Multiple Rows To Multiple Tables
May 4, 2001
Hi, Gurus,
I am trying to populate a table with repeating groups in multiple columns by using information from two other tables. The sample tables and records are like:
Table A
Table B
Table C (The empty table I want to populate like the following)
112C1 13 C514 C9
212C2 13 C614 C10
312C3 13 C714 C11
412C4 13 C814 C12
What is the best way to do it? Thanks in advance.
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Sep 3, 2014
How to insert single row/multiple rows into multiple tables by using single insert statement.
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Aug 29, 2005
I have two tables and I want to return data from both. Currently my select statement is returning just 1 child record for each parent record and I want to return all child records that match the parent record.
Here's a sample of my tables/data/etc.
speciesid | species
1 | Mammals
2 | Rodents
3 | Reptiles
animalid | animal
3 | Skink
3 | Iguana
3 | Rattlesnake
2 | Meerkat
1 | Hippo
1 | Elk
What I want to do is pull up a list of all the species and under each list all the animals currently listed under that species.
So the result I want should look like:
Mammals (Hippo, Elk)
Reptiles (Skink, Iguana, Rattlesnake)
Rodents (Meerkat)
so currently I have:
SELECT A.animalid, S.speciesid, A.animal, S.species from t2 as A, t1 as S where S.speciesid=A.animalid order by species
this works great, it's just that it only returns one animal instead of all of the animals. Any help would be appreciated.
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Jul 5, 2005
Can i insert values into multiple tables? Usually we using this
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID) VALUES ('ABC')
But i want to combine both into one statement
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID) VALUES ('ABC')
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Feb 27, 2007
I'm trying to run a sql query using the core dotnetnuke database. I am tying to pull from two separate tables in the same database and return the results below:
LastName | FirstName | City | PhoneNumber
Smith Joe New York (555)555-5555
Last Name and FirstName are two separate columns in the DB_Users table, while City and PhoneNumber are both values of the same column DB_UserProfile.PropertyValue located in separate rows defined by an ID in the DB_UserProfile.PropertyDefinitionID column.
The UserProfile table looks something like this...
ID | PropertyDefinitionID | PropertyValue
1 27 New York
2 31 (555)555-5555
This is what I have so far but it is not working out to well...
SELECT DB_Users.FirstName, DB_Users.LastName, DB_UserProfile.PropertyValue AS City, DB_UserProfile.PropertyValue AS PhoneNumber
FROM DB_Users, DB_UserProfile WHERE DB_Users.UserID = DB_UserProfile.UserID AND DB_UserProfile.PropertyDefinitionID = 27 AND DB_UserProfile.PropertyDefinitionID = 31
ORDER BY DB_Users.LastName
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Sep 3, 2013
Say for instance I got 2 tables
Subject Table and a Student Table
The Subject Table consist of the following attributes:
Subject_ID [PK], Subject_Name, Course_ID and Course_Name
The Student Table consists of the following attributes:
Subject ID [FK], Students_Name, Students_bday, Students_age, Students_height and Students_weight
How can I use the INSERT function when I would like to add a row with the following details:
Course_Name : Biotechnology
Students_Name : Fred
Students_bday : 01/JAN/1990
Stundets_age : 54
how to use the INSERT function for multiple tables.
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Oct 23, 2007
I have an SQL 2000 server. I have multiple tables in the db that have a row with a time stamp of '10-23-2007'. What I am trying to do is delete these specific rows because they don't belong.
So I need to query the db for table names that are like 'elect_Sub%' and then execute a query on those tables that would delete the row with the time_stamp '10-23-2007'. I know that I have to use the db schema to get the table names, but I need help in writing the sql script that will automatically scroll through the tables.
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Oct 10, 2007
I have different tables with the same schema as follows
ID Name
<Table 1>
ID Name
1 Name1
2 Name2
3 Name3
<Table 2>
ID Name
1 Name1
4 Name4
5 Name5
I just want to delete the row where ID = 1 from these tables in one query ? Is it possible??
