM Table1 WHERE (Col1 LIKE '%car%' OR Col2 LIKE '%car%')OR (Col1 LIKE '%airco%' OR Col2 LIKE '%airco%') As I mentioned before performance is a hot issue in this project. The problem with the stored procedure is that it can't be precompiled by SQL Server (dynamic SQL string). Is there a way to search for multiple keywords without losing the precompile behaviour of SQL Server Stored Procedures? Kind regards, ThaYoung1!
I have an ASP page that sends parameters to a stored procedure on a SQL 7.0 Database. However the page allows for multiple selections (ie multiple selections from a list box), mandating that my SP must handle the data with the IN keyword (ie select * from tableX where X in (@parameter). However I cannot get the multiple values for the same parameter to be accepted by the SP.
My problem is that the value for the parameter (sent by the ASP page) is something like "x, y, z" and the SP places this in the query it is executing as follows :
Select * from tableX where Y in ("x, y, z" ) rather than
Select * from tableX where Y in ("x", "y", "z" )
How can I get my SP to take the parameter and place it into the SP correctly?
SELECT glcid, [date] FROM gl_campaigns WHERE source IN (@source)
So, what I am trying to do is allow users to pick multiple source ids to be returned in the report. However, SQL doesn't see them as that in the stored procedure and I am assuming is just converting them to a string for example: '1, 2, 3, 4'
My question is, how can I make this work with a stored procedure and having the user pass multiple ids through, in this case, a report parameter? The same solution would probably work for just executing the sp straigt out as well.
Hi - I'm short of SQL experience and hacking my way through creating a simple search feature for a personal project. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out with writing a stored procedure. Problem: I have two tables with three columns indexed for full-text search. So far I have been able to successfully execute the following query returning matching row ids: dbo.Search_Articles @searchText varchar(150) AS SELECT ArticleID FROM articles WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @searchText) OR CONTAINS(Title, @searchText) UNION SELECT ArticleID FROM article_pages WHERE CONTAINS(Text, @searchText); RETURN This returns the ArticleID for any articles or article_pages records where there is a text match. I ultimately need the stored procedure to return all columns from the articles table for matches and not just the StoryID. Seems like maybe I should try using some kind of JOIN on the result of the UNION above and the articles table? But I have so far been unable to figure out how to do this as I can't seem to declare a name for the result table of the UNION above. Perhaps there is another more eloquent solution? Thanks! Peter
I am trying to implement a band search on my web site (concert listings) and would like it to behave a bit more intelligently than a standard match on the band name. At the moment I have a stored procedure that just selects every show that features a band with exactly the same name as the search term. What I'm now trying to do is when the user enters a band name containing the '&' character I would also like to search using the word and 'and'. For example, if they search for 'Rise & Fall', they should get details on all shows featuring 'Rise & Fall' OR 'Rise And Fall'. Is it possible to do this within my stored procedure?
Greetings, I am a php developer, and running a little bit out of deadline in a project. Can someone provide me with a VERY simple way to implement search by keyword in C#? I have already implemented a search page (according to firstname, lastname etc) that works on a drop down menu (where you have the option to choose seach by keyword) . So, I need to change something in my SQL query to make this work. I already knew from my SQL experience that the simplest and probably the SLOWEST and MOST UN EFFICIENT one was using LIKE. I don't mind using it but I can't since I will end up having something close to that: SELECT * FROM users WHERE keyword_entered LIKE @keyword; (or '@keyword) which does not work. however SELECT * FROM users WHERE keyword_entered LIKE 'somename%'; does work! I guess the trick is in putting the % after the keyword. ( I would have done that in php by putting the entered keyword in a string and than add to it % and pass it to the SQL query and I dunno how to do that in .NET)any ideas?
where Description and Description2 are text datatypes.
I'm trying to return all records where myKeyword exists as a singular word in either of these two fields.
Should I create a child table where each word in each of these fields has its own row for each product and query against that or is there an efficient way of querying this result without creating the extra child table?
