Multiple SqlDataSources On A Page

Apr 7, 2007

I was wondering, if you have multiple SqlDataSources on a single aspx page, does the framework need to open and close a SEPERATE connection for each SqlDataSource. This would make it much less efficient than coding with the ADO.NET objects and just opn and close the connection once irrespective how many quries that page needs.

Your comments would be appreciated.

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Multiple RadCharts And Multiple SQLDataSources Eating Up My Memory!

Mar 20, 2008

[.NET 2.0, Visual Basic, RadChart/RadPanel/RadTimer controls (, SQLDataSource controls, SQLServer 2002]
I have only been working with .NET for about a month now so my knowledge and understanding are pretty low in some areas, including this one.
What I have is a number of webpages that have several RadChart controls on them (8 to 12 charts per page). Each of these charts is bound to a seperate SQLDataSource with a variation of the following query:
1    SELECT [QC Shot Logs].penetration, charges.penmra, charges.penmts, [QC Shot Logs].time2    FROM [QC Shot Logs] INNER JOIN (select top 1 run.runid, run.linerpress#, run.partid3    from run where run.linerpress# = '1' order by run.[date] desc) as drun ON [QC Shot Logs].RunID = dRun.RunID4    INNER JOIN Charges ON dRun.PartID = Charges.PartID5    where [qc shot logs].shottype < 3 order by [qc shot logs].timeEach chart represents the results of a quality control check on explosives that my company uses and puts the data in a visual format so that it is easy to see if the blasts passed or failed inspection. The different variations in the SQL code above are simply a change in line #3: where run.linerpress# = '1',  where run.linerpress# = '2', and so on up to '12'.
Data is added and modified in the database quite a bit throughout the day at random times, so I need the charts to refresh their data pretty frequently (done with a RadTimer control). The problem that is caused then is that I have 12 RadCharts individually bound to 12 SQLDataSources that all get refreshed every 30 seconds or so, which takes quite a bit of time. The main Quality Control computer monitors four webpages at a time, one of them with 12 Charts/Sources, and three with 8 Charts/Sources each. Having 36 charts up at a time with 36 hits on the database going as well causes a great deal of lag on the system. In addition to that though, there are also two other pages (each with 12 charts/sources) that can be viewed by any number of people at any time, which (obviously) causes more lag on the system.
 So, on to my actual questions:
1) Can I use a single SQLDataSource control to gather all of the data I need for the 8-12 RadCharts on a single page? I'm not too well versed in SQL either, so I don't know if I can modify the SQL so that it picks up all of the information I need, or if I can gather the data for the first chart, change a variable to pull the data for the second, change the variable again, etc.
2) Is there a way to refresh the RadCharts so that the data they display is relatively real time without having to refresh the SQLDataSources as well?
And then, of course, any suggestions at all that you can give me that will help to improve overall performace or anything of the like is definitely appreciated.

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How To Display A Multiple-page Report In One Page

Dec 10, 2007

I have a report which is multiple pages in the report viewer. Now I want to make it shown in the webpage report viewer just in one page. Is there any ways to realize it?


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Multiple Columns Starts On Second Page Not On First Page

Jan 21, 2008


I have a report with 2 columns.I have a list which has 4 textboxes attached to a dataset's fields.
Report Interactive Size:8.5in, 11in
Margins:0.1in, 0.1in, 0.5in, 0.5in (L;R;T;B)
Body Size : 3.125in, 1in
List Size:2.875in, 0.75in
Each texbox is set to cangrow false
My problem is when I print that report I get only one column on the first page.
I start to get the correct report on second page which has 2 columns.
If I export to pdf, everything is is fine no problems at all.
I am using VS 2008 Pro and local reports.
What am I missing?
Thanks for help.

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Can SqlDataSources Leak Connections?

Mar 14, 2008

Hello all, I'm currently developing an site that reads from and writes data to a sql server database. the connections to the database are made with SqlDataSources.  I am not manually opening and closing connections in my code, I figured that I could abstract those processes out by sticking with SqlDataSources.  I recently ran into the following error while trying to write data to my sql server database on one of my pages:
Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.  This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
I read up about connection pooling, and tried restarting restarting the sql server database I'm working on, restarting IIS on my web server, and I've even tried to manually clear the connection pool with SqlConnection.clearAllPools() and SqlConnection.clearPool(my connection string), but I still get the above error. 
What else could I try to do short of restarting the server that sql server is on?

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SqlDataSources Or DataSets - Confused

Apr 10, 2008

 I was watching the "To Do List" AJAX video created by Joe Stagner and while watching the video I noticed (in designer) Joe use a Dataset to populate a Gridview and this got me thinking. I have a few gridviews in my app at work that just use SqlDataSources, and they seem to work fine, but is it better to use Datasets ? 