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Aug 13, 2015
I have to join two tables and i need to fetch All records from @tab2 and only max date record from @tab1 that ID is present in Tab2
1.) @Tab1 have multiple records for each ID
2.) @Tab2 also have multiple records for each ID
3.) Kind of Lef Outer join those tables with ID and take all records from @tab2 and only Max of date from @tab1 and order by ID and Date
Note: @Tab1 always have lesser dates than @tab2 for each ID
Tables looks like as follows
declare @tab1 table (id varchar(3), effDt Date, rate int)
insert into @tab1 values ('101','2013-12-01',5)
insert into @tab1 values ('101','2013-12-02',2)
insert into @tab1 values ('101','2013-12-03',52)
In the given ex, ID 103 should not come as it is not present in @tab2, ID 104 should come even it is not present in @tab1 as we ahve to use left outer join Result should like follows.
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Mar 21, 2008
Hi! I have a general SQL CE v3.5 design question related to table/file layout. I have an system that has multiple tables that fall into categories of data access. The 3 categories of data access are:
1 is for configuration-related data. There is one application that will read/write to the data, and a second application that will read the data on startup.
1 is for high-performance temporal storage of data. The data objects are all the same type, but they are our own custom object and not just simple types.
1 is for logging where the data will be permanent - unless the configured size/recycling settings cause a resize or cleanup. There will be one application writing alot [potentially] of data depending on log settings, and another application searching/reading sections of data.
When working with data and designing the layout, I like to approach things from a data-centric mindset, because this seems to result in a better performing system. That said, I am thinking about using 3 individual SDF files for the above data access scenarios - as opposed to a single SDF with multiple tables. I'm thinking this would provide better performance in SQL CE because the query engine will not have alot of different types of queries going against the same database file. For instance, the temporal storage is basically reading/writing/deleting various amounts of data. And, this is different from the logging, where the log can grow pretty large - definitely bigger than the default 128 MB. So, it seems logical to manage them separately.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions from the SQL CE experts with regard to my approach. If there are any tips/tricks with respect to different data access scenarios - taking into account performance, type of data access, etc. - I would love to take a look at that.
Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions,
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Feb 27, 2007
I am trying to do the following:
Insert n rows into A Table called EAItems. For each row that is inserted into EAItems I need to take that ItemID(PK) and insert a row into EAPackageItems.
I'm inserting rows from a Table called EATemplateItems.
So far I have something like this: (I have the PackageID already at the start of the query).
INSERT INTO EAItems(Description, Recommendation, HeadingID)SELECT Description, Recommendation, HeadingIDFROM EATemplateItems WHERE EATemplateItems.TemplateID = @TemplateID INSERT INTO EAPackageItems(ItemID, PackageID) ....
I have no idea how to grab each ITemID as it's created, and then put it into the EAPackageItems right away.
Any Advice / help would rock! Thanks
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Jul 24, 2007
I have a relational database with the primary table, table01. And 2 child/foreign tables, table02 and table03. All 3 tables shared the same key - [ID].
I am not sure if this is the correct approach but I am trying to create a stored procedure where if I were to delete a the row in table01 (primary), the procedure will automatically delete the common row in both table02 and table03.
I have come up with something like that but it does not seems to be correct.
CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_delete_test01_1] (@id [int])
DELETE [test01] DELETE [test02] DELETE [test03]
WHERE ( [id] = @id)GO
Your advise please. Many Thanks.
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Sep 20, 2007
I have 3 tables with the follwing schema
Table <Category>
LastDate DateTime
Assume the follwing tables with data following the above schema
Table Cat1
1, D1
2, D2
3, D3
Table Cat2
2, D4
4, D6
Table Cat3
1, D7
I have a Master and the schema is as follows
Table master
Cat1 DateTime, -- This is same as the Table name
Cat2 DateTime, -- This is same as the Table name
Cat3 DateTime -- This is same as the Table name
After inserting the data from all these 3 tables, I want the my master table to look like this
Table Master
UniqueId cat1 cat2 Cat3
------------ --------- ------- -----------
1 D1 NULL D7
2 D2 D4 NULL
3 D3 D5 D8
Please remember the column names will be same as that of table names
can any one pelase let me know the query t o acheive this
Thanks for your quick response
~Mohan Babu
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Mar 3, 2008
Please can anyone help me for the following?
