I believe we can you multiple statements in stored procedures?
Suppose I have a stored procedure and I pass parameters to this SP.
What I am aiming for is to pass some values to the stored procedure, use a select statement to retrieve some values, then have two update statements as below. Updating the same table but with opposite values, both passed as a parameter and retrived, as given below:
Hi!I got 2 stored procedure, proc1 executes proc2,proc2 does some updates and inserts on different tables ...proc1:ALTER PROCEDUREASexecute proc2SELECT * FROM tblFoo______________________my problem is, that when executing proc1, I receive the message:"THE SP executed successfully, but did not return records!"But I need the resultset from "SELECT * FROM tblFoo" that is executedat the end of proc1.I'm not sure, but I think that I solved a similira problem with "setnocount on", I put it into both SP, but it's still the same ... noresultset ...How can I display "SELECT * FROM tblFoo" within a SP, where SQLstatements are executed before?!Thank you!
I have a SP that has the correct syntax. However when I run my web-app it gives me this error: "Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS. " The procedure takes in three parameters and retrieves 23 values from the DB to display on my form. Any ideas?
I have created a stored procedure with multiple select statements using MSSQL 2000. When I connect to this using a SQLDataSource it only seems to get the first SELECT. I need to access the multiple tables returned by the stoped procedure. Can anyone point me in the dirrection of how to do this.ThanksClearz
Hey Guys. I’m having a little trouble and was wondering if you could help me out. I’m trying to create a custom paging control, so I create a stored procedure that returns the appropriate records as well as the total amount of records. And that works fine. What I’m having problems with is reading the data from the second select statement within the code. Anyone have any idea on how to do this? Also.. how can I check how many tables were returned? Here's my code. I'm trying to keep it very generic so I can send it any sql statement:public DataTable connect(string sql) { DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection SqlCon = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ToString()); SqlDataAdapter SqlCmd = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, SqlCon); System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); SqlCmd.Fill(ds);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
//Here's where I don't know how to access the second select statement
return dt; } Here's my stored procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.MyStoredProcedure ( @Page int, @AmountPerPage int, @TotalRecords int output )
WITH MyTable AS (
Select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ID Desc) as RowNum From Table where Deleted <> 1 )
select * from MyTable WHERE RowNum > (((@Page-1)*@AmountPerPage)) and RowNum < ((@Page*@AmountPerPage)+1);
Select @TotalRecords = COUNT(*) from Table where Deleted <> 1 RETURN
I ran the below 2 select statements and ended up seeing multiple cached instances of the same stored procedure. The majority have only one cached instance but more than a handful have multiple cached instances. When there are multiple cached instances of the same sproc, which one will sql server reuse when the sproc is called?
SELECT o.name, o.object_id, ps.last_execution_time , ps.last_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as last_elapsed_timeINSeconds, ps.min_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as min_elapsed_timeINSeconds, ps.max_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as max_elapsed_timeINSeconds
When viewing an estimated query plan for a stored procedure with multiple query statements, two things stand out to me and I wanted to get confirmation if I'm correct.
1. Under <ParameterList><ColumnReference... does the xml attribute "ParameterCompiledValue" represent the value used when the query plan was generated?
2. Does each query statement that makes up the execution plan for the stored procedure have it's own execution plan? And meaning the stored procedure is made up of multiple query plans that could have been generated at a different time to another part of that stored procedure?
I executed them and got the following results in SSMSE: TopSixAnalytes Unit AnalyteName 1 222.10 ug/Kg Acetone 2 220.30 ug/Kg Acetone 3 211.90 ug/Kg Acetone 4 140.30 ug/L Acetone 5 120.70 ug/L Acetone 6 90.70 ug/L Acetone ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Now, I try to use this Stored Procedure in my ADO.NET-VB 2005 Express programming: //////////////////--spTopSixAnalytes.vb--///////////
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = ssmsExpressDB;")
Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdaptor("[spTopSixAnalytes]", sqlConnection)
'Pass the name of the DataSet through the overloaded contructor
'of the DataSet class.
Dim dataSet As DataSet ("ssmsExpressDB")
End Sub
End Class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
I executed the above code and I got the following 4 errors: Error #1: Type 'SqlConnection' is not defined (in Form1.vb) Error #2: Type 'SqlDataAdapter' is not defined (in Form1.vb) Error #3: Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers (in Form1.vb) Error #4: 'DataSet' is not a type and cannot be used as an expression (in Form1)
Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance, Scott Chang
More Information for you to know: I have the "ssmsExpressDB" database in the Database Expolorer of VB 2005 Express. But I do not know how to get the SqlConnection and the SqlDataAdapter into the Form1. I do not know how to get the Fill Method implemented properly. I try to learn "Working with SELECT Statement in a Stored Procedure" for printing the 6 rows that are selected - they are not parameterized.