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Getting Results Of 2 Items In Querystring Using Two Different Sqldatasources

Mar 8, 2008

Hi, I'm using the following to send two items in the querystring over to the next page, where I can display tables based on them. Both querystrings appear fine in the URL. The first querystring works fine to single out the order specified by the orderid from the querystring, but I can't seem to get my other sqldatasource to show the userid (+contents of aspnet_users table) using the userid I passed in the querystring. <asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields="OrderID,UserId" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="Copy of Orders.aspx?OrderID={0}&UserId={1}" DataTextField="OrderID, UserId" />  This is what I'm using to try and pick up the userid     <asp:GridView ID="GridView3" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3" DataKeyNames="UserId">        <Columns>            <asp:BoundField DataField="UserId" HeaderText="UserId" SortExpression="UserId" />            <asp:BoundField DataField="UserName" HeaderText="UserName" SortExpression="UserName" />        </Columns>    </asp:GridView>    <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString2 %>"        SelectCommand="SELECT [UserId], [UserName] FROM [aspnet_Users] WHERE UserId = @UserId">        <SelectParameters>            <asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="UserId" Name="UserId" QueryStringField="UserId"                Type="object" />        </SelectParameters>        </asp:SqlDataSource> 

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Multiple SqlDataSource On A Page

Nov 26, 2006

I placed several SqlDataSource objects on my page which work with the same database (same connection string).
As I know, connection operation to database is costly in the performance prespective. 
Do these SqlDataSource controls work with the same connection object or each of them create his own connecton object?
If each create it's own, then can they be changed to work with one connection object?

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Multiple Tables On Same Page

Mar 7, 2008


Could we display two tables in the same page of a report?

Many Thanks,Zulfi

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Multiple SqlDataSource Controls On A Page

Jun 8, 2007

Thanks for your help.
 I'm just getting into ASP.NET 2.0 and started using the SqlDataSource control to declaritively connect to a database. I was wondering if I have two SqlDataSource controls on one page with two select commands querying the same database, will the that create to seperate instances of opening and closing the connection to the database, or will it open the database once, execute both queries, and then close the connection. It seems that if it creates two separate connections, it would still be more efficient to to connect to the database programmatically using ADO.NET. You would only need to make one trip to the database, pull down all of your data, and then close the connection.

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How To Connect To A DB Multiple Times Through Page

Dec 21, 2007

Hey all,
I am still pretty new to all of this and I am having problems accessing a the same DB twice in my page.  I want to pull information once in one spot, but then pull different information in a different spot on the page.  Anyway, in the first spot, I have the following code:
Dim conString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DataConn").ConnectionString
Dim con As New SqlConnection(conString)Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("Select Team1.TeamID as Team1ID, Team1.TeamName as HomeTeam, Team2.TeamID as Team2ID, Team2.TeamName as AwayTeam, Football_Schedule.ScheduleID as ScheduleID from (Select * from Football_Teams) as Team1, (Select * from Football_Teams) as Team2, Football_Schedule where Football_schedule.team1 = Team1.teamid AND Football_Schedule.team2 = Team2.teamid order by Football_Schedule.WeekNum, Team1.TeamName, Team2.Teamname", con)Using con
Dim RS As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While RS.Read()
blah blah blah
End While
End Using
Then in my other spot on the page I have the following:
Dim cmdresults As New SqlCommand("Select Users.Firstname, sum(PointsID) as TotalPoints from Football_Input, Football_Schedule, Users where Football_Input.TeamID = Football_Schedule.winID and users.userid = Football_Input.UserID Group by Users.firstname")
Using con
con.Open()Dim RD As SqlDataReader = cmdresults.ExecuteReader()
While RD.Read()%>
<%End While
End Using
 When I try to execute I get this error, "ExecuteReader: Connection property has not been initialized." on the following line, "
RD As SqlDataReader = cmdresults.ExecuteReader()"  Any ideas?  If possible a little explanation on how multiple connections to the same database work would be nice just for future reference.
Thanks in advance!!,

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Page 3 - Multiple Tables Without Relationship

Mar 20, 2007

Inner join vs outer join:

Inner join will remove rows from the first table if there is not a corresponding row in the 2nd table. Outer join will keep the rows, and use all NULL values to fill in the gaps in the 2nd table.

In general outer joins are more likely to grow a result set and inner joins are more likely to shrink one (though that will depend on the data and the query). For this reason, it is usually better when building complex queries to try to do your inner joins before your outer joins, because then you will keep your result set smaller for longer and thus the later joins can run faster.