I want to merge multiple rows (eg. 3rows) into a single row with multip columns.
for eg:
Date Shift Reading
01-MAR-08 1 879.880
01-MAR-08 2 854.858
01-MAR-08 3 833.836
02-MAR-08 1 809.810
02-MAR-08 2 785.784
02-MAR-08 3 761.760
i want output for the above as:
Date Shift1 Shift2 Shift3
01-MAR-08 879.880 854.858 833.836
02-MAR-08 809.810 785.784 761.760
Please help me.
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Apr 21, 2015
I have a table with single row like below
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4|
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Value0 | Value1 | Value2 | Value3 | Value4 |
Am looking for a query to convert above table data to multiple rows having column name and its value in each row as shown below
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Value0
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column1 | Value1
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column2 | Value2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column3 | Value3
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column4 | Value4
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Aug 17, 2015
I am in the process of creating a Report, and in this, i need ONLY the row groups (Parents and Child).I have a Parent group field called "Dept", and its corresponding field is MacID.I cannot create a child group or Column group (because that's not what i want).I am then inserting rows below MacID, and then i toggle the other rows to MacID and MacID to Dept.
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Aug 5, 2014
I concatenate multiple rows from one table in multiple columns like this:
--Create Table
CREATE TABLE [Person].[Person_1](
[BusinessEntityID] [int] NOT NULL,
[PersonType] [nchar](2) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
This works very well, but I want to concatenate more rows with different [PersonType]-Values in different columns and I don't like the overhead, of using the same table in every subquery ([Person_1]). Is there a more elegant way to do this, without using a temp table or something else?
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Apr 23, 2008
Hello All,
I am rather new to reporting on SQL Server 2005 so please be patient with me.
I need to create a report that will generate system information for a server, the issue im having is that the table I am having to gather the information from seems to only allow me to pull off data from only one row.
For example,. Each row contains a different system part (I.e. RAM) this would be represented by an identifier (1), but I to list each system part as a column in a report
The table (System Info) looks like:-
ID | System part |
1 | RAM
2 | Disk Drive
10| CPU
11| CD ROM |
So basically I need it to look like this.
Name | IP | RAM | Disk Drive|
A | | 512MB | Floppy
So Far my SQL code looks like this for 1 item
FROM System Info
WHERE System.ID = 1
How would I go about displaying the other system parts as columns with info
Any help is much appreciated!
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Nov 21, 2007
I have a form to assign JOB SITES to previously created PROJECT. The JOB SITES appear in the DataList as it varies based on customer. It can be 3 to 50 JOB SITES per PROJECT.
I have "PROJECT" table with all necessary fields for project information and "JOBSITES" table for job sites. I also created a new table called "PROJECTSITES" which has only 2 columns: "ProjectId" and "SiteId".
What I am trying to do is to insert multiple rows into that "PROJECTSITES" table based on which checkbox was checked. The checkbox is located next to each site and I want to be able to select only the ones I need. Btw the Datalist is located inside of a formview and has it's own datasource which already distincts which JOBSITES to display.
ProjectId - SiteId
1 - 5
1 - 9
1 - 16
1 - 18
1 - 20
1 - 27
1 - 31
ProjectId stays the same, only values for SiteId are being different.
I hope I explaining it right. Do I have to use some sort of loop to go through the automatically populated DataList records and how do I make a multiple inserts to database table? We use SQL Server 2005 and VB for code behind. Please ask if I missed on some information. Thank you in advance.
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Mar 2, 2015
I have the following results:
ID, Office1
1, Testing
1, Hello World
What i am trying to do is to get this result:
ID, Office1, Office2
1, Testing, Hello World
how i can accomplish this task.
