Multiple Ids In A Field

Jul 20, 2005

I have a book cataloge where I have an author id linked up to the book.
However, I'm finding that some books have mulitple authors, and I'm
wondering if there is a way to add more than one id to the author id
field. Or do I have to have many author id fields? Any way around that?



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Multiple Foreign Keys On Same Field, Based On Other Field

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table called BidItem which has another table calledBidAddendum related to it by foreign key. I have another table calledBidFolder which is related to both BidItem and BidAddendum, based on acolumn called RefId and one called Type, i.e. type 1 is a relationshipto BidItem and type 2 is a relationship to BidAddendum.Is there any way to specify a foreign key that will allow for thedifferent types indicating which table the relationship should existon? Or do I have to have two separate tables with identical columns(and remove the type column) ?? I would prefer not to have multipleidentical tables.

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Combine Multiple Field On The Basis Of Employee ID Field

Sep 30, 2015

I need formulating a view through which I can create a an output like below image -

Monthly Table


HAX603 Completed 0x45845a
HAX317 Completed 0x112z44
HAX465 Completed 0x1155x4
HAX523 Completed 0x124c69

Season Table


HAX317 July 1 July 28

[Code] ...

Final Output 


HAX603 Completed 0x45845a 1 JULY - 31 OCTOBER, 1 DECEMBER - 31 DECEMBER
HAX317 Completed 0x112z44 1 DECEMBER - 31 DECEMBER, 1 MARCH - 31 MARCH, 1 July - 30 July
HAX465 Completed 0x1155x4 1 MARCH - 31 MARCH, 1 July - 28 July, 1 August - 30 August
HAX523 Completed 0x124c69 1 November - 30 November

I have written a query to join the values of multiple field, but lacking in as how will I formulate a view which will check for the duplicate values of Num fields and merge there values in a single field like season.

select num, (CAST(startday AS VARCHAR(3)) + ' ' +  startmonth + ' - ' + CAST(endday AS VARCHAR(3)) + ' ' +  endmonth)AS Season from seasons;

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Retrieving Multiple Values From One Field In SQL Server For Use In Multiple Columsn In Reports

Mar 30, 2007

I am trying to create a report using Reporting Services.

My problem right now is that the way the table is constructed, I am trying to pull 3 seperate values i.e. One is the number of Hours, One is the type of work, and the 3rd is the Grade, out of one column and place them in 3 seperate columns in the report.

I can currently get one value but how to get the information I need to be able to use in my reports.

So far what I've been working with SQL Reporting Services 2005 I love it and have made several reports, but this one has got me stumped.

Any help would be appreciated.


I might not have made my problem quite clear enough. My table has one column labeled value. The value in that table is linked through an ID field to another table where the ID's are broken down to one ID =Number of Hours, One ID = Grade and One ID= type of work.

What I'm trying to do is when using these ID's and seperate the value related to those ID's into 3 seperate columns in a query for using in Reporting Services to create the report

As you can see, I'm attempting to change the name of the same column 3 times to reflect the correct information and then link them all to the person, where one person might have several entries in the other fields.

As you can see I can change the names individually in queries and pull the information seperately, it's when roll them altogether is where I'm running into my problem

Thanks for the suggestions that were made, I apoligize for not making the problem clearer.

Here is a copy of what I'm attempting to accomplish. I didn't have it with me last night when posting.

--Pulls the Service Opportunity

SELECT cs.value AS "Service Opportunity"

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid

WHERE = 'Service Opportunity'

--Pulls the Number of Hours

SELECT cs.value AS 'Number of Hours'

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid

WHERE ='Num of Hours'

--Pulls the Person Grade Level

SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid

WHERE ='Grade'

--Pulls the Person Number, First and Last Name and Grade Level

SELECT s.personnumber, s.lastname, s.firstname, cs.value as "Grade"

FROM student s

INNER JOIN cperson cs ON cs.personid = s.personid

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid

WHERE cs.value =(SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'

WHERE ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid AND'Grade')

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Multiple Options Into One SQL Field

Apr 13, 2007

Morning all,

I'm writing an Insert form which will write records to a few tables. What I want to know is how do I write multiple answers to one question in different rows in the table but keeping the ID?

For example.

The form has the following fields:

HotelIDHotelFacilities (CheckBoxList)

Now each hotel (in this case) will only have one ID but more than one HotelFacility .

How do I get my table to read...