Hi, I have a table containing SQl statements. I need to extract the statements and execute them through stored procedure(have any better ideas?)
Table Test
Id Description
1Insert into test(Id,Name) Values (1,'Ron') 2Update Test Set Name = 'Robert' where Id = 1 3Delete from Test where Id = 1
In my stored procedure, i want to execute the above statements in the order they were inserted into the table. Can Someone shed some light on how to execute multiple sql statements in a stored procedure. Thanks
I am seeking a syntax example for executing multiple T-SQL statements in a single stored procedure. For example, I would like to insert a new client record and immediately insert an associated household record. I don't want to have to hit the database twice to accomplish this, and I prefer not to use a trigger.
I have used several sql queris to generate a report. This queries pull out data from different tables. But sometimes at the same table too. Basically those are SELECT statements. I have created stored proc for each SELECT statement. now I'm wondering can I include all SELECT statements in one stored proc and run the report. If possible, can anyone show me the format?
Hi all,I have 2 independent stored procedures(I cannot join them because ofthe group condition are different however they have the same cust id)but one for reading the summary and other showing the details of thesummary. Now I want to run these two stored procedures in order toget the both return results for generating a .Net crytral report. CanI get the results form both stored procedures and how can I do that.Please help me. Thanks a lot.Hello
Hello all, I am having a hard time getting this to work. I am trying to build the where statement dynamically but it is a string and needs quotes. But the problem is the quotes are the problem. Are there any escape characters? or is there a way to make this happen??? Integers are easy keys because they do not need quotes.
SET @wheretmp = 'WHERE SourceIPID = BB901625-5E89-45D4-BD20-25730365A9DA'
I have a small problem writing a stored procedure in a SQL Server 2000 database.
I would like to generate som part of the SQL inside this stored procedure that is used in an IN expression of my WHERE clause. There is no problem for me to generate a string containing my expression, the problem is that SQL-Server don´t generate a resulting SQL-statement.
DECLARE @sPartOfSQLStatement NVARCHAR(100)
-- Some T-SQL that generates the dynamic part of the SQL-statement -- . -- . -- .
-- As substitute I insert the string expression SET @sPartOfSQLStatement = '''1''' + ', ' + '''1.5'''
I'm profiling a specific procedure on a database, I have the start and end times captured but within the same trace I would like to capture all the individual sql statements.
So, given this simple procedureÂ
In the trace I would like to see the two SELECTs, however all I get is thisÂ
I have the following events selected in the trace.
Hi can anyone help me with the format of my stored procedure below. I have two tables (Publication and PublicationAuthors). PublicaitonAuthors is the linking table containing foreign keys PublicaitonID and AuthorID. Seeming as one Publication can have many authors associated with it, i need the stored procedure to create the a single row in the publication table and then recognise that multiple authors need to be inserted into the linking table for that single PublicationID. For this i have a listbox with multiple selection =true. At the moment with the storedprocedure below it is creating two rows in PublicaitonID, and then inserting two rows into PublicationAuthors with only the first selected Author from the listbox??? Can anyone help???ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedureTest2 @publicationID Int=null,@typeID smallint=null, @title nvarchar(MAX)=null,@authorID smallint=null AS BEGIN TRANSACTION SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ERROR Int --Create a new publication entry INSERT INTO Publication (typeID, title) VALUES (@typeID, @title) --Obtain the ID of the created publication SET @publicationID = @@IDENTITY SET @ERROR = @@ERROR --Create new entry in linking table PublicationAuthors INSERT INTO PublicationAuthors (publicationID, authorID) VALUES (@publicationID, @authorID) SET @ERROR = @@ERROR IF (@ERROR<>0) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION ELSE COMMIT TRANSACTION
Hi can anyone help me with the format of my stored procedure below. I have two tables (Publication and PublicationAuthors). PublicaitonAuthors is the linking table containing foreign keys PublicaitonID and AuthorID. Seeming as one Publication can have many authors associated with it, i need the stored procedure to create the a single row in the publication table and then recognise that multiple authors need to be inserted into the linking table for that single PublicationID. For this i have a listbox with multiple selection =true. At the moment with the storedprocedure below it is creating two rows in PublicaitonID, and then inserting two rows into PublicationAuthors with only the first selected Author from the listbox??? Can anyone help???ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedureTest2 @publicationID Int=null,@typeID smallint=null, @title nvarchar(MAX)=null,@authorID smallint=null AS BEGIN TRANSACTION SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ERROR Int --Create a new publication entry INSERT INTO Publication (typeID, title) VALUES (@typeID, @title) --Obtain the ID of the created publication SET @publicationID = @@IDENTITY SET @ERROR = @@ERROR --Create new entry in linking table PublicationAuthors INSERT INTO PublicationAuthors (publicationID, authorID) VALUES (@publicationID, @authorID) SET @ERROR = @@ERROR IF (@ERROR<>0) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION ELSE COMMIT TRANSACTION
Hello I am building a survey application. I have 8 questions. Textbox - Call reference Dropdownmenu - choose Support method Radio button lists - Customer satisfaction questions 1-5 Multiline textbox - other comments. I want to insert textbox, dropdown menu into a db table, then insert each question score into a score column with each question having an ID. I envisage to do this I will need an insert query for the textbox and dropdownlist and then an insert for each question based on ID and score. Please help me! Thanks Andrew
Ok, so i have this program, and at the moment, it generates an sql statement based on an array of db fields, and an array of values...