IF (@i_WildCardFlag=0)BEGIN SET @SQLString='SELECT Batch.BatchID, Batch.Created_By, Batch.RequestSuccessfulRecord_Count, Batch.ResponseFailedRecord_Count, Batch.RequestTotalRecord_Count, Batch.Request_Filename, Batch.Response_Filename, Batch.LastUpdated_By, Batch.LastUpdated, Batch.Submitted_By, Batch.Submitted_On, Batch.CheckedOut_By, Batch.Checked_Out_Status, Batch.Batch_Description, Batch.Status_Code, Batch.Created_On, Batch.Source, Batch.Archived_Status, Batch.Archived_By, Batch.Archived_On, Batch.Processing_Mode, Batch.Batch_TemplateID, Batch.WindowID,Batch.WindowDetails, BatchTemplate.Batch_Type, BatchTemplate.Batch_SubType FROM Batch INNER JOIN BatchTemplate ON Batch.Batch_TemplateID = BatchTemplate.Batch_TemplateID WHERE ((@V_BatchID IS NULL) OR (Batch.BatchID = @V_BatchID )) AND ((@V_UserID IS NULL) OR (Batch.Created_By = @V_UserID )) AND ((Batch.Created_On >= @V_FromDateTime ) AND (Batch.Created_On <= @V_ToDateTime )) AND Batch.Archived_Status = 1 ' if (@V_BatchStatus IS not null) begin set @SQLString=@SQLString + ' AND (Batch.Status_Code in ('+@V_BatchStatus+'))' end if (@V_BatchType IS not null) begin set @SQLString=@SQLString + ' AND (BatchTemplate.Batch_Type in ('+@V_BatchType+'))' end END ELSEBEGIN SET @SQLString='SELECT Batch.BatchID, Batch.Created_By, Batch.RequestSuccessfulRecord_Count, Batch.ResponseFailedRecord_Count, Batch.RequestTotalRecord_Count, Batch.Request_Filename, Batch.Response_Filename, Batch.LastUpdated_By, Batch.LastUpdated, Batch.Submitted_By, Batch.Submitted_On, Batch.CheckedOut_By, Batch.Checked_Out_Status, Batch.Batch_Description, Batch.Status_Code, Batch.Created_On, Batch.Source, Batch.Archived_Status, Batch.Archived_By, Batch.Archived_On, Batch.Processing_Mode, Batch.Batch_TemplateID, Batch.WindowID,Batch.WindowDetails, BatchTemplate.Batch_Type, BatchTemplate.Batch_SubType FROM Batch INNER JOIN BatchTemplate ON Batch.Batch_TemplateID = BatchTemplate.Batch_TemplateID WHERE ((@V_BatchID IS NULL) OR (isnull (Batch.BatchID, '''') LIKE @SSS )) AND ((@V_UserID IS NULL) OR (isnull (Batch.Created_By , '''') LIKE @V_UserID )) AND ((Batch.Created_On >= @V_FromDateTime ) AND (Batch.Created_On <= @V_ToDateTime )) AND Batch.Archived_Status = 1 ' if (@V_BatchStatus IS not null) begin set @SQLString=@SQLString + ' AND (Batch.Status_Code in ('+@V_BatchStatus+'))' end if (@V_BatchType IS not null) begin set @SQLString=@SQLString + ' AND (BatchTemplate.Batch_Type in ('+@V_BatchType+'))' end END PRINT @SQLString SET @ParmDefinition = N' @V_BatchStatus Varchar(30), @V_BatchType VARCHAR(50), @V_BatchID NUMERIC(9), @V_UserID CHAR(8), @V_FromDateTime DATETIME , @V_ToDateTime DATETIME, @SSS varchar(500)' EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @V_BatchStatus , @V_BatchType , @V_BatchID, @V_UserID , @V_FromDateTime , @V_ToDateTime , @SSS GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GOSET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
The above stored procedure is related to a search screen where in User is able to search from a variety of fields that include userID (corresponding column Batch.Created_By) and batchID (corresponding column Batch.BatchID). The column UserID is a varchar whereas batchID is a numeric. REQUIREMENT: The stored procedure should cater to a typical search where any of the fields can be entered. meanwhile it also should be able to do a partial search on BatchID and UserID.
I’m working on a project that will allow a user to search through approx 100,000 records in a SQL table. Three of the columns are ‘text’ fields that hold paragraphs of text. The user interface has a ‘general search’ option so that they can enter a number of key words and the database will return a count of the records found containing the keywords. At the moment I split the input and then build a query based on their input. For instance if they enter ‘hello world’ the input is split into two strings ‘hello’ and ‘world’. I then build the query in a loop and get a query like so: Select Count(ID) as myCount FROM myTable WHERE (colOne like ‘%hello%’ AND colOne like ‘%world%’) OR (colTwo like ‘%hello%’ AND colTwo like ‘%world%’) OR (colThree like ‘%hello%’ AND colThree like ‘%world%’) Unfortunately this query runs EXTREMELY slowly and just seems wrong. Is there a more efficient way I should be doing these types of searching? This method works ok on 100 records, but this is the first time I have worked on such a large database. Is it also possible to search a text column and look for exact matches? For instance I have 2 records with their textfield containing: Rec 1: the news for today is blah blah. Rec 1: this is a new item If I currently search for ‘new’ (select colID from myTable where colOne like ‘%new%’) I will get both these records, but I’d really only like to pull out the second record. Any help would be great appreciated! :)
They have provided search string examples like 'Microsoft, DBA, CA' or 'CA' or 'Microsoft, developer' or 'training'
I have script ready to remove comma from the string and store words from the input string in a temporary table. But this is the easiest part.
