Multiple Rows Combined Into Onerow And Onecolumn Separated By A Special Character
Oct 24, 2007
Hi All :
CREATE TABLE TABLEA(Person Varchar(20), Country Varchar(20), Subject
Varchar(20), Type Char(1))
INSERT INTO TABLEA VALUES ('Einstein', 'Germany', 'Physics', 'P')
INSERT INTO TABLEA VALUES ('Kant', 'Germany', 'Philosophy', 'Q')
INSERT INTO TABLEA VALUES ('Kafka', 'Germany', 'Writer' , 'W')
INSERT INTO TABLEA VALUES ('Aristotle', 'Greece', 'Philosophy', 'Q')
INSERT INTO TABLEA VALUES ('Archimedes', 'Greece', 'Physics', 'P')
INSERT INTO TABLEA VALUES ('Homer', 'Greece', 'Writer' , 'W')
I am on SQL 2000.
I need an output where i have to have a resultset grouped on Type, but
the results in one row.
In the resultset I need
TypeP PersonType P Country, Type Q Person, Type Q Country, Type
W Person Type W Country
Einstein:ArchimedesGermany:GreeceKant:Aristotle Germany:Greece
************************************************** *************
I have written a puesdo-cursor code to do the same, but if there is a
way to do as a set operation, that would be great
Please select as a whole and past in query analyser as the resultset
is all overlaid when i paste in this box.
I have a table that is used to build rules. The rules point to other columns in other tables and usually contain only one value (i.e. ABC). But one of the options is to add a comma-separated list of SSNs (i.e. 123123123,012012012,112231122). I am trying to build a single query that allows me to leverage that list to get multiple rows from another table.
This obviously works:
SELECT * FROM vw_Person_Profile P (NOLOCK) WHERE P.PrsnPIISSN_Chr IN ('123123123','012012012','112231122')
But this does not:
SELECT * FROM vw_Person_Profile P (NOLOCK) WHERE P.PrsnPIISSN_Chr IN ( SELECT '''' + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(4000),txtFieldValue), ',', ''',''') + '''' FROM MassProcessing_Rules PR WHERE PR.intRuleID = 10 )
I like to extract all special characters in one table with many fields. How can I handle this without using 'replace' for each field and many characters ?
How can I insert by asp a string containing 'That's the stringAsp code:SQL = "insert into tablename (columnA) values ('" & variable & "')"The problem is when variable contains a ' (single quote), it stops thestring definition and get an error.Can I do something?Thanks--Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG
I had to update pricelist at local-db on the basis of prices in another SQL by matching the description. When i JOIN the tables, no record gets displayed, but the descrptions at both tables were exactly the same i believed. Took a lot of time in identifying the discrepancy; the data was like this:
CREATE TABLE #ABC (price money, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(200)) GO INSERT #ABC SELECT 19999,'SQL2000 ' GO SELECT * FROM #ABC WHERE DESCRIPTION ='SQL2000' --(0 row(s) affected) SELECT * FROM #ABC WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(DESCRIPTION))='SQL2000' --(0 row(s) affected) select * from #ABC WHERE REPLACE(DESCRIPTION,' ','')='SQL2000' --(1 row(s) affected) GO DROP TABLE #ABC :rolleyes: I believe, ENTER has some value within a field.
shailendra writes "Hi,everbody lets come to my problem.I have one variable of type "ntext" which contain character "". i want to remove it or replace it with a blank character.
Hi,SQL env: sql server 2000Target column of insertion: varchar(15)Case, a var is made up of a character of the following characters(random selection):A,B,C,D,E,$,!,%,^,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U, V,W,X,Y,Z,&,*,(,)and a few numbers (random selection), and thenvar = ran1&ran2I'm experiencing intermit sql errorIs it because I did not include the string with quotes likevar = "ran1 & ran2"or the first random seletion may include special character and thatmay cause insertion error randomly?Probably the former is more likely. And I've added quotes for thevar (programming language shouldn't really matter, int type usuallywithout quotes while strings need quotes).What's your thought?Thanks.
well It works fine until @Value contains quotation for instance @value = O'hare Airport results in termination of the statement because of single quote after O in O'Hare. Is there any way I can see it works
Also suppose if its updating a field which can be say 10 charcters long and when @value has say 15 characters, it terminates. Is there anyway i can avoid this.
I would like to know how can i only get the characters before the special character?