Wi-Fi Access

I presume INSERT INTO tblHotelFacilities(HotelID, HotelFacility)                  VALUES(@HotelID, @HotelFacility) won't write more than one selected facility?Thanks,Brett 

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Put Multiple Results In One Field

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,I need to put multiple results in one field, but not sure how. Here'ssome sample code:select,a.accountnum,a.ordernum,(select itemid from items where items_ordernum = a.ordernum) asItems[color=blue]>From clients a[/color]There's multiple instances of 'itemid' in 'items' with the criteria Igave, so this generates an error. I want to instead have the itemnumbers listed as just a list seperated by commas, so the results mightbe this:Name AccountNum OrderNum ItemsJohn Smith 12345 0000234 1233, 1333, 4322Mike Jones 43223 0000023 4322, 543And so forth. Is there someway to loop through this sub-query and makethe results become a list?Thanks --rlangly

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Insert Multiple Values Into One Field

Jul 24, 2006

i can't believe my situation is unique, but my searches for answers have proven fruitless, so please bear with me.i have a date field in my database, and have previously used a simple textbox to allow users to insert a date.  i want to make this a little step a little nicer, however, and have added a dropdown for the month, a textbox for the date (i'm not "good" enough to dynamically change this around for a dropdown list), and a dropdown list for the next few years.what "insert" statement would allow me to accomplish this?  what i currently have doesn't blow up, but neither does it actually insert anything.  here's my statment:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsVersion" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DB %>"    InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Version] ([Major], [Minor], [Sub], [Rev], [Date]) VALUES (@Major, @Minor, @Sub, @Rev, @Month + '-' + @Day + '-' + @Year)">    <InsertParameters>        <asp:Parameter Name="Major" Type="Int32" />        <asp:Parameter Name="Minor" Type="Int32" />        <asp:Parameter Name="Sub" Type="Int32" />        <asp:Parameter Name="Rev" Type="Int32" />        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlMonths" Name="Month" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbDate" Name="Day" PropertyName="Text" Type="Int32" />        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlYears" Name="Year" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />    </InsertParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>

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Inserting Multiple Values Ito A Field.

May 9, 2000

Can some one please tell me how to update a field in a table with multiple
values for each of the values in the other fields?

Thanks in advance.

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Concatenate One Field From Multiple Rows?

Oct 18, 2006

I have a SQL statement that fetches book information via a TITLE_ID which is fine if we only have one edition (hardback), but if there are two editions (hardback and paperback) it will return two rows like:

Title - Author - Edition
The Amazing Pixies - A. N. Author - Hdbk
The Amazing Pixies - A. N. Author - Pbk

Is there any way to concatenate the Edition field so the two lines become one? I have searched for ways to do this but have had no luck.

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Concatenating Multiple Returns On One Field Only

Nov 18, 2004

I have a SQL query that returns several fields from several tables, eg. Title, Subtitle, Author, Binding and Imprint. When these are returned everything seems rosy until there are two authors linked to one title. When this happens Title, Subtitle, Binding and Imprint are repeated which is not required. Is there a way to concatenate the authors from multple records to return a single title with the concatenated authors, instead of repeating titles due to multiple authors?.

A query may currently return:
Title1 - Subtitle1 - Author 1a - etc
Title1 - Subtitle1 - Author 1b - etc
Title1 - Subtitle1 - Author 1c - etc
Title2 - Subtitle2 - Author 2a - etc
Title3 - Subtitle3 - Author 3a - etc

When I would like
Title1 - Subtitle1 - Author 1a, Author 1b, Author 1c - etc
Title2 - Subtitle2 - Author 2a - etc
Title3 - Subtitle3 - Author 3a - etc

My actual SQL code, if you are interested, is:

SELECT dbo.edition.ISBN, dbo.edition.title,' ' as name,, dbo.edition.long_blurb, dbo.series.series_id, dbo.series.series_number,
dbo.series.series_title, dbo.edition.sub_title, dbo.edition.about_author, dbo.edition.short_blurb,
dbo.series.editors_affiliations, dbo.title.contents, dbo.title.affiliations, dbo.series.series_editors
FROM dbo.edition INNER JOIN
dbo.series ON dbo.edition.series_id = dbo.series.series_id INNER JOIN
dbo.title ON dbo.edition.title_id = dbo.title.title_id INNER JOIN
dbo.agreement ON dbo.edition.edition_id = dbo.agreement.edition_id INNER JOIN
dbo.role ON dbo.agreement.role_id = dbo.role.role_id INNER JOIN ON dbo.role.party_id =

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Concatenate Multiple Records Into One Field

Feb 7, 2007

Someone please help!. I am trying to create a view in SQL Server 2000 to use for a report but I am having problems with concatenating multiple values into one field. In my example below I am trying to list all records in my queried table in columnA then concatenate a list of all other records that share the same value in column B of the queried table into another field. If there are no other matches for a row in columnA then I would leave the corresponding field in columnB blank. Thanks in advance.