The Confusing part now for me is to write the optimal code for retrieving the exact match from the key_search table as there is no limit on how many words can be in the string, it can be 1, 2, 3 or more.
Any suggestions on how should I handle this search?
Is it possible to write a Stored Procedure that takes a string ofsearch keywords as argument and returns the recordset? At the mo I ampassing the WHERE String as argument.I got this technique from an Extreme Ultradev tutorial by Rick Curtisit looked quite ok:http://www.princeton.edu/~rcurtis/u...tutorial12.htmlI have to admit, one of the main reason for passing the WHERE string isthat I do not know how to do the string splitting / parsing and puttingtogether in a Stored Procedure. I bet T-SQL would be just as powerfulas VBScript if I just knew it well enough.What I liked about having built them on the web script was theflexibility allowing to potentially build an advanced search withouthaving to change the stored procedure - but this is not crucial I couldalways write several stored procedures or add parameters to the SP.Here is what I have achieved in this way:User can enter one ore more keywords separated by space.Search algorithm returns results across a number of fields where ALLsearch words are contained in any of these.Search results will always be formatted a certain way and displayed ina html table no matter how the search procedure / criteria is varied.Here is the algorithm (that now works in ASP)1. split search string into separate keywords2. build where condition based on single keyword, concatenating allsearched fields (" AND f1+' '+f2+{' '+f<n>} LIKE %<keyword>%")3. concatenate all these where conditions and pass to stored procedure.4. stored procedure takes care of all other logic (e.g. Joins, whichfields are searched etc.). It uses a string variable @SQL to build thecomplete search string and then doesexecute (@SQL);to create the recordset.I bet there is a way to move 1. 2. and 3. into the SP (and I would feelbetter if it was) but I don't have the expertise to do this. If anybodywants to help me this is very welcome.I can also post my original code to clarify, just want to avoid toolong posts.CheersAxel
I have a "columnname" and i have 120 triggers defined on tables in my database. I wanted to know as is there any way to find out how many triggers out of these are defined on the "columnname" like if i do any updatesedit to this "columnname" then how many triggers out of 120 defined are fired cascadingly. Also, this "columnname" is mentioned in 43 tables in my database. Let me know if you were not able to get my question.
I want to search for a keyword in the database. The database has approximately 30 tables and the amount of data in tables is very large. Most of the tables hold 25000 rows. The search procedure for searching a keyword that i want to use is as below. When i executed the stored proc it took 20 minutes. What i want to know is full-text search a better option than this or is there any other way out.
This will work on SQL Server 2005 and later. Since the code is building an XML string, keywords overlapping the magic 4000 character limit are fetched!SELECTp.RoutineName, 'EXEC sp_helptext ' + QUOTENAME(p.RoutineName) AS [Exec] FROM( SELECTOBJECT_NAME(so.ID) AS RoutineName, (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT '' + sc.TEXT FROM SYSCOMMENTS AS sc WHERE sc.ID = so.ID ORDER BY sc.COLID FOR XML PATH('')) AS Body FROMSYSOBJECTS AS so WHEREso.TYPE IN ('C', 'D', 'FN', 'IF', 'P', 'R', 'RF', 'TF', 'TR', 'V', 'X') ) AS p WHEREp.Body LIKE '%YourKeyWordHere%'E 12°55'05.25" N 56°04'39.16"
I have a table name like "WebSearchPage" which contains near about 16 millions records and structure is likeID, PID, Pagename, Title, MetaDesc, Meta Keyword, BodyDesc..Now I have a input parameter a "Keyword" which can be single or multiple words("Cricket/international cricket").Now I have to check if that input "keyword" is exists in any column(Pagename, Title, MetaDesc, MetaKeyword, BodyDesc) from "WebSearchPage" ..then I have to select that row..