For example if the mail id is i need to extract The.Champ123 and if the mail id is I need to get TheChamp.So basically i would like to get the characters from the string before '@' character.
I am creating a view to pull data for a UPS integration I am doing. I currently have this view where I pull my data from. All is well accept for my PATINDEX,
Currently I have this PATINDEX So when a user puts this into delivery instructions "#999999" UPS_FINAL returns 999999 which is good for me to use. But The PATINDEX will also grab all kinds of neat stuff out of the delivery instructions field when I really only want whatever is after the # sign in the field.
I am new to sql and dont quite understand how this search is working but I think I am in need of a better way to search the field
WHEN SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions, PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%', P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) IS NULL
THEN dbo.Address_Table.ups_code
ELSE SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions, PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%', P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) END AS UPS_FINAL
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I am looking to accomplish is a SUBSTRING that will search delivery_instructions
TOP (100) PERCENT P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.pick_ticket_no, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.order_no, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.customer_id, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_name, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_add1, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_add2, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_city, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_state, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_zip, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.po_no, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id AS Carrier, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id AS Supplier,
P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) AS UPS_Shipper,
------------------Checks view for email address or assigns alternate------------------ (CASE WHEN charindex('@', p21_view_contacts.email_address) > 0 THEN p21_view_contacts.email_address ELSE
'' END) AS alternate_address,
'Y' AS QVN, '' AS failureaddress,
------------When carrier_id is not one of these # then Null; else ------------------------------
CASE WHEN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id NOT IN (105188, 105191, 105194, 105197, 105200,
105203, 105206, 105209, 105212) THEN NULL
----------------- Looks for special Character in delivery_instructions; if NULL then ups_code; ELSE return value from delivery_instructions as UPS_Final--------------------
WHEN SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions, PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%', P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) IS NULL THEN dbo.Address_Table.ups_code ELSE SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions, PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%', P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) END AS UPS_FINAL
FROM dbo.Address_Table INNER JOIN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket INNER JOIN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr ON P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.order_no =
P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.order_no ON = P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.customer_id LEFT OUTER JOIN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_contacts ON P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.contact_id =
WHERE (P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.completed <> 'Y') AND (P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delete_flag <> 'Y') AND (P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.will_call <> 'Y') ORDER BY P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.pick_ticket_no
I have a web page where the user can select the language (FR, EN, BG, ...) in a drop down list.
Next to the drop down list there is a text box where user can type the some text (translation).
User can add several description
On my web page, i have a button this button collect all information create an xml file and save all in database (sql server 2008)
that's work fine for some language => FR, EN and so on
But for bulgarian (bulgare) and greece there are some problem...
Some characters when i display it in sql look like => ???s??. ? d??ta?? a?t?
The value encoded by the user is => Ένωσης. Η διάταξη αυτή
but the result after t sql xpath is => ???s??. ? d??ta?? a?t?
Here is it my sql code where you can find my temporary table and my xml file and my xpath query
declare @tblTranslation table (idDocID int, languageID varchar(10), value varchar(500)) declare @Translations XML
set @Translations = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><Items><Item><eleKey>EN</eleKey><eleValue>This is a test</eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>FR</eleKey><eleValue>test</eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>BG</eleKey><eleValue>Ένωσης. Η διάταξη αυτή</eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>HR</eleKey><eleValue></eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>RO</eleKey><eleValue></eleValue></Item></Items>'
-- 2) fill the temporary table with information from the xml file
INSERT INTO @tblTranslation(idDocID, languageID, value) SELECT 1 , Convert(nvarchar(max), i.query('eleKey/text()')) as colKey , Convert(nvarchar(max), i.query('eleValue/text()')) as colValue -- FROM @translations.nodes('/Items/Item') as x(i) SELECT * FROM @tblTranslation
I have an database that is housing a path used to locate an external file. This application was written many years ago and I am now trying to bring the files into the database as a VARBINARY.
The table is holding the path like this "/folder/folder/file"
I am trying to convert that path to "folderfolderfile"
In my Select statement I have
SELECT ProdID, REPLACE (PATH, /, ) FROM dbo.blahblah
The problem is that I can't figure out to make SQL understand that "/" is the character I want to replace.