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Multiple Tables In A Report And Page Breaks

Sep 25, 2007

I have a report with 5-6 tables showing different summary information. These are set up to all go one after another and there are no page breaks. The only instance I would like a page break is if a table content is getting split cross pages. Is there a way for me to specify that a table will be on a new page if it is broken accross multiple pages?

(This is due to Row growth, not column growth)
(KeepTogether is set to true)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Page 2 - How To Select Multiple Fields From A Joined Table

Mar 11, 2008


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How To Generate A Report Containing Multiple Single Page Reports

Mar 14, 2006

I am using SS 2005 RS. I am able to generate single page pdf reports by passing "id" as a parameter. Now I need to send multiple ids as parameter and generate one big report which would contain reports for all the ids supplied on separate pages. Is this possible? If yes, then how do i do this.

What I have tried so far is, I created new report with a list control and added single page report as a subreport to this list control and grouped this list control using id parameter. When i send multiple ids in the parameter, for example 3 ids, it generates 3 page report but only for the first id. So it generates report for the first id and repeats same report 3 times.

Thanks for your help,

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Reporting Services :: All Record Are Displaying On One Page - How To Display Page By Page

Nov 11, 2015

I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.

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Displaying Multiple Categories (from Seperate Tables) To Be Viewed On One Page

Mar 24, 2007

 I just created separate tables for each of my categories and  wanted to know how to return them all to be viewed on one page using the SQL Datasource (or whatever) This is for user accounts. I just need to know that part.

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How To Get A Data Bound Page Footer In SSRS In A Report Having Multiple Tables?

Feb 19, 2008

hello to all..

can someone tell me how I counld get a pagefooter linked textbox to show a data bound
page footer in a report having 8 tables....???
I have tried the common solution showed on the previous forums..
They worked when there was only one table...
where in i could place a group in 1 of the cells in the table body of the report.
but now since der are 8 tables in the report.. d job is become very tricky.

the page footer is not showing up on all the pages of the report.
it only shows on the first page of the report.

Plz help......


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Reporting Services :: Multiple Chart On A Report Page And Parameter Filter

Jun 1, 2015

Is it possible to have different chart (having their dataset from same shared datasets) like six on one report, then secondly can they all respond to same parameter filter.

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Can't Get A Subreport To Start On The Correct Page Or Table Header To Repeat On Multiple Pages

May 24, 2006

I am staring to lose my mind on all this "work-around" BS in trying to create a dynamic header.

I have a report with contains a table, whose first two lines are a header line in which I want to repeat on each page. Then I have about 20 detail rows of information related to the header. The 21st detail row is a merged cell that contains a subreport relating to the header item.

When printing to PDF, the detail rows consume about half the page and the subreport is anywere from half a page to several pages long. When the subreport is more than half a page, it skips the end of the first page and starts on the top of the next page, leaving the bottom half of the first page blank. No matter what I set the page breaking to, it continues this behavior. In addition, when the subreport data spans more than one page, my parent table's header row will not print to the next page even it the RepeatOnNewPage is set to true.

I am coding this way because I have found no good way of creating a dynamic header that will correctly and consistantly display data that has detail that spans more than one page.

Any thoughts on what I might be doing incorrect?

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I Need To Pass Data Entered /created On The First Page To The Next Page And Populate The Next Page With Some Data From The Fir

Nov 28, 2006

Hello I have a project that uses a large number of MS Data access pages created in Access 2003 and runs on MS SQL2005.

When I am on lets say my client, (first page in a series) data access page and I have completed the fields in the (DAP), I am directing my users to the next step of the registration process by means of a hyperlink to another Data access page in the same web but in a linked or sometimes different table.

I need to pass data entered /created on the first page to the next page and populate the next page with some data from the first page / table. (like staying on the client name and ID when i go to the next page)

I also need the first data access page to open and display a blank or new record. Not an existing record. I will also be looking to creata a drop down box as a record selector.

Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
I am some what new to data access pages so a walk through would be nice but anything you got is welcome. Thanks Peter€¦

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How To Display Multiple Values On Report Page From A Multi-value Report Param

Nov 5, 2007

How do I display multiple parameter values on report page from a multi-value report parameter. For example, I have a report parameter where users can select multiple attendance codes and I want them displayed at the top of the report after it's run.

Currently, only the first value is showing on the report.


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Reporting Services :: Keep Multiple Data Tables Having Fixed Size Data In Same Page On Runtime?

Jul 31, 2015

I have a report where in I have a combination of matrix ,table data regions.

The problem what I am facing is that the data tables don't remain fixed in their position and they tend to move down.

E.g. table 1 and table 2  are on the same page in design time side by side (right and left)however during the runtime the table1 is pushed down and table2 is at its position .