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Feb 12, 2015
I have an Parent table (Parentid, LastName, FirstName) and Kids table (Parentid, KidName, Age, Grade, Gender, KidTypeID) , each parent will have multiple kids, I need the result as below:
I need results for each parent like this
ParentID, LastName, FirstName, [Kid1Name,Kid2Name,Kid3Name], [Kid1Age,Kid2Age,Kid3Age],[kid1grade,Kid2grade,Kid3grade],[kid1gender,Kid2gender,Kid3gender]
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Aug 14, 2015
I have the following database structure
Stock Depth41 Depth12 Depth34
AAA 1 2 1
BBB 2 2 4
How can I show Each Depth column as seperate row
AAA 1 as follows
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Sep 26, 2007
I previously posted a problem with result set bindings but I have not been able to resolve my problem. I guess all this comes with being new to programming in this environment! Anyway, I am trying to figure out how to process from an ADO.NET connection multiple rows with multiple columns. I have to read and manipulate each row. I was originally looking at using a foreach loop but have not been able to get it to work. One reply to my previous thought I should be using a data task to accomplish this. Could someone tell me the best way to handle this situation? As a note, I am new to programming in SSIS and basically trying to learn it as I go so please bear with me! Thanks in advance!
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May 7, 2008
Please can anyone help me for the following?
I want to merge multiple rows (eg. 3rows) into a single row with multip columns.
for eg:
1 A
2 A
3 A
4 A
5 A
6 B
7 B
8 B
9 C
10 D
11 D
I want output for the above as:
Pat_ID ID1 ID2 ID3
A 1 2 3
A 4 5 null
B 6 7 8
C 9 null null
D 10 11 null
Please help me. Thanks!
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Jun 8, 2015
We have the below query which is pulling in Sales and Revenue information. Since the sale is recorded in just one month and the revenue is recorded each month, we need to have the results of this query to only list the Sales amount once, but still have all the other revenue amounts listed for each month. In this example, the sale is record in year 2014 and month 10, but there are revenues in every month as well for the rest of 2014 and the start of 2015 but we only want to the sales amount to appear once on this results set.
[Code] ....
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Nov 7, 2014
I want to count the rows in the Incident Table by using filters to limit the rows to be counted if they meet the below conditions. I know I need a logical test for each row of the incident table based on the apparatus table’s rows. But, I want to test for each row in the incident table, counting, but not returning a true or false in the overall measure.Something like look at each incident row, test for true or false and then count IF the statement is true. Then go to the next incident row and do the same. The aggregation would be the final count of “true” results.I tried this for MET objective:
apparatus[Incident Response Time] >-1 ||
apparatus[Incident Response Time] <320,
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Jun 16, 2015
I have a requirement where in i have around 15 different flat files , filenames are fixed but folder path can be changed(i think i should use a variable for folder path). These 15 files data should go to their respective tables in the database.
Whether I need to create separate data flow task for each file or separate package? In addition to these, example : while importing product data into product table, if product ID already exists, we need to ignore it and upload only the new records.
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Aug 25, 2015
I have an excel file that has multiple sheets and I need to import data from each separate sheet to a separate table using SSIS.
E.g. Sheet A data should go to Table A and Sheet B data should go to Table B and so on. Is it possible to do this with out using script task.
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Oct 15, 2009
is there a way to update multiple rows in one update query in tsql? what I wanted to do is for example I got a table containing
code : desc
1 : a
2 : b
3 : c
4 : d
1 : e
3 : f
I wanted to update it to
code : desc
1 : x
2 : b
3 : y
4 : d
1 : x
3 : y
how to do it?
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Sep 8, 2006
I have just taken over the job of sorting out a rather poorly designed database. It looks like it was 'upsized' from an access database to the SQL server. The SQL server is the 2000 version.
Now I am trying to generate a report of what the students in the database are owing by referencing the Receipt table and then all the available payment methods and allocations. I was wondering if there was anyway to work out data being displayed twice (Let me demonstrate)
Note1: All the tables are linked by a key of ReceiptNo. From what I can see there is a table for every payment type and allocation but no link between the two other then the receipt number.