my question is this, is there any way to create a stored procedure that has multiple dynamic colums, where the amount of colums could change based on how many are in the array, and therefore passed by parameters...
if this is possible, is it then better the pass both columns and values as parameters, (some have over 50 columns)...or just create a seperate stored procedure for each scenario?? i have no worked out how many this could be, but there is 6 different arrays of colums, 3 possible methods (update, insert and select), and 2 options for each of those 24...so possibly upto 48 stored procs...
this post has just realised how deep in im getting. i might just leave it as it is, and have it done in my application...
but my original question stands, is there any way to add a dynamic colums to a stored proc, but there could be a different number of colums to update or insert into, depending on an array??
Ok, this is kind of an odd problem. Back in June we were having problems with our call manager software, and they decided to have it just start usinga new database. Now I'm trying to generate some reports which need to cover both the old call stats and the new, so that means the stored procedure builds a temp table and populates it from both databases.This works perfectly fine in Management Studio, and when being called from Excel.However when I try to call it from an ASP.NET web app using SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(), I only get results from the new database!What on earth could cause that?
I have put together the stored-procedure below to carry out update, delete and insert queries in one visit. The code has been pieced together from the pages listed at the bottom. I pass the procedure three XML strings and after testing it a few times it seems to work fine. I’m fairly new to stored procedures though, so I was hoping someone would answer these questions: 1. Is this an acceptable way to do this? Can you foresee any problems?2. I want to make this an ‘all-or-nothing’ event, i.e. if any part of the procedure fails, it must all fail. How would I achieve that?3. I want to know in my calling code what the result is. I’ve used output parameters before, but I’m unsure how to combine one with 2 above. Sorry this is a long script, but I’ve removed most of the column names and values to shorten it. Thanks in advance.CREATE PROCEDURE amendPageRecords @PagesToUpdate xml, @PagesToDelete xml, @PagesToInsert xml
SELECT PageID = UpdatePages.Item.value('@PageID', 'int'), PageType = UpdatePages.Item.value('@PageType', 'varchar(10)') FROM @PagesToUpdate.nodes('Pages/Page') AS UpdatePages(Item)
UPDATE page SET page.page_type = UP.PageType FROM page INNER JOIN @UpdateTable UP ON page.page_id = UP.PageID
-- DELETING RECORDS ------------------------------------------------------------ DECLARE @DeleteTable TABLE (PageID int)
INSERT INTO @DeleteTable (PageID) SELECT PageID = DeletePages.Item.value('@PageID', 'int') FROM @PagesToDelete.nodes('Pages/Page') AS DeletePages(Item)
DELETE FROM page FROM page INNER JOIN @DeleteTable DP ON page.page_id = DP.PageID
SELECT SiteID = InsertPages.Item.value('@SiteID', 'int'), PageType = InsertPages.Item.value('@PageType', 'varchar(10)') FROM @PagesToInsert.nodes('Pages/Page') AS InsertPages(Item)
INSERT INTO page SELECT SiteID, PageType FROM @InsertTable
END GOCode taken from:http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2007/02/16/passing-lists-to-sql-server-2005-with-xml-parameters.aspxhttp://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/20030627c.asphttp://www.sommarskog.se/arrays-in-sql-2005.html
I need help in figuring out the proper way of writing a stored procedure out correctly to get my desired datasource. In my ocnIdToRatePlanOptions table, I will recieve a parameter via request.querystring @ocnId to filter out my result set for ocnIdToRatePlan table. Based on the ocnId filtered I want it to select the corresponding tables too.So, if a querystring is passed that is 3955 in my ocnIdToRatePlanOptions table, I want it to use it to create a select for RatePlan1. If a querystring is passed that is 1854 in my ocnIdToRatePlanOptions table, I want it to use to create a select for RatePlan2. Is this possible? ocnIdToRatePlanOptions Table [otrpoRefId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[FKocnId] [nvarchar](4) NOT NULL,[FKrpoRefId] [int] NOT NULL,1, 3955, 12, 1854, 2RatePlan1 Table[rp1RefId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[FKocnId] [nvarchar](4) NOT NULL[fee] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL1, 3955, 1.002, 2350, 2.00RatePla2 Table[rp2RefId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[FKocnId] [nvarchar](4) NOT NULL,[q_0_50] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ratePlan2_q_0_50] DEFAULT ((225)),[q_51_100] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ratePlan2_q_51_100] DEFAULT ((325)),[q_101_150] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ratePlan2_q_101_150] DEFAULT ((345)),[q_151_200] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ratePlan2_q_151_200] DEFAULT ((400)),[q_201_250] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ratePlan2_q_201_250] DEFAULT ((450)),[q_251_300] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ratePlan2_q_251_300] DEFAULT ((500)),[q_301_400] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ratePlan2_q_300_400] DEFAULT ((650)),[q_401_600] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ratePlan2_q_401_600] DEFAULT ((950)),[q_601] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ratePlan2_q_601] DEFAULT ((1.50)) 1,1854, 225.00, 325.00, 345.00, 400.00, 450.00, 500.00, 650.00, 950.00, 1.502,8140, 225.00, 325.00, 345.00, 400.00, 450.00, 500.00, 650.00, 950.00, 1.50
I need to write a stored procedure with 20 parameters as input and it searches in a table . Most of the parameters or NULL , how do I write this procedure without using any dynamic queries.