Hi..I am working With Asp.net using Vb for a Music Project.i have the requirment for serach songs according to catagory wise(Singer,Actor,Music Director, etc) i have code like this... If Not Page.IsPostBack Then searchword.Text = Request.QueryString("SearchWord") Response.Write(Request.QueryString("SearchWord")) Response.Write(Request.QueryString("Language")) Response.Write(Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory")) 'Response.Write(Request.QueryString("Query")) Dim str As String = "select * from Music_SongDetails where Music_Clip_Id>0 and Music_Clip_Lang='" & Request.QueryString("Language") & "'" If Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Song" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Name like '%" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "%'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Movie" Then str = str & " and Music_Folder_Name='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Actor" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Actor='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Actress" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Actress='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Music Director" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_MusicDir='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Singer" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Singer='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "All" Then str = str End If........... I need to write this code using Store Procedure.... Kindly Help me out Thanks in Advance
hi iam working with search for the first time,in the GUI i have 3 fields Audit Name,Year,Audit ID.After enetering any or all these details and pressing submit i must show the gridview with complete details. I have problem with the procedure for searching depending on the details given,here is the procedure: Select Aud.Ad_ID_PK,Aud.Audit_Name,Ind.Industry_Name,Cmp.Company_Name,Pla.Plant_Name,Reg.Login_Uname,Aud.Audit_Started_On,Aud.Audit_Scheduledto,Aud.Audit_Created_On from Industry Ind, Company Cmp, Plant Pla, RegistrationDetails Reg, Audits Audwhere Ind.Ind_Id_PK =Aud.Audit_Industry and Cmp.Cmp_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Company and Pla.Pl_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Plant and Reg.UID_PK =Aud.Audit_Engineer and Ad_ID_PK in (select Ad_ID_PK from Pcra_Audits) and year(Audit_Created_On)=year(@YrofAudit) order by Audit_Created_On DESC iam getting the data when the user enters year but i want the procedure where i can check for the three fields(Audit Name,Year,Audit ID) which user is entering.If he enters only one field it must check which field is enetered and must get the data.if more than one field is entered then all the conditions must be checked and must get the details.please help me.......... Its very urgent..Plz...
I am an inexperienced SQL programmer and need to write a SP which will be used to search a Call table within a Call Logging System used to log support calls for my company. The search criteria are fields like Call Reference No, Logged By, Call Status etc
The problem I have is that individual or a combination of these criteria may be used to search on -can anyone advise how I can write a SP which will take account of the possible different combinations of parameters which may be passed to the Stored Procedure
i.e. if 2 fields are populated during the search and 4 are empty
Hi to All, I am new to Prpgramming, I need to create a Stored Procedure for my requirement here is my requirement,I have two tables from those I need to get data. Table_One consists UserID,Name,Address,ContactInfo,EmailID, and Table_two consists UserID,CitizenShip,HieghestEducation,ExpectedJob But I need get data search report Name,EmailID,HiehestEducation,ExpectedJob. User should able to wile card search. Pls help me in this regards. Thanks in Advance..
Could anybody please tell me how I can search for a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005? I know the name of the stored procedure and I want to find in which database that stored proc is located/stored and I want to see the code of it. (I have all the necessaary previleges.) Please tell me how I can I do this.
I have a text box on my web form where the user can enter multiple comma delimited search words. The value from this text box goes to my search stored procedure in the form of a search string.
I am able to parse this comma delimited search string and get the words into a temp table.
If there are 2 words in the temp table then this is the sql that I want
select * from Items where (description like word1 or tagnumber like word1 or user like word1) and (description like word2 or tagnumber like word2 or user like word2)
description,tagnumber, user or the fields of the Items table.There could be any number of words in the search string.
Any ideas of how to get this done with any number of search words being matched against number of column/s.
HIi want to create a procedure, basically i'll have 4 input parametres (Title, Category, ReleaseClass and BuyPrice)title will come from a textbox, the rest from dropdownlistsif a user enters a title, selects a ReleaseClass and BuyPrice, But doesnt select a category, all categories should be returned - You know what i meanhow do i go about this - Any Ideas??Cheers!!!
I have a few textboxes on a page that I would like to use as a search page and have clients shown in a gridview that meet the users entry into one or more of the textboxes. I have ClientID, LastName, FirstName, Address, and Keywords. How would I build a stored procedure to allow me to do this?
Hello, Is it possible to search in two tables, let's say table # 1 in specific field e.g. (age). If that field is empty then retrieve the data from table #1, if not retrieve the data from table # 2. Is it possible to do it by using SQL Stored Procedure?? Thank you
I have a store procedure that search by Firstname and Lastname. I want it search by either both (Firstname and Lastname) or any of them. For example if only FirstName passes to it shows all the record with that Fistname. Currently I have to pass both Firstname and Lastname to my store proc to get the result.
This is my stor proc:
When using FREETEXTTABLE the RANK returned seems to be partially based on keyword density. Has anyone come across a method of compensating for this keyword density so that good matches found in a lot of text and a small amount of text return the same RANK?
For an example look at the site I'm working on when someone searches for "whale watching" - http://www.yougodo.com/Search.aspx?ks=whale+watching - you can see that we are showing poor quality results at the top as our first sort order is based on RANK.
If we could remove the keyword density factor from RANK then this would allow second order sorting criteria to come in to play and move the more valuable results to the top.
Any help, pointers, advice would be greatly appreciated, Gavin.