ColumnA ColumnB
5.......1, 4

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Concatenating Field For Multiple Records

May 30, 2008

Quick question. What I'm trying to do is concatenate a field for multiple records (hope that is worded in an understandable manner). Here's an example:


5......33.....33 23
5......23.....33 23

I need the code to get the Result field. I know the code if you were to find the sum, min, max, etc...

FROM Table
WHERE ID = Table.ID) AS Result

But I don't know how to write it so it will combine strings.

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Multiple Rows Into A Single Field

Oct 12, 2005

I have aproble with stored procedure.I want to take the Data from a table with multiple rows,In the same select statement for the others select statemet.My store Proc is like this..

CREATE procedure spr_Load_TR_AccidentReport_Edit_VOwner
@Crime_No varchar(20),
@Unit_ID int
DECLARE @AD_Driver int,@AC_Cas int,@AV_Owner int,@A_Witness int
DECLARE @Defect_ID varchar(100)

select @AV_Owner=Vehicle_Owner from TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where Crime_No =@Crime_No and Unit_ID = @Unit_ID

TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_ID,TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_Name, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Address1,
dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Address2, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.City_Id, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.State_Id,
dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Nationality_id, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.EMail, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Phone,,, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.D_O_B, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Age,
dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Occupation_ID, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_Type,

(select TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.OutSide_state from
TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails,TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where
TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner = TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.Person_id and TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.RowID =TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.RowID)[OutSide_state],

(select TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.OutSide_City from
TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails,TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where
TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner = TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.Person_id and TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.RowID =TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.RowID)[OutSide_City]

---here I faced the problem-
/*For the above Select only return one rows.But this select willreturn multiple row .I wnat to put that multiple data into a single field with comma*/

(SELECT @Defect_ID = COALESCE(@Defect_ID + ',','') + CAST(TBL_TR_VEHICLE_DEFECT.Defect_ID AS varchar(5))
select @Defect_ID

tbl_TR_Accident_report.Crime_No=@Crime_No and tbl_TR_Accident_report.Unit_ID=@Unit_ID
TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_ID = TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner


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Inserting Multiple Values Into Same Field

Feb 15, 2006

can we insert multiple values into the same field. as we do for the mailing list. that is can we use commas to enter multiple values into the same field

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Updating A Field For Multiple Records

Jul 23, 2005

Dear all,I need to update one field in a table for a given record and visit number.Example below is how the table looks -SID VISIT DLCO101 0 12101 1 16102 0 18102 2 10103 1 12103 2 14Here is how I would like it to look. The changes are the starred items.SID VISIT DLCO101 0 14*101 1 16102 0 18102 2 16*103 1 12*103 2 14I know it is an UPDATE statement, but I am not sure how to use it when Ineed to update more than one record.Thanks for the help in advance.Jeff

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Join Multiple Records Into One Field

May 4, 2006

Is there a way to create one field from multiple records using sql.For exampleTable 1John 18Peter 18David 18Now I want an sql query that when executed will return a field thatlooks like thisQuery1John Peter DavidSo basically it will return one record with all the name in one field

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Parse Field Into Multiple Rows

Jun 27, 2007

Hello,I am loading data from our MS Active Directory into our datawarehouse. (check out Mircosofts's Logparser, it can pull data fromADS, server event logs and more. It can also create text files or loaddirectly to SQL. Its free and a pretty useful tool)There is a field that contains the direct reports of a manager. Thedirect report users are delimited by a pipe symbol.I want to breakup the field into multple rows. There can be none, oneor many direct report users in this field.<disclaimer>This is a snippet of an example. This is only an example. I know thatI have not defined PK nor indexes. My focus is how to solve a problemof parsing a field that has multple values into multple rows.</disclaimer>Thanks for any help in advance.RobCREATE TABLE "dbo"."F_ADS_MANAGERS"("MANAGER_KEY" VARCHAR(255) NULL,"DIRECT_REPORTS_CN" VARCHAR(255) NULL);INSERT INTO F_ADS_MANAGERS (MANAGER_KEY, DIRECT_REPORTS_CN)VALUES ('CN=Marilette, 'CN=RobertD,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=edu|CN=RobertCamarda,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=edu|CN=Mi chelleC,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=edu|CN=Magnolia B,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=edu|CN=Lee K,OU=TechnologyGroup')I want to end up with 5 rows, 1 row for each user that is seprated bythe PIPE symbol.CN=Marilette CN=Robert D,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=eduCN=Marilette CN=RobertCamarda,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=eduCN=Marilette CN=Michelle C,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=eduCN=Marilette CN=Magnolia B,OU=TechnologyGroup,DC=strayer,DC=eduCN=Marilette CN=Lee K,OU=TechnologyGroup