Using the query:
SELECT T_Receipt.ReceiptNo, T_cheque.Amount AS Chq_Amount, T_credit.Amount AS Cre_Amount, StandingOrder.Amount AS Stn_Amount,
T_BankTransfer.amount AS Bnk_Amount, T_cash.TotalAmount AS Cas_Amount, T_RentPayment.AmountPayed AS Ren_Paid,
T_AdminPayment.AmountPaid AS Adm_Paid, T_InternetBilling.Total AS Int_Paid, T_Utilities.AmountPaid AS Util_Amount,
T_InvoicePayment.amountPaid AS Inv_Paid, T_OtherPayments.paymentAmount AS Oth_Paid, T_parkingBill.paymentAmount AS Prk_Paid,
T_TelephoneBills.TelephoneCredit AS Tel_Paid, T_DepositPayment.[Deposit payment] AS Dep_Amount, T_Receipt.cancelled AS Canceled,
T_Receipt.RemittanceReceiptNo AS Rec_Ref, T_Receipt.Student
T_DepositPayment ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_DepositPayment.receiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_RentPayment ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_RentPayment.RentPaymentNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
StandingOrder ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = StandingOrder.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_TelephoneBills ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_TelephoneBills.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_parkingBill ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_parkingBill.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_OtherPayments ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_OtherPayments.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_InvoicePayment ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_InvoicePayment.receiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_cash ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_cash.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_AdminPayment ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_AdminPayment.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_BankTransfer ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_BankTransfer.receiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_Utilities ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_Utilities.receiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_credit ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_credit.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_cheque ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_cheque.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_InternetBilling ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_InternetBilling.ReceiptNo
GROUP BY T_Receipt.Student, T_Receipt.ReceiptNo, T_cheque.Amount, T_credit.Amount, StandingOrder.Amount, T_BankTransfer.amount, T_cash.TotalAmount,
T_AdminPayment.AmountPaid, T_InternetBilling.Total, T_Utilities.AmountPaid, T_InvoicePayment.amountPaid, T_OtherPayments.paymentAmount,
T_parkingBill.paymentAmount, T_TelephoneBills.TelephoneCredit, T_Receipt.cancelled, T_Receipt.RemittanceReceiptNo,
T_DepositPayment.[Deposit payment], T_RentPayment.AmountPayed, T_Receipt.Student
HAVING (T_Receipt.Student LIKE N'06%')
Which gives a result of:
This is fine but when I do analysis on this it appears as though the student has paid two deposit payments. I was wondering with out querying each table independently from an application if there was a criteria to specify that I only get one deposit result.
So as such say, give me all the payments but I only want one result from the other tables. I though about discrete but that wouldn't work here.
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Nov 15, 2006
I have 7 source databases and one target database, all using the same structure. The structure is made of 10 tables, with foreign key constraints.
I need to merge the source databases into the target (which won't have any data before that process, but will already have the correct schema), and to keep the relationships between the records.
I know how to iterate over the source databases (with SMO foreach), but I'd like to know if someone can advise the best copy method for that context in SSIS ? (I don't want to keep the primary keys, but I need to keep the relationships...)
Any pointer most welcome!
best regards and thanks
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Jun 27, 2006
I have a couple of hundred flat files to import into database tables using SSIS.
The files can be divided into groups by the format they use. I understand that I could import each group of files that have a common format at the same time using a Foreach Loop Container.
However, the example for the Foreach Loop Container has multiple files all being imported into the same database table. In my case, each file needs to be imported into a different database table.
Is it possible to import each set of files with the same format into different tables in a simple loop? I can't see a way to make a Data Flow Destination item accept its table name dynamically, which seems to prevent me doing this.
I suppose I could make a different Data Flow Destination item for each file, in the Data Flow. Would that be a reasonable solution, or is there a simpler solution, or should I just resign myself to making a separate Data Flow for every single file?
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Mar 1, 2007
I am building a survey application.
I have 8 questions.
Textbox - Call reference
Dropdownmenu - choose Support method
Radio button lists - Customer satisfaction questions 1-5
Multiline textbox - other comments.
I want to insert textbox, dropdown menu into a db table, then insert each question score into a score column with each question having an ID.
I envisage to do this I will need an insert query for the textbox and dropdownlist and then an insert for each question based on ID and score.
Please help me!
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