Now how can I keep them all fixed in their same position. Most of the tables have fixed size rows  and some who have high size of rows have been put at the end . What settings we can set?

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Expression After Table Object Forced To Display On The Last Page Even There Are Still Spaces At The Bottom Of The First Page.

Oct 16, 2006

The following objects are placed on the Report body of the Report pane of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services :

<textbox: expression1>
<textbox: expression2>

<table:table1 with at least 30 columns and 30 expressions>

<textbox: string1> - considered as the Title in the Footer section of the report

<texbox:string2> <textbox:expression3>
<textbox:string3> <textbox:expression4>
<textbox:string4> <textbox:expression5>

I can't find any explanation why is it string1 and string 2 of the footer section of my report displayed separately from the expression3 which is aligned on it and the rest of the object on the second page.

The expected design is that all Footer items should be displayed together of whether it is placed on the first page or on the last page.

As a workaround of this, I converted string 1 into an expression (Added = and enclosed the string with double quote).. As a result, all of the items in the Footer section are now placed together on the last page of the report.

I also remember one of the issue I encountered before where the Footer items where placed together on the first page and still have space at the bottom of the page, but then expression 6 is forced to display (alone) on the last page of my report.

I can't find any discussion related to this, I wish somebody could give me an idea why RS behaved like this.

Thanks in advance

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Fit An Intere Table In Same Page Without Page Breaks Excel Export In A Single Sheet.

Feb 14, 2008

Fit an intere table in same page without page break for save the excel export.

My table has a Group for order my dates.

I need to have the intere table in the same page, i don't care about blank space at the end of the page.

I can't use the page break beacuse i need an excel export in a unique sheet..
I have tested.. every page'll have a different sheet in your excel export

I need something like this

page 1


page 2


but an unique sheet in the excel export

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Local - Including Page Header Forces Viewer To Expand To Page Size

Jul 17, 2007

If I have a report that includes a page header, the report viewer will render the report at the full width, but if I hide the page header and show only the body it will use the absolute width of the report.

I have a 7" wide report, with .75" borders set on each side.

Interactive & Print size are set to 8.5x11
Changing these sizes has no effect on the behavior of the viewer, which appears to ignore them.

When I view this report in the local viewer the contents fill the window if there is no page header.
If I enable the page header then the report is drawn at 8.5" wide, leaving a _big_ white border on the right side.
Any comments or workarounds that anyone knows? I know the local viewer is not a standard configuration (at least it seems) but it is what we need to use.Thanks,//Andrew

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How To Access A .asp Page Or .aspx Page From A Store Procedure In Sql Server 2000

Sep 21, 2006

Hi, I wanted to know that can we access a webpagefrom a store procedure in sql server 2000 like we run a exe file from sql server. Bye.

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DBCC SHRINKFILE: Page 4:11283400 Could Not Be Moved Because It Is A Work Table Page.

Jul 20, 2007


I issued this command on Tempdb but it doesnot shrink the file.

dbcc shrinkfile (tempdev_3,1)




DBCC SHRINKFILE: Page 4:11283400 could not be moved because it is a work table page.


I have checked that there are no tables associated with any user in tempdb. Any help is appreciated.



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How Can I Print A Field That Is In The Dataset On Each Page And Show The Table Hearder On Each Page?

Apr 16, 2007

How can I print a field that is in the dataset on each page? I added a textbox in the Page Header and use =Fields!ProjectName.value in the value property. I got an error "Fields cannot used in page header and footer."

How can I have the table header shows on each page? Currently if the data goes to the second page, there is no table header.



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Removing The White Space In Between The Image And Page Border Of The Page Header

May 26, 2008

Hi Team,

When i view the Report from SSRS Report preview Tab it's working fine, But when i deploy that and try to view in the IE
I am seeing the Body background color in between the image and page border of the page footer how to solve that?

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Single Page Report In SSRS Is Printing With The Second Page Blank....URGENT

May 16, 2008

Hi All,
In my SSRS report. I have a report which has only one page. In preview it is showing as only 1 page but when I am printing the report. I am getting two printouts with the second page as a blank.. Please help me in printing the page that contains report. Intially I used a Page header, at that it used to print the blank page with a header only. Now as I removed the header it is printing the page without header i.e Blank Page.. So please help me in prinitng a single page that has the report. It is urgent,..


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Reporting Services :: Tables Are Showing Up In Same Page When There Is No Data Even After Giving Page Break Option

May 7, 2015

I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Force Page Footer At Bottom Of The Page

Mar 12, 2015

I have a report with tablix. when tablix returns no rows Footer is coming all the way up . How to display the footer at the bottom of the page all time.

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