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How To Concatenate Multiple Rows Into One Field?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I hope someone here can help me.We have a product table which has a many-to-many relationto a category table (joined through a third "ProductCategory" table):[product] ---< [productCategory] >--- [category]--------- ---------------- ----------productID productCategoryID categoryIDproductName productID categoryNamecategoryIDWe want to get a view where each product occupies just one row, andany multiple category values are combined into a single value, eg(concatenating with commas):Product Category-------------------cheese dairycheese solidmilk dairymilk liquidbeer liquidwill become:Product Category-------------------cheese dairy, solidmilk dairy, liquidbeer liquidWhat is the best way to do it in SQL?Thanks and regards,Dmitri

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Same Field On Same Line Multiple Times

Apr 4, 2008

I'm new to SQL Reporting Services but have made some decent headway. I'm stumped by one issue though: How do I repeat a field over and over on a single line?

To elaborate:

I have a table of backup job failures, with a reason and the time it failed.
ID | Reason | Time
1 | No tape | 3/13/3008
2 | Bad drive | 3/14/2008

I'm trying to create a summary, and I want to list the information as follows:

There were 2 failed backup jobs on 3/13/2008, 3/14/2008

My SQL query is as follows:
SELECT Time, COUNT(*) AS NumFailures FROM FailedBackups GROUP BY Time ORDER BY Time ASC

How do I "loop" the Time field on a single line in Reporting Services?

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How To Implement Unique Key On Multiple Field

Sep 5, 2006

hello guys,

I have one table which is using to keep 10 difference type of serial number (that mean i got 10 column in the table).  Is there any way to do unique key checking (individually, not combine) on these 10 serial number without sacrify the performance?

thank you.

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Split Address Into Multiple Field

Aug 3, 2006

i want to write a code that can split the addresses into multiple fields. anyone can point me out where to start?

lets say i have "12 north plaza boulevard apt.16" and i want it to become:



plaza blvd


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Split One Field In Multiple New Rows

Nov 27, 2007

just a beginners question:

I have the following row with 2 fields:

Field 1: Task A
Field 2:´ 1;2;3;4

The number of semicolon divided elements in Field 2 is variabel.

I would like to create new rows like:

Row 1 Field 1: A Field 2: 1
Row 2 Field 1: A Field 2: 2
Row 3 Field 1: A Field 2: 3
Row 4 Field 1: A Field 2: 4

I think I should use a Foreach Loop.
But I don't exactly how to do it?

best regards

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Multiple Filtering On The Same Field Using A Stored Procedure

Apr 24, 2007

I am looking at writing a SP without much success which enables multiple filtering on one field. Something like below:
Input field: Product Description
So if the user enters: "Large Drill"  OR "Drill Large" the same resultset will be returned.
SELECT * FROM products WHERE products.prod_desc contains both "Large" AND "Drill"
I guess there'll need to be a nested Select and loop to parse the space separated input field.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Thank you

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Select From Multiple Tables No Common Field

Oct 17, 2005

I know there is some kind of rule against the following SQL statement, but I was wondering what to do to get around this problem (some kind of grouping). Sorry for the stupid question.


Basically I want to select all records from the two tables (they have the same fields, but are just different specialties) and then output them, but there is nothing in common between the two to reference one another, and it ends up in some kind of loop. Thanks. for the help.

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Multiple Records Tied To Foreign Key Field?

Jun 6, 2008

I'm a total newb to SQL so I apologize if I butcher the description of what I'm looking to do :) Hopefully the example makes more sense. Is it possible for a single record in 1 table to contain relationships to several records in a different table?