There is a ">" character (right-angle bracket) inside my SQL Server password. When I supplied this password to the bcp utility, the ">" character was treated as an output redirection symbol. So the password was truncated at ">" and the bcp output got sent to a file with a name consisting of the rest of the password after ">". I'm using SQL Server 2012. I cannot use Windows authentication due to company policy. Is there a way to resolve this without changing the password?
I had to import some FileMaker Data into SQL Server 2005 and in the resume field a "SQUARE" special character is appearing everyplace that a return should be.
It has really messed up the formatting. I know how to use the updatetext in a cursor to replace the special character but I don't know what to replace the "SQUARE" special character with so the text is displaying a new line rather then this "SQUARE" character.
Hi,I come from the "dark side" php/mysql and there often problems withcharacter sets (utf-8, latin...) and storing data in datebase.Exists in the world of and ms-sql-server similiar problems?To precise: I have to store xml-data in database. Maybe its better toencode (like base64) the strings?Perhaps there are some links to read?Thanks.klaus.
I would like to know how to import in the custom delimited text file by using SSIS. For example, instead by using tab or comma delimited, I use this character : '¶' The reason is the delimited format that SSIS provided is too common such as colon, semi colon, tab, comma and pipeline. I have the data that the user also key in the pipeline there. So I am thinking to separate the field by using this special character, but cannot see if there is anyway to import in by using SSIS.
Create table DBInfo (Path varchar (500)) Insert into DBInfo values('/Data Sources') Insert into DBInfo values('/Data Sources/SALES') Insert into DBInfo values('/PRODUCTION') Insert into DBInfo values('/PRODUCTION/SERVICE') Insert into DBInfo values('/PRODUCTION/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE') Insert into DBInfo values('/PRODUCTION/SERVICE/LOGISTICS')
My Expected Output
Hi, in SSIS I read data from a DB2 database on AS400 using the Client Access ODBC Driver for DB2 from IBM and write it to a SQL Server database. Since it does not work using the odbc driver as data source directly, I use a data reader component with .net providersodbc. Some special characters were not translated correctly when read from DB2. They show up as ? in the SQL Server target table.
I tried to change the client locale in the ODBC connection properties but it did not help me. I tried changing all other settings in odbc but it still does not work.
In dts I could source all the data without this problems and good speed using the same nodbc driver.
The OLEDB Providers delivered with SSIS do not work in SSIS or I am too stupid to configure them correctly. They are even too slow as I explained above.
I cannot use the MS OLEDB Provider for DB2, because it works only in Enterprize Edition and we only have the Standard Edition.
Thus, only using Client Access ODBC Driver for DB2 with net providersodbc (as bridge) is performant enough and works on Itanium. But how to work around the problem with the special characters?
I want to import date from excel file from the row if this row has a character like 'TableName', and I don't know the rownumber and end column number ,so I can't use openrowset 'select * from Sheet$ A11:N'.  And I am thing if I can get the rownumber of the row contain string 'TableName' and the max column ,that May be easy to extract data.
Let me point out at the beginning that I don't have anyway to normalize this structure or get the admins to change the way the data is stored. We don't own the database where this is housed...we're just given the information via an .xls file...which we import to a SQLServer table.
I have some data that is given to me that has two columns (below is for an example): Column A is an identifiying number, i.e. for a project Column B is a comma separated list of account strings for the project
A sample layout of what we get via the .xls file might look like the following (Column A is to the left of the dashes, and Column B is to the right of the dashes):
What I need to do is now haveprojects listed out in Column A with each of it's account strings in Column B like so: AA.ProjectBuildTower ----- 2222 AA.ProjectBuildTower ----- 3333 AA.ProjectBuildTower ----- 4444 AA.ProjectBuildTower ----- 5555
Let me point out at the beginning that I don't have anyway to normalize this structure or get the admins to change the way the data is stored. We don't own the database where this is housed...we're just given the information via an .xls file...which we import to a SQLServer table.
I have some data that is given to me that has two columns (below is for an example): Column A is an identifiying number, i.e. for a project Column B is a comma separated list of account strings for the project
A sample layout of what we get via the .xls file might look like the following (Column A is to the left of the dashes, and Column B is to the right of the dashes):
What I need to do is now haveprojects listed out in Column A with each of it's account strings in Column B like so: AA.ProjectBuildTower ----- 2222 AA.ProjectBuildTower ----- 3333 AA.ProjectBuildTower ----- 4444 AA.ProjectBuildTower ----- 5555