Ex : To find a customer I have a proc which can accept 20 parameters like CustName, City, State , Phone , Street etc.
Im passing only Custname as parameters and other 19 parameters are NULL.How do I write the WHERE clause ?
Hi, I'm trying to move an asp site from an Access DB to SQL Server. The site features a search system which allows multiple keywords to be used in up to three fields.
The way I used to manage this was very similar to how it is described below (taken from http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=4&txtCodeId=6701):
"So you're replacing all of the middle spaces with a SQL 'and' statement. In plain English, if your search phrase is "print bug", this now becomes "'%print%' AND field LIKE '%bug%'" when you concatenate the leading and trailing %'s and quotes (this is for Microsoft Access drivers, other drivers may use different wildcards)--so just append this phrase to the "WHERE field LIKE " phrase, and you're in business."
The trouble I'm having is that the search string is sitting in a Stored Procedure. How can I dynamically append to the search string in this case?
If it isn't possible, how can I go about this?
Cheers all. __________________________________________________ ___ Code: ASP: item=request(item) '****item = Replace(item, " ","%' AND item like '%")**** - needs attention rs.Open "Exec getlist "& item &"" objConn, 3
SP: CREATE PROCEDURE getlist @item nvarchar(255) SELECT item FROM publications WHERE item LIKE '%' + @item + '%' GO
I want to use 3 transactions in a single stored procedure.First it should update the value and then if the 1st transaction executed successfully then 2nd transaction should start,if 2nd trans executed successfully then 3rd trans should execute.After that only i want to commit all the transactions that is 1,2,3.If any of the trans fails the other shouldn't execute.How do i do this?
USE [recruit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Import] Script Date: 10/15/2014 17:13:11 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER Proc [dbo].[Import] @CustId int
how can we use 2 databases in 1 stored procedure. like for example i want to get records from 1 table and insert it to other tables in another database. thnx for the help.
I'm working on a project for fun with some friends and have run into an issue with stored procedures. I've dealt with SQL quite a bit at my current job, but always from the perspective of somebody querying the database. The database was always managed by someone else and I never had to worry about the underlying code. Now, with my own project at home, I'm trying to deal with a situation and would like to use one, but I'm not sure if it is the best option and if so, exactly how to go about it.
Imagine a site that tracks movies. I have 3 tables:
Movies ( MovieID, Title, DirectorID, ActorID ) Actors ( ActorID, Name ) Director (DirectorID, Name)
This is an overly simple example, but it gets to the heart of my problem.
Okay, now what I'm wanting to do is to be able to write a procedure that would let me create my entries from just one call -- for instance
that would do the following things: -Look and see if the given director and actor already exist (from previous films) -If they do, grab their ID values and use those in the new movie entry -If they do not, create new entries and get THOSE ID values to use in the new movie entry
Can this be done in a stored procedure (I'm pretty sure it can be) and what sort of commands should I look into -- I'm not looking for a complete solution, cause I want to learn, but I am having trouble finding examples that fit my scenario.
Just wondering if this is good form:Alter Procedure "mySPName"@UniqueID intASset nocount onset xact_abort offDELETE FROM tblNameOneWHERE(tblNameOne.UniqueID = @UniqueID)DELETE FROM tblNameTwoWHERE(tblNameTwo.UniqueID = @UniqueID)Is it a good idea to run multiple detele statements within one SP?thanks,lq