What I've got so far is 2 tables - Hardware and Software, with ID Specifying primary keys HardwareID and SoftwareID respectively. the hardware records are for computer details and the software obviously are for programs. What I need to be able to do is pull up a hardware record and be able to see what software is installed on it, and vice versa pull up a software record to see which computers it's installed on. The problem I'm running into is that a computer can have multiple programs installed on it and a program can be installed on multiple computers, so I don't know how to create that relationship to account for that.

What I'd like to see is in the Hardware table a column for SoftwareID that has a foreign key relationship to the SoftwareID field in the Software Table, and vice versa....My question though is is that possible to do and have potentially multiple separate records it links to from that same column field? I might have a computer with say Windows XP Pro, Office 2003 Standard, Adobe Acrobat 8 and a proprietary rate calculator program that i need each to be displayed with their details when I open that computer's record. Or on the software side if I need to see which computers a license is already installed on then I want to make sure I can pull up the full list of computers.

And finally if what I'd like to do isn't possible as I described it...any recommendations for a better way?

Thanks all for the help!

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Field Contains Multiple Values Seperated By Comma

May 3, 2006

Hi All

I'm really new to SQL and would appreciate a solution to the following problem.

I have a table that contains 1 record. in that record there is a column called CODES which contains multiple values that are seperated by a comma.


I need a solution to select all values from CODES that are distinct so I end up with the following.


Any help would be really appreciated. Please bear in mind I'm a complet novice.

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Select Query - Multiple Constraints In One Field

Nov 6, 2007

Hi all,

I want to retrieve the datas from the table with condition if DetailID is not null and DetailID is not guid.empty then it return only the DetailID = @DetailID

can any one help on this.


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Multiple Tables Grouped By Common Field

Jan 4, 2008

Here is my situation. I am building a report that has three different tables each with their own dataset. Example: Opportunities, Leads, Activities. All three of these datasets/tables have a common field - SalesID. I would like the report to show the first SalesID, then all Opportunities for that SalesID in the Opportunities table, followed by all Leads for that SalesID in the Leads table, followed by all Activities for that SalesID in the Activities table, and then rollover to the next SalesID and repeat that for all SalesIDs. Any suggestions on how I could achieve this? Thanks in advance for all help!!!

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How To Have A Multiple Parameter On The Report And One Of Which Should Be Date Field

Apr 3, 2007

I want multiple parameter on report.

One of which is a mCategoryname field which is appearing in the combo.[and working fine ]

Now there should be another parameter whichwould take date parameter [yyyy-mm-dd]

User should not able to enter invalid date.

Both parameter should be necessary.

How can i do that ?

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Sql Query Which Uses Multiple Tables But No Common Field To Join

Jan 29, 2004


I have a sql query that I am using to populate a datagrid. The problem is one of the tables is a month table. and the other tables are full of data. So there is no common column name to match using a inner join "on".

How do i do this?

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Need Help W/ SELECT From One Table, One Field, Multiple Unique Records

Apr 22, 2006

I'm new to MS SQL and VB. I have a table with one field JOB_NAME containing 20 records. Out of that field I want to retrieve 6 of the 20 records into a pulldown menu. They are all unique text names like so:

Anna Smith
John Doe

etc. I did not see IDs listed for any of the names in the table when I looked.

There is no common denominator to the names that can be filtered in the SELECT statement, and the 6 that I want will need to be pulled out individually.

Is there a way to do this with a SELECT statement? I have not found much information about how to extract unique records out of a single field. Here's the statement I'm using which pulls all of them:


This gives me the total list but I only want to bring back 6 of the 20 for the pulldown.

Is there a way to modify this statement to pull only the records that I want?

Thanks for any help you can give.


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Insert Multiple Records Into A Single Field On Another Table

Feb 15, 2012

I have a table JOBCODE which contains a list of codes.

I want to insert these values into table VIEWS as a list separated by spaces.


Table Jobcodes looks like this


And I want table Views to look like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6

How do I go about this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Multiple Rows Into One Field

Feb 26, 2015

I am needing to combine the Notes field where Number and date are the same...For example

for Number 0000000003 I need notes to Read ('CHK # 2452 FOR $122.49 REJECTED AS NSF ON 2/25/15') the note counter is different for each row, and is combination of special char, 0-Z and looks like the (!) depicts the start of a new Number.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable](
[NUMBER] [varchar](10) NULL,
[HD_DATE_TIMEX] [datetime] NULL,
[TRANS_NO] [varchar](2) NULL,
[MESSAGE_COUNTER] [varchar](1) NULL,

[Code] .....

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